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Exploiting of Farm Sleep for Agriculture

In a food sufficient population, the challenges faced during which will come not just limited to efforts to increase production but also should consider sustainability relating to the preservation environment. Besides, efforts within the framework of land use development agriculture especially food crops and fulfillment in protein animal not only use fertile land or who have irrigation but also been directed to the utilization of marginal land. Land management activities include the preparation of plans for using soil, soil conservation and fertilization begins in the field with the opening forest, bush or grasslands or other grass. The action took place during the land is still used for agriculture. Lack of the understanding of for the importance of the problem of erosion, weathering and intensive mineral nutrient leaching under wet tropical climate have causing the expansion of the damaged lands, poor and infertile area tropical. Application of rules is needed to restore soil conservation function of the damaged lands and keep the damaged land and soil recently opened in order to achieve maximum production in a sustainable manner. This is in accordance with the declaration contained in article 7 of Law no.12 RI 1992 on plant cultivation system that compulsory land management

follow the procedures that can prevent the occurrence of environmental damage and environmental pollution based on the principle of benefit, sustainable and continuous. Understanding sleep land/Marginal land One of the problems faced in improving productivity agriculture is the conversion of fertile land which tends to be more rapid. For example, rice fields are turning their use for non industries such as agriculture, settlements, roads and deodorized estimated 30 000 ha every year. Though the region is generally fertile land have available adequate infrastructure so that sabgat affect production agriculture. Other locations are still not optimal. Statistics show that until 1991 there are 0.7 million hectares of wetland and 7.8 million ha of land dry which has not cultivated optimally and displaced. Along with that on land that had been used was its intensity still relatively low, namely in the field 130% and 52% on dry land.

Lands that are not used for productive agricultural activities can be categorized as bare land. For example, land that once cleared for agriculture or timber to be taken industrial purposes and

not used again or abandoned. The land is generally open or covered by plants that are not productive like weeds, bushes and others.

Ecosystem Type An agricultural production system that is designed and managed as a ecosystems, as far as possible try to avoid the loss of energy and materials crude and tended to complete the cycle considering the two-cycle tjuan namely ensuring the return of principal residu-residu for use again in the system production and improve productivity. On the other hand, according to Jansen are two very different concepts involved in stability that is often colored tropical ecosystems,namely: a. Caused by an apparent lack of variations in weather each year and slight variations in climate from year to year b. Complex biological systems from the tropical lowlands is very easydisturbed and are difficult to compile again with roadside plants, forests and animals. c. Land in the tropical lowlands is often a nutrient storage with very low capacity. In Indonesia, the lands that included most of the existing fertile diusahkan population. Although there is a possibility of business intensification eg by fertilizing, soil and plant maintenance the best. Soils generally have not cultivated the land stayed less well-called marginal land. Nevertheless, This land is a target for business expansion agriculture (extension) in the future. Broadly speaking lands for the expansion of this area can be distinguished into two groups, namely: a. upland soils, which generally consists of Ultisol (Red Yellow podzolic) and may also Oksikol b. marsh land area which is generally composed of ground histosols (Peat, organic soil) and acidic sulfate soil. Further explained that podzolic Red Yellow is the type of soil that dominates the dry land in Indonesia. For example, in Borneo, dry area with the Red Yellow Podzolic estimated at 20.7 million ha (60%), which is generally spread on wet climates. While overall breadth is estimated at 34.6 million ha, mostly located in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Irian Jaya. Land with Red Yellow podzolic soil found in areas berklim wet or dry, with rainfall 2.500 mm per year provide idea that the land contained in temperate regions because the average base average

monthly rainfall over 200 mm with a dry month around 2-3 months. On the other hand topography is undulating land with a steepness slopes 8-15% .

