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CV6315 Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering

This Lecture:

Tunnels in rock
by Assoc. Prof. LOW Bak Kong

References: R f
Evert Hoek, Practical Rock Engineering, Chapter 12. htt // i /h k/P ti lR kE i i Brady, B H G and Brown, E T, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, 3nd Ed Springer 2006 Ed, Springer, 2006. Harrison, John P. and Hudson John A. (2000). Engineering rock mechanics: part 2 Illustrative worked examples Pergamon examples, Pergamon.

Learning objectives of this lecture:

Understand some very basic concepts of how a rock mass surrounding a tunnel deforms and how the support systems act to control this deformation. Study the variation of deformation with internal support pressure for a circular t i l tunnel i an elastic-perfectly l in l ti f tl plastic material under hydrostatic stress field and obeying Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Examine examples of practical support designs for different conditions. Use of the classical Kirsch solution for plane-strain stresses around a circular opening. i l i Appreciate the effects of excavation shape and in situ stresses on the boundary stresses of underground excavations excavations.

Figure 1: Vertical section through a three-dimensional finite element model of the failure and deformation of the rock mass surrounding the face of an advancing circular tunnel. The plot shows displacement vectors as well as the shape of the deformed tunnel profile.
from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek

Figure 2: P tt Fi 2 Pattern of deformation in the rock mass surrounding an fd f ti i th k di advancing tunnel. from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek

Tunnel deformation analysis

Consideracirculartunnelsubjectedtoahydrostaticstressfieldinwhichthehorizontaland verticalstressesareequal.AssumeMohrCoulombfailurecriterionandthatthe surroundingheavilyjointedrockmassbehavesasanelasticperfectlyplasticmaterial. Supportismodelled asanequivalentinternalpressure. S ti d ll d i l ti t l Definitionoffailurecriterion BasedonMohrCoulombcriterion,plasticfailureoccurswhen B d M h C l b it i l ti f il h Theuniaxial compressivestrengthoftherockmasscm is: p g andtheslopek ofthe1 versus3 lineis: (1) ( ) (2) (3)

from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek

Tunnel deformation analysis (cont.)




from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek

Tunnel deformation analysis (cont.)

from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek

Figure 3: Plastic zone surrounding a circular tunnel tunnel.

from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek

Figure 4: Spreadsheet for the calculation of rock mass characteristics and the behaviour of the rock mass surrounding a circular tunnel in a hydrostatic stress field.
from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


Usingtheprogram@RISKinconjunctionwithaMicrosoft g p g @ j Excelspreadsheetforestimatingrockmassstrengthand tunnelbehaviour (equations4to7).Uniformdistributions weresampledforthefollowinginputparameters,thetwo figuresinbracketsdefinetheminimumandmaximumvalues used:Intactrockstrengthci (1,30MPa),HoekBrown constantmi (5,12),GeologicalStrengthIndexGSI(10,35),In situstress(2,20MPa),Tunnelradius(2,8m).
Oncetherockmassstrengthfallsbelow20%oftheinsitustresslevel, deformationsincreasesubstantiallyand,unlessthesedeformationsare deformations increase substantially and, unless these deformations are controlled,collapseofthetunnelislikelytooccur.

Figure5:Tunneldeformationversusratioofrockmassstrengthtoinsitustressbasedon Fi 5 T ld f ti ti f k t th t i it t b d aMonteCarloanalysiswhichincludedawiderangeofinputparameters
from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


Figure6:FieldobservationsbyChern etal(1998)fromtheSecondFreeway,Pinglin andNewTienlun headracetunnelsinTaiwan.

from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


Figure7:Ratiooftunneldeformationtotunnelradiusversustheratioofrockmass strengthtoinsitustressfordifferentsupportpressures.


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek



Figure8:Approximatemaximumcapacities g pp p fordifferentsupportsystemsinstalledin circulartunnels.Notethatsteelsetsand rockbolts areallspacedat1m.(Detailsof

supportsystemsforcurves19and2026areinFig. 8ofHoeks PracticalRockEngineering,Chapter 12.)

