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Founded in 1985, the Toms Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) advances informed policy on key issues affecting Latino communities through objective and timely research contributing to the betterment of the nation.

The Toms Rivera Policy Institute University of Southern California School of Policy, Planning and Development 650 Childs Way, Lewis Hall, Suite 102 Los Angeles, California 90089-0626 Tel: 213-821-5615 Fax: 213-821-1976

With offices at: Columbia University, New York, New York

The Toms Rivera Policy Institute Unauthorized duplication of this report is a violation of copyright. September 2007

Free PDF copies of this document can be downloaded at and

The Toms Rivera Policy Institute asserts a neutral position regarding public policy issues. Interpretations and conclusions presented in TRPI publications are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Institute, its trustees, officers or other staff members, or to the organizations which support its research.

This publication is made possible with special grants from:

Policy Research on: Politics Education Media Housing Immigration Healthcare Social Welfare

The trusted voice of the Latino community.

For over 20 years, The Toms Rivera Policy Institute has shown a unique ability to understand and reach Latinos nationwide. From national studies and information campaigns to outreach programs and special events, TRPI has an unparalleled, proven record of success. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

TRPI is an independent, nonprofit organization that is an affiliated research institute of the School of Policy, Planning, and Development at the University of Southern California.

Table of Contents
Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Bienvenidos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Get the Money You Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Padres: Ayuden a sus hijos a obtener el dinero que necesitan para asistir la universidad! . . . . . . . . 7

About This Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Scholarships Listed by SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971 (Complete List)

Scholarships Listed by CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7273

Scholarships Listed by EDUCATION LEVEL OF APPLICANT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7476

Scholarships Listed by SEASON OF APPLICATION DEADLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7778

Scholarships Listed by MINIMUM GPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7981

Scholarships Listed by STATE AND REGIONAL AWARDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8283

Customized Searches Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

2007-2008 TRPI Board of Trustees . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover

September 2007 Dear Friends, I) has revealed Policy Institute (TRP by the Toms Rivera t they arch conducted college education, ye Time and again, rese s and families value a are that rity of Latino parent y families are not aw an overwhelming majo to be prohibitive. Man ery gher education tino students, and ev perceive the cost of hi able specifically to La s and grants are avail numerous scholarship llars go unclaimed. year thousands of do e to realize that it takes tim zed online, and yet we homes. ips are publici ten limited in Latino Today, most scholarsh computer access is of at opportunities and th research scholarship s in California, ide for Latino student augural scholarship gu TRPI history. d its in ost-accessed report in In 2006, TRPI release and becoming the m ented demand ur months. sparking an unpreced wed online in just fo the directory were vie pies of More than 50,000 co ication is now ce that this 2007 publ are proud to announ ynes and Dora ess, we The John Randolph Ha Building on that succ generous funding of sembled Thanks to the Company, we have as nationwide in scope. and The Walt Disney , dents The Sallie Mae Fund ecifically for Latino stu Haynes Foundation, ips that are offered sp ry of scholarsh an up-to-date directo e United States. throughout the entir rve. cial support you dese work to find the finan you Best of luck to you as Sincerely,

. Harry P. Pachon, Ph.D President and CEO Institute Toms Rivera Policy licy Professor of Public Po ent ning, and Developm School of Policy, Plan rn California University of Southe

Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory

Septiembre 2007 Estimados amigos: Estudios realizados po r el Instituto Poltico de Toms Rivera (TRP temente revelan que I, siglas en ingls) co aunque una mayora nstande padres de familia universitaria, ellos pe latinas valoran una ed rciben el costo de esta ucacin educacin prohibido. que hay numerosas be Muchas familias no sa cas y dinero gratis di ben sponibles especficam nos, y cada ao mile ente para estudiantes s de estos dlares no latison reclamadas. Hoy en da, la mayor a de las becas estn publicadas en Interne toma tiempo investiga t, pero comprendem r estas oportunidade os que s, y que acceso a una varios hogares latinos computadora es limita . do en En el ao 2006, TRPI estreno su directorio de becas para estudian resultando en una de tes latinos de Califor manda sin precedente nia, y convirtindose en el historia de TRPI. En reporte ms solicitado solo cuatro meses, m en la s de 50,000 copias nuestra pgina de In del directorio fueron ternet. vistas en Aparte de este xito, estamos orgullosos en anunciar que el directo para el ao 2007 es de rio que hemos prepar alcance nacional. Grac ado ias a la generosidad fin Randolph Hayes and anciera de The John Dora Hayes Foundatio n, Sallie Mae Fund, y hemos recopilado un The Walt Disney Com nuevo directorio de be pany, cas ofrecidas especfica de todas partes de lo mente a estudiantes s Estado Unidos. latinos Les deseamos buena suerte en la bsqueda para encontrar la ayud merecen. a financiara que usted es Atentamente,

Harry P. Pachon, Ph.D . Presidente y Dtor. Gr al. Instituto de Poltica To mas Rivera Profesor de Poltica P blica Escuela de Poltica P blica, Planificacin, y Desarrollo Urbano Universidad del Sur de California


Get the Money You Need!

What are scholarships?
Scholarships are free money available to off-set the cost of school. Students have to apply for scholarships, which are awarded on a case-by-case basis, often based on merit. If a student receives a scholarship, it does not have to be paid back.

Do you need to be a citizen or legal permanent resident to qualify for a scholarship?

Some scholarships require proof of citizenship or residency in order to qualify for a scholarship, but others do not. Throughout this guide, scholarships marked with the icon require some kind of residency requirement. Scholarships marked with the icon do not. Both types of scholarships are listed separately in the back of this directory.

What do you need to have to qualify for a scholarship?

Every scholarship in the following pages has varying requirements including its own application, which you will need to get and complete but it is a good idea to pull together a folder of the following information (or as much of it as you can), as almost all scholarships will ask for some combination of these things: Letter(s) of reference Writing sample Resume Official transcripts One or two essays Copy of Student Aid Report (SAR - see below) Parent and Student Tax Returns and W-2 Forms GPA Certification Form Enrollment Verification Form Copy of Financial Award Letter

Where can you get more printed information about paying for college?
Call the federal government for a free guide, in English or in Spanish, to student financial aid: 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243). It also is available online at, a website offered in both English and Spanish. This guide is an excellent comprehensive how to resource. Additional free resources on planning and paying for college can be downloaded from The Sallie Mae Fund website, The site includes toolkits, checklists, and more in Spanish and in English.

Are you entering college next year? Complete the FAFSA as soon as possible!
If you do nothing else, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), immediately after January 1 of your senior year of high school and every year thereafter you intend to continue your college education. It is a form used by most schools to determine financial aid, and money is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. After you submit your FAFSA, you will be sent a Student Aid Report (SAR), which tells how much money your family is expected to contribute to your college education for one year. This helps schools and scholarship organizations know how much money you will need in financial aid.

Beware of scholarship scams.

Be wary of scholarship applications that require an application fee. Also proceed with caution with scholarship matching services that guarantee results and sales pitches that describe themselves as financial aid workshops or seminars.

Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory

PADRES: ayuden a sus hijos a obtener el dinero que necesitan para asistir la universidad!
Qu son las becas?
Las becas ofrecen dinero gratuito para cubrir el costo educativo. El estudiante slo tiene que solicitar la beca, lo cual se concede dependiendo de cada caso y, a menudo, por mrito de calificaciones. Si un estudiante recibe una beca, no tiene que devolver el dinero.

Se necesita ser ciudadano o residente permanente legal para poder obtener una beca?
Algunas becas requieren prueba de ciudadana o residencia para poder calificar por becas, pero otras no. A travs de este directorio, las becas marcadas con el smbolo requieren ciertos requisitos con respecto a la residencia. Las becas marcadas con el smbolo no tienen requisitos. Ambos tipos de becas se encuentran en la parte posterior de este directorio.

Qu necesitas tener para obtener una beca?

Todas las becas que se incluyen en las siguientes pginas tienen distintos requisitos, incluso su propia solicitud, el cual deber obtener y completar. Es una buena idea preparar una carpeta con la siguiente informacin (o con lo ms informacin posible) debido a que toas las becas piden algunas de las siguientes cosas: Carta o cartas de recomendacin Una muestra de escritura Un currculum Documento de calificaciones oficial Uno o dos ensayos Copia del Informe de Ayuda Estudiantil (SAR, siglas en ingls) Declaraciones de impuestos y formularios W-2 del estudiante y de padres de familia Formulario de certificacin del promedio acadmico (GPA, siglas en ingls) Formulario de verificacin de matriculacin Copia de la carta financiera otorgada

Dnde se puede obtener ms informacin sobre el pago de la educacin universitaria?

Llame al gobierno federal para obtener una gua gratuita, en ingls o en espaol, sobre ayuda financiera estudiantil: 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243). sta gua es un recurso excelente que detalla cmo solicitar ayuda. The Sallie Mae Fund tiene una variedad de recursos educacionales gratuitos, en ingls y en espaol, en como preparar y pagar por la universidad. Puede bajar en su computadora los materiales o imprimir una forma a

Su hijo o hija ingresa a la universidad el ao prximo? Complete la solicitud gratuita de ayuda estudiantil federal (FAFSA) lo ms pronto posible.
Si no realiza nada ms, complete la solicitud gratuita inmediatamente despus del 1 de enero del ltimo ao de preparatoria y cada ao despus si piensa continuar la educacin universitaria. Es un formulario que utilizan la mayora de las escuelas para determinar la ayuda financiera, la cual se otorga a los primeros que la soliciten. Luego de presentar el formulario gratuito, recibir un informe de ayuda estudiantil (SAR), el cual determina cuanto la familia tendr que pagar en su primer ao de escuela. Esto ayuda a las escuelas y organizaciones de becas a determinar cul ser la ayuda financiera que necesitar.

Cuidado con las estafas relacionadas con las becas

Tenga cuidado con las becas que requieren un honorario de solicitud. Asimismo, no se deje engaar por servicios de bsqueda de becas que garantizan resultados ni por aquellos que se describen a si mismos como talleres o seminarios de ayuda financiera.


About this directory

This directory contains all organizations in the United States identified by the Toms Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) that award grants and scholarships specifically targeting Latino students. Additionally, TRPI has included the largest national organizations (in total dollars awarded) that grant scholarships for which Latino students may qualify. To be included in this guide, scholarship programs must have current, accessible contact and application information. They must specifically target Latino students in their award criteria. Exceptions include the largest national donors, migrant farm worker scholarships that often award their monies to Latinos, and scholarships making an effort to attract Latino students, such as by reserving awards for minorities. Excluded from the guide are scholarships requiring acceptance into a particular institution, fellowships without scholarship money, and awards designed only for dependents of employees at a specific organization. TRPI acknowledges that new scholarship opportunities geared for Latino students are becoming available on a continual basis, and the institute urges readers to submit new scholarship listings or corrections to TRPI. TRPI also encourages students to check for scholarships from colleges or universities they are attending, as they may offer institution-specific scholarships. Other considerations when using this guide: If the GPA requirement of a scholarship is listed N/A, academic achievement still may be a consideration. Also bear in mind that generally students will have to meet some minimum requirements to renew and retain any awards. It will become clear during the application process if a scholarship is renewable and how to renew it. Finally, students should be aware of potential changes in sponsors, deadlines, or criteria by confirming scholarships early in the application process with the sponsoring organizations either online, on the telephone, or in the mail.

Developing this directory

TRPI is proud to expand this popular guide for Latino high school, undergraduate, and graduate students in the United States. The original project was born of a 2005 TRPI regional study that identified all the organizations in Southern California where Southern California Latino students and parents could receive information about or apply for college scholarships and grants. Among the outcomes of the study was a recommendation for organizations to actively disseminate hard copies of online data, as the online scholarship search process was found to be time-consuming and complicated. The TRPI study also found that the difficulties of online scholarship searches were compounded by the reality that many Latino households do not have Internet access. Any online search is likely to be undertaken at a library or school, where time on a shared computer is limited. In 2006, in response to these findings, TRPI released its first printed scholarship directory which offered scholarships specifically for California Latino students. Extraordinary demand for that guide inspired the institute and its sponsors to bring the project to a national level. This year, TRPI is pleased to offer a nationwide guide to help Latino students across the country apply for the money they need and deserve in the face of increasing costs of higher education. It should be noted that, while TRPI researchers recognized that there would be value including all organizations to which students could apply for scholarships in the United States, such an undertaking was beyond

the scope of the project.

Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Adelante! Fund Scholarship Program Miller Brewing Company National Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: $3,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be full-time student eligible for junior status at a college or university in the fall and maintain full-time status Must be pursuing degree in business or related field Must be eligible for financial aid from a federal or state-funded program Application Requirements: Letters of recommendation Complete online application and student survey form Resume Be willing to participate in Adelantes Leadership Institute and possibly a paid internship in summer in a business or corporation Website for Application Download: 309688 For More Information: Adelante! U.S. Education Leadership Fund 8415 Datapoint Drive, Ste. 400 San Antonio, Texas 78229 Phone: (877) 692-1971 Email: Website: Personal statement Transcript Letter of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: AHETEMS, Inc. The University of Texas at Arlington College of Engineering, Box 19019 Nedderman Hall, Room 634 Arlington, TX 76019-0019 Phone: (817) 272-1116 Email: Website:

Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. AHETEMS Professional Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,000 Minimum GPA: 3.25 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be employed full time in the U.S. or Puerto Rico in a technical-career field Must be enrolled in a science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or business graduate degree program at an accredited university in the United States or Puerto Rico at at least half-time throughout the academic year. Must be pursuing first masters or doctoral degree Must be a Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers member in good standing Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Transcript Letter of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: AHETEMS, Inc. The University of Texas at Arlington College of Engineering, Box 19019 Nedderman Hall, Room 634 Arlington, TX 76019-0019 Phone: (817) 272-1116 Email: Website:

Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. AHETEMS General Scholarships for Undergraduates
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $1,000-$3,000 3.00 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be graduating with a diploma from an accredited U.S. high school Must be registered full time in a science, technology, engineering, or math discipline Must be accepted into or attending an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in the United States or Puerto Rico Must be pursuing first bachelors degree Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Transcript Letter of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: AHETEMS, Inc. The University of Texas at Arlington College of Engineering, Box 19019 Nedderman Hall, Room 634 Arlington, TX 76019-0019 Phone: (817) 272-1116 Email: Website:

Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. AHETEMS Wal-Mart Stores Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be high school junior or senior graduating from an accredited U.S. high school with a diploma Must register for and attend 2007 Pre-College Symposia in Denver, Colorado Must be accepted into an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in the United States or Puerto Rico Must enroll full time Must major in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or a related field Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Transcript Letter of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: AHETEMS, Inc. The University of Texas at Arlington College of Engineering, Box 19019 Nedderman Hall, Room 634 Arlington, TX 76019-0019 Phone: (817) 272-1116 Email: Website:

Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. AHETEMS General Scholarships for Graduate Students
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000-$3,000 Minimum GPA: 3.25 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be registered full time in a science, technology, engineering, or math discipline Must be attending an accredited college or university in the United States or Puerto Rico Must be pursuing first masters or doctoral degree Application Requirements: Completed application



Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. SHPE/CDM Scholars
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $6,000 3.00 Not a requirement dissertation fellowship is awarded Must be a member of the American Anthropological Association Students of any subfield or specialty in anthropology will receive equal consideration Application Requirements: Completed application Cover letter Research plan CV Disclosure statement Letters of recommendation Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Anthropological Association Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22201-3357 Phone: (703) 528-1902 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers student majoring in an engineering, science, or construction discipline (such as environmental, chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical, structural, or geotechnical) or pursuing a masters degree in the fall of 2007 Program components include a paid summer internship, mentorship, and scholarship for the ensuing academic year or first-year masters program Application Requirements: Completed application form Official transcripts Letters of recommendation Resume Personal statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: AHETEMS, Inc. The University of Texas at Arlington College of Engineering, Box 19019 Nedderman Hall, Room 634 Arlington, TX 76019-0019 Phone: (817) 272-1116 Email: Website:

American Art Therapy Association Cay Drachnik Minorities Fund

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must have been accepted to or attend an ATTA-approved graduate art therapy program Must be an active student member of AATA Must be a member of an ethnic minority group and demonstrate financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Letters of recommendation Student financial information Essay Proof of acceptance or enrollment in an AATA approved graduate art therapy program Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Art Therapy Association 5999 Stevenson Ave. Alexandrea, VA 22304 Phone: (888) 290-0878 Website:

Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. NASA/MUST Scholars Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: Up to $10,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be enrolled full time at an accredited university in the United States or Puerto Rico Must be a rising freshman, sophomore, or junior Must be pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics Application Requirements: Completed online application Official transcript Letter of recommendation Personal essay Resume Proof of citizenship Website for Application Download: For More Information: AHETEMS, Inc. The University of Texas at Arlington College of Engineering, Box 19019 Nedderman Hall, Room 634 Arlington, TX 76019-0019 Phone: (817) 272-1116 Email: Website:

American Association of Colleges of Nursing The California Endowment /AACN Minority Nurse Faculty Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Graduate School Applicants In the Summer $18,000 N/A Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen, or refugee or qualified immigrant

American Anthropological Association AAA Minority Dissertation Fellowship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $10,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of a historically underrepresented ethnic minority group including but not limited to African American, Alaskan Native, American Indian or Native American, Asian American, Latino/a, Chicano/a, and Pacific Islander Must be enrolled in a full-time academic program leading to a doctoral degree in anthropology at the time of application and admitted to degree candidacy before the

Eligibility Requirements: Must be an ethnic minority nursing student enrolled or accepted in an accredited masters or doctoral program Must be enrolled full time and a California resident Must have a commitment to teaching nursing in the state of California after successful completion of graduate studies Must retain at least 25 percent tuition match from the school of nursing Application Requirements: Completed application References Letter of personal and professional interest Budget outline Deans commitment statement Letter of acceptance to school of nursing College transcript Study program outline CV Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Association of Colleges of Nursing Annie Alesandrini, Project Coordinator One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 530 Washington, DC 20036


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Phone: (202) 463-6930 Email: Website: Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Letters of recommendation Official transcript Financial information Recipients must demonstrate admission to and plans to enroll at an ABA-accredited law school Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education 321 North Clark Street Chicago, IL 60610 Phone: (312) 988-5137 Email: Website:

American Association of Law Libraries American Association of Law Libraries & Thomson West George A. Strait Minority Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to college graduates with meaningful law library experience who are members of a minority group as defined by current U.S. government guidelines Must be degree candidate in an accredited library or law school and intend to have a career in law librarianship Must show evidence of financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Letter from school stating admission or library or law school transcript Official transcript Letters of recommendation Personal statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Association of Law Libraries Scholarships Committee Chair 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 940 Chicago, Illinois 60604 Phone: (312) 939-4764 Email: Website:

American Chemical Society ACS Scholars Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter Up to $5,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

American Association of University Women Educational Foundation Selected Professions Fellowships

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $5,000-$12,000 N/A Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to ethnic minorities pursuing graduate degrees in business administration (M.B.A., E.M.B.A.) , law (J.D.), or medicine (M.D., D.O.) Must be a full-time student Law students must complete second or final year of study by Dec. 31, 2009 Application Requirements: Completed online application Official transcripts Letters of recommendation Legal sample for law applicants Website for Application Download: For More Information: AAUW Educational Foundation Dept. 60 301 ACT Drive Iowa City, IA 52243-4030 Phone: (319) 337-1716 ext. 60 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Program designed to encourage African-American, Hispanic, and American Indian students to pursue undergraduate college degrees in the chemical sciences and chemical technology Must be a full-time student at an accredited college, university, or community college Must be pursuing undergraduate college degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or a chemically-related science and planning a career in the chemical sciences or chemical technology Must be able to demonstrate financial need Application Requirements: Completed application ACT or SAT score reports Student Aid Report Official transcript Letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: scholars.html#eligibility For More Information: ACS Scholars Program Robert J. Hughes, Manager 1155 16th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (800) 227-5558 (ext. 6250) Email: Website:

American College of Healthcare Executives Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $3,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of a minority group and full-time student entering final year in a health care management graduate program Must be a Student Associate of ACHE or join online at Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Resume Essay Official undergraduate and graduate transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship, Scholarship Committee 1 N. Franklin St., Ste. 1700 Chicago, IL 60606-3529 Phone: (312) 424-9400 Email: Website:

American Bar Association ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Up to $15,000 Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of a racial and/or ethnic minority that has been underrepresented in the legal profession Must be an entering, first-year law student in the upcoming academic year; law students who have completed one or more semesters or years of law school are not eligible Financial need; personal, family, and educational background; personal statement; and participation in community service activities will be considered




American Dental Association Minority Dental Student Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: Up to $2,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be an entering second-year student at the time of application and currently attending or enrolled at a dental school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association Must be enrolled as a full-time student Must demonstrate a minimum financial need of $2,500 Application Requirements: Completed application form Letters of reference Website for Application Download: For More Information: ADA Foundation 211 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: (312) 440-2763 Email: Website: Alexandria, VA 22302 Phone: (703) 379-2480 Email: Website:

American GI Forum of San Jose San Jose GI Forum Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to students of Mexican-American descent Must graduate from a high school in Santa Clara County Enroll or plan to enroll in the fall semester/quarter in an accredited college or university leading to an AA or BA Preference is given to students enrolling in a four-year program Application Requirements: Completed application Wallet-sized senior picture Official transcript Biographical data sheet Autobiographical essay Fifteen-minute interview Copy of parents most recent Federal Income Tax Form or Student Aid Application for California Website for Application Download: For More Information: San Jose GI Forum Scholarship Foundation, Inc. 765 Story Road #150 San Jose, CA 95122 Phone: (408) 288-9470 Email: Website:

American Dental Hygienists Association Institute of Oral Health ADHA Institute for Oral Health Dental Hygiene Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000-$2,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must have completed at least one year in an accredited dental hygiene program Must be a full-time student in year of award Must be an active member of Student American Dental Hygienists Association Must be able to document financial need of at least $1,500 Application Requirements: Completed application Faculty evaluation FAFSA form Program director verification Website for Application Download: For More Information: ADHA Institute for Oral Health Scholarship Award Program 444 N. Michigan Ave. St. 3400 Chicago, IL 60611-3980 Phone: (800) 739-4916 Email: Website:

American Hotels and Lodging Educational Foundation Hyatt Hotels Fund for Minority Lodging Management Students
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Open to minority students: African-American, Hispanic, American Indian or Alaskan Native, and Asian or Pacific Islander Must be pursuing degree in hotel management Enrolled with at least 12 credit hours for upcoming fall and spring semesters, or just the fall semester if graduating in December Must be at least a sophomore in a four-year program Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Recent transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005-3931 Phone: (202) 289-3188 Email: Website:

American Geological Institute AGI Minority Participation Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring Varies N/A Must be a U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Verifiable ethnic-minority status as Black, Hispanic, or Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Hawaiian, or Samoan) Must be full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in an accredited institution with a primary major in geoscience, including subdisciplines of geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, physical oceanography, planetary geology, or earth-science education Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Letters of recommendation SAT, ACT, and/or GRE scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Geological Institute 4220 King Street

The American Institute of Architects/American Architectural Foundation Minority/Disadvantaged Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter $500-$2,500 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to high school seniors and college freshmen who plan to study architecture in an NAAB-accredited program Application Requirements:


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


An initial nomination due in early December from a high school guidance counselor, AIA component, architect, or other individual who is aware of the students interest and aptitude for architecture Application that will be sent to eligible students after nominations are reviewed Website for Application Download: For More Information: The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave., NW Washington, DC 20006-5292 Phone: (800) 242-3837 Email: Website:

American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE Minority Scholarship Awards for Incoming Freshmen
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be member of a minority group underrepresented in chemical engineering, i.e., African-American, Hispanic, Native American, and Alaska Native Must be high school senior planning to enroll the following year in a four-year college or university offering a science/engineering degree Recipients encouraged to choose classes leading to a degree in chemical engineering Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Parental letter verifying financial need Essay Letter of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) 3 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5991 Phone: (800) 242-4363 Email: Website:

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants AICPA Fellowships for Minority Doctoral Students
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $8,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must have applied to or been accepted in an accounting doctoral program Must have earned a masters degree and/or completed a minimum of three years full-time experience in the practice of accounting Must attend school full time Must agree not to work full time in a paid position or accept responsibility for teaching more than one course per semester as a teaching assistant or dedicate more than one quarter of the time as a research assistant Weight is given to applications from CPAs as well as AICPA members and committee service Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Letters of reference Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Minority Doctoral Fellowships Program Academic and Career Development Team MIC Durham Office 220 Leigh Farm Road Durham, North Carolina 27707-8110 Phone: (888) 777-7077 Email: Website:

American Library Association ALA Scholarship Program Spectrum Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Must possess academic excellence, leadership, and evidence of commitment to a career in librarianship Must be enrolled in an ALA-accredited graduate program in library and information studies or an ALA-recognized NCATE School Library Media program Applicant shall have completed no more than a third of the credit requirements toward her/his MLIS or school library media degree at the time of award Applicants may study full or part time Application Requirements: Completed online application References Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Library Association 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: (800) 545-2433 ext. 5048 Email: Website:

American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE Minority Scholarship Awards for College Students
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be an undergraduate in chemical engineering Must be member of a minority group underrepresented in chemical engineering, i.e., African-American, Hispanic, Native American, and Alaska Native Recipients must join their colleges AIChE Student Chapter Application Requirements: Completed application Transcript Essay Financial Aid Office letter Letter of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) 3 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5991 Phone: (800) 242-4363 Email: Website:

American Medical Association AMA Foundation Minority Scholars Award

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $10,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a current first- or second-year student of minority background, including African American/Black, American Indian, Native Hawaiian, Alaska Native, and Hispanic/Latino Each medical school is invited to submit up to two nominees Application Requirements: Obtain application packet at medical schools Office of the Dean, Office of Student Affairs or Office of Financial Aid, which will submit nominations Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Medical Association




515 N. State Street Chicago, IL 60610 Phone: (800) 621-8335 Website: Must possess potential for superior achievements in the profession of physical therapy and professional excellence as a physical therapist Application Requirements: Completed application Personal essay Official transcript Personal information fact sheet Letters of reference Website for Application Download: Display.cfm&CONTENTID=27483 For More Information: American Physical Therapy Association The Department of Minority/International Affairs 1111 N. Fairfax St. Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: (800) 999-2782 exts 3143/8554 Email: Website:

American Meteorological Society AMS/Industry Minority Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $3,000-$6,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be entering freshman year of college at a U.S. institution Must plan to pursue a degree in the atmospheric or related oceanic and hydrologic sciences Application Requirements: Completed application Official high school transcript Letter of recommendation Copy of SAT scores or similar national college entrance exam Mail original materials to AMS Local Chapter listed at the bottom of the application Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Meteorological Society Attn: Minority Scholarship 45 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02108-3693 Phone: (617) 227-2426 ext. 246 Email: Website:

American Physical Therapy Association Minority Scholarship Award for Academic Excellence for Physical Therapist Assistants
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be member of one of the following racial/ethnic minority groups: AfricanAmerican or Black, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Hispanic/Latino Must be enrolled in the final academic year of an accredited or developing physical therapist assistant education program Must complete all degree requirements and/or be eligible to graduate January 1December 31, 2008 Must show evidence of contributions in the areas of minority affairs and services and high scholastic achievement. Must possess potential for excellence as a physical therapist assistant Application Requirements: Completed application Personal essay Official transcript Personal information fact sheet Letters of reference Website for Application Download: ay.cfm&CONTENTID=27483 For More Information: American Physical Therapy Association The Department of Minority/International Affairs 1111 N. Fairfax St. Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: (800) 999-2782 exts 3143/8554 Email: Website:

American Physical Society APS Scholarship for Minority Undergraduate Physics Majors
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter $2,000-$3,000 N/A Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to African-American, Hispanic American, or Native American high school seniors or college freshmen and sophomores Must major or plan to major in physics Application Requirements: Application Essay questions Letters of reference Transcripts SAT or ACT scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: APS Minority Scholarship Program 1 Physics Ellipse College Park, Maryland 20740 Phone: (301) 209-3232 Email: Website:

The American Physiological Society Porter Physiology Fellowship Awards

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $20,772 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be an underrepresented ethnic minority applicant Must have been accepted into or is currently in a graduate program in physiology Application Requirements: Completed online application Biographical sketch Graduate training program acceptance letter if starting Official transcripts CV Lists of undergraduate and graduate institutions Proposed training/research plan Advisors/program directors letter Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Physiological Association

American Physical Therapy Association Minority Scholarship Award for Academic Excellence for Physical Therapists
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be member of one of the following racial/ethnic minority groups: AfricanAmerican or Black, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Hispanic/Latino Must be enrolled in the final academic year of an accredited or developing professional physical therapist education program Must complete all degree requirements (clinical and didactic) and/or be eligible to graduate January 1-December 31, 2008 Must show evidence of contributions in the areas of minority affairs and services and high scholastic achievement


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9650 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20814-3991 Phone: (301) 634-7787 Email: Website:

The American Political Science Association Minority Fellows Program

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: $4,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be members of one of the following racial/ethnic minority groups: African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Latinos/as, and Native Americans (federal and state recognized tribes) Must demonstrate an interest in teaching and potential for research in political science Must demonstrate financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Official transcript Letters of recommendation GRE scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Political Science Association 1527 New Hampshire Ave. NW Washington, DC 20036-1206 Phone: (202) 483-2512 Email: Website:

American Planning Association Judith McManus Price Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $2,000-$4,000 N/A Must be a U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to women and members of one of the following minority groups: African American, Hispanic American, or Native American Must be enrolled or officially accepted in an undergraduate or graduate planning program accredited by the PAB (Planning Accreditation Board) Must intend to work as practicing planners in the public sector (local, state, and federal government, and not-for-profit careers) Must be able to document financial need Prior winners ineligible Application Requirements: Personal statement APA Financial Aid application Letters of recommendation Official transcripts Verification of school cost Optional resume Acceptance letter Notarized statement of financial independence signed by parents Website for Application Download: For More Information: APA Judith McManus Scholarship Attn: Kriss Blank, Leadership Affairs Associate American Planning Association 122 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 1600 Chicago, IL 60603-6107 Phone: (312) 431-9100 Email: Website:

American Psychiatric Association Minority Medical Student Fellowship in HIV Psychiatry

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Open to minority medical students who have primary interests in services related to HIV/AIDS and substance abuse and its relationship to the mental health or psychological well being of ethnic minorities Application Requirements: Completed application Statement of interest CV Deans letter Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Psychiatric Association 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1825 Arlington, Va. 22209-3901 Phone: (703) 907-8668 or (703) 907-8642 Email: or Website:

American Planning Association APA Planning Fellowships

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000-$5,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a first- or second-year graduate-level student enrolled or officially accepted in a graduate planning program accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) Must be a member of one of the following minority groups: African American, Hispanic American, and Native American Must be able to document financial need Prior winners ineligible Application Requirements: Personal statement APA Financial Aid application Letters of recommendation Official transcripts Verification of school cost Optional resume Acceptance letter Notarized statement of financial independence signed by parents Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Planning Association Attn: Kriss Blank, Leadership Affairs Associate 122 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 1600 Chicago, IL 60603-6107 Phone: (312) 431-9100 Email: Website:

American Psychological Association APA Minority Fellowship Program in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and Mental Health Research
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Full tuition Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Designed to identify and support the training of doctoral-level ethnic minority students of psychology whose prior experiences and clearly stated goals suggest they will make significant contributions to the mental health needs of ethnic and racial minorities Must be enrolled full-time in an APA-accredited doctoral program or gain acceptance into an APA-accredited doctoral program for the fall term immediately following the application African American, Alaskan Native, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander students are encouraged to apply Must specialize in clinical, counseling, school, or other programs associated with the delivery of mental health services and demonstrate a strong commitment to a career in ethnic minority mental health and substance abuse services Application Requirements: Completed application Cover letter




Essays Curriculum vita Letters of recommendation Official transcripts GRE scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 Phone: (202) 336-6127 Email: Website: Eligibility Requirements: Must be African American, Latino, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian, or Pacific Islander Must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program in sociology with NIMH- and NIDA-relevant research Application Requirements: Completed application Essays Letters of recommendation Transcripts Optional supporting documents Website for Application Download: For More Information: ASA Minority Affairs Program 1307 New York Avenue NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005-4701 Phone: (202) 383-9005 Email: Website:

American Respiratory Care Foundation Jimmy A. Young Memorial Education Recognition Award
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: Up to $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Nominations preferred from a representative of the school or an accredited respiratory training program, however, any student may initiate a request for a scholarship Preference given to nominees of minority origin Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Paper on respiratory care Enrollment verification Transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Respiratory Care Foundation 9425 North MacArthur Blvd, Suite 100 Irving, TX 75063-4706 Phone: (972) 243-2272 Email: Website:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation Minority Student Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $4,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a racial/ethnic minority student Must be accepted for graduate study in speech-language pathology or audiology Must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement Application Requirements: Application details and deadline available online in the first quarter of the year Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation 10801 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20853 Phone: (301) 897-5700 Email: Website:

American Society of Criminology Graduate Fellowship for Ethnic Minorities

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $6,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Designed to encourage African American, Asian American, Latino, and Native American students to enter the field of criminology and criminal justice Applicants need not be members of the American Society of Criminology Individuals studying criminology or criminal justice issues are encouraged to apply Recipients of the fellowships must be accepted into a program of doctoral studies Application Requirements: CV Indication of race or ethnicity Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts Statement of need and prospects for financial assistance for graduate study Letter describing career plans, salient experiences, and nature of interest in criminology Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Society of Criminology 1314 Kinnear Road, Suite 212 Columbus, Ohio 43212-1156 Phone: (614) 292-9207 Email: Website:

American Water Works Association

Holly Cornell Scholarship

American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $15,000-$20,772 stipend plus tuition N/A Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a female and/or minority student as defined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Must be a masters degree student and anticipate completion of the requirements for a masters degree in engineering no sooner than December 1, 2008 Students who have been accepted into graduate school but have not yet begun graduate study are encouraged to apply Quality of academic record and potential to provide leadership in the field of water supply and treatment will be evaluated Application Requirements: Completed application Resume Official transcripts Letters of recommendation Official GRE scores Career statement Proposed curriculum of study Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Water Works Association Linda Moody, Scholarship Coordinator 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235 Phone: (303) 347-6201 Email: Website:


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Army ROTC Four-Year Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: Full tuition Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a high school student planning to attend a four-year college program Must be between the ages of 17 and 26 Must have a high school diploma or equivalent Must score minimum of 920 on the SAT (math/verbal) or 19 on the ACT (excluding the required writing test scores) Must meet physical standards Must agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on active duty or in a Reserve component Most competitive candidates have at least an SAT score of 1100 or an ACT score of 24 Application Requirements: Completed online application Website for Application Download: For More Information: U.S. Army Local offices listed at Phone: (800) USA-ARMY, ext. 181 Website:

The Aspen Institute

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Fellowship for Minority Students

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants N/A $2,500 and $5,000 N/A Must be a U.S. citizen

Army ROTC Three-Year Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: Full tuition Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be between the ages of 17 and 27 Must have a high school diploma or equivalent Must score minimum 920 on the SAT or 19 on the ACT Must meet physical standards Must agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on active duty or in a Reserve component Application Requirements: Completed online application Website for Application Download: For More Information: U.S. Army Local offices listed at Phone: (800) USA-ARMY, ext. 181 Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to a highly motivated continuing graduate or undergraduate student from an underrepresented community Must have excellent academic background and outstanding research skills, as well as a background in the social sciences or humanities, and excellent writing and communication skills Must demonstrate financial need Must be able to intern for 10-15 weeks at the Washington, DC, office of the Aspen Institute Application Requirements: Letter of interest Resume Transcript Letter from university financial aid officer certifying demonstrated financial need Letters of reference Website for Application Download: _Hearst_Endowed_Fellowship_for_Minority_Students.htm For More Information: The Aspen Institute Erin Taber, Program Coordinator One Dupont Circle, Suite 700 Washington, DC, 20036 Phone: (202) 736.5800 Email: Website:

Association of Schools of Public Health ASPH/CDC/PRC Minority Fellowship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Up to $25,500 a year Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Open to underrepresented minority students including Hispanics Open to students currently enrolled in doctoral level, research-based training programs at accredited universities or schools of public health with CDC-funded Prevention Research Centers Must be granted admission to candidacy (completed coursework and passed qualifying exams) before programs second year Proposed projects must be related to PRC activities and endorsed by PRC directors Application Requirements: Project proposal Personal statement CV Transcripts Completed application Website for Application Download: For More Information: Association of Schools of Public Health 1101 15th Street NW Suite 910 Washington DC 20005 Phone: (202) 296-1099 Email: Website:

Army ROTC Two-Year Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: Full tuition Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Available for those who have two academic years of college remaining Must be between the ages of 17 and 27 Must have a high school diploma or equivalent Must meet physical standards Must agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on active duty or in a Reserve component Application Requirements: Completed online application Contact local office for other requirements Website for Application Download: For More Information: U.S. Army Local offices listed at Phone: (800) USA-ARMY, ext. 181 Website:

AT&T Labs, Inc. AT&T Labs Fellowship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Full tuition Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be senior graduating in the current academic year or in first or second year of graduate school Must be female or member of a minority underrepresented in science fields (Hispanic, African-American, or Native American)




Must be enrolled, or planning to enroll, in a graduate school program leading to a Ph.D. Major field must be in computer science, math, statistics, electrical engineering, operations research, systems engineering, industrial engineering, or related field Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of reference Personal statement Official transcripts Essay GRE scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: AT&T Labs Room C103 ALFP Administrator 180 Park Ave Florham Park, NJ 07932 Website: Award Range: $150-$500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be entering or enrolled in college or other types of post-secondary programs, or high school dropouts or potential dropouts Must have a recent history of movement for agricultural employment; priority given to currently interstate migrant youth Must show financial need and scholastic potential Must be enrolled or accepted at an accredited public or private college, technical or vocational school, or a dropout or a potential dropout from high school who shows promise of ability to continue schooling Application Requirements: Completed application Letter of recommendation Personal essay Proof of acceptance or admittance to school Copy of applicants current or most recent Migrant Education Program Certificate of Eligibility (COE) Website for Application Download: For More Information: BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center 27 Lackawanna Ave. Mt. Morris, New York 14510 Phone: (800) 245-5681 Email: Website:

The Beca Foundation, Inc. Alice Newell Joslyn Medical Fund

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000-$2,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to students entering the medical/health care professions (nurse, dental/medical assistant, physical therapist) Must live or attend college in San Diego County at the time of application Must demonstrate financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Transcripts Two letters of recommendation Financial profile Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: The BECA Foundation Office 830 E Grand Avenue, Suite B Escondido, CA 92025 Phone: (760) 741-8246 Email: Website:

BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Frank Kazmierczak Memorial Migrant Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter $1,000 N/A Not a requirement

The Beca Foundation, Inc. General Scholarship Fund

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $500-$1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be San Diego County high school graduate entering college in the fall Eligible applicants may pursue their education anywhere in the United States Application Requirements: Completed application Transcripts Two letters of recommendation Financial profile Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: The BECA Foundation Office 830 E Grand Avenue, Suite B Escondido, CA 92025 Phone: (760) 741-8246 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be child of a migrant worker or a migrant worker (priority will be given to those with mobility in the last three years) Must have teaching as a career goal Must demonstrate scholastic achievement Must have financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Official transcript Personal essay Copy of applicants current or most recent Migrant Education Program Certificate of Eligibility (COE) Website for Application Download: For More Information: BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center 27 Lackawanna Ave. Mt. Morris, New York 14510 Phone: (800) 245-5681 Email: Website:

BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Berrien Fragos Thorn Arts Scholarships for Migrant Farmworkers
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A $500-$2,500 N/A Not a requirement

BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Gloria and Joseph Mattera National Scholarship Fund for Migrant Children
To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Designed to foster and encourage the creative talents of individuals with a history of migration to obtain work in agriculture Need not be enrolled in school Must demonstrate an interest in pursuing further development of their talents in: - Visual-painting, sculpture, photography - Performing-dance, theatre, music - Media-film, video, animation, computer graphics - Literary-poetry, short stories - Crafts-traditional folk arts, furniture, weaving, pottery Must be at least 16 years old Application Requirements:


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Completed application Applicant need not be enrolled in school, but should provide a letter of recommendation that addresses both quality of applicant and intended project History of movement to obtain work in agriculture required Website for Application Download: For More Information: BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center 27 Lackawanna Ave. Mt. Morris, New York 14510 Phone: (800) 245-5681 Email: Website: Designed to recognize a migrant farmworker senior high school student from New York State needing post-secondary scholarship assistance who has demonstrated a caring and giving attitude toward another individual or community Application Requirements: Contact BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center for details Website for Application Download: For More Information: BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Robert Apicella Migrant Scholarship Committee 27 Lackawanna Ave. Mt. Morris, New York 14510 Phone: (800) 245-5681 Email: Website:

BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Migrant Farmworker Baccalaureate Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: Up to $12,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must show recent history of movement for agricultural employment and scholastic achievement Must have financial need Must have successfully completed at least one year at an accredited post-secondary institution Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Official transcript Personal essay Financial need documentation Copy of applicants current or most recent Migrant Education Program Certificate of Eligibility (COE) Website for Application Download: For More Information: BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center 27 Lackawanna Ave. Mt. Morris, New York 14510 Phone: (800) 245-5681 Email: Website:

BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Friends of Senator Jack Perry Migrant Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A Varies N/A Not a requirement

BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Margaret Raley New York State Migrant Student Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A $500 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Designed to honor a migrant farmworker student from New York State needing postsecondary scholarship assistance Must have financial need Must have past or present eligibility for Migrant Education services in New York State Preferably current status as a senior in an accredited New York State high school, or status as a senior at an accredited high school outside of New York State but with a history of movement to New York State; college students considered if no eligible high school students apply Must have been accepted at a post-secondary degree granting institution, preferably in New York State Application Requirements: Contact BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center for details Website for Application Download: For More Information: BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Friends of Senator Jack Perry Migrant Scholarship Committee 27 Lackawanna Ave. Mt. Morris, New York 14510 Phone: (800) 245-5681 Email: Website:

BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Aurelio Larry Jazo Migrant Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A $500 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Designed to recognize the educational achievement of migrant farmworker students with a history of migration to and/or within New York State Application Requirements: Contact BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center for details Website for Application Download: For More Information: BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Margaret Raley New York State Migrant Scholarship Committee 27 Lackawanna Ave. Mt. Morris, New York 14510 Phone: (800) 245-5681 Email: Website:

BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Robert Apicella Migrant Scholarship for Public Service
To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A Varies N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Designed to offer post-secondary scholarship assistance to a migrant farmworker student who has a recent migration to Illinois Candidates will be screened by a selection committee on the basis of the following criteria: - Recent history of migration to Illinois for agricultural employment - Scholastic achievement - Financial need Application Requirements: Contact BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center for details Website for Application Download: For More Information: BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Aurelio Jazo Migrant Scholarship Committee 27 Lackawanna Ave. Mt. Morris, New York 14510 Phone: (800) 245-5681 Email: Website:




BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Juanita Crippen Memorial Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A $500 N/A Not a requirement For More Information: CANFit Program Scholarships 2140 Shattuck Ave., Suite 610 Berkeley, CA 94704 Phone: (800) 200-3131 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Designed to recognize a senior high school student from a migrant farmworker family in Franklin, St. Lawrence, or Clinton Counties in New York State needing post-secondary scholarship assistance who has demonstrated a caring and giving attitude toward another individual or community Application Requirements: Contact BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center for details Website for Application Download: For More Information: BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Juanita Crippen Memorial Scholarship Committee 27 Lackawanna Ave. Mt. Morris, New York 14510 Phone: (800) 245-5681 Email: Website:

California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program CANFit Program Scholarships for Culinary Arts
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $500-$1,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be enrolled in a culinary arts college in California Must be a minority student affiliated with African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American, Pacific Islander, or Latino/Hispanic ethnicities Application Requirements: Completed application Statement of financial status Letters of recommendation Cover letter Essay Photograph Transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: CANFit Program Scholarships 2140 Shattuck Ave., Suite 610 Berkeley, CA 94704 Phone: (800) 200-3131 Email: Website:

California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program CANFit Program Scholarships for Undergraduates
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $500-$1,500 Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must live in California with a minority student affiliation and be enrolled in an approved bachelors program in nutrition, physical education, or culinary arts Must have completed 50 semester units Application Requirements: Completed application Statement of financial status Letters of recommendation Cover letter Essay Photograph Transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: CANFit Program Scholarships 2140 Shattuck Ave., Suite 610 Berkeley, CA 94704 Phone: (800) 200-3131 Email: Website:

California Chicano News Media Association Joel Garcia and Frank del Olmo Memorial Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $500-$2,000 N/A Not a requirement

California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program CANFit Program Scholarships for Graduate Students
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $500-$1,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must live in California with a minority student affiliation and be enrolled in an approved masters-level or doctoral graduate program in nutrition, public health, or physical education, or an American Dietetic Association PreProfessional Practice Program Must have completed 12-15 units of graduate course work Application Requirements: Completed application Statement of financial status Letters of recommendation Cover letter Essay Photograph Transcripts Website for Application Download:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to Latino college students and graduating high school seniors attending a college or university in California California residents may attend a college or university outside of California Students may major in any field, but must be able to prove sincere interest in pursuing a career in journalism. Finalists must participate in an oral interview Recipients must prove full-time enrollment in school for the entire academic year and be in good standing Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of reference Official transcripts Essay Work samples (articles, photographs or tapes) Website for Application Download: For More Information: CCNMA USC Annenberg School of Journalism 300 S. Grand Ave., Suite 3950 Los Angeles, CA 90071-3175 Phone: (213) 437-4408 Email: Website:


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


California Dental Association Foundation Latinos for Dental Careers Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Summer Up to $1,000 N/A Not a requirement Official transcripts Participation in community development or community service Website for Application Download: For More Information: California Latino Medical Association 2550 Corporate Place Suite C 202 Monterey Park, CA 91754 Phone: 323-266-2455 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a dental student, dental hygiene student, or international student dentist of Latino descent Must be currently enrolled or accepted in a California dental school program Must be attending school full time May receive this award more than once Application Requirements: Completed application Essays Letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: CAD Foundation 1201 K Street, Suite 1511 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (800) 232.7645, ext. 4916 Email: Website:

California Library Association CLA Scholarship For Minority Students in Memory of Edna Yelland
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a permanent California resident Must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a masters program in an ALA accredited library school Must intend to work in a California library upon graduation Must be a member of one of the following ethnic minority groups: American Indian, African-American/Black, Mexican-American/Chicano, Latino/Hispanic, Asian-American, Pacific Islander, or Filipino Must provide evidence of financial need Application Requirements: Statement of financial situation List of other scholarship applications List education and library experience References Essay Photo Oral interview if application merits Website for Application Download: For More Information: California Library Association 717 20th Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 447-8541 Email: Website:

California Latino Medical Association CalMA Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident Eligibility Requirements: Must be at least one-half Latino or of Latino heritage Must be matriculating at one of Californias eight medical schools (years 1-4): Charles Drew School of Medicine, UCLA; David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA; Keck School of Medicine, USC; Loma Linda University, School of Medicine; Stanford University, School of Medicine; University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine; University of California, Davis School of Medicine; University of California, Irvine School of Medicine; University of California, San Diego School of Medicine Must be willing to participate in CaLMAs Una Noche De Gala Awards Dinner held in September Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcripts Other requirements listed in July at Website for Application Download: For More Information: California Latino Medical Association 2550 Corporate Place Suite C 202 Monterey Park, CA 91754 Phone: 323-266-2455 Email: Website:

California Teachers Association Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Depends on contributions and need N/A Not a requirement

California Latino Medical Association CalMA/BC of California Foundation Hispanic Nursing Scholarship Fund
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Students Graduate School Applicants N/A Varies 2.5 Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic/Latino background or native-born Latino Must be accepted or attending one of Californias accredited nursing schools, be fulfilling prerequisites to apply to nursing school, or be an RN working towards a BSN, MSN or Ph.D. Must maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 or above Must be bilingual in English and Spanish with mid-level fluency Application Requirements: Completed application Essay

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of one of the following defined ethnic minority groups: African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, or Hispanic Must be an active member of CTA; the dependent child of an active member, retired, or deceased member; or an active member of Student CTA Must be pursuing a college degree or credential for a teaching-related career in public education in an accredited institution of higher education Application Requirements: Completed application Recommendation form Personal statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: CTA Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship CTA Human Rights Department Post Office Box 921 Burlingame, CA 94011-0921 Phone: (650) 552-5446 Email: Website:




California Wine Grape Growers Foundation CWGGF Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $500-$1,000 for four years Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a high school senior graduating in 2008 and planning to attend a four-year university or college, or a community college in the fall of 2008 Open to children of vineyard workers employed in 2007 or 2008; children of wine grape growers may request a waiver from the eligibility requirement based on financial need Current directors or employees of the foundation or their children are ineligible Application Requirements: Completed application High school transcript Copy of ACT or SAT results Letter of recommendation Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: California Wine Grape Growers Foundation 601 University Avenue, Suite 135 Sacramento, CA 95825 Phone: (800) 241-1800 Email: Website: Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Letter of recommendation Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: GM Scholarship Administration Center 700 West 5th Avenue Mail Code 2001 Naperville, IL 60563 Phone: (800) 377-5233 Email: Website:

Chicana/Latina Foundation Chicana Latina Scholarship Fund

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $1,500 2.50 Not a requirement

Carlos M. Castaeda Educational Foundation, Inc. (FECMC) The Carlos M. Castaeda Journalism Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $7,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Spanish-speaking journalist or journalism student who has completed a four-year undergraduate program Must submit proof of acceptance into a graduate school of journalism and documentation of cost of tuition Undergraduate degree should include history and liberal arts Must be committed to journalism in the Spanish language Must be committed to the defense of human rights, democracy, and freedom of the press Application Requirements: CV Cover letter Letters of reference Portfolio of published stories in Spanish Autobiographical essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: Fundacin Educativa Carlos M. Castaeda ATTN: FECMC Journalism Scholarship 1925 Brickell Avenue D-1108 Miami, FL 33129 Phone: (305) 859-9617 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Chicana/Latina woman living at least the past two years in Northern California, and currently attending an accredited university, college, or community college in the Bay Area Graduate students must prove acceptance into graduate school Demonstrate leadership and community or civic involvement Agree to volunteer at least 10 hours in support of Chicana/Latina Foundation Applicants who have received a Chicana/Latina scholarship in the past four years are ineligible Application Requirements: Completed application Essays College transcripts Letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: Chicanalatina Foundation Scholarship Committee 1419 Burlingame Ave. Suite N. Burlingame, CA 94010 Phone: (650) 373-1085 Email: Website:

Clara Abbott Foundation Clara Abbott Scholarship Foundation

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Varies N/A Not a requirement

Chevrolet Division of General Motors Corporation The Chevrolet Excellence in Education Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.20 Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a graduating high school senior of Hispanic origin Must have demonstrated both academic excellence and outstanding community service through activities, volunteerism, and work experience Must intend to enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university in the fall term