EcosystemApproach Community and non-living environment, functioning together as ecological systems called ecosystems. Ecology is defined as the assessment relationships of organisms or groups of organisms to its environmental and recent attempts to define ecology as the assessment structure and natural function, which has been understood that human beings are part from nature. The concept of ecosystem is a broad concept, its main function in thought or idea is the emphasis on the relationship of ecology shall, dependence and causal relations, ie coupling components to form functional units. More explained that in terms of functional, ecosystem can be properly analyzed according to the following terms: 1. energy circuits, 2. food chains, 3. Patterns diversity in time and space, 4. -cycle food cycle (biogeochemical), 5. development and evolution, 6. control (cybernetics). With the basic concept of the ecosystem, so any area of land should be used in accordance with the character of its ecosystem in order to avoid damage due to errors management. Also equally important is the increase to achieve optimal productivity. To achieve these objectives, the class land capability should be used as consideration in agricultural development planning at the macro level. Furthermore, in the selection of commodities and technology of farming on land certain classes of land suitability should be considered. Determination of class suitability of land must be supported by climate data, especially for the purposes micro planning. Data distribution of rainfall, for example, need known to plan time and cropping pattern; data on the number and intensity rain is needed to select a conservation technology. In addition, more clearly stated that the ecological systems approach contain at least four important points, namely: 1. IAR system is not disturbed, 2. plants grow well, 3. sustainable environment, 4. useful for society. Meanwhile, in determining the types of plants and planting procedures need to be considered such things as: 1. large value when compared to rainfall evapotranspiration rain, 2. stem flow, which is considering the flow of water from the leaf to the stem and then to land that will relate to the danger of erosion, 3. allelopati and allelokimia considered in conjunction with a spacing, 4. Consider ecologycal organizers plant niche, 5. support the social and cultural circumstances local communities, 6. mixed cropping system

which can prevent pests and disease, 7. plants of economic value. Human resources is a dominant factor in the development using an ecosystem approach. In the use and management resources wisely in order to seek development sustainable. For that level of knowledge and awareness about importance of environmental quality is an important addition to the density population and community culture. Thus the utilization of idle land as dry land Podsolic Red Yellow wet climate with undulating topography requires approaches ecosystem is the interaction between several commodities that circumstances environment remains good. For example, the rate of erosion can be controlled, maintain soil fertility and optimize the utilization of land through introduction of a specific plant procedures.

Development Constrains Land development constraints Red Yellow podzolic wet climate with topograsi wavy quite complex. Errors in management is underlying causes of land degradation. In the wet tropics topography varies from flat, undulating to mountainous, soil erosion is one of the dominant causes of land degradation as well as cause such as leaching of nutrients and accumulation of toxic elements. Red Yellow podzolic upland wet climate dominated by soil sour FMD with a poor parent material nutrients. Therefore, land is classified as a level of marginal land productivity is low. Soil fertility is naturally highly dependent upper layer rich in organic matter but to be volatile. If this land processed for cultivation, organic matter content is adequate, land productivity. Similarly rapid decline and eventually become critical land. Plants that are grown on dry land that krits unable PM ririskiky produce optimal if it is managed conventionally. While making the porch and galengan require high cost and farmer do not have enough charge for it. Soil chemical and physical properties that bad FMD is a constraint instance acidic soils react to very sour. The content and saturation high aluminum which can poison plants and high fixation power of phosphorus. Organic matter content, CEC and wet saturation generally low. Clay minerals dominated by kaolinite which was not much contribute to soil fertility and the majority of this land have low water holding capacity and is sensitive to erosion. The direct impact of the region is experiencing erosion occurrence of an area which gradually became barren with the consequences residents living nearby will be poor.

Development Prospects In terms of area, dry land Red Yellow podzolic in Indonesia reached 47.6 million ha, but Thus based on slope land potential for production agriculture is less than 15% or wavy. Different ways to handle such critical land is dryland Red Yellow podzolic through reforestation and afforestation programs. Hedgerows to function as resisting erosion and producing organic matter that can improve productivity land. Crop-livestock integration efforts that tersiri of crops, livestock and rubber can increase farmers' income. Soil acidity problem can be fixed in advance for example using lime or organic matter prior to fertilization.