Practical example
A4mspandrainagetunnelistobedrivenintherockmassbehindtheslopeofanopen A 4 m span drainage tunnel is to be driven in the rock mass behind the slope of an open pitmine.Thetunnelisatadepthofapproximately150mbelowsurfaceandthegeneral rockisagranodiorite offairquality.Azoneofheavilyalteredporphyryassociatedwitha y p p , faulthastobecrossedbythetunnelandthepropertiesofthiszone,whichhasbeen exposedintheopenpit,areknowntobeverypoor.Minemanagementhasrequestedan initialestimateofthebehaviour ofthetunnelandoftheprobablesupportrequirements. Thefollowingexamplepresentsoneapproachtothisproblem,usingsomeofthe techniquesdescribedearlierinthischapterandthenexpandingthemtoallowamore realisticanalysisoftunnelsupportbehaviour. Estimateofrockmassproperties Estimate of rock mass properties Figures5and7showthatacrudeestimateofthebehaviour ofthetunnelcanbemadeif theratioofrockmassstrengthtoinsitustressisavailable.Foradepthof150mandaunit weightof0.027MN/m3,theverticalinsitustressisestimatedtobe4MPa.Thefault g / , materialisconsideredincapableofsustaininghighdifferentialstresslevelsanditis assumedthatthehorizontalandverticalstressesareequalwithinthefaultzone. Inthecaseofthegranodiorite,thelaboratoryuniaxial compressivestrengthis In the case of the granodiorite the laboratory uniaxial compressive strength is approximately100MPa.However,forthefaultmaterial,specimenscaneasilybebrokenby handasshowninFigure9.Thelaboratoryuniaxial compressivestrengthofthismaterialis estimatedatapproximately10MPa. estimated at approximately 10 MPa
from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


Baseduponobservationsintheopenpit mineslopesandutilizingtheprocedures mine slopes and utilizing the procedures describedinthechapteronRockmass properties,thegranodiorite isestimatedto haveaGSIvalueofapproximately55.The pp y faultzone,showninFigure9,hasbeen assignedGSI=15. TheprogramRocLab (f Th R L b (freefrom f methodologydescribedinthechapteron Rockmassproperties and in particular Rock mass propertiesand,inparticular, theequationsgiveninthe2002versionof theHoekBrownfailurecriterion(Hoeketal, 2002).Thisprogramhasbeenusedto 2002) This program has been used to calculatetheglobalrockmassstrengthcm forthegranodiorite andthefaultzoneand theresultsarepresentedbelow: the results are presented below:

Figure9:Heavilyalteredporphyrycaneasilybe brokenbyhand. broken by hand

from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


Supportrequirements Figures5and6showthat,forthegranodiorite witharatioofrockmassstrengthtoinsitu stressof8.25,thesizeoftheplasticzoneandtheinduceddeformationswillbenegligible. stress of 8 25 the size of the plastic zone and the induced deformations will be negligible Thisconclusionisconfirmedbytheappearanceofanolddrainagetunnelthathasstoodfor severaldecadeswithoutanyformofsupport.Baseduponthisevaluation,itwasdecided thatnopermanentsupportwasrequiredforthetunnelinthefairqualitygranodiorite.Spot that no permanent support was required for the tunnel in the fair quality granodiorite Spot boltsandshotcrete wereinstalledforsafetywheretherockmasswasmoreheavilyjointed. Thefinalappearanceofthetunnelingranodiorite isshowninFigure10. Figure10:Appearanceofthedrainage tunnelinfairqualitygranodiorite in whichnopermanentsupportwas required.Spotboltsandshotcrete were installedforsafetyinjointedareas.The concretelineddrainagechannelis showninthecentreofthetunnelfloor.

from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


Figure14Assemblyofaslidingjointinatop hatsectionsteelset. hat section steel set

Figure15:Installationofslidingjointtophatsectionsteelsetsimmediately behindthefaceofatunnelbeingadvancedthroughverypoorqualityrock.
from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


Figure19:Spiling inverypoorqualityclayrichfaultzonematerial.


