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Source: ; ; ; Civil War: Bloodbath I. Strategy North has 3 strategic goals: 1.

capture Confederate capitol of Richmond - mostly for moral/politics 2. take control of Mississippi - cuts Confederacy in half 3. put up a blockade preventing South to trade w/ Britai n - brings in ironclads- Monitor vs. Merimack (Virginia) - now have armored war ships * from now on wooden sail ships are no longer used in military - British army is now absolute III. War in the East Mainly in the East The army of Potomac Battle of Bullrun- first battle General McClellan Hes a wimp In July 1861 Lincoln orders him to fight/capture Richmon d South fought better than the North thought Stonewall Jackson reinforces the Souththey win Antietam December 17, 1862 Lee invades Maryland hoping to take control of the state He was hoping for a Saratoga type of outcome from the Brit ish The bloodiest battle in American History

Union- 12 thousand dead Confederacy- 10.5 thousand dead (basically a draw) McClellan allows Lee to escape Lincoln now feels that he can issue the Emancipation Pro clamation (January 1, 1863) The slaves that he has no power over are free d- in actuality no slaves were freed

-Gettysburg lasts 3 days -Lee invades Pennsylvania -Somewhat of an accident -53 thousand casualties -Puckets Charge -He leads a cavalry to try and break the unions line -Should have captured Lee

IV. War in the West Vicksburg In 1873 the fort falls under siege Led by U.S. General Grant Grant became General in East after Gettysburg


Election of 1864 Lincoln wins Copperheads N. Democrats loyal to the union N. Democrat elected McClellan Lincoln wins nearly exclusively

Lincoln creates a new party the Union Party Lincoln gets a new V.P. Andrew Johnson Johnsons a Southern Democrat

VI. The End. March to the Sea Shermans March

After the Fare: Reconstruction

I. Civil war coda A. Appomattox 1865- Shermans march through the south Lee is surrounded by Grant Evidence of early French warfare Lee escapes Richmond is captured Lees army 25,000 Grant 180,000 Mer weeks Lee surrenders, on April 9, 1863 peace treaty is signed This ends major war/battle

B. Fords Theater Lincoln and wife go out to Fords Theater in D.C. April 14 An out of work actor, John Wilkes Booth, shoots Abe in t he head, stabs a cavalry captain and jumps the balcony, breaking a leg. He then flees to a warehouse, then killing himself.

C. Butchers Bull ~620,000 soldiers die Over 1 mil. wounded Costs about 15 billion dollars in gold South is basically reamed

** Big Ideas Slavery abolition 1865 in the 13th amendment 10th amendment is somewhat dissolved. Feds win We now have a bad ass army Imperial eagle has hatched

II. The Problem The south is destroyed We know have 3 mil. freed slaves dont know what to do w/ them What about the rebellion whites in the south Who gets to make the decisions?

III. Black and white Sharecroppers blacks stay on the land but receive a share of the cro p the till Carpet baggers Northerners who get rich off of the reconstruction (hated by white southerners) Scalawags - white southerners who work w/ carpet baggers (hated eve n more)

IV. Johnsons U.S. Congress Lincoln wants a democrat to win to help with the reconstruction afte r the war After Lincolns shot he leaves Johnson (democratic Southerner) in char ge Congress (radical republicans) hate Johnson

V. Free at last? From 1620 1865 blacks are considered 3/5 of a human From 1865 1954 blacks are segregated, get free but treated unequal White people create Black codes that try to keep blacks on the farm to till their crops

In 1867 civil rights act passes through congress but Johnson vetos i t 1867 14th amendment is made protecting peoples rights 1870 15th amendment is made to permit voting rights for all Grandfather clause before 15th amendment cant vote unless your grand father voted Klu Klux Klan is created soon after the__________ Hung black people for voting

VI. Impeachment an accusation/trial The first president to be impeached Johnson wants to replace his secretary of war Congress passes Tenure of Office President cant force Cabinet members Johnson says NO and forces him anyway Johnson was impeached but found innocent

VII. Alaska and the Solid South 1867 we buy Alaska from Russia for __ Million dollars Known as Sewards ice box/ Sewards Folly because of the secretary of st ate Seward

Industrial Best I. Tech. and Mech. By 1900 U.S. output exceeds both Britain and Germany 1880, 50% of Americans live on farms 1920, 25% of Americans live on farms In 1900, 10% of population controls 90% of the wealth Steel is now easier and cheaper to produce Large amounts of steel

