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DESCRIPTION cnai is the CNA file interface.

Data can be exported from either a planned or a valid area and imported into a planned area. Simple usage scenario: # cnai export valid -i > myarea.txt # cnai import myarea -i < myarea.txt The first line exports all data from the valid area and stores it in a text file "myarea.txt". "myarea.txt" may then be modified and later imported into a planned area named "myarea" (where current user automatically will be prepended like user:myarea).

User Commands


An MO name is constructed from its location in the hierarchy, for example channel group "1" in internal cell "IC1" in BSC "B1" is uniquely identified by the name "B1:I1:1". Neighbour relation MOs are dealt with slightly differently. A GSM cell relation from BSC "B1", internal cell "IC1" to BSC "B2", internal cell "IC2" is identified by "B1:IC1:B2:IC2" and similarly an UTRAN neighbour relation is identified by "B1:IC1:RNC1:UC1" (UTRAN neighbour relations are one-way only, with direction GSM->UTRAN).

Wildcards may be used to select multiple MOs in one selection. An "*" is used to denote "all MOs".

Some examples:

# cnai export valid -i ic=B1:*

-- export all internal cells below BSC B1.

# cnai export valid -i chgr=B1:*:* -- export all channel groups below BSC B1. # cnai export valid -i chgr=B1:*:0 -- export channel group 0 below BSC B1. Partial wildcards are not supported. Examples of invalid wildcards are: *B1:ACELL, B1:*CELL.

Wildcards may need to be escaped when typed in a shell.

The selection works bothways, that is during export it filters out which MOs to transport from a CNA area to the transport file and during import it filters out which MOs to transport from the transport file to a CNA area.

All actions taken by cnai are logged to a report file. The report file contains information about all involved MOs and any transport failures. The report file can also be used to track transport progress for lengthy operations. An easy way to accomplish this is:

# tail -f myreport.txt

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