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' WEST VIRGINIAIncreasing cloudiness and warmer tonight; Wednesday cloudy and warmer, probably showers.


C 1 I A K L E S T O X , W E S T V I R G I N I A , T U E S D A Y E V E N I N G , M A Y 3, 14 P A G E S




Will Hold -Body in Session Until it Acts on Economy Measure John L. Lewis Protests Testi mony of Pennsylvania Mine Owner


Regulation of Street Cars is White, Townsend and Kump Declared for Prohibition; Taylor is Termed "Unsatisfactory"; McCullough for Repeal Omitted as Vote of 16 to 3 Approves Measure

Listing the "record and the reputed attitude of candidates toward prohibition," the West Virginia AntiSaloon league's report on the candidates was made public Tuesday. Commenting on the candidacy of Mont Z. White, of Williamson, for the Republican nomination for governor more favorably than any of the other candidates for that office, the report states that he "had a dry record in *.he state senate" and "as president of the senate gave his full cooperation in prohibition legislation."- Tax Commissioner T. C. Townsend, another* of the leading candidates, "declares himself for effective law enforcement," the league comments. Concerning the other Republican candidates, the reports states that J. W. Hartigan, of Morgantoxvn, "voted dry in the legislature" and that Miss Hattie Stein, of Charleston, is "dry." The name t>f George H. Miller, of Wheeling, is listed without comment. Of the six candidates for the Democratic nomination, Judge H. G. Kump, of Elkins, is commented on most tavorably with the statement that he had a "dry record on the bench." The names of A. J. Wilkinson, of Huntington, and A. C. Herold, of Suttcn, are listed without comment. J. Alfred Taylor, of Fayetteville "had an unsatisfactory record in the legislature," and F. Witcher McCullough, of Huntington, is "for repeal of the eighteenth amendment." Following the name of Charles E. Hodges, i-f Morgantown. is the statement "do not recommend." James O. Lakin, of Charleston, candidate for the Republican nomination for congress from the sixth district, had a "dry record in the legislature" while Joe L. Smith, of Beckley. candidate for renaminatlon on the Democratic ticket, "voted for the BeckLinthicum resolution," the report states. The name of C. E. Shaffer, i-f Clcndenin, also a candidate for the Republican nomination for congress from the sixth district, is listed without comment. "This report deals with the candidates foi congress, state offices and state senate," the preamble to the report states. "It is the result of careful investigation of the record and (Continued on Page 9, Column 5)


Section of Bill Reducing Compensation to Veterans is Target


Proposal for Time Change is Referred to Committee; May Hold Hearings

Three-Day Annual Session of State Association Begun in .City 650 ARE REGISTERED Attendance is Expected to Total Above 800

Contracts Declared to Have Been' Broken by Miners and Operators

WASHINGTON. May 3 (UP). Probably for the first lime in its Chairman McDuffie, of the house history Charleston on Tuesday had a economy committee served notice as comprehensive law regulating the the house met today that he intcndcc movement of traffic on its streets, esto bold the body in session tonign tablishing a speed limit, defining reJOHN M'DUFFIE stricted parking area sand proscribuntil it completes action on the omniWASHINGTON, May 3 (AP). ing the power of police to enforce iu; bus economy bill. Charges of contract violations were piovisions. Immediately thereafter a bitter The ordinance was passed Monday exchanged today in a clash befight opened against the remaining night at a regular session of the city tween John L. Lewis, president oT section of the measure which rcducas council, and becomes effective at veteran's compensation of various the United Mine Workers of Amerprssage. It supposedly represents a sorts. A saving of $48,714,00 is estiica, and the head of one of PennJOHN L. LEWIS compromise among the five members mated from this provision. sylvania's biggest mining compaol the ordinance committee of the Thc house interstate and foreign nies at a senate hearing. council who had stood in a thrcc-txvo committee today favorably ,-... ., The flare up came during testi- TOPICS OF OUR DAY commercethe Grosser merchant airship division for more than a month deadreported n locking action on the laxv. Three of '* ' *?9 y by B. M. Clark, of Indiana, bill making available air mail subsi- Executive Meeting Thursday the committee members, opposing the The intricate duty of making .-* .'.:.