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Interactions between the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and

the Female Reproductive System: Clinical Implications
George P. Chrousos, MD; David J. Torpy, MB, BS; and Philip W. Gold, MD

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis exerts profound,

multilevel inhibitory effects on the female reproductive
system, Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and CRH-
D r. George P. Chrousos (Developmental Endo-
crinology Branch, National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development [NICHD], Na-
induced proopiomelanocortin peptides inhibit hypotha-
lamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion,
tional Institutes of Health [NIH], Bethesda, Mary-
whereas glucocorticoids suppress pituitary luteinizing hor- land): Ancient physicians knew of the adverse ef-
mone and ovarian estrogen and progesterone secretion fects of stress on the reproductive system (1, 2). In
and render target tissues resistant to estradiol. The hypo- the 5th century BCE, Hippocrates of Cos explained
thalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is thus responsible for the the impotence and infertility of the Scythians, no-
"hypothalamic" amenorrhea of stress, which is also seen in madic tribes living in what is now southern Ukraine,
melancholic depression, malnutrition, eating disorders, as a result of their rough lives. About the men, he
chronic active alcoholism, chronic excessive exercise, and wrote, "From the cold and tiredness they forget
the hypogonadism of the Cushing syndrome. Conversely, their sexual drive and their desire to come into
estrogen directly stimulates the CRH gene promoter and
union with the other sex"; about the women, he
the central noradrenergic system, which may explain adult
women's slight hypercortisolism; preponderance of affec-
stated, "... nor is their menstrual discharge such as
tive, anxiety, and eating disorders; and mood cycles and it should be, but scanty and at too long intervals."
vulnerability to autoimmune and inflammatory disease, About 500 years later. Soranos of Ephesus pub-
both of which follow estradiol fluctuations. Several com- lished the following differential diagnosis of amen-
ponents of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and orrhea in his pioneering treatise on gynecology and
their receptors are present in reproductive tissues as auta- perinatology:
coid regulators. These include ovarian and endometrial
CRH, which may participate in the inflammatory processes Of those who do not menstruate, some have no ail-
of the ovary (ovulation and luteolysis) and endometrium ment and it is physiological for them not to menstru-
ate, either because of their age. as in those too young
(blastocyst implantation and menstruation), and placental or too old, or because they are pregnant, or barren
CRH, which may participate in the physiology of pregnancy singers and athletes. Others, however, do not menstru-
and the timing of labor and delivery. The hypercortisolism ate because of a disease of the uterus or of the rest of
of the latter half of pregnancy can be explained by high the body, for example when subjected to under-nour-
ishment. great emaciation and wasting or to the accu-
levels of placental CRH in plasma. This hypercortisolism mulation of fatty flesh, or cachexia. or fevers and long
causes a transient postpartum adrenal suppression that, ailment.
together with estrogen withdrawal, may partly explain
the depression and autoimmune phenomena of the post- The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, to-
partum period. gether with the arousal and autonomic nervous sys-
tems, constitutes the stress system (Figure 1). This
system is activated during stress and produces the
clinical phenomenology of what Hans Selye de-
This paper is also available at http:/'/ scribed as the stress syndrom.e (3). Indeed, during
Ann Intern Med. 1998:129:229-240.
stress, several changes take place in the central ner-
vous system and periphery of mammals, changes
For a glossary of terms used in this paper, see end of text. that help preserve the individual and the species.
These include the mobilizing of adaptive behaviors
An edited summary of a Clinical Staff Conference held on 20 and peripheral functions and the inhibiting of bio-
Novcmher 1996 at the National Institutes of Health. Bethesda.
Maryland. logically costly behaviors and vegetative functions,
such as reproduction, feeding, and growth.
Authors who wish to cite a section of the conference and spe-
cifically indicate its author may use this example for the form of The principal molecular regulators of the hypo-
the referenee: thalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis are corticotropin-
Torpy D. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the female releasing hormone (CRH), a 41-amino acid peptide,
reproductive system, pp 230-232. In: Chrousos GP. moderator.
Interactions between the hypothalatnic-pituitary-adrenal axis and and the nonapeptide arginine-vasopressin, both of
the female reproduetivc system: clinical implications. Ann Intern which are secreted by parvicellular neurons of the
Mcd. 1998:129:229-240. paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus into
1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 129 • Number 3 229
STRESS induced or functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (5,
6). Indeed, the prevalence of sustained secondary
amenorrhea in normal young women is about 2%.
