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Definition: Competency refers to appropriate prior knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities in a given context that adjust and develop with time and needs in order to effectively and efficiency accomplish a task and that are measured against a minimum standards (Faculty Summer Institute, University of Illinois, 2006). Purpose: To define in functional and when appropriate observable terms the abilities and expectations from students and graduates which speaks of the quality of the teacher education program of the University. Rather than requirements, competencies should be seen as goals. Guiding Standards: 1. Model Standards for Beginning Teacher Licensing and Development: A Resource for State Dialogue Council for Chief State School Officers Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Elementary Education Task Force 2011. North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards, approved by the State Board of Education. Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) Quality Principles. Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains. Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills and Professional Dispositions. Standards of Excellence in Teacher Preparation. NCATE. Standards for Teacher Educators. The Association of Teacher Educators

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION 1. CONTENT KNOWLEDGE 1.1. DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY. Deep and principled understanding of the learning processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 Understand how learning occurs-how students construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop habits of mind. Understand that students' physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development influence learning. Awareness of expected developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within each domain (physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive), can identify levels of readiness in learning, and understand how development in any one domain may affect performance in others. 1.1.4 1.1.5 Understand how social groups function and influence people and how people influence groups. Recognize factors and situations that are likely to promote or diminish intrinsic motivation.


1.2 LIBERAL ARTS. Deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes. 1.2.1 Understand the culture, religion, political system, philosophy and economic systems by which people organize their lives. 1.2.2 Understand the basic subject areas of arts and cultures.

1.3 SUBJECT-AREA CONTENT. Meaningful and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter they will teach or their teaching specialty and the relevant application of this content. 1.3.1 Understand their subjects considerably beyond the content they are expected to teach, and know how professionals in their field think and analyze the world. 1.3.2 Strong background in the concepts, assumptions, processes of inquiry and ways of knowing that are related to their specialization. 1.3.3 Know how to apply information from their discipline to real-world situations.


1.4 SUBJECT-SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGY. Understand technological advances and resources affecting the discipline. 1.4.1 Understand and know where to find technological resources specific to their discipline. 1.4.2 Understand the impact of technological advances in their specific specialization.

1.5 CURRICULUM THEORY. Understand the connection of the teaching area to the broad curriculum. 1.5.1 Thorough understanding of specific areas of specialization in relation to other knowledge areas. 1.5.2 Thorough understanding of the relationship between the subject or course they will teach and the other courses that comes before and after in the program curriculum.

2. PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS 2.1 EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. Basic and higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning. 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 Accountable leadership by taking personal responsibility for the progress of all students they handle. Effective motivation to organize students to act in ways that meets the goals of the students and the course. Efficient organization to maintain discipline, promote teamwork, plan, communicate, focus on outcomes evaluate progress and make constant adjustments.



Effective range of teaching strategies that promotes self and cooperative learning.

2.2 EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment and teaching approaches. 2.2.1 Effective range of teaching methods that promotes active critical thinking, problem-solving skills and capabilities in order to help students assume responsibility for self and cooperative learning. 2.2.2 Creative and innovative material development skills that motivate students to attain course learning outcomes. 2.2.3 Reliable learning assessment skills and effectively measures the desired learning outcomes. 2.2.4 Comprehensive lesson planning skills that uses multiple teaching and learning strategies and activities that matches students' characteristics. 2.2.5 Comprehensive curriculum development skills that capture professional practice competencies and link them to course, program goals and students' learning outcomes.


2.3 DIVERSIFIED INSTRUCTION. Facilitate learning of diverse types of learners, in diverse types of learning environments, using a wide range of teaching knowledge and skills. 2.3.1 Comprehensive instructional planning skills that addresses students learning styles, stages of development, characteristics and needs. 2.3.2 Monitoring and modification of instructional plans to attain learning outcomes and program goals. 2.3.3 Collaboration with specialists and community resources to enhance students' learning experiences.

2.4 EFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT. Use of variety of methods to assess what students have learned. 2.4.1 Use of various formal and informal assessment strategies appropriate to the learning outcomes. 2.4.2 Communicate students progress, their strengths and needs based on performance indicators to students, parents and colleagues.

2.5 CURRICULUM ALIGNMENT. Align instruction with the required curriculum. 2.5.1 Develop curriculum framework that are aligned with and meet the requirements of the university and national competency standards.


2.6 TECHNOLOGY SKILLS. Use of current educational technology. 2.6.1 Use of the most appropriate type and level of technology that will maximize attainment of learning outcomes.

3. PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS. 3.1 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND ETHICS. Demonstrate and practice the professional and ethical requirements of the teaching professions. 3.1.1 Recognize that the needs of students are centers of professional responsibility. 3.1.2 Adhere to professional code of ethics. 3.1.3 Engage in life-long learning and development.