Figure20:Fullface10mspantunnelexcavation throughweakrockundertheprotectionofa forepole umbrella.Thefinalconcreteliningisnot f l b ll Th fi l t li i i t includedinthisfigure.


from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


Figure21:Installationof12mlong75mmdiameterpipeforepoles inan11mspan Figure 21: Installation of 12 m long 75 mm diameter pipe forepoles in an 11 m span tunneltopheadinginafaultzone.
from Chapter 12 of Practical Rock Engineering by E. Hoek


The next 22 slides are from:

Brady B H G and Brown E T, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, 3nd Ed, Springer, 2006. - Chapter 6: Methods of Stress Analysis - Chapter 7: Excavation design in massive elastic rock , ( ) g g Harrison, John P. and Hudson John A. (2000). Engineering rock mechanics: part 2 Illustrative worked examples, Pergamon.




Figure 6.3 Problem geometry, coordinate system and nomenclature for specifying the stress and displacement distribution around a circular excavation i a bi i l stress fi ld ti in biaxial t field.
Brady and Brown, Chapter 6, Methods of Stress Analysis


Kirsch equations for stress and displacement distributions around the circular opening: p g

In these expressions ur , u are displacements induced by excavation, while rr, , r are t t l stresses after generation of the opening. hil total t ft ti f th i
Brady and Brown, Chapter 6


By putting r = a in equation 6.18, the stresses on the excavation boundary bo ndar are gi en as given

Equations 6.19 confirm that the solutions satisfy the imposed condition that the excavation boundary is traction free. Similarly, for = 0, and r large, the stress components are given by

so that the far-field stresses recovered from the solutions correspond to the imposed field stresses.

Brady and Brown, Chapter 6


Boundary stresses. Equations 6.19 define the state of stress on the boundary of
a circular excavation in terms of the co ordinate angle Clearly since the surface co-ordinate . Clearly, is traction free, the only non-zero stress component is the circumferential component . For K < 1.0, the maximum and minimum boundary stresses occur in the side wall ( = 0) and crown ( = /2) of the excavation. Referring to Figure 6.3b, these stresses are defined by the following:

These expressions indicate that, for the case when K = 0, i.e. a uniaxial field directed di t d parallel t th y axis, th maximum and minimum b ll l to the i the i d i i boundary stresses are d t

These values represent upper and lower limits for stress concentration at the boundary. That is, for any value of K > 0, the sidewall stress is less than 3p, and the crown stress is greater than p The existence of tensile boundary stresses in a p. compressive stress field is also noteworthy.
Brady and Brown, Chapter 6


In the case of a hydrostatic stress field (K = 1), equation 6.19 becomes

i.e. the boundary stress takes the value 2p, independent of the co-ordinate angle . This represents the optimum distribution of local stress, since the boundary is uniformly compressed over the complete excavation periphery. Equations 6.18 are considerably simplified for a hydrostatic stress field, taking the form

The independence of the stress distribution of the co-ordinate angle , and the fact that r is everywhere zero, indicates that the stress distribution is axisymmetric.
Brady and Brown, Chapter 6


Theconceptofazoneofinfluenceisimportantinminedesign,sinceitmayprovide considerablesimplificationofadesignproblem.Theessentialideaofazoneofinfluenceis thatitdefinesadomainofsignificantdisturbanceofthepreminingstressfieldbyan excavation.Itdifferentiatesbetweenthenearfieldandfarfieldofanopening.Theextentof anopeningseffectivenearfielddomaincanbeexplainedbythefollowingexample. Thestressdistributionaroundacircularholeinahydrostaticstressfield,ofmagnitude p,isgivenbyequations6.20.Theequationsindicatethatthestressdistributionis axisymmetric,asillustratedinFigure7.3a.Itisreadilycalculatedthatforr =5a, =1.04p i i ill d i Fi 73 I i dil l l d h f 5 1 04 andrr =0.96p,i.e.onthesurfacedefinedbyr =5a,thestateofstressisnotsignificantly different(within 5%)fromthefieldstresses.Ifasecondexcavation(II)weregenerated outsidethesurfacedescribedbyr 5a fortheexcavationI,asshowninFigure7.3b,thepre o tside the s rface described b r =5a for the e ca ation I as sho n in Fig re 7 3b the pre miningstressfieldwouldnotbesignificantlydifferentfromthevirginstressfield.The boundarystressesforexcavationIIarethusthoseforanisolatedexcavation.Similarly,if excavationIisoutsidethezoneofinfluenceofexcavationII,theboundarystressesaround excavation I is outside the zone of influence of excavation II the boundary stresses around excavationIareeffectivelythoseforanisolatedopening.Thegeneralruleisthatopenings lyingoutsideoneanotherszonesofinfluencecanbedesignedbyignoringthepresenceofall others.Forexample,forcircularopeningsofthesameradius,a,inahydrostaticstressfield, others For example for circular openings of the same radius a in a hydrostatic stress field themechanicalinteractionbetweentheopeningsisinsignificantifthedistanceDI,II between theircentres is DI,II 6a Itisimportanttonotethat,ingeneral,thezoneofinfluenceofanopeningisrelatedtoboth It is important to note that in general the zone of influence of an opening is related to both excavationshapeandpreminingstresses.
Brady and Brown, Chapter 7 Excavation design in massive elastic rock 38