This rate increases markedly in proportion to
chronic stress, all the way up to 100% in prisoners
before execution. Thus, if severe enough, stress can
completely inhibit the female reproductive system.
During her reproductive years, a normal woman
is exposed to a monthly fluctuation of circulating
estradiol and progesterone that may affect her be-
havior, mood, and immune and other functions. In-
*• Catecholamines deed, epidemiologic data underscore the effect of
gonadal function on nonreproductive female pro-
cesses (7, 8). Thus, suicide attempts and allergic
Tissues bronchial asthma attacks correlate with the phase of
Figure 1. Interactions of the reproductive system with the hypo- the menstrua! cycle, with fourfold increases in prev-
thalamic-pituitary-adrenal axi5 and locus ceruleus-norepinephrine
system (tCWf). Stress generally inhibits the female reproductive system
alence seen when the plasma estradiol level is at its
{middle) primarily through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis Heft) lowest (that is, in the late luteal and menstruation
through 1) suppression of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone
secretion by corticotropin-releasing hormone (CflH) and CRH-induced p-
phases) (9, 10). Other studies have suggested that
endorphin; 2) inhibition of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone the period of peak estradiol secretion in the state
{GnRH), pituitary luteinizing hormone {LH), and ovarian estradiol (fj,) secre-
tion by cortisol; and 3) cortisol-induced target tissue resistance to estradiol.
immediately before ovulation is associated with el-
The locus ceruleus-norepinephrine system {right) provides positive input to evations in mood, a phenomenon that might con-
the reproductive system, which is frequently overcome by the stress-acti-
vated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. However, sexual stimulation and
tribute to fecundity.
GnRH neuron activation may render the gonadal axis resistant to suppres-
sion by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Through estradiol, the re-
productive system provides positive input to both components of the stress
system by stimulating CRH secretion and inhibiting reuptake and catabo- Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and
lism of catecholamines. H-MSH = melanocyte-stimulating hormone; ACTH ^
adrenocorticotropic hormone; AVP = arginine-vasopressin; FSH = follicle-stim- the Female Reproductive System
ulating hormone; NE (n) = norepinephrine stimulation via n-noradrenergic re-
ceptors; POMC = proopiomelanocortin. Solid line = stimulation; dotted line =
inhibition. Dr. David Torpy (Developmental Endocrinology
Branch, NICHD, NIH): The hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal axis, when activated by stress, has an inhib-
the hypophyseal portal system (3). There, they syn- itory effect on the reproductive system; teleologi-
ergistically stimulate pituitary adrenocorticotropic cally, this makes sense (Figure 1; Table 1). Indeed,
hormone (ACTH) secretion and, consequently, cor- the hypothalamic CRH neurons innervate and in-
tisol secretion by the adrenal cortex. The noradren- hibit directly or indirectly, through proopiomelano-
ergic brainstem neurons that regulate the central cortin neurons, the hypothalamic control center of
arousal (locus ceruleus) and systemic sympathetic- the gonadal axis (11). In addition, glucocorticoids
ad reno medullary systems are innervated and stimu- secreted from the adrenal cortex act at the levels of
lated by and reciprocally innervate and stimulate the hypothalamic. pituitary, gonadal, and end-target
the parvicellular hypothalamic CRH and arginine- tissues to suppress the gonadal axis. On the other
vasopressin neurons of the paraventricular nucleus. hand, estradiol exerts a negative, although indirect,
The female reproductive system is regulated by effect on the activity of the gonadotropin-releasing
the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis (Figure 1).
Neurons that secrete gonadotropin-releasing hor- Table 1. Interactions between the Stress System and the
mone in the preoptic and arcuate nucleus areas of Female Reproductive System*
the hypothalamus secrete into the hypophyseal por-
tal system and stimulate the production of follicle- Stress system
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which then CRH inhibits gonadotropin-reieasing hormone secretion
activate the ovary to secrete estradiol and proges- (3-endorphin inhibits gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion
Cortisol inhibits gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion
terone (4). In addition to acting on their other Cortisol inhibits luteinizing hormone secretion
Cortisol inhibits estradiol and progesterone biosynthesis
target tissues (other components of the central ner- Cortisol inhibits estradiol actions
vous system, uterus, genitalia, and skin), both of the Locus ceruleus-norepinephrine system
gonadal steroids and another ovarian hormone, in- Norepinephrine stimulates gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion
Reproductive system
hibin, exert negative feedback effects on the secre- Estradiol stimulates CRH synthesis
tion of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. Estradiol stimulates cortisol-binding globulin secretion
Estradiol potentiates norepinephrine actions
An excellent example of the effect of stress on
the female reproductive system is so-called stress- ' CRH = corticotroptn-releasing hortnotie.

