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1) AIkCkAI1 8A11LkILS

1 AcLlve maLerlals of a lead acld cell are (8L1 g 374)
1 lead peroxlde 2 Sponge lead 3 ulluLe sulphurlc acld a|| of the above

2 uurlng Lhe charglng of a lead acld cell (8L1 g 374)
1 lLs caLhode becomes dark chocolaLe brown ln colour
2 |ts vo|tage |ncreases
3 lL glves ouL energy
4 speclflc gravlLy of P
ls decreased

3 1he raLlo of Ah efflclency Lo Wh efflclency of a lead acld cell ls (8L1 g 374)
1 always less Lhan one 2 !usL one
3 A|ways greater than one 4 LlLher (a) or (b)

4 1he capaclLy of a cell ls measured ln (8L1 g 374)
1 waLLhours 2 WaLLs 3 Amperes 4 Amperes hours

3 1he capaclLy of a lead acld cell does nC1 depend on lLs (8L1 g 374)
1 rate of charge 2 8aLe of dlscharge 3 1emperaLure 4 CuanLlLy of acLlve maLerlal

6 As compared Lo consLanLcurrenL sysLem Lhe consLanL volLage sysLem of charglng a lead acld cell has Lhe advanLage of (8L1 g
1 avoldlng excesslve gasslng 2 8educlng Llme of charglng
3 lncreaslng cell capaclLy 4 8oth (b) (c)

7 SulphaLlon ln a lead acld baLLery occurs due Lo (8L1 g 374)
a Lrlckle charglng b |ncomp|ete charg|ng
c heavy dlscharglng d fasL charglng

8 1rlckle charglng of a sLorage baLLery helps Lo (8L1 g 374)
a prevenL sulphaLlon
b keep |t fresh an fu||y charge
c malnLaln proper elecLrolyLe level
d lncrease lLs reserve capaclLy

9 1he reducLlon of baLLery capaclLy aL hlgh raLes of dlscharge ls prlmarlly due Lo (8L1 g 374)
a lncrease ln lLs lnLernal reslsLance
b decrease ln lLs Lermlnal volLage
c rap| format|on of bSC
on the p|ates
d nondlffuslon of acld Lo Lhe lnslde acLlve maLlerals

10 1he capaclLy of a sLorage cell ls measured ln (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 331)
1 [oule 2 waLL hour 3 ampere hour 4 coulomb

11 CverheaL of baLLery ls lndlcaLed by (LP! alleL age 23)
1 1hermocouples 2 LxLernal LemperaLure gauge
3 1emperature sens|ng ev|ces are |ocate w|th |n battery 4 PoLwlre lnsLrumenL

12 A leadacld baLLery wlLh 12 cells connecLed ln serles (noload volLage 21 volLs per cell) furnlshes 10
Amperes Lo a load of 2 ohms reslsLance 1he lnLernal reslsLance of Lhe baLLery ln Lhls lnsLance ls (Chm's law )
1 02 ohms 2 232 ohms 3 3 ohms 4 023 ohms

13 lf elecLrolyLe from a lead acld baLLery ls spllled ln Lhe baLLery comparLmenL whlch procedure should be followed? (1k Llsmln
age 40)
1 Apply borlc acld soluLlon Lo Lhe affecLed area followed by a waLer rlnse
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2 8lnse Lhe affecLed area Lhoroughly wlLh lean waLer
3 App|y so|um b|carbonate so|ut|on to the affecte area fo||owe by a water r|nse
4 none of Lhese

14 WhaL deLermlnes Lhe amounL of currenL whlch wlll flow Lhrough a baLLery when lL ls belng charged by a consLanL volLage source
(1k Llsmln age 42)
1 Lhe LoLal plaLe area of Lhe baLLery 2 the state of charge of the battery
3 Lhe ampere hour capaclLy of Lhe baLLery 4 none of Lhese

13 nlckelcadmlum baLLerles whlch are sLored for a long perlod of Llme wlll show a low llquld level because
(1k Llsmln age 32)
1 elecLrolyLe evaporaLes Lhrough Lhe venLs 2 of currenL package form lndlvldual cells
3 L|ectro|yte absorbe |nto the p|ates 4 none of Lhese

16 ln a consLanL currenL charglng sysLem a baLLery requlres aLLenLlon aL Lhe end of charge Lo avold
( 1k Llsmln age32)
1 sulphaLlon of baLLery 2 spllllng of elecLrolyLe
3 evaporaLlon of elecLrolyLe 4 anger of overheat|ng

17 olarlzed relay ls normally used ln (lAA9A g401)
1 Generator8attery c|rcu|t 3 CeneraLorLoad clrculL
2 CeneraLorLlghLlng clrculL 4 none

18 1he neuLrallzlng agenL for P
elecLrolyLe ls Lsmln 40
1 kCP 2 PCL 3 So|um b|carbonate so|ut|on 4 vlnegar

19 1he separaLor used for nlcd baLLery ls Lsmln 47
1 ny|on coate w||| ce||ophane 2 wood packs 3 Leak wood 4 glass wool

20 When Lhe LemperaLure ls lncreased speclflc gravlLy of elecLrolyLe Lsmln 41
1 lncreases 2 ecreases 3 remalns same 4 none

21 ln nlckel cadmlum baLLery a rlse ln cellLemperaLure Lsmln 47
1 causes an lncrease ln lnLernal reslsLance 2 causes a ecrease |n |nterna| res|stance
3 lncreases cell volLage 4 has no effecL

22 Plgh raLe of dlscharge ln relaLlon Lo baLLery means Lsmln 30
1 |scharg|ng battery by emp|oy|ng a heavy |oa 2 charglng Lhe baLLery aL very hlgh raLe
3 dlscharglng Lhe baLLery by shorLlng Lhe Lermlnals 4 all are correcL

23 ln case of nl/Cd baLLery durlng dlscharge ___ almosL remalns unchanged Lsmln 47
1 volLage of cell 2 spec|f|c grav|ty
3 amounL of acLlve maLerlal aL caLhodes 4 amounL of acLlve maLerlal aL poslLlve plaLe

24 8aLLery charger may have generally Lsmln 33
1 uC generaLor/ ac generaLor as source 2 transformer w|th rect|f|er un|t
3 Lransformer prlmary mulLl Lapped 4 selecLor swlLch only

23 uurlng removal of baLLery from Lhe a/c___ Lermlnal ls dlsconnecL lasL ln order Lo avold __ shorL
1 negaLlve accldenLal 2 pos|t|ve acc|enta| Lsmln 133
3 elLher negaLlve or poslLlve accldenLal 4 none of Lhe above ls done

26 A fully charged lead acld baLLery wlll noL freeze unLll exLremely low LemperaLures are reached because
( 1k Llsmln age39)
1 Lhe acld ls ln Lhe plaLes Lhereby lncreaslng Lhe speclflc gravlLy of Lhe soluLlon
2 most of the ac| |s |n the so|ut|on
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3 lncreased lnLernal reslsLance generaLes sufflclenL heaL Lo prevenL freezlng
4 none of Lhese

27 1he purpose of provldlng a space underneaLh Lhe plaLes ln a lead acld baLLery conLalner ls Lo a
( 1k Llsmln age37)
1 prevent se|ment bu||t up from court|ng the p|ates an caus|ng a short c|rcu|t
2 allow for convecLlon of Lhe elecLrolyLe ln order Lo provlde for coolng of Lhe plaLes
3 ensure LhaL Lhe elecLrolyLe quanLlLy radlo Lo Lhe number of Lhe plaLes area ls adequaLe
4 none of Lhese

28 1he servlclng charglng of nlckel cadmlum and lead acld baLLerles LogeLher ln Lhe same servlce room are llkely Lo resulL ln
( 1k Llsmln age43)
1 normal baLLery servlce llfe 2 lncreased exploslon and / or flre hazard
3 contam|nat|on of both types of batter|es 4 none of Lhese

29 1he elecLrolyLe soluLlon ln nl Cd baLLery ls ( 1k Llsmln age47)
1 70 kCP and 30 dlsLllled waLer by welghL 2 30 kCn an 70 |st|||e water by we|ght
3 70 kCP and 30 dlsLllled volume by welghL 4 30 kCP and 70 dlsLllled volume by welghL

30 1hermal swlLch ln Lhe baLLery comparLmenL normally operaLes aL (LP! alleLL g31)
1 46HC 2 73HC 3 30HC 4 none of Lhe above

31 vlclous cycllng ls Lhe anoLher name of (1homas k Llsmln g47)
1 1herma| kunaway 2 Peavy dlscharge cycle 3 Peavy Charglng cycle 4 none of Lhe above

32 lreezlng of elecLrolyLe normally observed ln Lhe Lead baLLerles when Lhey are ln (Llsmln g39)
1 Charged sLaLe 2 D|scharge state
3 8oLh 1 2 4 none

33 lully charged nlckel cadmlum baLLery wlll show a mlnlmum volLage of (1homas k Llsmln C49)
1 14v 2 13v 3 12V 4 10v

34 ueep cycle ls a baLLery malnLenance process lncorporaLes (1homas k Llsmln g30)
1 ueep charglng 2 ueep dlscharglng 3 D|scharg|ng Charg|ng 4 none

33 1he only posslble check LhaL a nlckelcadmlum baLLery ls fully charged (LP! alleLL g23)
1 Measur|ng battery vo|tage when "Cn Charge" 2 Checklng SC
3 Checklng gasslng sLaLus 4 none of Lhese

36 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls false
a leadacld cell can be recharged 2 a prlmary cell has an lrreverslble chemlcal reacLlon
c sLorage cell has a reverslble chemlcal reacLlon 4 a carbon z|nc ce|| has un||m|te she|f ||fe

37 Cells are connecLed ln parallel Lo
1 lncrease Lhe volLage ouLpuL 2 lncrease Lhe lnLernal reslsLance
3 decrease Lhe currenL capaclLy 4 |ncrease the current capac|ty

38 negaLlve plaLe of nlCad baLLery ln dlscharge sLaLe ls (LP! alleLL g22)
a MeLalllc Cadmlum b Cam|um nyrox|e c Cadmlum d none

39 uurlng floaL charglng of baLLery (Llsmln 42)
a Lopplng of elecLrolyLe ls done b battery gets charge by a|rcraft charg|ng system
c boLh a and b d none of Lhese

40 Whlle lnsLalllng nlcad baLLery on a/c we lnspecL (Llsmln 40)
a venLllaLlon sysLem of a/c b cables for chaflng
c qulck dlsconnecLlon mechanlsm a|| the above

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41 neuLrallzlng agenL for nlckel cadmlum baLLery ls (MalnLenance pracLlce)
a 8orlcacld b soda blcarbonaLe or ammonla
c lemon both (a) an (c)

42 Cellophane ls used ln nlckel cadmlum baLLerles Lo (Llsmln47)
a prevenL Lhermal run away
b prevenL oxygen from golng Lo negaLlve plaLe and produce heaL ln negaLlve plaLe
c both (a) an (c) are correct
d none of Lhe above

43 1emperaLure correcLlon ls done ln Celslus scale ln respecL of elecLrolyLe SC readlng (CAlll882)
a 0003 for each 4C b 0004 for each 10C c 0001 for each 4C d none of Lhe above

44 When Lwo baLLery of 6v and 20 Ah capaclLy ls connecLed ln parallel 1he LoLal volLage and Ah capaclLy becomes
a 12v and 40 Ah b 6V an 40 Ah (Llsmln49)
c 12v and 20 Ah d 6v and 20 Ah

43 AcLlve maLerlal of a lead acld cell are (8L1 voll374)
a Lead peroxlde b sponge lead c dlluLe sulphurlc acld a|| the above

46 uurlng charglng of a lead acld cell (8L1 voll374)
a lLs caLhode becomes dark chocklaLe brown ln colour b |ts vo|tage |ncreases
c lL glves ouL energy d speclflc gravlLy of P
ls decreased

47 1he capaclLy of a cell ls measured ln (8L1 voll374)
a waLL hour b waLLs c amperes amperhour

48 1he capaclLy of a lead acld cell does noL depends upon (8L1 voll374)
a rate of charge b raLe of dlscharge c LemperaLure d quanLlLy of acLlve maLerlal

49 SulphaLlon ln a leadacld baLLery occurs due Lo (8L1 voll374)
a Lrlckle charglng b |ncomp|ete charg|ng
c heavy dlscharglng d fasL charglng

30 1rlckle charglng of a sLorage baLLery helps Lo (8L1 voll374)
a prevenL sulphaLlon b keep |t fresh an fu||y charge
c malnLaln proper elecLrolyLe d lncrease lLs reserve capaclLy

31 1he sedlmenLs whlch accumulaLe aL Lhe boLLom of a lead acld cell conslsL largely of (8L1 voll374)
a lead peroxlde b lead sulphaLe c ant|mony |ea a||oy d graphlLe

32 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL ln a lead acld baLLery Llsmlnpg33
1 the open c|rcu|t vo|tage |s the sum of Ik rop an c|ose c|rcu|t vo|tage
2 open clrculL volLage ls less Lhan close clrculL volLage
3 close clrculL volLage ls sum of load volLage and l8 drop
4 close clrculL and open clrculL volLages are Lhe same

33 1he number of negaLlve plaLes ls one more Lhan poslLlve plaLes Lo lncreases Lhe baLLery volLage (8L1)
1 prevents buck||ng or ben|ng of the pos|t|ve p|ate 2 for LemperaLure compensaLlon
3 boLh (1) and (2) are correcL

34 ln nlCd baLLery charglng sLaLe ls deLermlned by (CAlll 914) DGCA Ieb 06
1 speclflc gravlLy 2 SC of elecLrolyLe 3 Measure |scharge test 4 boLh (2) and (3)

33 SulphaLlon ln a lead acld baLLery occurs due Lo 8L1pg 331
1 lncompleLe charglng 3) Lrlckle charglng
2 kepL ln dlscharged condlLlon for long Llme 4) both (1) an (2)
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36 When Lhe lead acld baLLery ls fully dlscharged Lhe poslLlve plaLe ls and negaLlve plaLe ls 8L1pg 331
1 lead peroxlde spongy lead 3) |ea su|phate |n both p|ates
2 lead oxlde spongy lead 4) lead peroxlde pure lead

37 uurlng manufacLurlng of negaLlve plaLes ln lead acld baLLerles a small percenLage of graphlLe or magneslum sulphaLe or barlum
sulphaLe ls added Lo 8L1pg 329
1 lncrease Lhe baLLery volLage 3) reduce sulphaLlon
2 |ncrease the poros|ty of the p|ate 4) boLh (1) and (3)

38 M1CS 8L1pg 337
1 consLanL currenL charglng sysLem ls fasLer Lhan consLanL volLage sysLem
2 consLanL volLage charglng Lakes lesser Llme Lo charge baLLerles
3 consLanL currenL sysLem ls generally used Lo charge alrcrafL baLLerles
4 as |n (2) an |ncreases the capac|ty of the battery

39 1he reducLlon of baLLery capaclLy aL hlgh raLes of dlscharge ls prlmarlly due Lo 8L1pg 331
1 lncrease ln poLenLlal drop due Lo lLs lnLernal reslsLance
2 decrease ln lLs Lermlnal volLage
3 su|phat|on on the p|ates
4 decreased chemlcal acLlvlLy

60 A dead lead acld baLLery can be resLored by 8L1pg 331
1 addlng a cerLaln quanLlLy of dlluLe sulphurlc acld 2 addlng dlsLllled waLer
3 addlng a baLLery resLorer 4 none of these

61 uurlng elecLrlcal leak check of nlCad baLLerles Lhe currenL should noL exceed (1k Llsmln g30)
1 3mA 2) 0mA 3) 100 mA 4) All Lhe above

62 WhaL deLermlnes Lhe amounL of currenL whlch wlll flow Lhrough a baLLery when lL ls belng charged by a consLanL volLage source
(lAA9A g313)
1) 1he LoLal plaLe area of Lhe baLLery 2) 1he state of charge of the battery
3) 1he ampere hour capaclLy of Lhe baLLery 4) none of Lhese

63 lnLernal reslsLance of nlCad baLLery ls (1k Llsmln g49)
1 Less than 1 m||| Chm per ce|| 2 Lqual Lo 2 mlll Chm per cell
3 More Lhan 1 mlll Chm per cell 4 none of Lhe above

64 When a charglng currenL ls applled Lo a nlckelcadmlum baLLery Lhe cells gas only (1k Llsmln g49)
1) 1owars the en of the charg|ng cyc|e 2) When Lhe elecLrolyLe level ls low
3) lf Lhey are defecLlve 4) none of Lhese

63 ln a consLanL currenL charglng sysLem a baLLery requlres aLLenLlon aL Lhe end of charge Lo avold (lAA9A g313)
1) SulphaLlon of baLLery 2) Spllllng of elecLrolyLe
3) LvaporaLlon of elecLrolyLe 4) Danger of overheat|ng

66 1he meLhod used Lo rapldly charge a nlckel cadmlum baLLery uLlllzes (1homas k Llsmln g42)
1 ConsLanL currenL and consLanL volLage 3) ConsLanL currenL and varylng volLage
2 Constant vo|tage an vary|ng current 4) none of Lhese

67 WhaL may resulL lf waLer ls added Lo nlckel cadmlum baLLery when lL ls noL fully charged? (Llsmln g30)
1 8aLLery wlll noL Lake charge
2 no adverse effecLs slnce waLer may be added any Llme
3 Sp|||age of e|ectro|yte |s ||ke|y to occur ur|ng or after the charg|ng cyc|e
4 none of Lhese

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68 PydromeLer ls a Lool normally used Lo measure (1homas k Llsmln g41)
1 8eslsLance 2) lnLernal reslsLance of a baLLery 3) Spec|f|c grav|ty 4) Cell volLage

69 A lead acld baLLery should noL be kepL ln a dlscharged condlLlon for long because 8L1pg 340
1 lL wlll freeze Lhe elecLrolyLe aL low LemperaLure
2 wlll harden Lhe lead sulphaLe on boLh Lhe plaLes
3 efflclency and capaclLy of Lhe baLLery ls reduced
4 a|| the above

70 1hermal runway ls a phenomenon whlch ls more assoclaLed wlLh
1 lead acld baLLery
2 nlCu baLLery
3 As |n (2) an |s a|so ca||e as v|c|ous cyc||ng
4 As ln (2) and lmproves Lhe capaclLy of baLLery

71 1he reducLlon of baLLery capaclLy aL hlgh raLes of dlscharge ls prlmarlly due Lo (8L1 voll374)
a lncrease ln lLs lnLernal reslsLance b decrease lLs Lermlnal volLage
c rap| format|on of bSC
on the p|ates d non dlffuslon acld Lo Lhe lnslde acLlve maLerlal

72 Lxpanders are used ln lead acld cells (Llsmln 36)
a Lo decrease poroslLy of Lhe poslLlve plaLes
b Lo lncrease Lhe poroslLy of Lhe poslLlve plaLes
c to |ncrease the poros|ty of the negat|ve p|ates
d Lo decrease Lhe poroslLy of Lhe negaLlve plaLes

73 Whlle carrylng ouL capaclLy LesL Lhe A/C baLLerles should be dlscharged aL (Llsmln 44)
a 10 hrs raLe b hrs rate c 7 hrs raLe d none


74 1he baslc requlremenL of a dc armaLure wlndlng ls LhaL ls musL be (8L1 g933)
a a c|ose one
b a lap wlndlng
c a wave wlndlng
d elLher (b) or (c)

73 A wave wlndlng musL go aL leasL around Lhe armaLure before lL closes back where lL sLarLed (8L1 g933)
a once
b tw|ce
c Lhrlce
d four Llmes

76 1he dc armaLure wlndlng ln whlch coll sldes are a pole plLch aparL ls called ________ wlndlngs (8L1 g933)
a mulLlplex
b fracLlonal plLch
c fu|| p|tch
d pole plLch

77 lor maklng coll span equal Lo a pole plLch ln Lhe armaLure wlndlng of a dc generaLor Lhe back plLch of Lhe wlndlng musL equal
Lhe number of (8L1 g933)
a commutator bars per po|e
b wlndlng elemenLs
c armaLure conducLors per paLh
d armaLure parallel paLhs

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78 1he prlmary reason for maklng Lhe coll span of a dc armaLure wlndlng equal Lo a pole plLch ls Lo (8L1 g933)
a obLaln a coll span of 180
b ensure the a|t|on of emfs of consecut|ve turns
c dlsLrlbuLe Lhe wlndlng unlformly under dlfferenL poles
d obLaln a full plLch wlndlng

79 ln a 4 pole 33 sloL dc armaLure 180 elecLrlcal degree coll span wlll be obLalned when colls occupy______ sloLs (8L1 g933)
a 1 and 10
b 1 an 9
c 2 and 11
d 3 and 12

80 1he armaLure of a dc generaLor has a 2 layer lap wlndlng housed ln 72 sloLs wlLh slx conducLors/sloL WhaL ls Lhe mlnlmum
number of commuLaLor bars requlred for Lhe armaLure (8L1 g933)
a 72
b 432
c 216
d 36

81 1he sole purpose of a commuLaLor ln a dc generaLor ls Lo (8L1 g933)
a lncrease ouLpuL volLage
b reduce sparklng aL brushes
c provlde smooLher ouLpuL
conver the |nuce ac |nto c

82 lor a 4 pole 2 layer dc lap wlndlng wlLh 20 sloLs and one conducLor per layer Lhe number of commuLaLor bars ls (8L1 g
a 80
b 20
c 40
d 160

83 A 4 pole 12 sloL lap wound dc armaLure has Lwo collsldes/sloL Assumlng slngle Lurn colls and progresslve wlndlng Lhe back
plLch would be (8L1 g933)
a 3
b 7
c 3
d 6

84 lf ln Lhe case of a cerLaln dc armaLure Lhe number of commuLaLor segmenLs ls found elLher one less or more Lhan Lhe number
of sloLs Lhe armaLure musL be havlng a slmplex___________ (8L1 g933)
a wave
b lap
c frog leg
d mulLlelemenL

83 Lap wlndlng ls sulLable for _________currenL __________volLage dc generaLors (8L1 g933)
a h|gh |ow
b low hlgh
c low low
d hlgh hlgh
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86 lf Lhe fleld clrculL of a loaded shunL moLor ls suddenly opened (8L1 g948)
1 lL would race Lo almosL lnflnlLe speed
2 lL would draw abnormally hlgh armaLure currenL
3 C|rcu|t breaker or fuse w||| open the c|rcu|t before too much amage |s one to the motor
4 1orque developed by Lhe moLor would be reduced Lo zero

87 When load ls removed Lhe uC _____ moLor wlll run aL lLs hlghesL speed
1) ShunL 2) Ser|es 3) Compound 4) none (8L1 g949)

88 As Lhe load ls lncreased Lhe speed of uC shunL moLor (8L 1here[a 948)
1) lncreases proporLlonaLely 2) 8emalns consLanL
3) lncreases sllghLly 4) keuces s||ght|y

89 ln a dc moLor unldlrecLlonal Lorque ls produced wlLh Lhe help of (8L 1here[a g947 )
1 brushes 2 commuLaLor 3 endplaLes 4 both (1) (2)

90 1he counLer emf of a dc moLor
1) ofLen exceeds Lhe supply volLage
2) alds Lhe applled volLage
3) he|ps |n energy convers|on
4) regulaLes lLs armaLure volLage

91 1he normal value of Lhe armaLure reslsLance of a dc moLor ls (8L 1here[a g947 )
1) 000 2) 03 3) 10 4) 100

92 1he raLlo of back emf Lo applled volLage of a dc moLor ls an lndlcaLlon of lLs (8L 1here[a g947 )
1) eff|c|ency 2) speed regulaLlon 3) sLarLlng Lorque 4) runnlng Lorque

93 lf load on dc shunL moLor ls lncreased lLs back emf ls decreased malnly due Lo (8L1 g948)
1) lncrease ln lLs maln flux 2) Decrease |n spee
3) lncrease ln armaLure currenL 4) lncrease ln brush volLage drop

94 8eLween no load and full load Lhe moLor whlch develops Lhe leasL Lorque ls (8L1 g948)
1 Ser|es motor
2 ShunL moLor
3 CumulaLlve compounded moLor
4 ulfferenLlally compounced moLor

93 ln Lhe rheosLaLlc conLrol of speed conLrol of dc shunL moLor a armaLure dlverLor meLhod ls 8L1 pg1003
1) less wasLeful 2) unsulLable for changlng loads
3) less expenslve 4) su|tab|e for rap||y chang|ng |oas

96 very small moLors don`L requlre any sLarLer reslsLance when sLarLed from resL no harm ls done Lo Lhem because
8L1 pg991
1) Lhey have hlgh armaLure reslsLance whlch llmlLs Lhelr sLarLlng currenL
2) Lhey speed up fasL so develop back emf qulckly llmlLlng sLarLlng currenL
3) Lhe momenLarlly hlgh sLarLlng currenL Laken by Lhem doesn`L cause much of a volLage drop
4) a|| of the above

97 1he speed of a dc moLor can be conLrolled by varylng 8L1 pg1003
1) lLs flux per pole 2) reslsLance of armaLure clrculL 3) applled volLage 4) a|| of the above

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98 1he mosL efflclenL meLhod of lncreaslng Lhe speed of a dc shunL moLor would be Lhe meLhod
8L1 pg1003
1) armaLure conLrol 2) f|ux contro| 3) Lapped fleld conLrol 4) all are equally efflclenL

99 A uC shunL moLor works on AC Malns (8L1 g948)
1 Unsat|sfactor||y 2) SaLlsfacLorlly 3) noL aL all 4) none of Lhe above

100 A 12 volL elecLrlc moLor has 1000 waLLs lnpuL and 1 P ouLpuL MalnLalnlng Lhe same efflclency how much lnpuL power a 24
volL 1 P elecLrlc moLor requlres ?
1) 1000 Watts 2) 2000 WaLLs 3) 300 WaLLs 4) 230 WaLLs (numerlcal)

101 urpose of pole shoes ln ac and dc machlnes (DGCA paper III Ieb 06)
1 1hey spread ouL Lhe flux ln Lhe alrgaps
2 8elng larger ln crosssecLlon reduce relucLance of magneLlc paLh
3 1hey supporL Lhe exclLlng colls
4 A|| the above

102 1he lnduced emf ln Lhe armaLure conducLors of a dc moLor ls (8L 1here[a g947 )
1 S|nuso|a| 2 Lrapezoldal 3 8ecLangular 4 alLernaLlng

103 A dc moLor can be looked upon as dc generaLor wlLh Lhe power flow (8L 1here[a g947)
1 8educed 2 reverse 3 lncreased 4 modlfled

104 under consLanL load condlLlons Lhe speed of a dc moLor ls affecLed by (8L 1here[a g947 )
1) f|e| f|ux 2) armaLure currenL
3) back emf 4) boLh (2) (3)

103 SLaggerlng sloLs are used ln armaLure of a uC generaLor Lo (Llsmln 192)
a mlnlmlze eddy currenL b m|n|m|ze r|pp|es |n vo|tage
c malnLaln consLanL ouLpuL d none of Lhe above

106 1he commuLaLlon process ln dc CeneraLor baslcally lnvolves (8L 1hare[a 1983 LdlLlon age611)
1 assage of currenL from movlng armaLure Lo a sLaLlonary
2 keversa| of current |n an armature co|| as |t crosses MNA
3 Converslon of 13 Lo 43
4 Suppresslon of reacLance volLage

107 ln a 3unlL volLage regulaLor whlch unlL proLecLs Lhe generaLor from overload (Llsmln202)
1 volLage regulaLor
2 Current ||m|ter
3 8everse currenL cuLouL
4 volLage coll

108 ln a 3unlL volLage regulaLor Lhere are (lAA9 )
1) 2 v|brat|ng an 1 f|xe contact 2) 2 flxed and 1 vlbraLlng conLacLs
3) 3 vlbraLlng conLacLs 4) none

109 1he purpose of reverse currenL relay/ cuLouL ls Lo proLecL Lhe generaLor when (Llsmln201)
1) Generator vo|tage |s |ower than the battery vo|tage
2) ln case of overload
3) ln case of over volLage
4) ln case of over currenL

110 ln a carbon plle volLage regulaLor Lhe carbon plle ls connecLed Llsmln200
Page 1 of 93
1) ln parallel wlLh Lhe shunL fleld
2) 1o Lhe negaLlve of Lhe generaLor
3) In ser|es w|th the shunt f|e|
4) ln serles wlLh Lhe load

111 ln a carbon plle volLage regulaLor when Lhe carbon plle ls compressed (CAlll893)
1) 8eslsLance of Lhe plle ls lncreased
2) 8eslsLance remalns same
3) ShunL fleld currenL decreases
4) kes|stance offere by the p||e |s ecrease

112 1he serles generaLor has (8L 1here[a g912)
1) Cood volLage regulaLlon 2) oor vo|tage regu|at|on 3) none of Lhe above

113 ln uC generaLor parallel operaLlon equallzer coll ls connecLed ln AML leb 06
1 negat|ve c|rcu|t of both generator 2 ln serles wlLh Lhe fleld
3 negaLlve clrculL of any one generaLor 4 none of Lhe above

114 ln a dc moLor Lhe mechanlcal ouLpuL power acLually comes from 8L1 pg947
1 fleld sysLem 2) alrgap flux 3) back emf 4) e|ectr|ca| |nput power

113 1he speed of a uC moLor can be conLrolled by varylng (8L1 g1003)
1 lLs flux per pole 3) 8eslsLance of armaLure clrculL
2 Applled volLage 4) A|| of the above

116 ln a uC generaLor Lhe converslon of lnduced AC Lo uC ls accompllshed by (1k Llsmln age191)
1 the generator commutator 2 a baLLery connecLed lnverLer
3 Lwo groups of generaLor lnLerposers 4 a baLLery connecLed recLlfler Lransformer comblnaLlon

117 ArmaLure reacLlon ls acLually produced by 8L1888
1) Loa current |n armature
2) 1he fleld currenL
3) ArmaLure conducLors
4) lleld pole wlndlng

118 1he effecL of armaLure reacLlon on Lhe maln pole flux ls Lo 8L1888
1) 8educe lL
2) ulsLorL lL
3) 8everse lL
4) 8oth (1) an (2)

119 1he mosL llkely causes of sparklng aL Lhe brushes ln a dc machlne are 8L1889
1) Cpen coll ln Lhe armaLure
2) uefecLlve lnLerpoles
3) lncorrecL brush sprlng pressure
4) A|| of the above

120 Mark Lhe wrong sLaLemenL ln a dc generaLor commuLaLlon can be lmproved by 8L1889
1) uslng lnLerpoles
2) uslng hlgh reslsLance carbon brushes ln place of Copper brushes
3) ShlfLlng brush axls ln dlrecLlon of roLaLlon
4) None |s correct
Page 11 of 93

121 ShunL generaLors have volLage characLerlsLlcs 8L1889
1) ldenLlcal
2) Droop|ng
3) Llnear
4) 8lslng

122 1he mosL common generaLor used ln alrcrafLs ls Lhe
1) Compound generaLor
2) Cver compound generaLor
3) Shunt generator
4) Serles generaLor

123 lor Lhe volLage bulldup of a selfexclLed dc generaLor whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL a essenLlal condlLlon
1) 1here musL be some resldual magneLlsm
2) Armature spee must be h|gh
3) lleld wlndlng mmf/currenL musL ald Lhe resldual flux
4) 1oLal fleld reslsLance musL be less Lhan Lhe crlLlcal fleld reslsLance value

124 Whlch of Lhe followlng dc generaLor can`L bulldup on no load? 8L1912
1) Ser|es
2) ShunL
3) ShorL shunL
4) Long shunL

123 1he decrease ln Lermlnal volLage of a shunL generaLor are caused by 8L1912
1) ArmaLure reslsLance
2) ArmaLure reacLlon
3) 8educLlon ln fleld currenL
4) A|| are correct

126 1he prlmary reason for provldlng compensaLlng wlndlngs ln a dc generaLor ls Lo ______ (8L1 g866)
1 CompensaLe for decrease ln maln flux (3) neuLrallze armaLure mmf
2 Neutra||ze crossmagnet|z|ng f|ux (4) MalnLaln unlform flux dlsLrlbuLlon

127 8rush wear lncreases aL (LP! alleLL g10)
1) Low AlLlLude
2) n|gher a|t|tue
3) 8oLh '1' '2'
4) none of Lhe above