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to dependent children (24 years of age or younger at the application deadline) of regular full-time or regular part-time Abbott Laboratories employees with at least 12 months of service Dependent children of retirees also are eligible Students must attend school during the school year for which they apply Application Requirements: Completed application Website for Application Download: For More Information: The Clara Abbott Foundation 1505 S. White Oak Drive Waukegan, IL 60085 Phone: (847) 937-1090 or (800) 972-3859 Website:

The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: High School Applicants In the Fall $4,000-$20,000


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen, temporary resident, refugee, asylee, Cuban-Haitian entrant, or humanitarian parolee

College Assistance Migrant Program Alumni Association CAMPAA Fellowship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must have completed CAMP scholarship obligation (two semesters) Must be a CAMPAA online directory member Must have graduated from college with a four-year degree Must be enrolled full time in graduate or Ph.D. studies Application Requirements: Completed application College transcripts Resume with current employer contact info as a reference Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: CAMP Alumni Association 403 5th Avenue Lewiston, ID 83501 Phone: (208) 792-2101 Email: Website:

Eligibility Requirements: Must be a current high school or home-school senior planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution Cannot be children or grandchildren of employees, officers, or owners of Coca-Cola bottling companies or The Coca-Cola Company Application Requirements: Completed application Website for Application Download: For More Information: Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation P.O. Box 442 Atlanta GA 30301-0442 Phone: (800) 306-2653 Email: Website:

The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation The Coca-Cola Two-Year Colleges Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $1,000 2.50 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be completing a minimum of 100 hours of community service in the previous 12 months as validated by college nominator Must be planning to enroll in at least two courses during the next term at a two-year, degree granting institution Application Requirements: Eligible students should contact the colleges financial aid office to declare their interest in being nominated by their college; each college may nominate one student Nominees may be first and/or second year students planning to continue their education Website for Application Download: For More Information: Coca Cola Two Year Colleges Scholarship Program P.O. Box 1615 Atlanta, GA 30301-1615 Phone: (800) 306-2653 Email: Website:

Colorado Educational Services and Development Association CESDA Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 2.80 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a resident of the State of Colorado Must be a graduating high school senior from a Colorado high school and enroll at a two- or four-year Colorado college or university in the fall, and take a minimum of 6 credit hours Must be a first-generation student or member of an underrepresented ethnic or racial minority, and/or show financial need Leadership and community service, particularly in minority communities, past academic performance, personal and professional accomplishments, personal attributes, special abilities, academic goals, and financial need are all considered Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Essay Personal account Website for Application Download: For More Information: CESDA Scholarship Committee c/o Nelnet/Lorinda Diehl 3015 S. Parker Road, Suite 400 Aurora, CO 80130 Phone: (720) 479-8045 Email: Website:

College Assistance Migrant Program Alumni Association CAMP Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A Varies N/A Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must have migrant or seasonal farmworking background related to the production, cultivation or harvesting of crops, dairy products, poultry or livestock Must be seeking four-year academic degree at CAMP campus; list available online at Must have GED or high school diploma Must plan to enroll in college for the purpose of completing a bachelors degree Must demonstrate need for CAMP support services, and academic and financial assistance Application Requirements: Completed application Website for Application Download: For More Information: CAMP Alumni Association 403 5th Avenue Lewiston, ID 83501 Phone: (208) 792-2101 Email: Website:

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute CHCI Scholarship Awards

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $1,000-$5,000 N/A Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Consistent active participation in public and/or community service activities Demonstrated financial need Good writing skills Full-time enrollment in an accredited community college, four-year university, or graduate/professional program during the period in which scholarship is requested Application Requirements: Completed application




Resume Essay SAR Proof of government assistance if applicable Letters of recommendation Self-addressed postcard Website for Application Download: For More Information: Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholarship Awards 911 2nd Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (800) EXCEL DC Email: Website:

The Consortium Consortium MBA & Fellowship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: Full tuition Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be able to demonstrate a commitment to the mission of The Consortium Application Requirements: Completed online application Essays Interview Professional references Official transcripts GMAT score Website for Application Download: Redirect=true For More Information: The Consortium 5585 Pershing, Suite 240 St. Louis, MO 63112-4621 Phone: (888) 658-6814 Email: Website:

Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education CALAHE Competitive Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $1,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen, or refugee or qualified immigrant

Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino student in Connecticut accepted for admission to an accredited institution of higher education Must have been a Connecticut resident for the last 12 months Must demonstrate financial need Must show involvement with and commitment to activities that promote Latinos pursuit of education Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts (or GED results) Copy of SAR Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: CALAHE 950 Main St., Suite 1104 Hartford, CT 06103-1207 Phone: (860) 906-5234 Email: Website:

Dade Community Foundation Colombian American Service Association (C.A.S.A.) - Simon Bolivar Leadership Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a high school senior or GED recipient no older than 19 years of age in a Miami-Dade County public school Must be a student of Colombian, Haitian, or South American descent or origin Financial need is a consideration Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Recommendations Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Dade Community Foundation Dennis Longo, Development Officer C.A.S.A.-Simon Bolivar Leadership Scholarship 200 South Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 505 Miami, Florida 33131 Phone: (305) 371-2711 Email: Website:

Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education ConnTESOL Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Connecticut high school student attending either a community college or four-year college in the fall Student must be presently or previously enrolled in ESOL or bilingual education classes Application Requirements: Letter of application Essay Letter of reference Guidance form Personal information form Website for Application Download: For More Information: CALAHE 950 Main St., Suite 1104 Hartford, CT 06103-1207 Phone: (860) 906-5234 Email: Website:

Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Chamber Education Foundation Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $1,000 3.00 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Colorado resident of Hispanic heritage and/or actively involved in the Hispanic community Must be a full-time student accepted to an accredited college, university, or vocational school Must fulfill 10 hours of community service during year of funding Application Requirements: Federal income tax return List of community service and extracurricular activities Letters of recommendation Official transcripts ACT or SAT scores


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Website for Application Download: For More Information: Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Selection Committee 924 West Colfax Ste. 201 Denver, CO 80204 Phone: (303) 534-7783 Email: Website: Application Requirements: Completed application Website for Application Download: For More Information: Elks National Foundation Scholarship Office 2750 N. Lakeview Avenue Chicago, IL 60614-2256 Phone: (773) 755-4732 Email: Website:

Discover Financial Services Scholarship Program Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: 2.75 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a current high school junior enrolled in an accredited public or private high school in the United States Must demonstrate leadership, community service, and/or having experienced a significant roadblock or challenge Application Requirements: Completed application Website for Application Download: For More Information: Discover Financial Services P.O. Box 30943 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0943 Phone: (866) 756-7932 Website:

Elks National Foundation Emergency Educational Grants

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Up to $4,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to children of deceased or totally disabled Elks members Must demonstrate financial need Must be unmarried, under the age of 23 as of Dec. 31 in the year of application, and attending a U.S. college or university as a full-time undergraduate student Application Requirements: Completed application Website for Application Download: For More Information: Elks National Foundation Scholarship Office 2750 N. Lakeview Avenue Chicago, IL 60614-2256 Phone: (773) 755-4732 Email: Website:

Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $4,000-$60,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Open to any high school senior is eligible to apply; need not be related to a member of the Elks Male and female students compete separately Must demonstrate leadership, scholarship and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Website for Application Download: For More Information: Elks National Foundation Scholarship Office 2750 N. Lakeview Avenue Chicago, IL 60614-2256 Phone: (773) 755-4732 Email: Website:

The Esperanza Scholarship Program The Esperanza Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Varies 2.75 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Elks National Foundation Legacy Awards

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to any child or grandchild (or step-child, step-grandchild, or legal ward) of a living Elk current member who joined on or before April 1, 2005, or a charter member of a Lodge that was instituted on or after April 1, 2005 Must be a high school senior Must apply through the related members Elks Lodge, regardless of where applicant resides If parent and grandparent are both members, apply through parents Elks Lodge May apply for more than one END scholarship, but may win only one Award may only be applied to accredited U.S. American schools, colleges or universities (Applicants from Guam, Panama, Puerto Rico and the Philippines may apply awards toward schools, colleges or universities in their respective homes) Must take the SAT or ACT by December 31

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be Ohio residents of Cuyahoga or Lorain Counties Must be graduating high school or be enrolled full-time in college and/or university Must have participated in extracurricular activities and school or community service Evaluation based on academic achievements, quality of personal statements, applicant appraisals/references, individual interviews, and family income Application Requirements: Completed application Transcripts Personal statement Appraisals Student Aid Report Website for Application Download: For More Information: Esperanza, Inc. 3104 W. 25th St. 4th Floor Cleveland, Ohio 44109 Phone: (216) 651-7178 Email: Website:

Fifty Men & Women of Toledo, Inc. Fifty Men & Women of Toledo, Inc. Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: 3.50 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Award dedicated to helping as many minority students as possible to plan for and secure a sound future




Must be a highly motivated academic achiever who needs help offsetting the major cost of attaining a college education Must have taken four years of English, three years of mathematics and science, and two years of social studies and foreign language Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Official transcript Essay Photo Website for Application Download: For More Information: 50 Men and Women of Toledo, Inc. Scholarship Committee P. O. Box 351135 Toledo, OH 43615 Phone: (419) 351-3297 Email: Website: Website for Application Download: For More Information: Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. Minority Teacher Education Scholarship Program G415 Norman Hall / P.O. Box 117045 Gainesville, FL 32611-7045 Phone: (352) 392-9196 ext. 21 Email: Website:

Florida Library Association Florida Library Association Minority Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Florida resident and Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, or American Indian/Alaska Native Must have some experience in a Florida library Must be admitted to an FSU or USF library/information graduate degree program Must commit to working in a Florida library for a minimum of one year after graduation Must be an FLA member in good standing Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of reference Official letter of acceptance into graduate school Website for Application Download: For More Information: FLA Scholarship Committee Linda Alexander, USF/SLIS 4202 E. Fowler Ave, CIS 1040 Tampa, FL 33620 Email: Website:

Fisher Communications Fisher Broadcasting Scholarships for Minorities

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of non-white origin Must be enrolled in a broadcast oriented curriculum and at least a sophomore by fall term of scholarship year If applicant is permanent resident of the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or Montana, tuition may be applied to an out-of-state school If applicant is not permanent resident of a Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or Montana, tuition must be applied to a school in one of those states Application Requirements: Completed application Transcripts Letters of recommendation Essay Proof of citizenship Estimated expense/income spreadsheet Website for Application Download: For More Information: Fisher Communications, Inc. 100 Fourth Ave. N. Suite 510 Seattle, WA 98109 Phone: (206) 404-7000 Email: Website:

Ford Foundation Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: Up to $60,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of one of the following groups: Alaska Natives (Eskimo or Aleut), Black/African Americans, Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos, Native American Indians, Native Pacific Islanders (Polynesian/Micronesian), or Puerto Ricans Must show superior academic achievement and be committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level Must be enrolled in or planning to enroll in an eligible research-based program leading to a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree at a U.S. educational institution and not have earned a doctoral degree at any other time Must have the capacity to respond in pedagogically productive ways to the learning needs of students from diverse backgrounds Must have sustained personal engagement with communities that are underrepresented in the academy and an ability to bring this asset to learning, teaching, and scholarship at the college and university level Must demonstrate likelihood of using the diversity of human experience as an educational resource in teaching and scholarship Application Requirements: Completed application Statement of previous research Essay Personal statement Names and contact information of academic references Supplementary materials due in January include transcripts, letters of reference, verification of predoctoral status form, and GRE scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: Ford Foundation 320 East 43rd Street New York, NY 10017 USA Phone: (212) 573-5000 Email: Website:

Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. Minority Teacher Education Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer or Fall Award Range: $4,000 Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a resident of the state of Florida Must be a member of the following racial/ethnic groups: African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, or American Indian/Alaskan Native Must teach in a Florida public school for the period of time the scholarship was received Must meet requirements for admission and attend one of Floridas public or private universities or colleges as a junior in a state-approved teacher education program. Must be enrolled as a full-time student Must be newly admitted into an upper level/division teacher education program and not already teaching full time Must have met the registration requirements of the Selective Service Act and not owe a repayment under any state or federal grant or scholarship Must not be in default on any federal Title IV or state student loan program unless satisfactory arrangements to repay were made Special consideration is given to community college graduates Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Essay Application turned into primary contact at the institution


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Ford Foundation Ford Foundation Dissertation Awards
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: $21,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of one of the following groups: Alaska Natives (Eskimo or Aleut), Black/African Americans, Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos, Native American Indians, Native Pacific Islanders (Polynesian/Micronesian), or Puerto Ricans Must show superior academic achievement and be committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level Must be Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree candidate studying in an eligible research-based discipline at a U.S. educational institution and not have earned a doctoral degree at any other time (see list of eligible disciplines online at Must have capacity to respond in pedagogically productive ways to the learning needs of students from diverse backgrounds Must have sustained personal engagement with communities that are underrepresented in the academy and an ability to bring this asset to learning, teaching, and scholarship at the college and university level Must demonstrate likelihood of using the diversity of human experience as an educational resource in teaching and scholarship Application Requirements: Completed application Statement of previous research (two-page limit, double-spaced), Annotated bibliography Abstract of dissertation Essay Personal statement Names and contact information of academic references Supplementary materials Website for Application Download: For More Information: Ford Foundation 320 East 43rd Street New York, NY 10017 USA Phone: (212) 573-5000 Email: Website:

Government Finance Officers Association

Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open?

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be full- or part-time upper-division undergraduate or graduate student in public administration, (governmental) accounting, finance, political science, economics, or business administration, with a specific focus on government or nonprofit management Must belong to one of the following groups (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau): Black or African American, American Indian or Alaskan native, Asian native, Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino The award is not need-based and is funded by Microsoft Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Letters of recommendation Statement on goal to work with the government Website for Application Download: For More Information: Government Finance Officers Association 203 N. LaSalle St., Suite 2700 Chicago, IL 60601-1210 Phone: (312) 977-9700 Email: Website:

College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $5,000 N/A Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Truman Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Up to $30,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be U.S. citizen or national from a Pacific Island Eligibility Requirements: Must be nominated by undergraduate institution Must be a full-time student pursuing a bachelors degree with junior-level academic standing, or senior-level standing in the third year of college enrollment, or a senior and a resident of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a Pacific Island Must work in public service for three of the seven years following completion of a funded graduate degree program Must have strong academic record with likely acceptance by a first-rate graduate school Application Requirements: Institutional nomination form and letter Letters of recommendation Recent transcript Application Policy proposal Website for Application Download: For More Information: The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation 712 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 395-4831 Email: Website:

Fredrikson & Byron Foundation Fredrikson & Byron Foundation Minority Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of a minority classification as designated in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Regulations: Native American or Alaskan Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, African-American or Black, and Hispanic Award designed is to support objectives of increasing diversity within the private practice of law in larger corporate law firms in the Upper Midwest and sponsor educational opportunities for minority law students Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Writing sample Transcripts Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Attn: Greta Larson 200 South Sixth Street Suite 4000 Minneapolis, MN 55402-1425 Phone: (612) 492-7000 Email: Website:

Harvest of Hope Foundation Path to Scholarships Fund Harvest of Hope Foundation

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A Varies N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a child of migrant farmworkers who are engaged in work in temporary or seasonal agriculture Income, community service, life and career goals, and commitment to education are considered Application Requirements: Completed application Copy of parents latest 1040 income tax form with W-2s or other proof of income




FAFSA Student Aid Report (if available) Letters of recommendation Transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: The Harvest of Hope Foundation Path to Scholarships Fund Phil Kellerman, President c/o The Harvest of Hope Foundation 5809 NW 67th Court Gainesville, Florida 32653 Phone: (888) 922-4673 Email: Website:

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program DaimlerChrysler Scholarship Award
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Demonstrate financial need Attend HACU-member institution listed on the website Must be a full-time undergraduate student attending two- or four-year institution All majors welcome Application Requirements: Online application Financial Needs Certification Certification of Enrollment Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: HACU Scholarship Program High Point Tower 8415 Datapoint Dr. Ste #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Phone: (210) 576-3248 Email: Website:

HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) HENAAC Scholars Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $500-$5,000 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must have strong commitment and involvement in the Hispanic community Open to students of engineering, applied science, computer science, math, and material science Must be enrolled in a full-time academic program in the coming fall HENAAC offers several scholarships; applicants are considered for all for which they qualify Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Transcript Letters of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: HENAAC Scholarship Selection Committee 3900 Whiteside Street Los Angeles, CA 90063 Phone: (323) 262-0997 Email: Website:

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Home Depot Scholarship Award
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Demonstrate financial need Attend HACU-member institution listed on the website Must be a full-time or part-time undergraduate student attending two- or four-year institution All majors welcome Application Requirements: Online application Financial Needs Certification Certification of Enrollment Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: HACU Scholarship Program High Point Tower 8415 Datapoint Dr. Ste #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Phone: (210) 576-3248 Email: Website:

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program General Motors Engineering Excellence Award
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $2,000 3.20 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Demonstrate financial need Attend HACU-member institution listed on the website Open to full-time undergraduate or graduate students at four-year institutions with majors in an engineering program Application Requirements: Online application Financial Needs Certification Certification of Enrollment Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: HACU Scholarship Program High Point Tower 8415 Datapoint Dr. Ste #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Phone: (210) 576-3248 Email: Website:

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Lockheed Martin Scholarship Award
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,800 Minimum GPA: 3.20 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Demonstrate financial need Attend HACU-member institution listed on the website Must be a full-time undergraduate student at four-year institution and majoring in electrical engineering, computer science, or mechanical engineering Must be interested in Lockheed Martin employment opportunities Application Requirements: Online application Financial Needs Certification Certification of Enrollment Official transcripts Website for Application Download:


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory

Scholarships Listed by SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME For More Information: HACU Scholarship Program High Point Tower 8415 Datapoint Dr. Ste #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Phone: (210) 576-3248 Email: Website: Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Demonstrate financial need Attend HACU-member institution listed on the website Attend four-year institution in any of the following majors: business administration, international business, marketing, merchandising, or information technology Application Requirements: Online application Financial Needs Certification Certification of Enrollment Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: HACU Scholarship Program High Point Tower 8415 Datapoint Dr. Ste #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Phone: (210) 576-3248 Email: Website:

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program GAP, Inc. Scholarship Award
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $1,000 3.00 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Demonstrate financial need Attend HACU-member institution listed on the website Open to full-time or part-time undergraduate or graduate students attending fouryear institutions with majors in merchandise management, retail management, fashion design, or related fields Application Requirements: Online application Financial Needs Certification Certification of Enrollment Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: HACU Scholarship Program High Point Tower 8415 Datapoint Dr. Ste #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Phone: (210) 576-3248 Email: Website:

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Wachovia Scholarship Award
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Demonstrate financial need Attend HACU-member institution listed on the website Open to full-time undergraduate students attending two- or four- year institution and majoring in finance, accounting, or business administration Must be permanent resident of any of the following states: AL, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, NJ, NY, PA, TX, or VA Application Requirements: Online application Financial Needs Certification Certification of Enrollment Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: HACU Scholarship Program High Point Tower 8415 Datapoint Dr. Ste #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Phone: (210) 576-3248 Email: Website:

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program NASCAR/Wendell Scott Award
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $1,500-$2,000 3.00 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Demonstrate financial need Attend HACU-member institution listed on the website Undergraduate students must be full time and able to use the scholarship for the junior or senior year Graduate students must be attending school at least part time Applicants can be any major but have recreational or professional interest in the motor sports industry Application Requirements: Online application Financial Needs Certification Certification of Enrollment Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: HACU Scholarship Program High Point Tower 8415 Datapoint Dr. Ste #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Phone: (210) 576-3248 Email: Website:

Hispanic College Fund HCF Scholars Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $500-$5,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in U.S. or Puerto Rico Must be studying at an accredited university in the U.S. or Puerto Rico for upcoming academic year Must demonstrate financial need Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation Resume Financial aid verification Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Office Depot Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring




Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Hispanic College Fund Google Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $5,000 3.50 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Hispanic College Fund The Sallie Mae Fund First in My Family Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $500-$5,000 3.00 Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be Hispanic or of Hispanic descent Must be a current or rising undergraduate student who attends school in the United States or Puerto Rico Must be studying full time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be first in family to attend college for the upcoming academic year Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of Recommendation Resume Financial Aid verification (if chosen as semi finalist only) Website for Application Download:,pageID.113/default.asp For More Information: The Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in the United States Must be studying full time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be pursuing a degree in computer science or computer engineering Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Hispanic College Fund Kaiser Permanente College To Caring Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $8,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen residing in Northern California

Hispanic College Fund Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $1,250-$1,500 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in U.S. or Puerto Rico Must study full time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be pursuing an undergraduate or masters degree in business, finance, or accounting Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of Recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in Northern California Must be studying full-time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be a rising junior or senior in college pursuing a bachelors degree in nursing Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Hispanic College Fund Costco Pharmacy Scholar Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $9,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in the United States Must be studying full-time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must have completed one or two years of pharmacy school Application Requirements: Official transcript


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website: Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Hispanic College Fund Lockheed Martin Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $500-$5,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Hispanic College Fund Marriott Scholars Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Full tuition up to $9,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in the United States or Puerto Rico Must be studying full-time in the United States or Puerto Rico at an accredited fouryear college or university with a hospitality management program Must be an incoming freshman, first-year freshman, or community college transfer student Must be pursuing a degree in hospitality or hotel management, culinary or food and beverage field Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in the United States Must be studying full-time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be pursuing a degree in business, science, or engineering for the upcoming academic year Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Hispanic College Fund Hilton Family Diversity Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Up to $2,500 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Hispanic College Fund Sodexho Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $5,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in the United States or Puerto Rico Must be studying full-time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be committed to alleviating hunger and poverty in the United States Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in Southern California Must be studying full-time at an accredited university in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be a permanent resident in the Southern California counties of Imperial, San Diego, Riverside, Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Ventura; consideration also given to Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Kern Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letters of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Hispanic College Fund Ford Mi Fuerza Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $500-$5,000 3.00




Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be studying full time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website: Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Hispanic Dental Association Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Summer $2,000 N/A Not a requirement

Hispanic College Fund Dennys Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $500-$5,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be studying full time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be from the greater metropolitan areas of Houston or Dallas, Texas; Miami, Fla., Phoenix, Ariz.; Fresno, San Diego or Los Angeles, Calif.; Greenville or Asheboro N.C.; or Spartenburg S.C. Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in business entrepreneurship, marketing, or related field Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must have completed one year of dental school or a dental hygiene program in the U.S. Must be a current HDA (Hispanic Dental Association) member Must be of Hispanic origin Must be full-time student during the academic year for which you are applying Must show evidence of commitment and dedication to serve the Hispanic community Application Requirements: Completed application Verification form Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: HDA Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Scholarship Program 3085 Stevenson Dr., Ste. 200 Springfield, IL 62703 Phone: (800) 852-7921 Email: Website:

Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Colgate-Palmolive/HDA Foundation

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: $10,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be accepted or currently enrolled in an MPH program Must be a current HDA (Hispanic Dental Association) member Must be of Hispanic origin Must have credentials in an oral health related field (dental hygienist, dentistry) either in the US or abroad Must show interest in improving the oral health of the Hispanic community Must show evidence of commitment and dedication to serve the Hispanic community Application Requirements: Completed application Advanced Education Verification form CV Recommendations Website for Application Download: For More Information: HDA Foundation 3085 Stevenson Dr., Ste. 200 Springfield, IL 62703 Phone: (800) 852-7921 Email: Website:

Hispanic College Fund Mastercard Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $10,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in the United States Must be studying full time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be from the greater metropolitan areas of New York City, Miami, or St. Louis, or from the states of Texas or California Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in technology, finance, business administration, or related field Application Requirements: Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of recommendation


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Procter & Gamble Oral Care
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: $500-$1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be accepted as a full-time, entry-level student in a dental program, undergraduate dental hygiene program, dental assisting program, or dental technician program in the United States or Puerto Rico, during the academic year for which you are applying Must be a current HDA (Hispanic Dental Association) member Must be of Hispanic origin Must show evidence of community service, leadership, and/or extracurricular activities Application Requirements: Completed application Program Director Verification form Recommendations Website for Application Download: For More Information: HDA Foundation 3085 Stevenson Dr., Ste. 200 Springfield, IL 62703 Phone: (800) 852-7921 Email: Website: Scholarship Committee Mail Code N5D P.O. Box 770000 San Francisco, CA 94177 Phone: (415) 973-3639 Email: Website:

Hispanic Heritage Foundation Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000-$5,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to students in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area, Phoenix, Chicago, Miami, New York, Philadelphia/New Jersey, and Washington, DC Must be a graduating high school senior Application Requirements: Online application Letters of recommendation Transcripts Personal statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Heritage Foundation 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 406 Washington, DC 20037 Phone: (202) 861-9797 Email: Website:

Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Dr. Juan D. Villarreal & HDA Foundation
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: $500-$1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be accepted or currently enrolled as a student in a dental or dental hygiene program in the state of Texas Must be of Hispanic origin Must be a full-time student during the academic year for which you are applying Must show evidence of commitment and dedication to serve the Hispanic community Application Requirements: Completed application Program Director Verification form Recommendations Website for Application Download: For More Information: HDA Foundation 3085 Stevenson Dr., Ste. 200 Springfield, IL 62703 Phone: (800) 852-7921 Email: Website:

Hispanic Lawyers Scholarship Fund of Illinois Hispanic Lawyers Scholarship Fund of Illinois
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino law student currently registered full time at an ABA accredited law school listed on the application Must demonstrate financial need Award based on relationship with the Hispanic Lawyers achievement, financial need, commitment to the Latino Associations of Illinois (HLAI) community Cannot be related to any officer or trustee of the Hispanic Lawyers Scholarship Fund Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Letters of recommendation Finalists interviewed by an HLSF Selection Committee Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Lawyers Scholarship Fund of Illinois c/o Joseph J. Torres, Chairperson Winston & Strawn LLP 35 West Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60601 Phone: (312) 558-7334 Email: Website:

Hispanic Employees Association (HEA) of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Hispanic Employees Association Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $500-$1,500 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be enrolled in college or planning to attend college in the fall Application Requirements: Application Official transcript Proof of college enrollment Letter of recommendation Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Attention: Steven Machado

Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis Scholarship Program of the Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis
To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Summer $1,000 2.50 (need award) 3.00 (academic award) Not a requirement

Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be Hispanic (at least one grandparent) Must be a permanent resident of the St. Louis region, which includes the City of St. Louis; the seven Missouri counties of Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, St. Charles, St. Louis,




Warren, and Washington; and the eight Illinois counties of Bond, Calhoun, Clinton, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Monroe, and St. Clair Must be a first-time seeker of an associate or baccalaureate degree or attending a trade/vocational school Must be admitted or enrolled in an accredited college/university, institution of higher learning or trade/vocational school in the United States Application Requirements: Completed application Cover letter Resume Essay Admission letter if high school senior Letter of recommendation For More Information: Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis Scholarship Program Committee PO BOX 1576 St. Louis, MO 63188 Phone: (314) 803-7029 Email:

Hispanic Public Relations Association HPRA Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $1,000-$2,000 2.70 (cumulative) 3.00 (major) Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Hispanic League of the Piedmont Triad Hispanic League of the Piedmont Triad Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A $1,500 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be high school senior, high school graduate (including GED), or undergraduate student accepted into an accredited institution of higher education and planning to attend in the fall Must be current or former Forsyth County ESL students Must be residents of Forsyth County or surrounding counties Guilford, Davidson, Surry, Stokes or Yadkin Must be of Hispanic origin Application Requirements: Completed application available online in the fall Federal tax forms and W-2 forms Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic League of the Piedmont Triad Scholarship Program P.O. Box 1465 Taylors, SC 29684-1465 Phone: (864) 268-3362 Email: Website:

Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be an incoming junior or senior student of at least 25 percent Hispanic descent enrolled in a college or university in California Must be Southern California resident Pursuing degree in public relations, communication studies, journalism, advertising, and/or marketing. (Students majoring in other disciplines who have a desire to work in the public relations industry also are invited to apply.) Recipients expected to attend HPRA PRemio Awards dinner of Southern California area Students previously awarded two scholarships from HPRA are ineligible Application Requirements: Completed application Letter of recommendation Official transcripts Personal statement Resume Writing samples (optional) Website for Application Download: For More Information: The Hispanic Public Relations Association Attn: Letisia Mrquez, College Outreach Committee Director P.O. Box 86760 Los Angeles, CA 90086-0760 Phone: (310) 473-2031 Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Consortium High School Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: At least $2,000 Minimum GPA: 2.80 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic descent Must be a graduating high school senior residing in one of the following Central Texas counties: Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Hays, Lee, Travis, or Williamson Must plan to enroll in an accredited two-year or four-year accredited college or university in the United States on a full-time basis throughout the next academic year Application Requirements: Completed online application Official transcript Letter of recommendation Resume Student Aid Report or income tax form Website for Application Download: mid=37#HighSchool For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Scholarship Selection Committee PO Box 141308 Austin, TX 78714-1308 Phone: (512) 615-2294 Email: Website:

Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $1,000-$5,000 2.75 Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic ancestry and reside in the state of Oregon, or Clark County, Washington Must be enrolled by September in an accredited community college, four-year university, or an accredited graduate degree program Application Requirements: Completed application Transcripts Community service work Essays References Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 1837 Portland, OR 97207 Phone: (503) 222-0280 Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Consortium HSC/Montopolis Community Scholarship Fund

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: At least $2,000 Minimum GPA: 2.80 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic descent Must be a graduating high school senior residing in Travis County and living with the Montopolis Area boundaries: North of the Colorado River, West of Pleasant Valley


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Road, East of Highway 183, South of Highway 71 Student and parents should be involved in the community through parish involvement or/and leadership training, or in other ways Must plan to enroll in an accredited two-year or four-year accredited college or university in the United States on a full-time basis throughout the next academic year Must interview with a member of the Dolores Parish Leadership Committee Recipient and parents must agree to actively participate in the Dolores Church scholarship fund-raising efforts Application Requirements: Completed online application Official transcript Letter of recommendation Resume Student Aid Report or income tax form Website for Application Download: mid=37#HighSchool For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Scholarship Selection Committee PO Box 141308 Austin, TX 78714-1308 Phone: (512) 615-2294 Email: Website: Austin, TX 78714-1308 Phone: (512) 615-2294 Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Consortium HSC/Sembradores de Austin Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring At least $2,000 3.20 Must be a U.S. citizen

Hispanic Scholarship Consortium HSC Renewal Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring At least $2,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic descent Must be a returning Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Scholar Must plan to enroll in an accredited two-year or four-year accredited college or university in the United States on a full-time basis throughout the next academic year Application Requirements: Completed online application Official transcript Letter of recommendation Resume Student Aid Report or income tax form Website for Application Download: mid=37#HighSchool For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Scholarship Selection Committee PO Box 141308 Austin, TX 78714-1308 Phone: (512) 615-2294 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic descent Must be a first-generation college student Must be qualified as being financially and educationally disadvantaged Must reside in one of the following Central Texas counties: Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Hays, Lee, Travis, or Williamson Must be seeking a baccalaureate, graduate, or professional degree Must plan to enroll in an accredited four-year accredited college or university in the United States on a full-time basis throughout the next academic year Relatives of members of the Sembradores de Austin are ineligible Application Requirements: Completed online application Official transcript Letter of recommendation Resume Student Aid Report or income tax form Website for Application Download: mid=37#HighSchool For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Scholarship Selection Committee PO Box 141308 Austin, TX 78714-1308 Phone: (512) 615-2294 Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Gates Millennium Scholars Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 3.30 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American Must be enrolling for the first time at a U.S. accredited college or university as a full-time, degree-seeking freshman in the fall Must have demonstrated leadership abilities through participation in community service or extracurricular activities Must meet the Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria Application Requirements: Complete and submit all three required forms (nomination, recommendation, and nominee) by deadline Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Consortium HSC/Hispanic Physicians Association Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: At least $2,000 Minimum GPA: 2.80 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic descent Must be an active participant in the Hispanic Physicians Preceptorship Program Must plan to enroll as a full-time student throughout the next academic year at The University of Texas at Austin or St. Edwards University Application Requirements: Completed online application Official transcript Letter of recommendation Resume Student Aid Report or income tax form Website for Application Download: mid=37#HighSchool For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Scholarship Selection Committee PO Box 141308

Hispanic Scholarship Fund General Motors Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Summer $2,500 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen




Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be enrolled full-time in a degree-seeking program at a four-year U.S. accredited college or university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or U.S. Virgin Islands in the fall of 2008 Must major in engineering (electrical, industrial, manufacturing, or mechanical) or business (accounting, business administration, economics, or finance) or human resources Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recommendation Official transcript Copy of Student Aid Report Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website: Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a graduating high school senior of Hispanic heritage Must be a high school senior graduating from a high school in the following counties within the New York City Metropolitan area: Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, and Richmond; or in the following counties within the Newark Metropolitan area: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Passaic, and Somerset Must have plans to enroll full-time in a degree seeking program at a four-year U.S. accredited institution in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam during the upcoming academic year Must apply for federal financial aid Application Requirements: Application available online in November Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Toyota High School Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be an entering full-time freshman during the 2007-2008 academic year at one of 36 selected universities and pursue a degree in one of 30 majors listed online at Application Requirements: Completed application Recommendation Official transcript Copy of Student Aid Report Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Camino al Exito

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $2,500-$5,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Hispanic Scholarship Fund High School Scholarship Program (National)

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000-$2,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a graduating high school senior of Hispanic heritage Must be enrolled full-time in a degree-seeking program at a U.S. accredited college or university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam Must apply for federal financial aid Application Requirements: Application available online in August Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must of Hispanic heritage Must be a graduating high school senior who will be enrolled full-time in a degreeseeking program at a U.S. accredited college or university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or U.S. Virgin Islands in the 2007-2008 academic year; or a continuing college undergraduate (freshmen, sophomore, junior) who is enrolled full-time in a four-year degreeseeking program at a U.S. accredited college or university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or U.S. Virgin Islands for the current academic year, and will continue to be enrolled fulltime the upcoming academic year Must apply for federal financial aid Application Requirements: Application available online in March Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Ford Motor Company Fund Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be a graduating high school senior Must be have plans to enroll full-time in a degree-seeking program at a four-year accredited U.S. college or university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam the upcoming academic year Must apply for Federal Financial Aid Application Requirements: Application available online in October Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund IDT Hope High School Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Up to High School Applicants In the Winter $10,600


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Hispanic Scholarship Fund Hewlett Packard Diversity in Education Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Students Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $12,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a graduating high school senior enrolling as a full-time first-year student or a community college student transferring into University of California, Los Angeles, North Carolina A&T, Morgan State University, or University of Washington Must plan to major in computer engineering, computer science, or electrical engineering Must be an underrepresented minority student (African American, Latino, or American Indian) Should be willing to work at major HP locations: California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Texas Application Requirements: Completed application Biographical narrative Official transcript Resume SAT or ACT scores Letters of recommendation Recent photo Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Nissan Community College Transfer Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be currently enrolled part-time or full-time at a community college Must have plans to transfer and enroll full-time in a degree-seeking program at a fouryear U.S. accredited institution in Dallas, TX, Los Angeles, CA, or Nashville, TN Must be pursuing a degree in business, engineering, journalism/communications, or public relations Must apply for federal financial aid Application Requirements: Application available online in April Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Valley Alliance of Mentors for Opportunities and Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? High School Students Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $12,000-$20,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be a high school senior graduating from a high school in Hidalgo County, Texas Must rank in the top 25% of high school graduating class Must have plans to enroll full-time in a degree-seeking program at a four-year accredited U.S. college or university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam Must apply for Federal Financial Aid Application Requirements: Application available online in September Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund College Scholarship Program (National)

To Whom Is This Open?

Hispanic Scholarship Fund The Sallie Mae Fund Community College Transfer Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000-$2,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be enrolled part-time or full-time at a community college Must have plans to transfer and enroll full-time in a degree-seeking program at a fouryear U.S. accredited institution in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam Must apply for federal financial aid Application Requirements: Application available online in August Website for Application Download: For More Information:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must of Hispanic heritage Must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled full-time in a degree-seeking program at an accredited U.S. college or university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam Must have earned at least 12 undergraduate units in a U.S. accredited college or university Must have applied for federal financial aid Must be pursuing first undergraduate or graduate degree Application Requirements: Application available online in August Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Fall $1,000-$5,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Citigroup Fellows Award

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $10,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be a current sophomore enrolled full-time at a four-year accredited college or university in the United States; selected students must be enrolled as juniors during the following academic year. Must pursuing a degree in business administration, economics, or finance Must reside or attend college in one of the following city locations: New York City metropolitan area; Miami/Fort Lauderdale area; Tampa, Florida; Dallas, San Antonio, or Austin, Texas; Los Angeles or San Francisco Bay Area, California




OR Attend one of the following colleges or universities: Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Duke University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, New York University, Northwestern University, Princeton University, Rutgers University, Stanford University, University of California - Los Angeles, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virginia, University of Texas at Austin, or Yale University Application Requirements: Application available online in February Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website: Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Wells Fargo Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be a current sophomore enrolled full-time at a four-year accredited college or university in the United States; selected students must be enrolled as juniors during the award year Must be pursuing a degree in business, economics, finance, accounting or IT, including CIS, MIS, and computer engineering Priority will be given to students from the following colleges or universities: Arizona State University, California State University - Fresno, California State University Fullerton, California State University - San Francisco, Columbia University, Iowa State University, San Jose State University, Santa Clara University, Stanford University, Texas A&M University, University of Arizona, University of California - Berkeley, University of California - Davis, University of California - Los Angeles, University of California - San Diego, University of Minnesota, University of Southern California, University of Texas at Austin, University of Washington; and/or reside in the following states: AK, AZ, CA, CO, IA, IL, IN, LA, MI, MN, NE, NV, NM, ND, OH, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, WI, and WY Must apply for federal financial aid Application Requirements: Application available online in February Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Marathon Oil Corporation Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter Up to $20,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic American, African American, Asian Pacific Islander American, or American Indian/Alaskan Native heritage Must be a sophomore majoring in chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, petroleum engineering, geology, geophysics, accounting, marketing, global procurement or supply chain management, environmental health and safety, energy management or petroleum land management, transportation and logistics, or geotechnical engineering; OR be a senior planning to earn a masters degree in geology or geophysics Must agree to participate in a possible paid summer internship opportunity with Marathon Oil Corporation Must apply for federal financial aid Scholars also will be offered the opportunity to participate in a possible paid 8-10 week summer internship at various Marathon Oil Corporation locations, and be paired with a Marathon Oil Corporation employee who will serve as a professional mentor Application Requirements: Application available online in August Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Pfizer Fellowship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: $10,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be a graduate student enrolled full-time during the upcoming academic year, at one of the following institutions in one of the specified schools: Carnegie Mellon The Heinz School; Columbia University - Teachers College, Columbia Business School, School of Public Health; Cornell University - School of Industrial and Labor Relations, School of Management, Public Policy, School of Public Health, Cornell Medical School; Harvard University - School of Public Health, Harvard Business School/Woodrow Wilson, Harvard Medical School; John Hopkins University - School of Public Health; Massachusetts Institute of Technology - School of Management; New York University - Stern; Northwestern University -School of Business; Stanford University - School of Business; University of California-Berkeley - School of Public Health; University of California-Los Angeles - Anderson School of Management; University of Chicago - Graduate School of Business; University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations; University of Minnesota - Carlson School of Management; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - School of Public Health, School of Medicine; University of Pennsylvania - School of Business; University of Texas at Austin - School of Business; University of Texas at Houston School of Public Health; University of Washington at Seattle - School of Pharmacy, School of Public Health, School of Medicine Must apply for federal financial aid Application Requirements: Application availability date not yet determined Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund McNamara Family Creative Arts Project Grant

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $5,000-$20,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled full-time in a degree-seeking program at a U.S. accredited college or university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or U.S. Virgin Islands for the upcoming academic year Must be majoring in the arts, including but not limited to media, film, performing arts, communications, or writing Must have earned at least 12 undergraduate units or credits in a U.S. accredited college or university Application Requirements: Application available online in February Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Hispanic Theological Initiative Hispanic Theological Initiative Doctoral Grants
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $15,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Applications reviewed on scholarly promise, academic quality of written work, and recommendations Must be full-time doctoral students (Ph.D., Ed.D., Th.D. or equivalent only) and institution must partner with HTI in providing the student with a tuition scholarship Recipient supported for a maximum of two years of full-time coursework Recipient receives a Latina/o faculty member to serve as a mentor and monitor and encourage the students progress in the doctoral process Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation One-page CV Vocational statement GRE scores Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Theological Initiative 12 Library Place Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: (800) 575-5522 Email: Website: has completed no more than one year of Ph.D. training Application Requirements: Completed application available in the fall Official transcripts Research experiences, list of honors, educational history Proposed plan of research and study with literature cited GRE scores Letters of reference Website for Application Download: For More Information: Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Fellowship Program Office of Grants and Special Programs 4000 Jones Bridge Road Chevy Chase, MD 20815-6789 Phone: (800) 448-4882, ext. 8889 Email: Website:

Illinois Student Assistance Commission Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $5,000 2.50 Must be a legal permanent resident, eligible noncitizen, or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Up to Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements:

Horatio Alger Scholarship Program Horatio Alger National Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: $20,000 Minimum GPA: 2.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be enrolled full time as a high school senior, progressing normally toward graduation, and planning to enter college in the fall following graduation Must have a strong commitment to pursue a bachelors degree at an accredited institution (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution) Must show financial need ($50,000 or less adjusted gross income per family is preferred, if higher explanation must be provided) Must be involved in co-curricular and community activities Must demonstrate academic achievement Application Requirements: Complete online application Essays Website for Application Download: For More Information: The Horatio Alger Association 99 Canal Center Plaza Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Phone: (703) 684-9444 Website:

Eligibility Requirements: Must be a resident of Illinois Must be a minority student of either African American/Black, Hispanic American, Asian American or Native American origin Must be a high school graduate or hold a GED certificate Must be enrolled on at least a half-time basis as an undergraduate or graduate student Must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment at a qualified Illinois institution of higher education in a course of study which, upon completion, qualifies you to be certified as a preschool, elementary or secondary school teacher by the Illinois State Board of Education, including alternative teacher certification Must maintain a GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and show satisfactory academic progress Must comply with federal Selective Service registration requirements Application Requirements: Completed online application Website for Application Download: For More Information: Illinois Student Assistance Commission 1755 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, IL 60015-5209 Phone: (800) 899-4722 Email: Website:

Institute for Diversity in Health Management Diversified Investment Advisors Leaders in Healthcare Scholarship:
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be first- or second-year graduate student pursuing degree in healthcare administration or comparable degree program (i.e., MBA, MPH, MHA, MPA, MSN or BSN) Must demonstrate financial need, a commitment to community service and excel academically Must be a member of a federally classified ethnic minority group Application Requirements: Application information to be posted online Website for Application Download: For More Information: Institute for Diversity in Health Management One North Franklin St. Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (312) 422-2630 Website:

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Fellowship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: $44,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Provides full support for up to five years of study toward a Ph.D. for outstanding students who are from groups underrepresented in the sciences or from disadvantaged backgrounds May attend any university of choice Criteria include academic excellence and scientific potential to become leader of a new generation of biomedical researchers Must be a past participants in the HHMI Exceptional Research Opportunities Program (EXROP) Must be graduating senior or recent baccalaureate recipient (within two years) who




Institute for Diversity in Health Management Elliott C. Roberts Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a second-year graduate student Must demonstrate financial need, a commitment to community service and excel academically Must be a member of a federally classified ethnic minority group Application Requirements: Application information to be posted online Website for Application Download: For More Information: Institute for Diversity in Health Management One North Franklin St. Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (312) 422-2630 Website:

Intel Foundation Intel Foundation Ph.D. Fellowship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident Eligibility Requirements: Two-year fellowships offered to Ph.D. candidates pursuing leading-edge work in fields related to Intels business and research interests Applicants from underrepresented minority groups, including women, are encouraged to apply Application Requirements: Applications are not accepted directly from students; schools should be contacted See website for list of schools that participate in the program Website for Application Download: For More Information: Intel 2200 Mission College Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549 Phone: (408) 765-8080 Website:

Institute for Diversity in Health Management Cathy L. Brock Memorial Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be first- and second-year graduate student pursuing degree in healthcare administration or a comparable degree (ie., MBA, MPH, MHA, MPA) and demonstrating an interest or commitment to a career in finance. Must demonstrate financial need and excel academically Must be a member of a federally classified ethnic minority group Application Requirements: Applications will be posted online Website for Application Download: For More Information: Institute for Diversity in Health Management One North Franklin St. Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (312) 422-2630 Website:

Internal Revenue Service Hope Scholarship Credit

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Up to $1,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Award in form of tax credit determined by IRS criteria such as amount paid for qualified tuition and related expenses and income Must be student in the first two years of college or other eligible post-secondary training May not take the credit if claimed as a dependent on another persons tax return, if filing status is married filing separately, or if adjusted gross income is $110,000 or more if married filing jointly or $55,000 or more if single, head of household, or qualifying widower Application Requirements: Complete IRS Form 8863 and file with U.S. income taxes Website for Application Download: For More Information: Internal Revenue Service Regional offices listed at,,id=105690,00.html Phone: (800) 829-1040 Website:

Institute of Real Estate Management Foundation George M. Brooker Collegiate Scholarship for Minorities
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $1,000-$2,500 3.00 Must be a U.S. citizen

JA Worldwide & The Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Joe Francomano Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $20,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must have completed the Junior Achievement Company Program or Junior Achievement Economics Must be graduating high school before June 31 Must demonstrate leadership, a history of excellent extracurricular and community activities, and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Demonstrated leadership and excellent extracurricular and community activities Demonstrated financial need Letters of recommendation Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: JA Worldwide One Education Way Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Phone: (888) 4-JA-ALUM Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be starting junior or senior year of undergraduate work or pursuing graduate or post-graduate studies Must declare a major in real estate or, if the college has no real estate major, a major in a related field Must have completed two courses in real estate or indicate intent to complete them, or explain if college does not offer them Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation, including from IREM chapter president Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: IREM Foundation Attn: Brooker Scholarship 430 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611-4090 Phone: (312) 329-6008 Email: Website:


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


JA Worldwide & The Achievement Foundation, Inc. Nelnet Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a high school senior who will graduate before June 30 of the current school year and have completed two JA programs Enroll in an accredited college or university Must demonstrate achievement, leadership, and college career potential Must demonstrate financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: JA Worldwide One Education Way Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Phone: (888) 4-JA-ALUM Email: Website:

JA Worldwide & The Walt Disney Company Foundation The Walt Disney Company Foundation Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range:

Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must major in business administration or fine arts Excellent academic and extra-curricular credentials Application Requirements: Completed application Official high school transcripts Copy of SAT or ACT scores Three letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: JA Worldwide One Education Way Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Phone: (888) 4-JA-ALUM Email: Website:

High School Applicants In the Winter Full-tuition only scholarship award that may be renewed annually up to four years plus $200 cash per year N/A Not a requirement

JA Worldwide & The Achievement Foundation, Inc. Excellence Through Ethics Essay Contest
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to current U.S. high school seniors who have completed one JA class Preference given to students who have completed at least one Excellence through Ethics program lesson; download at Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: JA Worldwide One Education Way Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Phone: (888) 4-JA-ALUM Email: Website:

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarship Program

JA Worldwide & The Achievement Foundation Hugh B. Sweeny Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must have completed JA Company Program or JA Economics Major is any field of study High school graduate before June 30 Must exemplify achievement, citizenship, creativity, leadership, motivation and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Three letters of recommendation Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: JA Worldwide One Education Way Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Phone: (888) 4-JA-ALUM Email: Website:

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Up to $200,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Students interested in this scholarship must be nominated by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Faculty Representative at their institution For a list of faculty representatives: dir=859 Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Portfolio in certain disciplines Student and parent financial information Website for Application Download: =750 For More Information: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation 44325 Woodridge Parkway Lansdowne, Virginia 20176 Phone: (800) 498-6478 Email: Website:

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Students Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Up to $30,000 Minimum GPA: 3.50 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be nominated by community college or other two-year institution Must be a current student at an accredited U.S. community college or two-year institution with sophomore status or a recent graduate Must plan to enroll in a full-time baccalaureate program at an accredited college or university in the fall Must not have previously been nominated for the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Portfolio in certain disciplines Student and parent financial information Website for Application Download:




For More Information: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation 44325 Woodridge Parkway Lansdowne, Virginia 20176 Phone: (800) 498-6478 Email: Website: Undergraduate and graduate scholarships are available in the fields of engineering, business, international relations, economics, communications, and journalism. Awards are based on the recipients academic performance, leadership qualities, potential to contribute to the advancement of a free society, and likelihood of succeeding in the students chosen career Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Essay SAT score report Three evaluation forms Proof of Cuban descent Proof of admission into college if starting this year Tuition cost information Statement of need Website for Application Download: For More Information: The Jorge Mas Canosa Freedom Foundation The Mas Family Scholarships P.O. Box 14-1898 Miami, Florida 33114 Phone: (305) 529-0075 Email: Website:

The Jackie Robinson Foundation The Jackie Robinson Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $7,200 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be high school student and a member of an underserved population Must demonstrate financial need Must plan to attend an accredited four-year college or university Should demonstrate leadership potential Application Requirements: Completed application Letter of recommendation Official transcript Must take to take either the SAT or ACT and submit scores to college codes SAT: 4248; ACT: 6570 Website for Application Download: For More Information: Jackie Robinson Foundation 3 West 35th Street 11th Floor New York, NY 10001-2204 Phone: (212) 290-8600 Email: Website:

JP Morgan Launching Leaders Scholarship Program JP Morgan Launching Leaders Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: Fall 2007 Award Range: Up to $10,000 Minimum GPA: 3.5 Citizenship Requirements: N/A Eligibility Requirements: Open to Black, Hispanic and Native American sophomores or juniors interested in financial services Open to all majors Selection based on strong communication skills and solid analytical, quantitative, and technical skills, as well as the ability to succeed in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment Includes internship opportunities at JPMorgan Investment Bank in investment banking, sales and trading, and research Application Requirements: Completed application Resume Official transcript Letter of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: Email: Website:

James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation James Madison Junior Fellowship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Up to $24,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be or plan to become a teacher of American history, American government, or social studies at the secondary school level (grades 7-12) Must have a bachelors degree or plan to receive a bachelors degree no later than August 31 of the year of application Must wait at least three years from the time that any previous graduate degree was awarded before applying for a James Madison Fellowship Must attend four-week summer institute and agree to teach American history, American government, or social studies in grades 7-12 for no less than one year for each full academic year of study funded by the fellowship Application Requirements: Completed online application Letters of evaluation Website for Application Download: For More Information: James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation 2000 K Street, NW, Suite 303 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (800) 525-6928 Email: Website:

Justicia en Diversidad Foundation JDF Scholarship & Mentorship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must attend a high school in the United States Must be planning to attend an accredited two or four-year U.S. college full-time Must be planning to pursue a career in law Application Requirements: Transcripts Letters of recommendation Personal statement List of honors, volunteer and paid work, and extracurricular activities SAR report or recent income tax returns Optional personal statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: La Alianza Justicia en Diversidad Foundation c/o Marie Scott Harvard Law School Cambridge, MA 02138 Email: Website:

The Jorge Mas Canosa Freedom Foundation The Mas Family Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring Varies 3.50 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to any Cuban American student born in Cuba, or a direct Cuban descendent Must show financial need Must have a minimum SAT score of 1000


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation KFC Colonel Scholars
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Up to $20,000 Minimum GPA: 2.75 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a high school senior graduating in the current academic year Must be planning to enroll at an accredited college or university in state of legal residence Must be pursuing a bachelors degree Must have financial need Application Requirements: Completed online application Website for Application Download: For More Information: Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation P.O. Box 725489 Atlanta, GA 31139 Phone: (866) KFC-7240 Email: Website: Brooklyn, NY 11215 Email: Website:

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: 2.75 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of one of the following ethnic groups: African American, Asian Pacific American, Hispanic, or Native American Must be a full-time student at a four-year, accredited institution Must major in a field that has an emphasis on public relations, marketing, or advertising, or minor in communications with desire to pursue a career in public relations, marketing, or advertising Recipients must attend career development workshop and awards reception and commit to maintaining contact with TLF to receive professional guidance and academic support for one year Application Requirements: Completed application Two essays Statement of activities and honors Letter of reference Resume Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION 626 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90017-2920 Phone: (323) 469-8680 Email: Website:

La Raza Lawyers Association of Santa Clara County Santa Clara La Raza Lawyers Association Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be La Raza student from the Bay area or attending Santa Clara University, Lincoln, UC Berkeley, University of San Francisco, UC Hastings, Stanford, Golden Gate University, UC Davis, or McGeorge Schools of Law Must show participation in activities such as but not limited to community involvement, peer counseling, and school activities Must demonstrate financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Optional letters of recommendation Financial information Law school enrollment verification Website for Application Download: For More Information: La Raza Lawyers Association of Santa Clara County LRLA Scholarship Chair PO Box 30 San Jose, CA 95103 Phone: (650) 843-5672 Email: Website:

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $10,000 Minimum GPA: 3.20 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of one of the following ethnic groups: African American, Asian Pacific American, Hispanic, or Native American Must be a full-time student at a college or university that is accredited by a regional accrediting association Must major in a field of study that has an emphasis in public relations, marketing, or advertising Must have at least two academic semesters left to complete degree Recipients must attend career development workshop and awards reception, as well as making a one-year commitment to maintain contact with TLF to receive professional guidance and academic support Application Requirements: Completed application Two essays Statement of activities and honors Letter of reference Resume Official transcript Graduate program acceptance letter Website for Application Download: For More Information: THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION 626 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90017-2920 Phone: (323) 469-8680 Email: Website:

La Unidad Latina Foundation La Unidad Latina Foundation Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $250-$1,000 2.80-3.60 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in the United States Must be enrolled in an eligible bachelors or masters degree program at an accredited four-year college or university Must have completed at least one full-time year of study for undergraduate applicants, and at least one full-time semester for graduate applicants Application Requirements: Official transcripts Letters of recommendation Application Website for Application Download: For More Information: La Unidad Latina Foundation 359 Prospect Avenue




Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. Latina Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Female students of Latino heritage Demonstrated commitment to community service and empowerment of the Latina(o) community Graduating high school senior Plan to attend an accredited community college, university, or technical or vocational school Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Letter of recommendation Official high school transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. 1220 Rosecrans #543 San Diego, Calif. 92106 Email: Website: Latin American Educational Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee 561 Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80204 Phone: (303) 446-0541 Email: Website:

Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 2.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a currently enrolled in a California Community College Must demonstrate commitment to Latina leadership Must have 24 units of college work Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges Phone: (661) 336-5147 or (510) 659-6203 Email: or Website:

Landscape Architecture Foundation The EDSA Minority Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $3,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Established to help African American, Hispanic, Native American, and minority students of other cultural and ethnic backgrounds continue their landscape architecture education Must be entering final two years of undergraduate study Application Requirements: Essay Work samples Letters of recommendation Cover sheet Personal profile Website for Application Download: For More Information: Landscape Architecture Foundation 818 18th Street NW, Suite 810 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 331-7070 Email: Website:

Latino Business Professionals CHispPA Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Fall $1,000 2.00 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be graduating high school senior or college students attending an accredited college or university in Northern California Application Requirements: Application available online in August Website for Application Download: For More Information: CHispPA Scholarship Selection Committee 1346 The Alameda, Suite 7-210 San Jose, CA 95126-5006 Email: Website:

Latino College Expo, Inc. Latino College Expo, Inc. and the New York Knickerbockers Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.4 Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be high school senior or GED graduate in the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut Must be planning to attend a full-time college in the fall of 2007 Must have minimum 1800 combined SAT score Application Requirements: Completed application List of academic accomplishments and community service involvement Letters of recommendation Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: The Latino College Expo, Inc. PMB 192 511 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10011 Email: Website:

Latin American Educational Foundation Latin American Educational Foundation Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $1,500 3.00 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Colorado resident of Hispanic heritage and/or actively involved in the Hispanic community Must be a full-time student accepted to an accredited college, university, or vocational school Must fulfill 10 hours of community service during year of funding Application Requirements: Federal income tax return List of community service and extracurricular activities Letters of recommendation Official transcripts ACT or SAT scores Website for Application Download: For More Information:


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation David C. Lizrraga Graduate Fellowship Application
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be permanent resident of unincorporated East Los Angeles, Bell Gardens, Commerce, Huntington Park, City of Los Angeles, Montebello, Monterey Park, Pico Rivera, Pomona and the Inland Empire, Santa Ana, South Gate, or other communities selected by the LINC TELACU Education Foundation for inclusion Must be a first-generation college student Must be from a low-income family Must be studying a field that will enable student to make a significant contribution to the community Must be able to utilize research and studies in furthering TELACUs mission Application Requirements: Completed application Personal narrative Official transcripts Student Aid Report Letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: LINC TELACU Education Foundation CALIFORNIA & TEXAS APPLICANTS: Scholarship Program 5400 E Olympic Blvd Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90022 ILLINOIS & NEW YORK APPLICANTS: 2500 S St Louis Ave 2nd Floor Chicago, IL 60623 Phone: California & Texas: (323) 721-1655 Illinois & New York: (773) 762-8970 Email: California & Texas: Illinois & New York: Website:

Latino Medical Student Association Si Se Puede Medical School Application Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be committed to pursuing a professional career in medicine and dedicated to serving the Latino community Demonstrate a desire to advance the state of healthcare and education in Latino communities through leadership in extracurricular activities and/or membership in civic organizations Must be applying for the Class of 2012 or 2013 Funds must be used for AMCAS OR AACOMAS registration fees Students interested in applying to Allopathic or Osteopathic Schools of Medicine are welcome to apply Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Letter of recommendation Transcript(s) Receipts and proof of registration for the AMCAS or AACOMAS application fee Financial aid information Website for Application Download: For More Information: Latino Medical Student Association 2550 Corporate Place Suite C202 Monterey Park, CA 91754 Phone: (323) 266-2453 Email: Website:

The Latino Scholarship Fund, Inc. The Latino Scholarship Fund

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Varies N/A Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation LINC TELACU Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Summer Varies 2.50 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a first-generation college student from a low-income family California applicants must be a permanent resident of unincorporated East Los Angeles, Bell Gardens, Commerce, Huntington Park, City of Los Angeles, Montebello, Monterey Park, Pico Rivera, Pomona & the Inland Empire, Santa Ana, South Gate, or other communities selected by the foundation for inclusion Texas applicants must be a permanent resident of San Antonio or Austin Illinois applicants must be a permanent resident of the Greater Chicagoland Area New York applicants must be a permanent resident of the state of New York Application Requirements: Application Personal narrative Letters of recommendation Official transcripts SAT/ACT score report Copy of Student Aid Report or copy of recent income tax form Website for Application Download: For More Information: LINC TELACU Education Foundation CALIFORNIA & TEXAS APPLICANTS: Scholarship Program 5400 E Olympic Blvd Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90022 ILLINOIS & NEW YORK APPLICANTS: 2500 S St Louis Ave 2nd Floor Chicago, IL 60623 Phone: California & Texas: (323) 721-1655 Illinois & New York: (773) 762-8970 Email: California & Texas: Illinois & New York: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to Latino students residing in the Greater Danbury area of Connecticut (Bethel, Brookfield, Danbury, New Fairfield, New Milford Newtown, Redding, Ridgefield) Must have graduated or anticipate graduating from an accredited high school Must anticipate enrollment in a U.S. college or university Application Requirements: Completed application IRS forms Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: The Latino Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 3355 Danbury, CT 06813 Email: Website:

LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. LULAC - GE Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: 3.25 Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of a minority group and enrolled full time in an accredited college or university in the U.S. Must be college sophomore in the fall semester of application Must be a business or engineering major Application Requirements: Completed application College transcript Letters of reference Personal statement Website for Application Download:



Scholarships Listed by SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME{3AEDB506-F425-4E58-B9F644867E2FD943} For More Information: LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. National Headquarters 2000 L Street, NW; Suite 610 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 835-9646 Email: Website: Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a minority student in sophomore or junior standing Must be Hispanic or Latino, Black or African-American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Asian, or American Indian or Alaska Native Must be pursuing a degree in actuarial sciences, mathematics, statistics, business, economics, finance or liberal arts and sciences Must be an active participant in campus or community activities Must be willing to accept a paid summer internship Application Requirements: Completed application Resume Essay Transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Mercer Human Resource Consulting Christina Konieczka, National Manager of College Recruiting 1166 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Phone: (312) 902 7838 Email: Website:

LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. LULAC - GM Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Summer $2,000 3.20 (college undergraduate) 3.50 (entering freshman) Not a requirement

Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a minority student pursuing full-time studies leading to a bachelors degree at a college approved by LULAC and GM Entering freshman must have scored at least 23 on the ACT test or at least 970 on the SAT test Must major in courses leading to a professional career in engineering Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Letters of reference Personal statement Website for Application Download:{3AEDB506-F425-4E58-B9F644867E2FD943} For More Information: LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. National Headquarters 2000 L Street, NW; Suite 610 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 835-9646 Email: Website:

Merrill Lynch MBA Fellowship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Full tuition Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to African American, Native American, Hispanic, and female students interested in financial services Must be entering graduate business school at Chicago, Columbia, Darden, Harvard, Kellogg, Stern, or Wharton Must be willing to complete a paid summer associate position at Merrill Lynch Must have strong quantitative and analytical abilities, solid oral and written communication skills, the ability to work independently while functioning as part of a team, superior talent, and a commitment to achieving excellence Application Requirements: Completed application Resume Essay Letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: Merrill Lynch 4 World Financial Center, Floor 2 New York, NY 10080 Phone: (212) 449-1000 Email: Website:

MANA, A National Latina Organization The Coors Primeras Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a female student of Hispanic descent enrolled in an accredited college or university Must be at least 21 years of age and the first in her family to attend a college or university, or a single mother returning to school Priority given to applicants from Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Puerto Rico Application Requirements: Completed application Personal statement Enrollment letter from Registrars Office Letters of recommendation Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: MANA, A National Latina Organization The Coors Primeras Scholarship Program 1725 K Street, NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 833-0060 x14 Email: Website:

Mexican American Grocers Association MAGA Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a college undergraduate sophomore or higher with a business major Financial need considered Application Requirements: Completed application (to receive a packet, mail a short biography with a selfaddressed stamped envelope to MAGA) Website for Application Download: For More Information: Mexican American Grocers Association Attn: Jackie Solis 405 N. San Fernando Road Los Angeles,CA 90031 Phone: (323) 227-1565 Website:

Mercer Human Resource Consulting Mercer Diversity Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter Up to $5,000 3.25


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund MALDEF Law School Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: Up to $7,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be entering first, second or third year of law school Must have demonstrated involvement in and commitment to serve the Latino community through the legal profession Academic and professional achievement Must have financial need Application Requirements: Application Resume Personal statement Official transcripts Letters of recommendation Financial need statement LSDAS report with LSAT score Website for Application Download: For More Information: MALDEF Law School Scholarship Program 634 S. Spring Street, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90014 Phone: (213) 629-2512 Email: Website: Redmond, WA 98052-8303 Phone: (800) 642-7676 Email: Website:

Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Richard B. Fisher Scholars Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: Full tuition Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be an underpresented minority students Must be willing to take a paid internship in Morgan Stanleys Institutional Securities and Information Technology businesses the summer before graduation Application Requirements: Completed application; contact Morgan Stanley at Website for Application Download: For More Information: Morgan Stanley Community Affairs 1633 Broadway 20th Floor New York, NY10019 Phone: 212-537-1400 Email: Website:

Michael and Susan Dell Foundation Dell Scholars Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $20,000 Minimum GPA: 2.40 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must demonstrate a need for financial assistance Mandatory participation in a Michael and Susan Dell Foundation-approved college readiness program for a minimum of two years Must be planning to enroll in an accredited college or university immediately after high school graduation Application Requirements: Completed application Website for Application Download: For More Information: Dell Scholars Program Email: Website:

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. Scholars Block Grant Program NACME Corporate Scholars Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A Varies N/A Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Up to full tuition Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be African-American, Hispanic, or Native American to apply for minority group scholarship Must be enrolled full time at a college or university in the United States, Canada, or Mexico Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related technical discipline such as electrical engineering, math, or physics Application Requirements: Resume Transcript Essay questions answered; indicate status as minority group member Letter of referral Website for Application Download: For More Information: Microsoft Scholarship Program Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Program designed to assist underrepresented minority engineering students: African Americans, American Indians and Latinos Application Requirements: Contact school for details; a list of NACME partner schools is located online at Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. 440 Hamilton Ave, Suite 302 White Plains NY 10601-1813 Phone: (914) 539-4010 Email: Website:

NAMEPA, Inc. NAMEPA Beginning Freshman Award

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 2.70 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must have been approved for admission and designated as an engineering major Must have minimum cumulative scores on ACT of 25 and SAT of 1000 Student must attend a NAMEPA member institution listed at Application Requirements: Completed application ACT or SAT test scores Official transcript Essay Resume Recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: NAMEPA, Inc. National Scholarship Selection Committee Chair




341 N. Maitland Ave, Ste. 130, Maitland, FL 32751 Phone: (407) 647-8839 Email: Website: Eligibility Requirements: Must be an ethnic minority Must be an active NABA student member whose dues have been sent by Dec. 31 Graduate students must have entered graduate school immediately after receiving their undergraduate degree in order to maintain student status and be eligible for a scholarship Must be currently enrolled at a four-year United States college or university as a fulltime student majoring in accounting, finance, or business; or be a full-time graduate student enrolled or accepted into a masters-level business program Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Resume Letters of recommendation Personal biography Website for Application Download: Default.aspx For More Information: National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. National Scholarship Program 7249-A Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Phone: (301) 474-NABA Email: Website:

NAMEPA, Inc. NAMEPA Transfer Engineering Student Award

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 2.70 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be admitted as a transfer student from either a junior college, community college or three/two dual-degree program Must have verification of approval for transfer admission into an engineering program Student must attend a NAMEPA member institution listed at Application Requirements: Completed application Verification letter of admittance Official transcript Essay Resume Recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: NAMEPA, Inc. National Scholarship Selection Committee Chair 341 N. Maitland Ave, Ste. 130, Maitland, FL 32751 Phone: (407) 647-8839 Email: Website:

National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program Mark Miller Award

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $1,000 2.50 (2.00 major) Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program NABA National Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $3,000-$6,000 3.30 (3.50 major) Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be an ethnic minority Must be an active NABA student member with dues sent by Dec. 31 Graduate students must have entered graduate school immediately after receiving undergraduate degree in order to maintain student status and be eligible for a scholarship Must be currently enrolled at a four-year United States college or university as a fulltime student majoring in accounting, finance, or business; or be a full-time graduate student enrolled or accepted into a masters-level business program Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Resume Letters of recommendation Personal biography Website for Application Download: Default.aspx For More Information: National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. National Scholarship Program 7249-A Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Phone: (301) 474-NABA Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be an ethnic minority Must be an active NABA student member whose dues have been sent by Dec. 31 Graduate students must have entered graduate school immediately after receiving their undergraduate degree in order to maintain student status and be eligible for a scholarship Must be currently enrolled at a four-year United States college or university as a fulltime student majoring in accounting, finance, or business; or be a full-time graduate student enrolled or accepted into a masters-level business program Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Resume Letters of recommendation Personal biography Website for Application Download: Default.aspx For More Information: National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. National Scholarship Program 7249-A Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Phone: (301) 474-NABA Email: Website:

National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program Ralph and Valerie Thomas Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $1,000 3.30 (3.50 major) Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program Corporate Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $2,000-$5,000 3.30 (3.50 major) Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be an ethnic minority Must be an active NABA student member whose dues have been sent by Dec. 31 Graduate students must have entered graduate school immediately after receiving their undergraduate degree in order to maintain student status and be eligible for a scholarship Must be currently enrolled at a four-year United States college or university as a fulltime student majoring in accounting, finance, or business; or be a full-time graduate student enrolled or accepted into a masters-level business program


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Resume Letters of recommendation Personal biography Website for Application Download: Default.aspx For More Information: National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. National Scholarship Program 7249-A Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Phone: (301) 474-NABA Email: Website: For More Information: National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. National Scholarship Program 7249-A Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Phone: (301) 474-NABA Email: Website:

National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program Travis C. Tomlin Memorial Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $1,500 3.30 (3.50 major) Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program TDC Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $1,000 2.50 (2.00 major) Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be an ethnic minority Must be an active NABA student member whose dues have been sent by Dec. 31 Graduate students must have entered graduate school immediately after receiving their undergraduate degree in order to maintain student status and be eligible for a scholarship Must be currently enrolled at a four-year United States college or university as a fulltime student majoring in accounting, finance, or business; or be a full-time graduate student enrolled or accepted into a masters-level business program Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Resume Letters of recommendation Personal biography Website for Application Download: Default.aspx For More Information: National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. National Scholarship Program 7249-A Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Phone: (301) 474-NABA Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be an ethnic minority Must be an active NABA student member whose dues have been sent by Dec. 31 Graduate students must have entered graduate school immediately after receiving their undergraduate degree in order to maintain student status and be eligible for a scholarship Must be currently enrolled at a four-year United States college or university as a fulltime student majoring in accounting, finance, or business; or be a full-time graduate student enrolled or accepted into a masters-level business program Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Resume Letters of recommendation Personal biography Website for Application Download: Default.aspx For More Information: National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. National Scholarship Program 7249-A Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Phone: (301) 474-NABA Email: Website:

National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics The John McLendon Memorial Minority Postgraduate Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Summer $10,000 3.00 Not a requirement

National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program Thomas S. Watson, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $1,000 3.30 (3.50 major) Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be an ethnic minority Must be an active NABA student member whose dues have been sent by Dec. 31 Graduate students must have entered graduate school immediately after receiving their undergraduate degree in order to maintain student status and be eligible for a scholarship Must be currently enrolled at a four-year United States college or university as a fulltime student majoring in accounting, finance, or business; or be a full-time graduate student enrolled or accepted into a masters-level business program Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Resume Letters of recommendation Personal biography Website for Application Download: Default.aspx

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a minority as defined by federal guidelines Must have full-time status as an undergraduate senior or an undergraduate degree with two years work experience, preferably in athletics administration Must plan to attend graduate school to earn a degree in athletics administration Must show involvement on the college/university or community level Application Requirements: Completed nomination form signed and approved by students academic advisor Letter of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics 24651 Detroit Road Westlake, OH 44145 Phone: (440) 892-4000 Email: Website:

National Association of Hispanic Journalists NAHJ General Scholarships Rubn Salazar Fund
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $1,000-$2,000

Application Deadline: Award Range:




Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be pursuing a career in English or Spanish language broadcast journalism Application Requirements: Resume Letters of recommendation Unofficial transcript Essay Three work samples W-2 form to assess financial need Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Association of Hispanic Journalists Phone: (202) 662-7145 Email: Website: Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must demonstrate a strong desire to pursue a career as a Spanish-language broadcast journalist Application Requirements: Resume Letters of recommendation Unofficial transcript Autobiographical essay Essay in Spanish Three work samples W-2 form to assess financial need Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Association of Hispanic Journalists Phone: (202) 662-7145 Email: Website:

National Association of Hispanic Journalists NAHJ Ford Motor Company Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring Up to $2,500 2.00 Not a requirement

National Association of Hispanic Journalists

NAHJ Geraldo Rivera Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring Up to $5,000 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be pursuing a career in print, broadcast, online, or visual journalism Application Requirements: Resume Letters of recommendation Unofficial transcript Autobiographical essay Three work samples W-2 form to assess financial need Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Association of Hispanic Journalists Phone: (202) 662-7145 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be pursuing a career in English or Spanish-language TV broadcast journalism Application Requirements: Resume Letters of recommendation Unofficial transcript Autobiographical essay Three work samples W-2 form to assess financial need Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Association of Hispanic Journalists Phone: (202) 662-7145 Email: Website:

National Association of Hispanic Journalists NAHJ Newhouse Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Up to $5,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be rising junior or senior in college Must be pursuing a career as English-language newspaper or print reporter, editor, photographer, graphic artist/page designer, or online journalist Application Requirements: Resume Letters of recommendation Unofficial transcript Autobiographical essay Three work samples W-2 form to assess financial need Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Association of Hispanic Journalists Phone: (202) 662-7145 Email: Website:

National Association of School Psychologists NASP-ERT Minority Scholarship Program

National Association of Hispanic Journalists Maria Elena Salinas Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $5,000 N/A

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a full-time or part-time minority student Must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a NASP-approved and/or regionally accredited school psychology program in the United States, with the aim of becoming a practicing School Psychologist Must be in good academic standing and a member of NASP at the time of designation as a scholarship recipient Doctoral candidates will not be considered, only those students enrolled in specialist level (or equivalent) school psychology training programs Application Requirements: Completed application Resume Statement of professional goals Letters of recommendation Financial information Official transcripts FAFSA Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Association of School Psychologists 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: (301) 347-1641 Email: Website:


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


National Center for Farmworker Health Inc. Migrant Health Scholarship Award
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $1,000 N/A Not a requirement Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Letters of recommendation GRE scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: The National GEM Consortium 1800 K Street NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 457-8672 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Applicants with a farmworker background encouraged to apply Must be interested in pursuing or continuing a career in the migrant health field and/or an employee at a community/migrant health center Application Requirements: Completed application Resume Signature of health center CEO and supervisor if applicable Personal statement Letter of reference Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Center for Farmworker Health Inc. 1770 FM 967 Buda, Texas 78610 Phone: (512) 312-5456 Email: Website:

National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. Ph.D. Engineering Fellowship Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Fall At least $14,000 plus full tuition and fees 3.00 Must be a U.S. citizen

National Collegiate Athletic Association Ethnic Minority and Womens Enhancement Postgraduate Scholarship for Careers in Athletics
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $6,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: The NCAA awards 13 scholarships to ethnic minorities and 13 scholarships to female college graduates who will be entering their initial year of postgraduate studies Must enroll as a first-year full-time graduate student and not have begun any initial postgraduate studies Must be seeking admission or have been accepted into a sports administration or related program that will help the applicant obtain a career in intercollegiate athletics, such as athletics administrator, coach, athletic trainer or other career that provides a direct service to intercollegiate athletics Must have performed with distinction as a student-body member at their undergraduate institution Application Requirements: Completed application available online in September Website for Application Download: For More Information: NCAA Diversity and Inclusion Department P.O. Box 6222 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222 Phone: (317) 917-6222 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be American Indian, African American, Latino, Puerto Rican, or other Hispanic American Apply as early as junior year Must be junior, senior, or graduate with a baccalaureate degree in a science discipline Ph.D. engineering applicants should possess or be working toward a masters degree in engineering Must possess an academic record that indicates the ability to successfully pursue graduate studies in engineering or the natural and physical sciences Must intern at least once prior to entering the Ph.D. program Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Letters of recommendation GRE scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: The National GEM Consortium 1800 K Street NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 457-8672 Email: Website:

National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. Ph.D. Science Fellowship Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Fall At least $14,000 plus full tuition and fees 3.00 Must be a U.S. citizen

National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. MS Engineering Fellowship Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Fall At least $10,000 plus full tuition and fees 2.80 Must be a U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be American Indian, African American, Latino, Puerto Rican, or other Hispanic American Apply as early as junior year Must be a junior, senior, or graduate of an engineering program accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET); computer science and computer engineering majors are also eligible Recipients must intern until completion of graduate school

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be American Indian, African American, Latino, Puerto Rican, or other Hispanic American Apply as early as junior year Must be junior, senior, or graduate with a baccalaureate degree in a science discipline Must possess an academic record that indicates the ability to successfully pursue graduate studies in engineering or the natural and physical sciences Must intern at least once prior to entering the Ph.D. program Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcripts Letters of recommendation GRE scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: The National GEM Consortium 1800 K Street NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 457-8672 Email: Website:




National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic descent Must be accepted or enrolled as a full-time student one of the following universities: Columbia University School of the Arts, Harvard University Lampoon magazine comedy writers, New York University Tisch School of the Arts, Northwestern University Drama Department, University of California at Los Angeles, University of Southern California, University of Texas at Austin Communications School, and Yale University Drama Department Must be pursuing a graduate degree in an eligible field: drama/theater, set design/costume design, lighting design, film (writing, directing, producing), broadcast communications, entertainment law, business administration with an emphasis on entertainment management Must provide evidence of financial need Special consideration is given to students who can demonstrate special talent in their chosen areas related to the entertainment industry Application Requirements: Completed online application Transcripts Financial information documentation Letter of recommendation Portfolio submission Website for Application Download: For More Information: The National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts Waterfront Center 1010 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Suite 650 Washington, D.C. 20007 Phone: (202) 293-8330 Email: Website: natural resources conservation-related field of study Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Official transcript Proof of U.S. citizenship Personal statement College letter of acceptance for graduating seniors Website for Application Download: For More Information: NOPHNRCSE Scholarship and Endowment Fund Committee Omar Vega 3941 Mammoth Trail Madison, WI 53719 Phone: (608) 662-4422 ext 224 Email: Website:

National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees Scholarship and Endowment Fund Martha Guerra-Arteaga Scholarship for Communications
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be female Hispanic student majoring in public affairs or a natural resources conservation-related field of study Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Official transcript Proof of U.S. citizenship Personal statement College letter of acceptance for graduating seniors Website for Application Download: For More Information: NOPHNRCSE Scholarship and Endowment Fund Committee Omar Vega 3941 Mammoth Trail Madison, WI 53719 Phone: (608) 662-4422 ext 224 Email: Website:

National Merit Scholarship Corporation National Merit Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must take the PSAT/NMSQT in the specified year of the high school program and no later than the third year in grades 9 through 12, regardless of grade classification or educational pattern Must be enrolled full time as a high school student, progressing normally toward graduation or completion of high school, and planning to enroll full time in college no later than the fall following completion of high school Application Requirements: From the highest-scoring candidates who take the PSAT/NMSQT, the National Merit Scholarship Program selects semifinalists, finalists, and eventually winners of the National Merit Scholarships Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Merit Scholarship Corporation 1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 200 Evanston, Illinois 60201-4897 Phone: (847) 866-5100 Website:

National Press Club Ellen Masin Persina Scholarship for Minorities in Journalism
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $20,000 Minimum GPA: 2.75 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a minority student and a high school senior Must have applied to or been accepted by a college or university for the upcoming year Application Requirements: Completed application Work samples Essay Letters of recommendation High school transcript FAFSA College acceptance letter Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Press Club General Managers Office 529 14th Street N.W. Washington, DC 20045 Phone: 202-662-7500 Email: Website:

National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees NOPHNRCSE Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a graduating Hispanic high school student accepted at an accredited college of university, or in the first through third years of college Must intend to earn a bachelor of science degree in a natural resources field or a


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


National Society of Hispanic MBAs NSHMBA Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,500-$7,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00/2.75 with two years full-time work experience Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage with one parent fully Hispanic or both parents half Hispanic Must be a current NSHMBA member Must be enrolled in a graduate business program in a college or university in the United States or Puerto Rico, accredited by the AACSB at the time of award Students attending a non AACSB accredited program may petition for scholarship consideration Application Requirements: Completed application Resume GMAT score Acceptance letter Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Society of Hispanic MBAs 1303 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 100 Irving, TX 75038 Phone: (877) 467-4622 Email: Website: For More Information: NextGen Network, Inc. Donna Jamison Lago Memorial Scholarship c/o Urbanomics Consulting Group 1010 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Suite 430 Washington, DC 20007 Email:

Northwest Journalists of Color Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Up to $1,000 N/A Not a requirement

National Society of Professional Engineers The Maureen L. & Howard N. Blitman, P.E. Scholarship to Promote Diversity in Engineering
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be high school senior from an underrepresented minority group in the field of engineering Must have been accepted into an ABET-accredited engineering program at a fouryear college or university Application Requirements: Completed application Transcript SAT or ACT scores Resume Letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: National Society of Professional Engineers 1420 King St. Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: (703) 684-2800 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be undergraduates enrolled in accredited colleges or universities (not necessarily in Washington state) or in their senior year at a Washington state high school Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarship c/o Michael Ko The Seattle Times 1120 John Street Seattle, WA 98109 Email: Website:

OCLA, Inc. and Library and Information Technology Association LITA/OCLC Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technology
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $3,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be qualified members of a principal minority group: American Indian or Alaskan native, Asian or Pacific Islander, African-American, or Hispanic Award must be used in an ALA Accredited Master of Library Science (MLS) program Should plan to follow a career in the library and automation field, and also have a strong commitment to the use of automated systems in libraries Candidates must not have earned more than 12 hours towards a Master of Library Science degree from an ALA Accredited MLS program. Economic need is considered when all other criteria are equal Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of reference Transcripts Statement on library experience Personal statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611-2795 Phone: (800) 545-2433 ext. 4270 Email: Website:

NextGen Network Donna Jamison Lago Memorial Scholarship Essay Competition

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: The essay competition is open to any ethnic minority who is a high school senior in good academic standing and a U.S. citizen legally enrolled in a United States high school and accepted/seeking acceptance into a United States college or university. Application Requirements: Completed application Photo Essay Letter of recommendation Personal statement If selected, must submit college acceptance letter

Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) State Programs Jos Mart Scholarship Challenge Grant Fund
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $2,000 3.00 Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic origin and attending Florida public or eligible private institutions full time




Must meet Floridas residency requirements for receipt of state student financial aid Applicants for undergraduate study must apply during their senior year of high school Graduate students may apply, but priority for the scholarships is given to graduating high school seniors Application Requirements: Complete the Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application FAFSA Website for Application Download: For More Information: OSFA State Programs, Suite 70 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4759 Phone: (888) 827-2004 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Association of Hispanic Professionals for Education
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating from any Orange County high school Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and community/volunteer involvement Designed for graduating Hispanic high school seniors majoring in business administration and involved in extracurricular activities in school or community Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Architecture and Engineering Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter $2,000 3.50 (high school graduate) 3.20 (transfer student) Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating or have graduated from any Orange County high school or community college Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and community/ volunteer involvement Must be accepted into an accredited four- or five-year program in architecture or engineering Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund The Mike Carona Foundation Law Enforcement Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating from any Orange County high school Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement and community/volunteer involvement Designed for provide support for graduating seniors interested in pursuing a career in any facet of law enforcement Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Arts Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating from any Orange County high school Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and community/volunteer involvement Designed for high school students who demonstrate an interest in pursuing an education and/or career in any of the various fields of the arts including the performance of music, drama, dance, and the creativity of visual art such as fine art and graphic design Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Union Bank of California
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating from any Orange County high school Must demonstrate financial need (FAFSA), academic achievement and community/volunteer involvement Must desire to pursue major in business, finance, marketing, or economics Must have been accepted to a four-year university in California, Oregon or Washington


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return FAFSA form Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Scholarship of Excellence
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter $2,500 N/A Not a requirement

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Healthcare Education Scholarship Fund
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating or have graduated from any Orange County high school or community college Must be accepted into an accredited four- or five-year program in architecture or engineering Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and community/volunteer involvement Designed for high school seniors who demonstrate an interest in pursuing an education and/or career in any of field of health care Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating or have graduated from any Orange County high school or community college Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement and community/volunteer involvement Must demonstrate extraordinary academic achievement throughout four years of high school or two years at community college, or at the university level, along with school and community involvement Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Community College Transfer Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be enrolled in or graduating from any Orange County community college Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement and community/volunteer involvement Designed for college students currently enrolled at a community college who plan to transfer to any four-year accredited institution in the fall Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund High School Seniors Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000-$2,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and live in Orange County, California Must be graduating from any Orange County high school Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement and community/volunteer involvement Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Renewable Scholarships for Current Community College or University Students
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and attending any Orange County, California community college or university Must resubmit a completed HEEF General Scholarship application Must demonstrate superior academic achievement, financial need and involvement in school/community activities




Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website: Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating from any Orange County high school Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and community/volunteer involvement Must plan to pursuing a degree in business, finance, marketing, or economics Must have been admitted to a four-year university Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and graduating from any Orange County, California high school Must demonstrate academic achievement, financial need, and involvement in school/community activities May apply award to any trade school, college or university in the fall Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Fernando & Olga Niebla Scholarship Fund
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter $1,000 N/A Not a requirement

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund MANA De Orange County
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a female high school student of Latino descent and graduating from any Orange County, California high school Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and community/volunteer involvement Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating from any Orange County high school Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and community/volunteer involvement Must display a passion for writing stories or poetry, or be interested in pursuing an education profession that encourages literacy in English or Spanish at any college or university Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Orange County United Way
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be graduating from any Orange County high school Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and community leadership Must have volunteered at least 30 hours at a community-based non-profit organization Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund New Century Financial Corporation
To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: High School Applicants In the Winter $1,000


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website: FAFSA Essays Transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: Oregon Student Assistance Commission 1500 Valley River Drive, Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: (800) 452-8807 Email: Website:

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund The Eisner Foundation
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter $500-$1,000 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino descent and living in Orange County, California Must be enrolled in or graduating from any Orange County school Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and community/volunteer involvement Must be an active participant of the non-profit organization, Disney GOALS Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Orphan Foundation of America Orphan Foundation of America Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter Up to $10,000 N/A Not a requirement

Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Hispanic Bar Association / Wally Davis Memorial Legal Scholarship Fund
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Latino origin and from Orange County, California Must be enrolled as a law student in Orange County Must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and Latino school and community involvement Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Optional photo Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Education Endowment Fund 30 Corporate Park, Suite 410 Irvine, CA 92606 Phone: (949) 553-4202, ext. 42 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must have been in foster care for one consecutive year at the time of 18th birthday or high school graduation Must have been adopted or taken into legal guardianship out of foster care after 16th birthday Must have lost both parents to death before the age of 18 and not been subsequently adopted. (In this instance, copies of death certificates must be provided.) Must be accepted into or enrolled in a accredited post-secondary program (university, college, community college or vocational/technical institute) Must be under the age of 25 on March 31 and reside in the United States Application Requirements: Application to be available online Website for Application Download: For More Information: Orphan Foundation of America 21351 Gentry Drive Suite 130 Sterling, VA 20166 Phone: (571) 203-0270 Email: Website:

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: Up to $36,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be (1) a resident alien; i.e., holds a Green Card, or, (2) naturalized as a U.S. citizen, or (3) the child of two parents who are both naturalized citizens Open to individuals who retain loyalty and a sense of commitment to their country of origin as well as to the United States, but is intended to support individuals who will continue to regard the United States as their principal residence and focus of national identity Must have either have a bachelors degree or be in her/his final year of undergraduate study May not be older than 30 Application Requirements: Completed online application Two essays Resume Letters of recommendation Intuitional status form Official transcript Documentation of citizen or residency status Graduate aptitude test scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans 400 West 59th Street New York, NY 10019 Phone: (212) 547-6926 Email: Website:

Oregon Student Assistance Commission Mentor Graphics Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be graduates of an Oregon high school and entering junior or senior year of college Must major in computer science/engineering or electrical engineering Preference given to female, African-American, Native American, or Hispanic applicant Application Requirements: Completed application




Pilsen Neighbors Community Council/ Business Education Advisory Group Fiesta del Sol B.E.A.G Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Varies 2.50 Not a requirement Attain at least junior status by the time the scholarship will be used and have at least one full term remaining by the time it is awarded Membership in the Public Relations Student Society of America is preferred A major or minor in public relations is preferred; alternative is a communications degree program Previous winners ineligible Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Letter of recommendation Essay Statement of financial status Recipient encouraged to promote program Website for Application Download: For More Information: Multicultural Affairs Scholarship Program Public Relations Student Society of America 33 Maiden Lane, 11th Floor New York, NY 10038 Phone: (212) 460-1474 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must meet one of the following criteria: Be of Latino/Hispanic descent and live on the southwest side of Chicago within the following boundaries: Between 16th to 79th streets, and between Cicero Ave., (4800 West) and Canal (500 West), or be a volunteer in a PNCC/BEAG program or be a member of a Pilsen Neighbors Community Council Must enroll in an accredited college or university in an undergraduate, degree-seeking or certificate program for a minimum of at least 6 semester hours in the upcoming school year Demonstrate community or school service Demonstrate financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Official transcripts Copy of federal tax form Resume Copy of award letter from Financial Aid Office Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: BEAG Scholarship Committee Pilsen Neighbors Community Council 2026 S. Blue Island Ave. Chicago, IL 60608 Phone: (312) 666-2663 ext.227 Website:

Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation HORISONS/GRAD Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Varies 2.50 (incoming freshmen) 3.00 (undergraduates) Not a requirement

Pride Foundation Pride Foundation Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Fall $500-$10,000 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be a resident of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington but may study elsewhere Preference is given to students who are self-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), members of LGBT families, or straight-allies who have been strongly supportive of the LGBT community Scholarships emphasize demonstrated commitment to human and civil rights for all people More than 40 scholarships offered; fill out one application Designed to promote leadership and diversity in the sexual minority community Application Requirements: Completed online application Transcripts Letters of reference Website for Application Download: For More Information: Pride Foundation 1122 E. Pike Street, PMB 1001 Seattle, WA 98122 Phone: (206) 323-3318 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a resident of the State of Colorado Applicants must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours to be considered for the HORISONS Scholarship and at least 6 credit hours for the GRAD Scholarship Scholarships target students of low-moderate income, continuing students, and single parents, and it is based on need, proven ability, grade point average, community/ volunteer service, and educational desire Application Requirements: Completed application Transcript or GED copy Student Aid Report Essay Letters of recommendation ACT or SAT scores for incoming freshmen Website for Application Download: For More Information: Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation 2200 Bonforte, AB 325 Pueblo, CO 81001 Phone: (719) 549-2564 Email: Website:

Puerto Rican Bar Association Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund Scholarship Program for Law Students
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500-$2,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a first- or second-year Latino law school student, or a third-year evening student Must exhibit academic promise Must have financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Resume 1040 tax form Personal statement Letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: PRLDEF-PRBA Scholarship Fund

Public Relations Student Society of America PRSA Multicultural Affairs Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be registered as a full-time undergraduate at an accredited four-year college or university


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Ms. Maritza Maldonado 99 Hudson Street, 14th Floor New York, NY 10013 Phone: (212) 739-7517 Email: Website: Application Requirements: Completed application Letter of reference Work samples, including optional online samples Personal statement Professional statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: RTNDF 1600 K Street, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC, 20006. Phone: (202) 467-5218 Email: Website:

Radio and Television News Directors Foundation Ed Bradley Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $10,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be officially enrolled in college and have at least one full academic year remaining Must be a fully enrolled college sophomore or higher May apply for only one scholarship from RTNDA May be enrolled in any major as long as intent is a career in electronic journalism Winners also receive all-expense paid trip to RTNDA conference Application Requirements: Completed application Letter of reference Work samples, including optional online samples Personal statement Professional statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: RTNDF 1600 K Street, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC, 20006. Phone: (202) 467-5218 Email: Website:

Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Up to $28,000 Minimum GPA: 3.20 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Minority students encouraged to apply Must be in the senior year of undergraduate study or have completed undergraduate degree and be seeking admission to enter graduate school in the fall for a two-year program Community, academic, other extracurricular, and leadership activities will be considered Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Resume Personal statement including comments on future commitment to Foreign Service Website for Application Download: For More Information: Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center Howard University 2218 6th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20059 Phone: (202) 806-4363 Email: Website:

Radio and Television News Directors Foundation Ken Kashiwahara Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be officially enrolled in college and have at least one full academic year remaining Must be a fully enrolled college sophomore or higher May apply for only one scholarship from RTNDA May be enrolled in any major as long as intent is a career in electronic journalism Winners also receive all-expense paid trip to RTNDA conference Application Requirements: Completed application Letter of reference Work samples, including optional online samples Personal statement Professional statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: RTNDF 1600 K Street, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC, 20006. Phone: (202) 467-5218 Email: Website:

Redlands Christian Migrant Association Redlands Christian Migrant Association Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Varies N/A Not a requirement

Radio and Television News Directors Foundation Carole Simpson Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be officially enrolled in college and have at least one full academic year remaining Must be a fully enrolled college sophomore or higher May apply for only one scholarship from RTNDA May be enrolled in any major as long as intent is a career in electronic journalism Winners also receive all-expense paid trip to RTNDA conference

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Intended for the continuing education of former or current high school graduates from migrant and seasonal farm working and rural poor families Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Letters of recommendation High school transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Redlands Christian Migrant Association Attention: Susan Vega P.O. Box 728 Zellwood, Florida 32798 Phone: (800) 282-6540 Email: Website:

REFORMA Scholarship Committee REFORMA Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $1,500 N/A




Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Spanish-speaking student Open to any current or newly entering graduate library school student (M.L.S. or Ph.D.) Must provide proof of enrollment to an accredited library school Full-time status is not a requirement Applicants must show evidence of commitment to a career in librarianship and the potential for high academic standing, and also demonstrate an understanding of and desire to serve the Spanish- speaking community Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of reference Official transcripts Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: REFORMA Scholarship Committee Ramona F. Grijalva Chair, REFORMA Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 7543 Tucson, AZ 85725 Phone: (520) 741-1762 Email: Website: Live Oak, CA 95953 Email: Website:

Robert Toigo Foundation Toigo Fellowship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a minority as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor (African American, Asian American/Pacific Islander, U.S. Latino, Native American/Alaska Native and/or South Asian American) Must be entering accredited two-year full-time MBA program, or student in second year of business school unable to apply for the fellowship prior to business school, or student pursuing a joint-degree program directly tied to the field of finance Must be planning a career in financial services after graduation including, but not limited to: investment management, investment banking, corporate finance, real estate, private equity venture capital, sales and trading, research, or financial services consulting Students in their 2nd year of business school Awardees must sign a contract agreeing to complete a summer internship and a minimum of two years in a full-time finance position upon graduation Application Requirements: Completed application Application fee of $60 Essays Letters of recommendation Transcripts Resume Website for Application Download: Process.htm For More Information: Robert Toigo Foundation 1230 Preservation Park Way Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 763-5771 Email: Website:

Reformed Church in America RCA Ethnic Scholarship Fund

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring Up to $500 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Priority given to American Indian, African-American, Hispanic, and Pacific- and AsianAmerican applicants who are undergraduates or entering skills training programs Must be member of RCA or planning to attend RCA institution Application Requirements: Completed application Letter of acceptance from RCA institution Website for Application Download: For More Information: Reformed Church in America Mornier C. Rich, Office Administrator 475 Riverside Drive, 18th Floor New York, NY 10115 Email: Website:

Ronald McDonald House Charities Hispanic American Commitment to Educational Resources

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: At least $1,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in a participating RMHC Chapters geographic area (a list is available at Must attend a two- or four-year college or university full time Must be a high school senior Contact local chapter for more information Application Requirements: Completed application Transcripts Resume Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: Ronald McDonald House Charities Phone: (630) 623-7048 Website:

Rising Farmworker Dream Fund Pre-MBA Fellowship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: $5,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be son or daughter of a farm worker and/or have worked in the agricultural sector as farm laborer for minimum of five years Must be willing to commit to a minimum of 50 community service hours within the farm working community (scope of community service project to be determined later) Must be applying to top business school with expected graduation date in 2010; see list of schools online at Must demonstrate willingness to help improve the lives of farmworkers and migrant students Must demonstrate leadership skills in the community, business, or other areas Application Requirements: Completed online application Recent resume List of extracurricular activities and community service projects that demonstrate leadership potential Reference checks to include proof of connection to farmworking community Website for Application Download: For More Information: Rising Farmworker Fund c/o Martin Curiel 9512 Rachel Street

The Sallie Mae Fund The First in My Family Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $500-$5,000 3.00 Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be Hispanic or of Hispanic descent Must be a current or rising undergraduate student who attends school in the United States or Puerto Rico


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Must be studying full time in the United States or Puerto Rico Must demonstrate financial need Must be first in family to attend college for the upcoming academic year Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Proof of family income Proof of citizenship status Essay Letter of Recommendation Resume Financial Aid verification (if chosen as semi finalist only) Website for Application Download:,pageID.113/default.asp For More Information: The Hispanic College Fund Attn: Scholarship Processing 1301 K Street, NW Suite 450-A West Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (800) 644-4423 Email: Website:

The Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund SALEF Fulfilling Our Dreams Scholarship Fund
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Summer $1,000-$2,500 2.50 Not a requirement

The Sallie Mae Fund Unmet Need Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $1,000-$3,800 2.50 Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Open to families with a combined income of $30,000 or less Must demonstrate unmet financial need of at least $1,000 after the financial aid award package has been determined Must have a minimum GED average test score of 42 if applicable Be a high school senior or graduate planning to enroll or a student already enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited post-secondary institution Application Requirements: Completed application Transcripts or GED test score results Student Aid Report (SAR) or Institutional Student Information Report (ISIR) Financial aid award letter from school; if not yet available then send estimated letter Website for Application Download: For More Information: The Sallie Mae Fund 12061 Bluemont Way Reston, VA 20190 Phone: (507) 931-1682 Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must demonstrate financial need Demonstrate a history of community service and involvement Must reside and study in California Must pledge to help other students through SALEF Application Requirements: Letters of recommendation Personal statement Resume Official transcripts Most recent federal tax return Copy of FAFSA letter Color photograph Website for Application Download: For More Information: SALEF 1625 W. Olympic Blvd, Suite 718 Los Angeles CA 90015 Phone: (213) 480-1052 Email: Website:

Scholarship America - AXA Foundation AXA Achievement Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: $10,000-$25,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Open to high school seniors who plan to enroll in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited two- or four-year college or university Must demonstrate ambition and self-drive as evidenced by an outstanding achievement in a school, community, or workplace activity Application Requirements: Applications will be available online in August Website for Application Download: For More Information: Scholarship America One Scholarship Way P.O. Box 297 Saint Peter, MN 56082 Phone: (800) 537-4180 Email: Website:

The Sallie Mae Fund Community College Transfer Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,000-$2,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be enrolled part-time or full-time at a community college Must have plans to transfer and enroll full-time in a degree-seeking program at a fouryear U.S. accredited institution in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam the upcoming academic year Must apply for federal financial aid Application Requirements: Application to be available online in August Website for Application Download: For More Information: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (877) HSF-INFO (1-877-473-4636) Email: Website:

Scholarship America - Best Buy Childrens Foundation Best Buy Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $1,500-$10,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to high school seniors planning to attend full time an accredited U.S. college or vocational school in the fall of 2007 Must volunteer time in the community, excel in academics, and participate in extracurricular activities Application Requirements: Applications will be available online in January Website for Application Download: For More Information: Scholarship America One Scholarship Way P.O. Box 297




Saint Peter, MN 56082 Phone: (800) 537-4180 Email: Website: If selected, student will be asked to supply additional documentation such as transcripts, proof of income level, proof of citizenship, etc. Website for Application Download: For More Information: Scholarship America One Scholarship Way P.O. Box 297 Saint Peter, MN 56082 Phone: (800) 537-4180 Email: Website:

Scholarship America - Kohls Department Stores Kohls Kids Who Care

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,000-$5,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to children ages 6 through 18 who are nominated by someone at least 21 years old in a Kohls Department Store community Nominees may not have graduated from high school as of the scholarship deadline Kohls Department Stores employees and family members of employees are ineligible Application Requirements: Nomination form available online in February; must be completed by someone at least 21 years old Website for Application Download: For More Information: Scholarship America One Scholarship Way P.O. Box 297 Saint Peter, MN 56082 Phone: (800) 537-4180 Email: Website:

Scholarship America Dollars for Scholars Dollars for Scholars Chapter Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: Varies Award Range: Varies by chapter Minimum GPA: Varies by chapter Citizenship Requirements: Varies by chapter Eligibility Requirements: Open to graduating high school students planning to enroll in a college or university Dollars for Scholars chapters provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors planning to attend any accredited postsecondary educational institution Search for a chapter in your area at: Application Requirements: Varies by chapter Website for Application Download: For More Information: Dollars for Scholars Scholarship America One Scholarship Way P.O. Box 297 Saint Peter, MN 56082 Phone: (800) 537-4180 Email: Website:

Scholarship America - Simon Youth Foundation Simon Youth Foundation Community Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to high school seniors attending school and living in proximity of a Simon Property Mall, Premium Outlet or Community Center Further eligibility criteria will be available online in October Application Requirements: Applications will be available online in October Website for Application Download: For More Information: Scholarship America One Scholarship Way P.O. Box 297 Saint Peter, MN 56082 Phone: (800) 537-4180 Email: Website:

School for International Training Study Abroad The Compton Fund

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: $500-$5,000 Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Students of U.S. minority group encouraged to apply Must be an undergraduate student in good academic standing at any college or university and have completed at least one year of college-level coursework at the time of application for semester programs, or at least one to three semesters of college-level work at the time of application for summer programs Must participate in SIT programs with environmental, peace studies, or sustainable development themes Some programs have additional language requirements or other prerequisites; see website for details Application Requirements: Select a program in environmental, peace studies, or sustainable development at Follow application instructions for that program Website for Application Download: For More Information: SIT Study Abroad School for International Training Kipling Road, P.O. Box 676 Brattleboro, VT 05302-0676 Phone: (888) 272-7881 Email: Website:

Scholarship America - USA Funds USA Funds Access to Education Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Winter $1,500 2.50 Must be a permanent legal resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must plan to enroll or be enrolled in full- or half-time undergraduate or full-time graduate- or professional-degree coursework at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational/technical school If studying abroad, must attend a postsecondary institution eligible to participate in U.S. student aid programs Family must have an annual adjusted gross family income of $35,000 or less, as documented on a 2006 federal 1040 income tax return on which the applicant is claimed as a federal tax exemption Students studying in the U.S. on an F1 visa are not eligible Students may be refugees with a Departure Record (Form I-94) from the U.S. GED recipients also are eligible Application Requirements: Completed application

Semiconductor Research Corporation Masters Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Graduate School Applicants In the Winter Full tuition, stipend N/A


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, refugee, or of political asylum status in the U.S. CV Website for Application Download: For More Information: Smithsonian Institution Office of Research Training and Services P.O. Box 37012 Victor 9300 MRC 902 Washington D.C. 20013-7012 Phone: (202) 275-0655 Email: Website:

Eligibility Requirements: Must be a woman or member of an underrepresented minority group, including African-American, Hispanic, and Native American Must meet admission requirements for graduate school at an SRC/SRCEA participating university Must be planning to pursue a masters degree with research relevant to microelectronics under the guidance of an SRC/SRCEA approved faculty member and under SRC/SRCEA approved research program Must be willing to provide a copy of his/her masters thesis to GRC where appropriate for publication to our secure Web site Application Requirements: Application materials available online in November Website for Application Download: For More Information: Semiconductor Research Corporation PO Box 12053 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2053 Phone: (919) 941-9400 Email: Website:

Society of Actuaries and Casual Actuarial Society Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students
To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter Varies 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident, U.S. student on an F1 visa or U.S. citizen

Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science SOARS Scholarships

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Up to $4,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Protgs attend summer program then become eligible to receive funding for undergraduate and graduate education and for national scientific conferences Must be a member of a group historically underrepresented in the atmospheric and related sciences, including female students, first-generation college students, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaskan Native, and Hispanic or Latino students, and students with disabilities Must have experienced and worked to overcome educational or economic disadvantage, and/or have personal or family circumstances that may complicate progress in research careers Must have completed the equivalent of two years of college, with at least one semester of college remaining after the initial summer program Must have a major in atmospheric science or a related field such as the geosciences, biology, chemistry, computer science, earth science, engineering, environmental science, mathematics, meteorology, oceanography, physics, or social science Must plan to pursue a career in atmospheric or a related science Application Requirements: Letters of reference Essays Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: SOARS University Corporation for Atmospheric Research P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 Phone: (303) 497-8622 Email: Website:

Eligibility Requirements: Must be African North American, Hispanic, or Native North American Must have SAT Math score of at least 600 or ACT Math score of at least 28 Must be entering junior or senior year of college Must be attempting an actuarial exam Completion of VEE requirements Familiarity with professional demands Application Requirements: Application Letters of nomination Student Aid Report (SAR) Copy of tuition page from college catalog Official transcript and college entrance scores Website for Application Download: For More Information: Society of Actuaries Kathryn Wiener, Communications Assistant 475 North Martingale #600, Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 Phone: (847) 706-3501 Email: Website:

Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists, Inc. MAES Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Fall $1,000-$4,000 N/A Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Smithsonian Institution Latino Studies Fellowship Program

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: $25,000-$40,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to U.S. Latino/a predoctoral students and postdoctoral scholars who propose to pursue research related to Latino history, art, and culture using Smithsonian resources Fellowship appointments are for up to 12 months with the opportunity to spend up to a third of the time in the field but not at the home institution Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact staff members to help identify potential advisors Application Requirements: Completed cover sheet Research proposal Transcripts Letters of reference

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited college or university in the United States before applying Undergraduate student must carry a minimum of 12 credit hours and graduate student must carry a minimum of 9 credit hours a semester Community college applicants must be enrolled in transferable majors to a four-year institution offering a bachelors degree MAES is unable to give awards to fully employed persons, non-MAES student members, practicing professionals or others pursuing an education through extended day, night school, part-time, special weekend or other nontraditional degree programs Must attend the International Symposium and Career Fair during the Medalla de Oro Gala Banquet, the Scholars Luncheon, and the Salute to Industry Luncheon Application Requirements: Completed application Institution certification form Letter of recommendation Recent transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: MAES, Inc. 11500 Northwest Fwy. Ste. 200V Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: (281) 557-3677 Email: Website:




Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter Ken Inouye Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $500-$1,000 N/A Not a requirement Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Selection based on scholastic achievement and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be an ethnic minority Must have completed at least the sophomore year in college, and have at least one semester to complete in a journalism program after the award of the scholarship Must reside in Los Angeles, Orange or Ventura counties, or be enrolled at a university in one of those three California counties Application Requirements: Cover sheet Resume Journalism work samples Essay Proof of enrollment or acceptance as journalism major at four-year college or university Website for Application Download: For More Information: SPJ LA Scholarships Department of Journalism California State University, Northridge 18111 Nordhoff St. Mail drop 8311 Northridge, CA 91330-8311 Phone: (323) 259-3350 Email: Website:

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Carmen Flores Award

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Selection based on leadership and academic or community service Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email:

Southern Regional Education Board The Doctoral Scholars Program Award

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Tuition and up to $15,000 stipend Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must have been admitted or be awaiting admission to at least one Ph.D.-granting institution within a participating state listed at Must be a racial/ethnic minority, including Native Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, Asian-Americans, and African-Americans Must hold or will receive a bachelors or masters degree from a regionally accredited college or university by the end of the spring term of the year of application Preference given to applicants seeking Ph.D. in a field with low minority representation (science, mathematics, engineering, and science or math education) Must enroll in a full-time, campus-based doctoral program Must plan to become a full-time faculty member in a postsecondary institution upon completion of the doctorate May not be employed outside the discipline/department Application Requirements: Completed application Letter of interest Goal statement Transcripts Letters of reference Website for Application Download: For More Information: Southern Regional Education Board Attn: SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program 592 10th Street, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30318-5776 Phone: (404) 875-9211, ext. 268 Email: Website:

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation De La Fuente Leadership Award

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Selection based on leadership and academic/community service Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email:

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Academic Award

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: High School Applicants In the Spring $1,500 N/A Not a requirement

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation UPS Educational Award

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements:

High School Applicants In the Spring $1,500 N/A Not a requirement


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Selection based on scholastic achievement and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email: Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Selection based on scholastic achievement and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email:

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Jesus and Maria Perez Academic Award
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Selection based on scholastic achievement and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email:

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Tellez Family Award

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Selection based on scholastic achievement and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email:

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Josie De La Cruz Community Service Award

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Selection based on applicants interested and currently active in community service and planning to attend college, as well as financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email: Website:

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Trinidad Lopez Award

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Selection based on scholastic achievement and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email:

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Dolores Gonzalez Award

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: High School Applicants In the Spring $1,500 N/A

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation

Pablo Tellez Award

To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: High School Applicants In the Spring $2,000 N/A




Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be a Latino or Latina resident of Oakland or Alameda County Must be graduating from high school and entering a four-year university, community college, art institute or vocational school in the fall Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email:

Sphinx Sphinx Competition

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter $2,000-$10,000 N/A Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Zala Community Award

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Criteria: For individuals planning to attend a local college, currently active and focused on long-term community service. Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Website for Application Download: For More Information: Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Aztec Scholarship Committee 1470 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Phone: (510) 261-7839 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be Black or Latino Must enter instrumental category of violin, viola, cello or double bass Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass Applicants to Junior Division may not have reached their 18th birthday by January 27, 2008 Applicants to Senior Division must be at least 18 years old but not have reached their 27th birthday by January 27, 2008 May not have been a 1st Place Winner in their division in any previous Sphinx Competition except the inaugural 1998 competition Application Requirements: Completed application Birth certificate Biography, repetoire list and photo $35 application fee Audition tape or CD (requirements online) Website for Application Download: For More Information: Sphinx Competition Screening Committee 400 Renaissance Center, Suite 2550 Detroit, MI 48243 Phone: (313) 877-9100 Email: Website:

Sunkist Growers A.W. Bodine Sunkist Growers Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $2,000 N/A Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Special Libraries Association Affirmative Action Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: $6,000 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must pursue graduate studies in librarianship leading to a masters degree at a recognized school of library or information science Must be member of a minority group defined as Black (African American), Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, American Indian, Aleutian (Alaskan) native or native Hawaiians Preference given to those who display an aptitude for and interest in special library work Members of the Special Libraries Association and those who have worked in and for special libraries receive extra consideration, but the scholarships are not restricted to these persons Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of reference Financial assessment Essay Official transcript or statement of provisional acceptance by a recognized library school or information science program Website for Application Download: For More Information: Special Libraries Association 331 South Patrick Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3501 Phone: (703) 647.4900 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Student or someone in students immediate family must have a background in California or Arizona agriculture, deriving the majority of his or her income from agriculture Must show financial need GPA and extracurricular activities that indicate potential for success Application Requirements: Completed application Transcripts College board test scores Essay Letters of reference Website for Application Download: For More Information: A.W. Bodine Sunkist Memorial Scholarship Program Sunkist Growers P.O. Box 7888 Van Nuys, CA 91409-7888 Phone: (818) 379-7339 Website:

The Surety Foundation Surety Industry Scholarship for Minority Students

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Up to $2,500 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a declared accounting, business/finance or insurance/risk management major Must have satisfactorily completed at least 30 semester hours, or equivalent college work, including at least six (6) semester hours (or equivalent) in the major field


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at an accredited four-year institution Must be a minority student including Black, Native American/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, or of Hispanic ethnic origin Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Financial Aid Worksheet Letters of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: Surety Industry Scholarship Program The Surety Foundation 1101 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 778-3638 Email: Website:

Thurgood Marshall College Fund Thurgood Marshall College Fund

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants N/A Up to $4,400 per academic year 3.00 Must be a U.S. citizen

Synod of the Trinity Racial Ethnic Educational Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to full-time undergraduate students of any denomination who are attending any college and who are African American, Asian, Hispanic, Latino, Middle Eastern, or Native American Must reside within the bounds of the Synod, encompassing all of Pennsylvania, West Virginia (except for the counties of Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan, and Pendleton) and in Ohio, the counties of Belmont, Harrison, Jefferson, Monroe, and the southern sector of Columbiana Application Requirements: Application materials to be posted online Website for Application Download: For More Information: Synod of the Trinity 3040 Market Street Camp Hill, PA 17011-4599 Phone: (800) 242-0534 ext. 233 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a full-time student pursuing a degree in any discipline at one of the foundations 47 member schools ( listed at ) Demonstrated commitment to academic excellence and community service with a combined verbal/math score of 1650 or more on the SAT or a score of 25 or higher on the ACT Must be recommended by the high school as academically exceptional or outstanding in the creative and performing arts Must demonstrate financial need and maintain not less than 3.0 GPA each year for the duration of the scholarship Application Requirements: Application must be requested from a scholarship coordinator; access a list of coordinators at General information form Enrollment/certification of academic standing Acceptance form Website for Application Download: For More Information: Thurgood Marshall College Fund 80 Maiden Lane, Suite 2204 New York, NY 10038 Phone: (212) 573-8888 Website:

Thurgood Marshall College Fund The Sidney B. Williams, Jr. Intellectual Property Law School Scholarship
To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Graduate School Applicants In the Spring $10,000 per school year, renewable for up to three academic years N/A Must be a U.S. citizen

Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Minority Teaching Fellows Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $5,000 2.75 Must be a U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be a minority Tennessee resident Must be a high school senior or continuing college student Must have scored a minimum composite score of 18 on the ACT (or the SAT equivalent) or have been in the top 25 percent of high school graduating class Continuing college students must have at least a 2.5 college cumulative grade point average Application Requirements: Completed application with school official certification Transcripts SAT or ACT scores and class rank for high school students Essay Letters of reference List of extracurricular activities and leadership positions Website for Application Download: For More Information: Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Suite 1510, Parkway Towers 404 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243-0820 Phone: (800) 342-1663 Email: Website:

Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must demonstrate commitment to developing a career in intellectual property law Must show academic performance at the levels of undergraduate, graduate and law school (if applicable) Financial need is considered Leadership skills, community activities, or special accomplishments also are considered Application Requirements: Completed application FAFSA form Official transcripts Letters of recommendation Essay and statement of intent A personal or telephone interview Website for Application Download: For More Information: Thurgood Marshall College Fund 80 Maiden Lane, Suite 2204 New York, NY 10038 Phone: (212) 573-8888 Website:

Thurgood Marshall College Fund New Horizons Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Up to $2,500 per year for four years Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be entering as a first-year undergraduate for upcoming academic year Must be of African American heritage or of Hispanic heritage (one parent fully Hispanic or each parent half-Hispanic) Must be verified by a physician as having hepatitis C or be the dependent of




someone with hepatitis C Must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident Application Requirements: Completed application Transcripts with cumulative GPA Letter of recommendation Personal statement Copy of permanent resident card or passport stamped I-551 (if applicable) Student Aid Report (SAR) and financial aid award letter or most current tax return Website for Application Download: For More Information: Thurgood Marshall College Fund 80 Maiden Lane, Suite 2204 New York, NY 10038 Phone: (212) 573-8888 Website: 2000 14th Street North Suite 780 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: (703) 894-0940 ext. 122 Email: Website:

U.S. Air Force ROTC High School Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must graduate from a high school or have an equivalent certificate Must be 17 years old prior to scholarship activation Must be under 31 years old as of December 31 of the year you will commission Should have an SAT composite of 1100 or ACT composite of 24 and have a class ranking in the top 40 percent Prior to the fall academic term, applicant cannot be enrolled full time at a college or a university except for joint high school-college programs If applicant is sole provider for another person (e.g., single parent, guardian for younger sibling, etc.), contact nearest Air Force ROTC detachment for dependent care plan information; locations available online at Application Requirements: Completed online application Physical fitness assessment Transcripts Counselor certification Personal statement Website for Application Download: For More Information: U.S. Air Force Local offices listed online Phone: (866) 423-7682 Website:

Transportation Clubs International Scholarship Program Ginger & Fred Deines Mexico Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $1,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Open to a student of Mexican nationality and enrolled in a school in Mexico or the U.S. Must be enrolled in an educational program in an accredited institution of higher learning in a vocational or degree program in the fields of transportation, logistics, traffic management, or related fields, and intending to prepare for a career in these areas Selection based on scholastic ability, potential, professional interest, character, and financial need Application Requirements: Completed application Official transcript Letters of recommendation Current photo Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: Transportation Clubs International Scholarship Program Attn: Bill Blair Zimmer Worldwide Logistics 15710 JFK Boulevard Houston, Texas 77032 Phone: (877) 858-8627 Email: Website:

U.S. Air Force ROTC In-College Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Winter Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Open to college freshmen and sophomores in any major Must pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test Must be meet Air Force ROTC weight and body fat standards Must pass the Air Force ROTC Physical Fitness Test Must pass a physical examination May not already be a contracted scholarship recipient Must meet the age, moral and other scholarship eligibility requirements for Air Force ROTC Application Requirements: Contact the detachment serving the school you attend or desire to attend online at Website for Application Download: For More Information: U.S. Air Force Local offices listed online Phone: (866) 423-7682 Website:

Triad Hospitals, Inc. Triad Hospitals, Inc. Corris Boyd Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Full tuition Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Must be U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a minority student entering a masters degree healthcare management program and must be a full member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Funds must be used to pay for tuition at a masters degree healthcare management program that is a full member of AUPHA Must matriculate in the fall of 2007 Must be from one of the underserved minority populations identified by the Department of Health and Human Services. Agreement to accept residency placement with Triad following graduation from the degree program Application Requirements: Completed application Resume Personal statement Letters of reference Copies of GRE or GMAT scores Official transcripts Website for Application Download: For More Information: Triad Hospitals, Inc. Corris Boyd Scholars Program c/o AUPHA

United Health Foundation United Health Foundation Diverse Scholars Initiative

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants N/A Varies N/A Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must attend college in fall semester after graduation Must be enrolled full time in an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or technical school in a health care program; potential fields of study may include: - Nursing


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


- Medical interpretation - Health claims examiner - Health information technology programs - Pharmacy technician - Public health - Psychology - Bio-medical engineering - Pre-med Application Requirements: The United Health Foundation (formerly Pacificare Foundation) is redeveloping the scholarship program; check the website in the fall of 2007 for applications and new information Website for Application Download: For More Information: United Health Foundation 9900 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343 Email: Website:

United Negro College Fund Lockheed Martin/UNCF Scholarship Program II

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: Up to $2,000 Minimum GPA: 3.00 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must attend a UNCF institute listed online at Must be an undergraduate sophomore or junior majoring in aerospace or nuclear engineering, business, finance, accounting, computer science, human resources, supply chain management, electrical engineering, computer engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, systems engineering Application Requirements: Completed application FAFSA University financial aid office verification of unmet need Website for Application Download: For More Information: United Negro College Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive P.O. Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-8044 Phone: (800) 331-2244 Website:

United Methodist Communications Leonard M. Perryman Communications Scholarship for Ethnic Minority Students
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Students Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: $2,500 Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must be an undergraduate United Methodist student who intends to pursue a career in religion journalism Must be studying at an accredited U.S. college or university Application Requirements: Completed application Evidence of enrollment at the junior or senior level Letters of recommendation Official transcript Personal statement on interest in religion, journalism, or mass communications Three samples of journalistic work Website for Application Download: For More Information: United Methodist Church Perryman Scholarship Committee Communications Resourcing Team UMCom P.O. Box 320 Nashville, TN 37202-0320 Phone: (888) 278-4862 Email: Website:

United Negro College Fund Mayor Douglas Palmer - Trenton /UNCF Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Fall Up to $3,000 2.50 Not a requirement

United Negro College Fund Farmers Insurance Group Emerging Scholars Program
To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: In the Summer Award Range: $7,500 Minimum GPA: 2.80 Citizenship Requirements: Must be a U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must be a resident of California Must be enrolled full time in an accredited 4-year UNCF member college/university or other HBCU institution Must be a rising sophomore, junior or graduating senior Must show work experience (e.g., part-time employment, internship) Must be actively involved in at least one community service organization Must demonstrate financial need, verified by the college financial aid office Application Requirements: Completed application FAFSA University financial aid office verification of unmet need Website for Application Download: For More Information: United Negro College Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive P.O. Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-8044 Phone: (800) 331-2244 Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be student from Trenton, New Jersey Must show unmet financial need Must also have a history of involvement with community or church activities in Trenton Must attend eligile HBCU institute listed online at Application Requirements: Completed application FAFSA University financial aid office verification of unmet need Official transcripts Letters of recommendation Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: United Negro College Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive P.O. Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-8044 Phone: (800) 331-2244 Website:

United Negro College Fund Oracle Community Impact Grant

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Summer Up to $10,000 2.50 Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be financially challenged California student from East Palo Alto, Bay View, Hunters Point, Richmond, Marin City or Oakland, California Must attend UNCF institute listed online at Application Requirements: Completed application FAFSA University financial aid office verification of unmet need Website for Application Download:




For More Information: United Negro College Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive P.O. Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-8044 Phone: (800) 331-2244 Website: Photo Website for Application Download: For More Information: USHLI 431 S. Dearborn, Suite 1203 Chicago, IL 60605 Phone: (312) 427-8683 Email: Website:

United Negro College Fund UNCF General Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Application Deadline: N/A Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: 2.50 Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must attend a UNCF member college or university listed online at forstudents/uncf_schools.asp Application Requirements: Completed online application (applicants will be alerted of other requirements) Website for Application Download: For More Information: United Negro College Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive P.O. Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-8044 Phone: (800) 331-2244 Website:

Unity: Journalists of Color Inc. Lilly Scholarships in Religion for Journalists

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Summer $5,000 N/A Not a requirement

United Negro College Fund Special Programs Institute for International Public Policy IIPP Graduate Fellowship
To Whom Is This Open? Graduate School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Spring Award Range: Up to $30,000 Minimum GPA: 3.20 Citizenship Requirements: Must be legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen Eligibility Requirements: Must demonstrate strong interest in international affairs Must be a member of an underrepresented minority group Must apply and enroll in a masters program in international affairs (or related field) in a leading graduate program at an institution that is a member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) Application Requirements: Completed application with other specific requirements Resume Website for Application Download: For More Information: Institute for International Public Policy 2750 Prosperity Ave. Suite 600 Fairfax, VA 22031 Phone: (800) 530-6232 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Awards are valid at accredited theology schools, university-related divinity schools, or college/university departments of religion/philosophy, and can be used for traditional courses, shorter intensive courses or distance learning courses Applicants must show evidence of employment as a full-time journalist in the secular news media Scholarships may cover tuition, books, application fees, registration fees, lab fees, child care, activity fees and other expenses related to the course RNF and RNA employees and their families ineligible Recipients must submit report on funded course, benefits, challenges, grade and syllabi Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Three clips Confirmation of employment Website for Application Download: For More Information: Unity: Journalists of Color Inc. 7950 Jones Branch Drive McLean, VA 22107 Phone: (614) 891-9001 ext. 3 Email: Website:

Univision Univision: xito Escolar Scholarship

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Spring $500-$2,000 N/A Not a requirement

United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Dr. Juan Andrade Scholarship for Young Hispanic Leaders
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter $500-$1,000 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student in a four-year institution in the U.S. or U.S. territories Must demonstrate a verifiable need for financial support Must have at least one parent with Hispanic ancestry Recipients must be able to attend the USHLI national conference Application Requirements: Cover page Background essay Leadership essay Transcript and acceptance letter Letters of reference Resume

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be bilingual in Spanish and English Must be a high school junior or senior, or first- or second-year undergraduate college student Application Requirements: Completed application available online in March Essay Transcripts Letter of recommendation Website for Application Download: For More Information: Univision 50 Freemont 41st Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (415) 538-8076 Website:

Valley Alliance of Mentors for Opportunities and Scholarships (VAMOS) Vamos Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: High School Applicants In the Spring $12,000-$20,000 N/A Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Eligibility Requirements: Must be of Hispanic heritage Must be a high school senior graduating from a high school in Hidalgo, Cameron or Starr Counties, Texas Must rank in the top 25 percent of the high school graduating class Must have plans to enroll full-time in a degree seeking program at a four year U.S. accredited institution in the U.S. or Puerto Rico this upcoming academic year Application Requirements: Completed application Essay Official transcript Letters of evaluation Resume Copy of permanent resident card, if applicable Copy of income tax return or Student Aid Report College financial award letter Website for Application Download: For More Information: VAMOS Scholarship Committee PO Box 6882 McAllen, TX 78502 Phone: (956) 631-1273 Website:

Western Golf Association Evans Scholars Foundation Chick Evans Caddie Scholarships
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants Application Deadline: In the Fall Award Range: Varies Minimum GPA: N/A Citizenship Requirements: Not a requirement Eligibility Requirements: Must have a strong caddie record Must have completed junior year of high school Must take the ACT Must demonstrate financial need Must be outstanding in character, integrity and leadership Must be nominated by club Application Requirements: Contact the Evans Scholarship Program directly Website for Application Download: For More Information: WAGES 1 Briar Road Golf, IL, 60029 Phone: (847) 724-4600 Email: Website:

Ventura County Community Foundation Ventura County Community Foundation Scholarship Program
To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants In the Winter Varies N/A Not a requirement

Xerox The Technical Minority Scholarship Program

To Whom Is This Open? College Undergraduate Applicants Graduate School Applicants In the Summer $1,000-$10,000 3.00 Must be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: In late December of 2007, log on to to find this years list of scholarship funds available to Latino high school, community college and undergraduate students in Ventura County Application Requirements: Completed application Letters of recommendation Recent transcript Copy of U.S. income tax return Essay Website for Application Download: For More Information: Ventura County Community Foundation 1317 Del Norte Road, Suite 150 Camarillo, CA 93010-8504 Phone: (805) 988-0196 Email: Website:

Veterans of Foreign Wars Voice of Democracy Audio Essay Competition

To Whom Is This Open? High School Applicants College Undergraduate Applicants (under age 20) In the Fall Up to $30,000 N/A Not a requirement

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Must be of African American, Asian, Pacific Island, Native American, Native Alaskan, or Hispanic descent Must be full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a technical field (chemistry, information management, computing and software systems, material science, printing management science, laser optics, physics, material science or engineering) Application Requirements: Completed application Resume Website for Application Download: US&ed_name=Careers_University_Scholarships_1 For More Information: Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship Program 150 State Street, 4th Floor Rochester, NY 14614 Email: Website:

Application Deadline: Award Range: Minimum GPA: Citizenship Requirements: Eligibility Requirements: Scholarship requires applicant to voice their opinion in a three- to five-minute essay based on an annual theme in the scope of patriotism May not be a foreign exchange student Must be younger than 20 years of age Application Requirements: An original 3-5 minute essay recorded on a standard cassette tape or CD on the given theme for the year Typed essay Completed application Submit all to local VFW post Website for Application Download: For More Information: Veterans of Foreign Wars 406 West 34th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64111 Phone: (816) 756-3390 Email: Website:




Sponsoring Organizations NOT REQUESTING Proof of Citizenship or Residency
Adelante! Fund Scholarship Program Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc.* American Art Therapy Association American Association of Law Libraries American College of Healthcare Executives American Dental Hygienists Association Institute of Oral Health American GI Forum of San Jose The American Institute of Architects / American Architectural Foundation The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Respiratory Care Foundation American Society of Criminology The Beca Foundation, Inc. BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program California Chicano News Media Association California Dental Association Foundation California Teachers Association Carlos M. Castaeda Educational Foundation, Inc. (FECMC) Chicana/Latina Foundation Clara Abbott Foundation College Assistance Migrant Program Alumni Association* Colorado Educational Services and Development Association Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education* Dade Community Foundation Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Discover Financial Services Scholarship Program Elks National Foundation* Fifty Men & Women of Toledo, Inc. Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. Florida Library Association Fredrikson & Byron Foundation Harvest of Hope Foundation HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Hispanic Dental Association Foundation* Hispanic Employees Association (HEA) of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Hispanic Heritage Foundation Hispanic Lawyers Scholarship Fund of Illinois Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis Hispanic League of the Piedmont Triad Howard Hughes Medical Institute Institute for Diversity in Health Management JA Worldwide and The Achievement Foundation, Inc. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation The Jorge Mas Canosa Freedom Foundation JP Morgan Launching Leaders Scholarships Justicia en Diversidad Foundation La Raza Lawyers Association of Santa Clara County La Unidad Latina Foundation Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. Landscape Architecture Foundation Latin American Educational Foundation Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges Latino Business Professionals Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation Latino Medical Student Association LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc.* MANA, A National Latina Organization Mercer Human Resource Consulting Merrill Lynch Mexican American Grocers Association Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund Microsoft Corporation Morgan Stanley NAMEPA, Inc. National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics National Association of Hispanic Journalists National Center for Farmworker Health Inc. National Press Club Northwest Journalists of Color Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Oregon Student Assistance Commission Orphan Foundation of America Pilsen Neighbors Community Council/ Business Education Advisory Group Pride Foundation Public Relations Student Society of America Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation Puerto Rican Bar Association Radio and Television News Directors Foundation Redlands Christian Migrant Association Reformed Church in America Rising Farmworker Dream Fund The Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund Scholarship America - Best Buy Childrens Foundation Scholarship America - Kohls Department Stores Scholarship America - Simon Youth Foundation Scholarship America Dollars for Scholars* School for International Training Study Abroad Smithsonian Institution Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Synod of the Trinity Transportation Clubs International Scholarship Program United Methodist Communications United Negro College Fund* United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Unity: Journalists of Color Inc. Univision Ventura County Community Foundation Veterans of Foreign Wars Western Golf Association Evans Scholars Foundation

* Varies by scholarship

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


Sponsoring Organizations REQUESTING Proof of Citizenship or Residency
Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc.* American Anthropological Association American Association of Colleges of Nursing American Association of University Women Educational Foundation American Bar Association American Chemical Society American Dental Association American Geological Institute American Hotels and Lodging Educational Foundation American Library Association American Medical Association American Meteorological Society American Physical Society American Physical Therapy Association The American Physiological Society American Planning Association The American Political Science Association American Psychiatric Association American Psychological Association American Sociological Association American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation American Water Works Association Army ROTC The Aspen Institute Association of Schools of Public Health AT&T Labs, Inc. California Latino Medical Association California Library Association California Wine Grape Growers Foundation Chevrolet Division of General Motors Corporation The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation College Assistance Migrant Program Alumni Association* Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education* The Consortium Elks National Foundation* The Esperanza Scholarship Program Fisher Communications Ford Foundation Government Finance Officers Association The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Hispanic College Fund Hispanic Dental Association Foundation* Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Hispanic Public Relations Association Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Hispanic Scholarship Fund Hispanic Theological Initiative Horatio Alger Scholarship Program Illinois Student Assistance Commission Institute of Real Estate Management Foundation Intel Foundation Internal Revenue Service The Jackie Robinson Foundation James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION Latino College Expo, Inc. The Latino Scholarship Fund, Inc. LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc.* Michael and Susan Dell Foundation NACME Scholars Block Grant Program National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program National Association of School Psychologists National Collegiate Athletic Association National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts National Merit Scholarship Corporation National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees Scholarship and Endowment Fund National Society of Hispanic MBAs National Society of Professional Engineers NextGen Network OCLA, Inc. and Library and Information Technology Association Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) State Programs The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center REFORMA Scholarship Committee Robert Toigo Foundation Ronald McDonald House Charities The Sallie Mae Fund Scholarship America - AXA Foundation Scholarship America - USA Funds Scholarship America Dollars for Scholars* Semiconductor Research Corporation Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science Society of Actuaries and Casual Actuarial Society Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists, Inc. Southern Regional Education Board Special Libraries Association Sphinx Sunkist Growers The Surety Foundation Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Thurgood Marshall College Fund Triad Hospitals, Inc. U.S. Air Force ROTC United Health Foundation United Negro College Fund* United Negro College Fund Special Programs Institute for International Public Policy Valley Alliance of Mentors for Opportunities and Scholarships (VAMOS) Xerox

* Varies by scholarship

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.