3.2. REFLECTIVE PRACTICE. Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter, and the broader social forces encumbering the school and educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices. 3.2.1 Critical analysis of classroom events and self-directed learning to enhance achievement of learning outcomes. 3.2.2 Research and literature analysis and application to classroom teaching and learning.


3.3 INNOVATIVENESS. Creative and innovative in thinking of alternative teaching approaches, take informed risks in trying out these innovative approaches, and evaluate the effectiveness of such approaches in improving student learning. 3.3.1 Development of new and effective learning strategies and activities that counteract stereotypes.

3.4 COLLABORATION. Collaborate with colleagues and communities to support the learning environment. 3.4.1 Build partnerships with all segments of the school and the wider community.


RATIONALE FOR COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION COMPETENCIES TEAC QUALITY PRINCIPLE: EVIDENCE OF CANDIDATE LEARNING Quality Principle: Pedagogical Knowledge. Convert their knowledge of the subject matter into compelling lessons that meet the needs of a wide range of pupils and students. Quality Principle: Multicultural Perspectives and Accuracy. Learned accurate and sound information on matters of race, gender, individual differences and ethnic and cultural perspectives. Quality Principle: Multicultural Perspectives and Accuracy. Learned accurate and sound information on matters of race, gender, individual differences and ethnic and cultural perspectives. NCATE STANDARD 1: CANDIDATE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS Standard 1c: Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They know how students learn and how to make ideas accessible to them. Standard 1c: Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They know how students learn and how to make ideas accessible to them. Standard 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They understand and address student preconceptions that hinder learning. They are able to critique research and theories related to pedagogy and learning.

1. Understand how learning occurs how students construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop habits of mind. 2. Understand that students' physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development influence learning.

3. Awareness of expected developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within each domain (physical, social, emotional, moral, cognitive), can identify levels of readiness in learning, and understand how development in any one domain may affect performance in others. 4. Understand how social groups function and influence people and how people influence groups.

Quality Principle: Multicultural Perspectives and Accuracy. Learned accurate and sound information on matters of race, gender, individual differences and ethnic and cultural perspectives.

Standard 1c: Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They consider school, family and community contexts in connecting concepts to students' prior experience and applying the ideas to realworld issues.

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5. Recognize factors and situations that are likely to promote or diminish intrinsic motivation.

6. Understand the culture, religion, political system, philosophy and economic systems by which people organize their lives. 7. Understand the basic subject areas of arts and cultures.

Quality Principle: Learning How to Learn. Demonstrate that they have learned how to learn information on their own, that they can transfer what they have learned to new situations, that they have acquired the dispositions and skills of critical reflection that will support life-long learning in their field. Quality Principle: Subject Matter Knowledge. Demonstrate understanding of the subject matter they will teach. Quality Principle: Subject Matter Knowledge. Demonstrate understanding of the subject matter they will teach. Quality Principle: Subject Matter Knowledge. Demonstrate understanding of the subject matter they will teach.

8. Understand their subjects considerably beyond the content they are expected to teach, and know how professionals in their field think and analyze the world. 9. Strong background in the concepts, assumptions, processes of inquiry and ways of knowing that are related to their specialization. 10. Know how to apply information from their discipline to real-world situations.

Standard 1f. Student Learning for Other School Professionals. They establish educational environments that support student learning, collect and analyze data related to student learning, and apply strategies for improving student learning within their own jobs and schools. Standard 1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates. Teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the content that they plan to teach as described. Standard 1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates. Teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the content that they plan to teach as described. Standard 1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates. Teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the content that they plan to teach as described. Standard 1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates. They demonstrate their knowledge through inquiry, critical analysis, and synthesis of the subject. Standard 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They present the content to the students in challenging, clear and compelling ways, using real-world contexts and integrating technology appropriately.

Quality Principle: Subject Matter Knowledge. Demonstrate understanding of the subject matter they will teach. Quality Principle: Subject Matter Knowledge. Demonstrate understanding of the subject matter they will teach.

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11. Understand and know where to find technological resources specific to their discipline. 12. Understand the impact of technological advances in their specific specialization.

Quality Principle: Technology. Use appropriate technology.

Quality Principle: Technology. Use appropriate technology.

13. Thorough understanding of specific areas of specialization in relation to other knowledge areas.

Quality Principle: Subject Matter Knowledge. Demonstrate understanding of the subject matter they will teach.

14. Thorough understanding of the relationship between the subject or course they will teach and the other courses that comes before and after in the program curriculum.

Quality Principle: Subject Matter Knowledge. Demonstrate understanding of the subject matter they will teach.

15. Accountable leadership by taking personal responsibility for the progress of all students they handle.

Quality Principle: Caring and Effective Teaching Skills. Teach effectively in a caring way and to act as knowledgeable professionals.