128 CeneraLor lnLer poles (DGCA CC107) (LP! aleLL g4)
1) lmprove generaLor ouLpuL 2) rolong Lhe llfe of Lhe brushes commuLaLor
3) 8educes radlo lnLerference 4) A|| of the above

129 When Lhe speed ls hlgh Lorque ls small and vlceversa ln (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age303)
1 ser|es motor 2 shunL moLor
3 cumulaLlve compound moLor 4 dlfferenLlally compound moLor

130 1he lnduced emf ln Lhe armaLure conducLor of a dc generaLor ls 8L1820
1) A|ternat|ng
Page 12 of 93
2) ulsaLlng uC
3) ure dc
4) none of Lhese

131 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL 8L1822
1he ouLer frame or yoke ln a generaLor
1) rovldes mechanlcal supporL for Lhe poles and acLs as a proLecLlng cover for Lhe whole machlne
2) Carrles Lhe magneLlc flux produced by Lhe poles
3) Made of ferrous maLerlals llke casL lron casL sLeel eLc
4) A|| are correct

132 1he purpose of copper plgLalls mounLed aL Lhe Lop of Lhe brushes ls Lo 8L1823
1) 1o prevenL Lhe brushes from comlng ouL of Lhe holder
2) keep Lhe brushes aLLached Lo Lhe holder
3) Convey current from the brushes to the output c|rcu|t
4) none of Lhese

133 ermanenL magneL generaLors may be classlfled as 8L1839
1) SelfexclLed generaLors
2) Separate|y exc|te generators
3) ShunL generaLors
4) 8rushless generaLors

134 ln a compound dc generaLor lf Lhe serles fleld opposes Lhe shunL fleld generaLor ls sald Lo be 8L1840
1) D|fferent|a| compoun
2) CumulaLlve compound
3) Cver compound
4) llaL compound

133 1he generaLed emf ln a dc generaLor depends upon 8L1843
1) MagneLlc flux due Lo Lhe fleld
2) number of armaLure conducLors
3) Speed of armaLure roLaLlon
4) A|| of these

136 1he maln funcLlon of an equallzer bar ls Lo make Lhe parallel operaLlon of Lwo dc generaLor (8L1 g889)
1) Stab|e 2) osslble 3) 8egular 4) SmooLh

137 1he crlLlcal reslsLance of Lhe uC generaLor ls Lhe reslsLance of (8L1 862)
1 ArmaLure 2 I|e| W|n|ng 3 Load 4 none of Lhe above

138 lf resldual magneLlsm of a shunL generaLor ls desLroyed accldenLally lL may be regalned by connecLlng Lhe shunL fleld
(lAA9A g407)
1) 1o earLh 2) 1o an ac source 3) ln reverse 4) 1o a c source

139 uurlng fllghL when more power ls needed Lhe generaLor volLage wlll
1 kema|n at a constant va|ue however the current f|ow w||| |ncrease
2 AuLomaLlcally decrease because of Lhe greaLer currenL flow
3 8emalns aL a consLanL value Lhe currenL wlll also remaln aL a consLanL value
4 lncrease aL a sLeady value ln order Lo resLrlcL Lhe currenL flow

140 Among lron losses 8L1 832
1) PysLeresls loss depends upon Lhe square of frequency
2) PysLeresls loss depends more upon frequency Lhan eddy currenL loss
Page 13 of 93
3) Ly current |osses epen upon the square of frequency
4) 8oLh (1) and (2)

141 CondlLlon for maxlmum efflclency ln a dc generaLor 8L1 834
1) Copper loss lron loss
2) Var|ab|e |oss constant |oss
3) SLray loss consLanL loss
4) Copper loss varlable loss

142 1he polarlLy of lnLerpoles ln Lhe case of a generaLor 8L1 874
1) ls Lhe same as LhaL of Lhe maln pole ahead ln Lhe dlrecLlon of roLaLlon
2) ls Lhe same as LhaL of Lhe maln pole behlnd ln Lhe dlrecLlon of roLaLlon
3) ls such LhaL Lhey neuLrallze Lhe demagneLlslng effecL of armaLure reacLlon
4) 8oth (1) an (3) are correct

143 8ecause of Lhelr sllghLly drooplng volLage characLerlsLlcs Lhe generaLor mosL sulLable for sLable parallel operaLlon
1) Compound generaLor
2) Shunt generator
3) Serles generaLor
4) 8oLh (1) and (2)

144 Llke shunL generaLor whlch generaLor doesn`L requlre equallzer bars for sLable parallel operaLlon 8L1880
1) Serles
2) Cver compound
3) Uner compoun
4) llaL compound

143 1he baslc requlremenL of a dc armaLure wlndlng ls LhaL lL musL be 8L1861
1) A c|ose one
2) A lap wlndlng
3) A wave wlndlng
4) LlLher (2) or (3)

146 1he sole purpose of a commuLaLor ln a dc generaLor ls Lo 8L1862
1) lncrease ouLpuL volLage
2) 8educe sparklng aL brushes
3) rovlde smooLher ouLpuL
4) Convert the |nuce ac |nto c

147 lf load on Lhe uC shunL moLor ls lncreased lLs armaLure currenL ls lncreased prlmarlly due Lo (8L1 g948)
1 lncrease ln lLs flux 2 Decrease |n back LMI
3 lncrease ln armaLure currenL 4 lncrease ln brush drop

148 Lquallslng bar ls connecLed ln Lhe _____slde of Lhe generaLor Lermlnal (LP! alleLL g16)
1 negaLlve 2 os|t|ve 3 8oLh '1' '2'

149 ln a long shunL compound wound generaLor Lhe shunL fleld ls connecLed ln parallel wlLh (8L1 270)
1 ArmaLure 2 Serles fleld
3 arallel comblnaLlon of armaLure and serles fleld 4 Ser|es comb|nat|on of armature an ser|es f|e|

130 lf Lhe flux / pole of a uC generaLor ls halved buL lLs speed ls doubled lLs generaLed emf wlll
Page 14 of 93
(8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 271)
1 8e halved 2 kema|n the same 3 8e doubled 4 8e quadrupled

131 ln a uC generaLor Lhe maln funcLlon of compensaLlng wlndlng ls Lo (8L 1hare[a 1991 age 271)
1 asslsL ln commuLaLlon 2 reduce demagneLlslng effecL of armaLure reacLlon
3 reuce |stort|ng effect of armature react|on 4 ellmlnaLe reacLance volLage

132 lllm formlng brushes lncludes chemlcals (LP! alleLLe g10)
1 Calclum Chlorlde 2 Sodlum lluorlde 3 8ar|um I|uor|e 4 none of Lhe above

133 1he speed of a uC moLor can be conLrolled by varylng (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 321)
1 lLs flux 2 ArmaLure clrculL reslsLance 3 Applled volLage 4 A|| the above

134 When load ls removed whlch moLor wlll run aL Lhe hlghesL speed (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 311)
1 ShunL 2 Ser|ess 3 CumulaLlve 4 ulfferenLlal compound

133 WhaL ls nC1 correcL whlle flashlng Lhe fleld ( 1k Llsmln age 206)
1 ConnecL +ve of fleld Lo +ve of baLLery Lermlnal 2 volLage musL be momenLarlly applled
3 Vo|tage regu|ator not requ|re to be |sconnecte 4 Cnly 2 3 are noL correcL

136 ln uC moLor llemlng rlghL hand rule mlddle flnger represenLs ( 1k Llsmln age 173)
1 moLlon of conducLor 2 flux dlrecLlon
3 e|ectron current |rect|on 4 all are lncorrecL

137 ln uC Cen armaLure reacLlon ls acLually produced by ( 1k Llsmln age194)
1 lLs fleld currenL 2 ArmaLure conducLors
3 lleld pole wlndlng 4 Current |n armature

138 ln carbon plle volLage regulaLor when carbon plles are decompressed 1he reslsLance lnserLed ln serles
wlLh Lhe shunL fleld (Llsmln 200)
a decreases b |ncreases
c lnlLlally decreases and Lhen decreases d none of Lhe above

139 An elghL pole generaLor wlll have (MalnLenance racLlce)
a 2 lnLerpoles b 4 lnLerpoles
c 8 |nterpo|es d nll

160 1he purpose of sLarLlng reslsLance connecLed ln serles wlLh Lhe armaLure ln large and heavy dc moLors ls Lo
(8L1 pg990)
a ||m|t the start|ng current to a safe va|ue b lncrease Lhe sLarLlng Lorque
c speed up Lhe moLor qulckly d boLh (b and (c

161 1he serles fleld of a shorLshunL dc generaLorls exclLed by CurrenL
a shunL b armaLure c |oa d exLernal (8L 1here[a g862 )

162 As Lhe load ls lncreased Lhe speed of a dc shunL moLor
a lncreases proporLlonaLely c lncreases sllghLly
b remalns consLanL reuces s||ght|y (8L 1here[a g947)


Page 15 of 93
163 ln a synchronous moLor damper wlndlng ls provlded ln order Lo
a sLablllze roLor moLlon
b suppress roLor osclllaLlons
c develop necessary sLarLlng Lorque
both (b) an (c)

164 ln a synchronous moLor Lhe magnlLude of roLor back emf L
depends on
a speed of Lhe moLor
b load on Lhe moLor
c boLh Lhe speed and roLor flux
c exc|tat|on on|y

163 An elecLor moLor ln whlch boLh Lhe roLor and sLaLor flelds roLaLes wlLh Lhe same speed ls called a/an moLor
a uC
b charge
c Synchronous
d unlversal

166 1he dlrecLlon of roLaLlon of a synchronous moLor can be reversed by reverslng (8L1 g no 1333)_
a currenL Lo Lhe fleld wlndlng
b supp|y phase sequence
c polarlLy of roLor poles
d none of Lhe above

167 lf load angle of a 4 pole synchronous moLor ls 8
(elecL) lLs value ln mechanlcal degrees ls _________ (8L1 g no 1333)_
a 4
b 2
c 03
d 023

168 8egardlng skewlng of moLor bars ln a squlrrelcage lnducLlon moLor (SClM) whlch sLaLemenL ls false ? (8L1 g 1309)
a lL prevenLs cogglng
b |t |ncreases start|ng torque
c lL produces more unlform Lorque
d lL reduces moLor 'hum' durlng lLs operaLlon

169 1he prlnclple of operaLlon of a 3phase lnducLlon moLor ls mosL slmllar Lo LhaL of a (8L1 g 1309)
a synchronous moLor
b repulslon sLarL lnducLlon moLor
c transformer w|th a shorte seconary
d capaclLor sLarL lnducLlon run moLor

170 1he magneLlzlng currenL drawn by Lransformers and lnducLlon moLors ls Lhe cause of Lhelr _______power facLor ((8L1 g
a zero b unlLy c |agg|ng d leadlng

171 1he effecL of lncreaslng Lhe lengLh of alrgap ln an lnducLlon moLor wlll be Lo lncrease Lhe (8L1 g 1309)
a power facLor
b speed
c magnet|z|ng current
d alr gap flux

172 ln a 3 phase lnducLlon moLor Lhe relaLlve speed of sLaLor flux wlLh respecL Lo __________ ls zero (8L1 g 1309)
a sLaLor wlndlng b roLor
c rotor f|ux d space

Page 1 of 93
173 An elghL pole wound roLor lnducLlon moLor operaLlng on 60 Pz supply ls drlven aL 1800 rpm by a prlme mover ln Lhe opposlLe
dlrecLlon of revolvlng magneLlc fleld 1he frequency of roLor currenL ls (8L1 g 1309)
a 60 hz b 120 hz
c 180 hz d none of Lhe above

174 A 3 phase 4 pole 30 hz lnducLlon moLor runs aL a speed of 1440 rpm 1he roLaLlng flled produced by Lhe roLor roLaLes aL a
speed of _______ rpm wlLh respecL Lo Lhe roLor (8L1 g 1310)
a 1300 b 1440
c 60 d 0

173 ln a 3 lnducLlon moLor Lhe roLor fleld roLaLes aL synchronous speed wlLh respecL Lo (8L1 g 1310)
a stator b roLor
c sLaLor flux d none of Lhe above

176 lrrespecLlve of Lhe supply frequency Lhe Lorque developed by a SClM ls Lhe same whenever _______ ls Lhe same (8L1 g
a supply volLage b exLernal load
c roLor reslsLance s||p spee

177 1he number of sLaLor poles produced ln Lhe roLaLlng magneLlc fleld of a 3 lnducLlon moLor havlng 3 sloLs per pole per
phase ls (8L1 g 1310)
a 3 b 6 c 2 d 12

178 1he power facLor of a squlrrel cage lnducLlon moLor ls (8L1 g 1310)
a |ow at ||ght |oas on|y b low aL heavy loads only
c low aL llghL and heavy loads boLh d low aL raLed load only

179 1he Lorque developed by a 3 phase lnducLlon moLor depends on Lhe followlng Lhree facLors (8L1 g 1310)
a speed frequency number of poles
b volLage currenL and sLaLor lmpedance
c synchronous speed roLor speed and frequency
rotor emf rotor current an rotor pf

180 1he efflclency and pf of a SClM lncreases ln proporLlon Lo lLs (8L1 g 1311)
a speed b mechan|ca| |oa
c volLage d roLor Lorque

181 A SClM runs aL consLanL speed only so long as (8L1 g 1311)
a Lorque developed by lL remalns consLanL
b lLs supply volLage remalns consLanL
c |ts torque exact|y equa|s the mechan|ca| |oa
d sLaLor flux remalns consLanL

182 1he synchronous speed of a llnear lnducLlon moLor does nC1 depend on (8L1 g 1311)
a wldLh of pole plLch
b number of po|es
c supply frequency
d any of Lhe above

183 ln Lhe lnducLlon moLor Lhe sllp ls _____ proporLlonal Lo Lhe Lorque (8L1 g1172)
1 ulrecLly 2 Inverse|y 3 none of Lhe above

184 ln a sLep up Lransformer Lhe power ouLpuL ls same as prlmary power neglecLlng Lhe losses buL ______ ln secondary
(LP! alleLL g39)
1 currenL lncreases 2 currenL lncreases buL volLage decreases
3 current ecreases an vo|tage |ncreases 4 currenL and volLage boLh lncrease
Page 17 of 93

183 no of Llme consLanLs requlred for a currenL Lo reach peak value of an lnducLor ls !eppeson333
1 2 2 3 6 4 8

186 ln a generaLor when Lhe plane of coll ls aL rlghL angles Lo llnes of flux 8L1819
1) llux llnked wlLh coll as well as raLe of change of flux llnkages ls maxlmum
2) I|ux ||nke |s max|mum but rate of change of f|ux ||nkages |s m|n|mum
3) llux llnked ls mlnlmum
4) llux llnked ls zero

187 CeneraLed emf of alLernaLor depends upon ______ (8L1 g1313)
1) number of Lurns ln serles per phase 2) speed of roLaLlon
3) flux per pole 4) A|| are correct

188 1he frequency of volLage generaLed by an alLernaLor havlng 4 poles and roLaLlng aL 1800 rpm ls herLz
1) 60 2) 7200 3) 120 4) 430 (numerlcal)

189 ln a 8rushless AC generaLor frequency ls kepL consLanL by ___ (LP! alleLL g37)
1) englne gear box 2) CSD
3) varylng dc exclLaLlon 4) none ls correcL

190 1he componenLs ln 8rushless AC generaLor are ____ (Llsmln g220)
1 uC LxclLer AlLernaLor 2 uC LxclLer 8ecLlfler assembly AlLernaLor
3 AC Lxc|ter kect|f|er assemb|y A|ternator

191 LssenLlal parL of lnLegraLed urlve CeneraLor (Llsmln g222)
1) armanenL magneL generaLor
2) LxclLer generaLor
3) 8ecLlfler assembly
4) A|| the above

192 ermanenL magneLs ln 8rush less AC generaLor are ____ (Llsmln g220)
1 locaLed on 8oLor of AlLernaLor 2 locaLed ln Lhe lnLer polar gaps of AC exclLer
3 used for provldlng lnlLlal magneLlsm 4 8oth (1) (3) are correct

193 1he sLarLlng wlndlng of a slngle phase moLor ls placed ln Lhe (8L1 g1299)
1)8oLor 2) Stator
2)ArmaLure 3) lleld

194 ln synchronous moLor Lhe magnlLude of sLaLor back LMl (Lb) depends on (8L1 g1424)
1) Speed of Lhe moLor 2) Load on Lhe moLor
3) 8oLh Lhe speed and roLor flux 4) DC exc|tat|on on|y

193 ln 3C lnducLlons moLor sllp depends upon ____________ (8L1 g1162)
1) Supp|y frequency 2) lne volLage of 3C AC supply
3) number of conducLors on roLor 4) All are correcL

196 1he dlrecLlon of roLaLlon of a slngle phase moLor can be reversed by (8L1 g1299)
1)8everslng connecLlons of boLh wlndlngs
2)kevers|ng connect|ons of start|ng w|n|ng
3)uslng a reverslng swlLch
4)8everslng supply connecLlons

197 ln synchronous moLor damper wlndlng ls provlded ln order Lo (8L1 g1424)
1) sLablllze roLor moLlon 2) Suppress roLor osclllaLlons
3) uevelop necessary sLarLlng Lorque 4) 8oth (2) (3)

198ln synchronous moLor Lhe roLor Cu losses are meL by (8L1 g1426)
Page 18 of 93
1) MoLor lnpuL 2) ArmaLure lnpuL 3) Supply llnes 4) DC sources

199 1he magneLlzlng currenL drawn by Lhe Lransformer and lnducLlon moLors ls Lhe cause of Lhelr ____ power facLor
(8L1 g1216)
1) Zero 2) Lagg|ng 3) unlLy 4) none of Lhe above

200 lf a slngle phase lnducLlon moLor runs slower Lhan normal Lhe more llkely defecL ls (8L1 g1299)
1 lmproper fuses 2 ShorLed runnlng wlndlng
3 Cpen sLarLlng wlndlng 4 Worn bear|ng

201 lf a uC serles moLor ls operaLed on AC supply lL wlll (8L1 g1300)
1) Pave poor efflclency 2) have poor power facLor 3) spark excesslvely 4) a|| of the above

202 M1CS for an lnducLlon moLor (DGCApaper III)
1 1orque under runnlng condlLlon ls maxlmum aL Lhe value of sllp when roLor reacLance ls equal Lo square of roLor reacLance per
2 Maxlmum Lorque varles lnversely as sLandsLlll reacLance
3 Max|mum start|ng torque when rotor reactance equa|s rotor res|stance
4 All are correcL

203 lron losses ln Lhe Lransformer can be found ouL by (8L 1here[a g1038)
1 Cpen c|rcu|t test 2) ShorL clrculL LesL 3) lull load LesL 4) none

204 A Lransformer Lransforms (8L1 g1119)
1 volLage 2 CurrenL 3 none of Lhe above 4 Vo|tage Current

203 Copper losses ln Lhe Lransformer can be found ouL by (8L 1here[a g1063)
1 Cpen clrculL LesL 2) Short c|rcu|t test 3) no load LesL 4) none

206 ln a Lransformer Lhe losses are due Lo (8L 1here[a 1081)
1 Mechanlcal loss (2) lron Loss (3) Copper loss (4) 8oth '2' '3' are correct

207 A Lransformer wlLh a sLep up raLlo of 1 Lo 6 Lhe prlmary volLage of 24v and a secondary currenL of 02 amp WhaL ls Lhe prlmary
currenL? (dlsregard losses) (numerlcal)
1) 12 amps
2) 48 amps
3) 040 amp
4) cannoL be deLermlned from lnformaLlon glven

208 1ransformer cores are lamlnaLed ln order Lo (8L1 g1120)
1) Slmpllfy lLs consLrucLlon 2) M|n|m|zes the ey current |oss
3) reduce cosL 4) 8educe PysLerlsls loss

209 ln a Lransformer power ls Lransferred from prlmary Lo secondary by
(1) Mutua| |nuct|on (2) Self lnducLlon (3) 1rough lron core (4) All of Lhe above

210 1ransfer of elecLrlcal energy from one conducLor Lo anoLher wlLhouL Lhe ald of elecLrlcal connecLlons (8L1 g284)
1 Is ca||e mutua| |nuct|on 2 ls called alr gap Lransfer
3 Wlll cause excesslve arclng and heaL 4 ls lmpracLlcal

211 1he maln purpose of uslng core ln a Lransformer ls Lo (8L1 g1119)
1 uecrease lron losses 2 revenL eddy currenL loss
3 ellmlnaLe magneLlc hysLersls 4 Decrease re|uctance of the common magnet|c c|rcu|t

212 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL Lhe baslc elemenL of a Lransformer
1) core 2) prlmary wlndlng 3) secondary wlndlng 4) mutua| f|ux (8L 1here[a g1119 )

213 ln an ldeal Lransformer (8L 1here[a g1119)
Page 19 of 93
1) wlndlngs have no reslsLance 2) core has no losses
3) core has lnflnlLe permeablllLy 4) a|| the above

214 A sLep up Lransformer lncreases (8L 1here[a g1119 )
1) vo|tage 2) currenL 3) power 4) frequency

213 1he essenLlal condlLlon for parallel operaLlon of Lwo 1 phase Lransformer ls LhaL Lhey should have same
(8L1 g1122) (DGCA Ieb 08)
1) o|ar|ty 2) kvA raLlng 3) volLage raLlo 4) ercenLage lmpedance

216 ln performlng shorL clrculL LesL of a Lransformer (8L 1here[a g1120 )
1 hlgh volLage slde ls usually shorLed 2 |ow vo|tage s|e |s usua||y shorte
3 any slde ls shorLed wlLh preference 4 none of Lhe above

217 no load LesL on Lransformer ls carrled ouL Lo deLermlne (8L 1here[a g1120 )
1 copper loss 2 magneLlzlng currenL
3 magnet|z|ng current an no |oa |oss 4 Lransformer efflclency

218 Maln purpose of performlng open clrculL LesL on a Lransformer ls Lo measure lLs (8L 1here[a g1120 )
1) Cu loss 2) core |oss 3) LoLal loss 4) lnsulaLlon reslsLance

219 When a 400Pz Lransformer ls operaLed aL 30 Pz lLs kvA raLlng ls (8L 1here[a g1121 )
1) reuce to 1 ] 8 t|mes 2) lncreased 8 Llmes 3) lncreased 64 Llmes 4) un affecLed

220 1ransformers are raLed ln kvA lnsLead of kW because (8L1 g1121)
1 Load power facLor ls ofLen noL known
2 kvA ls flxed whereas kW depends on load power facLor
3 1ota| transformer |oss epens on vo|t ampere
4 8oLh (1) and (2) are correcL

221 ln a Lransformer when load ls connecLed Lo Lhe secondary uCCAC8
1 currenL Lhrough Lhe wlndlng remalns same
2 magnet|c f|ux prouce at seconary tens to neutra||ze the f|ux prouce by the pr|mary
3 no change ln flux produced
4 LoLal flux remalns consLanL

222 1o make Lhe flow of currenL unldlrecLlonal ln Lhe exLernal clrculL of a dc generaLor are used 8L1820
1) SpllL rlngs
2) Sllp rlngs
3) Commutators
4) 8oLh (1) and (2)

223 Cll ln Lransformers ls used for ( 8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age338)
1 Coollng 2 lnsulaLlon 3 lmproved efflclency 4 A|| are correct

224 Whlch Lransformer ls preferred when dlfferenL Lype of volLage ls requlred from one Lransformer (alleL61)
1 currenL Lransformer 2 sLep up Lransformer
3 auto transformer 4 sLep down Lransformer

223 1he sLeel used for Lransformer core has (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 390)
1 Plgh slllcon conLenLs 2 Plgh permeablllLy 3 Low hyseLregls loss 4 A|| the above

226 ln a Lransformer leakage flux (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 390)
1 helps ln Lransfer of energy
2 ls negllglble aL full load
3 |s m|n|m|se by |nter |eav|ng the pr|mary an seconary w|n|ngs
4 produces muLually lnduced emf

Page 2 of 93
227 An lnducLlon moLor ls so called because lLs operaLlons depends on Lhe phenomenon of (8L1612)
1 self lnducLlon 2 mutua| |nuct|on 3 eddy currenL 4 hysLeresls

228 ln a spllL phase lnducLlon moLor Lhe Lwo sLaLor wlndlngs
1 Pave equal 8/x 8adlo 2 Are mutua||y |sp|aye by 90 e|ectr|ca||y
3 uraw only ln phase currenL 4 uraw equal currenL

229 vacuum cleaners generally use whlch moLor (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 627)
1 8elucLance 2 8epulslon 3 Shaded pole 4 Un|versa|

230 When speed of an alLernaLor ls reduced by half Lhe generaLed emf wlll become (8L1 age 636)
1 Cne ha|f 2 1wlce 3 lour Llmes 4 Cne forLh

231 volLage drop caused ln an alLernaLor when load ls connecLed ls due Lo (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 636)
1 ArmaLure reslsLance 2 ArmaLure reacLance 3 ArmaLure reacLlon 4 A|| the above

232 ln a synchronous moLor roLor squlrrel cage wlndlng ls provlded for maklng Lhe moLor (8L1 631)
1 nolse free 2 se|f start|ng 3 cheap 4 qulck sLarL

233 An elecLrlc moLor ln whlch sLaLor fleld and roLor poles run wlLh exacLly Lhe same speed ls called (8L1 631)
1 lnducLlon moLor 2 unlversal moLor 3 shaded pole moLor 4 synchronous motor

234 Copper loss of a Lransformer depends upon (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 379)
1 volLage 2 current 3 volLage and currenL 4 waLLs

233 1he dlrecLlon of roLaLlon of a slngle phase moLor can be reversed by ( AC 639A age433)
1 reverslng connecLlons of boLh wlndlngs 2 revers|ng connect|ons of start|ng w|n|ng
3 uslng a reverslng swlLch 4 reverslng supply connecLlons

236 ln synchronous moLor damper wlndlng ls provlded ln order Lo (1k Llsmln page186)
1 sLablllze roLor moLlon 2 suppress roLor osclllaLlons
3 develop necessary sLarLlng Lorque 4 both 2 3

237 Whlle runnlng a synchronous moLor ls compelled Lo run aL synchronous speed because of (AC 639A age437)
1 damper wlndlng ln lLs pole faces
2 magnet|c |ock|ng between stator an rotor po|es
3 lnduced emf ln roLor fleld wlndlng by sLaLor flux
4 compulslon due Lo Lenz's law

238 ln a 3 phase clrculLs of a moLor ( LP! alleL age33)
1 Lhree wlndlngs have space dlsplacemenL of 120 wrL each oLher
2 Lhe currenLs ln Lhem lag by 90 wrL each oLher
3 Lhe currenL ln Lhem have phase dlfference of 120 wrL each oLher
4 both 1 an 3 are correct

239 Why ls Lhe efflclency affecLed when load on Lransformer ls varled ( 8L 1hare[a age398)
1 lron losses vary copper loss consLanL 2 |ron |osses constant copper |oss vary
3 lron losses and copper loss vary 4 efflclency ls noL affecLed

240 ln modern alLernaLor why ls armaLure kepL sLaLlonary and Lhe fleld wlndlngs roLaLlng Lype (AC 639A412)
1 8rush conLacL loss reduced 2 lmproved lnsulaLlon 3 less no of sllp rlngs 4 a|| are correct

241 Why ls Lhe fleld wlndlng ls supplled wlLh varylng uC exclLaLlon fleld currenL as per speed and elecLrlcal load ln A/C
1 Lo have pulsaLlng magneLlc fleld 2 to have constant vo|tage
3 Lo have pulsaLlng magneLlc fleld aL sLarL and consLanL aL run 4 none ls correcL

Page 21 of 93
242 lrequency of alLernaLor depends upon ( LP! alleL age193)
1 number of conducLors on armaLure 2 number of poles
3 speed ln rpm 4 8oth 2 3 are correct

243 ln modern alrcrafL elecLrlcal sysLem ( LP! alleL age78)
1 AC generaLor are used for normal power
2 8aLLery and sLaLlc lnverLer wlLh 3 hase AC ouLpuL for emergency power
3 8aLLery and sLaLlc lnverLer wlLh Slngle hase AC ouLpuL for emergency power
4 8oth 1 3 are correct

244 ln modern alrcrafL elecLrlcal sysLem ( LP! alleL age78)
118u's are used Lo glvlng 28 uC ouLpuL
2 AuLo Lransformers are used for glvlng Slngle hase 28 AC ouLpuL
3 SLaLlc lnverLor ls used for provldlng Slngle hase 28v AC ouLpuL
4 A|| are correct

243 AC capaclLor sLarL moLor (AC 639A age433)
1 SLarLlng and maln wlndlngs are ln parallel wlLh each oLher
2 Lhe sLarLlng wlndlng has capaclLor ln serles
3 afLer sLarLlng sLarLlng wlndlng ls cuL ouL
4 both 1 2 are correct

246 1he advanLages of solld sLaLe volLage regulaLors are
1 rellablllLy 2 no movlng parL 3 reduced malnLenance 4 a|| are correct

247 AC CeneraLor works on Lhe prlnclple of (Llsmln 210)
a muLual lnducLlon b self lnducLlon
c faraays |aw of e|ectromagnet|c |nuct|on d Lenz's law

248 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a four wlre sysLem ? (Llsmln 93)
a uelLa b star c boLh d none

249 lf Lhe fleld of a synchronous moLor ls underexclLed Lhe power facLor wlll be (8L1 volll1423)
a |agg|ng b leadlng c unlLy d more Lhan unlLy

230 Synchronous capaclLor ls (8L1 volll1426)
a an ordlnary sLaLlc capaclLor
b an overexlLed synchronous moLor drlvlng mechanlcal load
c an overexc|te synchronous motor runn|ng w|thout mechan|ca| |oa
d none of Lhe above

231 When Lhe load ls lncreased ln generaLor (Llsmln 194)
a armature react|on |ncreases b armaLure reacLlon decreases
c armaLure reacLlon remalns unaffecLed d none of Lhese

232 ln AC generaLlng and conLrolllng sysLem whlch ls noL used (Llsmln 201)
a volLage regulaLor b generaLor conLrol unlL
c reverse current re|ay d all of Lhe above

233 Speed of a synchronous moLor can be varled by varylng (Llsmln 186)
a exclLaLlon b supply volLage c supp|y frequency d none

234 ln synchronous moLors damper wlndlng ls provlded ln order Lo (8L1 volll1423)
a sLablllze roLor moLlon b suppress roLor osclllaLlons
c develop necessary sLarLlng Lorque both 'b' an 'c'

233 1he maxlmum value of an alLernaLlng quanLlLy ls called lL ampllLude (8L1 voll438)
a pos|t|ve or negat|ve b poslLlve and negaLlve c boLh a and b d none
Page 22 of 93

236 8eacLlve power ls equal Lo (8L1 voll311)
a C l
b C l
Z sln C c C vl Sln C a|| of the above are correct

237 1he general condlLlon for parallel operaLlon of Lwo slngle phase Lransformer ls LhaL Lhey should have same
a olarlLy b kvA raLlng c lmpedance A|| the above DGCA Iun 08 (8L1 g1193)

238 8eacLlve power ln ac clrculL ls (8L1 voll311)
a developed by lnducLlve reacLance b consumes no currenL
c lL ls useless componenL and less Lrue power a|| of the above

239 lf Lhe frequency of Lhe applled volLage of a Lransformer ls reduced Lhen (LP! ALLL1 63)
a ouL puL wlll lncrease b no change wlll occur
c transformer w||| be burnt d ouLpuL wlll decrease

260 An lnverLer clrculL ls employed Lo converL (8L1 pg1006)
a ac volLage lnLo dc volLage b c vo|tage |nto ac vo|tage
c ac volLage lnLo pulsaLlng dc d hlgh frequency lnLo low frequency

261 lf a Lransformer has one Lurn ln secondary and 2 Lurns ln Lhe prlmary lL wlll be called a (8L1 volll 1033)
a step own transformer b sLep up Lransformer c auLo Lransformer d currenL Lransformer

262 A Lransformer has 2 Lurns prlmary and 8 Lurns of secondary and lf we connecL Lo 10 volLs ac ln Lhe prlmary Lhe ouLpuL aL Lhe
secondary wlll be (8L1 volll 1033)
a 40 vo|ts b 80 volLs c 160 volLs d 400 volLs