230 1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 129 • Number 3

Glucocorticoids also inhibit estradiol-stimulated
uterine growth (16). In one placebo-controlled ex-
periment done in rats, dexamethasone and estradio!
were administered for 5 days. Estradiol alone pro-
duced the expected increase in uterine weight; this
increase was significantly attenuated by daily co-
administration of dexamethasone, the effect of
which may be partly explained by the reduced in-
tracellular estrogen receptor concentrations mea-
sured in this experiment. Most likely, however, glu-
cocorticoid receptor-mediated inhibition of the
c-fos/c-jun transcription factor by protein-protein
interaction is primarily responsible for this inhibi-
tion (17); this factor is used in the signal transduc-
tion pathways of many growth factors and is directly
Figure 2. Interactions of leptin with the stress system and the or indirectly stimulated by estrogen (18).
female reproductive axis. Generally, this adipose tissue-derived hormone
inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and stimulates the repro- Estrogen, which is derived principally from the
ductive system. Leptin inhibits the hypothaiamic-pituitary-adrenai axis at ovaries, stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adre-
both the hypothalamic and adrenocorticai levels. By contrast, leptin provides
positive input to the femaie reproductive axis through inhibition of the nal axis (Figure 1). This had been suspected on the
hypothalamtc-pituitary-adrenal axis and arcuate proopiomelanocortin basis of sex differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-
iPOMCj neuronal system and through activation of the locus ceruleus-nore-
pinephrine system (LC/NE)- Leptin-induced inhibition of hypothalamic neu- adrenal axis responses to stimuli in both animals
ropeptide Y (NPY) secretion participates in both the inhibition of the hypo- and humans (19). Compared with controls, pregnant
thalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the activation of the locus ceruieus-
norepinephrine system. The inhibitory effect of proapiomelanocortin women and women receiving high-dose estrogen
neurons on the expression of neuropeptide Y via «-rnelanocyte-stimulating therapy had elevated levels of free cortisol in both
hormone (a-MSH) and melanocortin receptor type 4 should be noted.
ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; CRH = corticotropin-releasing hor- morning and evening plasma samples (20). In addi-
mone; E; = estradiol; FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; GnRH = gonado- tion, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis respon-
tropin-releasing hormone; LH = luteinizing hormone. Solid line = stimula-
tion; dotted line = inhibition. siveness is greater in women than in men. When
ACTH and cortisol responses to ovine CRH were
compared in 24 men and 19 women (21), the
hormone neuron, which has no detectable estrogen ACTH peak response was significantly greater in
receptor (12). women and the cortisol response was characteristi-
The interaction between the hypothalamic-pitu- cally prolonged in response to higher peak ACTH
itary-adrenal and gonadal axes at the level of the levels.
hypothalamus was directly examined in rhesus mon- Estrogen can induce hyperresponsiveness of the
keys (13). Insulin-induced hypoglycemia caused an hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to stimuli in
increase in cortisol levels and a decrease in plasma normal men; thus, this effect seems to be due to
luteinizing hormone levels associated with reduced estrogen rather than to other factors specific to
electrical activity measured directly at the gonado- female physiology (22). Recently, estradiol patches
tropin-releasing hormone neuron. When a CRH an- were given to normal men who were then subjected
tagonist was given intracerebroventricularly, the ef- to a psychosocial stressor—unprepared public
fect of insulin hypoglycemia on electrical activity at speaking—for 15 minutes. Cortisol and ACTH re-
the gonadotropin-releasing hormone pulse genera- sponses were greater in the estradiol recipients than
tor was greatly attenuated; this finding suggests that in the placebo recipients. Similarly, the plasma nor-
CRH has a direct efFect on the hypothalamic neu- epinephrine response in these men was augmented
rons that secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone. by estrogen, possibly because of the stimulation of
Glucocorticoids inhibit gonadal axis function at CRH neurons (which innervate and stimulate cen-
the hypothalamic, pituitary, and uterine levels (14- tral noradrenergic neurons) or because of direct
16). Sakakura and colleagues studied women who effects on the production or metabolism of norepi-
had received prednisolone for various indications nephrine (23, 24). Estrogen stimulation of the hy-
for 1.5 to 5 months in daily doses ranging from 10 pothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis may be exerted
mg to 40 mg (15). All of these women had men- through interaction of the ligand-activated estrogen
strual disturbances associated with glucocorticoid receptor with specific DNA sequences, the estrogen-
treatment, and the investigators found that pred- responsive elements, in the promoter of the human
nisolone reduced the peak luteinizing hormone re- CRH gene (25, 26).
sponse to intravenous gonadotropin-releasing hor- Estrogen may exert some of its physiologic neg-
mone by about 60%. This suggests an inhibitory ative feedback effect on the reproductive axis
effect of glucocorticoids on the pituitary gonadotroph. through a subpopulation of CRH and proopiomel-
1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 129 • Number 3 231
Monthly Ructuation

hormone I/' 1 1

Hormone r
Bslradiol . _

^ _

Inicmiitteni Vulnerability ^ H Pcriod.'i or


1 ---
Childhood Puberty Reproductive Maturity Menooause

Figure 3. Hormonal changes and periods of increased vulnerability to mood disturbances and autoimmune disorders during a woman's life
span. The increasing activity of the reproductive axis during puberty and the decreasing activity of the same axis during the first stages of menopause are
associated with changes in Ihe activity of the stress system, represented here by changes in hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone {CRH) secretion. The
monthly concurrent fluctuation of ovarian estradioi and hypothalamic CRH secretion is also shown (see Figure 4 for details).