- 'iPa., president of the Rochesterdies for transatlantic dirigible lines. to Begin Considerawishes of the city administration and "At This Hour" budgets conform to present-day Pittsburgh Coal company, .and two The Democratic steering committee VIA its chairman, Joe L. Silverstein, hail tion Planned economic conditions, without mini- smaller companies, all operating in We are accused of circulating "mis- of the senate today accepted the resheld out for the inclusion of a parainformation, buncombe and propa- ignation of Senator Hucy mizing the work to be accom;?V --"icentral Pennsylvania. ^ sraph requiring street cars to con*? I nnrtncttiB the Tt^trfeOpposing thj> Davis-Kelly bill ior ganda" having "for its evident pur- Democrat, Louisiana, from the complished, was the subject that reWASHINGTON, May 3 (AP).Thc form to one-way traffic regulations. iiederal regulation of the bituminous pose the saving of the millionaire mittees on manufacturers, commerce, house ways and means committee toceived the greatest emphasis in the' The provision wa; omitted from the j industry, he asserted that it would class at the expense of veterans of the naval affairs and interoccanic canals day closed all hearings on cash pay- oidinanee as passed, but a paragraph meeting of the council executive World xvar." We arc not too resentful and appointed other minority mem- ment of the soldiers' bonus and will denning street cars as vehicles and ! compel his companies to "go back to committee of the West Virginia of t h i salthough the accusation bers to fill the vacancies he created. meet behind closed doors Thursday to stating that the rights of all vehicles ling with the United Mine WorkState Sunday School. convention, comes from the local chapter of Dis-1 Long left the committees in protest begin consideration of the $2,000,000,- "arc equal and reciprocal" on city President Defeats France; Calof America." Views of Candidates in Race which preceded the opening of its He charged that organization with streets remained in the ordinance. r h m e itr ^ n i f e t 6 i a , n S , - Jr .,*'? against the Democratic leadership;e 000 new money plan. fifty-second annual three-day L_ interstate c o m e r c having violated contract obligations feel that } is itself .so plainly founded interstate commerce Some councilmen pointed out that ifornia Voters are at Thc senate Thc senate for Governor Given in A the senate jpon "misinformation." We hold no committee meeting to consider legis- turesminority of reported to manufac- this might require street ears to consions at the Baptist temple on by calling strikes. committee the tcn- form to the onc-xvay regulations. Primary Polls Statements, Talks Tuesday morning. The convention Lewis protested against "going into arief for the "millionaire class": we lation for bus and truck regulation, ate today that "the effect of prohibi"This ordinance." said Mr. Silvcrjancient records" and allowing his or- lon't know many millionaires but xvc today voted to retain in the Couzcns tion seems to have been the driving proper got under way in the afterenow a great 'many war veterans bus bill a clause providing for con- of the people to hard liquor with a stcin Monday night as a preface to ganization to be "baited here under and feel much more interest in the Bv The Associated Press T h r e e gubernatorial candidates noon, with about 650 delegates regcloak of testifying on the Davis- attcr. A primary vote is on today in Cali- Monday night undertook to enliven istered. trol of interstate trucks by a permit resultant increase in drunkenness, reading the document, "represents 19 work by system. *..-. v'"'"*y bill." deaths from alcoholism and general hours of solid committee members of fornia which may come near settling the primary campaign by offering to Those who spoke of the subject of the ordinance and hasor the Democratic party's choice for the public an assortment of issues. fST.^ He said Clark in his own testimony Thc committee also voted to elimi- lawlessness." budgets were C. A. Cabell, of CharlesWithout any desire to make contro- nate a provision requiring two drivhad said the operators themselves The statement was made in a minor- had n fexv minutes agothe approval president. From the headquarters of JVL Z. ton, president of the state association, To ae state which only twice has White, candidate for the Republican and Dr. Hugh S. Magill, of Chicago, violated an agreement with the mine versy, it is to be explained that tho ers on buses carrying more than 20 ity report favoring a bill to permit of all members of the committee." iccusation alluded to was occasioned passengers, it was learned. The com- manufacture of 4 per cent beer. A workers. gone Democratic m a presidential nomination of governor, were issued general secretary of the international Passed Ifi to 3 "We have repudiated no contracts," >y our statement, with accompanying mittee will meet again Friday. He read the ordinance hurriedly, contest since 1896, was given the op- two letters, one of which purports:! council of religious education. Mr. majority of the committee voted comment, that many veterans who arc replfed-Clark. "The gentleman states against the bill hut permitted it to and despite the fact that two council- portunity to arbitrate between Frank- to show that William Green, president Cabell discussed economic