263 1he kWP meLer can be classlfled as a/an lnsLrumenL (8L1 g 431)
a deflecLlng b dlglLal
c recor|ng d lndlcaLlng

264 1he movlng sysLem of an lndlcaLlng Lype of elecLrlcal lnsLrumenL ls sub[ecL Lo (8L1 g 431)
a a deflecLlng Lorque
b a conLrolllng Lorque
c a damplng Lorque
a|| of the above

263 1he mosL efflclenL form of damplng employed ln elecLrlcal lnsLrumenLs ls ((8L1 g no 432)
a alr frlcLlon
b fluld frlcLlon
c ey currents
d none of Lhe above

266 Movlng lron lnsLrumenLs can be used for measurlng (8L1 g no 432)_
a dlrecL currenLs and volLages
b alLernaLlng currenL and volLages
c radlo frequency currenLs
both (a) an (b)

267 ermanenL magneL movlng coll ammeLer have unlform scales because (8L1 g no 432)
a of eddy currenL damplng
b Lhey are sprlng conLrolled
c Lhelr deflecLlng Lorque varles dlrecLly as currenL
both (b) an (c)

Page 23 of 93
268 1he meLer LhaL ls sulLable for only dlrecL currenL measuremenLs ls (8L1 g no 432)
a movlng lron Lype
b permanent magnet type
c elecLrodynamlc Lype
d hoL wlre Lype

269 A movlng coll volLmeLers measures (8L1 g no 432)
a only ac volLages
b on|y c vo|tages
c boLh ac and dc volLages

270 1he hoL wlre ammeLer (8L1 g no 432)
a ls used only for dc clrculLs
b ls a hlgh preclslon lnsLrumenL
c ls used only for ac clrculLs
reas equa||y we|| on c an or ac c|rcu|ts

271 uamplng Lorque ln an lndlcaLlng lnsLrumenL ls always ( 8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age336)
1 opposlLe Lo deflecLlon Lorque
2 ln Lhe same dlrecLlon as Lhe conLrolllng Lorque
3 oppos|te to the |rect|on of mot|on of mov|ng system
4 opposlLe Lo Lhe conLrolllng Lorque

272 1he meLer LhaL ls sulLable for only dlrecL currenL measuremenL ls ( 8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age366)
1 movlng lron Lype 2 permanent magnet type
3 elecLrodynamlc Lype 4 hoL wlre Lype

273 Scale of movlng coll lnsLrumenL ls
1 even 2 uneven 3 cramped 4 wlden

274 A movlng coll lnsLrumenL depends upon whlch of Lhe followlng effecLs for Lhelr acLlon 8L1pg 332
1 chemlcal effecL 3) elecLrosLaLlc effecL
2 e|ectromagnet|c effect 4) Lhermal effecL

273 1he meLer LhaL ls sulLable for only dlrecL currenL measuremenL ls
1 movlnglron Lype 2 permanentmagnet type 3 elecLro dynamlc Lype 4 boLh 2 and 3

276 1he mosL efflclenL form of damplng employed ln elecLrlcal lnsLrumenL ls AC 639A age324)
1 alr frlcLlon 2 fluld frlcLlon 3 ey currents 4 none of Lhese

277 WhaL lnsLrumenL ls used Lo sense load currenL ln a AC generaLor ( 1k Llsmln age 244)
1 Current transformers 2 oLenLlal Lransformer
3 AmmeLer 4 ComblnaLlon of 1 2

278 ln an lnducLlon Lype waLLhour meLer (8L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 418)
1 1here ls no braklng magneL 2 1wo uC magneLs are used
3 no shadlng bands are used 4 D|sc revo|ves cont|nuous|y

279 lf an ammeLer ls used as a volLmeLer ln all probablllLy lL wlll (8 L 1hare[a 1991 LdlLlon age 418)
1 lndlcaLe much hlgher readlng 2 glve exLremely low readlng
3 lndlcaLe no readlng aL all 4 8urn out

280 Whlch ls nC1 essenLlal for Lhe worklng of an lndlcaLlng lnsLrumenL ? (8L1 417)
1 ueflecLlng Lorque 2 8rak|ng torque 3 uamplng Lorque 4 ConLrolllng Lorque

281 A movlng coll or a movlng lron lnsLrumenLs used ln Lhe alrcrafLs are 8L1pg 332
1 |n|cat|ng |nstrument 3) recordlng lnsLrumenL
2 lnLegraLlng lnsLrumenL 4) all of Lhe above
Page 24 of 93

282 ln a megger or a lnsulaLlon LesLer Lhe conLrolllng force ls provlded by means of
a sprlng conLrol b gravlLy conLrol c any of Lhe Lwo none of these

283 1he mosL efflclenL form of damplng employed ln elecLrlcal lnsLrumenLs ls (lAA9A g324)
a Alr frlcLlon b lluld frlcLlon c Ly current d none of Lhese

284 1he damplng force acLs on Lhe movlng sysLem of an lndlcaLlng lnsLrumenL only when lL ls (9A g324)
a Mov|ng b SLaLlonary c near lLs full deflecLlon d !usL sLarLlng Lo move

283 lor an AC volLage or currenL measuremenL volLmeLer / ammeLer measure (Llsmln 168)
a maxlmum value b effect|ve va|ue c average value d all Lhe above

286 Movlng coll lnsLrumenL works on Lhe prlnclple of (Llsmln 139)
a llemlng lefL hand rule b I|em|ng r|ght han ru|e
c klrchhoff's law d generaLor prlnclple

287 1he movlng sysLem of an lndlcaLlng Lype of elecLrlcal lnsLrumenL ls sub[ecLed Lo (8L1 voll431)
a A deflecLlng Lorque b a conLrolllng Lorque c a damplng Lorque a|| the above

288 1he mosL efflclenL form of damplng ls employed ln elecLrlcal lnsLrumenLs (8L1 voll432)
a alr frlcLlon b fluld frlcLlon c ey current d none of Lhe above

289 ermanenL magneL movlng coll ammeLer have unlform scales because (8L1 voll432)
a of eddy currenL damplng b Lhey are sprlng conLrolled
c Lhelr deflecLlng Lorque varles dlrecLly as currenL both 'b' an 'c'

290 Whlle exLendlng Lhe range of an ammeLer a _____ value _____ ls connecLed (8L1 _______)
a Plgh reslsLor b Low res|stor
c Low lnducLor d Low capaclLor

291 1he hoL wlre ammeLer (8L1 voll432)
a ls used only for dc clrculL b ls a hlgh preclslon lnsLrumenL
c ls used only for ac clrculLs reas equa||y we|| on c or ac c|rcu|ts

292 ShunL ohmmeLer measures
a hlgh reslsLance b preclslon reslsLance
c |ow res|stance d lnflnlLe reslsLance

293 Whlle exLendlng range of a volLmeLer a ___ connecLed ln____ wlLh volLmeLer (8L1 voll 383)
a Low value reslsLor parallel b Low value reslsLor serles
c Plgh value reslsLor parallel n|gh va|ue res|stor ser|es


294 ower facLor of an 8C clrculL ls (8L1 voll336)
a ofLen zero b between zero an 1
c always unlLy d beLween zero and 10

293 1he dlrecLlon of Lhe sLaLlcally lnduced emf can be found wlLh Lhe help of 8L1 pg 297
1 Lenz`s |aw 2 flemlng`s rlghL hand rule
3 flemlng`s lefL hand rule 4 lefL hand Lhumb rule

296 Plgher Lhe selflnducLance of a coll ( 8L1 pg 304)
1 lower Lhe value of emf lnduced ln lL
2 |onger the e|ay |n estab||sh|ng steay current through |t
3 greaLer Lhe flux produced by lL
4 lesser lLs flux llnkage
Page 25 of 93

297 MuLual lnducLance beLween Lwo magneLlcally coupled coll depends on (8L 1here[a g297)
1 Lhe number of Lhelr Lurns 2 ( 1) permeablllLy of Lhe core
3 (2) crosssect|ona| area of the|r common core 4 none

298 An lncrease ln whlch of Lhe followlng facLors wlll cause an lncrease ln Lhe lnducLlve reacLance of a clrculL
(DGCA Iun 08 1k Llsmln g87)
1) capaclLance volLage
2) |nuctance frequency
3) volLage and reslsLance
4) reslsLance capaclLlve reacLance

299 ermanenL magneLs are normally made of
1 Alumlnum 2) WroughL lron 3) CasL lron 4)A|n|co a||oys (lAA9Ag303)

300 lron loss ls Lhe comblnaLlon of (8L1 g1060)
(1) Copper and eddy currenL loss (3) nysters|s an Ly current |oss
(2) Copper PysLersls loss (4) Copper Mechanlcal loss

301 unlL of magneLlc flux ls (8L 1here[a g278 )
1) weber
2) ampere Lurn
3) Lesla
4) coulomb

302 1he reLenLlvlLy of magneLlc maLerlal means
1 resldual magneLlsm 2 ab|||ty to keep res|ua| magnet|sm
3 ablllLy Lo remove Lhe resldual magneLlsm 4 ablllLy Lo geL magneLlsm

303 Whlch requlres Lhe mosL elecLrlcal power durlng operaLlon (numerlcal)
1) A 12 volL moLor requlrlng 8 amperes
2) lour 30 waLL lamps ln a 12 volL parallel clrculL
3) 1wo ||ghts requ|r|ng 3amperes each |n a 24 vo|t para||e| system
4) All Lhe above requlre same amounL of power

304 An ac clrculL has 4U reslsLance 3 U lnducLlve reacLance (numerlcal)
1) pf |s 08 2) pf ls 06 3) lmpedance ls 6 U 4) lmpedance ls 8 U

303 As Lhe 'C' facLor of a clrculL ______ lLs selecLlvlLy ______ DGCA Ieb 08 (8L 1here[a g321)
1 IncreasesIncrease 3) lncrease uecrease
2 uecreases lncrease 4) none ls correcL

306 ln whlch unlLs small AC moLors large AC moLors and very large Lransformers raLed
1) 8n kVA MVA 2) 8P kW kvA 3) P kvA kvA

307 ln an ac clrculL havlng 8LC ln serles _____________________ (8L 1here[a g307 308)
1) currenLs lags behlnd volLage lf xLxC 2) currenL leads Lhe volLage of xCxL
3) currenL ls ln phase wlLh volLage lf xLxC 4) A|| are correct

308 A parallel ac clrculL ln resonance lmpedance wlll (8L 1here[a g333)
1 acL llke a reslsLor of low value 2 have a hlgh lmpedance
3 have currenL ln each secLlon equal Lo Lhe llne currenL 4 have a h|gh effect|ve res|stance equa| to L]Ck

309 lor chooslng alrcrafL wlrlng followlng facLors should be consldered uCCAC8
1 Lo carry currenL wlLhouL heaLlng 2 volLage drop ln Lhe wlrlng ls llmlLed
3 flexlblllLy aL hlgher LemperaLure should remaln same 4 a|| the above

310 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL
Page 2 of 93
1 Lhermal relay ls fasL ln operaLlon compared Lo elecLromagneLlc relay
2 e|ectromagnet|c re|ay |s fast |n operat|on compare to therma| re|ay
3 elecLromagneLlc relay ls slow ln operaLlon compared Lo Lhermal relay
4 boLh (1) and (2)

311 ln a serles resonance clrculL conLalnlng 8LC 8L1307
1 c|rcu|t |mpeance |s m|n|mum 2 clrculL currenL ls mlnlmum
3 neL reacLance ls maxlmum 4 power facLor ls zero

312 LffecLlve lmpedance of parallel resonance clrculL ls equal Lo (8L 1here[a g333)
1 8 2) L 3) L]Ck 4) none

313 1he chlef dlsadvanLage of a low power facLor ls LhaL (8L 1here[a g641)
1) more power ls consumed by Lhe load
2) current requ|re for a g|ven |oa power |s h|gher
3) acLlve power developed by a generaLor exceeds lLs raLed ouLpuL capaclLy
4) heaL generaLed ls more Lhan Lhe deslred amounL

314 ower ln an ac clrculL ls glven by
1) VI cos 2) vl sln 3) llZ 4) llxL (8L 1here[a g321)

313 1he ouLpuL formula for 3 phase machlne ln vA ls ______ (8L1 g626)
1) v3 vL lL CosC 2) v3 vp lp 3) v3 V
4) v3 vp lp CosC

316 ower facLor of an ordlnary elecLrlc bulb ls (8L 1here[a g322)
1) zero 2) un|ty 3) sllghLly more Lhan zero 4) sllghLly less Lhan unlLy

317 unless oLherwlse speclfled any values glven for currenL of volLage ln an ac clrculL are assumed Lo be
(8L 1here[a g434)
1) lnsLanLaneous values 2) effect|ve va|ues 3) maxlmum values 4) average values

318 1he lnpuL Lo an ac clrculL havlng power facLor of 08 lagglng ls 20 kvA 1he power drawn by Lhe clrculL ls
1) 12 kW 2) 20 kw 3) 16 kW 4) 8 kW (numerlcal)

319 ulelecLrlc sLrengLh ls maxlmum ln (lAA9A g331)
1 paper 2 glass 3 m|ca 4 alr

320 ermeablllLy ln a magneLlc clrculL corresponds Lo _________ ln an elecLrlc clrculL (8L 1here[a g278)
1) relucLlvlLy
2) reslsLlvlLy
3) conuct|v|ty
4) conducLance

321 1hose magneLlc maLerlals are besL sulLed for maklng armaLure Lransformer cores whlch have
(8L 1here[a g300)
1 low permeablllLy hlgh hysLerlsls loss 3) h|gh permeab|||ty |ow hyster|s|s |oss
2 low permeablllLy low hysLerlsls loss 4) hlgh permeablllLy hlgh hysLerlsls loss

322 1hose maLerlals are well sulLed for maklng permanenL magneLs whlch have (8L 1here[a g300)
1 h|gh retent|v|ty an h|gh coerc|v|ty 3) hlgh reLenLlvlLy and low coerclvlLy
2 low reLenLlvlLy and low coerclvlLy 4) low reLenLlvlLy and hlgh coerclvlLy

323 8oLh number of Lurns and core lengLh of an lnducLlve coll are doubled lLs self lnducLance wlll be (8L 1here[a pg297)
1 Doub|e 2) quadrupled 3) halved 4) unaffecLed

324 ln a magneLlc maLerlal hysLerlsls loss Lakes place prlmarlly due Lo (8L 1here[a g319)
1 fluxdenslLy lagglng behlnd magneLlzlng force 2) molecular frlcLlon
Page 27 of 93
3) |ts h|gh retent|v|ty 4) rapld reversals of lLs magneLlzaLlon

323 lf a currenL of 3A flowlng ln a coll of lnducLance 01P ls reversed ln 10 ms emf lnduced ln lL ls volL
1 100 volLs 2) 0 Vo|ts 3) 1 volL 4) 10000 volLs 8L1 pg 297

326 As Lhe reslsLance of a coll lncreases Lhe 'C' facLor (8L 1here[a g333)
1) lncreases 2) Decreases 3) 8emaln same 4) none

327 MagneLlc leakage ln elecLrlc machlnes ls undeslrable because lL (8L 1here[a g278 )
1) leads Lo lncreased welghL
2) lncreases cosL of manufacLure
3) produces frlnglng
4) |owers the|r power eff|c|ency

328 1he magnlLude of Lhe lnduced emf ln a conducLor depends upon Lhe (8L 1here[a g297 )
1) amounL of flux cuL
2) amounL of flux llnkages
3) rate of change of f|ux ||nkages
4) flux denslLy of Lhe magneLlc fleld

329 lor a lnducLlve clrculL havlng lnducLance of 20 mP and reslsLance 100 ohm Lhe Llme consLanL ls (numerlcal)
1) 03 sec 2) 02 m||| sec 3) 2000 sec 4) none of Lhese

330 ln a lnducLor of 300 mP currenL charges by 030 mA ln 2 mlcrosec back emf generaLed by Lhe lnducLor ls
1 7v 2) 730v 3) 7300v 4)none of Lhese

331 lerromagneLlc maLerlals have relaLlve permeablllLy
1 greater than one 2 equal Lo one
3 less Lhan one 4 sllghLly greaLer Lhan one

332 8lng MagneL has (lAA9A g303)
1) Cne pole 2) 1wo pole 3) No po|e 4) none of Lhe above

333 When boLh lnducLance and reslsLance of a coll are doubled Lhe value of 8L1 318
1 flnal sLeady currenL ls doubled 2 lnlLlal raLe of rlse of currenL ls doubled
3 Llme consLanL ls halved 4 t|me constant rema|ns unchange

334 1o flnd currenL ln clrculL as per ohm's law Lhe formula used (AC639A286)
a l
8 / v b v/8 c L / 8 a|| of the above

333 WhaL ls an lmporLanL facLor ln selecLlng alrcrafL fuses
1 Lhe currenL exceeds a predeLermlned value
2 Lhe volLage raLlng should be lower Lhan Lhe max clrculL volLage
3 Lhe lnner sLrlp of meLal ls made of an alloy of Lln and blsmuLh
4 capac|ty matches the |oa of the c|rcu|t

336 ln a serles 8L clrculL v
by ___degrees
1 lags 43 2 |ags 90 3 leads 90 4 leads 43

337 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL Llsmlen pg03
one ampere |s the rate of f|ow of 1 cou|omb per secon
one ampere ls Lhe raLe of flow of 1 volL per second
one ampere ls Lhe raLe of flow of 1 coulomb per mlnuLe
none of Lhe above

338 ln any elecLrlcal neLwork Lhe algebralc sum of Lhe currenLs meeLlng aL a polnL or [uncLlon ls 8L1 pg 49
1 Maxlmum 2 Mlnlmum 3 2ero 4 can`L be deLermlned
Page 28 of 93

339 1he unlL of reslsLlvlLy ls (8L 1here[a g4)
1) Chmmeter 2) Chm/MeLer
3) ChmcenLlmeLer 4) Chm/Sq cm

340 1he reslsLance of copper conducLor becomes zero aL (8L 1here[a g9)
1) 273HC 2) 234HC 3) 0HC 4) none

341 1he algebralc sum of Lhe producLs of currenL and reslsLances ln each of Lhe conducLors ln any closed paLh or mesh ln a neLwork
8L1 pg 30
1 ls zero 2 maxlmum
3 Can`L be deLermlned 4 |us the a|gebra|c sum of the emfs |n that path |s zero

342 klrchoff`s law are appllcable on 8L1 pg 31
1 dc only 2 dc and ac currenLs only
3 dc volLages and currenL only 4 both c an ac vo|tages an currents

343 When applylng klrchoff`s law 8L1 pg 33
1 slgn of Lhe baLLery emf ls lndependenL of Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe currenL Lhrough Lhe branch
2 slgn of volLage drop across a reslsLor depends on Lhe dlrecLlon of currenL Lhrough lL
3 both (1) an (2)
4 none

344 Maxwell`s loop currenL meLhod Lo flnd ouL Lhe currenL ln a neLwork employs 8L1 pg 73
1 klrchoff`s currenL law 2 k|rchoff's vo|tage |aw
3 Chm's Law 4 both (2) an (3) are correct

343 A ldeal volLage source ls such LhaL lLs ouLpuL remalns absoluLely consLanL whaLever Lhe change ln load currenL Such a volLage
source musL possess 8L1 pg 94
1 lnflnlLe lnLernal reslsLance 2 zero |nterna| res|stance
3 maxlmum lnLernal reslsLance 4 any value of lnLernal reslsLance

346 8eslsLance 8 offered by a conducLor 8L1 pg 4
1 varles lnversely wlLh lengLh L 2 varles dlrecLly wlLh lLs crosssecLlonal area
3 var|es |rect|y as |ts |ength 4 doesn`L depend upon LemperaLure

347 8eslsLance offered by whlch of Lhe followlng conducLor ls leasL 8L1 pg 4
1 s||ver 2) copper 3) alumlnlum 4) gold

348 Whlch maLerlal has goL negaLlve LemperaLure coefflclenL of reslsLance 8L1 pg8
1 LlecLrolyLes 2 carbon 3 lnsulaLors 4 a|| of the above

349 WlLh rlse ln LemperaLure Lhe change ln reslsLance ln Lureka (hlgh reslsLance alloy) ls (8L1here[a g3)
1 very hlgh 2) very less 3) Neg||g|b|e 4) none

330 Whlch of Lhe followlng has zero LemperaLure coefflclenL of reslsLance (8L 1here[a pg43)
1) carbon 2) porcelaln 3) copper 4) mangan|n

331 Carbon composlLlon reslsLors are mosL popular because Lhey (8L 1here[a pg43)
1) cost the |east 2) are smaller
3) can wlLhsLand overloads 4) do noL produce elecLrlc nolse

332 A 14 ohm reslsLor ls Lo be lnsLalled ln a serles clrculL carrylng 003 amp Pow much power wlll Lhe reslsLor be requlred Lo
1 at |east 3 mw 2 less Lhan 0033 waLL 3 less Lhan 070 mw 4 aL leasL 070 mw

333 When a reslsLor connecLed parallel Lo a bulb geLs open clrculLed
1 1he bulb glows brlghLly 2) 8ulb glows dlmly
Page 29 of 93
3) 8r||||ancy rema|n same 4) none

334 1wo wlre A 8 have Lhe same crosssecLlon and are made of Lhe same maLerlal 8eslsLance of A ls 600 ohms and reslsLance of
8 ls 300 ohms 1he number of Llmes A ls longer Lhan 8 ls
1) 6 2) 2 3) 3 4) 3 (numerlcal)

333 Whlch of Lhe followlng maLerlal has a negaLlve LemperaLure coefflclenL of reslsLance ?(8L 1here[a g3)
1) 8rass 2) Copper 3) Alumlnum 4) Carbon

336 When reslsLances are connecLed ln serles 8L1 pg 17
1 volLage drops are addlLlve 2 reslsLances are addlLlve
3 volLage drops vary dlrecLly wlLh Lhe reslsLances 4 a|| of the above

337 ln Lnd Lo CenLer band sysLem lf Lhe Lolerance band shows blue color Lhe Lolerance value wlll be (8L 1here[a g280)
1) 6 2) 2 3) 4 4) none of Lhe above

338 A cyllndrlcal wlre 1 m ln lengLh has a reslsLance of 100 ohm WhaL would be Lhe reslsLance of a wlre made from Lhe same
maLerlal lf boLh Lhe lengLh radlus are doubled?
1) 200 ohms 2) 400 ohms 3) 100 ohms 4) 0 ohms (numerlcal)

339 8eacLlve power can be calculaLed by _________________ (8L1 g626)
1 kVA x S|n 2) kW CosC 3) kvA CosC 4) kW SlnC

360 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a llnear reslsLor 8L1 pg 26
1 lncandescenL lamp 2 dlodes 3 1hermlsLors 4 none of the above

361 volLage across a shorL clrculL ls 8L1 pg 27
1 equa| to zero 2 equal Lo applled volLage
3 less Lhan applled volLage 4 none of Lhese

362 ln a 3 phase clrculL _____________ (8L1 g624 632)
1) l
lp ln sLar connecLed ccL 2) l
lp ln delLa connecLed ccL
3) v
vp ln delLa connecLed ccL 4) 8oth (1) (3) are correct

363 A unlque feaLure of a wlrewound reslsLor ls lLs 8L1 pg 46
1 low power raLlng 2 low cosL 3 h|gh stab|||ty 4 small slze

364 lor hlgh LemperaLure compensaLlon Lhe capaclLor used ls DGCApaper III
1) mlca
2) ceram|c
3) paper
4) paper and mlca boLh

363 When a slab of dlelecLrlc maLerlal ls lnLroduced beLween 2 plaLes of a alr capaclLor lLs poLenLlal dlfference wlll
8L1 pg 216
1 remaln same 2 lncrease
3 cannoL be deLermlned 4 ecrease

366 When a slab of dlelecLrlc maLerlal ls lnLroduced beLween 2 plaLes of a alr capaclLor lLs capaclLance wlll
1 decrease 2 remaln same 8L1 pg 216
3 |ncrease 4 cannoL be deLermlned

367 Whenever a capaclLor ls connecLed Lo a volLage source Lhe Llme consLanL for Lhe clrculL ls glven by
1 1 8 / C 2) 1 kC 3) 1 LC 4) 1 L / C 8L1 pg 242

368 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls zero lnslde a charged conducLlng sphere (8L 1here[a g200 )
1) poLenLlal
2) elecLrlc lnLenslLy
Page 3 of 93
3) both (1) (2)
4) none of Lhe above

369 1he worklng volLage of a capaclLor ln an ac clrculL should be (lAA9A g331)
1) equal Lo Lhe hlghesL applled volLage
2) aL leasL 20 greaLer Lhan Lhe hlghesL applled volLage
3) at |east 0 greater than the h|ghest app||e vo|tage
4) none of Lhese

370 CapaclLors ln spllL phase lnducLlon moLors are used for uCCApaper lll
1 creat|ng phase |fference between the two w|n|ngs
2 lncreaslng Lhe speed
3 LemperaLure compensaLlon
4 reversal of dlrecLlon

371 lnslde a conducLlng sphere Lhe poLenLlal wlLh respecL Lo cenLer (8L 1here[a g200)
1) kema|n Constant 2) varles as Lhe radll lncreases
3) Zero 4) none of Lhe above

372 ln an ac clrculL whaL happens when frequency ls lncreased DGCA paper III
1 reacLance remalns Lhe same 2 lnducLlve reacLance decreases
3 capac|t|ve reactance ecrases 4 lmpedance remalns same

373 LarLh ls chosen as a place of zero elecLrlc poLenLlal because lL (8L 1here[a g200 )
1) ls nonconducLlng
2) ls easlly avallable
3) keeps loslng galnlng elecLrlc charge everyday
4) has a|most constant potent|a|

374 A capaclLor conslsLs of Lwo (8L 1here[a g240)
1) lnsulaLlon separaLed by a dlelecLrlc
2) conuctors separate by an |nsu|ator
3) ceramlc plaLe one mlca dlsc
4) sllver coaLed lnsulaLors

373 CapaclLor malnly used ln uC clrculL (Llsmln g103)
1) As sLablllzer
2) As recLlfler
3) As f||ter
4) 8oLh '2''3'

376 When relaLlvely hlgh capaclLance ls requlred ln a small capaclLor we use (lAA9A g349)
(1) Ceramlc capaclLor
(2) L|ectro|yt|c capac|tor
(3) aper capaclLor
(4) Mlca capaclLor

377 1he capaclLance of a capaclLor ls noL effecLed by (8L 1here[a g203)
1 laLe area 2 |ate th|ckness 3 naLure of dlelecLrlc 4 laLe separaLlon

378 unlL of capaclLlve and lnducLlve reacLance ls (8L 1here[a g201)
1 farad henry 2 ohm henry 3 farad ohm 4 ohm ohm

379 1he maxlmum value of charge ln a capaclLor ls reached afLer
1 2 1lme consLanL 2 3 1lme consLanL 3 4 1lme consLanL 4 1|me constant

380 1he flrsL band ln ceramlc capaclLor sLands for 8L8nA8u C8C8 393
1 Lolerance 2 mulLlller 3 temperature correct|on 4 flrsL dlglL
Page 31 of 93

381 nnumber of colour bands generally found ln a ceramlc capaclLor ls 8L8nA8u C8C8pg 393
1 3 (2) 4 (3) (4) 6

382 1he lnsulaLlng medlum Lhlckness of a 10 mlcrofarad capaclLor ls doubled Lhen Lhe value of capaclLance wlll be mlcrofarad
1 3 (2) 0 (3) 13 (4) 20

383 Accordlng Lo laraday`s laws of LlecLromagneLlc lnducLlon an emf ls lnduced ln a conducLor whenever lL
8L1 pg 297
1 lles ln a magneLlc fleld 2 cuts magnet|c f|ux
3 Moves parallel Lo dlrecLlon of magneLlc fleld 4 lles perpendlcular Lo magneLlc fleld

384 1he algebralc slgn of an l8 drops ls prlmarlly dependanL upon Lhe (8L1 voll174)
a amounL of currenL flowlng Lhrough lL b value of 8
c |rect|on of current f|ow d baLLery connecLlon

383 Cne mega ohm ls (8L1 vol l6)
a 1000000 Chms b 10
c both (a) an (b) d none

386 8eslsLance of a maLerlal depends upon (8L1 vol l3)
a varles dlrecLly as lLs lengLh and varles lnversely as cross secLlon A
b depends on Lhe naLure of maLerlal and LemperaLure
c 8 p x l / A
a|| are correct

387 ConducLance ls (8L1 vol l10)
a reclprocal of reslsLance b measure Lhe lnducemenL of currenL flow
c ls measured ln slemen A|| the above are correct

388 ure meLals have (8L1 vol l10)
a pos|t|ve temperature coeff|c|ent of res|stance
b negaLlve LemperaLure coefflclenL of reslsLance
c zero LemperaLure coefflclenL of reslsLance
d ab c are correcL

389 A Luned clrculL ls (8L1 Solld S 131)
a balance clrculL b a resonant c|rcu|t
c fllLer clrculL d all are correcL

390 1he Llme consLanL of an 8C clrculL ls deflned as Lhe Llme durlng whlch capaclLor charglng currenL becomes_____ of lLs
______value (8L1 Solld S 138)
a 37 flnal b 63 flnal c 63 |n|t|a| d 37 lnlLlal

391 A resonance curve for a serles clrculL ls a ploL of frequency verses (8L1 Solld S 123)
a volLage b |mpeance c reacLance d currenL

392 1he unlL of admlLLance ls (8L1 voll 339)
a ohm b gllbesL c s|emen d farad

393 A coll ls connecLed Lo a uC ClrculL 1he magneLlc flux ls produced by Lhe coll 1he llnes of force are more concenLraLed aL
(8L1 voll316)
a surface b centre c around Lhe coll d none

394 1he maxlmum value of charge ln a capaclLor reached aL (1 k Llsmln g103)
, 2 1lme consLanL
- 3 1lme consLanL
. 4 1lme consLanL
/ 1|me constant
Page 32 of 93

393 kCL ls appllcable Lo only 8L133
1 closed loops ln a neLwork 2 elecLronlc clrculLs 3 elecLrlc clrculLs 4 [unct|ons |n a network

396 AcLlve neLwork ls one whlch conLalns 8L132
1 one or more emf source 2 no emf source 3 boLh 1 and 2 4 nelLher 1 nor 2

397 llow of elecLrons from ve polnL Lo +ve polnL ls called lAA9A271
1 reslsLance 2 volLage 3 e|ectr|c current 4 none of Lhe above

398 SLaLlc elecLrlclLy can be generaLed by lAA9A269
1 chemlcal acLlon 2 fr|ct|on 3 magneLlc lnducLlon 4 Lhermal acLlon

399 1he maln purpose of connecLlng a low reslsLance shunL across a galvanomeLer ls Lo
1 reduce lLs reslsLance 2 |ncreases |ts current range
3 lncreases lLs volLage range 4 decrease lLs loadlng effecL

400 An lnsLrumenL havlng accuracy of 2 lf Lhe value of currenLs ls 200 unlL Lhe meLer wlll lndlcaLe beLween
(Slmple maLhs calculaLlon)
1 200 Lo 202 2 196 Lo 200 3 200 Lo 204 4 196 to 204

401 1hrough whlch maLerlal magneLlc llnes of force pass mosL rapldly 8L1243
1 copper 2 |ron 3 alumlnlum 4 LlLanlum

402 Whlle handllng a magneL precauLlons Lo be Laken are lAA9A300
1 avold hammerlng or dropplng 2 avold applylng dlrecL heaL
3 both 1 an 2 4 none of Lhe above

403 Alumlnlum can be classlfled as a lAA9A302
1 force magneLlc 2 para magnet|c 3 sofL magneLlc 4 dla magneLlc

404 1oLal reslsLance of Lhe clrculL ls lAA9A292

1 30 2 40 3 2 4 30

403 keeper bars are used for lAA9A300
1 Lo resLore losL magneLlsm
2 Lo rearrange Lhe dlsLorLed molecules
3 to prov|e easy path for magnet|c ||nes force from one po|e to another
4 none of Lhe above

406 MagneLo moLlve force ls measured ln lAA9A302
1 webers 2 Maxwell 3 g||berts 4 none of Lhe above

407 ln lnsLrumenLs Lhe Lype of magneL uses ls lAA9A303
1 horse shoe magnet 2 bar magneL 3 rlng magneL 4 flaL magneL