Figure7.3(a)Axisymmetric stressdistributionaroundacircularopeninginahydrostaticstressfield; Figure 7 3 (a) Axisymmetric stress distribution around a circular opening in a hydrostatic stress field; (b)circularopeningsinahydrostaticstressfield,effectivelyisolatedbyvirtueoftheirexclusionfrom eachotherszoneofinfluence.
Brady and Brown, Chapter 7


Figure7.3billustratestheoverlapofthezonesofinfluenceoftwocircularopenings.In theoverlapregion,thestateofstressisproducedbythepreminingstressesandthe stressincrementsinducedbyeachoftheexcavationsIandII.Intheothersectionsof eachzoneofinfluence,thestateofstressisthatduetotheparticularexcavation. each zone of influence, the state of stress is that due to the particular excavation. Figure7.4illustratesalargediameteropening(I)withasmalldiameteropening(II)inits zoneofinfluence.SinceexcavationIisoutsidethezoneofinfluenceofexcavationII,afair f fl d h f fl f f estimateoftheboundarystressesaroundIisobtainedfromthestressdistributionfora singleopening.ForexcavationII,thefieldstressesarethoseduetothepresenceof excavationI.AnengineeringestimateoftheboundarystressesaroundIIcanbeobtained bycalculatingthestateofstressatthecentreofII,priortoitsexcavation.Thiscanbe introducedasthefarfieldstressesintheKirschequations(Equations6.18)toyieldthe introduced as the far field stresses in the Kirsch equations (Equations 6 18) to yield the requiredboundarystressesforthesmallerexcavation.

Brady and Brown, Chapter 7


Figure7.4Illustrationoftheeffectofcontiguousopeningsofdifferentdimensions. ThezoneofinfluenceofexcavationIincludesexcavationII,buttheconversedoesnot The zone of influence of excavation I includes excavation II but the converse does not apply.

Brady and Brown, Chapter 7


Harrison and Hudson (2000) Q19.7 At a depth of 450 m, a 3-m diameter circular tunnel is driven in rock having a unit weight of 26 kN/m3 and uniaxial compressive and tensile strengths of 60.0 MPa and 3.0 MPa, respectively. Will the strength of the rock on the tunnel boundary be reached if (Note: There are some notation differences between Brady&Brown (a) k= 0.3, and and Harrison&Hudson.) (b) k = 2.5? A second tunnel, of 6 m diameter, is subsequently driven parallel to and at the same centre line level as the first, such that the centre line spacing of the two tunnels is 10 y g y (a) (b) m. Comment on the stability of the tunnels for the field stresses given by ( ) and ( ) above. A19.7 This is a problem to be solved using the Kirsch solution for circular openings in a state of plane strain. We are asked to examine the stability of the rock on the boundary of the tunnel. As the tunnel has neither a support pressure nor an internal pressure applied to it, the rock on the boundary is subjected to a uniaxial state of stress, with the local 3 = r = 0 and l t t f t ith th l l d local l 1 = .


