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Our Lady of Mercy College

Loksoon, City of Borongan midterm M102 (Abnormal O.B.) Instruction: Write your answer at the right side of your test paper in corresponding number. 1) The Midwife knows that the confirmatory exam to diagnose HIV is : a) Purified protein derivative test b) ELISA c) Anergy Panel d) Western Blot Analysis 2) The patient with HIV received a set of flowers from admirer of her, she asked you if she can display the flowers beside her, you should reply a) Allow to freshen the air. b) Allow to let the pt to be happy therefore decreasing stress c) Do not allow because it can aggravate her condition. d) Do not allow because it can be a threat from a sender who she really not know to her 3) The following classification of drugs can be given to a patient with HIV EXEPT? A. Steroid B. Analgesic C. Antipyretic D. Antihypertensive 4) The most important reason to treat promptly the Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is to prevent: A. Infertility B. Ectopic pregnancy C. Sepsis D. Pelvic Adhesive Disease 5) Hospitalization of PID patient should be specially be considered if the following are present EXEPT: A. The diagnosis is certain B. A pelvic abscess is suspected C. The patient is pregnant D. The patient has HIV infection 6) Priority intervention for the patient with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is? A. Antibacterial agents B. Analgesic C. Health Education D. Contraceptive method 7) Cesarean birth is anticipated in which of the following infections? A. Candidiasis B. Toxoplasmosis C. Human Papilloma Virus infection D. Herpes Simplex Virus infection 8) After providing a health teaching to an HIV-positive pregnant mother, which of the following statements indicate understanding by the mother? A. my baby will have aids B. I will need to take drug throughout my entire pregnancy

C. they will start giving me a drug for HIV when I am ready to deliver D. I will need to take my HIV drug the entire time I breastfeed 9) Common causative agents of pelvic inflammatory disease is? A. Pseudomonas B. Neisseria gonorrhea C. E. coli D. Staphylococus Aureous 10) After reviewing a clients history, which of the following factors might lead the midwive to suspect abruptio placenta? A. Several hypotensive episodes B. Previous low transverse cesarean section C. One induced abortion D. History of cocaine 11) When caring for jenny, which of the following would the midwive anticipate administering intravenous if the client develop Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)? A. Rangers lactate solution B. Fresh frozen platelets C. 5% dextrose solution D. Warfarin sodium(Coumadin) 12) A client experiencing postpartum hemorrhage eight hours after birth of twins. Following of administration of IV fluids and 500ml of whole blood, her hemoglobin and hematocrit are w/in normal limits, she ask the midwive wether she should continue to breastfeed the infants. W/c of the following is based on sound rationale? A. nursing will help contract the uterus and reduce your risk of bleeding B. Breastfeeding twins will take too much energy after the hemorrhage C. the blood transfusion may increase the risk to you and your babies D. Lactation should be delayed until the real milk is secreted 13) While caring for a client during the first hour after delivery, you determine that the uterus is boggy and there is a vaginal bleeding. What should be your first action? A. Check vital signs B. Massage fundos C. Offer a bedpan D. Check for perineal laceration 14) Midwife should anticipate that hemorrhage related to uterine atony may occur postpartally if this condition was present during the delivery A. Excessive analgesia was given to the mother B. Placental delivery occurred within 30min. after the baby was born C. An episiotomy had to be done to facilitate delivery of the head. D. The labor and delivery lasted for 12hours 15) In developing plan of care for a postpartum woman with small vulvar hematoma. The midwife includes which specific intervention in the plan during the first 12 hours following delivery? A. Asses vital signs every 4 hours B. Measure fundal heights every 4 hours C. Prepare an ice pack for application to the area. D. Inform health care provider of assessment findings 16) Methergine is prescribed for the client with postpartum hemorrhage. Before administering the medication a midwife contact a health care provider who prescribed the medication if which of the following condition is documented in the clients medical history?

