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Permutations and Combinations

Quantitative Aptitude & Business Statistics

The Fundamental Principle of Multiplication If there are n1 ways of doing one operation, n2 ways of doing a second operation, n3 ways of doing a third operation , and so forth,

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then the sequence of k operations can be performed in n1 n2 n3.. nk ways. N= n1 n2 n3.. nk

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A used car wholesaler has agents who classify cars by size (full, medium, and compact) and age (0 - 2 years, 2- 4 years, 4 - 6 years, and over 6 years). Determine the number of possible automobile classifications.

Example 1

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Solution 0-2

2-4 4-6 >6 0-2 2-4 4-6 >6 0-2 2-4 4-6 >6

Medium (M) Compact

(C) The tree diagram enumerates all possible classifications, the total number of which is 3x4= 12. Quantitative Aptitude & Business 5
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Example 2

Mr. X has 2 pairs of trousers, 3 shirts and 2 ties. He chooses a pair of trousers, a shirt and a tie to wear everyday. Find the maximum number of days he does not need to repeat his clothing.

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The maximum number of days he does not need to repeat his clothing is 232 = 12
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1.2 Factorials

The product of the first n consecutive integers is denoted by n! and is read as factorial n. That is n! = 1234. (n-1) n For example, 4!=1x2x3x4=24, 7!=1234567=5040. Note 0! defined to be 1.
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The product of any number of consecutive integers can be expressed as a quotient of two factorials, for example, 6789 = 9!/5! = 9! / (9 4)! 1112131415= 15! / 10!

=15! / (15 5)! In particular, n(n 1)(n 2)...(n r + 1)

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1.3 Permutations



A permutation is an arrangement of objects. abc and bca are two different permutations.

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1. Permutations with repetition

The number of permutations of r objects, taken from n unlike objects, can be found by considering the number of ways of filling r blank spaces in order with the n given objects. If repetition is allowed, each blank space can be filled by the objects in n different ways.
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1 n

2 n

3 n

4 n

r n

Therefore, the number of permutations of r objects, taken from n unlike objects, each of which may be repeated any number of times

= n n n .... n(r factors) = nr

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2. Permutations without repetition

If repetition is not allowed, the number of ways of filling each blank space is one less than the preceding one.
1 n 2 n-1 3 n-2 4 n-3 r n-r+1

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Therefore, the number of permutations of r objects, taken from n unlike objects, each of which can only be used once in each permutation

=n(n 1)(n2) .... (nr + 1)

Various notations are used to represent the number of permutations of a set of n elements taken r at a time;
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some of them are

P , Pr , P (n, r )

n r n


n! ( n r )! n( n 1)(n 2)....(n r + 1)(n r )...3 2 1 = ( n r )...3 2 1 = n( n 1)(n 2)....(n r + 1)

Prn , n Pr , P (n, r )

We have

n r

n! P = (n r )!
n r
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Example 3

How many 4-digit numbers can be made from the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 when (a) repetitions are allowed; (b) repetition is not allowed?

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Solution (a) Number of 4-digit numbers = 74 = 2401. (b) Number of 4 digit numbers =7 6 5 4 = 840.

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Example 4 In how many ways can 10 men be arranged (a) in a row, (b) in a circle?


Number of ways is = 3628800

10 10

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Suppose we arrange the 4 letters A, B, C and D in a circular arrangement as shown. D Note that the arrangements ABCD, BCDA, CDAB and DABC are not distinguishable.

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For each circular arrangement there are 4 distinguishable arrangements on a line. If there are P circular arrangements, these yield 4P arrangements on a line, which we know is 4!.


4! P = = (4 1)!= 3! 4
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Solution (b)

The number of distinct circular arrangements of n objects is (n 1)! Hence 10 men can be arranged in a circle in 9! = 362 880 ways.
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When arranging elements in order , certain restrictions may apply. In such cases the restriction should be dealt with first..

(B) Conditional Permutations

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Example 5 How many even numerals between 200 and 400 can be formed by using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as digits (a) if any digit may be repeated; (b) if no digit may be repeated?

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Solution (a) Number of ways of choosing the hundreds digit = 2. Number of ways of choosing the tens digit = 5. Number of ways of choosing the unit digit = 2. Number of even numerals between 200 and 400 is 2 5 2 = 20.
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Solution (b)
If the hundreds digit is 2, then the number of ways of choosing an even unit digit = 1, and the number of ways of choosing a tens digit = 3.

the number of numerals formed 113 = 3.

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If the hundreds digit is 3, then the number of ways of choosing an even. unit digit = 2, and the number of ways of choosing a tens digit = 3.

number of numerals formed = 123 = 6. the number of even numerals between 200 and 400 = 3 + 6 = 9
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Example 6 In how many ways can 7 different books be arranged on a shelf (a) if two particular books are together;

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Solution (a)

If two particular books are together, they can be considered as one book for arranging. The number of arrangement of 6 books = 6! = 720. The two particular books can be arranged in 2 ways among themselves. The number of arrangement of 7 books with two particular books
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(b) if two particular books are separated?