conditions {rawing disability pay arc also dra-.vsomething that isn't a fact."' come to the senate with an unfavor- mcn pointed out they couldn't possibly lin D. Roosevelt's far-leading candi- of the American Federation of Labor, in West Virginia as they confront the Collegiate Sports Exempt able report. C h a i r m a n Hatfield. Republican, ng salaries for full-time and quite know what was in it. the traffic law dacy and the forces that arc cut out has in re- Sunday schools and Dr. Magill spoke WASHINGTON. May 3 West Virginia, allowed Clark to go >n efficient service under the govern- senate finance committee (AP>.Thc The minority repot t. presented bv xvas passed bv a Ifi to 3 vote. Also, to stop him and throw the nomina- gard taken two opposite stands Town- from the national standpoint. Both to the candidacy of T. C. clung re- senator Mctcalf. Republican. Rhode despite Mr. Silvcrstcin's assertion that tion into the party's convention. ment. We think that a veterans' comwi th i his. statement. send, one urging his nomination and gave encouraging outlooks and said lentlessly to the pensation law, that permits such Senator Davis. Republican. Penn- >le payments indiscriminately, is dou- sources yesterdaytrail of new revenue Island, said "it is evident that prohi- members of the committee were unanA record Democratic list of voles they saw no reason for the slackening and in addition in- bition has not only failed to decrease imous in their agreement upon it, one had to choose between Roosevelt, his the other recommending his defeat. not sylvania, coauthor of the bill, said it a good law. This opiniion is not :it creased numerous levies imposed on Sunday school activities. State Senator Charles E. Hodges, of of Aside from the meeting of the coundrunkenness but that arrests for in- member of the committee. Council- outstanding opponent Alfred E. Smith Morgantpwn. reiterated his advocacy I ;*.-> provided only for collective barthe house tax bill. all inconsistent with our belief tint oxication have been stcadilv incrcas- man A. gaining. and John 1C. Garner. Supporters of of a capitation income tax-, and prom- cil executive committee, which deFinding more taxes necessary, the ng until they have reached the high- passage. Lee Da\*is. voted nc.imst its all three claimed victory. a grateful government and people The others voted for it. Defended by Kelly ised that if nominated for governor \-otcd the entire morning to'the busihould permit no genuinely disabled committee hiked up a little farther est point in American history." The three members of the commitAs a senate mining subcommittee veteran to suffer, more than can hu- the rate on brewers' wort the basis This significant primary came on on the Democratic ticket and elected ness of the organization, the convenThe minority which favoicd the tee xvho had for forcing ; 'Ibegan yesterday its third week of manly be helped, for his disability. tion proper did not get under of all beer cut down the exemption )eer bill comprised Senators Metcalf, street cars to held out to one-xvay the heels of an unusual Republican he would use his influence to bring the entire delegation assembled inway conform :"* jhcaring opponents of the bill, Repthe on the admissions tax to make it in- Jarbour, Republican. New Jersey; street regulations xx'erc Councilman contest. Yesterday in Maryland Pres- about adoption of his tax policies. ; . ! resent a tive Kelly, Pittsburgh, said he church auditorium for an extended ident Hoover grasped by a good The government and people ARE clude 50-cent movies; and broadened Juckley. Democrat, Ohio, and La Fol- Davi?. Ned E. Mcrhie and Harry L. gin the preferential vote from hismar- F. Witchcr McCullough. who brought program. ..'twas tired watching the "long parade one himself in*o the limelight a week the telegraph schedule 'of constitutional lawyers and coal op- grateful. Approximately one-fourth to include all and telephone including ctte, Republican. Wisconsin, chair- Ma thews.. The other two members of campaigning opponent on the iatter's ago by writing to Rev. O. M. Pullen Two Talks by Mat III, leased wires of our enormous, and at present stagthe committee arc Chairman Silvcr- home soil. Apparently, it spelled the ' era tors who in effect argue for feud- gering, expenditures are for war vet- those of newspapers and radio j.ta- j nan of the manufactures committee. Dr. of the Anti-Saloon league, and criti- tiort inMagill's address on "CooperaThc majority report opposing the stein and M. F. Matheny. As an echo end of former Senator Joseph I. - --alism in this great basic industry/' Educational Evangelism, was erans. If all tions him for "meddling" Demo".