A. Hypotension B. Hypothyroidism C. Diabetes mellitus D. Peripheral Vascular disease 17) Miss Nerriza ask to miss Lucido about impotence, which of the following is true about impotence? A. Refers to the inability of a man to have and maintain a penile erection B. Is the ability to procreate C. Occurs when the man is unable to ejaculate inside the vagina D. Is synonymous to painful coitus 18) When teaching a group of teens about reproduction and conception, you are correct when stating that fertilization occurs in: A. In the uterus B. When the ovum is released C. Near the fimbriated end D. In the first third of the fallopian tube 19) The midwife uses nitrazine paper to determine whether a pregnant clients membranes have ruptured. If the membranes have ruptured, the paper will turn in w/c color? A. Pink B. Blue C. Yellow D. Green 20) A client is to be discharged 12hrs after delivery. The midwife should delayed the discharge and notify the physician if which of the following is observed? A. Moderate lochia rubra B. Fundus firm at umbilicus C. Pulse 62bpm D. Three voiding totaling 240cc in 12hrs 21) Post cesarean client ask the midwife why she has to get up and walk when it hurts her incision so much. The midwife respond that; A. Walking decreases the risk of blood clots after surgery B. Walking encourages deep breaths to blow of the anesthetic from surgery C. Early ambulation is important to stimulate milk production D. Walki8ng will decrease the occurance of after pains 22) A client vital sign following delivery are: Day 1 BP 116/72mmhg, Temp. 98.6 F, Pulse 68bpm. Day 2 BP 114/80mmhg, Temp. 100.6 F, Pulse 76bpm. Day 1 BP 114/80mmhg, Temp. 101 F, Pulse 80bpm. The midwife should suspect that the client A. Is dehydrated B. May have infection C. Has normal vital sign D. Is going to shock 23) Which of the following assessment should alert you to hold the schedule dose of methergine for a postpartal client and call the physician? A. Blood pressure 142/86mmhg B. Apical pulse 61bpm C. Blood type O positive D. Mother is planning to breastfeed

24) If a midwife suspect a uterine infection in the postpartum client. The midwife should assess the? A. Pulse and BP B. Odor of the lochia C. Episiotomy site D. The abdomen for distention 25) What factor in a clients history places the risk for postpartal endometritis? A. Cesarean delivery after 24hrs labor and failure to progress B. External fetal monitoring during labor C. Ruptured membranes for 4hrs prior to delivery D. Spontaneous vaginal delivery after 8hrs of labor 26) You need to schedule to a client post NSVD who is discharged. When is the first home care visit typically made? A. W/in 1hr after discharge B. W/in 24hrs after discharge C. W/in 4 days after discharge D. W/in 1 week after discharge 27) A couple visited the infertility clinic, Which of the following couples statements would indicate further instruction about increasing the likelihood of conception by optimal timing of intercourse? A. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the onset of the menstrual cycle B. an ovulated egg has life span of 24-36hrs C. daily sexual intercourse increases the likelihood conception D. ejaculated sperm has a life span of 48-72hrs 28)During leture in a group of pregnant mother, you explain that the postpartum period, the process whereby the uterus return to its prepregnancy state is called: A. Involution B. Puerperium C. Uterine Atony D. Lochia rubra 29) Management for a client who develop uterine atony after birth are the ff. EXEPT: A. Let the woman void every 2hrs B. Bimanual Compression and forceful massage C. Oxytocin administration D. Methergine administration 30) management for a client who develop second stage perineal laceration are the following but exept one: A. Provide enema or retal stool softener to soften feces B. Analgesic for pain C. Direct vaginal packing D. Direct heat application after suturing 31)Puerperial infection may caused by: A. Uterine tumors B. Multiparity C. Perineal Varicositied D. Multiple vaginal examinations 32) Management for puerperal infection are the following exept: A. Manual uterine exploration B. Administer antipyretic agents C. Administer anticholinergic agent