Standard 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They present the content to the students in challenging, clear and compelling ways, using real-world contexts and integrating technology appropriately. Standard 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They present the content to the students in challenging, clear and compelling ways, using real-world contexts and integrating technology appropriately. Standard 1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates. Teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the content that they plan to teach as described in professional, state and institutional standards. They demonstrate their knowledge through inquiry, critical analysis, and synthesis of the subject. Standard 1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates. Teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the content that they plan to teach as described in professional, state and institutional standards. They demonstrate their knowledge through inquiry, critical analysis, and synthesis of the subject. Standard 1c. Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They reflect on their practice and make necessary adjustments to enhance student learning.

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16. Effective motivation to organize students to act in ways that meets the goals of the students and the course.

Quality Principle: Caring and Effective Teaching Skills. Teach effectively in a caring way and to act as knowledgeable professionals.

Standard 1f. Student Learning for Other School Professionals. They establish educational environments that support student learning, collect and analyze data related to student learning, and apply strategies for improving student learning within their own jobs and schools. Standard 1f. Student Learning for Other School Professionals. They establish educational environments that support student learning, collect and analyze data related to student learning, and apply strategies for improving student learning within their own jobs and schools. Standard 1g. Professional Dispositions for All Candidates. Candidates demonstrate classroom behaviors that create caring and supportive learning environments and encourage self-directed learning by all students. Standard 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They have indepth understanding of the content that they plan to teach and are able to provide multiple explanations and instructional strategies so that all students learn.

17. Efficient organization to maintain discipline, promote teamwork, plan, communicate, focus on outcomes evaluate progress and make constant adjustments.

Quality Principle: Caring and Effective Teaching Skills. Teach effectively in a caring way and to act as knowledgeable professionals.

18. Effective range of teaching strategies that promotes self and cooperative learning.

Quality Principle: Caring and Effective Teaching Skills. Teach effectively in a caring way and to act as knowledgeable professionals.

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19. Effective range of teaching methods that promotes active critical thinking, problem-solving skills and performance capabilities in order to help students assume responsibility for self and cooperative learning. 20. Creative and innovative material development skills that motivate students to attain course learning outcomes. 21. Reliable learning assessment skills and effectively measures the desired learning outcomes.

Quality Principle: Pedagogical Knowledge. Convert their knowledge of the subject matter into compelling lessons that meet the needs of a wide range of pupils and students.

Standard 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They have indepth understanding of the content that they plan to teach and are able to provide multiple explanations and instructional strategies so that all students learn. Standard 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They are able to select and develop instructional strategies and technologies, based on research and experience, that help all students learn. Standard 1d. Student Learning for Teacher Candidates. They assess and analyze student learning, make appropriate adjustment to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive effect on learning for all students. Candidates in advanced programs for teachers have a thorough understanding of assessment. Standard 1c. Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They develop meaningful learning experiences to facilitate learning for all students. Standard 1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates. Teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the content that they plan to teach as described in professional, state and institutional standards.

Quality Principle: Pedagogical Knowledge. Convert their knowledge of the subject matter into compelling lessons that meet the needs of a wide range of pupils and students. Quality Principle: Evidence of Valid Assessment. Trustworthiness, reliability and validity of the evidence produced from the assessment method or methods that it has adopted.

22. Comprehensive lesson planning skills and effectively effective measures the desired learning outcomes.

Quality Principle: Pedagogical Knowledge. Convert their knowledge of the subject matter into compelling lessons that meet the needs of a wide range of pupils and students. Quality Principle: Pedagogical Knowledge. Convert their knowledge of the subject matter into compelling lessons that meet the needs of a wide range of pupils and students.

23. Comprehensive curriculum development skills that capture professional practice competencies and link them to course, program goals and students' learning outcomes.

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24. Comprehensive instructional planning skills that addresses students learning styles, stages of development, characteristics and needs. 25. Monitoring and modification of instructional plans to attain learning outcomes and program goals.

Quality Principle: Pedagogical Knowledge. Convert their knowledge of the subject matter into compelling lessons that meet the needs of a wide range of pupils and students. Quality Principle: Pedagogical Knowledge. Convert their knowledge of the subject matter into compelling lessons that meet the needs of a wide range of pupils and students. Quality Principle: Candidates. Admission, mentoring policies encourage recruitment and retention of diverse candidates. Program monitor the quality of the support services.

26. Collaboration with specialists and community resources to enhance students' learning experiences.

27. Use of various formal and informal assessment strategies appropriate to the learning outcomes.

Quality Principle: Evidence of Valid Assessment. Trustworthiness, reliability and validity of the evidence produced from the assessment method or methods that it has adopted.