Solution (b)

Total number of arrangement of 7 books = 7! = 5040. the number of arrangement of 7 books with 2 particular books separated = 5040 1440 = 3600.

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(C) Permutation with Indistinguishable Elements

In some sets of elements there may be certain members that are indistinguishable from each other. The example below illustrates how to find the number of permutations in this kind of situation.
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Example 7 In how many ways can the letters of the word ISOS CELES be arranged to form a new word ?

Solution If each of the 9 letters of ISOSCELES were different, there would be P= 9! different possible words.
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However, the 3 Ss are indistinguishable from each other and can be permuted in 3! different ways. As a result, each of the 9! arrangements of the letters of ISOSCELES that would otherwise spell a new word will be repeated 3! times.

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To avoid counting repetitions resulting from the 3 Ss, we must divide 9! by 3!. Similarly, we must divide by 2! to avoid counting repetitions resulting from the 2 indistinguishable Es. Hence the total number of words that can be formed is

9! 3! 2! = 30240
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If a set of n elements has k1 indistinguishable elements of one kind, k2 of another kind, and so on for r kinds of elements, then the number of permutations of the set of n elements is

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n! k1!k 2 ! k r !


1.4 Combinations

When a selection of objects is made with no regard being paid to order, it is referred to as a combination. Thus, ABC, ACB, BAG, BCA, CAB, CBA are different permutation, but they are the same combination of letters.
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Suppose we wish to appoint a committee of 3 from a class of 30 students. We know that P330 is the number of different ordered sets of 3 students each that may be selected from among 30 students. However, the ordering of the students on the committee has no significance,
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so our problem is to determine the number of three-element unordered subsets that can be constructed from a set of 30 elements. Any three-element set may be ordered in 3! different ways, so P330 is 3! times too large. Hence, if we divide P330 by 3!,the result will be the number of unordered subsets of 30 elements taken 3 at a time.
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This number of unordered subsets is also called the number of combinations of 30 elements taken 3 at a time, denoted by C330 and

1 30 C = P3 3! 30! = = 4060 27!3!

30 3
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In general, each unordered relement subset of a given nelement set (r n) is called a combination. The number of combinations of n elements taken r at a time is denoted by Cnr or nCr or C(n, r) .

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A general equation relating combinations to permutations is 1 n n! n C r = Pr = r! (n r )!r!

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Note: (1) Cnn = Cn0 = 1 (2) Cn1 = n (3) Cnn = Cnn-r

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If 167 C 90+167 C x =168 C x then x is Solution: nCr-1+nCr=n+1 Cr Given 167 C90+167c x =168C x We may write 167C91-1 + 167 C91=167+1 C61 =168 C91 X=91
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If 20 C 3r= 20C 2r+5 ,find r Using nCr=nC n-r in the right side of the given equation ,we find , 20 C 3r =20 C 20-(2r+5) 3r=15-2r r=3

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Example 10
If 100 C 98 =999 C 97 +x C 901 find x. Solution 100C 98 =999C 98 +999C97 = 999C901+999C97 X=999

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If 13 C 6 + 2 13 C5 +13 C 4 =15 C x ,the value of x is Solution : 15C x= 13C 6 + 13 C 5 + 13 C 4 = =(13c 6+13 C 5 ) + (13 C 5 + 13 C 4) = 14 C 6 +14 C 5 =15C6 X=6 or x+6 =15 X=6 or 8

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If n C r-1=36 ,n Cr =84 and n C find r Solution

=126 then

n-r+1 =7/3 * r nCr +1

nCr 84 7 = = nCr 1 36 3
3/2 (r+1)+1 =7/3 * r r=3


126 3 = = 84 2

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Example 13

How many different 5-card

hands can be dealt from a deck of 52 playing cards?

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Since we are not concerned with the order in which each card is dealt, our problem concerns the number of combinations of 52 elements taken 5 at a time. The number of different hands is C525 2118760.
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Example 14

6 points are given and no three of them are collinear.

(a) How many triangles can be formed by using 3 of the given points as vertices?

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Solution: Solution (a) Number of triangles = number of ways of selecting 3 points out of 6 = C63 = 20.

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b) How many pairs of triangles can be formed by using the 6 points as vertices ?

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Let the points be A, B, C, D, E, F. If A, B, C are selected to form a triangles, then D, E, F must form the other triangle. Similarly, if D, E, F are selected to form a triangle, then A, B, C must form the other triangle.

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Therefore, the selections A, B, C and D, E, F give the same pair of triangles and the same applies to the other selections. Thus the number of ways of forming a pair of triangles = C63 2 = 10

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Example 15

From among 25 boys who play basketball, in how many different ways can a team of 5 players be selected if one of the players is to be designated as captain?

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A captain may be chosen from any of the 25 players. The remaining 4 players can be chosen in C254 different ways. By the fundamental counting principle, the total number of different teams that can be formed is 25 C244265650.