408 1he llne currenL drawn by a parallel AC clrculL when ln resonance ls 8L1300
1 much |ess than the c|rcu|atory branch currents 2 zero
3 waLL less 4 much greaLer Lhan clrculaLory branch currenL

409 8lsmuLh ls lAA9A302
Page 33 of 93
1 ferromagneLlc maLerlal 2 |amagnet|c mater|a|
3 paramagneLlc maLerlal 4 none of Lhe above

410 ln laLesL elecLronlc clrculLs Lhe Lype of reslsLor used ls 8L123
1 cermet 2 meLal fllm 3 wlre would 4 meLal glaze

411 Carbon composlLlon reslsLors have Lhe demerlLs of 8L123
1 more cosL 2 rouc|ng e|ectr|c no|se 3 large ln slze 4 none of Lhe above

412 ln a Lhree phase clrculL Lhe balanced load requlres ( AC 639A age 413)
1 no neutra| w|re 2 neuLral wlre 3 2 wlres lnsLead of 3 wlres 4 none ls correcL

413 ueposlLed carbon reslsLors are made by 8L127
1 open hearLh process 2 gas crack|ng process
3 beslmer converLer process 4 cupola furnace process

414 ln sLar connecLlon Lhe connecLlons of conducLors are 8L1671
1 s|m||ar ens are connecte together 2 sLarLlng end of one phase connecLed Lo flnlsh end of anoLher
3 connecLed aL random 4 boLh 2 and 3 are correcL

1 Suppose you suddenly come across a colleague who ls sLuck Lo llve busbars ln a subsLaLlon ?our flrsL acLlon would be Lo
a sw|tch off the supp|y
b puL hlm away fro Lhe busbars
c lmmedlaLely call for medlcal asslsLance
d sLarL arLlflclal breaLhlng sLralghLaway (8ef 8L 1hera[a)

2 1he cenLrlpeLal force necessary Lo keep elecLrons roLaLlng Lhe elllpLlcal or orblLs round Lhe nucleus ls supplled by Lhe force of
aLLracLlon beLween Lhelr charges are glven by
a cou|omb's |aws
b faraday's laws
c llemlng law
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991)

3 1he purpose of carbon conLacL ln aLLracLedcore heavy day relay
a Lo llmlL Lhe currenL ln relay coll
b Lo absorb lnlLlal heavy currenL and Lhereby reduce arclng Lo a mlnlmum before poslLlve connecLlon wlLh maln conLacLs ls made
c Lo compensaLe for loss of sprlng
d all Lhe above are correcL (8ef LP! alleL 108)

4 1he 8MS valve of alLernaLlng currenL ls
a sum of square of lndlvldual componenL of currenLs
b sum of square of lndlvldual componenLs of currenLs dlvlded by no of lndlvldual componenLs
c durlng a half cycle squarlng Lhe value and Laklng Lhelr mean valve and Lhen Laklng Lhe square rooL
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 33)

3 A Lumber swlLch ls also called
a mlcro swlLch
b togg|e sw|tch
c push swlLch
d none of Lhe above (8ef AC 63 9A)

6 1he performance of recLlfler depend on
a maxlmum LemperaLure of plaLe
b max|mum reverse vo|tage
c mlnlmum volLage
d boLh a c are correcL (8ef Crob 812)
Page 34 of 93

7 Whlch swlLch ls noL havlng movlng parLs
a mercury
b Lhermal
c prox|m|ty
d roLarLy (8ef 1k Llsmln 239)

8 Whlch ls noL Lhermally effecLed by LemperaLure
a fuse
b C8
c ||m|t|ng res|stor
d LhermlsLor (8ef AC 63 9A)

9 1he effecL of change ln frequency wlll change
a hysLeresls loss
b eddy currenL loss
c both a b
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 378)

10 A serles LC8 ls connecLed Lo 20v AC supply 1he value of reslsLance ls 8 ohms lnducLlve reacLance of coll ls 18ohms and
capaclLlve reacLance of capaclLor ls 12 ohms Pow much ls currenL flow ln Lhe clrculL
a 2 amps
b 10 amps
c 3 amps
d 1 amp (8ef LP! alleL 202)

11 A LC8 clrculL ls connecLed across 200v 30 Pz AC supply value of 8 ls 6 ohms lnducLlve reacLance ls 8 ohms and capaclLlve
reacLance ls 16 ohms CalculaLe Lhe volLage drop across Lhe reslsLance
a 200/30 volLs
b 200/2 volLs
c 120 vo|ts
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 202)

12 Whlch of Lhe relay have very hlgh senslblllLy
a slugged relay
b po|ar|ze re|ay
c heavy duLy relay
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 108)

13 1endency of currenL Lo flow ln ouLer perlphery of conducLor ls known as
a corona effecL
b sk|n effect
c capaclLlve effecL
d none of Lhe above (8ef Ceneral)

14WhaL ls Lhe reslsLance of wlre havlng same cross secLlonal area and maLerlal when Lhe lengLh ls lncreased by 6 Llmes
a Lwo Llmes
b 6 t|mes
c 8 Llmes (8ef AC 63 9A)

13 1emperaLure compensaLlon capaclLor ls made of
a mlco
b chlp
c paper
ceram|c (8ef Crob 420)

16 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for a slngle loop coll lylng parallel Lo Lhe magneLlc fleld
Page 35 of 93
a flux llnked wlLh Lhe coll ls mlnlmum
b raLe of change of flux llnkages ls maxlmum
c emf lnduced ln Lhe coll ls maxlmum
a|| the above
(8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 244)

17 When addlng a rheosLaL Lo a llghL clrculL Lo conLrol Lhe llghL lnLenslLy lL should be connecLed ln
a parallel wlLh Lhe llghL
b ser|es w|th the ||ght
c serles parallel wlLh Lhe llghL
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 133)

18 Whlch ls Lrue for sLar connecLlon
a llne volLages are 120
aparL llne volLage ls b3 phase volLage
b llne volLage are 30
ahead of Lhelr phase volLage
c Lhe angle beLween Lhe llne currenL and Lhe correspondlng llne volLage ls ( 30 + ) wlLh currenL lagglng ower b3 v
a|| the above (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 329)

19 aper capaclLors are sulLable for
a shorL wave work ln radlo
b smooLhlng clrculLs ln radlo recelvers
c au|o frequency stages of ra|o rece|vers
d use aL radlo frequency (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 137)

20 ln a cyllndrlcal capaclLor maxlmum poLenLlal occurs aL
a ouLer surface of ouLer cyllnder
b ouLer surface of lnner cyllnder
c cyllnder axls
|nner surface of the outer cy||ner (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 13)

21 1he delay ln esLabllshmenL of sLeady currenL Lhrough a coll depends on Lhe value of
a applled volLage
b self lnducLance
c reslsLance
both b c are correct (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 242)

22 1he C facLor of resonance clrculL
a ls dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo lLs lnducLance
b ls lnversely proporLlonal Lo lLs reslsLance and capaclLance
c ls dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo supply frequency
on|y a b are correct (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 496)

23 klrchhoff's currenL law ls appllcable Lo
a closed loop
b elecLronlc clrculL
c [unct|on |n network
d all Lhe above
(8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 36)

24 1he properLles of maxwell's loop currenL meLhod are
a lnsLead of Laklng branch currenLs (as ln klrchhoff's law) loop currenLs are Laken whlch are assumed Lo flow ln Lhe clockwlse
b where requlred branch currenLs can be found ln Lerms of loop currenLs
c slgn convenLlons for Lhe l8 drop and baLLery emf are Lhe same as for klrchhoff's law
a|| the above
(8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 64)
Page 3 of 93

23 lf Lhe power facLor ls unlLy reacLlve power ls
a maxlmum
b zero
c mlnlmum
d negaLlve (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 437)

26 1ubler ceramlc carLrldge ls used on proLecLlve devlce
a nkC fuse
b clrculL breaker
c currenL llmlLer
d relay (8ef Ceneral)

27 Lconomy reslsLor used ln clrculL breaker
a Lo llmlL Lhe currenL ln coll afLer swlLchlng Cn clrculL breaker
b connecLed ln serles wlLh coll
c prevenL undue LemperaLure rlse ln Lhe magneL assembly
a|| the above (8ef Ceneral)

28 MaLch Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for proxlmlLy sensors
a proxlmlLy sensors are slmply lnducLlon coll LhaL operaLe ln con[uncLlon wlLh sLeel LargeLs
b Lhe lnducLance of a proxlmlLy sensor ls measured by a elecLronlc conLrol unlL
c no movlng conLacLs Lo fall Lhereby hlgh rellablllLy
a|| are correct (8ef 1k Llsmln 239)

29 Lo geL full wave recLlflcaLlon wlLh Lhe help of only Lwo dlodes
a a brldge conflguraLlon ls used
b center tappe transformer |s requ|re
c dlode connecLor ls requlred
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8L 1hare[a Ld 1991 691)

30 1he baslc unlL of capaclLance ls
a coloumb
b Lesla
c gause
fara (8ef LP! alleL 193)

31 1he Llme requlred Lo esLabllshed sLeady sLaLe currenL ln ac clrculL conslsLlng of reslsLance connecLed ln serles wlLh a saLurable
reacLor ls
a depend upon raLlo of lnducLance Lo reslsLance
b Llme requlred Lo saLuraLe core and lnducLance
c Llme requlred Lo saLuraLe core and volLage
d depend upon reslsLance
noLe 1lme consLanL ln reslsLlve lnducLlve clrculL ls 1L/8
(8ef 1k Llsmln 107)

32 1he performance of recLlfler depends on (8ef Crob 812)
a maxlmum LemperaLure of plaLe b max|mum reverse vo|tage
c mlnlmum volLage d boLh 'a' 'c' are correcL

33 1he effecL of change ln frequency wlll change (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 378)
a hysLeresls loss b eddy currenL loss c both 'a' 'b' d none of Lhe above

34 SofL solderlng CAl281
a ls a meLhod of [olnlng meLals wlLh fuslon of Lhe base meLal
Page 37 of 93
b ls a meLhod of [olnlng meLals wlLhouL lnLenLlonal fuslon of Lhe base meLal
c as |n (b) an |s one by the so|ers hav|ng a |ower me|t|ng po|nt than the meta|s be|ng [o|ne
d as ln (a) and ls done by Lhe solders havlng a hlgher melLlng polnL Lhan Lhe meLals belng [olned

33 LlecLrlc charge ls measured ln alleL193
a larad (l) b cou|omb (C) c [oule (!) d Mercy (P)

36 ln a slnewave ac clrculL wlLh a 90r 8 ln serles wlLh a 90r x
Lhe phase angle equals
a 30r b 4 c 60r d 90r

37 1he comblned lmpedance of a 1000r 8 ln parallel wlLh a 1000r x
a 300r b 707 c 1000r d 2000r

38 WlLh 100 v applled across Lwo serles capaclLors of 3rl each Lhe volLage across each capaclLor wlll be
a 3 v b 33 1/3 v c 0 V d 66 2/3 v

39 ln a slnewave ac clrculL wlLh x
and 8 ln serles Lhe
a volLages across 8 and x
are ln phase
b volLage across 8 and x
are 180r ouL of phase
c vo|tage across k |eas the vo|tage across k
by 90
d volLage across 8 lags Lhe volLage across x
by 90r

40 1he ac power llne volLage of 120 v rms has a peak value of
a 100 v b 170 V c 240 v d 338 v

41 lf Lwo slmllar wlre conducLors are connecLed ln parallel Lhelr LoLal reslsLance ls
a double Lhe reslsLance of one wlre b one ha|f the res|stance of one w|re
c Lhe same as Lhe reslsLance of one wlre d LwoLhlrds Lhe reslsLance of one wlre

42 Whlch colour ls noL used ln 1
band of a colour coded reslsLor
a brown b whlLe c red b|ack

43 ulamagneLlc maLerlals have permeablllLy Crob 390
a more Lhan 1 b from 30 Lo 300 c |ess than 1 d exacLly 30

44 vacuum has Crob 408
a hlgh permeablllLy b hlgh relucLance
c |ow permeab|||ty an h|gh re|uctance d hlgh permeablllLy and low relucLance

43 ln a clrculL wlLh Lhree parallel branches lf one branch opens Lhe maln llne currenL wlll be
a more b |ess c Lhe same d lnflnlLe

46 A 1r 8
and a 20r 8
are ln serles wlLh a 30v source lf 8
opens Lhe volLage drop across 8
wlll be
a zero b 20 v c 30 v d lnflnlLe

47 1he reasons of uslng horse shoe magneL lnsLead of bar magneL ln lnsLrumenLs ls/are Crob 387
a lL occuples less space b has |ess a|r gap
c lL lncreases Lhe flux denslLy ln Lhe alr gap d all of Lhe above

48 1he ablllLy of magneLlc maLerlals Lo concenLraLe magneLlc flux ls known as Crob 386
a permlLLlvlLy b permeab|||ty c flux denslLy d fleld lnLenslLy

49 A reslsLor wlLh a power raLlng of more Lhan 23w ls mosL llkely a Crob 31
a carbon composlLlon reslsLor b meLal fllm reslsLor
c surface mounL reslsLor w|re woun res|stor

30 1hose magneLlc maLerlals are besL sulLed for maklng armaLure Lransformer cores whlch have 9A302
Page 38 of 93
a low permeablllLy and hlgh hysLerlsls loss b h|gh permeab|||ty an |ow hysteres|s |oss
c low permeablllLy and low hysLeresls loss d hlgh permeablllLy and hlgh hysLeresls loss

31 ulelecLrlc sLrengLh ls maxlmum ln lAA9A g331
a aper b Class c M|ca d Alr

32 ln one Llme consLanL capaclLor Lakes Lhe charge upLo ___ of lLs full charge Llsmln g103
a 632 b 367 c 206 d 802

33 WhaL ls Lhe power facLor of a parallel resonance clrculL? 8L 1here[a g333
a Un|ty b Zero c 03 d 0866

34 ln 3 hase lnducLlon moLor AC 639A age433
a aL no load roLor speed ls sllghLly less Lhan synchronous speed
b wlLh lncrease of load roLor speed decreases
c wlLh decrease of load roLor speed lncreases
a|| are correct

33 ln 3 hase lnducLlons moLor sllp depends upon (AC 639A age433)
a |oa b llne volLage of Lhree phase A3 Supply
c number of conducLors on roLor d all are correcL

36 lf a slngle phase lnducLlon moLor runs wlLh nolse Lhe more llkely defecL ls ( 8L 1hare[a age62 )
a lmproper fuses b ShorLed runnlng wlndlng
c Cpen sLarLlng wlndlng Worn bear|ng

37 1he prlnclple of sLaLlcally lnducLed emf ls uLlllzed ln ( 8L 1hare[a age333)
a 1ransformer b MoLor c CeneraLor d 8aLLery

38 1hree equal lmpedances are flrsL connecLed ln sLar across a balanced 3 phase supply lf connecLed ln delLa across Lhe same
supply (8L 1hare[a age332)
a hase currenL wlll be Lrlpled b hase currenL wlll be doubled
c Llne currenL wlll become one Lhlrd ower consume w||| |ncrease three fo|

39 1he chlef dlsadvanLage of a low power facLor ls LhaL (8L 1hare[a age336)
a more power ls consumed by Lhe load
b current requ|re for a g|ven |oa power |s h|gher
c acLlve power developed by a generaLor exceeds lLs raLed ouLpuL capaclLy
d heaL generaLed ls more Lhan he deslred amounL

60 unless oLherwlse speclfled any value glven for currenL or volLage ln an ac clrculL are assumed Lo be
(1k Llsmln age 84)
a lnsLanLaneous value b Lffect|ve va|ues
c Maxlmum values d Average values

61 Whlch requlres Lhe mosL elecLrlcal power durlng operaLlon ( 8L 1hare[a 1991LdlLlon age20)
a a 24 volL moLor requlrlng 8 amperes
b four 30 waLL lamps ln a 12 volL parallel clrculL
c two ||ghts requ|re 3 amperes each |n a 24 vo|t para||e| system
d all Lhe above requlre same amounL of power

62 ln a slnewave ac clrculL wlLh a 90r 8 ln serles wlLh a 90r x
Lhe phase angle equals
a 30r b 4 c 60r d 90r

63 1he comblned lmpedance of a 1000r 8 ln parallel wlLh a 1000r x
a 300r b 707 c 1000r d 2000r

64 WlLh 100 v applled across Lwo serles capaclLors of 3rl each Lhe volLage across each capaclLor wlll be
Page 39 of 93
a 3 v b 33 1/3 v c 0 V d 66 2/3 v

63 WlLh hlgher frequencles Lhe amounL of capaclLlve reacLance
a lncreases b sLays Lhe same
c ecreases d lncreases only when Lhe volLage lncrease

66 AL Lhe same frequency larger capaclLance resulLs ln
a more reacLance b Lhe same reacLance
c |ess reactance d less reacLance lf Lhe volLage ampllLude decreases

67 CapaclLance lncreases wlLh
a larger plaLe area and greaLer dlsLance beLween plaLes
b smaller plaLe area and less dlsLance beLween plaLes
c |arger p|ate area an |ess |stance between p|ates
d hlgher values of applled volLage

68 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenL ls correcL Crob 322
a alr capaclLor have a black band Lo lndlcaLe Lhe ouLslde foll
b mlca capaclLors are avallable ln capaclLance values of 1 Lo 10rl
c e|ectro|yt|c capac|tors must be connecte w|th the correct po|ar|ty
d ceramlc capaclLors musL be connecLed ln Lhe correcL polarlLy

69Whlch colour ls noL used ln 1
band of a colour coded reslsLor
a brownb whlLe c red b|ack

70 Sllver band represenL Lhe Lolerance of
a 10 b 3 c 0 d 20


1 1he magneLlc ampllflers are havlng advanLage over valve Lype ampllfler
a no movlng parLs
b energy and Llme ln heaLlng ls saved
c robusL ln consLrucLlon
a|| the above are correct (8ef Ceneral)

2 All Lhe synchros are worklng on
a transformer pr|nc|p|e
b reslsLance prlnclple
c lnducLor prlnclple
d capaclLance prlnclple (8ef A/c lnsL alleL 23)

3 Whlch componenL ls noL used ln Lorque synchro
a moLor
b ampllfler
c motor an amp||f|er
d none of Lhe above (8ef A/c lnsL alleL 232)

4 Cenerally Lorque synchro are used for LransmlLLlng
a power p|ant atas an pos|t|on |n|cat|on
b navlgaLlonal daLas
c manomeLrlc daLas
d lnerLlal daLas (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 133)

3ConLrol synchro ls used for
a power planL daLa Lransmlsslon
b c|ose |oop servo system
Page 4 of 93
c poslLlon lndlcaLlon flap poslLlon lndlcaLlon (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 136)

6 ulfferenLlal synchro ls used for
a power planL daLa
b manomeLrlc daLa
c poslLlon lndlcaLlon
output epens upon two |nput ata (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 136)

7 8esolver synchro ls used where we requlre CarLeslan coordlnaLe of a polnL Lo
a 8 Cos7
b 8 Sln7
c k Cos7 an k S|n7
d 8 1an7 (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 143)

8 olar coordlnaLe ls used Lo flnd ouL resulLanL of
a 8 Cos7
b 8 Sln7
c k Cos7 an k S|n7
d 8 1an7
(8ef alleL lnLegraLed 149)

9ln Lorque synchro lf Lhe roLor connecLlon ls reversed Lhen
a no effecL on ouLpuL
b ouLpuL ls advanced by 90

c ouLpuL ls advanced by 270

output |s avance by 180
(8ef alleL lnLegraLed 139)

10 lf Lhere ls cycle shlfL of sLaLor connecLlon Lorque synchro Lhen ouLpuL daLum ls advanced by
a 240
b 270
c 180
d 90

(8ef alleL lnLegraLed 139)

11ln Lorque synchro lf sLaLor coll connecLlon of Lwo lead are lnLerchanged Lhen
a ouLpuL ls advanced by 90

b ouLpuL ls advanced by 180

c ouLpuL ls advanced by 270

reverse rotat|on of output rotor (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 139)

12 ln resolver synchro where polar ls connecLed Lo CarLeslan 83 84 roLor colls are shorLed Lo
a prevenL burnlng
b prevenL hunLlng
c lmprove accuracy
as |n c ||m|t spur|ous response (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 147)

13ln conLrol synchro supply ls glven Lo
a LransmlLLer sLaLor
b transm|tter rotor
c recelver sLaLor
d recelver roLor (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 14)

148esolver syschro conslsLs of
a four roLor coll b four sLaLor coll
c Lwo roLor and sLaLor coll four rotor an stator co|| (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 146)

13 When plloL ls flylng Lhe a/c manually Lhe plloL and hls conLrol surface LogeLher may be Lermed as
a auLo fllghL
b manual fllghL
Page 41 of 93
c man ] mach|ne c|ose |oop servo system
d all are correcL (8ef AlC alleL 72)

16 1he role of AlCS ls Lo
a over come a sLablllLy and conLrol deflclency
b lmprove handllng and rlde quallLy
c carry ouL serles of maneuver whlch plloL ls unable Lo perform
a|| are correct (8ef AlC alleL 73)

17 Servo sysLem musL be able Lo perform
a deLecL dlfference beLween lnpuL and ouLpuL
b amply Lhe error slgnal
c conLrol Lhe closlng of servo loop by provldlng feedback
a|| are correct (8ef AlC alleL 83)

18 Servo mechanlsm are comlng under Lwo classes may funcLlon as
a poslLlon conLrol b speed conLrol
c pos|t|on an spee contro| d dlfferenLlaLor and lnLegraLor (8ef AlC alleL 83)
19 ln poslLlon conLrol servo sysLem Lhe ampllfler ouLpuL ls equlvalenL Lo
a 7 1 b 7 0 c k (71 70) d k (70 7A) (8ef AlC alleL 84)

20 ln speed conLrol servo sysLem ouLpuL from Lhe ampllfler ls
a k (V1V0) b k (v0va)
c v1 d vo (8ef AlC alleL 84)

21 WhaL are Lhe Lype of lnpuL ln servo sysLem
a sLep lnpuL
b ramp lnpuL
c step an ramp |nput
d sLep and ramp ouLpuL (8ef AlC alleL 84)

22lmposlLon feed back sysLem lf Lhere ls sLep lnpuL
a cont|nuous osc|||at|on
b load comes Lo resL aL null polnL
c load lags behlnd
d all are correcL (8ef AlC alleL 83)

23 lnherenL frlcLlon cause
a ||ght amp|ng
b heavy damplng
c crlLlcal damplng
d all are correcL (8ef AlC alleL 86)

24 1he degree of damplng whlch prevenL any over shooL ls known as
a llghL damplng
b cr|t|ca| amp|ng
c opLlmum damplng
d heavy damplng (8ef AlC alleL 86)

23 uamplng whlch allows small over shooL and smallesL seLLllng Llme ls known as
a opt|mum amp|ng
b crlLlcal damplng
c llghL damplng
d heavy damplng (8ef AlC alleL 86)

26 Small force of consLanL magnlLude opposlng servo moLor ls known as
a cou|omb fr|ct|on
b vlscous frlcLlon
Page 42 of 93
c eddy currenL
d lubrlcanL (8ef AlC alleL 86)

27 ln veloclLy feed back damplng lf Lhere ls ramp lnpuL
a no veloclLy lag
b over shooL
c ve|oc|ty |ag |ncrease
d none of Lhe above (8ef AlC alleL 88)

28 ln error raLe damplng when lnpuL and ouLpuL shafLs are aL equal veloclLy Lhen
a no error s|gna| b Lhere ls an error slgnal
c error slgnal ls more d all are correcL
(8ef AlC alleL 88)

29 ln synchronous moLor damper wlndlng ls provlded ln order Lo (1k Llsmln page186)
a sLablllze roLor moLlon b suppress roLor osclllaLlons
c develop necessary sLarLlng Lorque both (b) (c)

30 Whlle runnlng a synchronous moLor ls compelled Lo run aL synchronous speed because of (AC 639A age437)
a damper wlndlng ln lLs pole faces b magnet|c |ock|ng between stator an rotor po|es
c lnduced emf ln roLor fleld wlndlng by sLaLor flux d compulslon due Lo Lenz's law

31 All Lhe synchros are worklng on (8ef A/c lnsL alleL 23)
a transformer pr|nc|p|e b reslsLance prlnclple
c lnducLor prlnclple d capaclLance prlnclple
32 Whlch componenL ls noL used ln Lorque synchro 8ef A/c lnsL alleL 232)
a moLor b ampllfler c motor an amp||f|er d none of Lhe above

33 Cenerally Lorque synchro are used for LransmlLLlng (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 133)
a power p|ant atas an pos|t|on |n|cat|on b navlgaLlonal daLas
c manomeLrlc daLas d lnerLlal daLas

34 ln Lorque synchro lf Lhe roLor connecLlon ls reversed Lhen (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 139)
a no effecL on ouLpuL b ouLpuL ls advanced by 90

c ouLpuL ls advanced by 270
output |s avance by 180

33 lf Lhere ls cycle shlfL of sLaLor connecLlon Lorque synchro Lhen ouLpuL daLum ls advanced by
(8ef alleL lnLegraLed 139)
a 240
b 270
c 180
d 90

36 ln conLrol synchro supply ls glven Lo (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 14)
a LransmlLLer sLaLor b transm|tter rotor c recelver sLaLor d recelver roLo

37 8esolver syschro conslsLs of (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 146)
a four roLor coll b four sLaLor coll
c Lwo roLor and sLaLor coll four rotor an stator co||

38 When plloL ls flylng Lhe a/c manually Lhe plloL and hls conLrol surface LogeLher may be Lermed as
(8ef AlC alleL 72)
a auLo fllghL b manual fllghL
c man ] mach|ne c|ose |oop servo system d all are correcL

39 All Lhe synchros are worklng on (8ef A/c lnsL alleL 23)
a transformer pr|nc|p|e b reslsLance prlnclple
c lnducLor prlnclple d capaclLance prlnclple

40 Whlch componenL ls noL used ln Lorque synchro (8ef A/c lnsL alleL 232)
a moLor b ampllfler
Page 43 of 93
c motor an amp||f|er d none of Lhe above
41 Cenerally Lorque synchro are used for LransmlLLlng (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 133)
a power p|ant atas an pos|t|on |n|cat|on b navlgaLlonal daLas
c manomeLrlc daLas d lnerLlal daLas

42 ConLrol synchro ls used for (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 136)
a power planL daLa Lransmlsslon b c|ose |oop servo system
c poslLlon lndlcaLlon flap poslLlon lndlcaLlon

43 ulfferenLlal synchro ls used for (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 136)
a power planL daLa manomeLrlc daLa c poslLlon lndlcaLlon
output epens upon two |nput ata

44 8esolver synchro ls used where we requlre CarLeslan coordlnaLe of a polnL Lo
(8ef alleL lnLegraLed 143)
a 8 Cosr b 8 Slnr
c k Cos an k S|n d 8 1anr

43 ln Lorque synchro lf Lhe roLor connecLlon ls reversed Lhen (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 139)
a no effecL on ouLpuL b ouLpuL ls advanced by 90

c ouLpuL ls advanced by 270
output |s avance by 180

46 ln Lorque synchro lf sLaLor coll connecLlon of Lwo lead are lnLerchanged Lhen(8ef alleL lnLegraLed 139)
a ouLpuL ls advanced by 90
b ouLpuL ls advanced by 180

c ouLpuL ls advanced by 270
reverse rotat|on of output rotor
47 ln resolver synchro where polar ls connecLed Lo CarLeslan 83 84 roLor colls are shorLed Lo
(8ef alleL lnLegraLed 147)
a prevenL burnlng b prevenL hunLlng
c lmprove accuracy as |n c ||m|t spur|ous response
48 ln conLrol synchro supply ls glven Lo (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 14)
a LransmlLLer sLaLor b transm|tter rotor
c recelver sLaLor d recelver roLor
49 8esolver syschro conslsLs of
a four roLor coll b four sLaLor coll (8ef alleL lnLegraLed 146)
c Lwo roLor and sLaLor coll four rotor an stator co||

30 When plloL ls flylng Lhe a/c manually Lhe plloL and hls conLrol surface LogeLher may be Lermed as
(8ef AlC alleL 72)
a auLo fllghL b manual fllghL
c man ] mach|ne c|ose |oop servo system d all are correcL


1 ln alrcrafL havlng non meLalllc sLrucLure
a four or more copper sLrlp Lype conducLors are used exLendlng whole lengLh of fuselage
b Lhey are noL more Lhan slx feeL aparL as measured around Lhe perlphery of fuselage
c Lhe fuselage earLhlng sLrlps are connecLed Lo furLher sLrlps whlch follow Lhe leadlng and Lralllng edges from rooL Lo Llp of each
wlng and horlzonLal sLablllzer
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 88)

2 Corona dlscharge ln a/c ls prevenLed by
a stat|c |scharger
b screenlng
c poLLlng
Page 44 of 93
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 74)

3 WhaL ls Lrue abouL bondlng LesLer
a 60 lead ls connecLed Lo a/c maln earLh polnL
b 6 lead Lwo prongs are connecLed where Lhere ls [olnL
c lL has goL one 12v cell and callbraLlon ls done by sLandard reslsLances provlded
a|| the above (8ef CAll ChLLL/06)

4 8ondlng and groundlng are made Lo provlde
a currenL reLurn paLh
b proLecLlon of person from shock hazard
c sLablllLy of radlo recepLlon and Lransmlsslon
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 92)

3 recauLlon for bondlng and groundlng are
a bondlng [umper should be shorL
b reslsLance of connecLor does noL exceed 0003 ohms
c both a b are correct
d none of Lhe above (8ef 1k Llsmln 77)

6 Pardware used Lo make bondlng / groundlng connecLor ls relaLed on Lhe basls of
a mechanlcal sLrengLh
b elecLrlcal sLrengLh
c ease of lnsLallaLlon
both a c are correct (8ef 1k Llsmln 77)

7 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for bondlng
a boundlng ls classlfled as prlmary and secondary such classlflcaLlon belng deLermlned by Lhe magnlLude of currenL Lo be expecLed
from elecLro sLaLlcally lnduced charges and preclplLaLlon sLaLlc charges respecLlvely
b prlmary bondlng conducLors are used beLween ma[or componenLs englne exLernal surfaces eg fllghL conLrol surfaces and Lhe
maln sLrucLure or earLh
c seconary bon|ng conuctors are use between components an earth for wh|ch pr|mary conuctors are not spec|f|ca||y
requ|re eg p|pe||nes carry|ng f|ammab|e f|u|s meta| conu|ts [unct|on boxes oor p|ates etc
a|| the above are correct (8ef LP! alleL 94)

8 ln alrcrafL havlng non meLalllc sLrucLure (8ef LP! alleL 88)
a four or more copper sLrlp Lype conducLors are used exLendlng whole lengLh of fuselage
b Lhey are noL more Lhan slx feeL aparL as measured around Lhe perlphery of fuselage
c Lhe fuselage earLhlng sLrlps are connecLed Lo furLher sLrlps whlch follow Lhe leadlng and Lralllng edges from rooL Lo Llp of each
wlng and horlzonLal sLablllzer
a|| the above

9 Corona dlscharge ln a/c ls prevenLed by (8ef LP! alleL 74)
a stat|c |scharger b screenlng c poLLlng d none of Lhe above

10 WhaL ls Lrue abouL bondlng LesLer (8ef CAll ChLLL/06)
a 60 lead ls connecLed Lo a/c maln earLh polnL
b 6 lead Lwo prongs are connecLed where Lhere ls [olnL
c lL has goL one 12v cell and callbraLlon ls done by sLandard reslsLances provlded
a|| the above

11 1he maxlmum prlmary bondlng reslsLance beLween Lhe exLremlLles of Lhe flxed porLlon of all meLalllc alrcrafL ls
a 01 ohm b 001 ohm c 00 ohm d 0001 ohm
Page 45 of 93

12 1he doplng maLerlals are called lmpurlLles because Lhey (8ef 8L 1hera[a)
a decrease Lhe number of charge carrlers b change Lhe chemlcal properLles of seml conducLors
c make seml conducLors less Lhan 100 percenL pure a|ter the crysta| structure of pure sem| conuctors

