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Lecture 8: Feminism Gives a lot of importance to the concept of gender.

It helps make us aware of the importance of this category and that social policy has been gender blind Mary walstonecraft 18th century feminist vindication of the rights of feminists Welfare states are rather gender blind and patriarchal Patriarchy dominance of men Social policies seem to legislate in favour of the traditional family and excluding others and highly critical of the male bread winner. This idea is of male bread winner is very recent, it was introduced roughly in the 19 th century. In the times of marx women used to work in factories, later this changed into women should be confined to households. In the 2nd world war main the 2nd world war man women were employed in factories once again. Beveridge report Assumed that after the war women would reverse to traditional roles. In the next thirty years housewives and mothers have vital work to do in ensuring the adequate continuance of the British race and of British ideals in the world. The Beverldge Report (Social Insurance ard Allied Services) para. 117.Married women should be housewives. Relationships are necessary heterosexual and not same sex relationships. He was rather conservative when it came to gender. Women in Europe earn less than men even in the same jobs. The pay difference in Malta is not one of the highest although it has the lowest employment rate of women in Europe. Feminists give a lot of importance to listen to the voice of women feminist research methods. Draw a lot of attention to gender differences and inequality. Present strategies for change and have a political dimension as they are active for change. Feminists challenge unequal power structures. Engels Sympathetic to Feminism Wrote a lot about the oppression of women Family as created so that men can oppress women

Liberal feminism - Sommerville Indiviuals can improve their own situation They are optimistic and believe that improvements have been made Radical feminism firestone, Delphy and Leonard, germain greer Opposite of liberal feminism

Society at its roots is patriarchal; therefore the current type of society has to go. This cultural idea of patriarchy has to stop as this promotes gender inequality. Patriarchy is presented everywhere especially through media, employment. Violence is a symptom of patriarchy. Somerville argues that radical feminist believe they are the spokespersons of women even though most women do not agree with their ideology. Radical feminist are essentialists Marxist feminism Combines gender with class The enemy is capitalism as capitalism causes gender inequality. Women are more likely to be confined in the household The second shift women enter the labour market and are exploited although they still have to do most of the household and child carer. Engels- men are the burgosise women proletariat Women reproduce capitalism because they are raising the children with capitalist values Assume a one type of family Black feminism Specific realities regarding ones skin colour, ethnicity Attempted to go against essentialization Postmodern feminists Difference feminists We cannot simply speak as if all live in a nuclear family but we are living in a pluralistic society. Post structural feminists Study discourses. For example single mothers. Social movements and social policy Readings: lister chapter 9 : bringing it all together Chapter from la valette and pratt Trade unions have campaigned on workers rights, feminist movements of feminist issues therefore social policy is pressured from above that is the state and from below that is various movements. SM play an important role. There are various definitions on social movements because they are fluent and constantly changing. Movements are not necessarily struggling for change. Tend to have a shared sense of identity for example feminist movement is focused on gender issues. Movements have a degree of longevity. Various theories of social movement

New social movements theory Old social movements are usually seen as established political parties such as Labour, Nationalist, trade unions, interest groups. They are usually based on issues based on social class, economic issues and so forth. Some sociologists observe that new social movement came about. Rather than focusing on class, they speak about identity, lifestyle, ecological movements, feminist movements, anti racist movements, LGBT movements. New social movements are associated with alternative type of politics. Taylor Gooby Old sociology speaks in term of nation, the nuclear family, social class etc. whereas the new sociology refers to globalisation, diversity, individualism etc. 2 important sociologists who wrote about social movements: Dalton and Hildebrandt. Emphasize post materialist values diversity, wuality of life. Old politics focuses on materials values eg having a job, security. Fabian and lee The appeal of many sm are similar to those in the 19th century. Rather than categorising in these terms we should see what they are fighting for. Laclau and Mouffe What new social movements are actually struggling for, are to have the right of other groups. There will always be some kind of antagonism in society. A lot of women rights were won because the feminist groups were effective. The same happened with LGBT movements. Social movements contest what experts say. They empower social groups. Disabled persons movement: Movements of resistance There is a tension between the struggle of equality and the struggle of difference (to be recognised as being different and having your own special needs). Disability pride Ageing Fertility rates are on a decline. When we speak of aging there are various sociological approaches. What does it mean to be old. 1. The chronological approach Used by vaious welfare states. You are old once you reach a certain age that is 65. A very practical approach 2. The biological approach Being old is not strictly related to age however it has to with biological dependency witch changes In one mental and physical abilities. Individual get older at different rates.

3. The political economy approach Sociologists say that aging is a social construction. Being old is not simply something biological nor that it has to do simply with ones age but it is related with the political structure in which we live : social and economic. The pensions problem, the need to reform the pension system etc. once you become old you are automatically welfare dependent. Agism: discrimination against individuals because of their age. Considered to be inferior and unproductive. Some societies the average death rate is 40. Being old is a very recent phenomena. Aging is a social construction for example there are elderly people who are unhealthy, healthy etc. Lansley: 2 nations of retired persons Those who are doing well. Elderly people in the higher strata which he refers to as woopie. Well of older persons and are more likely to be Male, under 75, owner occupier, if you have a n occupational pension Lower strata : women, live in renting houses, have few resources such a state pension, in poor health Cunningham: proposed a citizens pension meaning that everyone receives a pension of equal amount irrespective of whether you are poor or rich. Simple and doesnt discriminate against the poor

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