Answer to Harrison and Hudson (2000) Q19.7 (cont.) The Kirsch solution for the circumferential stress is

and for a location on the tunnel boundary where a = r this reduces to boundary, r, Assume that the vertical stress is caused by the weight of the overburden, in y g , which case we have The extreme values of induced stress occur at positions aligned with the principal in situ stresses, and so in order to compute the stress induced in the crown and invert of the tunnel we use = 90, and for the sidewalls we use = 0. For the case of k = 0.3, the stresses are then found to be -1.17 MPa (i.e. tensile) and 31.59 MPa, respectively. For the case of k = 2.5, the induced stresses are 76.05 MPa and 5.85 MPa. Thus, we p g , , see that the compressive strength of the rock, 60 MPa, is reached at the crown and invert of the tunnel for the case of k = 2.5. After the second tunnel has been driven, we can find an approximate solution to the problem th bl through a multiple application of th Ki h solution. W start b d t h lti l li ti f the Kirsch l ti We t t by determining i i whether the tunnels are inside each other's zone of influence. Given the approximate

Answer to Harrison and Hudson (2000) Q19.7 (cont.) nature of the solution, a rigorous computation of this is not justified. Instead, we take the distance of the 5% zone of influence for the hydrostatic case and examine the tunnel spacings on this basis. For th fi t t F the first tunnel we have a = 1 5 m, f l h 1.5 from which we fi d th t r(5%) = a20 = 1 520 hi h find that (5%) 1.520 = 6.7 m. For the second tunnel, for which a = 3.0 m, we find r(5%) = 13.4 m. The centre-to-centre spacing of the tunnels is 10 m. Thus, on the basis of the 5% zone of influence, we see that the first tunnel is affected by the second, but the second is not affected by the first. This means that the stresses induced on the boundary of the second tunnel are as computed above but for the first tunnel we need to use an above, approximation. We do this by computing the stress state induced by the second tunnel at the position of the centre of the first tunnel, and then using this computed stress state to determine the stresses induced on the boundary of the first tunnel. As the centre-to-centre distance of the tunnels is 10 m, and as the two tunnels are at the same elevation, we use r = 10 m and = 0 in the Kirsch equations As the second elevation 0 equations. tunnel has a radius a = 3 m, for the case of k = 0.3 we find = 12.48 MPa and r = 4.20 MPa. The shear stress is zero. This means that, for the first tunnel, we have v = 12.48 MPa and k = 4.20/12.48 = 0.336. The stress induced in the crown and invert is then found to be

Answer to Harrison and Hudson (2000) Q19.7 (cont.)


Answer to Harrison and Hudson (2000) Q19.7 (cont.)



Answer to Harrison and Hudson (2000) Q19.7 (cont.)


Answer to Harrison and Hudson (2000) Q19.7 (cont.)



Thewidth,W,oftheellipseismeasuredin The width W of the ellipse is measured in thedirectionofthex axis,andtheheight, H,inthedirectionofthelocal zaxis. Highboundarycurvature(i.e. 1/)leadstohighboundary stresses. Foranellipseofmajorand minoraxes2aand2b,the radiusofcurvatureatpointsA radius of curvature at points A andB,A andB,isfound fromsimpleanalytical geometrytobe geometry to be

Brady and Brown, Chapter 7 50




Averticalshaftistobesunkthrougharockmassinwhichthemagnitudesofthetwo horizontalprincipalstresseshavearatioof3:1.Aclearspaceof5mx5mmustbe q p maintainedwithintheshaftforequipmentinstallation.Thethreeexcavationcrosssections showninthesketchareunderconsiderationfortheshaftdesign.Discusstherelative designmeritsofeachcrosssectionintermsofrockmechanicsprinciples,andhence providerecommendationsfortheoptimalshape(andinthecaseofprofile(b)and(c), id d ti f th ti l h ( d i th f fil (b) d ( ) optimalorientation)fortheexcavation.




Thus,thedesignstrategyistouseanellipticalshaftorientedwithitsmajoraxis Thus the design strategy is to use an elliptical shaft oriented with its major axis paralleltothemajorprincipalstress,andtheaxialratiooftheopeningequalto thestressratio,i.e.3. Harrison and Hudson (2000)


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