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Unit 1 Government.


Ch2.1 Colonial Makeup 7

Articles of Confederation 13
2nd Constitutional Convention 17

Syllabus Preamble Analysis 4

Ch2.1 Colonial Analysis 8

Dec. of Ind. Creation 12

Ch2.2 Analysis 10

Heritage Analysis 16

Party Debate

Party Analysis 20
Bill of Rights Analysis 26 Federalism Analysis 28

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Intro : What is government?


B. What would happen if there was no government? no government or Draw in DETAIL (no s ck gures

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Unit 1 Government.notebook


1. Favorite restaurant

personality trait.

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Analysis of the Preamble in rela on to the goals created and how they con nue to meet the current demands of society today. What if you could create a perfect government, what

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Purpose of Gov

A. Preamble: list the 6 purposes in your notes

B. Dene each in your own words

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Preamble Analysis

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Pick a Side

form. 1. Is our na on unied today? WH 2. Are all Americans treated fairly & equally? WHY? 3. Does the government make you feel safe at home and at school? WHY? 4. Should the U.S. play the role of the worlds peacekeeper? WHY? 5. Should the U.S. do more to help the poor? WHY? 6. Is there too much control over peoples behavior at Jacobs? WHY?

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Citizenship 5

2. Read and Take notes on CH 14.2 Basis of Citizenship: pg 391-397. Know the qualifications to be a citizen and responsibilities of a citizen.

Unit 1 Government.notebook

BRAINSTORM: List how the government is give


Not Involved

Unit 1 Government.notebook

A. Ask your parents/guardian which vote/why or why not , Served on a Jury, the processes involved, etc. B. Evaluate which responsibili es you plan on mee ng when you are older AND which one you know you will NOT meet. (explain your ra onale)
(Write a paragraph with specic examples for A & B

Unit 1 Government.notebook

CH 2.1 Colonial Makeup

Who were the rst colonists in America Read and take notes on pg 38-40
Examine the emergence of colonial

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Ch2.2 Analysis


Direc ons:

meline, an ACROSTIC POEM, or le er from a Bri s

. Life in 1600s )



perspec ve should be clearly seen.

15 min

Unit 1 Government.notebook

11 Found on Page 771 in textbook. Use dic onary

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Unit 1 Government.notebook

Jacobs & AC What would Jacobs high school look like if it were run according to the Ar cles of Include: A.Who would be in charge of the school? B. Who would have ul mate control of C. What would the hallways be like? D. Who se les disputes between classrooms

Unit 1 Government.notebook

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