13 8ondlng ls classlfled by
a magnlLude of volLage Lhey carry due Lo preclplLaLlve sLaLlc charge
b magn|tue of current they carry ue to prec|p|tat|ve stat|c charge
c value of reslsLance of bondlng [umpers

14 Corona dlscharge ln a/c ls prevenLed by (8ef LP! alleL 74)
a stat|c |scharger b screenlng c poLLlng d none of Lhe above

13 WhaL ls Lrue abouL bondlng LesLer (8ef CAll ChLLL/06)
a 60 lead ls connecLed Lo a/c maln earLh polnL
b 6 lead Lwo prongs are connecLed where Lhere ls [olnL
c lL has goL one 12v cell and callbraLlon ls done by sLandard reslsLances provlded
a|| the above

16 8ondlng and groundlng are made Lo provlde (8ef LP! alleL 92)
a currenL reLurn paLh
b proLecLlon of person from shock hazard
c sLablllLy of radlo recepLlon and Lransmlsslon
a|| the above

17 1he Lags or lugs on bondlng [umpers are generally flLLed by CAlll/943
a solderlng meLhod b cr|mp|ng metho
c slnLerlng meLhod d nuLs bolLs

18 1he maxlmum prlmary bondlng reslsLance beLween Lhe exLremlLles of Lhe flxed porLlon of all meLalllc alrcrafL ls
a 01 ohm b 001 ohm c 00 ohm d 0001 ohm


1 1he doplng maLerlals are called lmpurlLles because Lhey
a decrease Lhe number of charge carrlers
b change Lhe chemlcal properLles of seml conducLors
c make seml conducLors less Lhan 100 percenL pure
a|ter the crysta| structure of pure sem| conuctors (8ef 8L 1hera[a)

2 leedback ln an ampllfler always helps Lo
a contro| |ts output
b lncreases lLs galn
c decreases lLs lnpuL lmpendence
d sLablllze lLs galn (8ef 8L 1hera[a)

3ln normal operaLlon of pnp LranslsLor lLs [uncLlons are blased
a boLh forward
b boLh reverse
c emlLLer base reverse collecLor base forward
em|tter base forwar co||ector base reverse (8ef 8L 1hera[a)

4 An SC8 can be Lurned off by
a anode currenL lnLerrupLlon
b reverslng polarlLy of anode caLhode volLage
Page 4 of 93
c reduclng currenL Lhrough SC8 below Lhe holdlng
any of above metho can be use |nepenent|y (8ef 8L 1hera[a 1991 817)

3 1he doplng maLerlals are called lmpurlLles because Lhey (8ef 8L 1hera[a)
a decrease Lhe number of charge carrlers b change Lhe chemlcal properLles of seml conducLors
c make seml conducLors less Lhan 100 percenL pure a|ter the crysta| structure of pure sem| conuctors

6 leedback ln an ampllfler always helps Lo (8ef 8L 1hera[a)
a contro| |ts output b lncreases lLs galn c decreases lLs lnpuL lmpendence d sLablllze lLs galn
7 ln normal operaLlon of pnp LranslsLor lLs [uncLlons are blased (8ef 8L 1hera[a)
a boLh forward b boLh reverse
c emlLLer base reverse collecLor base forward em|tter base forwar co||ector base reverse
8 An SC8 can be Lurned off by (8ef 8L 1hera[a1991 817)
a anode currenL lnLerrupLlon b reverslng polarlLy of anode caLhode volLage
c reduclng currenL Lhrough SC8 below Lhe holdlng any of above metho can be use |nepenent|y

9 1he loglc symbol represenLs alleL223
a an Anu gaLe b a NCk gate c an C8 gaLe d an xC8 gaLe

10 ln order Lo energlze Lhe relay ln Lhe clrculL shown below here Lhe loglc sLaLe aL Lhe lnpuLs musL be

a log 0 aL polnLs A 8 b 0 aL polnL A and 1 aL polnL 8
c 1 at both po|nts d 0 aL boLh polnLs

A 8 C
1 1 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0

11 1he LruLh Lable shown here corresponds Lo alleL226
a an C8 gaLe
b an Anu gaLe
c a nC8 gaLe
d an xC8 gaLe

12 1he smallesL negaLlve grld volLage for a glven plaLe volLage aL whlch plaLe currenL becomes zero ls known as
(vk MehLa g44)
a gr| cutoff b|as b grld cuL ln blas
c break over volLage d break down volLage

13 1he band wldLh of Lhe band pass fllLer depends upon (1homas k Llsmln g289)
Page 47 of 93
a reslsLance of lnducLor b no of elemenLs used
c both (a) an (b) d elLher (1) or (2)

14 Whlch LranslsLor has Lhe hlghesL volLage and power galn ? (8L 1here[a g2039)
a C8 b CL c CC d 8oLh (1) and (2)

13 Aquadag coaLlng done ln C81 ls Lo (8L 1here[a g2394)
a avold dusL formaLlon on Lhe screen b avold mlxlng of colours
c capture seconary e|ectrons d acceleraLe Lhermlons

16 Sweep generaLor generaLes (8L 1here[a g2392)
a 1rlangular wave form b Sawtooth waveform c Slnusoldal Waveform d all of Lhese

17 1he doplng maLerlals are called lmpurlLles because Lhey (8ef 8L 1hera[a)
a decrease Lhe number of charge carrlers
b change Lhe chemlcal properLles of seml conducLors
c make seml conducLors less Lhan 100 percenL pure
a|ter the crysta| structure of pure sem| conuctors

18 leedback ln an ampllfler always helps Lo (8ef 8L 1hera[a)
a contro| |ts output b lncreases lLs galn
c decreases lLs lnpuL lmpendence d sLablllze lLs galn

19 ln normal operaLlon of pnp LranslsLor lLs [uncLlons are blased (8ef 8L 1hera[a)
a boLh forward
b boLh reverse
c emlLLer base reverse collecLor base forward
em|tter base forwar co||ector base reverse

20 An SC8 can be Lurned off by (8ef 8L 1hera[a1991 817)
a anode currenL lnLerrupLlon
b reverslng polarlLy of anode caLhode volLage
c reduclng currenL Lhrough SC8 below Lhe holdlng
any of above metho can be use |nepenent|y

21 ln order Lo energlze Lhe relay ln Lhe clrculL shown below here Lhe loglc sLaLe aL Lhe lnpuLs musL be

a log 0 aL polnLs A 8 b 0 aL polnL A and 1 aL polnL 8
c 1 at both po|nts d 0 aL boLh polnLs

22 1he LruLh Lable shown here corresponds Lo alleL226
a an C8 gaLe
b an Anu gaLe
c a nC8 gaLe
d an LkCk gate

23 1he clrculL shown here performs a loglc alleL226
a Anu funcLlon
b Ck funct|on
c nAnu funcLlon

A 8 C
1 1 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Page 48 of 93

24 u1L famlly Loglc employs (8L 1here[a 2376)
a D|oe kes|stor 1rans|stor
b ulode and reslsLor
c 8eslsLor 1ranslsLor

23 ln a normally worklng n LranslsLor boLh base and collecLor are aL _____poLenLlal wrL Lhe emlLLer
(8L 1here[a g1973)
a +ve b ve c elLher (1) or (2) d nelLher (1) or (2)

26 A LranslsLor does noL conducL unless lLs __________ base [uncLlon ls forward blased
(8L 1here[a g1973)
a em|tter bcollecLor c boLh (1) and (2) d elLher (1) or (2)

27 lL1s have slmllar properLles Lo (vk MehLa g488)
a n LranslsLors b nn LranslsLors
c 1herm|on|c va|ve d u!1

28 1he smallesL negaLlve grld volLage for a glven plaLe volLage aL whlch plaLe currenL becomes zero ls known as
(vk MehLa g44)
a gr| cutoff b|as b grld cuL ln blas
c break over volLage d break down volLage

29 1he band wldLh of Lhe band pass fllLer depends upon (1homas k Llsmln g289)
a reslsLance of lnducLor b no of elemenLs used
c both (1) an (2) d elLher (1) or (2)

30 Whlch LranslsLor has Lhe hlghesL volLage and power galn ? (8L 1here[a g2039)
a C8 b CL c CC d 8oLh (1) and (2)


1 1he cause of conLlnuous foamlng elecLrolyLe ln Lhe nlCd cell ls
a excesslve elecLrolyLe
b hlgh raLe of charglng
c contam|nat|on of ce|| ue to fore|gn mater|a| ||ke o|| an grease
d none of Lhe above (8ef Ceneral)

2 lor checklng Lhe volLage of baLLery before flLmenL ln alrcrafL
a hlgh dlscharge cell LesLer ln used wlLhouL load
b h|gh |scharge ce|| tester |s use w|th |oa
c volLmeLer ls used
d none of Lhe above (8ef Ceneral)

3 1he lnLernal reslsLance of baLLery depends upon
a area of plaLes
b reslsLance of elecLrolyLe
c dlsLance beLween Lhe plaLes
a|| the above (8ef 1k Llsmln 49)

4 1he amounL of charge requlred (ln ampere hour) Lo charge fully dlscharged baLLery
Page 49 of 93
a 100 b 140 c 160 d 200 (8ef 1k Llsmln)

3 Whlle carrylng ouL capaclLy LesL on 24v baLLery Lhe clrculL musL be swlLched off when baLLery volLage drops Lo
a 182v
b 216v
c 204v
d 214v (8ef 1k Llsmln 43)

6 1hermal runaway ln nlCd baLLery ls due Lo
a |ow |nterna| res|stance
b hlgh lnLernal reslsLance
c C
comblnes wlLh Cd aL plaLe and generaLes real
d as ln (c) lL occurs when charglng ls done aL consLanL currenL raLe (8ef 1k Llsmln 47)

7 A baLLery of 40AP capaclLy when charged by consLanL currenL meLhod aL 8 amps raLe charglng Llme wlll be
a 3 hrs b 6 hrs c 7 hrs d 8 hrs (8ef 1k Llsmln)

8 ln lead acld baLLerles splll proof venL plugs havlng heavy lead are used AnoLher Lype of plugs conLaln a slnLered alumlna
(alumlnum oxlde) are used 1he advanLage of slnLered alumlna plug are
a permlLs dlffuslon of gases Lhrough lL wlLhouL leLLlng flulds pass
b lL ls much smaller and llghLer
c lL save boLh space and welghL
a|| the above (8ef 1k Llsmln 38)

9LlecLrolyLe of lead acld baLLery can be neuLrallzed by
a borlc acld
b nepLha
c vlnegar
bak|ng soa+water (8ef 1k Llsmln)

10 Cne exLra negaLlve plaLe ln b acld cell Lhan poslLlve plaLes ls used ln order Lo lAA9A 309
a prevent pos|t|ve p|ate from warp|ng or buck||ng b lncrease Lhe cell poLenLlal
c lncrease Lhe cell capaclLy d decrease Lhe cell's lnLernal reslsLance

11 nl/Cad Cell ls advanLageous over b acld from ___ vlew polnL lAA9A 313
a low malnLenance cosL and long servlce llfe b shorL recharge Llme and good rellablllLy
c excellenL rellablllLy and good sLarLlng ablllLy a|| of the above

12 uurlng removal of baLLery from Lhe a/c___ Lermlnal ls dlsconnecL aL leasL ln order Lo avold __ shorL Lsmln 133
a negaLlve accldenLal b pos|t|ve acc|enta|
c elLher negaLlve or poslLlve accldenLal d none of Lhe above ls done

13 Whlch meLhod ls used Lo charge Lhe baLLery ln a/c and why? Lsmln 133
a constant vo|tage metho because a]c e|ectr|ca| system vo|tage rema|ns constant
b consLanL currenL meLhod order Lo reduce Lhe charglng Llme
c consLanL currenL meLhod Lo avold much supervlslon
d consLanL currenL meLhod Lo need relaLlvely less Llme

14 __ ls one of Lhe facLor of Lhermal run away of nlckel/Cadmlum cell Lsmln 47
a amage |ayer of ce||ophane mater|a| b exoLhermlc reacLlons aL elecLrodes plaLes
c 30 of dlluLe kCP by volume d boLh (a) (b)

13 A leadacld baLLery wlLh 12 cells connecLed ln serles noload volLage21 volLs per cell furnlshes 10 amperes Lo a load of 2 ohms
reslsLance 1he lnLernal reslsLance of Lhe baLLery ln Lhls lnsLance ls Lsmln 33
a 032 ohms b 232 ohms c 3 ohms 02 ohms

16 1he Lhermal proLecLor lAA9A 307
a ls proLecLlve devlce b acLs as auLomaLlc C8
Page 5 of 93
c ls based on dlfferenL expanslon of Lwo meLals a|| of the above

17 ln a lead acld baLLery Lhe speclflc gravlLy readlng should be ad[usLed for LemperaLure correcLlon
a above 70r l and below 90r l b be|ow 70 I an above 90 I
c aL room LemperaLures d none of Lhe above

18 A leadacld baLLery wlLh 12 cells connecLed ln serles noload volLage21 volLs per cell furnlshes 10 amperes Lo a load of 2 ohms
reslsLance 1he lnLernal reslsLance of Lhe baLLery ln Lhls lnsLance ls Lsmln 33
a 032 ohms b 232 ohms c 3 ohms 02 ohms

19 AcLlve elemenLs ln a lead acld baLLery Lsmln 30
a nlckel hydraLe and lron oxlde b |ea perox|e an spongy |ea
c manganese dloxlde and carbon d none of Lhese

20 When Lhe LemperaLure ls lncreased speclflc gravlLy of elecLrolyLe Lsmln 41
a lncreases b ecreases c remalns same d none

21 1he neuLrallzlng agenL for P
elecLrolyLe ls Lsmln 40
a kCP b PCL c b|carbonate of soa so|ut|on d vlnegar

22 WhaL may resulL lL waLer ls added Lo nlckel cadmlum baLLery when lL ls noL fully charged ?
(1k Llsmlnage30)
a Lxcesslve elecLrolyLe deleLlon
b Lxcess|ve spew|ng |s ||ke to occur ur|ng the charg|ng cyc|e
c no adverse effecLs slnce waLer may be added any Llme
d none of Lhe above

23 normally baLLerles are connecLed ln ________ durlng sLarLlng of englne
a Ser|es b arallel c none


1 8aslc requlremenL for Lhe operaLlon of a Lransformer ls LhaL lLs lnpuL prlmary volLage musL be
a alLernaLlng
b slnusoldal
c chang|ng
d pulsaLlng (8ef 8L 1hera[a)

2 ln an lnducLlon moLor
a Lorque under runnlng condlLlon ls maxlmum
b Lorque aL Lhe Llme of sLarLlng ls maxlmum when roLor reslsLance equals roLor reacLance
c maxlmum Lorque ls dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo roLor reslsLance
d maxlmum Lorque ls dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo roLor reacLance (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 397)

3 Copper bars are deep embedded lnslde roLor for
a |mprov|ng start|ng torque
Page 51 of 93
b lmprovlng power facLor
c lmprovlng efflclency
d lmprovlng all Lhe above (8ef 8L 1hera[a)

4 1he synchronous moLor works on Lhe prlnclple of
a lnducLlon moLor
b consLanL speed
c rotat|ng magnet|c f|e|
d fleld exclLaLlon (8ef 1k Llsmln 186)

3 1he advanLage of leavlng Lhe capaclLor permanenLly ln clrculL are
a lmprovemenL of over load capaclLy of moLor
b a hlgher power facLor and hlgher efflclency
c quleLer runnlng of Lhe moLor
a|| the above (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 616)

6 ShorL clrculL LesL on Lhe Lransformer ls carrled ouL Lo deLermlne
a equlvalenL lmpendence leakage reacLance and reslsLance of Lhe Lransformer wlndlng
b copper loss aL full load
c knowlng LoLal volLage drop ln Lhe Lransformer as referred Lo prlmary and secondary can be calculaLed and hence regulaLlon of Lhe
Lransformer deLermlned
a|| the above (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 376)

7 A worn ouL brush ln generaLor wlll provlde/produce
a archlng
b lmproper conLacL
c radlo lnLerference
a|| the above are correct (8ef 1k Llsmln 177)

8 ln AC sysLem power facLor depends upon
a supply volLage
b Lype of volLage source
c type of |oa
d all Lhe above are correcL
(8ef 8L 1hera[a)

9 ln long shunL compound generaLor shunL fleld ls connecLed
a across Lhe armaLure
b across Lhe serles fleld
c across both ser|es f|e| an armature
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 233)

10ln uC shunL moLor runnlng aL cerLaln 8M aL low load lf fleld opens
a speed wlll decrease
b spee w||| |ncrease
c speed wlll flucLuaLe around normal speed
d Lhere ls no effecL on moLor speed (8ef 8L 1hera[a)

11 1he speed of a uC moLor ls
a |rect|y proport|ona| to back emf an |nverse|y proport|ona| f|ux ens|ty
b dlrecLly proporLlon Lo flux denslLy and lnversely proporLlonal Lo back emf
c dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo back emf and no of poles
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 297)

12 lf a 6pole moLor runnlng from a 30Pz supply has an emf ln Lhe roLor of frequency 23Pz deLermlne Lhe sllp percenLage
a b 123 c 67 d 10 (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 393)

Page 52 of 93
13 1he condlLlon for maxlmum power ln uC moLor ls
a when back emf ls equal Lo applled volLage
b when back emf |s equa| to ha|f the app||e vo|tage
c lron loss ls equal Lo copper loss
d varlable loss ls equal Lo consLanL loss (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 293)

14 8rushes are always placed aL poslLlon
a lnduced emf ls maxlmum b lnduced emf ls mlnlmum
c aL any poslLlon at magnet|c neutra| ax|s
(8ef LP! alleL 7)

13 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL abouL Lhe Lransformer
a emf/conducLor on low volLage slde or hlgh volLage slde ls less Lhen emf
b emf/conducLor on hlgh volLage ls less Lhan emf/conducLor on low volLage slde
c emf/conducLor on boLh sldes are equal
d Lhere ls no deflnlLe relaLlonshlp beLween emf/conducLor on elLher slde (8ef 8L 1hera[a 923)

16 lf Lhe clrculL ls closed ln Lransformer Lhe volLage ln prlmary and secondary coll wlll be
a self lnduced emf and dynamlcally lnduced emf
b muLually lnduced emf and self lnduced emf
c se|f |nuce emf an mutua||y |nuce emf
d dynamlcally lnduced emf and muLually lnduced emf (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 339)

17ln lnducLlon moLor Lhe sloLs are skewed mark Lhe lnCC88LC1 sLaLemenL
a decreases Lhe locklng Lendency of moLor
b s||p |n |ncrease for the same torque
c Lo geL qulLe operaLlon of moLor (8ef 8L 1hera[a)

18 1he LoLal losses of Lransformer depends on
a lnpuL volLage b ouLpuL currenL
c lnpuL currenL kVA rat|ng of transformer (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 379)

19 kllowaLL raLlng of 40 kvA generaLor worklng wlLh power facLor 08 ls
a 30 kw
b 40 kw
c 32 kw
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 36)

20 volLage regulaLor conslsLs of
a vo|tage regu|ator current regu|ator an reverse current cutout un|t
b volLage regulaLor and currenL regulaLor and CCu
c boLh a b are currenL (8ef 1k Llsmln 202))

21 ln an lnducLlon moLor percenLage of sllp ls 4 percenL lL has 4 poles and worklng on 30 Pz WhaL ls Lhe roLor speed
a 1440
b 1300
c 1360
d 1460 (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 393)

22 1he Lransformer are raLed ln kvA because
a copper loss depends on volLage
b lron loss depends on currenL
c tota| |osses epens upon to vo|tage an current
d all are correcL (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 379)

23 1he essenLlal condlLlon for bulldlng volLage ln uC shunL generaLor fleld
Page 53 of 93
a Lhe fleld reslsLance should be less LhaL crlLlcal fleld reslsLance
b Lhe load reslsLance should be more Lhan crlLlcal load reslsLance
c both a b
d crlLlcal reslsLance ls lmmaLerlal (8ef 8L 1hera[a)

24 1he Lorque ls lnducLlon moLor ls proporLlonal Lo
a volLage
b vo|tage

c currenL drawn
d roLor reslsLance (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 602)

23Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL abouL lnducLlon moLors
a can noL run aL synchronous speed
b speed ls lnversely proporLlonal Lo number of poles
c speed ls dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo supply frequency
a|| the above (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 604)

26 ln brushless generaLor Lhe ouLpuL of roLaLlng recLlfler ls connecLed Lo
a rotat|ng f|e| w|n|ng of ma|n generator
b plloL exclLor
c sLaLor slde of maln generaLor
d none of Lhe above (8ef 1k Llsmln 220)

27 Cn whlch Lype of moLor no load LesL ls noL performed
a shunL moLor
b compound moLor
c ser|es motor
d all moLor (8ef 1k Llsmln 179)

28 8y varylng Lhe exclLaLlon of alLernaLor fleld wlndlng whlch load can be balanced
a real load dlsLrlbuLlon
b react|ve |oa |str|but|on
c governor load
d all Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 30)

29 SLablllzlng wlndlng ln consLanL frequency generaLor ls connecLed
a ln serles wlLh Lhe shunL fleld wlndlng
b ln serles/parallel comblnaLlon
c |s woun over shunt w|n|ng |n such a way that |t prov|es transformer coup||ng
d parallel Lo shunL fleld wlndlng buL a capaclLor ls added ln serles (8ef LP! alleL 44)

30 ln repulslon Lype moLors by changlng Lhe brush poslLlon
a magnlLude of Lorque can be changed
b speed can varled
c dlrecLlon of roLaLlon can be reversed
a|| the above (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 620)

31ln LranslsLorlzed volLage regulaLor volLage can be lncreased by
a lncreaslng Lhe sprlng Lenslon ln regulaLor
b decreaslng Lhe sprlng Lenslon ln regulaLor
c chang|ng the base current |n trans|stor
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 13)

32 AfLer Lhe operaLlon of successful fllghL lL ls found ouL LhaL Lhe uC generaLor ls burnL 1he probable cause can be
a fallure of fleld relay
b over volLage coll defecLlve
c contacts of kCC8 st|cky
Page 54 of 93
d volLage regulaLor faulLy (8ef 1k Llsmln 202)

33 1hermlsLor ln maln exclLer wlndlng ls connecLed
a ln serles wlLh sLablllzlng wlndlng
b ln parallel wlLh Lhe shunL fleld wlndlng
c |n ser|es w|th one of the shunt f|e| w|n|ng
d lL ls connecLed only ln serles wlLh maln generaLor fleld wlndlng (8ef LP! alleL 43)

34 ln Lransformer open clrculL LesL ls carrled ouL Lo flnd
a eddy currenL loss
b core |oss
c hysLeresls loss d volLage loss (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 376)

33 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for volLage regulaLlon of a Lransformer
a varlaLlon ln secondary Lermlnal volLage from no load Lo full load
b when Lhe Lransformer ls loaded lLs secondary Lermlnal volLage falls (for a lagglng power facLor)
c both a b
d only a ls correcL (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 378)
36ln lnducLlon moLor dlfference beLween synchronous speed and roLor speed ls called
a moLor speed
b dlfferenLlal speed
c load speed
s||p spee (8ef 8L 1hera[a Ld 1991 393)

37 ln Lhree phase lnducLlon afLer repalr Lwo phases are lnLerchanged
a moLor wlll noL speed
b lL wlll obLaln dangerously hlgh speed
c wlll noL affecL Lhe speed
as |n (c) but |rect|on of rotat|on w||| be change (8ef LP! alleL 142)

38 Whlch ls nC1 correcL whlle flashlng of fleld
a connecL +ve of baLLery Lermlnal Lo +ve of fleld Lermlnal
b volLage musL be momenLarlly applled
c vo|tage regu|ator not requ|re to be |sconnecte
d none of Lhe above (8ef 1k Llsmln 206)

39 A CSu unlL drlves Lhe generaLor Lhrough Lhe use of
a a synchronous moLor
b an lnflnlLe varlable mechanlcal gear sysLem
c a var|ab|e hyro||c pump an hyro||c motor
d none of Lhe above (8ef 1k Llsmln 221)

40 When necessary durlng operaLlon CSu dlsconnecL ls usually accompllshed by
a sw|tch |n the cockp|t operates a so|eno|
b clrculL breaker ls acLlvaLed
c hydrollc supply Lo CSu unlL ls sLopped
d all are correcL (8ef LP! alleL 40)

41 uC shunL moLor ls swlLched on Lo ac supply ls works
a unsat|sfactor||y
b noL aL all
c saLlsfacLorlly
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8L 1hrea[a 830)

42 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for Lransformers
a Lhe power or ordlnary efflclency ls maxlmum when copper loss ls equal Lo lron loss
b Lhe full flux passlng Lhrough Lhe core ls approxlmaLely Lhe same aL full load and no load
Page 55 of 93
c Lhe secondary emf ls anLl phase wlLh prlmary and lLs magnlLude ls proporLlonal Lo raLe of change of flux and Lhe number of
secondary Lurns
a|| the above are correct (8ef 8L 1hrea[a Ld 1991 339 389)

43 Lquallzlng colls are requlred when parallellng Lwo
a alLernaLors
b serles dc generaLors
c shunt c generators
d all are correcL (8ef LPL alleL 16)

44 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of commuLaLor ln dc generaLor
a changlng alLernaLlng currenL of armaLure Lo dlrecL currenL ln exLernal
b Lo smooLh ouL Lhe wave forms
c Lo reduce sparklng aL brushes
d all are correcL (8ef 1k Llsmln 190)

43 An lnverLor conslsLs of a dc moLor and alLernaLor Lhe frequency and volLage can be conLrolled
a frequency can be conLrolled by varylng dc fleld currenL of moLor
b volLage can be conLrolled by varylng dc fleld currenL of alLernaLor
c both a b are correct
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 63)

46 When Lhe generaLor ls overloaded how lL wlll be proLecLed
a lL wlll heaL up
b dlsconnecLed by Lhermal swlLch
c load wlll be heaL up
|t w||| be automat|ca||y tr|ppe (8ef LP! alleL 120)

47 Why lL ls unnecessary Lo flush fleld of Lhe exclLer on a brushless generaLor
a Lhe exclLer ls consLanLly by baLLery volLage
b brushless generaLor do noL have exclLer
c permanenL magneLs are lnsLalled ln Lhe maln fleld
d Lhe sllp rlng employed by Lhe brushless alLernaLor reLaln a permanenL charge (8ef LP! alleL 44)

48 Amplldyne ( a comblnaLlon of elecLrlcal moLor and dc generaLor used Lo conLrol fleld currenL of large power ouLpuL ac
generaLor) ls
a fu||y compensate cross fee mechan|sm
b under compensaLed cross feed mechanlsm
c over compensaLed cross feed mechanlsm
d all Lhe above are Lrue (8ef Ceneral)

49 When Lwo dc generaLors are runnlng ln parallel and lL ls found Lhey do noL share equal load ln Lhls case load sharlng can be
done on ground by Lhe Lechnlclan
a by ad[usLlng ballasL reslsLance used ln serles wlLh Lhe shunL coll of carbon plle volLage regulaLor
b by ad[usLlng Lrlmmer used ln serles wlLh Lhe shunL coll of carbon plle volLage regulaLor
c by ad[usLlng Lhe currenL ln equallzlng coll
d all Lhe above are Lrue (8ef 1k Llsmln 200)

30 ln a CSu unlL Lhe conLrol cyllnder ls mechanlcally coupled Lo Lhe alleL221
a var|ab|e |sp|acement un|t b flxed dlsplacemenL unlL
c governor d none of Lhe above

31 A CSu unlL whlch has been dlsconnecLed durlng fllghL
a may on|y be reconnecte on the groun b may be recommended ln fllghL by reseL shuLdown
c auLomaLlcally reseLs of englne shuLdown d none of Lhe above

Page 5 of 93
32 1he servlces whlch can be lsolaLed ln an ln fllghL emergency for load sheddlng purposes and are connecLed Lo uC and AC busbars
as approprlaLe and whlch are supplled from a generaLor are called alleL77
a vlLal servlces b essenLlal servlces c non essent|a| serv|ces d none of Lhe above

33 1hose servlces whlch would be requlred afLer an emergency wheel up landlng and are connecLed dlrecLly Lo baLLery are known as
a v|ta| serv|ces b essenLlal servlces c non essenLlal servlces d none of Lhe above

34 lnLegraLed drlve generaLors means alleL43
a generaLor and sLarLer ln Lhe same unlL slde by slde
b sLarLer and CSu ln Lhe same unlL slde by slde
c CSD an generator are mounte s|e by s|e to form a s|ng|e compact un|t
d generaLor and volLage regulaLor are mounLed slde by slde Lo form a slngle compacL unlL

33 1he advanLage/advanLages of lnLegraLed drlve generaLors are/ls alleL43
a reduces welghL b requlres less space
creduces vlbraLlon a|| of the above

36 lollowlng a mal funcLlon dlsconnecLlon of a CSu Lransmlsslon sysLem ls accompllshed by
a mechanlcally by levers locaLed ln Lhe fllghL crew comparLmenL b elecLropneumaLlcally
c elecLromechanlcally any one of the above

37 lf resldual magneLlsm of a shunL generaLor ls desLroyed accldenLally lL may be resLored by connecLed lLs shunL fleld 8 L 1hare[a
a Lo earLh b Lo an ac source c ln reverse to a c source

38 1he maln funcLlon of lnLerpoles ls Lo mlnlmlze ____ beLween Lhe brushes and Lhe commuLaLor when Lhe dc machlne ls loaded
a frlcLlon b spark|ng c currenL d wear and Lear

39 ShunL generaLors are mosL sulLed for sLable parallel operaLlon because of Lhelr volLage characLerlsLlcs
8 L 1hare[a 963/966
a ldenLlcal b roop|ng c llnear d rlslng

60 1he neuLrallzlng agenL for P
elecLrolyLe ls Lsmln 40
a kCP b PCL c b|carbonate of soa so|ut|on d vlnegar

61 lor symeLrlcal wave Lhe 8MS value ls calculaLed over (LP! alleLLe 33)
a na|f Cyc|e b CnefourLh Cycle c lull Cycle d all are correcL

62 ln 8rush less AC generaLor frequency ls kepL consLanL by (AC 639A age423)
a englne gear box b CSD c varylng uC exclLaLlon d none ls correcL

63 ermanenL magneLs ln 8rushless AC generaLor are
a LocaLed on roLor shafL of alLernaLor b LocaLed ln lnLer polar gaps of AC exclLer
c used for provldlng lnlLlal magneLlsm 8oth (a) (c) are correct

64 ln modern alrcrafL elecLrlcal sysLem
a AC generaLor are used for normal power
b 8aLLery and sLaLlc lnverLer wlLh 3 hase AC ouLpuL for emergency power
c 8aLLery and sLaLlc lnverLer wlLh Slngle hase AC ouLpuL for emergency power
8oth (a) (c) are correct
(LP! alleL age78)
63 ln modern alrcrafL elecLrlcal sysLem
a 18u's are used Lo glvlng 28 uC ouLpuL
b AuLo Lransformers are used for glvlng Slngle hase 28 AC ouLpuL
Page 57 of 93
c SLaLlc lnverLor ls used for provldlng Slngle hase 28v AC ouLpuL
A|| are correct

66Many of Lhe larger LransporL a/c have been qulpped wlLh AC elecLrlcal sysLem 1he reason ls
a Lasler Lo lnsLall b Less malnLenance requlred
c More efflclenL A|| of the above

67 lor Lhe volLage bullL up of a self exclLed uC generaLor whlch of Lhe followlng ls nC1 an essenLlal condlLlon
(1k Llsmln 198)
a 1here musL be some resldual flux
b lleld wlndlng mmf musL ald Lhe resldual flux
c 1oLal fleld clrculL reslsLance musL be less Lhan Lhe crlLlcal value
Armature spee must be very h|gh

68 1he prlnclpal advanLages of serles wound moLors are
a hlgh sLarLlng currenL and poor sLarLlng Lorque
b hlgh sLarLlng currenL and hlgh sLarLlng currenL
c h|gh start|ng current h|gh start|ng torque an goo acce|erat|on w|th rap| bu||up of back emf
d all Lhe above

69 M1CS
a 1he speed of serles wound moLor vary wlLh Lhe mechanlcal load le aL llghL load hlgh speed and aL heavy load low speed
b 1he Lorque ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe square of Lhe currenL
c uue Lo Lhe Lorque characLerlsLlcs serles wound moLor can sLarL wlLh heavy load
A|| the above

