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According the Christian bible (Matt.12:31) the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is considered an unpardonable sin.

So, decided to write this little litany of blasphemy. I consider blasphemy and iconoclasm good forms of catharsis to purge the subconscious mind from undesirable believes, dogmas and taboos. This may be especially useful if we are former Christians or come from a Christian background. This is just an example that may be used during some ritual. Against the Holy Spirit I blaspheme. I spit on the Holy Ghost. I turn ablaze the Holy Spirit. I exorcize from me the Holy Ghost. I purge the Holy Spirit from my flesh. I vanquish the Holy Ghost presence from me. The body of the Holy Spirit is made out of a malodorous fart from Jehovahs ass. The fruits of the Holy Ghost are putrid, full of worms that devour the brain of the weak. Demons from the blackest Pit devour the Holy Spirit, messenger of the lies from the false god. The empyrean pimp is the Holy Ghost, seducing Mary to give her ass to Yahweh for anal insemination, thus producing a fecal parturition. Since The day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit has been inspiring the mad men of god to speak gibberish and idiocies to drive the herd crazier. With Satans victorious weapons I shall annihilate the messenger of the false god, depluming the dove of the Holy Ghost with my sword of hate and destruction. My body is the temple of demons where my lord Satan reigns, no Holy Spirit will enter in the house of my master, and nowhere in me is the presence of the spirit of the weak god of Jews. Holy Ghost with the most wrathful hate against thee I blaspheme, I shall unleash Ukobach to consume thy essence, I invoke Alastor to dispel thy presence, for the powers of Chavajoth, I shall forever bind thee in spiritual bondage to oblivion! So it is Done! Written under the influence of Hecate, Goddess of the crossroads. On the nefarious night of May 3rd of 2011 (era vulgaris).

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