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I, the undersigned, am over the age of eighteen and an employee of Omni Management Group, I
do hereby certifY:
That I, in performance of my duties served a copy ofthe Notice of Transferred Claim by
depositing it in the United States mail at Encino, California, on the date shown below, in a sealed
envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed as set forth below.
Date: 5-l \--\ \
P.O. BOX 460871
AURORA, CO 80046
Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Attn: Fredric Glass
Re: Aurora Industrial Supply Co.
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
Omni Management Group, LLC
Claims Agent For Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC
16161 Ventura Blvd., Suite C, PMB #606- Encino, CA 91436
Telephone (818) 906-8300 - Facsimile (818) 783-2737
Notice of Transferred Claim
May 10,2011
P.O. BOX 460871
AURORA, CO 80046
Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Attn: Fredric Glass
Re: Aurora [ndustrial Supply Co.
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
To Whom It May Concern,
Please be advised that a Notice was received that your claim in the above mentioned case has been
transferred; please see attached. The document states that the above named transferor has transferred
this claim to the above named transferee.
Scheduled Claim No.
Amount of Claim:
Amount of Transfer:
Re: Docket#
Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC (Case No: 10-13825)
Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 300l(e) (2) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures you are
advised that if you wish to object to the above, you must do so within 21 days of the date of this
notice or within any additional time allowed by the court. Unless an objection and request for hearing
is filed in writing with the U.S. Bankrutpcy Court- Southern District of New York Manhattan
Division One Bowling Green New York, NY 10004, the aforementioned claim will be deemed
='''""" ~ .
~ u - z - ~
Omni Management Group, ~
Form 21 OA {10106)
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FIL[D IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under i 1 U.S C 1111(a) Transferee
hereby gtves evtdence anJ notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1). Fed R Bankr P. of the transfer, other
than for securtty. of the cli!tm referenced in thts evidence and notice
Name of Transferee.
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Aurora Industrial Supply Co.
Name and Address where nottces to transferee
should be sent
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance S13tion
PO Box 237037
New York. NY 1 0023
Phone: 212 967 4035 _____ _
Last Four Dtgtts of Accl #. _ __,n""l"'a ___ _
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (if different from above)
Phone nla
Last Four Digits of Acct # nla
Name of Transferor
Aurora Industrial Supply Co.
Court Claim# (tf known). none
Amount of Clatm $934 14
Date Clatm Ftled:
Name and Address of Transferor:
Aurora Industrial Supply Co
Po Box 460871
Aurora, CO 80046
Last Four Dtgtts of Acct # n/a
I declare under penalty of perjury that the tnformatton provtded tn thts notice tS true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
By ls!Frednc Glcss Date May 10, 2011
Transfereerfransf,"'ee's Agent
Penally for moking a false staternenl. Fine of up to $500 000 or Imprisonment fer up to 5 years, or bolh 18 USC 152 & 3571.
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
Claim No. none (if known)
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U S C 1111 (a) in th1s case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of cla1m. the transferee filed a Transfer of Cla1m Other than for Secunty in the clerk's office of
tt11s court on May 10. 2011.
Name ofT ransferee
Fair Harbor Capital, LU;
As assignee of Aurora Industrial Supply Co.
Fir Harbor l..LC
PO Box 237037
New Yori-, NY I 0023
Name of Alleged Transferor:
Aurora Industrial Supply Co.
Name and Address of Alleged
Aurora lndustnal Supply Co
Po Box 460871
Aurora. CO 80046
The transferor of claim namEd above 1s adv1sed the th1s Not1ce of Transfer of Claim Other than for Secunty has been
filed In the clerk's office of th s court as ev1dence of the transfer ObjeCtion must be filed w1th the court within twenty
(20) days of the mallmg of lh s nohce If no obJeCtion is llmely receved by the court. the transferee will be substituted
as the origmal claimant woth\U\ further order of lhe court,
Date _______ _
03/23;zatl 69:1t
tJ"ik(f S.uh:J S,.rUu:"upley Cou'r(
S<lutitrn Pbtri<t Ofi'IJ"'

CU< Na. IQ...IJm
(Jokri!Y a.ur...,..., c- N"' to.JlSOIIl
... -. ..
Of CLAJllf OTl!t:R TI1A/'I R)JI, SJ;Cl;lUTV "]I'D WAIVER OF N(T!1C"g

PlEASE TAl<. NOrtce \h< scr.eddc di"' of hU!W.RA INDUSTIIJ-'LllliPPLY Co. ("'") the om-{) in the ol"S\1'34.14 .