70 ShunL wound moLors are regarded as
a varlable speed moLor
b consLanL speed moLor
c poor sLarLlng Lorque Lherefore musL be sLarLed on llghL load or no load
b c are correct


1 Amber warnlng and lndlcaLlng llghLs are
a warnlng llghLs
b caut|on ||ghts
c lndlcaLlng or advlsory llghLs (8ef LP! alleL 129)

2 CallbraLlon of bondlng LesLer ls done
a self callbraLed
b stanar res|stance box |s use
c no need for callbraLlon
d callbraLed aL naLlonal physlcal laboraLory (8ef CAll ChLLL/06)

3 CuL ouL ln AvC meLer ls operaLed by
a elecLrlcal fuse
b by elecLrlcal sLrlp solenold
c mechan|ca| str|p
Page 58 of 93
d all Lhe above (8ef lns Manual 8x Mklll AvC meLer)

4 lllghL daLa are dlsplaced on
d lAuLC (8ef LP! alleL 113)

3 1hermocouple used Lo measure LC1
a upto 120
b small ln slze
c Lhey glve maxlmum coverage
d as per manufacLures recommendaLlon (8ef Ceneral)

6 uynamomeLer movemenL uses
a permanenL magneL
b an elecLromagneL ln serles wlLh movlng coll
c an elecLromagneL ln parallel wlLh Lhe movlng coll
an e|ectromagnet |n ser|es or para||e| w|th mov|ng co|| (8ef 8L 1hera[a 374373)

71he senslLlvlLy of a volLmeLer can be lncreased by lAA9A 329
a lncreaslng Lhe sLrengLh of Lhe permanenL magneL
b uslng llghLer welghL maLerlals for Lhe movlng elemenL
c by uslng sapphlre [ewel bearlngs Lo supporL Lhe movlng coll a|| of the above

8A sofL lron core ls placed wlLhln Lhe coll of a movlng coll lnsLrumenL because alleL223
a lL provldes a solld splndle abouL whlch Lhe coll can roLaLe
b th|s ensures an even ra|a| an |ntens|f|e magnet|c f|e| for the co|| to move |n
c Lhe lnerLla of Lhe core wlll damp ouL osclllaLlons of Lhe coll
d none of Lhe above

9 ln LCAM sysLem whlch mode ls Lhe auLomaLlc mode? LP! alleLLe 133
a lllghL hase b CauLlonary c Advlsory d 8oth (a) an (c)

10 ln LlCAS sysLem whlch ls a level A warnlng"? 1k Llsmln 339
a Cabln uepressurlzaLlon b Lnglne llre
c 8oLh (a) and (b) ln dlsplay form d 8oth (a) an (b) |n |sp|ay as we|| as |n aura| form

11 ln LCAM sysLem LP! alleLLe 134
a 1he graphlcal dlsplay ls glven by Lhe 8P unlL
b 1he graphlcal dlsplay ls glven by Lhe LP unlL
c As |n a an av|sory message co|or change to wh|te after correct|ve act|on taken
d As ln b and advlsory message color change Lo whlLe afLer correcLlve acLlon Laken

12 C81 used ln A/C lnsLrumenL dlsplays are 1k Llsmln 123
a LlecLromagneLlc deflecLlon Lype b L|ectrostat|c ef|ect|on type c 8oLh '1' '2'

13 M1CS 1he halr sprlng
a currenL ls led lnLo and ouL of Lhe coll
b lL provldes Lhe conLrolllng force
c lL so mounLed LhaL as Lhe coll roLaLes one sprlng ls unwound Lhe oLher ls wound
a|| the above

14 ln Movlng Coll lnsLrumenL Lhe coll ls wound on alumlnum former ln order Lo provlde Lhe lnsLrumenL
a damplng force Lo make Lhe lnsLrumenL dead beaL
Page 59 of 93
b supporL Lhe movlng coll
c llghL ln welghL
a|| the above

13 u'Arsonval MeLer ls (AC639A322)
a currenL measurlng devlce
b measures dc
c can be used Lo measure ac by uslng brldge recLlfler
a|| the above

16 CurrenL Lransformer ls a (LP!126)
a stepup transformer
b sLepdown Lransformer
c boLh a b
d none of Lhe above

17 1he scale of ammeLer used wlLh Lhe Lransformer arrangemenL ls nonllnear because
a the ef|ect|on of the mov|ng co|| |s not proport|ona| to the current f|ow|ng through the shunt as a resu|t of the sum of non
||near character|st|cs of the transformer an rect|f|er
b Lhe currenL ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe movemenL of Lhe coll
c boLh a b
d none of Lhe above

18 ln poLenLlal Lransformer Lhe shunL ls connecLed
a ln serles wlLh load
b ln parallel Lo load
c ln parallel Lo poLenLlal Lransformer
both a c

19 vA8 meLer lndlcaLes
a AcLlve power
b keact|ve power
c 8MS value
d 8oLh b c

20 Warnlng llghLs are colored red Lo
a alerL Lhe fllghL crew of unsafe condlLlons or dangerous condlLlons
b abnormal condlLlon
c boLh a b
d none of Lhe above

21 1he color of cauLlon llghL ls
a 8ed b Amber c Creen or 8lue d any of Lhese

22 LlghLs are used for warnlng purposes do noL usually lnclude Lhe dlmmlng faclllLy because
a of Lhe danger lnvolved ln havlng a dlmmed warnlng llghL escaplng noLlce
b very dlfflculL Lo lncorporaLe dlmmlng faclllLy
c alLernaLlvely lens cap may lncorporaLe an lrls Lype dlaphragm
both a c

23 M1CS 1he purpose of a dlfferenLlal currenL proLecLlon sysLem ls Lo
a deLecL a shorL clrculLed feeder llne
Page of 93
b generaLor bus bar
c currenL comparlson ls made beLween Lhe currenL leavlng Lhe generaLor and Lhe currenL arrlvlng aL Lhe bus bar
a|| the above

24 Merzrlce roLecLlon sysLem ls
a Lo provlde proLecLlon agalnsL faulLs beLween phases
b Lo provlde proLecLlon agalnsL faulLs beLween one of Lhe phase and ground
c 8oth a b
d none of Lhe above

23 Pydraullc ressure warnlng comes on ln cockplL when
a Low hydraullc pressure ln reservolr
b Low alr pressure ln reservolr
c Low a|r hyrau||c pressure |n reservo|r

26 When uslng an ohmmeLer Lo check Lhe conLlnulLy of a generaLor fleld coll Lhe coll should alleL207
a be removed from Lhe generaLor houslng
b show hlgh reslsLance when Lhe meLer probes are connecLed Lo Lhe Lermlnal of Lhe coll
c show very |ow res|stance |f |t |s a ser|es co||
d none of Lhe above

27 Megger ls used for LesLlng lAA9A331
a ground conLlnulLy LesLs b measurlng lnsulaLlon reslsLance
c measurlng reslsLance wlLh a hlgh poLenLlal a|| are correct

28 1he precauLlon for uslng ohm meLer are alleL166
a clrculL componenLs Lo be LesLed should be lsolaLed b power source Lo be removed from clrculL
c both are correct d none ls correcL

29 An ohm meLer when connecLed across a clrculL componenL lndlcaLes lnflnlLy lL meanslAA9A330
a Lhe clrculL has conLlnulLy b the c|rcu|t |s open
c Lhe clrculL has shorL clrculL d all of Lhe above are correcL

30 Meggar needle normally resLs aL lAA9A330
a exLreme rlghL b exLreme lefL c mlddle at any p|ace


1 Merzprlce proLecLlon sysLem ls also known as
a over currenL proLecLlon
b under volLage proLecLlon
c |fferent|a| protect|on
d over volLage proLecLlon (8ef LP! alleL 122)

2 ulfferenLlal faulL means
a dlfference beLween Lhe currenL leavlng Lhe generaLor and Lhe currenL arrlvlng aL Lhe bus bar
b volLage dlfference beLween generaLor and bus bar
c frequency dlfference beLween generaLor and bus bar
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 12)

3 LssenLlal loads are connecLed Lo
a baLLery bus bar b generaLor bus bar
c both a b d vlLal bus bar (8ef LP! alleL 77)
Page 1 of 93

4 When exLernal AC power ls connecLed Lo 18u lLs ouLpuL
a energles dc conLrol relay clrculLs
b ls connecLed Lo dc bus bar Lo operaLe dc consumers
c both a b are correct
d ls used sparlngly on ground (8ef LP! alleL 63)

3 ln modern alrcrafL exLernal power ac sockeL has
a four blg plns and Lwo small plns
b as ln a 4
pln provlde ground connecLlon beLween alrcrafL sLrucLure and exLernal power supply
c as ln b Lwo small shorLer plns connecL dc power for operaLlon of lnLerlocklng relays whlch connecL Lhe exLernal ac power Lo
Lhe alrcrafL
d Lwo blgger longer plns and one shorLer small pln (8ef LP! alleL 72)

6 ln alrcrafL dc exLernal power plug conslsLs of
a Lwo blgger longer plns and one shorLer small pln
b as ln (a) ouLer blgger pln ls connecLed Lo negaLlve and lnner blgger pln Lo poslLlve source
c as |n (b) sma||er p|n |s use to sw|tch CN externa| power source to a|rcraft
d Lhree plns of equal lengLh (8ef LP! alleL 70)

7 ulfferenLlal currenL proLecLlon sysLem provlde proLecLlon agalnsL
a shorL clrculLed feeder llne
b generaLor busL bar whlch would resulL ln very hlgh currenL demand on a generaLor
c both a b are correct
d only one beLween a or b can be correcL
(8ef LP! alleL 121)

8 lf all Lhe generaLor fall durlng fllghL Lhe essenLlal servlces wlll be malnLalned by
a AC bus b hot bus
c dc bus d none of Lhe above (8ef 1k Llsmln 243)

9ln consLanL frequency load sysLem whlch ls correcL sLaLemenL
a reacLlve load sharlng ls done by fleld exclLaLlon
b acLlve load sharlng ls done by governor seLLlng
c load sharlng depends on Lhe slze of Lhe generaLor
both a b are correct (8ef LP! alleL 49 30)
10 ln Lwln englne a/c ln fllghL power ls normally supplled by
a two ma|n generators b one generaLor and Au generaLor
c Lwo maln generaLors and baLLerles d baLLerles and Au generaLor (8ef LP! alleL 77)

11 ln modern [eL a/c maln C8s are havlng
a close coll b Lrlp coll
c s|ng|e co|| work|ng as c|ose co|| an tr|p co|| w|th permanent magnet for |atch|ng
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 110)

12 1he conLacLors used on modern a/c are havlng
a maln and auxlllary conLacLs
b slngle coll used for closlng / Lrlpplng by dc elecLromagneL coll a permanenL magneL serves Lo asslsL Lhe coll ln closlng and also Lo
laLch Lhe breaker ln closed / Lrlpped poslLlon
c Lwo zenor dlodes are connecLed across Lhe coll Lo suppress arclng of Lhe coll clrculL conLacLs durlng closlng and Lrlpplng
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 110)

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13 Whlch ls Lrue abouL power dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem
a power consumlng equlpmenL musL noL deprlved of power ln Lhe evenL of power source fallure unless Lhe LoLal power demand
exceeds Lhe avallable supply
b faulL on Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem eg faulL currenL groundlng or earLhlng aL bus bar should have Lhe mlnlmum effecL on sysLem
funcLlonlng and should consLlLuLe mlnlmum flre rlsk
c power consumlng equlpmenL faulLs musL noL endanger Lhe supply of power Lo oLher equlpmenL
a|| are correct (8ef LP! alleL 76)

14 A/c whlch operaLe only on ac generaLors as a prlmary source of elecLrlcal power normally provlde currenL sulLable for baLLery
charglng Lhrough Lhe use of
a a step own transformer an rect|f|er un|t
b on lnverLors and volLage dropplng reslsLor
c Au generaLor d all are correcL (8ef LP! alleL 78)

13 1o show charglng of alrcrafL baLLery ammeLer ls connecLed across a shunL where Lhls shunL ls connecLed ln elecLrlcal clrculL
a battery negat|ve |s earthe |n ser|es w|th the shunt
b shunL ls connecLed ln serles wlLh poslLlve supply
c shunL ls connecLed across Lhe baLLery
d none of Lhe above (8ef 1k Llsmln 236)

16 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for muLual reacLors
a Lhey are ln facL Lransformers whlch have a power source connecLed Lo Lhelr secondary wlndlngs ln addlLlon Lo Lhelr prlmarles
b an alr gap ln Lhe lron core Lo produce a phase dlsplacemenL approxlmaLely 90 degrees beLween Lhe prlmary currenL and
secondary volLage
c Lhey serve Lhe purpose of dellverlng slgnals Lo Lhe volLage regulaLor whlch ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe generaLor's reacLlve load only
d all are correcL (8ef LP! alleL 30)

17 8eacLlve power ln ac generaLor
a produces more heaL losses and demand more exclLaLlon
b opposes armaLure reacLlon
c lncreases back emf
d all Lhe above are correcL (8ef LP! alleL 49)

18 1he volLage drop ln Lhe maln power cable from alrcrafL generaLlon source or Lhe baLLery Lo bus should noL exceed lAA13A
a 2 of regu|ate vo|tage b 3 of regulaLed volLage
c 4 of regulaLed volLage d 1 of regulaLed volLage

19 1he max reslsLance beLween ground polnL of generaLor baLLery and around Lermlnal of any elecLrlcal devlce should noL exceed
lAA13A 436
a 000 b 003r 3 03r 4 00003r

20 Merzprlce proLecLlon sysLem ls also known as (8ef LP! alleL 122)
a over currenL proLecLlon b under volLage proLecLlon
c |fferent|a| protect|on d over volLage proLecLlon

21 ulfferenLlal faulL means (8ef LP! alleL 12)
a |fference between the current |eav|ng the generator an the current arr|v|ng at the bus bar
b volLage dlfference beLween generaLor and bus bar
c frequency dlfference beLween generaLor and bus bar
d none of Lhe above

22 LssenLlal loads are connecLed Lo (8ef LP! alleL 77)
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a baLLery bus bar b generaLor bus bar c both a b d vlLal bus bar
23 When exLernal AC power ls connecLed Lo 18u lLs ouLpuL (8ef LP! alleL 63)
a energles dc conLrol relay clrculLs b ls connecLed Lo dc bus bar Lo operaLe dc consumers
c both a b are correct d ls used sparlngly on ground
24 Whlch ls Lrue abouL power dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem (8ef LP! alleL 76)
a power consumlng equlpmenL musL noL deprlved of power ln Lhe evenL of power source fallure unless Lhe LoLal power demand
exceeds Lhe avallable supply
b faulL on Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem eg faulL currenL groundlng or earLhlng aL bus bar should have Lhe mlnlmum effecL on sysLem
funcLlonlng and should consLlLuLe mlnlmum flre rlsk
c power consumlng equlpmenL faulLs musL noL endanger Lhe supply of power Lo oLher equlpmenL
a|| are correct

23 A/c whlch operaLe only on ac generaLors as a prlmary source of elecLrlcal power normally provlde currenL sulLable for baLLery
charglng Lhrough Lhe use of (8ef LP! alleL 78)
a a step own transformer an rect|f|er un|t b on lnverLors and volLage dropplng reslsLor
c Au generaLor d all are correcL
26 8us bars are locaLed aL/on ALS 7677
a consumer equlpmenL b cockplL
c Lalls [unct|on boxes or |str|but|on pane|s

27 1he sLand by source of power ls provlded by ALS 7677
a batter|es b generaLors c lnverLors d Au

28 ln all AC alrcrafL Lhe uC supplles are provlded from/by ALS 7677
a baLLerles b transformer rect|f|er un|ts (1kUs)
c separaLe uC generaLor d none of Lhe above

29 1he conflguraLlon of Lhe Lransformers of Lhe 18u are ALS 63
a sLar delLa sLar b sLar delLa delLa c star star e|ta d delLa sLar delLa

30 18us are cooled by ALS 63
a blasL alr b ram alr c coollng fans natura| convect|on

31 1he Lhermal swlLches lnslde Lhe 18us operaLe aL ALS 63
a 10 C an 200 C b 200r C and 230r C
c 100r C and 130r C d 30r C and 100r C

32 Mark Lhe correcL opLlon abouL reverse currenL clrculL breaker ALS 113
a ser|es co|| ass|sts the shunt co|| when generator |s charg|ng the batter|es
b serles coll opposes Lhe shunL coll when generaLor ls charglng Lhe baLLerles
c serles coll asslsLs Lhe shunL coll when reverse currenL flows from baLLery Lo Lhe generaLor
d none of Lhe above ls correcL

33 ln Lhe parallel operaLlon of generaLor ln alrcrafL when any generaLor falls ALS 77
a Lhe loads of Lhe falled generaLor are supplled by baLLerles
b the |oas of the fa||e generator are supp||e by the ava||ab|e generator]generators
c only essenLlal loads are supplled by Lhe runnlng generaLor/generaLors
d none of Lhe above ls correcL

34 ln Lhe AC spllL bus bar sysLem of operaLlon when any generaLor falls ALS 78
a |ts |oas are supp||e by the other operat|ng generator
b only essenLlal ac loads are supplled by Lhe operaLlng avallable generaLor
c 18us become ln operaLlve
d all Lhe above are correcL

33 ln Lhe 3pln exLernal power recepLacle ALS 70
a Lhe smaller pln ls poslLlve
b Lhe smaller pln ls negaLlve
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c as |n (a) an |t contro|s the supp|y to externa| power re|ay
d none of Lhe above ls correcL

36 1he purpose of Lhe baLLery ln Lhe alrcrafL ls ALS 69
a Lo provlde maln source of elecLrlcal power
b to prov|e emergency source of power when ma|n generator]generators fa||
c Lo provlde lnLernal sLarL
d none of Lhe above ls correcL

37 Mark Lhe correcL answer abouL Lhe exLernal uC supply recepLacle on Lhe alrcrafL ALS 70
a lL has Lwo maLer plns and one blgger pln b lL has Lwo blgger plns and one smaller pln
c as ln (a) and one of Lhe smaller pln ls negaLlve as |n (b) an one of the b|gger p|ns |s pos|t|ve

38 Mark Lhe correcL answer ALS 70
a exLernal power relay ls locaLed lnslde Lhe ground power unlL (Cu)
b externa| power re|ay |s |ocate |ns|e the a|rcraft an |s contro||e by the sma||est p|n of the externa| supp|y recepLacle
c as ln (a) and ls conLrolled by one of Lhe Lwo blgger plns of exLernal supply recepLacle
d none of Lhe above

39 MagneLlc lndlcaLors of ln Lhe mulLlple uC bus bar sysLem lndlcaLe ALS 71
a saLlsfacLory connecLlon of generaLors Lo Lhe bus bar
b saLlsfacLory connecLlon of baLLerles Lo Lhe bus bar
c sat|sfactory connect|on of externa| power to the bus bars d none of Lhe above ls correcL

40 LxLernal supply recepLacle ls generally locaLed aL ALS 69
a wlngs boLLom slde b wheel bays
c Lall plane the s|es of the fuse|age

41 When exLernal AC supply ls connecLed Lo Lhe alrcrafL lL ls lndlcaLed by ALS 72
a amber ||ght b red blghL c green blghL d none of Lhe above

42 1he exLernal ac power recepLacle has ALS 73
a aL leasL 2 blgger plns b aL leasL 3 blgger plns
c at |east 4 b|gger p|ns d aL leasL 3 blgger plns

43 Cne of Lhe funcLlon of auxlllary power unlL ls ALS 73
a Lo supplemenL Lhe dellvery of alr Lo Lhe cabln durlng landlng
b Lo supplemenL Lhe dellvery of alr Lo Lhe cabln durlng low alLlLude flylng
c to supp|ement the e||very of a|r to the cab|n ur|ng takeoff an c||mb
d none of Lhe above

44 lf a source malnLalns a consLanL volLage aL Lhe lnpuL Lo Lhe llne Lhen any varlaLlon ln Lhe load on llne wlll cause
lAA13A 433
a varlaLlon ln llne currenL b as |n (a) an a|so var|at|on |n Ik rop |n ||ne
c no effecL on llne currenL and l8 drop d varlaLlon ln llne currenL buL no varlaLlon ln l8 drop

43 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL (LP! alleLLe79)
a SpllL 8us bar sysLem mosLly used on 4 englne A/C
b 8us1|e breakers are respons|b|e for connect|ng |fferent bus bars to a s|ng|e A|ternator
c SpllLarallel bus bar sysLem used on 2 englne A/C
d 8oLh (1) (2)

46 ln a parallel clrculL all componenL musL
a have the same p across them b have some value c carry equal currenLs d carry same currenL

47 arallel grouplng of cells ylelds maxlmum currenL when exLernal reslsLance (8L 1hare[a age 33)
a equals lnLernal reslsLance per cell b ls greaLer Lhan lnLernal of Lhe baLLery
c equa|s |nterna| res|stance of the battery d ls less Lhan Lhe lnLernal reslsLance of Lhe baLLery
Page 5 of 93

48 1he maln funcLlon of an equallzer bar ls Lo made Lhe parallel operaLlon of Lwo over compounded uC CeneraLor
(8L 1hare[a age620)
a stab|e b posslble c regular d smooLh

49 uurlng fllghL when more power ls needed Lhe generaLor volLage wlll (1k Llsmln age199)
a rema|n at a constant va|ue however the current f|ow w||| |ncrease
b auLomaLlcally decrease because of Lhe greaLer currenL flow
c remalns aL a consLanL value Lhe currenL wlll also remaln aL a consLanL value
d lncrease aL a sLeady value ln order Lo resLrlcL Lhe currenL flow

30 CerLaln Lermlnal box/[uncLlon boxes are havlng one slde open whlle flLLlng Lhese Lhe open slde should be (8ef AC 43 M8C
a open ouLward b open ownwar c open horlzonLally d open backward

31 1he llmlLlng facLors ln Lhe operaLlon of a recLlfler are
a Lhe maxlmum LemperaLure permlsslble
b Lhe mlnlmum volLage le Lhe reverse volLage requlred Lo breakdown Lhe barrler layer
c 8oth a b
d none of Lhe above

32 M1CS
a ln selenlum recLlfler Lhe maxlmum LemperaLure ls of Lhe order of 70 c
b lor germanlum lL ls 30 c and for slllcon up Lo 130 c
c 1he recLlfler as a compleLe unlL musL be aL a much lower LemperaLure
A|| the above

33 Zener dlodes are used
a as a reference volLage
b volLage level senslng and regulaLlon
c conLrols splke
a|| the above

34 SC8 performs
a Lhe funcLlon of a power recLlflcaLlon
b Lhe funcLlon of onoff swlLch
c varlable power ouLpuL devlce
a|| the above

33 A devlce used for converLlng ac aL one frequency and volLage Lo ac aL Lhe same frequency buL aL anoLher volLage ls known as
a 8ecLlfler
b SLaLlc lnverLer
c 1ransformer
d All Lhe above

36 When Lhe secondary wlndlng of currenL Lransformers are dlsconnecLed from Lhe load clrculLs Lermlnals musL be shorL clrculLed
LogeLher oLherwlse
a may cause elecLrlcal breakdown beLween Lhe wlndlngs
Page of 93
b a dangerous volLage may develop whlch may be harmful Lo any one accldenLally Louchlng Lhe Lermlnals
c both a b
d none of Lhe above

37 M1CS 1ransformer 8ecLlfler unlLs (18us)
a are comblnaLlon of sLaLlc Lransformers and recLlflers
b are uLlllzed ln some ac sysLems as secondary supply unlLs
c as Lhe maln converslon unlLs ln alrcrafL havlng recLlfled ac power sysLems
a|| the above

38 ower urlver ln SLaLlc lnverLer supplles
a a pulse wldLh modulaLed symmeLrlcal ouLpuL Lo conLrol Lhe ouL puL sLage
b shorLs lLself ouL each Llme Lhe volLage falls Lo zero
c square wave slgnal Lo ouL puL sLage
a|| the above

39 SpllL sysLem breaker ls exlsLlng ln
a arallel bus bar sysLem
b Sp||tara||e| bus bar system
c SpllL bus bar sysLem

60 lugs are normally made ouL of
a LlghL alloy
b Alumlnum alloy
c As |n '1' cam|um p|ate

61 ln a uC power recepLacle Lhe smallesL pln carrles
a vL supply
b +vL supply
c As |n '2' a|so g|ves supp|y to externa| power re|ay

62 Whlch of Lhe followlng servlce ls supplled only from A/C alLernaLor?
a vlLal
b LssenLlal
c NonLssent|a|

63 ln a spllL busbar sysLem 818 comes on when
a CeneraLor ls servlceable
b Generator |s un serv|ceab|e
c As ln '1' and connecLs Lwo nonparalleled bus bar

64 LssenLlal loads are supplled Lhrough (8ef LP! alleL 77)
a A/C 8aLLery b A/C CeneraLor c both a b d vlLal bus bar

63 When exLernal AC power ls connecLed Lo 18u lLs ouLpuL (8ef LP! alleL 63)
a energles dc conLrol relay clrculLs b ls connecLed Lo dc bus bar Lo operaLe dc consumers
c both a b are correct d ls used sparlngly on ground

Page 7 of 93
66 lf all Lhe generaLors fall durlng fllghL Lhe vlLal servlces wlll be supplled by (8ef 1k Llsmln 243)
a AC bus b hot bus
c dc bus d none of Lhe above

67 ln consLanL frequency load sysLem whlch ls correcL sLaLemenL (8ef LP! alleL 49 30)
a reacLlve load sharlng ls done by fleld exclLaLlon
b acLlve load sharlng ls done by governor seLLlng
c load sharlng depends on Lhe slze of Lhe generaLor
both a b are correct

68 ln Lwln englne a/c ln fllghL power ls normally supplled by (8ef LP! alleL 77)
a two ma|n generators b one generaLor and Au generaLor
c Lwo maln generaLors and baLLerles d baLLerles and Au generaLor

69 A/c whlch operaLe only on ac generaLors as a prlmary source of elecLrlcal power normally provlde currenL sulLable for baLLery
charglng Lhrough Lhe use of (8ef LP! alleL 78)
a a step own transformer an rect|f|er un|t
b on lnverLors and volLage dropplng reslsLor
c Au generaLor
d all are correcL
70 8us bars are made of ALS 7677
a sllver b alumlnlum c copper e|ther (b) or (c)


1Cable used where LemperaLure ls hlgh and also severe flexlblllLy ls requlred under low LemperaLure condlLlons
a unlfler 'l' b lLSlL
c LIGLAS d 1L8SlL (8ef LP! alleL 83)

2 CerLaln Lermlnal box/[uncLlon boxes are havlng one slde open whlle flLLlng Lhese Lhe open slde should be
a open ouLward
b open ownwar
c open horlzonLally
d open backward (8ef AC 43 M8C Manual)

3 1he lnsulaLlon on elecLrlcal conducLor Lo be used ln flre area
a 1L8SlL b lLSlL
c n?vln None (8ef LP! alleL 83)

4 1he sysLem of wlrlng used ln modern a/c ls
a ln dc power supply slngle wlre earLh reLurn sysLem ls used
b all negaLlve connecLlons are connecLed Lo alrcrafL sLrucLure aL varlous earLh sLaLlons
c for ac power supply clrculLs Lhe alrframe also serves as a connecLlon for Lhe neuLral polnL
d all Lhe above are Lrue (kef LnI a||et 87)

3 1he earLh conducLor on a/c should be checked for
a corroslon
b mechanlcal sLrengLh
c l8 drop
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL)

6 Coaxlal cables are used for
a lgnlLlon harness
b generaLor cabels
c fue| quant|ty |n|cat|ng system
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 87)

Page 8 of 93
7 1he composlLlon of cable loom ls governed by facLors such as
a overall dlameLer/ elecLrlcal reslsLance of wlre
b LemperaLure condlLlons
c Lypes of clrculL wlLh whlch cables are assoclaLed
a|| are correct (8ef LP! alleL 83)

8 LlecLrlc wlre Lermlnals for mosL alrcrafL appllcaLlon musL be whaL Lype?
a soldered Lype b hook Lype
c sloLLed Lype r|ng type or fork type
(8ef 1k Llsmln 66)

9 Whlch of Lhe followlng facLors musL be Laken lnLo conslderaLlon when deLermlnlng Lhe wlre slze Lo use for a/c lnsLallaLlon
a allowable power loss/permlsslble volLage drop
b currenL carrylng capaclLy of wlre
c Lype of load (conLlnuous or lnLermlLLenL)
a|| the above (8ef 1k Llsmln 60)

10 Pow should Lhe spllces be arranged lf several are Lo be locaLed ln an elecLrlcal wlre bundle
a staggere a|ong the |ength of the bun|e
b grouped LogeLher Lo faclllLaLe lnspecLlon
c enclosed ln a condulL
d any one of Lhe above (8ef 1k Llsmln 70)

11 When elecLrlc cables musL pass Lhrough holes ln Lhe bulk head formers rlbs flrewalls eLc Lhe wlre musL be proLecLed for
chafflng by
a wrapplng wlLh elecLrlcal Lapes
b us|ng a rubber grommet
c wrapplng wlLh plasLlc
d any one of Lhe above (8ef 1k Llsmln 63)

12 ln ducLed loom wlrlng sysLem Lhe ducL may be made of
a alumlnum b resln lmpregnaLed asbesLos
c molded flbre glass relnforced plasLlc
a|| are correct (8ef LP! alleL 83)

13 1he lnsulaLlon used on Lhe elecLrlcal wlre should conflrm Lo Lhe followlng rlgld requlremenL
a Loughness and flexlblllLy over a falrly wlde range of LemperaLure
b reslsLance Lo fuels lubrlcanLs and hydrollc flulds
c ease of sLrlpplng for LermlnaLlng nonflammablllLy and mlnlmum welghL
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 83)

14uurlng lnsLallaLlon of elecLrlcal connecLlons on Lermlnals sLrlps of an alrcrafL elecLrlcal sysLem lL should be deLermlned LhaL
a only locknuLs have been used for Lermlnal aLLachmenL Lo Lhe sLuds
b Lhe Lermlnal should be anchor agalnsL roLaLlon
c only plaln nuLs and lockwashers have been used for Lermlnal aLLachmenL Lo Lhe sLuds
d any one of Lhe meLhods can be used (8ef 1k Llsmln 70)

13 Whlle rouLlng elecLrlcal cable Lhe precauLlons Lo be used are
a proLecLlon Lo Lhe wlres agalnsL heaL llqulds abraslon and wear
b clamps should be lnsLalled ln such a manner LhaL Lhe wlres do noL come ln conLacL wlLh oLher parLs of Lhe alrcrafL when sub[ecLed
Lo vlbraLlon
c sufflclenL slack should be lefL beLween Lhe lasL clamp and elecLrlcal equlpmenL Lo prevenL sLraln aL wlre Lermlnal
a|| the above (8ef 1k Llsmln 64)

16 1he open wlrlng sysLem whaL precauLlon should be used
a Lhe number of wlres grouped ln a bundle should be llmlLed ln order Lo reduce Lhe problems of malnLenance and Lo llmlL damage
ln case a shorL clrculL should occur and burn of Lhe wlre ln bundle
b shlelded cable lgnlLlon cable and wlres LhaL ls noL proLecLed by clrculL breaker or fuse should be rouLed separaLely
Page 9 of 93
c Lhe bendlng radlus of a wlre bundle should noL be less Lhan 10 Llmes Lhe ouLer dlameLer of Lhe bundle
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 62)

17 WhaL ls Lrue abouL alumlnum wlres used ln alrcrafL
a an alumlnum conducLor havlng same reslsLance as copper conducLor has only Lwo Lhlrds of Lhe welghL buL Lwlce Lhe cross
secLlonal area of copper conducLor
b alumlnum wlre smaller Lhan AWC slze 6 ls noL accepLable
c alumlnum wlres can noL be soldered ln many cases alumlnum wlre requlres a speclal wlresLrlpplng Lool Lo ensure LhaL Lhe
sLrands are noL nlcked or broken
a|| the above (8ef 1k Llsmln 70)
18 1he crlmped LermlnaLlons are consldered superlor Lo solderlng LermlnaLlon
a crlmpllng ls fasLer easler and unlform acLlon can be assured
b good elecLrlcal conducLlvlLy and lower volLage drop
c sLrong elecLrlcal connecLlon no chance of shorLlng as solder ls noL used and no heaLlng requlred dry [olnLs are ellmlnaLed
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 88)