Organizations Offering Scholarships to HIGH SCHOOL Applicants
Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. American Chemical Society American GI Forum of San Jose The American Institute of Architects American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Meteorological Society American Physical Society Army ROTC The Beca Foundation, Inc. BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center California Chicano News Media Association California Teachers Association California Wine Grape Growers Foundation Chevrolet Division of General Motors Corporation Clara Abbott Foundation The Coca Cola Scholars Foundation College Assistance Migrant Program Alumni Association Colorado Educational Services and Development Association Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education Dade Community Foundation Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Discover Financial Services Scholarship Program Elks National Foundation The Esperanza Scholarship Program Fifty Men & Women of Toledo, Inc. Harvest of Hope Foundation HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) Hispanic College Fund Hispanic Employees Association (HEA) of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Hispanic Heritage Foundation Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis Hispanic League of the Piedmont Triad Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Hispanic Scholarship Fund Horatio Alger Scholarship Program Illinois Student Assistance Commission JA Worldwide & The Achievement Foundation JA Worldwide & The Walt Disney Company Foundation The Jackie Robinson Foundation Justicia en Diversidad Foundation Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. Latin American Educational Foundation Latino Business Professionals Latino College Expo, Inc. Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation The Latino Scholarship Fund, Inc. LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. Michael and Susan Dell Foundation NACME Scholars Block Grant Program NAMEPA, Inc. National Association of Hispanic Journalists National Center for Farmworker Health Inc. National Merit Scholarship Corporation National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees National Press Club National Society of Professional Engineers NextGen Network Northwest Journalists of Color Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Orphan Foundation of America Pilsen Neighbors Community Council/ Business Education Advisory Group Pride Foundation Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation Redlands Christian Migrant Association Reformed Church in America Ronald McDonald House Charities The Sallie Mae Fund The Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund Scholarship America - AXA Foundation Scholarship America - Best Buy Childrens Foundation Scholarship America - Kohls Department Stores Scholarship America - Simon Youth Foundation Scholarship America - USA Funds Scholarship America Dollars for Scholars Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists, Inc. Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Sphinx Sunkist Growers Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Thurgood Marshall College Fund U.S. Air Force ROTC United Health Foundation United Negro College United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Univision Valley Alliance of Mentors for Opportunities and Scholarships (VAMOS) Ventura County Community Foundation Veterans of Foreign Wars Western Golf Association Evans Scholars Foundation

Organizations Offering Scholarships to COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATE Applicants

Adelante! Fund Scholarship Program Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. American Association of University Women Educational Foundation American Chemical Society American Dental Hygienists Association Institute of Oral Health American Geological Institute American Hotels and Lodging Educational Foundation The American Institute of Architects American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Physical Society American Planning Association American Respiratory Care Foundation Army ROTC The Aspen Institute The Beca Foundation, Inc. BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory


California Chicano News Media Association California Dental Association Foundation California Latino Medical Association California Teachers Association Chicana/Latina Foundation Clara Abbott Foundation The Coca Cola Scholars Foundation College Assistance Migrant Program Alumni Association Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Elks National Foundation The Esperanza Scholarship Program Fisher Communications Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. Government Finance Officers Association The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Harvest of Hope Foundation HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Hispanic College Fund Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Hispanic Employees Association (HEA) of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis Hispanic League of the Piedmont Triad Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Hispanic Public Relations Association Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Hispanic Scholarship Fund Illinois Student Assistance Commission Institute of Real Estate Management Foundation Internal Revenue Service Jack Kent Cooke Foundation The Jorge Mas Canosa Freedom Foundation JP Morgan Launching Leaders Scholarships La Unidad Latina Foundation THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION Landscape Architecture Foundation Latin American Educational Foundation Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges Latino Business Professionals Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation The Latino Scholarship Fund, Inc. LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. MANA, A National Latina Organization Mercer Human Resource Consulting Mexican American Grocers Association Microsoft Corporation Morgan Stanley NACME Scholars Block Grant Program NAMEPA, Inc. National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics National Association of Hispanic Journalists National Center for Farmworker Health, Inc. National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees Scholarship and Endowment Fund Northwest Journalists of Color Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) State Programs Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Oregon Student Assistance Commission Orphan Foundation of America Pilsen Neighbors Community Council/ Business Education Advisory Group Pride Foundation Public Relations Student Society of America Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation Radio and Television News Directors Foundation Redlands Christian Migrant Association Reformed Church in America The Sallie Mae Fund The Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund Scholarship America - USA Funds School for International Training Study Abroad Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science Society of Actuaries and Casual Actuarial Society Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists, Inc. Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter Sphinx Sunkist Growers The Surety Foundation Synod of the Trinity Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Thurgood Marshall College Fund Transportation Clubs International Scholarship Program U.S. Air Force ROTC United Health Foundation United Methodist Communications United Negro College Fund United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Unity: Journalists of Color, Inc. Univision Ventura County Community Foundation Veterans of Foreign Wars Xerox

Organizations Offering Scholarships to GRADUATE SCHOOL Applicants

Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. American Anthropological Association American Art Therapy Association American Association of Colleges of Nursing American Association of Law Libraries American Association of University Women Educational Foundation American Bar Association American College of Healthcare Executives American Dental Association American Geological Institute The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants American Library Association American Medical Association American Physical Therapy Association The American Physiological Society

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.


American Planning Association American Planning Association The American Political Science Association American Psychiatric Association American Psychological Association American Society of Criminology American Sociological Association American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation American Water Works Association The Aspen Institute Association of Schools of Public Health AT&T Labs, Inc. California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program California Dental Association Foundation California Latino Medical Association California Latino Medical Association California Library Association Carlos M. Castaeda Educational Foundation, Inc. (FECMC) Chicana/Latina Foundation College Assistance Migrant Program Alumni Association Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute The Consortium Florida Library Association Ford Foundation Fredrikson & Byron Foundation Government Finance Officers Association HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Hispanic College Fund Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Hispanic Lawyers Scholarship Fund of Illinois Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Hispanic Scholarship Fund Hispanic Scholarship Fund Hispanic Theological Initiative Howard Hughes Medical Institute Illinois Student Assistance Commission Institute for Diversity in Health Management Institute of Real Estate Management Foundation Intel Foundation Jack Kent Cooke Foundation James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation The Jorge Mas Canosa Freedom Foundation JP Morgan La Raza Lawyers Association of Santa Clara County La Unidad Latina Foundation THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation Latino Medical Student Association Merrill Lynch Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics National Association of Hispanic Journalists National Association of Hispanic Journalists National Association of School Psychologists National Collegiate Athletic Association National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. National Society of Hispanic MBAs OCLA, Inc. and Library and Information Technology Association Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) State Programs Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Puerto Rican Bar Association Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center REFORMA Scholarship Committee Rising Farmworker Dream Fund Robert Toigo Foundation The Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund Scholarship America - USA Funds Semiconductor Research Corporation Smithsonian Institution Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter Southern Regional Education Board Special Libraries Association Sunkist Growers Thurgood Marshall College Fund Thurgood Marshall College Fund Triad Hospitals, Inc. United Negro College Fund Special Programs Institute for International Public Policy Unity: Journalists of Color Inc. Xerox

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.


Organizations Offering Scholarships with a WINTER DEADLINE
Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. American Anthropological Association American Association of University Women Educational Foundation American Chemical Society American College of Healthcare Executives The American Institute of Architects American Medical Association American Meteorological Society American Physical Society American Physical Therapy Association The American Physiological Society American Psychiatric Association American Psychological Association American Sociological Association American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation American Water Works Association AT&T Labs, Inc. BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center Discover Financial Services Scholarship Program Elks National Foundation Florida Library Association Government Finance Officers Association The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Hispanic Heritage Foundation Hispanic Lawyers Scholarship Fund of Illinois Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Hispanic Scholarship Fund Hispanic Theological Initiative JA Worldwide & The Walt Disney Company Foundation JA Worldwide & The Achievement Foundation, Inc. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation The Jackie Robinson Foundation Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation La Unidad Latina Foundation THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION Landscape Architecture Foundation Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges MANA, A National Latina Organization Mercer Human Resource Consulting Michael and Susan Dell Foundation Microsoft Corporation National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program National Collegiate Athletic Association Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Orphan Foundation of America Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center Ronald McDonald House Charities The Sallie Mae Fund Scholarship America - Best Buy Childrens Foundation Scholarship America - Simon Youth Foundation Scholarship America - USA Funds Semiconductor Research Corporation Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science Smithsonian Institution Society of Actuaries and Casual Actuarial Society Sphinx Thurgood Marshall College Fund U.S. Air Force ROTC United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Ventura County Community Foundation

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a SPRING DEADLINE

Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. American Bar Association American Dental Hygienists Association Institute of Oral Health American Geological Institute American GI Forum of San Jose American Hotels and Lodging Educational Foundation The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Library Association American Planning Association American Society of Criminology Association of Schools of Public Health The Beca Foundation, Inc. California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program California Chicano News Media Association California Library Association California Teachers Association California Wine Grape Growers Foundation Carlos M. Castaeda Educational Foundation, Inc.(FECMC) Chevrolet Division of General Motors Corporation Chicana/Latina Foundation Clara Abbott Foundation The Coca Cola Scholars Foundation Colorado Educational Services and Development Association Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education Dade Community Foundation Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce The Esperanza Scholarship Program Fifty Men & Women of Toledo, Inc. Fisher Communications Fredrikson & Byron Foundation HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Hispanic College Fund Hispanic Employees Association (HEA) of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Hispanic Public Relations Association Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Hispanic Scholarship Fund Illinois Student Assistance Commission Institute of Real Estate Management Foundation Internal Revenue Service JA Worldwide and The Achievement Foundation, Inc. James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation The Jorge Mas Canosa Freedom Foundation Justicia en Diversidad Foundation Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. Latin American Educational Foundation Latino College Expo, Inc.

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.


Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation The Latino Scholarship Fund, Inc. Merrill Lynch NAMEPA, Inc. National Association of Hispanic Journalists National Center for Farmworker Health Inc. National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees Scholarship and Endowment Fund National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees National Press Club National Society of Hispanic MBAs National Society of Professional Engineers NextGen Network Northwest Journalists of Color OCLA, Inc. and Library and Information Technology Association Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) State Programs Oregon Student Assistance Commission Pilsen Neighbors Community Council/ Business Education Advisory Group Public Relations Student Society of America Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation Puerto Rican Bar Association Radio and Television News Directors Foundation Redlands Christian Migrant Association REFORMA Scholarship Committee Reformed Church in America Robert Toigo Foundation The Sallie Mae Fund Scholarship America - Kohls Department Stores Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter Southern Regional Education Board Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Sunkist Growers The Surety Foundation Synod of the Trinity Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Thurgood Marshall College Fund Transportation Clubs International Scholarship Program Triad Hospitals, Inc. United Methodist Communications United Negro College Fund Special Programs Institute for International Public Policy Univision Valley Alliance of Mentors for Opportunities and Scholarships (VAMOS) Hispanic Scholarship Fund Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation Latino Medical Student Association LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc.. Mexican American Grocers Association National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts Rising Farmworker Dream Fund The Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund United Negro College Fund Unity: Journalists of Color Inc. Xerox

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a FALL DEADLINE

American Dental Association The American Political Science Association The Coca Cola Scholars Foundation The Consortium Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. Ford Foundation Hispanic Scholarship Fund Horatio Alger Scholarship Program Howard Hughes Medical Institute JP Morgan Launching Leaders Scholarships La Raza Lawyers Association of Santa Clara County Latino Business Professionals Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund National Association of School Psychologists National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. National Merit Scholarship Corporation The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Pride Foundation Scholarship America - AXA Foundation Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists, Inc. Special Libraries Association United Negro College Fund Veterans of Foreign Wars Western Golf Association Evans Scholars Foundation

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a SUMMER DEADLINE

Adelante! Fund Scholarship Program Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. American Art Therapy Association American Association of Colleges of Nursing American Respiratory Care Foundation BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center California Dental Association Foundation College Assistance Migrant Program Alumni Association Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory

Scholarships Listed by SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME Scholarships Listed by MINIMUM GPA

Organizations Offering Scholarships with NO Minimum GPA
American Anthropological Association American Art Therapy Association American Association of Colleges of Nursing American Association of Law Libraries American Association of University Women Educational Foundation American College of Healthcare Executives American Geological Institute American Hotels and Lodging Educational Foundation The American Institute of Architects The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants American Library Association American Medical Association American Meteorological Society American Physical Society American Physical Therapy Association American Psychological Association American Planning Association The American Political Science Association American Psychiatric Association The American Physiological Society American Society of Criminology American Sociological Association American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation American Water Works Association The Aspen Institute Association of Schools of Public Health AT&T Labs, Inc. The Beca Foundation, Inc. BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program California Chicano News Media Association California Dental Association Foundation California Latino Medical Association California Library Association California Teachers Association California Wine Grape Growers Foundation Clara Abbott Foundation College Assistance Migrant Program Alumni Association Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education The Consortium Elks National Foundation Florida Library Association Ford Foundation Fredrikson & Byron Foundation Government Finance Officers Association The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Harvest of Hope Foundation HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Hispanic Employees Association (HEA) of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Hispanic Lawyers Scholarship Fund of Illinois Hispanic League of the Piedmont Triad Hispanic Scholarship Fund Hispanic Theological Initiative Howard Hughes Medical Institute Intel Foundation Internal Revenue Service JA Worldwide & The Walt Disney Company Foundation JA Worldwide & The Achievement Foundation, Inc. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation The Jackie Robinson Foundation James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation La Raza Lawyers Association of Santa Clara County Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. Landscape Architecture Foundation Latino Medical Student Association The Latino Scholarship Fund, Inc. MANA, A National Latina Organization Merrill Lynch Mexican American Grocers Association Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund Morgan Stanley NACME Scholars Block Grant Program National Association of Hispanic Journalists National Center for Farmworker Health Inc. National Collegiate Athletic Association National Merit Scholarship Corporation National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees Scholarship and Endowment Fund National Society of Professional Engineers NextGen Network Northwest Journalists of Color OCLA, Inc. and Library and Information Technology Association Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Oregon Student Assistance Commission Orphan Foundation of America The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Pride Foundation Puerto Rican Bar Association Radio and Television News Directors Foundation Redlands Christian Migrant Association REFORMA Scholarship Committee Reformed Church in America Rising Farmworker Dream Fund Robert Toigo Foundation Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarship America - AXA Foundation Scholarship America - Best Buy Childrens Foundation Scholarship America - Kohls Department Stores Scholarship America - Simon Youth Foundation Scholarship America Dollars for Scholars Semiconductor Research Corporation Smithsonian Institution Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists, Inc. Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter Southern Regional Education Board Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation Special Libraries Association Sphinx Sunkist Growers Synod of the Trinity Thurgood Marshall College Fund Transportation Clubs International Scholarship Program

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.



United Health Foundation United Methodist Communications United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Unity: Journalists of Color Inc. Univision Valley Alliance of Mentors for Opportunities and Scholarships (VAMOS) Ventura County Community Foundation Veterans of Foreign Wars Western Golf Association Evans Scholars Foundation

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 2.75 Minimum GPA

Discover Financial Services Scholarship Program The Esperanza Scholarship Program Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION National Press Club National Society of Hispanic MBAs Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 2.00 Minimum GPA

Horatio Alger Scholarship Program Latina Leadership Network of the California Community Colleges Latino Business Professionals National Association of Hispanic Journalists

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 2.80 Minimum GPA

Colorado Educational Services and Development Association Hispanic Scholarship Consortium La Unidad Latina Foundation National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. United Negro College Fund

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 2.40 Minimum GPA

Michael and Susan Dell Foundation

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 2.50 Minimum GPA

American Bar Association American GI Forum of San Jose Army ROTC California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program California Latino Medical Association Chicana/Latina Foundation The Coca Cola Scholars Foundation Fisher Communications Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis Illinois Student Assistance Commission Justicia en Diversidad Foundation Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program Pilsen Neighbors Community Council/ Business Education Advisory Group Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation The Sallie Mae Fund The Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund Scholarship America - USA Funds School for International Training Study Abroad Thurgood Marshall College Fund U.S. Air Force ROTC United Negro College Fund

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 3.00 Minimum GPA

Adelante! Fund Scholarship Program Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. American Chemical Society American Dental Association American Dental Hygienists Association Institute of Oral Health American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Respiratory Care Foundation California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program Carlos M. Castaeda Educational Foundation, Inc.(FECMC) The Coca Cola Scholars Foundation Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education Dade Community Foundation Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Hispanic College Fund Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Hispanic Heritage Foundation Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Hispanic Scholarship Fund Institute for Diversity in Health Management Institute of Real Estate Management Foundation JA Worldwide & The Achievement Foundation, Inc. Latin American Educational Foundation Microsoft Corporation National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics National Association of Hispanic Journalists National Association of School Psychologists National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc.

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 2.70 Minimum GPA

Hispanic Public Relations Association NAMEPA, Inc.

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory

Scholarships Listed by SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME Scholarships Listed by MINIMUM GPA

National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts National Society of Hispanic MBAs Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) State Programs Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Public Relations Student Society of America Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation The Sallie Mae Fund Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science Society of Actuaries and Casual Actuarial Society The Surety Foundation Thurgood Marshall College Fund Triad Hospitals, Inc. U.S. Air Force ROTC United Negro College Fund Xerox

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 3.25 Minimum GPA

Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, Inc. LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. Mercer Human Resource Consulting

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 3.30 Minimum GPA

Hispanic Scholarship Fund National Association of Black Accountants Scholarship Program

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 3.40 Minimum GPA

Latino College Expo, Inc.

Organizations Offering Scholarships with a 3.20 Minimum GPA

Chevrolet Division of General Motors Corporation Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Hispanic Scholarship Consortium THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center United Negro College Fund Special Programs Institute for International Public Policy

Organizations Offering Scholarships with 3.50 Minimum GPA

Fifty Men & Women of Toledo, Inc. Hispanic College Fund Jack Kent Cooke Foundation The Jorge Mas Canosa Freedom Foundation JP Morgan Launching Leaders Scholarships Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.


Scholarships specifically for residents and/or students going to school in
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Hispanic Scholarship Fund Pride Foundation

Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program

Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. Florida Library Association Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program MIAMI/FORT LAUDERDALE Hispanic Scholarship Fund TAMPA Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

American Association of Colleges of Nursing California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) Program California Library Association CANFit Program Scholarships for Graduate Students Hispanic Scholarship Fund The Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund United Negro College Fund ALAMEDA COUNTY Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation LOS ANGELES Hispanic Scholarship Fund Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation LOS ANGELES COUNTY Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Hispanic College Fund OAKLAND COUNTY Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation ORANGE COUNTY Orange County Community Foundation - Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter SAN DIEGO COUNTY The Beca Foundation, Inc. SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Hispanic Scholarship Fund SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Hispanic College Fund Hispanic Public Relations Association VENTURA COUNTY Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program

Fisher Communications Pride Foundation

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Illinois Student Assistance Commission GREATER CHICAGO AREA Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation SOUTHWEST CHICAGO Pilsen Neighbors Community Council/ Business Education Advisory Group

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program

Colorado Educational Services and Development Association Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Scholarship Fund Latin American Educational Foundation Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

REMINDER: The scholarships listed above are state-specific. Please be sure to refer to the rest of this directory as most of the scholarship programs included are national!

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.


Latino College Dollars 2007 2008 Directory

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation


Hispanic Leaders Group of Greater St. Louis

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Fisher Communications Pride Foundation

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation NEW YORK CITY Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation CENTRAL TEXAS Hispanic Scholarship Consortium DALLAS Hispanic Scholarship Fund SAN ANTONIO Hispanic Scholarship Fund Latino Initiatives for the Next Century TELACU Education Foundation

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Fisher Communications Hispanic Scholarship Fund Pride Foundation CLARK COUNTY Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program

Hispanic Scholarship Fund


Synod of the Trinity

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Fisher Communications Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Hispanic Scholarship Fund Pride Foundation

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship Program Synod of the Trinity

REMINDER: The scholarships listed above are state-specific. Please be sure to refer to the rest of this directory as most of the scholarship programs included are national!

Refer to pages 971 for scholarship details.



Harry P. Pachon President and Chief Executive Officer The Toms Rivera Policy Institute Manuel Abud Vice President and General Manager Telemundo Los Angeles/ KVEA-TV Channel 52 Leticia Aguilar National Foundation Director and Market President Bank of America Toms A. Arciniega Assistant to the Chancellor Cal State San Marcos Dennis V. Arriola Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer San Diego Gas & Electric Company/ Southern California Gas Company Daniel Ayala Senior Vice President - Group Head of Global Remittance Services Card Services Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Rudy Beserra Vice President, Latin Affairs The Coca-Cola Company Louis Caldera Richard Cordova President and Chief Executive Officer Childrens Hospital Los Angeles Peter L. Diaz Senior Vice President Belo Corp. Ennio A. Garcia-Miera J.C. Gonzalez-Mendez Vice President, North America Supply Chains McDonalds Corp. Gregory J. Mech Managing Director, Western Division Merrill Lynch Stephen C. Meier Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Pfaffinger Foundation Steve Moya Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Humana Health Care Fred Niehaus Senior Vice President, Public Affairs Western Union C.L. Max Nikias Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs University of Southern California Patricia Perez Principal Valencia Perez & Echeveste George Ramirez Senior Vice President and Market President, Community Banking and Investment Services Union Bank of California Jesus Rangel Vice President Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Valeria Rico President and CEO Lexicon Marketing Ruth Sandoval Managing Partner Sandoval/Wilkinson Edward Schumacher Matos Media Consultant Don Spetner Chief Marketing Officer Korn/Ferry International Raul R. Tapia Managing Director C2 Group, LLC James S. Taylor Principal ViaNovo, L.P. Solomon D. Trujillo Chief Executive Officer Telstra Corporation Limited Walter F. Ulloa Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Entravision Communications Corporation Gilbert R. Vasquez Managing Partner Vasquez & Company LLP Richard B. Vaughan President and Managing Director, Pinto America Growth Fund, L.P. Pinto Partners

The Toms Rivera Policy Institute University of Southern California School of Policy, Planning and Development 650 Childs Way, Lewis Hall, Suite 102 Los Angeles, California 90089-0626 Tel: 213-821-5615 Fax: 213-821-1976

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