Standard 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They are able to select and develop instructional strategies and technologies, based on research and experience, that help all students learn. Standard 1d. Student Learning for Teacher Candidates. They assess and analyze student learning, make appropriate adjustment to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive effect on learning for all students. Standard 1c. Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They take on leadership roles in the professional community and collaborate with colleagues to contribute to school improvement and renewal. Standard 1d. Student Learning for Teacher Candidates. They assess and analyze student learning, make appropriate adjustment to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive effect on learning for all students. Candidates in advanced programs for teachers have a thorough understanding of assessment. Standard 1g. Professional Dispositions for All Candidates. Candidates work with students, family, colleagues, and communities in ways that reflect the professional dispositions expected of professional educators

28. Communicate students progress, their strengths and needs based on performance indicators to students, parents and colleagues.

Quality Principle: Evidence of Valid Assessment. Trustworthiness, reliability and validity of the evidence produced from the assessment method or methods that it has adopted.

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29. Develop curriculum framework that are aligned with and meet the requirements of the university and national competency standards.

Quality Principle: Pedagogical Knowledge. Convert their knowledge of the subject matter into compelling lessons that meet the needs of a wide range of pupils and students.

30. Use of the most appropriate type and level of technology that will maximize attainment of learning outcomes.

Quality Principle: Technology. Use appropriate technology.

Standard 1c. Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. Teacher candidates reflect a thorough understanding of professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards. Standard 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They present the content to the students in challenging, clear and compelling ways, using real-world contexts and integrating technology appropriately.

31. Recognize that the needs of students are centers of professional responsibility.

Quality Principle: Caring and Effective Teaching Skills. Teach effectively in a caring way and to act as knowledgeable professionals.

32. Adhere to professional code of ethics.

Quality Principle: Caring and Effective Teaching Skills. Teach effectively in a caring way and to act as knowledgeable professionals.

Standard 1f. Student Learning for Other School Professionals. Candidates for other professional school roles critique and are able to reflect on their work within the context of student learning. Standard 1g. Professional Dispositions for All Candidates. Candidates recognize when their own professional dispositions may need to be adjusted and are able to develop plans to do so. Standard 1c. Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. Candidates in advanced programs for teachers develop expertise in certain aspects of professional and pedagogical knowledge and contribute to the dialogue based on their research and experiences.

33. Engage in life-long learning and development.

Quality Principle: Learning How to Learn. Demonstrate that they have learned how to learn information on their own, that they can transfer what they have learned to new situations, that they have acquired the dispositions and skills of critical reflection that will support life-long learning in their field.

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34. Critical analysis of classroom events and self-directed learning to enhance achievement of learning outcomes.

35. Research and literature analysis and application to classroom teaching and learning.

36. Development of new and effective learning strategies and activities that counteract stereotypes.

37. Build partnerships with all segments of the school and the wider community.

Quality Principle: Learning How to Learn. Demonstrate that they have learned how to learn information on their own, that they can transfer what they have learned to new situations, that they have acquired the dispositions and skills of critical reflection that will support life-long learning in their field. Quality Principle: Learning How to Learn. Demonstrate that they have learned how to learn information on their own, that they can transfer what they have learned to new situations, that they have acquired the dispositions and skills of critical reflection that will support life-long learning in their field. Quality Principle: Learning How to Learn. Demonstrate that they have learned how to learn information on their own, that they can transfer what they have learned to new situations, that they have acquired the dispositions and skills of critical reflection that will support life-long learning in their field. Quality Principle: Caring and Effective Teaching Skills. Teach effectively in a caring way and to act as knowledgeable professionals.

Standard 1f. Student Learning for Other School Professionals. Candidates for other professional school roles critique and are able to reflect on their work within the context of student learning.

Standard 1e. Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals. They collect and analyze data related to their work, reflect on their practice, and use research and technology to support and improve student learning.

Standard 1e. Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals. They collect and analyze data related to their work, reflect on their practice, and use research and technology to support and improve student learning.

Standard 1c. Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates. They take on leadership roles in the professional community and collaborate with colleagues to contribute to school improvement and renewal.

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION CONTENT KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Explain how learning occurs how students construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop habits of mind. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Analyze and connect how learning occurs how students construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop habits of mind. Differentiate the physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development of students that influence learning. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Evaluate how learning occurs how students construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop habits of mind. Evaluate the physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development of students that influence learning. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Develop and conduct studies on how learning occurs how students construct knowledge, acquire skills, develop habits of mind and analyze the results. Develop and conduct studies on the physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development of students that influence learning.

1. Understand how learning occurs how students construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop habits of mind. 2. Understand that students' physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development influence learning.

Theory/Concept Courses Methods/Strategies Courses Child (Learner's) Development Facilitating Learning Child (Learner's) Development Facilitating Learning Developmental Psychology

Explain the physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development of students that influence learning. Apply knowledge of the students' physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development to help them recognize their learning practices.

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3. Awareness of expected developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within each domain (physical, social, emotional, moral, cognitive), can identify levels of readiness in learning, and understand how development in any one domain may affect performance in others.