D. Administer Antibacterial agents 33) Urinary Tract Infection is commonly caused by what microorganism? A. E. coli B. Klebsiella pneumonia C. Mycobacterium tuberculae D. Staphylucocus aureous 34) A midwife in the postpartum unit is caring for a clieant who has just delivered w/ placenta previa. You review the plan of care and prepares to monitor the client for which of the following risk associated w/ placenta previa? A. Infection B. Hemorrhage C. Chronic Hypertension D. DIC 35) A woman who delivered normally per vagina is expected to void w/in ___hrs after delivery. A. 3hrs B. 2hrs C. 6-8hrs D. 12-24hrs 36) Which of the following is the best reflects the frequency of reported postpartum blues? A. Between 10% and 40% of all new mothers report some from postpartum blues. B. Between 30% and 50% of all new mothers report some from postpartum blues. C. Between 50% and 80% of all new mothers report some from postpartum blues. D. Between 25% and 70% of all new mothers report some from postpartum blues. 37) An appropriate midwife intervention when caring for a pt w/ thrombophlebitis? A. Encourage mother to ambulate to relieve the pain in the leg B. Instruct the mother to apply elastic bondage from the foot going to improve venous return. C. Apply warm compress on the affected leg to relieve pain D. Elevate the affected leg and keep the pt on bed rest. 38) In assisted reproductive technology, there is a need to stimulate the ovaries to produce one mature ova,. The drug commonly used for this purpose is? A. Bromocriptine B. Clomiphene C. Provera D. Estrogen 39) When assessing the adequacy of sperm for conception to occure, which of the following is the most useful criterion? A. Sperm count B. Sperm motility C. Sperm maturity D. Semen volume 40) When the uterine rupture occurs, w/c of the following is the most priority? A. Limiting hypovolemic shock B. Obtaining blood specimens C. Instituting complete bed res D. Inserting urinary catheter. 41) The following are interventions to make the fundos contract postpartally are the following exept: A. Make the baby suck the breast regularly B. Apply ice cap on fundus

C. Massage the fundus vigorously for 15min until contracted D. Give oxytoxin as ordered 42) The following intervention are use to relieve episiotomy wound pain, EXEPT: A. Giving analgesic as ordered B. Sitz bath C. Perineal heat D. Perineal Care 43) When the uterus is firm and contrated after delivery but there is vaginal bleeding, the nurse should suspect: A. Laceration of soft tissue of the cervix and vagina B. Uterine atony C. Uterine invertion D. Uterine hypercontractility 44) Postpartum blues is said to be normal provided that the following characteristics are present. These are: 1. w/in 3 to 10 days only 2. Woman exhibits the following symptoms episodic tearfulness, fatigue, oversensitivity, and poor appetite. 3. May more severe several symptoms in primpara A. All of the above B. B and A C. B only D. B and c 45) Before assessing the postpartum clients uterus for firmness and position in relation to the umbilicus and midline, w/c of the ff. should you do first? A. Assess the vital sign B. Administer analgesic C. Ambulate her in the hall D. Assist her to urinate 46) Which of the ff is an abnormal vital sign in postpartum? A. Pulse rate between 50-60/min B. BP diastolic inc from 80 to 95mmhg C. BP systolic between 100 to 120mmhg D. Respiratory rate of 16-20/min 47) A postpartum primipara asks you, when an we have sexual intercourse again? w/c of the ff would be the best response? A. anytime you both want to B. as soon as choose a contraceptive method C. when the discharged has stopped and the incision is healed D. after 6 weeks examination 48) Vasectomy is a procedure done on a male for sterilization, The organ involved in this procedure is: A. Prostate gland B. Seminal vesicle C. Testes D. Vas deferens 49) Which is true about normal ovulation? A. It occurs on the 14th day of every cycle

B. It may occur between 14-16 days before next menstruation C. Every menstrual period is always preceded by ovulation D. The most fertile period of a woman is 2 days after ovulation 50. Which of the following would be the nurses most appropriate response to a client who asks why she must have a caesarian delivery if she has a complete placenta previa? A. You will have to ask your physician when he returns B. You need a caesarian to prevent hemorrhage C. The placenta is covering most of your cervix D. The placenta is covering the opening of the uterus and blocking your baby

Prepared by: Daniel Norberto P. Osita BSN, RN

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