-* "It: is. admitted by every one that desertsA billion dollars a year. if all house. which were exempted by the i >cer bill is expected to be made to- of their effort to regulate street cars, France's single-handed campaign for cising politics, made public in second the feature event on the afternoon's a day or tomorrow by Senator Hatfield, the trio of councilmcn sponsored a the nomination, heretofore ignored cratic ' . .utter demoralization exists in the in- veteranswere treated alike and is to speak at the Senator Tydings. Maryparticipating in the letter to the dry chief in which he program. He also "Christian Citizenresolution calling upon street cars "to by the Hoover forces. dustry." Kelly, coauthor of the bill, and disability funds and otherbonuses land. convinced the Democrat. the 10 Republican. West Virginia. night forms committee called for names of the candidates the ship." session, on The majority comprises Senators gix*e more consideration" to automoi commented at the close of the day's Yesterday also the Democratic state were per cent tax it impose would support. shearing. "Operators are losing mil- of compensation funds, genuinely in on parl-mutucl had decided towas un- Hatfield, McNary. Republican. Oregon: bile drivers. It xx-as introduced by Mr. convention of Rhode Island gave the league is a candidate for Mr. McCul- "Cooperation in educational evangneed of those two billions racing tickets ouch the Demo,liorfs of dollars. Mine workers are would not be too much, and the na- fair. so the senators switched this to Goldsborough, Republican. Maryland: Merhie and passed unanimously. state's 10 Smith. He ranks elism looks to the building of the An .ordinance providing for daylight now third votes to the party's candi- cratic nomination for governor. receiving starvation wages. Whole tion somehow would have to trv to an increased tax of 25 per cent on ad- Cutting, Republican. New Mexico; among church through education," said Dr. Smith. Democrat, South Carolina; saving time in Charleston betxvccn dates with 46 votes. 12 behind the "faOn<* of the letters made public by Masill at the afternoon program. We communities are ruined. Strikes born Shcppard. Democrat. Texas; and Cos- May 15 and September Io was intro- vorite son" strength of Senator .F. Mr. White was said to have been writ.of desperation are raging, in many pay it. But nobody believesfor defi- missions to race tracks. to the If we Collegiate sports duced and referred to the ordinance Hamilton Lewis of Illinois. Roosevelt en by Mr. Green to M. L. Hapton- must commence with children. of bestates. Senator Davis and I have pro- nite knowledge pointsveteran contrary from the 10 per centwere exempted tignn. Democrat, Colorado. particisolid principles admission stsll. of Charleston, former president build up the in the Christian religion, committee. Councilman H. L. Wchrle has 279. {posed a sound remedy for these in- conclusionthat rll other kind;, of but to prize nghtins tickets of tax. pants in bonuses and lief fivn of the United Mine Workers, district the set forth, had requested even befoie the orditolerable conditions." gratuity or compensation are genuineyoung people will naturally align given No. 17, and dated March 7. nance xvas introduced that the council Kelly had no good word for two ly in need of help. To examine the dollars nnd moie wasto the n 25 per- BODY IDENTIFIED AS themselves with the organization Olympic Marked by Apathy proceed cautiously on any such proof the principal objections to bill facts is proper, and it is not a hostile cent Ticket^ Los Angeles also Defeat Reference principles. THAT OFjSNODGRASS pos-al. and he xvas assured by Mayor BALTIMORE. May 3 CAP).Joscpr Thc letter was quoted asMade that which stands for thosethat more than to held raised during the last two weeks. gesture; and to face the facts when gamesexempted. at saying "Experience shows were The supreme court has decided, he found is imperative. This is so beDcVan after its introduction that the I. France has settled his home state Green was "glad to the accessions to the the nrxv rate believes, congress may regulate cause the government of the United of It was estimated that brewers' wort Funeral for Drowned Youth to committee would fully investigate the argument with President Hoover and are taking an interest know that you 75 per cent of really make effective in trying to de- churches that 15 cents a gallon on desirability of the law and perhaps emerged second best. through licensing any corporation do- States today is well-nigh bankrupt; would yield $68,000.000 morn than the feat Mr. Townsend." Mr. Green's members come up through the Sunday be Held Wednesday hold hearings upon it. ing interstate business. and because the government is a govThe President carried yesterday's reasons the tax and the Relatives have identified the bod\ "If congress wanted to regulate the tinmont of the people themselves: five-cent rate provided by the house. The ordinance xvas introduced by preferential primary by nearly 10,003 sioner's for urging explained commis- schodl The real young people's sociebuilding prepr/ation defeat, as in the ties. of a man taken Monday from the Ka" Councilman Joe L. Silvcrstein. There votes on the basis of practically