Child (Learner's) Development Facilitating Learning Developmental Psychology

Discuss the expected developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within each domain (physical, social, emotional, moral, cognitive),

Illustrate the expected developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within each domain (physical, social, emotional, moral, cognitive), Differentiate the levels of readiness in learning, and Relates how development in any one domain may affect performance in others. Relate how social groups function and influence people and how people influence groups. Distinguish factors and situations that are likely to promote or diminish intrinsic motivation.

Criticize the expected developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within each domain (physical, social, emotional, moral, cognitive),

Integrate the expected developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within each domain (physical, social, emotional, moral, cognitive),

Identify and summarize levels of readiness in learning, and Show how development in any one domain may affect performance in others.

Evaluate the levels of readiness in learning, and Evaluate how development in any one domain may affect performance in others Evaluate how social groups function and influence people and how people influence groups. Assess factors and situations that are likely to promote or diminish intrinsic motivation.

Propose the levels of readiness in learning, and Conduct studies on how development in any one domain may affect performance in others. Design how social groups function and influence people and how people influence groups. Integrate factors and organize situations that are likely to promote or diminish intrinsic motivation

4. Understand how social groups function and influence people and how people influence groups. 5. Recognize factors and situations that are likely to promote or diminish intrinsic motivation.

Social Dimensions of Education

Facilitating Learning Principles of Teaching

Illustrate how social groups function and influence people and how people influence groups. Describe factors and situations that are likely to promote or diminish intrinsic motivation.

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CONTENT KNOWLEDGE LIBERAL ARTS. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Discuss the culture, religion, political system, philosophy and economic systems by which people organize their lives. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Analyze the culture, religion, political system, philosophy and economic systems by which people organize their lives. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Critique the culture, religion, political system, philosophy and economic systems by which people organize their lives. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Summarize the culture, religion, political system, philosophy and economic systems by which people organize their lives.

1. Understand the culture, religion, political system, philosophy and economic systems by which people organize their lives.

Theory/Concept Courses Liberal Arts Content Courses

2. Understand the basic subject areas of arts and cultures.

Liberal Arts Content Courses

Explain the basic subject Compare the basic areas of arts and subject areas of arts cultures. and cultures.

Criticize the basic subject areas of arts and cultures.

Summarize the basic subject areas of arts and cultures.

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION CONTENT KNOWLEDGE SUBJECT AREA CONTENT. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Classify concepts and phenomena related to their discipline. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Identify sources of bias, limitations of concepts and implication of phenomena related to their discipline. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Evaluate concepts and phenomena related to their discipline based on evidence.. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Construct an argument that appropriately uses meaningful concepts and phenomena related to their discipline.

1. Understand their subjects considerably beyond the content they are expected to teach, and know how professionals in their field think and analyze the world. 2. Strong background in the concepts, assumptions, processes of inquiry and ways of knowing that are related to their specialization. 3. Know how to apply information from their discipline to real-world situations.

Theory/ Content Courses

Theory/Content Courses

Give clear explanation relating to lesson content and procedures. Develop a hypothesis, conduct a pre-designed scientific investigation and describe results.

Principles of Teaching

Use current information from their discipline in basic ways Show inter-relatedness of one content areas.

Conduct a scientific investigation and analyze the results to determine if satisfactorily addresses the hypothesis. Investigate and apply current information from their discipline in creative ways.

Evaluate the design and results of an investigation to determine if it satisfactorily addresses the hypothesis. Evaluate ideas, products and processes for their creativity and innovation.

Develop and conduct investigation to test a hypothesis and analyze the results.

Create an original work by applying existing knowledge in order to generate new ideas, products, or processes.

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION CONTENT KNOWLEDGE SUBJECT SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGY. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Describe steps for using technology to locate information and guidelines for evaluating information from variety of sources. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Perform advanced searches and compare information from a variety of sources of accuracy, bias, appropriateness and comprehensiveness. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Recommend and justify the use of appropriate information and communication tools to gather information. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Create research question and select and use appropriate information and communication technology tools and resources for collecting and analyzing information and reporting results to multiple audiences. Create and integrate solution for addressing the impact of technological advances in their specific specialization to generate new technologies.

1. Understand and know where to find technological resources specific to their discipline.

Technology in the Learning Environment Principles and Theories of Educational Technology Methods/Strategies Courses

2. Understand the impact of technological advances in their specific specialization.

Technology in the Learning Environment Special Topics Courses

Enumerate and explain how technology works, its development and how it impacts in their specific specialization.

Investigate how technology works, its development and how it impacts in their specific specialization.

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of a solution for addressing the impact of technological advances in their specific specialization

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION CONTENT KNOWLEDGE CURRICULUM THEORY. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Explain connections of concepts of specific areas of specialization in relation to other knowledge areas. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Compare concepts of specific areas of specialization in relation to other knowledge areas. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Use connections of concepts of specific areas of specialization to explain ideas in relation to other knowledge areas. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Construct new connections of concepts of specific areas of specialization to explain ideas in relation to other knowledge areas.