Railroads Buildings 1900s skyscrapers Large amounts of oil Internal combustion Cars-1901 Electricity has become much more abundant Refrigerator- not in all houses Telephone Thomas Edison Electric light Phonograph Motion picture cameras Mass Culture Everybody in America has the opportunity to look and lis ten to the same stuff *everything becomes made by machines

II. The Big 3 A. Rail Roads Trans-continental Rail Road 1869 by union people *Around this time the first thought of time zones began Vanderbilt Robber Baron Works people like slaves B. Steel Andrew Carnegie Creates U.S. steel Sells to J.P. Morgan for 200 million Carnegie spends the rest of his life trying to give away money C. Oil Rockefeller

D. Interstate Commerce Act 1887 Tries to control the railroads

III. Trusts Monopoly Vertical trust Carnegie | | Product | | Foundry | | Ships | | missabi ore

Horizontal Trust | Rockefeller | | | |standard oil |

Expanded by buying out other companies

Because of this congress passed the Sherman anti-trust act in 1890 No one company can completely control one certain structure *this law isnt really used until Roosevelt

IV. Social Darwinism The strong/smart survive

V. Rise of Unions Union membership 1897 250K 1900 870K 1904 2 mil. 1908 1.5 mil.

1917 3 mil. Child labor laws Natl Labor Laws Only lasted ten years Knight of labor 1869 Terrance Powderly Allowed all kinds of workers to join the union Haymarket square protest 1886 A.F.L American Federation Labor 1886 1913 Clayton anti-trust act Says that the Sherman anti-trust act cant say the labor unions are a monopoly

Rise of cities

I. Statistics U.S. population: 40 mil.-1870; 80 mil. 1900; 105 mil. 1920 New York 1900 3.5 mil. 1900 5 mil. women work 18% Garment, 40% service 1900 20% children worked in factories 1890 19% of pop. was foreign born 1910 33% of pop. was foreign born 1900 25% of college grads are female

II. Cities and Immigrants Sullivan build large amounts of Chicago *elevators now important Dumbbell Tenement

Ghetto shit holes Chicago ideal location for shipping meat Immigration mainly from W. Europe On the west coast are Chinese immigrants Faced much discrimination 1880 Chinese exclusion act made it illegal f or Chinese to move to America

III. Nativism Many people naturally hated immigrants K.K.K. begins to resurface but not only towards blacks

IV. Girl Power Natl womens suffrage assoc. Susan B. Anthony/ Elizabeth Stanton 1869 * 1869 Wyoming grants women right to vote There was originally a connection between blacks and womens right to vote but black men got that right long before

Economically Family size decreases Women have children later Allows women to work more Settlement house movement Pop. in cites are too large for city size Jane Adams 1860 1935 Started Hull House Went into slums and helped people salvation a rmy

V. New Morality Victorian Age very conservative

Respectability middle class people began acting more noble The words Drumstick (chicken leg) Rooster (cock) and limbs (legs) we re invented Temperance no booze Carrie Nation destroyed many alcohol products Education continues to grow U.S. constitution says nothing about education

VI. Media and Literature Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst powerful news paper guy Yellow journalism opinion disguised as fact Walt Whitman Oh Captain, My Captain Emily Dickenson Mark Twain Closing of the Frontier

I. The west is the best West is split into 2 Continental west and pacific west Continental west great American desert Hard dry useless land Gave it to Indians 1893 Fred J. Turner wrote significance of the frontier in American history

II. Indian Wars Sioux Arapaho Cheyenne

Nomadic Cultures Their main source of life is Bison American army Most veterans of Civil War They were mean 1/5 are black segregated units Buffalo soldiers Sioux wars S. Dakota black hills sacred to the Siouxs Americans found out about Black Hills gold Americans go in to the Indian land to get gold Sitting Bull Totanka Yotanka Units many other tribes against Americans *captain crazy horse George A. Custer 7th cavalry Leads 26% soldiers against 10,000 Indians- Battle of the Little Bighorn- Custers last stand-1876 Everyone died

Nez Pierce- Chief Joseph The same Indians who helped Lewis & Clark 10 years after Little Bighorn, the government turned to put them on reservations

Apache Were beaten and forced off the land Odd attempt to kill white men Some Americans to stop them A man with a machine gun opens fire killing 300 people

III. Native Americans Coda Dawes Act-1887 Indian tribes are banished Its illegal to be in a tribe Gives acres of land to Indian groups Provide food, education, farm equip, etc. Indian reorganization act 1934 Repeats Dawes Act Helen Hunt Jackson A country of Dishonor

IV. The Three Frontiers Mining Ranching Barbed wire made fencing easy in the open range Farming

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