com- letter, were reported to be that Mr. is through the church school." automobile industry it could," he said. and because you can't "soak the rich" nawha river at lock No. 7 below xvas no discussion of its merits Mon- plete returns, gathered from one ol Townsend appeared before the senate ' Opponent witnesses, Kelly conclud- without hurting also the poor. The program Tuesday night will beCURTIS AGAIN SEEKS Charleston as that of Earl Snodgrass day night. ed, have created a false impression of the most apathetic contests in years. committee two years ago and recom- gin at 7:45 o'clock, with Rev. C. C. We are still financing the World years old, of how the proposed coal commission Speed Umit 25 Mile* Huntington. president, tabulation 1,262 vot- mended the nomination of KIDNAPING CONTACT 22Snodgrass was Wilson hollow.Mareh The traffic ordinance an Hour cttv ingUnofficialout of 1,365 from President J. Parker for the United Judge John Stater, of The meeting vice be opened war. The expenditures because of it drowned on would regulate sale. scls. a States su- presiding. wilt places 19 when a boat he was rowing wa.-> speed limit of 25 miles nn hour out- Hoover 25,063, France gave "An attempt has been made to dis- are even now, 14 years afterward, althe letter said, conducted by and tort the purpose of the bill and make most as if we were engaged in war Norfolk Man Boards Yacht fo capsized by the waves of a river side of the business distiiet and of IK) uninstructcd delegation 16,518votes. .^ It preme court. inThis,interest of labor." by a musical service, the organ, and was "inimical the Charles C. Greybill, at 1,275 again. Of course we must pay everv steamer. Efforts to find the body hac miles an hour inside the busincs., was the first out-and-out contest beit appear the country would be dividMr. Townsend's headquarters, on the church choir. Scripture reading His Third Cruise tgitimate claim; distress been fruitless. ed jito zones for distribution of coal if every veteran relieve the possible. area. Thc limits aie cffcctixc oe- tween the two. Thc apathy which re- April 15. made public a letter Mr. and prayer will be conducted by Rev. wherever Funeral seiviees will be held at 1 txvcen street intersection?, and the tarded frorA various regions," he said. "The Wr. can NORFOLK. Va.. May 3 (UP).Joh J. M. Knight, pastor of the Weekicy in the, primary was Green or to John B. Easton, bill would do no such thing and under ought notdo that, and we c:mnot be Hughes Curtis. Edwin B. Bruce an o'clock Wednesday aftcinoon at the ordinance provides that, at all inter- brought voting by the fact that Balti- dent of\vrote West Virginia Statepresi- Memorial church, Charleston. about to do less. But it should the Fed- Greetings to the convention will be its provisions operators may ship as dene in the spirit of justice and not Lieutenant George L. R i c h a r home of Murrcll Snodgrass, his bio- sections ins-ide and outside the busi- more city had a local question which eration of Labor, in which Mr. Green they ship at present, .subject only to ndiscriminalcly to Rain clr, s favor boarded the yacht, Marcon. todny fo ther. in Railroad avenue. Owens ness area, speed shall be "reasonably took statewide attentionrepeal of called upon all laborers to support the delivered by Rev. Mr. Stater, on betheir schedule of prices and produc- n the congressional elections. 3 their third cruise out to sea in "hop They will bo conducted by Rev. G. O safe." half of the council executive committhe 200-year-old Sunday blue laws, tax commissioner for governor. tion as provided by the commission." j tbat they will be met by the kidnap Smith, of the Kanawha City Baptist tee; by The 20-mile-ati-hour limit applies which were swamped in an avalanche church. Burinl xvill be in the family In the area bounded on the south t.y The second letter made public Mon- the city, Mayor DeVan. on behalf of [ c r s of Charles A. Lindbergh. Jr. that surprised the most sanguine lib- day night was one by C. F. Newman, on behalfand by Rev. C. W. Kemper, ! They hope that a small boat of som cemetery on Davis eicek. Kanaxvha east by BLUEFIELD MAN IS Snodgrass is survived bv his bro- ?tiret. on street, on the the Elk Broad eral. of Huntington. former secretary of the At 8:35 fo the Baptist temple. rort, if weather conditions arc ideal the xvrst by river, Thc blue law question brought out Central Labor union of that city, convention o'clock Tuesday night, the ther; his O. will hear a special musical by the ROTARY_GOVERNOR will meet them. h a \ e lasted twt and two father. H.irry H. O. Powers and on the north tracks-. Nrw York moie than 140,000 votes in the city which he had sent to labor leaders program preceding Dr. Magill's adsisters. Mrs. Their negotiations Central Elicxx'hcia alone. of Owens, nnd Mis. W. R. Brown, oi the limit lailway throughout the state. It called upon dress. month.