1. Thorough understanding of specific areas of specialization in relation to other knowledge areas.

Theory/Concept Courses Exploring the Curriculum Curriculum Development

2. Thorough understanding of the relationship between the subject or course they will teach and the other courses that comes before and after in the program curriculum.

Exploring the Curriculum Curriculum Development

Explain the relationship between the subject or course they will teach and the other courses that comes before and after in the program curriculum.

Compare the relationship between the subject or course they will teach and the other courses that comes before and after in the program curriculum.

Explain the relationship between the subject or course they will teach and the other courses that comes before and after in the program curriculum.

Construct relationship between the subject or course they will teach and the other courses that comes before and after in the program curriculum.

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Understand and apply appropriate classroom leadership style to influence students to achieve learning outcomes. Listen to all students with respect. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Connect and analyze various leadership styles used to influence students to achieve learning outcomes. Demonstrate sensitivity towards individual student differences. Compare and analyze the various types of motivations used in classroom setting to promote achievement of the goals of the students and the course. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Assess the effectiveness of leadership styles used to influence students to achieve learning outcomes. Assist all students based on their learning needs. Evaluate the effectiveness of each type of motivation used in various classroom settings to promote achievement of the goals of the students and the course. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Plan for and produce own effective leadership style that will be used to influence students to achieve learning outcomes on specific situation. Adhere to the prescribe standards of practice. Design instructional plan that will effectively motivate students to act in ways that meets their goals and the course goals.

1. Accountable leadership by taking personal responsibility for the progress of all students they handle.

Methods/Strategies Courses Principles of Teaching Field Study Courses Facilitating Learning

2. Effective motivation to organize students to act in ways that meets the goals of the students and the course.

Principles of Teaching Field Study Courses Facilitating Learning

Understand and apply the various types of motivations used in classroom setting to promote achievement of the goals of the students and the course.

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3. Efficient organization to maintain discipline, promote teamwork, plan, communicate, focus on outcomes evaluate progress and make constant adjustments.

Facilitating Learning Principles of Teaching Field Study Courses

Understand and apply responsibilities for changing personal behaviors of students in order to acquire skills that lead to both social and professional success such as use of instruction time effectively, establishment of classroom routines and response to student work in a timely fashion.
Uses variety of large group, small group and independent learning experiences.



Modify and combine

responsibilities for changing personal behaviors of students in order to acquire skills that lead to both social and professional success such as use of instruction time effectively, establishment of classroom routines and response to student work in a timely fashion.
Compare and analyze variety of large group, small group and independent learning experiences.

responsibilities for changing personal behaviors of students in order to acquire skills that lead to both social and professional success such as use of instruction time effectively, establishment of classroom routines and response to student work in a timely fashion.
Evaluate variety of large group, small group and independent learning experiences.

responsibilities for changing personal behaviors of students in order to acquire skills that lead to both social and professional success such as use of instruction time effectively, establishment of classroom routines and response to student work in a timely fashion.
Design variety of large group, small group and independent learning experiences.

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4. Effective range of teaching strategies that promotes self and cooperative learning.

Principles of Teaching Facilitating Learning Field Study Courses

Identify and apply knowledge and teaching strategies that promotes self and cooperative learning.
Discuss the variety of methods such as demonstrations, lectures, student initiated work, group work, questioning and independent practice for specific instructional goals and purpose.

Explain and connect knowledge and

Assess the teaching

teaching strategies that promotes self and cooperative learning.

Compare and analyze the variety of methods such as demonstrations, lectures, student initiated work, group work, questioning and independent practice for specific instructional goals and purpose.

strategies that promotes self and cooperative learning.

Combine the principles of teaching to create strategies that promotes self and cooperative learning.

Evaluate the variety of methods such as demonstrations, lectures, student initiated work, group work, questioning and independent practice for specific instructional goals and purpose.

Design the variety of methods such as demonstrations, lectures, student initiated work, group work, questioning and independent practice for specific instructional goals and purpose.

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Discuss and apply the various teaching methods that promotes active critical thinking, problem-solving skills and performance capabilities in order to help students assume responsibility for self and cooperative learning. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Compare and analyze the various teaching methods that promotes active critical thinking, problem-solving skills and performance capabilities in order to help students assume responsibility for self and cooperative learning. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Evaluate the various teaching methods that promotes active critical thinking, problem-solving skills and performance capabilities in order to help students assume responsibility for self and cooperative learning. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Modify or design and adapt teaching methods that promotes active critical thinking, problem-solving skills and performance capabilities in order to help students assume responsibility for self and cooperative learning.

1. Effective range of teaching methods that promotes active critical thinking, problemsolving skills and performance capabilities in order to help students assume responsibility for self and cooperative learning.

