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Name: ________________________

Period: ___________
Computers Apps
Study Guide Work Skills

1. Define ethics_____________________________________________.

When considering ethics, note that they are different for everyone and they are never black
and white.
2. Remember that ethics have to do with what you believe is the right thing to do and will guide your
actions in a given situation.
3. What is Social Consequence, as it relates to ethics? ______________________________________
4. What is a Legal Consequence, as it relates to ethics? ______________________________________
5. What does FBLA stand for? __________________________________________________________
6. The main difference between freeware and shareware is __________________________________
7. Give the slogan for shareware.__________________________________________
8. Be careful what you post on the Internet. Remember that information is
________________________ and can be shared by others.
9. If you are viewing email, Facebook, MySpace, or eChalk, you should always ________________
when you are done.
10. A________________________________ will:
Say means and hurtful things to someone
Posts under an assumed identity
Ignore someone else
11. _______________________________ is an example of a thinking skill because you imagine and you
can see the whole picture.

Name: ________________________

Period: ___________

12. ______________________________is defined as rules of behavior or the way you should act on
the Internet.
13. ______________________________ Behavior:
Never start a flame war
Ask permission before posting pictures
Never tell people who you are or given out personal information
14. A person who is lurking online is a bad thing because _________________________________;
however, lurking _____________ always a bad thing.
15. A ____________________________ is not good for your computer or computer files. An
_________________ software will find and remove viruses.
Be careful when you download in order to protect your computer from viruses.
The anti-virus should be updated regularly.
You need a good anti-virus software installed on your computer.
16. A __________________________is someone who will post off the topic comments on someones
17. A___________________________________ is someone who will post mean, ugly messages on
someones web page.
18. A _____________________ will watch where you go on line in order to do mean things to you. The
lurker will collect negative information on you to share with others.
19. ________________________________ means you can use up to 10% or 30 seconds of a sound file.
Fair use also allows you to use a limited amount of copyrighted material without asking permission
for educational purposes.
20. ____________________________________ work is not copyrighted, free to copy, and distribute
without permission. It belongs to everyone. However, if you used this type of work in a project, you
should still credit the source.
21. In order for a work to be copyrighted it must be ______________________ and _____________
22. ______________________________include the right to reproduce ones work, the right to
distribute ones work, and the right to display ones work.
23. _____________________________ software is free to use, open for people to change codes, but it
is still copyrighted.

Name: ________________________

Period: ___________

24. The author still retains the rights to freeware and _____________________________software.
25. _________________________ should be placed under the carpet or behind furniture. Never leave
a cord in the walkway for others to trip and fall
26. ____________________________________ should be filled from the bottom to the top. Avoid
filling them from top to bottom.
27. ________________________ is an agreement that tells how software can be used.
_____________ ____________ ____________ _______________ allows the user to know how
many computers a particular software can be installed on.
28. Giving credit to the person who created the work is _______________________________.
29. ___________________is software given free of charge, but the __________still retain all rights.
30. Do not put your ________________________ on Facebook and sites like MySpace.
31. Do not type in ___________ when sending email. People may think that you are yelling at them.
32. In order for a work to be protected under copyright, it must be original and fixed in a
__________________ form of expression.
33. In protecting your privacy, always remember to _____________ after using eChalk or Facebook.
34. Communication skills are important in school and on the job. You want to use your best language
skills so that people will not think badly of you.

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