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II. What Are APS Partitions Partitions are used in APS to segregate data.

This improves overall performance because the data can be manipulated separately by partition. APS uses partitio ns for some of the data that is needed by the Operational Data Store (ODS) and t he Planning Data Store (PDS). 1. The same tables are generally used for both ODS and PDS data and are seg regated by the plan_id and also by the partition. 2. The number of partitioned tables will vary depending on the Family Pack level of your system. 3. The ODS is the destination of collected data.

a. After Data Collections has completed successfully, the partitioned data will be inserted into ODS Instance Partition and other tables that are not part itioned. b. These rows have a plan_id = -1

c. If several Oracle instances are collected, instance data will be stored in individual ODS Instance Partitions. d. Additionally, the tables contain a column called SR_INSTANCE_ID or INSTA NCE_ID. This reveals the ERP Source instance where the data originated. 4. The PDS is the destination of ASCP Planning data.

a. After an ASCP plan has completed successfully, the data will be inserte d into the PDS Plan Partition and other tables that are not partitioned. b. c. These rows have a plan_id > 0 In the default setup, each plan will have it s own Plan Partition.

d. Additionally, the tables contain a column called SR_INSTANCE_ID or INSTA NCE_ID. This reveals the ERP Source instance where the data originated. 5. Default installation of APS creates 1 Instance Partition, and 5 Plan Par titions. They can be viewed using SQL #1

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