anocortin neurons that inhibit gonadotropin-releas- flow, leptin is thought to provide the peripheral
ing hormone and, hence, follicle-stimulating hor- signal to a central mechanism regulating the size of
mone and luteinizing hormone secretion. Evidence body fat stores (33). Leptin suppresses the hypo-
from studies in nonhuman primates suggests that in thalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis by inhibiting hypo-
the period immediately before ovulation, a decrease thalamic CRH and adrenocortical cortisol secretion
in estradiol levels leads to reduced hypothalamic (34, 35) while it stimulates gonadai function by po-
CRH secretion. This effectively disinhibits the gona- tentiating the activity of the gonadotropin-releasing
dotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neuron and hormone neuron (36). Thus, increasing leptin may
possibly participates in the generation of the ovula- be involved in the control of the onset of puberty, a
tory luteinizing hormone surge (27). This takes phenomenon long known to be temporally related
place simultaneously with a delayed estrogen-in- to the acquisition of a certain fat mass (36-38).
duced central noradrenergic surge that has an ad- Low leptin levels may be involved in the adaptive
ditional positive effect on the gonadotropin-releas- activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
ing hormone neuron (24). axis and the inhibition of gonadai function that
Estradiol also downregulates glucocorticoid re- takes place in starvation and anorexia nervosa (39-
eeptor binding in the anterior pituitary, hypothala- 41). Some of the effects of leptin on the central
mus, and hippocampus: this tends to increase hypo- nervous system are mediated by inhibition of the
thalamie-pituitary-adrenal axis activity by interfering potent orexogen neuropeptide Y, which normally
with glucocorticoid negative feedback, whereas pro- stimulates the CRH neuron and inhibits the locus
gesterone opposes these effects (28). It is not known ceruleus-norepinephrine system (42-44).
whether the changes induced by estrogen in neuro-
nal CRH and glucocorticoid receptor activities are
mechanistically related, but they do alter the system Central and Peripheral Roles of
in the same direction. One should also keep in mind Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone
the regulatory feedback loops and adaptations that
take place over time as new equilibria are estab- Dr. George P. Chrousos: The marked changes
lished in the relation shown in Figure 1 (29, 30). that take place in a woman's reproductive system
The newly discovered adipocyte-derived peptide during her life are bound to affect the functioning
hormone leptin interacts directly and indirectly with of the stress system. The first of these changes takes
both the adrenal and gonadai axes, and its levels are place at puberty, when gonadarche is slowly estab-
higher in women than in men (31, 32) (Figure 2). lished with increasing ovarian follicle growth and
By promoting satiety and sympathetic system out- circulating estradiol levels first and then the estab-
232 1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicme • Volume 129 • Number 3
lishment of ovulatory menstrual cycles within the characteristic "hot flashes" and so-called climacteric
next 2 to 3 years (Figure 3). During this time, the depression (Table 2).
stress system receives increasing intermittent posi- "Reproductive" CRH has been identifled in var-
tive input from estradiol. Puberty is a period of ious reproductive tissues and can, accordingly, be
increasing vulnerability to disorders or states char- ovarian, testicular, endometrial, or placental. It is a
acterized by disturbances or changes in hypotha- form of "tissue" corticotropin-releasing factor
lamic CRH secretion (3, 45), such as melancholic (CRH found in peripheral tissues) and is analogous
and atypical depression, eating disorders, chronic to the "immune" CRH found in immune organs
active alcoholism or other addictions, and chronic and inflammatory sites (48). The functions of im-
active athleticism, as well as seasonal affective dis- mune CRH may shed light on those of reproductive
order, the chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia syndromes, CRH and are briefly discussed below.
and several autoimmune disorders (Table 2). Inflammatory sites examined by immunohisto-
Once established, the monthly fluctuations of es- chemistry and extraction-chromatography contain
tradiol that accompany menstrual cycles are ex- large amounts of immune CRH, which is identical
pected to influence the secretion of central nervous to hypothalamic CRH (48). Endothelial cells, mac-
system CRH and catecholamines until menopause rophages, and tissue fibroblasts all have CRH in
(Figure 4). Decreased secretion of CRH in the late their cytoplasm. Immune neutralization and CRH
luteal and menstruation phases would be expected antagonist experiments have demonstrated marked
and might help explain the presence of luteal dys- inhibition of inflammation indices, such as the vol-
phoric mood disorder (the premenstrual tension ume of the inflammatory exudate and its leukocyte
syndrome) and the increased incidence of suicides concentration (48-51). Immune CRH is present at
and enhanced vulnerability to autoimmune and al- high levels in many sites of experimental inflamma-
lergic inflammatory phenomena seen during these tion in the rat and mouse and in all natural inflam-
periods (7, 8, 46, 47) (Table 2). Finally, during the matory sites examined thus far in humans. The lat-
perimcnopausal period and early menopause, there ter include the inflamed joints of patients with
is a progressive, intermittent decrease in estradiol rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and the thy-
levels that would be expected to be associated with roid glands of patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis
decreased activity of the CRH and locus ceruleus- (52, 53). The exact mechanisms by which immune
norepinephrine systems and naight help explain the CRH exerts its proinflammatory actions are not
known, but one mechanism is the degranulation of
mast cells (54). Indeed, CRH causes vasodilation,
Table 2. Potential Pathogenic Effects of Central and increases vascular permeability, and allows extravasa-
Peripheral Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone
in Women* tion of plasma through the capillary vessel walls (48).
In inflammatory sites, CRH is not only generated
Changes States
by immune system cells but is also secreted from
Central CRH the terminals of sympathetic postganglionic nerves
Increased secretion Psychiatric hypercortisolism and primary afferent nerves, whose cell bodies in
Melancholic depression
Eating disorders the sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia contain
Chronic active alcoholism large amounts of CRH (48). Secretion of immune
Chronic active exercise
Somatic sequelae CRH is suppressed by glucocorticoids and soma-
Osteoporosis tostatin. Female rats have greater inflammatory re-
Viscera! obesity
sponses and produce more immune CRH in inflam-
Decreased secretion Atypical depression matory sites than male rats do, and the presence of
Seasonal affective disorder
Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
estrogen seems to cause the difference. Despite high
syndromes local produetion of immune CRH in inflammatory
Rheumatoid arthritis
Postpartum biues, depression, and
sites, concurrent plasma concentrations are ex-
autoimmunlty tremely low, probably as a result of rapid clearance
Premenstrual tension syndrome
Climacteric depression
Peripheral CRH Corticotropin-releasing hormone and its recep-
Increased secretion of immune CRH Inflammatory disorders
Increased secretion of placental CRH Premature labor tors are also present in rat and human ovaries (Ta-
Decreased secretion of placental CRH Delayed labor ble 3). Ovarian CRH is primarily found in the theca
Decreased secretion of ovarian CRH Ovarian dysfunction
Anovulation and stroma and also in the cytoplasm of the ovum
Defective corpus luteum function itself (55, 56). Corticotropin-releasing hormone re-
Increased secretion of ovarian CRH Early menopause
Decreased secretion of endometrial ceptors, which are type 1 (similar to those of the
CRH Infertility anterior pituitary), are also found primarily in the
Early spontaneous abortion
stroma and theca and in the cumulus oophorus,
CRH = conicottopin-teleasing hormone. whereas the foflicular fluid contains CRH as well.
1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 129 • Number 3 233