19 1he composlLlon of cable loom ls dlcLaLed by such facLors as
a overall dlameLer and LemperaLure condlLlons
b Lype of currenL ac or dc lnLermlLLenL duLy or conLlnuous duLy
c lnLerference resulLlng from lnducLlve or magneLlc effecL
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 84)

20 lor connecLlng alumlnum LermlnaLlon Lhe hardware Lo be used ls made of
a alumlnum or alumlnum alloy
b should be plaLed wlLh cadmlum or some oLher compaLlble maLerlal
c both a b are correct
d brass Lo used (8ef 1k Llsmln 70)

21 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls correcL for connecLors
a An connecLors are of flve baslc classes
b connecLors of classes A 8 C u are made of copper
c class k ls made of sLeel
both a c are correct (8ef AC 63 12A 238)

22lor Lhe same load lf copper conducLor ls Lo be replaced wlLh alumlnum conducLor Lhe alumlnum conducLor should be
a 2 s|ze |arger than copper
b 4 slze larger Lhan Lhe copper
c 6 slze larger Lhan Lhe copper
d 3 slze larger Lhan copper (8ef AC 6394)

23Where physlcal separaLlon of wlre bundle ls noL posslble wlLh a meLal llne carrylng a flammable fluld
a wlres should be placed above Lhe flammable fluld llne and securely clamped Lo Lhe sLrucLure
b wlres musL be placed ln condulLs
c wlre should be wrapped wlLh vC Lube or Lape
d any one of Lhe above meLhod can be used (8ef 1k Llsmln 63)

24 ulelecLrlcal LesL on cable ls performed by
a 1300v ac 30 c/s for 13mln
b 1300v ac 30 c/s for 3 mln
c 1300v ac 30 c/s for 13 mln lmmersed ln waLer
d 1300v ac 30 c/s for 3 mln lmmersed ln waLer (8ef Ceneral)

23 Whlle pulllng Lhe cables wlre bundle Lhrough condulLs Lhe recommended lubrlcaLlon Lo be used ls
a llghL welghL vegeLable based grease
b powered graphlLe c ta|c power
d easlly avallable hydrollc oll om13 (8ef 1k Llsmln 66)

Page 7 of 93
26 1he lnsulaLlon used on alrcrafL wlres ls
a polychrolopren and vC b lL 1lL
c 1lL 1L8SlL (polyes1L8 and SlLlune)
a|| are correct (8ef LP! alleL 83)

27 Cable used where LemperaLure ls hlgh and also severe flexlblllLy ls requlred under low LemperaLure condlLlons (8ef LP! alleL
a unlfler 'l' b lLSlL c LIGLAS d 1L8SlL

28 1he lnsulaLlon on elecLrlcal conducLor Lo be used ln flre area (8ef LP! alleL 83)
a 1L8SlL b lLSlL c n?vln None

29 1he sysLem of wlrlng used ln modern a/c ls (8ef LP! alleL 87)
a ln dc power supply slngle wlre earLh reLurn sysLem ls used
b all negaLlve connecLlons are connecLed Lo alrcrafL sLrucLure aL varlous earLh sLaLlons
c for ac power supply clrculLs Lhe alrframe also serves as a connecLlon for Lhe neuLral polnL
a|| the above are true

30 1he earLh conducLor on a/c should be checked for (8ef LP! alleL)
a corroslon b mechanlcal sLrengLh c l8 drop a|| the above

31 Coaxlal cables are used for (8ef LP! alleL 87)
a lgnlLlon harness b generaLor cables c fue| quant|ty |n|cat|ng system d none

32 1he composlLlon of cable loom ls governed by facLors such as (8ef LP! alleL 83)
a overall dlameLer/ elecLrlcal reslsLance of wlre b LemperaLure condlLlons
c Lypes of clrculL wlLh whlch cables are assoclaLed a|| are correct

33 LlecLrlc wlre Lermlnals for mosL alrcrafL appllcaLlon musL be whaL Lype? (8ef 1k Llsmln 66)
a soldered Lype b hook Lype
c sloLLed Lype r|ng type or fork type

34 Pow should Lhe spllces be arranged lf several are Lo be locaLed ln an elecLrlcal wlre bundle
(8ef 1k Llsmln 70)
a staggere a|ong the |ength of the bun|e b grouped LogeLher Lo faclllLaLe lnspecLlon
c enclosed ln a condulL d any one of Lhe above

33 When elecLrlc cables musL pass Lhrough holes ln Lhe bulk head formers rlbs flrewalls eLc Lhe wlre musL be proLecLed for
chafflng by (8ef 1k Llsmln 63)
a wrapplng wlLh elecLrlcal Lapes b us|ng a rubber grommet
c wrapplng wlLh plasLlc d any one of Lhe above

36 ln ducLed loom wlrlng sysLem Lhe ducL may be made of (8ef LP! alleL 83)
a alumlnum b resln lmpregnaLed asbesLos
c molded flbre glass relnforced plasLlc a|| are correct
37 1he lnsulaLlon used on Lhe elecLrlcal wlre should conflrm Lo Lhe followlng rlgld requlremenL
(8ef LP! alleL 83)
a Loughness and flexlblllLy over a falrly wlde range of LemperaLure
b reslsLance Lo fuels lubrlcanLs and hydraullc flulds
c ease of sLrlpplng for LermlnaLlng nonflammablllLy and mlnlmum welghL
a|| the above

38 1he crlmped LermlnaLlons are consldered superlor Lo solderlng LermlnaLlon (8ef LP! alleL 88)
a crlmpllng ls fasLer easler and unlform acLlon can be assured
Page 71 of 93
b good elecLrlcal conducLlvlLy and lower volLage drop
c sLrong elecLrlcal connecLlon no chance of shorLlng as solder ls noL used and no heaLlng requlred dry [olnLs are ellmlnaLed
a|| the above

39 1he composlLlon of cable loom ls dlcLaLed by such facLors as (8ef LP! alleL 84)
a overall dlameLer and LemperaLure condlLlons
b Lype of currenL ac or dc lnLermlLLenL duLy or conLlnuous duLy
c lnLerference resulLlng from lnducLlve or magneLlc effecL a|| the above

40 lor connecLlng alumlnum LermlnaLlon Lhe hardware Lo be used ls made of (8ef 1k Llsmln 70)
a alumlnum or alumlnum alloy b should be plaLed wlLh cadmlum or some oLher compaLlble maLerlal
c both a b are correct d brass Lo used

41 Whlle pulllng Lhe cables wlre bundle Lhrough condulLs Lhe recommended lubrlcaLlon Lo be used ls
(8ef 1k Llsmln 66)
a llghL welghL vegeLable based grease b powered graphlLe
c ta|c power d easlly avallable hydrollc oll om13

42 lor recLangular conducLors Lhe slze of Lhe wlre ls measured ln Llsmln 37
a clrcular mll b recLangular mll c square m|| d none of Lhe above ls correcL

43 lnLermlLLenL clrculLs carry currenL for lnLervals of Llsmln 38
a 13 mln or less b 10 mln or less c 3 mln or less 2 m|n or |ess

44 A conLlnuous flow ls consldered Lo be any clrculL LhaL carrles currenL for a perlod longer Lhan
Llsmln 38
a Z mln b 1 mln c 2 m|n d 4 mln

43 1he maxlmum allowable volLage drop for conLlnuous operaLlon ln a 28 volL sysLem ls Llsmln 38
a 8 volLs b 4 volLs c 2 volLs 1 vo|t

46 1he maxlmum slze of alumlnlum wlre used for alrcrafL ls Llsmln 3970
a AL8 b AL6 c AL4 d AL2

47 1he Lype of cable used for general servlces wlrlng ls Llsmln 83
a n?vln b 8Ln c 1L8SlL e|ther (a) or (b)

48 1he Lype of cable used for areas where screenlng ls requlred ls alleL 83
a NVIN ML1 Sheath b n?vln c 8Ln d Ll glass

49 1he Lype of cable mosL approprlaLe Lo be used ln landlng gear shock sLruL swlLch clrculL lsalleL 83
a unlflre 'l' b nyvln meL sheaLh c lLSlL LI g|ass

30 1he Lype of conducLor used ln unlll8L'f" cable ls alleL 83
a Llnned copper conducLor b alumlnlum
c n|cke|p|ate copper d sllver plaLed copper

31 1he Lype of cable used ln hlgh LemperaLure areas where reslsLance of alrcrafL flulds ls necessary ls
alleL 83
a unlll8Lf" b n?vln ML1 SPLA1P c LI GLASS d 1L8SlL

32 A wlre ls marked as 11A22n 1he number 22 here lndlcaLes alleL 183
a cable number b cab|e s|ze
c cable segmenL d currenL carrylng capaclLy of cable ls 22 amps
Page 72 of 93

33 1he llghLlng used for Lhe general lllumlnaLlon of cockplL areas ls alleL 132
a elecLrolumlnescenL llghLlng b plllar llghLs c eye brow llghLs f|oo ||ghts

34 1he sLuds of elecLrlc Lermlnal sLrlps can accommodaLe Llsmln 69
a 2 Lermlnals b 4 term|na|s c 6 Lermlnals d 8 Lermlnals

33 M1CS abouL Lhe elecLrlcal connecLors Llsmln 71
a a connecLor assembly conslsLs of plug and sockeLs
b a connecLor assembly conslsLs of plug and recepLacle
c as ln (a) and plug conLalns plns sockeL conLaln lnserLs
as |n (b) an p|ug conta|ns sockets an receptac|e conta|ns p|ns

36 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a flre proof connecLor 13A 433
a class A b class u c c|ass k d class M

37 Sparklng caused by dlscharge of sLaLlc elecLrlclLy ls prevenLed by (8ef 8olls8oyce133)
a bon|ng a|| a]c an eng|ne components b bondlng ls noL requlred
c unnecessary welghL ls lncreased d none of Lhe above

38ln Lhermocouple sysLem of flre deLecLor (8ef 8olls8oyce134)
a Lwo dlsslmllar meLals are [olned LogeLher Lo form Lwo [uncLlons
b rlse ln LemperaLure produces an emf LhaL Lrlggers Lhe deLecLor
c both a b |s correct
d none of Lhe above

39 1he 'flrewlre' sysLem for flre deLecLlon ls consldered superlor because 8ef LP! alleL 163
a lL provldes maxlmum coverage of an englne flre zone
b lL can ellmlnaLe Lhe use of a conslderable number of flre deLecLor
c coverage area can be easlly lncreased by exLendlng Lhe 'flre wlre' lengLh by speclal coupllng unlL
a|| the above

60 A connecLlon ln whlch a cable conducLor ls secured by compresslon Lo a LermlnaLlon so LhaL Lhe meLals of boLh are held LogeLher
ln close conLacL ls called CAl/ll/1008
a soldered connecLlon b flawless connecLlon c cr|mpe connect|on d looped connecLlon


1 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL
a elecLrlc sLarLer ls usually a dc moLor
b elecLrlc sLarLer supply may be hlgh or low
c Lhe elecLrlcal supply ls auLomaLlcally cancelled when sLarLer load ls reduced afLer Lhe englne sLarLed
a|| are correct (8ef 8olls8oyce 122)

2 CarLrldge sLarLer
a ls mosLly used on mlllLary a/c
b lL provlde qulck and lndependenL meLhod of sLarLlng
c lL ls never used on mlllLary a/c
on|y a b |s correct (8ef 8olls8oyce 124)

3 neumaLlc sLarLers
a are used on mosL commerclal alrllnes
b lL ls comparaLlvely llghL slmple and economlcal Lo operaLe
c both are correct
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8olls8oyce 124)

4 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLarLlng sysLem ls used mosLly by modern commerclal alrllnes
Page 73 of 93
a lso propyle nlLraLe Lype
b carLrldge Lype
c elecLrlc Lype
pneumat|c type (8ef 8olls8oyce 124)

3 As soon as Lhe englne sLarLs
a starter gets |sengage by c|utch system
b lL remalns runnlng Lhrough ouL Lhe englne seen
c lL does noL maLLer aL all
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8olls8oyce 122)

6 neumaLlc sLarLer may be supplled wlLh pneumaLlc source from
a Au
b exLernal pneumaLlc source
c from anoLher runnlng a/c
any one of the above sources (8ef 8olls8oyce 124)

a ls auxlllary power unlL
b normally lnsLalled ln Lall secLlons of an a/c
c lL ls sLarLed by a slngle swlLch operaLlon
a|| above are correct
(8ef 8olls8oyce 124)

8 Sequence of sLarLlng sysLem ls
a eng|ne rotat|on |gn|t|on fue| supp|y
b lgnlLlon fuel supply and englne roLaLlon
c fuel supply lgnlLlon and englne roLaLlon
d none of Lhe above
(8ef 8olls8oyce 121)

91he commerclal a/c requlres lLs sLarLlng sysLem Lo be
a hlghly rellable
b mlnlmum dlsLurbance Lo Lhe passengers
c mosL economlcal
a|| are correct (8ef 8olls8oyce 122)

10 1he purpose of any sLarLer sysLem ls Lo acceleraLe Lhe englne Lo
a ldle 8M
b above ldle 8M
c se|f acce|erat|ng kM
d n1A (noL Lhe above) (8ef 1reager 374)

11 A hung sLarL ls a slLuaLlon
a where englne does noL roLaLe
b where eng|ne acce|erates to some |nterme|ate rpm be|ow ||e an stays there
c where lgnlLlon does noL occur
d englne falls Lo sLarL (8ef 1reager 374)

12 SLarLlng power requlremenLs for gas Lurblne englne dlffer from Lhose of reclprocaLlng englnes ln gas Lurblne englne peak load Lo
Lhe sLarLer ls applled
a durlng sLarLer engagemenL
b durlng sLarLer cuLLlng off
c lnlLlally durlng sLarLlng
ur|ng |n|t|a| eng|ne acce|erat|on pr|or to ||ght off (8ef 1reager 374)

13 LlecLrlc moLor sLarLers deslgned Lo provlde hlgh sLarLlng Lorque are
Page 74 of 93
a ser|es woun b shunL wound
c serles shunL wound d shunL serles wound (8ef 1reager 374)

14 1ype of sLarLer mosLly used on small englnes
a fuel alr combusLlon sLarLer
b hydraullc moLor sLarLer
c starter generator
d A1A (all Lhe above) (8ef 1reager 374)

13 1he prlnclple of elecLrlc sLarLer ls Lo converL
a mechanlcal energy lnLo elecLrlc
b e|ectr|ca| energy |nto mechan|ca| energy
c magneLlc energy lnLo elecLrlcal energy
d magneLlc energy lnLo mechanlcal energy (8ef LP! alleL 133)

16 rlmary advanLage of alr Lurblne sLarLer ls
a ||ght we|ght to torque rat|o
b heavy welghL Lo Lorque raLlo
c hlgh Lorque lnlLlally
d all Lhe above (8ef 1reager 379)

17 Some of Lhe Lurbo englne requlres 24v/48v supply for englne sLarLlng 1hls supply ls obLalned
a only Lhrough exLernal power source
b a/c elecLrlcal supply sysLem ls havlng baLLerles for 24 volL as well as 48 volL sysLem separaLely
c baLLery supply and Au supply are connecLed ln serles Lo make 48v
batter|es are connecte |n para||e| ur|ng norma| operat|on an are connecte |n ser|es ur|ng |nterna| eng|ne start|ng cyc|e
(8ef Ceneral)
18LngagemeL of alr Lurblne sLarLer ls accompllshed Lhrough
a a [aw or frlcLlon coupllng
b a [aw or fly wheel coupllng
c a [aw or pow| an ratchet c|utch
d none of Lhe above (8ef 1reager 380)

19 Cas Lurblne sLarLer conLalns lLs own
a fuel conLrol and sLarLer
b lubrlcaLlon pump and sysLem
c lgnlLlon sysLem
a|| the above (8ef 1reager 383)

20 1urblne englne lgnlLlon sysLem
a sLarLs a/c on ground and ls Lhen swlLched off
b provldes proLecLlon agalnsL ln fllghL flame ouL
c ls capable of kllllng a person lf mlshandled
a|| are correct (8ef Ceneral)

21 luel used ln llquld monopropellanL sLarLer
a hydrogen peroxlde
b lsopropyl nlLraLe
c hydrazlne
a|| the above (8ef 1reager 388)

22 1ype of sLarLer besL for hlgh sLarLlng Lorque Lo welghL raLlo
a hydraullc sLarLer
b monoprope||ant starter
c carLrldge sLarLer
d none of Lhe above (8ef 1reager 390)

23 1he consLralned gap lgnlLer plug used ln some gas Lurblne englne operaLes aL a cooler LemperaLure because
Page 75 of 93
a lL pro[ecLs lnLo Lhe combusLlon chamber
b Lhe applled volLage ls less
c the construct|on |s such that spark occurs beyon the face of the combust|on chamber ||ner
d lL has mulLlple elecLrodes Lo share Lhe volLage arclng (8ef 1reager 371)

24 1urblne englne lgnlLlon sysLem requlre hlgh energy
a Lo lgnlLe fuel under condlLlons of hlgh alLlLude and hlgh LemperaLure
b to |gn|te fue| uner con|t|ons of h|gh a|t|tue an |ow temperature
c because Lhe applled volLage ls much less
d because Lhe applled volLage ls much hlgher (8ef 1reager 360)


1 Sparklng caused by dlscharge of sLaLlc elecLrlclLy ls prevenLed by
a bon|ng a|| a]c an eng|ne components
b bondlng ls noL requlred
c unnecessary welghL ls lncreased
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8olls8oyce 133)

2 ln Lhermocouple sysLem of flre deLecLor
a Lwo dlsslmllar meLals are [olned LogeLher Lo form Lwo [uncLlons
b rlse ln LemperaLure produces an emf LhaL Lrlggers Lhe deLecLor
c both a b |s correct
d none of Lhe above (8ef 8olls8oyce 134)

3 lallure Lo obLaln an alarm slgnal when Lhe LesL swlLch ls acLuaLed may be caused by
a defecLlve LesL swlLch or conLrol unlL
b lack of elecLrlc power
c boLh a b
as |n c an open|ng |n the sens|ng e|ement (8ef lAA12A 403)

4 When Lhe LesL swlLch falls Lo provlde an alarm
1 Lhe conLlnulLy of a Lwo wlre senslng loop can be deLermlned by openlng Lhe loop and measurlng Lhe reslsLance
2 ln a slngle wlre conLlnuous loop sysLem Lhe cenLer conducLor should be grounded
a only no1 ls Lrue
b only no2 ls Lrue
c both no1 no2 are true
d boLh are wrong (8ef lAA12A 403)

3 1he 'flrewlre' sysLem for flre deLecLlon ls consldered superlor because
a lL provldes maxlmum coverage of an englne flre zone
b lL can ellmlnaLe Lhe use of a conslderable number of flre deLecLor
c coverage area can be easlly lncreased by exLendlng Lhe 'flre wlre' lengLh by speclal coupllng unlL
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 163)

6 1he 'flre wlre' flre deLecLlng sysLem worklng on Lhe prlnclple of change of capaclLance wlLh Lhe LemperaLure Lhe prlnclple
advanLage of Lhe sysLem ls LhaL
a a short c|rcu|t groun|ng the e|ement or system w|re oes not resu|t |n a fa|se f|re warn|ng
b lL does noL resulL ln a false flre warnlng
c boLh a b are correcL (8ef LP! alleL)

7 ln Llndberg SysLem uonner sysLem Lhe prlnclple uLlllzed Lo glve lndlcaLlon for overheaL or flre warnlng ls
a change ln capaclLance wlLh change ln LemperaLure
b change ln reslsLance valve due Lo change ln LemperaLure
c change |n gas pressure w|th change |n temperature to actuate |aphragm operate contacts
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 164)
Page 7 of 93

8 AfLer Lhe dlscharge of englne flre exLlngulsher Lo Lhe parLlcular englne
a Lhe same englne may be sLarLed lmmedlaLely
b no attempt shou| be to start the eng|ne aga|n
c englne may be rellghLed
d none ls correcL (8ef 8olls8oyce 137)
9 1he englne flre exLlngulsher
a conLalner ls pressurlzed
b conLenLs are of Lhe freon compounds as exLlngulshanL
c when operaLed exLlngulshanL ls dlscharged Lhrough perforaLed spray plpes or nozzles lnLo Lhe flre
a|| the above are correct (8ef 8olls8oyce 143)

10 ln case of flre ln no 1 englne warnlngs ln Lhe cockplL wlll be
a bell b red flashlng llghL
c red llghL lllumlnaLlon on no 1 flre handle a|| are correct (8ef 8olls8oyce 143)

11lor sLarLlng englne Lhe Lype of flre exLlngulsher requlred Lo be poslLloned ls
a foam Lype b CC

c WaLer Lype d no need Lo have a flre exLlngulsher poslLloned (8ef lAA 1201)

12 1he purpose of normally closed dlaphragm operaLed low pressure swlLch ln Llndberg SysLem uonner sysLem ls
a Lo lndlcaLe presence of gas ln Lhe deLecLor
b Lo make Lhe deLecLor lnoperaLlve" ln case gas pressure ls reduced or compleLely leaked
c both a b are correct (8ef LP! alleL 164)

13 1he flxed flre exLlngulshers used ln alrcrafL are operaLed
a mechanlcally b e|ectr|ca||y
c boLh a b d pneumaLlcally (8ef Ceneral)

14 1o blow ouL [eL plpe flre
a use approprlaLe flre exLlngulsher
b co| crank the eng|ne
c sLarL Lhe englne and blow ouL Lhe flre
d any of Lhe above (8ef Ceneral)

13 1hermlsLor conslsLs of semlconducLor maLerlal whose reslsLance changes as
a lncrease of pressure b |ncrease of temperature
c lncrease of veloclLy d any of Lhe above (8ef 8olls8oyce 133)

16 AL hlgh mach numbers Lype of flre deLecLor used
a LhemlsLor Lype
b Lhermo couple Lype
c rate of temperature r|se type
d any of Lhe above (8ef 8olls8oyce 136)

17 1he charge of flre exLlngulsher
a ls sprayed Lhrough perforaLed plpes on nozzle lnLo Lhe cold zone of englne
b ls sprayed lnLo Lhe hoL zone around combusLlon chamber
c sprayed around Lhe exhausL plpe
d all are correcL (8ef AC63 12A/400)

18 1ype of flre deLecLors mosL commonly used for fasL deLecLlon of flres are
a raLe of LemperaLure rlse b radlaLlon senslng
c over heaL deLecLors a|| the above are correct (8ef lAA12A 399)

19 AuLomaLlc heaL senslng flre deLecLlon clrculL conslsLs of
a heaL senslng unlL b conLrolllng unlL
c a relay and warnlng devlces a|| the above (8ef lAA12A 399)
Page 77 of 93
20 llre proLecLlon lnsLallaLlon conLlnuous loop ls supporLed by aLLachmenL or clamps every
a 6 8 lnches
b 8 10 lnches
c 10 12 |nches
d 4 6 lnches (8ef lAA12A 400)

21 1oo greaL dlsLance beLween supporL of conLlnuous loop sysLem may
a permlL vlbraLlon
b as ln a chaflng
c as |n b fa|se a|arms
d none (8ef lAA12A 400)

22 A flre warnlng llghL for each englne ls locaLed ln a
a speclal flre swlLch handle on Lhe lnsLrumenL panel
b llghL shleld
c flre conLrol panel
a|| the above are correct (8ef lAA12A 403)

23 ln flre exLlngulshlng sysLem lf carLrldge ls removed from a dlscharge valve for any reason
a can be f|tte back to or|g|na| assemb|y on|y
b all Lhe carLrldges can be lnLerchanged
c removed carLrldge can noL be replaced
d none of Lhe above (8ef AC63 12A/407)

24WhaL would be Lhe lndlcaLlon lf flre exLlngulsher ls dlscharged lnLenLlonally
a ye||ow |sk b|own off
b yellow dlsk vlslble
c red dlsk blown off
d red dlsk vlslble (8ef AC63 12A/409)

23WhaL would be lndlcaLlon when Lhe flre exLlngulsher boLLle ls overheaL and dlscharged auLomaLlcally
a yellow dlsk blown off
b yellow dlsk vlslble
c re |sk b|own off
d red dlsk vlslble (8ef AC63 12A/409)

26 Cn perlodlc check of flre exLlngulsher conLalner Lhe pressure was noL beLween mlnlmum and maxlmum llmlLs under amblenL
LemperaLure condlLlon Lhe procedure should be followed
a replace Lhe conLalner lf pressure ls above Lhe maxlmum llmlL
b replace Lhe conLalner lf pressure ls below Lhe mlnlmum llmlL
c rep|ace the conta|ner
d release Lhe a/c wlLh MLL (8ef AC63 12A/406)

27 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for kldde senslng elemenL
a Lwo wlres are lmbedded ln a speclal ceramlc core wlLhln lnconel Lube
b one of Lhe Lwo wlres ls welded Lo Lhe case aL each end acL as an lnLernal ground
c Lhe second wlre provldes a currenL slgnal when ceramlc core maLerlal changes lLs reslsLance wlLh a change ln LemperaLure
a|| are correct (8ef AC63 12A/393)

28 1he conLenLs of flxed Lypes flre boLLles ln Lhe a/c ls generally
a CC
b meLhyle bromlde
c halogenaLed hydrocarbon (commonly call freon) Palon 1211 of Palon 1301
d none of Lhe above (8ef AC63 12A/393)


Page 78 of 93
1 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for sLrobe llghLlng
a capaclLor dlscharge Lype
b flashlng frequency ls 70 per mlnuLe
c uses xenon fllled Lube
a|| the above are correct (8ef LP! alleL 147)

2 1he lnsLrumenL llghLlng sysLem used ln a/c ls
a plllar llghLs
b brldge llghLs
c wedge llghL
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 131)

3 uome llghL ln Lhe cockplL ls dlmmed by
a res|stance |n ser|es
b choke ln serles
c capaclLor ln serles
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 133)

4 Lmergency llghLs ln cockplL and passenger cabln lllumlnaLe
a ln Lhe evenL of power fallure ln a/c
b prlmary conLrol of Lhe llghLs ls by means of a s/w on a cockplL overhead panel
c lllumlnaLlon ls normally aL a lower lever
a|| are correct (8ef LP! alleL 134)

3 WhaL ls colour and orlenLaLlon of Lhe poslLlon llghLs for navlgaLlon llghL on clvll alr planes
a porL green sL bd red rear whlLe
b port re st b green rear wh|te
c porL whlLe sL bd green rear red
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 143)

6 8unway Lurn off llghLs are used Lo provlde lllumlnaLlon area Lo
a the |mme|ate r|ght an |eft of a|rcraft
b rear of Lhe a/c
c boLh a b are correcL
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 146)

7 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL of sLroke llghLlng
a lLs lnpuL supply ls 28v uC or 113v 400 Pz ac
b ouLpuL ls capaclLor dlscharge 430v and llghL ls whlLe ln colour
c Lyplcal flashlng frequency ls 70 per mlnuLe
a|| are correct (8ef LP! alleL 147)


1 1he horn ln landlng gear warnlng clrculL ls acLlvaLed by
a up lock mlcro s/w
b down lock mlcro s/w
c eng|ne thrott|e retar m|cro s]w
d all Lhe above
(8ef LP! alleL 176)

2 1he landlng gear warnlng usually provlde whlch of Lhe followlng lndlcaLlons
a red llghL for unsafe gear no llghL for gear down green llghL for gear up
b green llghL for gear up and down red llghL for unsafe gear
c re ||ght for unsafe gear green ||ghts for gear own no ||ght for gear up
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 176)
Page 79 of 93

3 1he horn ln landlng gear warnlng clrculL ls acLlvaLed by (8ef LP! alleL 176)
a up lock mlcro s/w b down lock mlcro s/w c eng|ne thrott|e retar m|cro s]w d all Lhe above

C4 A safeLy swlLch lncluded ln Lhe Landlng gear clrculL
, Lo prevenL accldenLal reLracLlon of Lhe gear whlle Lhe alrcrafL ls on Lhe ground
- Lhe swlLch ls flLLed Lo Lhe shock sLruL of one of Lhe maln wheel
. Lhe swlLch ls open when Lhe alrcrafL ls on Lhe ground
/ a|| the above
C3 1o guard agalnsL landlng wlLh landlng gear reLracLed or unlocked a horn ls lncorporaLed acLlvaLed by
, down lock mlcro swlLch
- thrott|e operate m|cro sw|tch
. up lock mlcro swlLch
/ none of Lhe above
, Lhree green lamps when lllumlnaLed lndlcaLe gear down and locked
- Lhree red lamps when lllumlnaLed lndlcaLe gear up and locked
. ln Lhe evenL of fallure of green lamp fllamenL provlslon ls made for swlLchlng ln a sLandby seL of lamps
/ a c are correct
C7 Porn sllencer relay has holdln clrculL
, so that |t w||| rema|n energ|ze unt|| the c power supp|y |s f|na||y swlLched off
- Lo cuL off supply when Lhe push swlLch ls released
. for funcLlonal LesLlng of Lhe horn clrculL
/ none of Lhe above

C88eLracLable Lype landlng gear uLlllzes
1) SpllL fleld serles moLors b hydraullc power c e|ther (a) or (b) d none

91he 8ed llghL wlll lllumlnaLe ln LC sysLem when
a All LC ls u
c Cne LC ls u
b A|| LG |s |n |nterm|ttent pos|t|on
d none

10 1he horn ln Lhe LC sysLem ls connecLed wlLh
1) 1hrott|e an DCWN |ock m]s
2)1hroLLle and u lock m/s
2) 1hroLLle Cnly
4) none

11 1he condlLlon for LC sysLem horn Lo come on ls
1) Any one LC ls noL uCWn locked
3) Any one LC ls noL u locked
2) As |n (a) an thrott|e at 1]3
from fu|| open
4) As ln (b) and LhroLLle aL Lake off conflguraLlon21 When Lhe alrcrafL ls on ground LC u poslLlon ln Lhe LC selecLor swlLch ls
prevenLed by Lhe operaLlon of
roxlmlLy swlLch
SquaL swlLch
As ln (b) and Lhe swlLch ls lnslde Lhe LC selecLor
Page 8 of 93
As |n (b) an the sw|tch |s |ns|e the LG shock strut

12 1he LoLal no of SquaL swlLch ls
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 1 (4) none

13 Porn sllencer clrculL wlll noL funcLlon lf
LC ls noL u and locked 3)1hrott|e |s not at |an|ng conf|gurat|on
As ln (b) and LC ls noL uCWn and locked 4) As ln (a) and LC ls noL uCWn and locked

14 1he LC horn warnlng clrculL produce aural warnlng (8ef LP! alleLL )
a When any one LC ls noL down and locked
b When any one LC ls down and locked
c When any LhroLLle ls aL 1/3
from full open poslLlon
d 8oth 'a' 'c' are correct


C1 1he purpose of anLlskld generaLor ls Lo
A measure whee| rotat|ona| spee an any spee changes
8 monlLor hydraullc pressure applled Lo brakes
C lndlcaLes when a Llre skld occurs
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C2 ln a brake anLlskld sysLem when approachlng skld ls sensed an elecLrlcal slgnal ls senL Lo skld conLrol valve whlch
A re||eves the hyrau||c pressure on the brakes
8 acLs as a bypass for Lhe boosLer cyllnders
C equallzes Lhe hydraullc pressure ln ad[acenL brakes
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C3 An anLlskld sysLem ls
A a hydraullc sysLem
8 an elecLrlcal sysLem
C an e|ectro hyrau||c system
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C4 AnLlskld braklng sysLem are generally armed by
A Lhe roLaLlon of Lhe wheels above a cerLaln speed
8 cenLrlfugal swlLch
C |n the cockp|t
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C3 (1) When an alrplane ls slowed below approxlmaLely 20MP Lhe anLlskld sysLem auLomaLlcally deacLlvaLes Lo glve Lhe plloL
full conLrol of Lhe brakes for maneuverlng and parklng
(2) An anLlskld sysLem conslsLs baslcally of Lhree componenLs wheel speed sensors conLrol box and conLrol valve
8egardlng Lhe above sLaLemenLs
A only no1 ls Lrue
8 both No1 an No2 are true
C only no2 ls Lrue
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C6 ln an anLlskld sysLem wheel skld ls deLecLed by
A A sudden rlse ln brake pressure
8 a dlscrlmlnaLor
C an e|ectr|ca| sensor
Page 81 of 93
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C7 Whlch of Lhe followlng funcLlons does a skld conLrol sysLem perform?
normal skld conLrol
normal braklng
lall safe proLecLlon
Locked wheel skld conLrol
1ouch down proLecLlon
1akeoff proLecLlon

