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Small intestines Anatomy and Physiology Oral cavity

Duodenum- extends Structure from the pyloric sphincter, 25 cm in mouth length tongue Jejunum- 2.5 m long teeth 3.5 m long Ileum salivary glands

Peptidases break Secretions / Enzymes theproduced peptide bond to protect by amino acid mucin acts as Disaccharides lubricant of breakdown Amylase- protein that disaccharides such as starts breakdown of maltose and simply comb. isomaltose into Lysozyme-loosening monosaccharides. enzymes have a weak Mucus produced by antibacterial action. duodenal gland. Bile salts- aid in emulsification of fats Thickcholesterol and lubricating mucus

Is the major site of digestion Function and absorption of food, which are accomplished by the First stage of foodsurface area. presence of large breakdown Mixing and propulsion of chime Mechanical digestion of food via via peristaltic contraction mastication or chewing Breakdown of complex carbohydrates with aid of salivary enzymes Digestion Excretion of fat and cholesterol Responsible for swallowing or Nutrient storage moving of food Nutrient conversion from pharynx to esophagus to stomach. Detoxification Synthesis of new molecule

Liver Oro pharynx Esophagus And Gallbladder


Large, reddishbrown organ situated throat connects from at the right upper mouth to esophagus quadrant of the muscular tube abdomen. 15 cm in length x 2 Surrounded with cm diameter strong capsule and divided into circular Made up oflobes. and Small sac on outer longitudinal layer inferior surface of the liver. J-shaped pinkishhallow Lobular, muscular organ lies gray organ that behind the stomach Located justorgan of Complex left mid line between the composed of both esophagus and small endocrine and intestine tissue. exocrine

Large intestines

Gastric glands Extends from the includes: small intestines, Surface mucus cell consists of appendix, Mucus check cell cecum, ascending, Parietal cell transverse, Chief cell descending, sigmoid Endocrine cell colon, anus and rectum. Length of 1.5m x 7.5 cm in diameter. Appendix is 9cm long attached to the

Endocrine (insulin, Glucagons) Exocrine Pancreatic amylase Lipase Carbohydrase Nucleases Mucus Hydrochloric acid Pepsin, protein digesting enzyme Gastrin Intrinsic factor

Short term storage of digesting Produces enzymes that aids food in digestion of, carbohydrate, protein and fats. Mechanical breakdown of food by peristalsis Chemical digestion of protein by acid and enzymes Stomach acid kills micro organisms present in the in jested of unabsorbed materials Accumulationfood feces. to formSome absorption of substance such as alcohol Reabsorption od water and electrolytes.

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