Prolifcraiivc Phase Secretory Phase

Figure 4. Hormonal changes and period of increased vulnerability to mood disorders and autoimmune phenomena during the menstrual
cycle. The decreased activity of the reprodurtive axis in the late luteal and early follicular phases is associated with concurrent changes in the activity of the
5tress system, represented here by changes in hypothalamic corticotropin-reieasing hormone (CRH) secretion.

The findings suggest that CRH may participate in The latter half of human pregnancy is associated
the communication between the ovum and the cumu- with hypercortisolism (Figure 5). Indeed, the levels
lus oophorus and may influence ovarian steroid bio- of free plasma cortisol and 24-hour urinary free
synthesis. Incubation of granulosa-lutein cells with cortisol excretion in pregnancy overlap with levels in
CRH suppresses estradiol and progesterone secretion patients with mild Cushing syndrome (64). In the
in a dose-dependent, interleukin-1-mediated manner same vein, dexamethasone cannot properly suppress
(57, 58). In this sense, ovarian CRH has antirepro- cortisol in late pregnancy, just as it cannot in the
ductive actions that might be related to the earlier Cushing syndrome. Placental CRH causes this hy-
menopausal failure of ovaries in women exposed to percortisolism of human pregnancy (Table 3). By 28
high psychosociai stress (59). We believe that a to 30 weeks" gestation, CRH levels in plasma are
major physiologic function of ovarian CRH is its similar to those in the portal system, whereas the
participation in the "aseptic" inflammatory phenom- levels of CRH-binding protein are similar to those
ena of the ovary, including ovulation and luteolysis. in nonpregnant women and normal men (65, 66). At
The human endometrium also contains CRH 34 to 35 weeks' gestation, CRH-binding protein
(Table 3). In fact, the endometrial glands are full of concentrations decrease by two thirds, whereas total
CRH during both the proliferative and the secretory and free CRH levels are markedly increased in
phases of the cycle (60). In the luteal phase, CRH is plasma during labor and return to undetectable
probably secreted into the lumen of the uterus, amounts within hours after delivery.
where it may participate in the inflammatory phe-
nomena of blastocyst implantation and (later in the In the early 1980s, several groups demonstrated
cycle) of menstruation. Compared with interimplan- that placental CRH was produced by the syncy-
tation sites, implantation sites in rat endometrium tiotrophoblast, chorion, amnion, and decidua and
show local extravasation of plasma and contain in- that it was the product of the same gene that pro-
creased amounts of CRH messenger RNA and duces hypothalamic CRH (65, 67). Incubation of
CRH (61). We found CRH expression in human human placental tissue with CRH caused secretion
decidualized endometrial stroma, and other re- of j8-endorphin and a-melanocyte-stimulating hor-
searchers demonstrated that CRH itself decidual- mone in a dose-dependent manner (68). In addi-
ized endometrial stroma cells synergistically with tion, CRH caused stimulation of prostaglandin-Es
progesterone (60, 62). It is interesting that the effect and prostaglandin-Foo:, both of which have a role in
of estradiol on CRH transcription in immortalized labor and delivery; in contrast, CRH receptors were
human uterine epithehal cells seems to be inhibitory shown in the myometrium, where CRH had a con-
rather than stimulatory; this may explain, to some strictive effect in synergy with oxytocin (69-71). In
extent, the contraceptive properties of the "day af- addition, CRH was found to stimulate nitric oxide
ter" pill, which contains high doses of estrogen (63). production by the endothelium of placental vessels
234 1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicine * Volume 129 • Number 3
and to cause the dilation of these vessels, thus fa- Table 3. Reproductive Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone
cilitating fetoplacental circulation (72). and Its Potential Physiologic Functions*
To determine whether placental CRH was se- Site of Production Function
creted in a pulsatile or circadian fashion in the third
trimester of pregnancy and whether there were any Ovarian CRH (theca, stroma, ovum) Suppression of ovarian
correlations over time between placental CRH and steroidogenesis
Inflammatory phenomena
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hormones, Ovulation
we studied normal pregnant women in the 34th Luteolysis
Endometrial CRH {endometrial glands,
week of pregnancy (Figure 6). We found CRH, decidua) Inflammatory phenomena
ACTH, and cortisol pulsations but, in contrast to Decidualisation
ACTH and cortisol (which were secreted in a cir- Menstruation
cadian fashion), plasma CRH did not have a circa- Placental CRH (cytotrophoblast,
syncytiotriophobla5t, amnion,
dian rhythm (73). In the time cross-correlation anal- chorion) Maternal hypercortisolism
yses, CRH levels correlated positively with those of Fetoplacental circulation
Fetal adrenal function
ACTH and cortisol, which means that either CRH Timing of labor
causes secretion of ACTH and cortisol or cortisol Labor and delivery