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(B) Conditional Combinations

If a selection is to be restricted in some way, this restriction must be dealt with first. The following examples illustrate such conditional combination problems.
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A committee of 3 men and 4 women is to be selected from 6 men and 9 women. If there is a married couple among the 15 persons, in how many ways can the committee be selected so that it contains the married
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Solution If the committee contains the married couple, then only 2 men and 3 women are to be selected from the remaining 5 men and 8 women. The number of ways of selecting 2 men out of 5 = C52 = 10.

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The number of ways of selecting 3 women out of 8 =C83 = 56. the number of ways of selecting the committee = lO 56 = 560.

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Example 17

Find the number of ways a team

of 4 can be chosen from 15 boys and 10 girls if (a) it must contain 2 boys and 2 girls,

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Solution (a) Boys can be chosen in C152 = 105 ways Girls can be chosen in C102 = 45 ways. Total number of ways is 105 45 = 4725.
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it must contain at least 1 boy and 1 girl.

Solution : If the team must contain at least 1 boy and 1 girl it can be formed in the following ways: (I) 1 boy and 3 girls, with C151 C103 = 1800 ways, (ii) 2 boys and 2 girls, with 4725 ways, (iii) 3 boys and 1 girl, with C153 C101 = 4550 ways. the total number of teams is
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Example 18

Mr. .X has 12 friends and

wishes to invite 6 of them to a party. Find the number of ways he may do this if (a) there is no restriction on choice,
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Solution (a) An unrestricted choice of 6 out of 12 gives C126 924.

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two of the friends is a couple and will not attend separately,

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B Solution If the couple attend, the remaining 4 may then be chosen from the other 10 in C104 ways. If the couple does not attend, then He simply chooses 6 from the other 10 in C106 ways. total number of ways is C104 + C106 = 420.
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Find the number of ways in which 30 students can be divided into three groups, each of 10 students, if the order of the groups and the arrangement of the students in a group are immaterial.

Example 19

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Let the groups be denoted by A, B and C. Since the arrangement of the students in a group is immaterial, group A can be selected from the 30 students in C3010 ways .


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Group B can be selected from the remaining 20 students in C2010 ways. There is only 1 way of forming group C from the remaining 10 students.

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Since the order of the groups is immaterial, we have to divide the product C3010 C2010 C1010 by 3!, hence the total number of ways of forming the three groups is

1 30 20 10 C3 C10 C10 3!
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If n Pr = 604800 10 C r =120 ,find the value of r We Know that nC r .r P r = nPr . We will use this equality to find r 10Pr =10Cr .r| r |=604800/120=5040=7 | r=7
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Example 21
Find the value of n and r n Pr = n P r+1 and n C r = n C r-1 Solution : Given n Pr = n P r+1 n r=1 (i) n C r = n C r-1 n-r = r-1 (ii) Solving i and ii r=2 and n=3

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Multiple choice Questions

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1. Eleven students are participating in a race. In how many ways the first 5 prizes can be won? A) 44550 B) 55440 C) 120 D) 90
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1. Eleven students are participating in a race. In how many ways the first 5 prizes can be won? A) 44550 B) 55440 C) 120 D) 90
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2. There are 10 trains plying between Calcutta and Delhi. The number of ways in which a person can go from Calcutta to Delhi and return A) 99. B) 90 C) 80 D) None of these

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2. There are 10 trains plying between Calcutta and Delhi. The number of ways in which a person can go from Calcutta to Delhi and return A) 99. B) 90 C) 80 D) None of these

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3. 4P4 is equal to A) 1 B) 24 C) 0 D) None of these

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3. 4P4 is equal to A) 1 B) 24 C) 0 D) None of these

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4.In how many ways can 8 persons be seated at a round table? A) 5040 B) 4050 C) 450 D) 540
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4.In how many ways can 8 persons be seated at a round table? A) 5040 B) 4050 C) 450 D) 540
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5. If

P13 : P12 =3 : then 4


value of n is A) B) C) D) 15 14 13 12

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5. If

P13 : P12 =3 : then 4


value of n is A) B) C) D) 15 14 13 12

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6.Find r if 5Pr = 60 A) 4 B) 3 C) 6 D) 7

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6.Find r if 5Pr = 60 A) 4 B) 3 C) 6 D) 7

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7. In how many different ways can seven persons stand in a line for a group photograph? A) 5040 B) 720 C) 120 D) 27
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7. In how many different ways can seven persons stand in a line for a group photograph? A) 5040 B) 720 C) 120 D) 27
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8. If 18 Cn = 18 Cn+ 2 of n is ______ A) 0 B) 2 C) 8 D) None of above

then the value

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8. If 18 Cn = 18 Cn+ 2 of n is ______ A) 0 B) 2 C) 8 D) None of above

then the value

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9. The ways of selecting 4 letters from the word EXAMINATION is A) 136. B) 130 C) 125 D) None of these

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9. The ways of selecting 4 letters from the word EXAMINATION is A) 136. B) 130 C) 125 D) None of these

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10 If 5Pr = 120, then the value of r is A) 4,5 B) 2 C) 4 D) None of these

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10 If 5Pr = 120, then the value of r is A) 4,5 B) 2 C) 4 D) None of these

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Permutations and Combinations

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