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A & E Biography- Shakespeare: A Life of Drama 1. List Shakespeares birth date (month and year) and location.

2. List one particular work that scholars know Shakespeare read in school. 3. List two plays that stem from Shakespeares love of classical literature.

4. What do scholars believe that Shakespeare did after leaving school?

5. List two unique things regarding Shakespeares marriage.

6. What types of plays did Shakespeare begin with?

7. Scholars believe most of Shakespeares sonnets are dedicated to what two people? 8. How many plays did Shakespeare produce during his time in London?

9. How do Shakespeares plays possibly reflect his own marriage?

10. What was the name of Shakespeares only son?

11. What was the first play performed at the new Globe Theater?

12. Where did Shakespeare get the ideas for his plays? 13. What three tragedies (besides Hamlet) are considered Shakespeares finest? 14. What is unusual about the emotional state of characters in the later plays? 15. How is Shakespeares relationship with his children reflected in his later plays?

16. What character is considered the clearest reflection of Shakespeare in these later years? 17. What event marked the end of Shakespeares career? 18. What did Shakespeare leave his wife in his will? 19. What story is associated with Shakespeares death? 20. When did Shakespeare die and how old was he? 21. What was unusual about the publication of the first folio?

22. What other notable playwright and friend of Shakespeare was instrumental in the publication of the first folio?

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