Methods/Strategies Courses Principles of Teaching Facilitating Learning Field Study Courses

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2. Creative and innovative material development skills that motivate students to attain course learning outcomes.

Principles and Theories of Educational Technology Field Study Courses

Describe and use of materials that address student learning levels, rates and styles and motivate them to attain course learning outcomes. Describe and employ variety of reliable traditional and alternative assessment strategies in determining student's mastery of desired learning outcomes.

3. Reliable learning assessment skills and effectively measures the desired learning outcomes.

Learning Assessment Strategies Assessment of Student Learning

Compare and analyze materials utilized to address student learning levels, rates and styles and motivate them to attain course learning outcomes. Compare and analyze variety of reliable traditional and alternative assessment strategies in determining student's mastery of desired learning outcomes.

Evaluate materials utilized to address student learning levels, rates and styles and motivate them to attain course learning outcomes. Evaluate variety of traditional and alternative assessment strategies in determining student's mastery of desired learning outcomes.

Design, modify and adapt materials that will address student learning levels, rates and styles and motivate them to attain course learning outcomes. Design and apply variety of reliable traditional and alternative assessment strategies in determining student's mastery of desired learning outcomes.

4. Comprehensive lesson planning skills and effectively effective measures the desired learning outcomes.

Principles of Teaching Field Study Courses

Discuss and identify the contents of the lesson plan and plan lessons towards achievement of the desired learning outcomes. Identify student desired learning outcome for planned lesson.

Relate the lesson content, strategies and assessment of the lesson plan with the desired learning outcomes. Works with colleagues to relate lesson plans interdisciplinarily.

Evaluate the lesson content, strategies and assessment with the measurement of the desired learning outcomes. Reflect and evaluate own lesson planning practices.

Design or modify and adapt lesson content, strategies and assessment to achieve the desired learning outcomes. Develop a resource file for use in lesson planning.

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5. Comprehensive curriculum development skills that capture professional practice competencies and link them to course, program goals and students' learning outcomes.

Principles of Teaching Curriculum Development Field Study Courses

Identify interdisciplinary knowledge that capture professional practice competencies and link them to course, program goals and students' learning outcomes.

Analyze and relate interdisciplinary knowledge that capture professional practice competencies, course, program goals and students' learning outcomes.

Assess the relevance of interdisciplinary knowledge integrated into the curriculum.

Organize and integrate interdisciplinary knowledge into the curriculum that capture professional practice competencies, course, program goals and students' learning outcomes.

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS DIVERSIFIED INSTRUCTION. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Discuss and identify the contents of instructional plan. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Relate the contents of the instructional plan in relation to the learning styles, stages of development, characteristics and needs of students. Analyze the implementation of instructional plans to identify necessary modifications and adaptations. Engage with community resources to create opportunities that enhance students' learning experiences. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Evaluate the contents of the instructional plan in relation to the learning styles, stages of development, characteristics and needs of students. Evaluate the implementation of instructional plans to identify necessary modifications and adaptations. Evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of community collaboration. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Develop contents of the instructional plan to accommodate a range of student's learning styles, stages of development, characteristics and needs. Modify and implement instructional plans to attain learning outcomes and program goals. Create a sustainable collaboration with community resources to continuously improve students' learning experiences.

1. Comprehensive instructional planning skills that addresses students learning styles, stages of development, characteristics and needs. 2. Monitoring and modification of instructional plans to attain learning outcomes and program goals. 3. Collaboration with specialists and community resources to enhance students' learning experiences.

Methods/Strategies Courses Principles of Teaching Curriculum Development Principles of Teaching Facilitating Learning

Discuss the principles and procedures in monitoring instructional plans.

Facilitating Learning Field Study

Identify sources of community resources and provide a system of interaction that can enhance students' learning experiences.

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PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS EFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Select a useful, administratively convenient, technically adequate and fair assessment strategy appropriate to the specific learning outcome. Provide meaningful feedback on student progress, their strengths and needs based on performance indicators to students, parents and colleagues. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Compare and analyze various formal and informal assessment strategies utilized to measure specific learning outcome. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Criticize various formal and informal assessment strategies utilized to measure specific learning outcome INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Develop a useful, administratively convenient, technically adequate and fair assessment strategy appropriate to the specific learning outcome. Propose communication ways in which students, parents and colleagues to support and reinforce learning goals and standards.

1. Use of various formal and informal assessment strategies appropriate to the learning outcomes.

Methods/Strategies Courses Learning Assessment Strategies Assessment of Student Learning Learning Assessment Strategies Assessment of Student Learning

2. Communicate students progress, their strengths and needs based on performance indicators to students, parents and colleagues.

Relate meaningful feedback on student progress, their strengths and needs based on performance indicators to students, parents and colleagues.

Evaluate strategies in communicating feedbacks to students, parents and colleagues.