*. is 2,"> miles an hour. Oklahpman Says He Fired Charleston Club is Winner of them "to protect your interests by First weather conditions must b Rutledge. Rooms Are Set Aside Thc ordinance officially permit-, .ill supporting White for governor." The body WHS found by a lock em- night parking on the city .streets in DEATH OF COGAR IS perfect, the sea must be almos Thc Baptist temple, one of the largAfter Being Held Up Attendance Trophy glassy. That is known. Secondly, the} ployee and was removed 'to the Erwm Mr. Hodges spoke in Charleston Monday night. His recommendation est and best equipped churches in the OKLAHOMA CITY. May 3 (AP) HUNTINGTON. May 3 (AP).Ed- must rely on their belief that thej Undertaking company at St. Albnns. the residential .section". A to leave xvas DECLARED_ACCIDENT for a capitation-income tax would state,takingarranged by early Tuesday reads that "it shall be lawful A young woman dressed in black was win C. Wade, superintendent of really are dealing with rcprcscnta There will be no inquest. for care of the convention's parked upon any street any vehicle place a $2 capitation tax on every per- needs. Several of the larger rooms shot dead today as she fled from a schools at Blucficld. was elected dis- lives of the kidnapers. overnight," except where prohibited Webster Coroner's Jury Hands son over 21 years old and 50 cents on As the three men boarded the \acii BANK BANDIT FREES drug store holdup. trict governor of West Virginia Rotary had been set aside to 1 by sign?. Formn ly the city had an every $500 or major fraction of per- and committee rooms, serve as offices } The druggist. J. H. Jackson, dc- clubs at the annual meeting here to- along with the skeleton crew* ant while in Verdict C.-iptain Frank H. Lackmann, tlic THREE HELD CAPTIVE ordin mcc prohibiting all night parksonal income. This, he said, would re- auditorium was reserved forthe main t clared he shot her as she hurried from day. general ing in city streets, but it had been yacht's skipper, the weather xvas mi WEBSTER SPRINGS. May ? (AP). place the present 19 cent levy and the assembly of the delegates. the place with about $10 of his money. Wade She was identified by L. J. Hilbert. Kenova. defeated Harlcy Harper, of proving. They expected to be at sea Oklahoma Farmers Allowed to generally disregarded for years. Thc Webster county officials today con- gross sales tax. In the large vestibule inside the will succeed R. Worth by afternoon. ncxv ordinance repeals all foimcr cluded that Grover Cogar. 40 years police auto theft bureau operative, as Shumaker,He Spencer. Millions In Expense main entrance to the church, a long of ordinances inconsistent xvith it. old, lumberman and former school Mr. Lena Hurt, 25 years old. Hilbert said been placed Return to Homes M1NKR IS ELECTROCUTED The nexv ordinance prohibits pri- teacher, met death accidentally on a countyHodges asserted that municipal, table had delegates and for the regisAn invitation from the Weston club '-she had been arrested previously on and school governments have tration of LOGAN. May 3 (AP;. Wayne vatcly-eri'ctcd .signs. "All .signs iicn bank of the Gnu Icy uvcr near here 'but one source of revenue, the gen- had been assigned to ananother space to hold next year's meeting at the EL RENO. Okla.. May 3 (UP). '. . 'vagrancy and drunkenness charges. "information state 4-H camp at Jackson's Mill will Bradley. 32 vcars old, a mine motor Three men, kidnaped by a bandit in erected .or accepted as otlieinl sign:," Sunday. eral property tax." and that the state bureau." man. was electrocuted yesterday a flight from the looted Flank of Union it rcsidf. "are hereby declined n pu'.ibe acted upon at a district assembly Cogar's body was in the A ME RICA N STA CES Registration of delegates began at the Macbeth mine of the llutchinsoi at Union City, were iclcased today ,ic nuisance and shall b lemoved." A and it wns learned foundhis neckriver jovernment "by legislative enactments in August. that had tins placed millions of dollars in 10 o clock Tuesday morning and conC'"nl company, when his motor wa- after a harrowing afternoon ami night penalty is piovidod for lailme to . ASKS TO CUT ROUTE To Charleston was awarded the tt-recked in nn accident in the mine been broken and that there was no governmental expense on local units tinued past noon. About 800 deleflight from than water in his lungs. of government." gates from all sections of the state COLUMBUS. O.. May 3 <AP). j car's attendance trophy for clubs of A biokcn live wire struck him on the who pressed more to the 100 pns.scmcn do so. close bandit. Slrrrl Car* t'allrd Vrltlrlrs Investigation prompted a coroner's "The state must assume pa'rt of the are expected to register during ths neck. Pleading that revenues had been de- more than 100 members. Many pet sons and business houses j u t y to give n verdict of accidental inancial burden and distribute it three-day meetings. Many others who The kidnaper-bandit continued hi.s creased as a result of present bu.