stimulates placental CRH secretion, or both. In- * CRH = corticotropin-releasing hormone. ..... . . . .
deed, glucocorticoids stimulate placental CRH se-
cretion in cultured human placental cells (74). Thus, circadian rhythm of ACTH and cortisol (75). The
in the last trimester of pregnancy, the placenta se- persistent elevation of plasma ACTH and a-mela-
cretes CRH, which seems to be under the positive nocyte-stimulating hormone levels then may cause
influence of cortisol. Circulating placental CRH some hypertrophy of the adrenal cortices in normal
then causes ACTH secretion, in synergy with portal pregnant women.
parvicellular arginine-vasopressin, which thus seems Thus, placental CRH seems to be responsible for
to be responsible for generating the pulsations and the maternal hypercortisolism of pregnancy; for

Pregnancy Labor and Posipartum




Binding Protein

'I Period of Vulnerability





12 24 38 Day 1 3 6 12
Weeks Weeks
Figure 5. Hormonal changes and period of increased vulnerability to mood disorders and autoimmune phenomena during pregnancy and
the postpartum period. The increasing levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone [CRH) in the last trimester, aiong with the decreasing levels of CRH-binding
protein, may participate in the initiation and progression of labor. The decreased secretion of estradiol and hypothalamic CRH in the postpartum penod is
associated with changes in the activity of the stress system, represented here by decreased CRH secretion. ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone.

1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 129 • Number 3 235

maintaining proper blood supply to the fetus (prob- Anoxia, the inflammatory cytokines, several pros-
ably by activating the nitric oxide synthase of these taglandins, and glucocorticoids themselves cause
vessels); and, later, before labor begins, for causing placental CRH secretion in vitro and in vivo. This
increased myometrial contractility. Plasma levels of means that sustained anoxia caused by preeclampsia
CRH are markedly elevated in preeclamptic or or eclampsia, increases of circulating cytokine levels
eclamptic mothers, in mothers with intrauterine in- caused by infection or inflammation, and increases
fections, and in healthy pregnant women during of glucocorticoid concentration caused by physical
normal labor. Longitudinal studies of many hun- or emotional stress may all initiate premature labor
dreds of pregnant women demonstrated that in the through increases in CRH secretion (Figure 7). Po-
latter half of pregnancy, one could predict the onset tent CRH receptor antagonists that might be helpful
of labor by plasma levels of CRH (76). Thus, in delaying premature labor and delivery are being
women who delivered prematurely had higher levels developed, and preliminary results are promising (51).
of CRH, equivalent to those of women close to The clinical implications of placental CRH ex-
term; the opposite biochemical profile was seen in tend beyond pregnancy, labor, and delivery (76, 77)
women with postmature labor. On the basis of these (Figures 5 and 6). The postpartum period is char-
data, CRH was proposed to be the biological clock acterized by an increased incidence of psychiatric
that times labor and delivery. and autoimmune manifestations. Indeed, the "post-




/ if
\1 II ^
' ' ACTH
\ I

\J,Cortisol Corlisol Cortisol •p.m. p.m.

M M Placenta]

M M Portal

Plasma Plasma
'lasma Plasma ^lasma
Cortisol Corlisol !]ottisol

Time Time Time

Figure 6. Top. The inypothalamic-pituitary-adrenai axis in the nonpregnant {left), pregnant {middle), and postpartum (right) states. Bottom. HEuristic,
simplified representation of the secretion of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenai axis hormones in the morning and afternoon, corresponding to the states
shown in the upper panels. During pregnancy, placental corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRHHnduced hypercortisoiism suppresses the hypothaiamic CRH
neuron. In the immediate postpartum period, the loss of piacental CRH and of estradioi input to the hypothalamic CRH neuron results in a period of low
hypothalamic CRH secretion and, hence, increased vulnerability to mood disturbances, such as postpartum blues, depression, or psychosis, or to autoimmune
disorders, such as postpartum thyroiditis. In the nonpregnant state, the pulsatility and circadian rhythm of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis are
maintained by pulsations of hypothalamic CRH and arginine-vasopressin {AVP). In the pregnant state, peripheral placental CRH usurps the role of hypothalamic
CRH and causes hypercortisolism while pulsatility and circadian rhythm are maintained by arginine-vasopressin. In the postpartum state, hypothalamic (portal)
CRH is initially suppressed and gradually returns to normal. During this period, pulsatility and circadian rhythm are possibly maintained by portal arginine-
vasopressin as input from portal CRH gradually increases over time; the predominance of arginine-vasopressin might explain the decreased cortisol suppress-
ibiiity by dexamethasone previously seen in the early postpartum period. ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; Ej = estradiol; P4 = progesterone. Solid line
= stimulation; dotted line = inhibition. Adapted from reference 73.