As for reducing erosion, enrich the soil, the source of livestock feed required the application of conservation farming systems such as alley cropping by using trees as a crop plant live fences and reduction of inputs of production facilities and procedures appropriate planting. Cover crops can be grown specifically to protect land from the threat of damage by erosion and / or to improve the chemical and physical properties soil. In addition, crop rotation can be done with way of planting various crops in rotation within a certain time sequence in piece of land. Finally, the forest-agriculture (agroforestry can also be used as alternative land use PMK dry to wet climate with topography wavy). Proposed Use Use plans that are intended in this case is some alternative use patterns that can be applied according to some experts based ecosystem approach to dryland FMD wet climate with undulating topography. Some of the alternatives was presented as follows: 1.Crop-livestockfarming Crop-livestock farming is intended to plant crops food, rubber and cattle. Cultivated crops are corn high yielding varieties (Arjuna), soybeans (Willis) and cassava (Adira), while upland rice which is cultivated local varieties (Sirendah Round) because these varieties tolerant against disease. The technology involves the successful food such as principle Integrated Pest Management (Integrated Pest Management) and Weed Control Integrated (Integrated Weed Management), the use of serrated Sabir, usage tresher and others still necessary. Livestock cultivated form of cages of chickens and goats and they are encouraged to grow high-quality livestock feed. Some plants feed that recommended livestock is elephant grass, lamtoro, Setaria, Flemingia and Glyricidia they can be used as an alley crop terraces to reduce erosion and add organic matter and mineral soil.

2. Crop Rotation in Alley Cropping Rotation of crops in alley cropping is meant in this case is an effort to land use with annual crops and annual crops. Although based on kaedah conservation, seasonal crops not recommended, but can be done if the same crop menanan retaining annual erosion. This method is ever done on degraded land in West Sumatra namely by applying the rotation of corn,soybeans or corn-corn in alley cropping and have an influence on soil fertility. As the plant fence, grass king (King grass) is better than plants green manure because it is more able to suppress the rate of erosion. Before planting grass king, limed soil first 2 t CaCO3/ha the mix evenly with the soil. Taja grass planted on contour lines with a distance of 1 m. In this way will formed the halls with a width 4-6 m. However, this method should also coupled with the annual cultivation of conservation minded. 3. Mixed Farming Mixed farming system in this case is the cropping system that includes food crops, annual crops, erosion resisting crops, and forage plants livestock, while serasering created to help reduce the danger of erosion and improve the water system. Annual crops are planted in the form durian with a spacing of 10 x 10 m. To increase the use of light the sun can also be grown soursop, sugar apple mangosteen or, where as if planted banana or papaya do not get too close because of the nature its allelopati. Under annual crops can be planted beans or plant other beans. Then to provide food for birds, on the edges can be planted laurel, while at the edge of the porch to planted coconut trees that can produce economically. On the outskirts of terrace can also be planted cover crops to reduce the rate of erosion or can also be planted taro. Plants sengon example should be avoided because continuing to lower the pH of the soil thus increasing the levels of aluminum in the soil that can poison plants. Fertilization Posphor which FMD is required on land can be done by way of using compost which can increase the microorganisms in the soil and this will increase the availability of N increases P in the form available to plants. Other annual crops can be grown as jackfruit, so similar to jackfruit to increase revenue. Bamboo plants can also be planted if with annual crops need to pay attention then do not cut or tapped forget to do fertilization. In another part of the steep can be planted jengkol trees that are tolerant of poor nutrients.


The marginal land/sleep land in the form of upland podzolic Red Yellow wet climate with undulating topography can be fully utilized through ecosystem approach, either through a pattern of crop livestock enterprises, crop rotation in alley cropping or mixed farming and annual crops food crop conservation minded, economically and without me damage the environment.

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