-iflicht. lave painted or elected iw-paikm;; death. It was believed Cogar fell and among all classes of productive wealth are expected to drive to Charleston .ncss conditions, American Stages, Inc. The captives, t h t e o fat met s, Alviti signs in f i o n t of their propci tics, ob- broke his neck while walking on the and income." he said, adding that "the for short visits will attend, but are and Klmrr White and J. E. Wells aining permission to do so fiom tho i iver bank. i: 'today asked permission of the public (Continued nn Page 9. Column 8) no*, expected to register. utilities commission to abandon a portheir uncle, were kidnaped nrar Ban- police department, although police Besides Dr. Magill, several leaders tion of the bus route between Huntner late yesterday by the bandit after icvor undertook to rnfoire them and In Sunday school work were sched.ington. W. Va.. and Parkcrsburg, W he had looted the Union Citv bank loubtcd'if they could be rnfoircd. It uled for participation in the afternoon Vs., via Gallipolis and Fomeroy. and post office of $1.28. With HIP s thc.,0 signs, eity officials said, that pi ogram Tuesday. Rev. F. E. Brininposse in chap, the bandit stopped and he new ordinance declares to be Mool, of Charleston, general'secretary took command of the farmeis' auto- luisanccs. of the West Virginia Council of Relimobile. rmus Education, was to speak on Street ears a i r defined as xchk'le-i He shielded himself them "Convention Pointers." He was to be the ncxv oidinancr. a Prohibition Has Proven Itself Embarrassing in Some Sections, and no xvord xvas heardbetween group mdcr states that the rightsand all prufollowed by discussions of "What Is of the is-ion of xc'. The temperature climbed 10 deEvangelism?". "What Is Educational until the captives had been released .U ucles except lire ti ticks, ambulances Methodist Officials State, But So Was Whiskey grees In four hours Tuesday morning Cordell about 4 a. m. Evangelism?" and "What Is Christian :te., shall be "equal and iceiprocal on ,* with fair and warmer weather the All but about $400 of the loot xvnq iny street, alley or highxvny in the City Councilman to Obtain Sentiment Within Radius of Fifty Education?", with introductory s>tatcr. f outlook for the day. Thc atmosphere nicnts by Dr. Magill and Dr. O. W. recovered in the bandit's abandoned Mty." Street cars, however, arc not ATLANTIC CITY. N. J..'.May 3 was just cool enough to be refreshing. CAP).The board of bishops of the them against their will. This dilemma car. (Continued on Page 9. Column 7> Miles in Effort" to Eliminate Objectional Feature pccificnlly required to conform Jo is the crux of the opposition to the The rivers arc falling. A maximum of Methodist Episcopal church in their eighteenth amendment. In view of The t h i c c farmets returned to their >ue-xvny rulings, jind a paragraph in SHOPPERS AND BUYERS GUIDE 76 degrees Monday. Episcopal letter to the general con- two very dynamic thingsthe comhe ordinance, as oiigmally introSun rises Department Store* Daylight saving time for the whole Thc councilman snid that although Thf Diamond ference met the movement for the mercial power of congress and our uci'd befoie thn toinu-il and rcquir Sun sets :20 ............ * sponsored of present travel and transportation *: v Mont Bornery Ward & ..I I "I I."::: s Moon rises 3:59 return withliquor control to the stntes facilitiescities nnd stales eari neither NAVAL PLANT BILL IS ng them to o'jey the oiie-xvuy ruling, Charleston aiea will be sought by Joe he had for daylight an ordinance pro- O. J. Morriton ... Co. ................. as deleted. viding time for Charlestodny a declaration in favor of 2 i L. Silvcrstcin, a member of the ton he would oppose its passage unless Temperatures national prohibition. in law or in offert restrain the liquor DELAYEDJFOR WEEK !)Theio arc a No in the nrxv oidmanrc Chaileston city council, who Intro- sentiment xvas "preponderantly in its Max. Monday Vfi Cirorerlr* * Provitlont icgulntions "There no room in our national The Orcat A. & P. Tea Co Min. Monday 51 household isfor two antagonistic sys- t i n f f i c without n n t f o n n l i / i n g piohibithe council tion." Action on South Charleston ''"t'lwlly m thi-'businrs.s section and duced an ordinance in for the time fnvor." He said that even a small Krosers Grocery Ac Bakinc Co 3 7 a. m. TuesMondav gioup of persons opposed to it would Butler-Kruit Bread The Epistle, c o m e n t i g on overtems, one legali/.ing . | '21 irgulations liinitni!