236 1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 129 • Number 3

Preeclampsia/Eciampsia order, the former had marked suppression of the
ACTH response to ovine CRH compared with the
Anoxic Conditions
latter. Thus, whereas the overall data showed a
transient suppression of hypothalamic CRH secre-
Placental *• Labor tion in the postpartum period, women with the
CRH blues or depression had a more severe suppression
that lasted longer.
[nfliimmatory Cytokmes In the postpartum state, the major source of
CRH and estrogen, the placenta, is no longer
present, whereas the hypothaiamic CRH neuron is
Figure 7. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) as a mediator of
probably suppressed as a result of previous exposure
premature labor. Anoxic conditions, such as preeclampsia or eclampsia; to high levels of cortisol for more than 3 months
increased concentrations of infiammatory cytokines associated with intra-
uterine infection or inflammation; and increased levels of cortisol arising
and because of concurrent estrogen deficiency (Fig-
from any kind of physical or emotional stress may promote premature labor ures 5 and 6). Despite the suppressed ACTH re-
through the secretion of placental and fetal membrane corticotropin-releas-
ing hormone.
sponses, total plasma cortisol levels were not low in
our postpartum women, probably because of the
elevated cortisol-binding globulin concentrations
partum blues," a mild form of transient depression, and because the adrenal glands were probably hy-
occurs in 60% to 70% of women; full-blown post- pertrophic and, hence, hyperresponsive to ACTH
partum depression affects about 10%; and very se- from their increased function during the last months
vere postpartum psychosis affects about 1 in 1000. of pregnancy. High-dose estrogen has a marked anti-
In addition, autoimmune diseases, such as "postpar- depressant effect during this time, possibly because
tum thyroiditis" and rheumatoid arthritis, frequently it reestablishes normal stress system secretion of
develop or are acutely exacerbated during the first CRH and norepinephrine (80).
few months postpartum. These data may be extended to two other forms
Although several depressive conditions, such as of estrogen-related depressive syndromes in women.
melancholic depression and anorexia nervosa, are One is the premenstrual tension syndrome, a con-
typically associated with high hypothalamic CRH dition associated with mild alterations of hypotha-
secretion, other states, such as atypical or seasonal lamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function throughout the
depression, the chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia cycle (46). The time of maximal emotional distur-
syndromes, and the Cushing syndrome before and bance coincides with the decrease of plasma estra-
during the first year after cure, arc all associated diol levels during the latter part of the luteal phase
with decreased production of hypothalamic CRH (3, of the cycle, when plasma progesterone levels are
77-79). We hypothesized that the postpartum pe- still elevated. The other is climacteric depression, a
riod might be associated with low hypothalamic condition about which we have a suggestion but no
CRH secretion, which would predispose patients to conclusive evidence of hypothalamic-pituitary-adre-
atypical depression and autoimmune phenomena. nal axis dysfunction (81). Studies measuring morn-
We prospectively studied 17 pregnant women who ing plasma cortisol levels indicated that these levels
were healthy and had no personal or family history were decreased by about 40% to 50%. These stud-
of depression (77). Psychometric testing was done ies suggest that estrogen withdrawal took place dur-
serially beginning with the 20th week of pregnancy ing the perimenopausal and early menopausal period
and continuing up to a year postpartum. We did and was probably accompanied by transient hypoacti-
ovine CRH stimulation tests at 3, 6, and 12 weeks vation of the stress system. Women with both of these
postpartum. Nine women had normal affect through- estrogen and, hence, CRH withdrawal states show
out, but 7 developed postpartum blues and 1 devel- mood improvements with estrogen therapy.
oped full-fledged postpartum depression. Plasma
levels of ACTH before and after ovine CRH
showed little response at 3 weeks, a better but still Conclusions
suppressed response at 6 weeks, and an almost nor-
mal response at 12 weeks. Cortisol levels remained Dr. Philip W. Gold (Clinical Neuroendocrinology
in the upper normal range throughout, mostly be- Branch, National Institute of Mental Health, Be-
cause plasma cortisol-binding globulin levels were thesda, Maryland): Corticotropin-releasing hormone
about twice the normal level at 3 weeks, and it took and estrogens seem to play crucial roles in the
about 3 months or longer for them to decrease to sexual dimorphism of the physiologic and patho-
within the normal range. When we separated the physiologic manifestations of the human stress re-
women at 3, 6, and 12 weeks into those with the sponse. In addition to coordinating the behavioral,
blues or depression and those without a mood dis- neuroendocrinc, metabolic, and immune conipo-
1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 129 • Number 3 237
nents of the stress response, CRH seems to have tration of antidepressant agents leads to suppression
direct reproductive regulatory roles at the hypothal- of CRH secretion and, it is hoped, to alleviation of