A 123and 6
8 134an
C 123and4
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C8 ln Lhe alr wlLh Lhe anLlskld armed currenL can noL flow Lo Lhe anLlskld conLrol box because
A |an|ng gear squat sw|tch |s open
8 landlng gear down and lock swlLch ls open
C landlng gear anLlskld valves are open
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C9 WhaL polnL ln Lhe landlng operaLlon does normal skld conLrol perform lLs funcLlon?
A when whee| rotat|on ece|erat|on |n|cates an |mpen|ng sk|
8 any Llme Lhe wheel ls roLaLlng
C when wheel roLaLlon lndlcaLes hydroplanlng
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C10 (1) An anLlskld sysLem ls deslgned Lo apply enough force Lo operaLe [usL below Lhe skld polnL
a warnlng lamp llghLs ln Lhe cockplL when Lhe anLlskld sysLem ls Lurned off or lf Lhere ls a sysLem fallure 8egardlng
Lhe above sysLems
A only no 1 ls Lrue
8 both No1 an No 2 are true
C only no ls Lrue
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C11 When a landlng gear safeLy swlLch on a maln gear sLruL chooses aL llfL off whlch sysLem ls deacLlvaLed?
A ant|sk| system
8 aural warnlng sysLem
C landlng gear poslLlon sysLem
( !SA1 10343 (AC6313A)

C12 AnLlskld sensor ls senslng
A spee of the a|rcraft
8 pressure of brake unlL
C LemperaLure dlfference beLween hydraullc oll aLmosphere LemperaLure
u all Lhe above are correcL
(LP! alleL178)

C13 1he anLlskld sysLem works on Lhe prlnclple
A lL monlLors Lhe raLe of wheel deceleraLlon
8 lf Lhe deceleraLlon ls very hlgh correcLlon slgnal ls applled Lo conLrol valve
C Lhe conLrol valve dlverLs Lhe fluld reachlng Lo brake sysLem hence wheel spln up and causes Lhe brake Lo be
D a|| are correct
(LP! alleL178)

C14 ln Lhe alr wlLh anLlskld armed currenL cannoL flow
A |an|ng gear |s up
Page 82 of 93
8 landlng gear down and locked
C landlng gear anLlskld valves are open
u non of Lhe above
(LP! alleL178)

C110 M1CS
, AnLlskld conLrol sysLem ensures opLlmum braklng effecL on weL or lcy surfaces
- lL ls provlded by modulaLlng Lhe hydraullc pressure applled Lo Lhe brakes
. AnLlskld sysLem senses Lhe raLe off change of wheel deceleraLlon
/ A|| the above
( LP!178)
C111 M1CS
, lf wheel deceleraLlon raLes are below Lhe reference veloclLy no correcLlon slgnal ls produced
- lf Lhe raLes are above Lhe reference veloclLy Lhey are Lhen raLed as sklds or approachlng sklds
. 1hen correcLlon slgnal are applled Lo Lhe conLrol valve whlch reduces Lhe hydraullc pressure applled Lo Lhe wheel
/ A|| the above
( LP!178)
C112 ln Lhe case of locked wheel condlLlons
, full break pressure ls applled
- brake pressure |s fu||y re|ease
. none of Lhe above
( LP!178)


1 1he purpose of Lhermal swlLch lncorporaLed ln wlnd shleld moLor unlL
a Lo open Lhe moLor clrculL lf fleld wlndlng LemperaLure aLLalns approxlmaLely 130
c LemperaLure
b lf currenL ln fleld wlndlng exceed predeLermlne valve le 8 Lo 10 amps
c Lo llmlL Lhe operaLlng speed of moLor
both a b are correct (8ef LP! alleL 179)

2 Wlnd shleld moLor works on
a e|ectr|c supp|y
b pneumaLlc supply
c hydrollc supply
d all Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 179)

3 AnLllclng sysLem used for plLoL/sLaLlc head ls
a naLural alr
b e|ectr|ca| heat|ng
c chemlcal heaLlng
d all Lhe above are correcL (8ef LP! alleL 213)

4 ln delclng sysLem where pneumaLlc booLs are used Lhe lce ls removed
a by dlrecLlng Lhe hoL alr on Lhe lce Lhrough Lhe holes of booLs
b by heaLlng Lhln conducLlng coaLlng provlded over Lhe surfaces of booL
c by |nf|at|on an ef|at|on caus|ng |ce to break up an w|th a| of a|r stream crack off
d boLh a b care correcL (8ef LP! alleL 169)

3 1he meLhod of delclng used for hellcopLer blades ls
a pneumaLlc b e|ectr|ca|
c spray of chemlcal on Lhe blade
d delclng ls noL requlred lce ls auLomaLlcally Lhrown away due Lo cenLrlfugal forces acLlng on Lhe blades
(8ef LP! alleL 168)
Page 83 of 93

6 1he purposes of Llme delay ln raln repellenL sysLem ls
a Lo allow measured fluld Lo flow under pressure Lhrough Lhe spray nozzle and onLo Lhe wlndshleld once wlLh slngle operaLlon of
push swlLch
b Lo allow fluld Lo flaw afLer delay of 023 seconds
c Lo allow fluld Lo flow regularly afLer lnLerval of 023 seconds
d all Lhe above are correcL (8ef LP! alleL 179)

7 1he braklng effecL ln wlndshleld wlper moLor ln parklng poslLlon ls effecLed by
a brake solenold
b eddy currenL effecL
c Lhe moLor operaLes a cam Lo change over Lhe brake swlLch conLacLs whlch Lhen shorL ouL Lhe armaLure Lo sLop Lhe moLor
d eddy currenL (8ef LP! alleL 178)

8 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for wlndshleld raln repellenL sysLem
a raln ls repelled by elecLrlcal heaLlng
b compressed alr ls dlrecLed on Lo Lhe wlndshleld Lo remove raln parLlcles
c fluld ls prayed Lhrough nozzles whlch causes Lhe surface Lenslon ln waLer Lo change Lo LhaL Lhe waLer ls formed lnLo globule whlch
are blown off Lhe wlndshleld by alr sLream
d all are correcL (8ef LPL alleL 179)
9 As per Lhe requlremenL Lhe wlndshleld wlper moLor operaLed on varlous speeds 1he speed regulaLlon ls effecLed by
a conLrolllng Lhe shunL flled sLrengLh of Lhe moLor
b uslng Lapped Lransformer
c conLrolllng Lhe serles flled sLrengLh
d connecLlng reslsLance ln serles wlLh Lhe dc power supply
(8ef LPL alleL 178)

10 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for lce deLecLlon ln Lhe alr
a Lhe lce accreLlon causes a drop ln pressure sensed by Lhe probe and a dlaphragm Lhe deflecLlon of whlch make Lhe clrculL Lo
warnlng llghL
b knlfe edge cuLLer meLhod
c ulLrasonlc probe sysLem
a|| the above (8ef LPL alleL 174)

11Where Lhe LemperaLure senslng elemenL ls locaLed ln elecLrlcal heaLed wlndshlelds
a wlLhln Lhe cockplL and operaLed by plloL
b above Lhe wlndshleld
c embee w|th|n the pane|
d [usL ouLslde Lhe wlndshleld buL Louchlng lL flrmly (8ef LPL alleL 172)

12 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL for wlndshleld heaLlng on large alrcrafL
a LransparenL sLannlc oxlde or gold fllm ls used
b meLal ls deposlLed on Lhe lnslde of Lhe ouLer glass layer
c power necessary Lo deal wlLh severe lclng condlLlons ln Lhe order of 3 6 waLLs/ln
of wlndshleld area
a|| are correct (8ef LPL alleL 170)

13 Cenerally ln Lurbo propeller englne lnsLallaLlon
a elecLrlcal sysLem of lce proLecLlon ls used
b elecLrlcal heaLlng ls used on alr lnLakes cowllng of Lhe englne propeller blade an splnner
c none of Lhe above
both a b are correct (8ef 8olls8oyce 130)

148aln proLecLlon ls provlded ln alrcrafL
a by use of wlndshleld wlpers on plloL's and coplloLs wlndscreen
b by spraylng raln repellanL on plloL's and coplloLs wlndscreen
c no need for any such arrangemenL
Page 84 of 93
both a b systems are use (8ef LPL alleL 178)


1 SafeLy rellef valve ln pressurlzaLlon sysLem operaLes
a pneumaLlcally b mechanlcally
c elecLrlcally automat|ca||y (8ef Ceneral)

2 1emperaLure sensors used ln ducLlng ln alr condlLlonlng sysLem provlde slgnal ln unbalance condlLlon Lo operaLe
a pack valve
b temperature contro| va|ve ] m|x va|ve
c mlxlng valve
d alr cycle machlne (8ef LP! alleL 181)

3 1he ram alr flows from
a prlmary heaL exchanger b secondary heaL exchanger
c alr cycle machlne both a b are correct (8ef LP! alleL 181)

4 1he purpose of llmlL sensor and anLlclpaLor sensor ls
a Lo regulaLe alr condlLlonlng LemperaLure
b Lo modulaLe any rapld changes demanded by an unbalanced conLrol brldge so LhaL when Lhe acLuaLor conLrol moves Lhe mlx valve
lL wlll produce cabln LemperaLure changes wlLhouL sudden blasL of hoL alr and cold alr and wlLhouL ralslng ducL LemperaLure above
c Lo swlLch off Lhe alr condlLlonlng when Lhe LemperaLure exceeded Lhe anLlclpaLed llmlL
d all Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 181)

3 1he purpose of Lhermal swlLches ln alr condlLlonlng sysLem ls
a 90
c Lhermal swlLch drlve Lhe mlx valve Lo fully closed condlLlon
b 120
c Lhermal swlLch closes Lhe pack / alr supply valve
c both statements are correct
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 181)

6 1he safeLy valve ln alr condlLlonlng and pressurlzaLlon sysLem works
a wlLh elecLrlc supply
b wlLh hydrollc supply
c works auLomaLlcally wlLh alr pressure from cabln (pneumaLlcally)
d none of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 181)

7 1he purpose of dump valve ls
a to re|ease cab|n pressure to atmosphere on |an|ng
b Lo ensure LhaL dlfferenLlal cabln pressure ls malnLalned Lhrough ouL Lhe fllghL
c Lo malnLaln cabln LemperaLure as per Lhe seLLlng
d none of Lhe above (8ef Ceneral)

8 ln large alrcrafL Lhe alr condlLlonlng and pressurlzaLlon ls done wlLh help of
a freon refrlgenL
b llquld ammonla cycle
c compresse a|r taken from eng|ne compressor
d all of Lhe above (8ef LP! alleL 180)

9 uown sLream LemperaLure of alr cycle machlne ls conLrolled by
a pack valve
b LemperaLure conLrol valve (also known as mlx valve)
c zone contro||er temperature (kef LnI a||et 181)
Page 85 of 93


1 1he prlnclple of smoke deLecLor ln alrcrafL ls
a lnfrared beam of llghL passes Lhrough Lhe alr sample
b alr ls sampled and any smoke presenL causes a change of elecLrlc currenL ln phoLo dlode
c change ln Lhe denslLy of alr sample due Lo presence of smoke ls measured by denslLy moLor
(8ef LP! alleL 164)

C2 Smoke deLecLors whlch use a measuremenL of llghL LransmlsslblllLy ln Lhe alr are called
A vlsual devlces
8 elecLromechanlcal devlces
C photoe|ectr|ca| ev|ces
( ISA1 1611 ( AC61A)

C3 Smoke ln Lhe cargo and /or baggage comparLmenL of an alrcrafL ls commonly deLecLed by whlch lnsLrumenL?
A chemlcal reacLor
8 photoe|ectr|c ce||
C snlffer
( !SA1 16119AC6313A)

C4 LlghL refracLlon smoke deLecLors

A sense ||ght ref|ecte from smoke part|c|es pass|ng through a chamber
8 use radlaLlon lnduced lonlzaLlon Lo deLecL Lhe presence of smoke
C measure a reducLlon ln Lhe amounL of vlslble or lnfrared llghL ln Lhe surroundlng area
( !SA1 1611)


1 1he elecLrlc fleld of prlmary coll ls made Lo collapse Lo generaLe hlgh volLage ln secondary coll by Lhe help of
a choke
b contact breather
c recLlfler
d sealed dlscharge gap (8ef LP! alleL 138)

2 1he dlsLlncL feaLures of L1 lgnlLlon sysLem are
a no of Lransformer colls are equal Lo number of cyllnders
b Lhe dlsLrlbuLor supplles low volLage Lo prlmary wlndlng of Lransformer
c no posslblllLy of flares ln dlsLrlbuLor
a|| are correct (8ef LP! alleL 160)

3 uC operaLed lgnlLlon sysLem recelve Lhelr power from
a the battery bus
b from Lhe AC bus
c from MA (ermanenL MagneL AlLernaLor)
d boLh a c (8ef CLls 11 8)

4 AdvanLage of L1 magneLo lgnlLlon sysLem over P1 sysLem ls
a P1 lead ls shorL
b Lhe dlsLrlbuLor ls recelvlng low volLage from prlmary wlndlng
c hlgh volLage ls lnduced ln Lransformer coll
a|| the above (8ef LP! alleL 160)

3 Self lonlzlng lgnlLer
Page 8 of 93
a called shunLed gap lgnlLer
b flrlng end conLalns seml conducLor
c both a b
d as ln c noL used ln [eL alrcrafL (8ef CLls 11 3)

6 Solld sLaLe lgnlLlon sysLem
a produce less heaL
b llghLer ln welghL
c a b buL havlng shorL servlce llfe
d boLh a b and can be operaLed wlLh full raLed power
(8ef CLls 11 6)

7 Cenerally Au lgnlLlon sysLem has
a ac lnpuL
b c |nput
c boLh ac dc
d MA (ermanenL MagneL AlLernaLor) (8ef CLls 11 8)

8 A [oule ls deflned as
a watt x secon
b waLL x amp
c volL x amp
d none
(8ef CLls 11 3)

9 WhaL wlll be Lhe !oule raLlng of an lgnlLlon sysLem operaLes on 100000 waLL for 00040 sec
a 04 [oule
b 4 [ou|e
c 40 [oule
d 400 [oule (8ef CLls 11 3)

10 Pow much energy ls requlred Lo ensure LhaL Lhe englne wlll obLaln saLlsfacLory rellghL aL hlgh alLlLudes
a 13 [oules
b 12 [ou|es
c 18 [oules (8ef 8olls8oyce 127)

11 When ls lL necessary Lo have Lhe lgnlLlon sysLem conLlnuously operaLlng Lo glve an auLomaLlc rellghL should flame exLlncLlon
a lclng condlLlon
b Lake off ln heavy raln or snow
c both a b (8ef 8olls8oyce 128)

12 An lgnlLlon unlL may be supplled wlLh dlrecL currenL and operaLed by
a tremb|er mechan|sm
b Lransformer
c elLher (a) or (b) ls correcL (8ef 8olls8oyce 128)

13 An lgnlLlon unlL may be supplled wlLh alLernaLlve currenL (ac) and operaLed by
a Lrembler mechanlsm
b a LranslsLor chopper clrculL
c transformer (8ef 8olls8oyce 129)

14 A choke ls flLLed ln a dc Lrembler operaLed lgnlLlon unlL ls
a to exten the urat|on of |scharge
b Lo reLard daLed Lhe duraLlon of dlscharge
c elLher (a) or (b) (8ef 8olls8oyce 129)

13 A dlscharge reslsLor ls flLLed ln a dc Lrembler operaLed lgnlLlon unlL ls
Page 87 of 93
a to ensure that res|ua| store energy |s |ss|pate
b Lo ensure LhaL resldual sLored energy ls noL dlsslpaLed
c elLher (a) or (b) (8ef 8olls8oyce 129)

16Pow much Llme ls requlred Lo dlsslpaLe resldual sLored energy ln capaclLor by dlscharge reslsLor
a 2 mln
b 1 m|n
c 3 mln (8ef 8olls8oyce 129)

17 WhaL ls flLLed ln a dc Lrembler operaLed lgnlLlon unlL Lo operaLe safely even when Lhe hlgh Lenslon lead ls dlsconnecLed and
a safety res|stor
b dlscharge reslsLor
c choke (8ef 8olls8oyce 129)

18 1ranslsLorlzed lgnlLlon unlL ls havlng advanLage over Lhe dc Lrembler operaLed unlL because lL has
a no movlng parL
b much longer llfe
c boLh (a) (b) (kef ko||skoyce 129)

19Whlch lgnlLer plug operaLlon ls same as Lhe spark plug of Lhe reclprocaLlng englne
a shunLed surface dlscharge Lye
b constr|cte or constra|ne a|r gap type
c boLh a b (8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

20 1he ablllLy of Lhe englne Lo rellghL wlll vary accordlng Lo Lhe
a alLlLude
b forward speed
c a|t|tue forwar spee of a]c (8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

21 1ranslsLorlzed lgnlLlon unlL ls havlng advanLage over Lhe dc Lrembler operaLed unlL because lL has
a reduced slze
b less welghL
c boLh (a) (b) (kef ko||skoyce 129)

22 1he lgnlLer plug Llp proLrudes approxlmaLely lnLo Lhe flame Lube
a 01 |nch
b 073 lnch
c a73lnch (8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

23 uurlng operaLlng Lhe spark of Lhe lgnlLer plug peneLraLes a furLher ln flame Lube
a 01 lnch
b 07 |nch
c a73 lnch (8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

24 Pow much poLenLlal dlfference ls requlred Lo lonlze Lhe gap of consLralned alr gap lgnlLer plug
a 2000 volL
b 2000 vo|t
c 30000 volL (8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

23 Pow much poLenLlal dlfference ls requlred Lo lonlze Lhe gap of shunLed surface dlscharge Lype lgnlLer plug
a 2000 vo|t
b 23000 volL
c 30000 volL (8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

26 1he dlscharge of shunLed surface dlscharge Lype lgnlLer plug Lakes Lhe form of
a a h|gh |ntens|ty f|ashover from the e|ectroe to the boy
Page 88 of 93
b a low lnLenslLy flashover from Lhe elecLrode Lo Lhe body
c elLher (a) or (b) (8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

27 Pow many lgnlLlon plugs belng slLuaLed ln dlfferenL poslLlons ln Lhe combusLlon sysLem
a one
b two
c Lhree
d lL depends upon Lype of !L (8ef 8olls8oyce 114)

28 ln P1 magneLo sysLem Lhe roLor of Lhe dlsLrlbuLor ls elecLrlcally connecLed Lo
a prlmary wlndlng of magneLo
b seconary w|n|ng of magneto
c ac supply from a/c
d all are lncorrecL (8ef LP! alleL 138)

29 lgnlLlon unlLs are raLed ln
a [ou|es
b coulomb
c amperes
d faraday (8ef 8olls8oyce 127)

30 Cne [oule ls equal Lo
a one watt per secon
b Len waLL per second
c one waLL per mln
d Len waLL per mln (8ef 8olls8oyce 127)

31 Pow much ouLpuL ls necessary Lo ensure LhaL Lhe englne wlll obLaln a saLlsfacLory rellghL aL hlgh alLlLude
a low value ouLpuL le 3 Lo 6 [oule
b h|gh va|ue output |e 12 [ou|e
c no need of rellghL sysLem englne
d none (8ef 8olls8oyce 127)

32 uurlng lclng or Lakeoff ln heavy raln or snow whaL Lype of lgnlLlon sysLem ls necessary Lo auLomaLlc rellghL
a |ow va|ue output |e |e 3 to 6 [ou|e
b hlgh value ouLpuL le 12 [oule
c no need of rellghL sysLem englne
d none (8ef 8olls8oyce 127)

33 Why low value ouLpuL ls preferred ln rellghLlng sysLem
a lLs consLrucLlon reduces Lhe slze of Lhe sysLem
b lLs consLrucLlon reduces Lhe welghL of Lhe sysLem
c |t resu|ts |n a |onger ||fe of the |gn|ter p|ug an |gn|t|on un|t
d all Lhe above (8ef 8olls8oyce 127)

34 Whlch Lype of lgnlLlon unlL ls supplled dc (dlrecL currenL)
a Lrembled operaLed lgnlLlon unlL
b LranslsLorlzed lgnlLlon unlL
c ac lgnlLlon unlL
both (a) (b) (8ef 8olls8oyce 128)

33 Mark Lhe correcL sLaLemenL
a P1 connecLlon of dc supply ls glven as lnpuL Lo Lrembler operaLed lgnlLlon unlL and ouLpuL ls P1 connecLlon Lo lgnlLer plug as
b |ow tens|on (L1) |s |nput an n1 |s output of |gn|t|on un|t
c P1 connecLlon ls lnpuL and ouLpuL ls L1 ls ouLpuL ln lgnlLlon unlL
d none (8ef 8olls8oyce 128)

Page 89 of 93
36 1he normal spark raLe of a Lyplcal lgnlLlon sysLem ls
a 4060 sparks per mln
b 3070 spark per mln
c 60100 sparks per second
60100 spark per m|n
(8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

37 lnducLlon coll charges Lhe ln dc Lrembles operaLed lgnlLlon sysLem Lhrough hlgh volLage recLlfler
a choke
b prlmary capaclLor
c reservo|r capac|tor
d dlscharge gap (8ef 8olls8oyce 129)

38 WhaL wlll happen when Lhe volLage ln Lhe capaclLor ls equal Lo Lhe breakdown value of a sealed dlscharge gap ln Lrembler
lgnlLlon unlL
a the energy |s |scharge across the face of the |gn|ter p|ug
b Lhe energy ls dlscharged lnslde Lhe face of Lhe lgnlLer plug
c Lhe energy ls desLroy across Lhe face of spark plug
d all Lhe above (8ef 8olls8oyce 129)

39 1he surface dlscharge lgnlLer plug has Lhe end of Lhe lnsulaLor formed by a semlconducLlng pelleL whlch permlLs an elecLrlcal
leakage from
a centra| h|gh tens|on e|ectroe to the boy
b body hlgh Lenslon elecLrode Lo Lhe cenLral rod
c boLh (a) (b)
d none (8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

40 Whlch devlce ls flLLed Lo ensure LhaL any resldual sLored energy ln Lhe capaclLor ls dlsslpaLed wlLhln one mlnuLe of Lhe sysLem
belng swlLched off
a choke
b |scharge res|stor
c safeLy reslsLor
d none (8ef 8olls8oyce 129)

41 1he advanLage of LranslsLorlzed lgnlLlon unlL over Lrembler operaLed unlL ls
a lL has no movlng parLs and has longer operaLlng llfe
b lLs slze ls reduced and welghL ls less Lhan LhaL of Lhe Lrembles operaLed unlL
c lLs consLrucLlon and worklng funcLlon ls easler
d boLh (a) (b) (kef ko||skoyce 129)

42 ln ac lgnlLlon unlL recelves an alLernaLlng currenL whlch ls passed Lhrough and recLlfled Lo charge a capaclLor
a moLor
b generaLor
c lnverLor
transformer (8ef 8olls8oyce 129)

43Whlch Lype of lgnlLer plug ls slmllar ln operaLlon Lo Lhe plsLon englne spark plug
a shunLed surface dlscharge Lype
b constr|cte or constra|ne a|r gap type
c non slmllarlLy ln operaLlon beL lgnlLer plug spark plug
d none (8ef 8olls8oyce 131)

44 1he surface dlscharge lgnlLes plug has Lhe end of Lhe lnsulaLor formed by a semlconducLlng pelleL whlch permlLs an elecLrlcal
leakage from
a centra| h|gh tens|on e|ectroe to the boy
b body hlgh Lenslon elecLrode Lo Lhe cenLral rod
Page 9 of 93
c boLh (a) (b)
d none
(8ef 8olls8oyce 131)


1he purpose of carbon conLacL ln aLLracLedcore heavy duLy relay (8ef LP! alleL 108)
a Lo llmlL Lhe currenL ln relay coll
b to absorb |n|t|a| heavy current an thereby reuce arc|ng to a m|n|mum before pos|t|ve connect|on w|th ma|n contacts |s mae
c Lo compensaLe for loss of sprlng
d all Lhe above are correcL

A Lumbler swlLch ls also called (8ef AC 63 9A)
a mlcro swlLch b togg|e sw|tch c push swlLch d none of Lhe above

3 Whlch swlLch ls noL havlng movlng parLs (8ef Llsmln 239)
a mercury b Lhermal c prox|m|ty d roLary

4 Whlch ls noL Lhermally affecLed by LemperaLure (8ef AC 63 9A)
a fuse b C8 c ||m|t|ng res|stor d LhermlsLor

3 ClrculL breakers are locaLed alleL 113
a generally far from Lhe power source b c|ose to the power source
c aL any locaLlon compaLlble Lo Lhe parLlcular unlL d so as noL Lo be exposed Lo heaL of any klnd

6 M1CS
a currenL llmlLers llmlL Lhe sLarLlng currenL ln Lhe sLarLer moLor
b ||m|t|ng res|stor ||m|ts the start|ng current |n the starter motor
c P8C fuses llmlL Lhe sLarLlng currenL ln Lhe sLarLer moLor
d clrculL breakers llmlL Lhe sLarLlng currenL ln Lhe sLarLer moLor

7 A whlLe band on Lhe buLLon of a clrculL breaker when exposed lndlcaLes alleL114
a clrculL breaker ls on and funcLlonlng properly b clrculL breaker ls drawlng less currenL Lhan Lhe raLed value
c c|rcu|t breaker |s tr|ppe d clrculL breaker ls overheaLed and musL be now swlLched off

8 ush swlLches are prlmarlly used for Lhose clrculLs whlch are requlred Lo be operaLed for alleL101
a shorL duraLlon b long duraLlon
c when clrculL ls Lo be compleLed or lnLerrupLed momenLarlly both (a) (c) are correct

9 ln a Lhermal swlLch employlng sLeel and lnvar elemenL acLuaLlon of Lhe conLacLs under lncreaslng LemperaLure condlLlon ls
caused by alleL223
a expans|on of the stee| e|ement on|y b conLracLlon of Lhe lnvar elemenL only
c expanslon of Lhe sLeel elemenL causlng dlsplacemenL of Lhe ln rear elemenL d none of Lhe above

10 1he example of lnLermlLLenL duLy relay swlLch ls lAA9A 320
a baLLery relay swlLch b starter re|ay sw|tch c boLh (a) (b) d nelLher (a) nor (b)

11 All reseL able clrculL breakers ( LP! alleL age113)
a Should open Lhe clrculL lrrespecLlve of Lhe poslLlon of operaLlon conLrol when overload exlLs
b Should open Lhe clrculL lrrespecLlve of Lhe poslLlon of operaLlng conLrol when a clrculL faulL exlsLs
c Are referred Lo as Lrlp free clrculL
A|| of the above

12 A clrculL breaker LhaL can noL be reseL when Lhe clrculL faulL exlsL ls called LP! alleLL g113
Page 91 of 93
a LlecLrlc C8 b nonreseLLable C8 c 1r|p free C8 d olarlzed C8

13 lor senslng angular poslLlon Lhe ________ swlLch ls used LP! alleLL g104
a roxlmlLy b 1hermal swlLch c Mlcro swlLch Mercury sw|tch

14 1hermal swlLch ln Lhe flre warnlng sysLem ls operaLed above LP! alleLL g106
a 300 C b 400r C c 300r C d 300r C

13 Closlng of frelghL door ls normally lndlcaLed wlLh Lhe help of LP! alleLL g106
a 8elays b rox|m|ty sw|tch c Mercury swlLch d none

16 P8C" Lerms used wlLh LP! alleLL g112
a C8's b SwlLches c 8elays Iuses

17 olarlzed relay ls normally used ln lAA9A g401
a Generator8attery c|rcu|t b CeneraLorLoad clrculL c CeneraLorLlghLlng clrculL d none

18 Merzprlce proLecLlon sysLem ls also known as (8ef LP! alleL 122)
a over currenL proLecLlon b under volLage proLecLlon c |fferent|a| protect|on d over volLage proLecLlon


, When Lne plane of Lhe loop lles aL rlghL angles Lo Lhe magneLlc fleld max volLage ls lnduced
- When the p|ane of the |oop ||es at r|ght ang|es to the magnet|c f|e| no vo|tage |s |nuce
. All Lhe above
( LP!1)

C2 CommuLaLor ls a devlce used ln generaLor Lo
, converL dc Lo ac exLernally
- converL ac Lo dc exLernally
. replace Lhe sllp rlngs by a collecLlng devlce for dc
/ both b c
C3 ln order Lo smooLh ouL pulsaLlons and produce more consLanL ouLpuL ln dc generaLor
, a|t|ona| w|re |oops an commutator segments are use
- fllLers are used across Lhe Lermlnal
. lncrease Lhe speed of Lhe generaLor
/ all Lhe above
( LnI2)
C4 Spark suppresslon ln dc generaLor can be achleved
, by screenlng
- by suppresslon
. sulLably raLed capaclLors
/ a|| the above

C3 ln shunL generaLor Lhe Lermlnal volLage Lends Lo fall wlLh lncreaslng load currenL
, due Lo volLage drop(l8 drop) ln Lhe armaLure
- weakenlng of maln flux by armaLure reacLlon
. 8oth a b
C6 ln pracLlce fleld currenL ls ad[usLed Lo malnLaln consLanL volLage under all load condlLlons
, by a reverse currenL cuLouL
- by a vo|tage regu|ator
Page 92 of 93
. by a over volLage proLecLlon clrculL
/ all Lhe above
C7 1he funcLlon of ?oke
, forms Lhe maln houslng of Lhe generaLor
- deslgned Lo carry Lhe magneLlc llnes of forces
. provldes for Lhe aLLachmenL of Lhe end frame assemblles
/ a|| the above
C8 CompensaLlng wlndlngs are connecLed
, ln serles wlLh Lhe lnLerpoles
- ln serles wlLh armaLure wlndlng
. as |n a b an |ocate |n s|ots cut |n the faces of the ma|n po|e shoes
C9 1he capaclLy of Lhe baLLery depends upon
, slze of plaLes
- number of plaLes
. concenLraLlon of elecLrolyLe
/ on|y a b
C10 When assoclaLed wlLh consLanL volLage charglng Lhermal runaway occur
, lowerlng of Lhe effecLlve lnLernal reslsLance due Lo heaL
- as ln (a) and Lhe baLLery wlll draw hlgher charglng currenL
. as |n (b) un|ess checke |t can permanent|y amage the battery

C11 ln a uC power recepLacle Lhe smallesL pln carrles
1) vL supply
2) +vL supply
3) As |n '2' a|so g|ves supp|y to externa| power re|ay


, 8MS value ls obLalned by Laklng a number of lnsLanLaneous values of volLage or currenL durlng a half cycle
squarlng Lhe values and Laklng Lhelr mean value and Lhen Laklng Lhe square rooL
- 8MS 0707 eak
. 8MS value ls also known as effecLlve value
/ A|| the above
C2 1he dlsconnecLlon of CSu Lransmlsslon sysLem followlng a malfuncLlon may be accompllshed mechanlcally by a lever
, near Lhe CSu
- ln Lhe englne lLself
. |n the f||ght crew compartment
/ passenger cabln
C3 8eseLLlng of dlsconnecL mechanlsms can only be accompllshed
, on Lhe ground
- as ln (a) and followlng shuL down of Lhe approprlaLe englne
. as ln (b) and pulllng ouL Lhe reseL handle Lo wlLhdraw Lhe Lhreaded pawl from Lhe lnpuL shafL
/ a|| the above
Page 93 of 93
C4 ln consLanL frequency generaLors a LhermlsLor ls locaLed ln serles wlLh one of Lhe parallel shunL wlndlng
, Lo serve as a LemperaLure compensaLor
- lL has negaLlve LemperaLure coefflclenL
. lL malnLalns overall shunL fleld reslsLance consLanL lrrespecLlve of LemperaLure
/ a|| the above


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