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS CURRICULUM ALIGNMENT. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Define and select competencies to match the requirements of the university and national standards. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Analyze selected competencies if it match the requirements of the university and national standards. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Evaluate the selected competencies if it match the requirements of the university and national standards. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Integrate competencies into curriculum that match the requirements of the university and national standards.

1. Develop curriculum framework that are aligned with and meet the requirements of the university and national competency standards.

Methods/Strategies Courses Curriculum Development Issues in Teacher Education

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS TECHNOLOGY SKILLS. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course)

1. Use of the most appropriate type and level of technology that will maximize attainment of learning outcomes.

Methods/Strategies Courses

Select and use information and communication Educational Technology technology tools and resources that can be Communication used to maximize Technology attainment of students' learning Special Topic Courses outcomes. Apply appropriate technology tools and resources that can be used to maximize attainment of students' learning outcomes.

Compare different technology tools and systems that are used to maximize attainment of students' learning outcomes.

Evaluate the effectiveness of technology tools and systems that are used to maximize attainment of students' learning outcomes.

Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.

Create authentic tasks using technology tools to maximize attainment of learning outcomes.

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PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND ETHICS. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Apply effective teaching practices to address the group and individual needs of students. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Analyze individual learning needs and practices and draw from a repertoire of effective teaching practices to accommodate differences in students. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Critique their teaching practices and strive for development to address the needs of students. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Organize a professional development plan centered improving teaching practices and products.

1. Recognize that the needs of students are centers of professional responsibility.

Theory/Concept Courses The Teaching Profession Professional Integration Values Education and Professional Ethics

2. Adhere to professional code of ethics.

The Teaching Profession Professional Integration Values Education and Professional Ethics Practice Teaching

Explain and apply the professional code of ethics for teachers in actual practice.

Relate the provisions of the professional code of ethics for teachers in actual practice.

Justify the provisions of the professional code of ethics for teachers in actual practice.

Integrate the provisions of the professional code of ethics for teachers in actual practice.

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3. Engage in life-long learning and development.

The Teaching Profession Professional Integration Values Education and Professional Ethics

Identify avenues to continue the development of own background in instructional methodology, learning theories, trends and the subject matter.

Analyze own professional background and seek to increase own professional growth and development.

Evaluate own learning environment as a basis for developing a plan for life-long learning and professional development.

Design own personal professional development plan.

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PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS REFLECTIVE PRACTICE. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Identify principles and strategies for affecting changes occurring in classroom. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Analyze and reflect upon classroom events, self-directed learning and other affecting changes occurring in classroom. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Evaluate classroom events, self-directed learning and other affecting changes occurring in classroom in relation to achievement of learning outcomes. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Design classroom events and self-directed learning to enhance achievement of learning outcomes.

1. Critical analysis of Field Study Courses classroom events and self-directed learning to Practice Teaching enhance achievement of learning outcomes. Educational Research Special Topics Courses

Apply principles of classroom management, self- to enhance and use data from own learning environment as a basis for reflecting upon and experimenting with personal teaching practices to enhance the achievement of learning outcomes.

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2. Research and literature analysis and application to classroom teaching and learning.

Educational Research The Teaching Profession Practice Teaching Special Topics Courses

Seek out and apply information on methodology, research and current trends in education to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.

Analyze information on methodology, research and current trends in education to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.

Evaluate information on methodology, research and current trends in education to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.

Design effective strategy based on information on methodology, research and current trends in education to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS INNOVATIVENESS. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Identify new characteristics of an effective learning environment and learning strategies and activities in which all students are supported. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Analyze new characteristics of an effective learning environment and learning strategies and activities in which all students are supported. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Evaluate new characteristics of an effective learning environment and learning strategies and activities in which all students are supported. Evaluate school reform initiatives. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Design and implement repertoire of new learning strategies to effectively teach all students.

1. Development of new and effective learning strategies and activities that counteract stereotypes.

Principles of Teaching Practice Teaching Field Study Courses Special Topic Courses

Participate and apply Analyze school instructional reform initiatives. improvement and school reform initiatives.

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COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION PPROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS COLLABORATION. TERMINAL COMPETENCIES (End of program) COURSE INTEGRATION INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES CAPABLE (developed at specific interval during the course) Collaborate effectively with all segments of the school, other professionals and the community to work as an advocate to improve opportunities for teaching and learning. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES PROFICIENT (developed at specific interval during the course) Analyze various collaborations with the school and community to identify imperatives for improvement of teaching and learning. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES ADVANCED (developed at specific interval during the course) Evaluate various collaborations with the school and community to identify imperatives for improvement of teaching and learning. INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES MASTERY (developed at specific interval during the course) Create partnerships with the school and community to improve opportunities for teaching and learning.

1. Build partnerships with all segments of the school and the wider community.

Practice Teaching On Becoming Teacher Field Study Courses

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