amus, influencing gonadotropin-releasing hormone its long-term behavioral, biochemical, and somatic
secretion, and at the periphery, promoting inflam- sequelae (89, 90).
matory phenomena, such as ovulation and implan- Although melancholic depression is easier to rec-
tation. Placental CRH drives the pituitary-adrenal ognize, another prevalent form of major depres-
axis to produce high cortisol secretion during the sion—atypical depression—is also more common in
latter part of pregnancy. Withdrawal of placental women than in men (3, 82). Atypical depression
CRH after delivery provokes a secondary hypotha- seems to be the antithesis of melancholia. Patients
lamic CRH deficiency with varying consequences for feel lethargic, fatigued, and unmotivated and dem-
mood disorders and autoimmune phenomena. Cor- onstrate hyperphagia and hypersomnia. Dysphoria
ticotropin-releasing hormone may be the placental in patients with atypical depression more closely
clock determining the onset of parturition. Thns, reflects feeling less alive than usual rather than
disturbances in placenlal CRH production may ac- intense anxiety about self. Several lines of evidence
count for premature or delayed parturition in some suggest that the lethargy, fatigue, hypersomnia, and
cases. In addition to its profound feminizing effects, hyperphagia of atypical depression are associated
estrogen stimulates CRH gene expression and nor- with hyposecretion of CRH (3). This hyposecretion
adrenergic function. Alterations in estrogenic tone may contribute to a significant increase in the inci-
during the menstrual cycle, the postpartum period,
dence of allergic and autoimmune phenomena in
and the climactery may be involved in the mood
this form of depression and in its two homolog
disturbances and alterations in immune function
seen at these times. transient states, the postpartum blues or depression
and the postcure state of patients with the Cushing
The World Health Organization has determined syndrome (48, 77, 79).
that unipolar depression confers greater overall
morbidity on women than any other cause does. It
is conservatively estimated that 9% to 12% of adult
women are affected by unipolar depression, with a
ratio of affected females to affected males of at least
2:1. The classic form of depression, melanchoha, is Arcuate nucleus: Hypothalamic nucleus that contains
a state of pathologic hyperarousal characterized by neurons secreting peptides of importance to reproduction
profound anxiety about the adequacy of self, dread and the stress response, including gonadotropin-releasing
for the future prospects of such a deficient self, hormone; neuropeptide Y; and proopiomelanocortin-de-
insomnia, anorexia, loss of libido, and other mani- rived peptides. such as (3-endorphin and a-melanocyte-
festations compatible with a hyperfunctional stress stimuiating hormone.
system (3, 82). We and others have demonstrated c-fos/c-jun transcription factor: A heterodimeric factor
hypersecretion of central nervous system CRH in that stimulates the promoters of many genes related to
melancholia, which results not only in the hypercor- cellular growth and replication.
tisolism and increased sympathetic activity of this Locus ceruleus-norepinephrine system: Noradrenergic
condition but also in many of its other clinical and nuclei of the brain stem that regulate arousal and sym-
biochemical manifestations, including hypogonad- pathetic system activity.
ism, inhibition of the growth hormone and thyroid Orexogen: Any substance with appetite-stimulating
axes, and mild immunosuppression (3, 48, 83). The properties, such as neuropeptide Y.
constellation of these biochemical changes leads to Paraventricular nucleus: Hypothalamic nucleus contain-
ing neurons secreting CRH and arginine-vasopressin,
several serious public health consequences, includ-
which regulate pituitary corticotropin secretion.
ing osteoporosis and increased risk for bone frac-
Parvicellular neurons: Small-cell body neurons of the
ture (84) and shortened life expectancy, mostly from hypothalamus that secrete CRH or arginine-vasopressin
cardiovascular disease (85). Patients with melancho- in the hypophyseal portal system. Contrast with magno-
lia have a twofold increased risk for dying from cellular neurons that secrete arginine-vasopressin into the
ischemie heart disease and a mortality rate of ap- systemic cireulation.
proximately 50% after acute, serious physical illness Proopiomelanocortin: Precursor molecule for cortico-
(this rate is 10% in nondepressed patients) {86, 87). tropin, /3-endorphin, and a-meianocyte-stimulating hor-
This may be due to the adverse effects of chronic mone expressed primarily in the arcuate nucleus of the
hypercortisolism on visceral fat, lipid metabolism, hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland.
insulin sensitivity, blood coagulation, and arterial Stress: State of threatened homeostasis. ,, ,,., •
pressure (for example, changes constituting the met-
Requests for Reprinls: George P. Chrousos, MD, National Insti-
abolic syndrome X and participating In the devel- tutes of Health, Building 10, Room 10N262, 10 Center Drive
opment of atherosclerosis) (88). Long-term adminis- MSC 1862, Belhesda, MD 20892-1862.

238 1 August 1998 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 129 • Number 3

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240 August Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume \29 • Number 3

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