* parking in tho schedule.night pioviding 10 day 52 the other outlawing the liquor t r a f f i c tures for unification mwithn kindied deHcllmarm* Ma>onnal.c be sufficient to cause him to oppose Sanitary Market n it." the Episcopal Measure is Held Up .sretion. Tho stioets and p.u ts of II a. m. TuesMr. Silvcrstein said Tuesday that he passage. we can The bill to aiithoii/r the ?lc of the stireti; affected are listed m the new will write Irttcis to the governing its We should not pass legislation." Chicago Market day U2 message said. "As n church,one that nominations-, said- our chin eh towaid follow no course except the "The attitude of ordinance. ir.xal oidnaticc p l a n t at South River Stages bodies of every community within a said Mr. Silverstein, "that xvill hurt will reduce consumption beverunit Furniture The oidhinnro The Kanaxvha age alcohol the the minimum. ofWe nre Christian our y hn.s been unvarying. Charleston xvill como up in the house night by the ntyxvas- passed Mond-iy indius of SO miles nnd ask them to even as many as 500 persons." ftadlev'* to . . . In organization and spirit f representatives next Monday on council, about six cooperate with Charleston in cstnbLee Furnftm'e''Co.' 'II" a t K a n a w h a convinced that itational prohibition is we are well situated for unity with Mr. Silvcrstein said that he had letweeks after it xvas introduced. it xissagc. of Falls. 11.2 feat, hat method." other Christian bodies. We strictly chamber S. P. Puffer, secrctaiy his the marks the culmination of nearly n li.shmg daylight time for the section. ters from nearly every bank in ~ , . Thettr of commerce, ndvised ofIn this way, snid the Charleston coun- Charleston and from several business Capitol ..., falling; at <t opposition conceptions of prelacy. year's xvork. cilman. the time change might be houses favoring the proposal, and that Rlalto ''.... ? Charleston. 15.5o The letter also soundedwar, n plea repudiate nil years have witnessed n icc Tuesday from Washington. militarism and unjust . . . Recent Protects Policemen In Flection Objection to consideration of Ihc mndc general nnd eliminate one of its on Monday he had received 25 tele- Vlrjttnlan feet, falling. The for 4 standard in very evident trend toward union, parCouncilman J. A. Jr.. 4 New at Radfo.-d, and a Christian spirit toward industry ticularly w;ithin denominational fam- measure xvas made on Monday by took verbal exceptiondcGruytcr,prac- objcctionnl features. phone calls, many from firms and Kearse a receptive unificaGreenbrier to the 4 "The Daily Mnil in an editorial on businesses, fax'oring it. There had Kanawha PJaj-crs .. ".- '3J5 feet, falling: at Hinton. G feet. tion with other kindred dcnomma- ilies. Definite results have not yet Representatives Stanford, of Wiscon- tice of city policemen and firemen * S in; LnGunrdia. of Ncxv Yoik, and Monday." said Mr. Silverstein. "fairly been, he said, some just criticism of i . If all ing. Tfte Ohio at Huntington, 15.5 ions. been, secured, but genuine progress 3lanton, of Texas. participating in elections. He xvas stated the chief objection when it said Mlseellan ui -; -ifcct. rising; at Cincinnati, 16.8 feet. The prohibition pronouncement snid has been achieved in mutual underIf objection is made to considera- held out of order by Mayor DcVan. that dnvlight time would cause con- the proposal but he pointed out that United Fuel Shop Co. -' *fallmp; at Pittsburgh, 12.7 feit, n part: he persons " * **.' " Gas ... .... * . % 14 standing and good will." 1011 of the bill xvhcn it again i., \x ho said that Mr. dcGruyter's re- siderable inconvenience i n s i d e of of those for had heard from, time arc Polan's St>lcfc*,^^i*A: Trust ci.."'." xvho are daylight saving falling. Kanawha Bankinc t "Prohibition has proven itself emThis passage wns generally neecptcd cached next Monday, a vote xvill he marks \xere no business of the coun"fc- National Bnk I:::;: ,? I , Boat Movement* , :r.rrasaing in certain regions-, where as referring to the move for the ic- Icmnmlrd by Representative Joe L. cil, and in a loll call vote members Charleston and out if one time pre- in the majority. x Tiled in the eity and another time The ordinance committee of the 't- . The V.-.lley Belle, dam 11. 0 a. m : public opinion piotests. just n* m the timting of the p a t e n t Methodist Epis- imith. its sponsor. Mr. Puflrr said, of the (oiinrjl sustained the major. 'i"v, * & Appliance Co. y, prevailed all around it. If it exists whom .' -$the Mohican. River, dam B. 9:!.i a. m.: previous order of things. {\iy tate.> rhtireh vtth I h r Motlmrifrt "he bill is bnrkrd iinr.nimousjy by Txxo stiret-u'idening proposals wcie in Charleston it ought to exist in the council, tofolloxvingthe ordinniu-e xvas Invotoi Syndlcale'".??..I'.'| ,* its introduction : -the Lane, dam 11, 6:10 a. m., dow.i doing their utmost to outlaw the l i q - hutch. South, and the Methodist h< mrmbrrs of the hou^e naval al- plnrrd bi-ioio the- mum-it. Councilman e n t u e seetion, and pet haps we can referred Monday night, probably will hold a New York Central Railway Co.";:." a uor t i n f f i c had liquot imposed on Protestant chinch. the river. committre. i (Continued on Papjr 0, Column- 6) I stait the ball rolling." hearing nn the matter.




Asserts Church Looks to Youth for Aid



"i j >



States' Control of Liquor Is Termed Impossible by Bishops


Daylight Saving Time Asked For Entire Charleston Area


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