..., lis<cd within S<l">odule f o[thc S'i><h lc 'If ASU1> Md file<l by !he ""d all wilhout tit< Plv<>fo(Cloirn.. if
any. ido>\l\fie<l below ami Transti:ro:'< njJ\lS to all in1<resl. ]l<:nlllli"'- wro poym<m$1h>llt.,:r be ""iO"'"' rO<Oiv<; oto """"""l of <he of
0011troc!"' '"""" rctal<:d u the Cl""" and fees, it ""1 whid, pold whh reo(*!"' '.be Claim 1111<1 an ba' dliou. op.mst
tho oebw, itr; ofll)iau-.>. ""Y P.uotnlo< o' other \h"'ll><flll. togelb<o- willl voflDa and o!her .00 bet1efllll ""'""'or "'lo1lngtx> ""Y oflho
c.asb., lfl!.ltlh11c.ti(:J and whiDh may lw; 0'1' 16$Ucd. b.r OobfCit In )lllO$ta.Won r'""""" ,.....,.,.:_, . r-r...,.nd'aw r.,.o boon
lfDN.I'erred Wld ather !han (or 10 LJ..C ln of the JUm oi 191l1J'*' ot'thi
Transfct 011 !Ius OF CL\IM QTH5Jt 1'HAN POk SECIJRff'Y Aim WAIVeR OFNOfiCB li orvlde.tce Ofliw Trlnof oru.o olllim> ond all
nS/11& and o.n.til> ofTM>J"tror rclatin
to t)1' Claim. Claim" bll!ed oo""""""' (I'O'C<! to T,..,.r.,., by Oo\>tor ODd thi> .,...._r.,. ol>o.ll ... d.....,,..t..,
ab..,M am _fbr til bo d!!e!nc<llg !a.'WU "'""'ritx lllo'.' Hllrtu_ ....
- <o tu '"> ,pplioaUoo, !'Claw. or W><h the 60ll1<ruv"'Y ..,u, <caot<1 "'yout clatm.
L tho of :\1 cu,..:Jcsorlbtd claim., .. olgn IIJUl claims 0!><1 all riri'.131h<:re undot to tko U1)0fllt:ro\ll u ,.,
fortlt i. CO>cr lo!tet """i vod l rlw<,er .. 'nd "'""""'' WI the lo nod= tbm Y/34.1 <I ond hu not been P!<'"i<>JSly onjerud "" .old. or orisf..:d. UI>Ofl
Mti'fkadon by Ttll:l'l!i'M":, 1 ru 1 e:1 nbW"Sc a pro-rata portion oflhtl pl,U'Ch.:sa ifthtl' nbjeed rc."" dlufl<:rwed itt wbof(l w
JX!rl 1,. tho Dobtot, tM Court. 01' ot!.ot pRm Tnwforw ""!'r<:OC!l!S""" wunn:ts dill W...""' 11<> off= or dd"- or ho"'
t-n<t< r11.0)" be.,..""" "'on behalf or""Y OlllM pony Ill reduce Ill< """""loftbso Claim w' 117 lmpoir .....
A PtoofofCloim !! .. In tbqtiJgunl nfS !Jtl not lob;i!<t qql) l>ml duly and timoly nled"' lllo f'ro<:<;o:;Qing:t (and 1 truf copy of sud! f'l'OOfof
Clwm ;, ouo.oll<d to <hi A>5igno1ontl. l otc Proof ofCIIIim lllr\O'Ull from tho Cllllllamo.w! 1>1 forlh ,bov,, T'"";.Rfto ""'" MVerthd<>s \>, dco<ned lht:
Wofl., oftbat Proof ofChim !Ubjec: to ci ,., .. oftlti AgrWll<llt and Mll be ""tiUod to ldoo<ify itoelfu .,.,..,,.,r"""" ProOf of Claim"" r1le recordo of !It
In tlu: Cl1111 i, '"" .>e<i in an am<tlinl in """"""of !be lwrein, Transferor is bcroby d.ooml"' Jdl 00 T lllid, at
T .-.n&f"""''' mlY. T mn,r.,cc ''" chy to tit< l>ol.,.,. ofl<lld Claim 01 dn! saroc pot<."""'&" of cWm poid to O><OOCd ""'""' ih<
rialm a!l"\(IU!l! &p>i fted ob<)ve ; '""'"" sh>ll moh pa)'111<1l< w "fun:;fcror "Jllf1 tbfo<lilm <hat lhe Claim l'tiH b<lllllowed in tho hl$her
amwm aod is 0(.11 sub}o!ri h) any cb:C"tt l)rll:>) OQibror.
I. the ""'-'""'tGJW.l Tramforor ber<h)" :l>on'c Tr>ll>f<m:c: to OJ a norloo oftrn>afo< jlllm11111110 .R.II\c 3001 (o) oflbo fWeral ll.vJ"' ofl:ionkruptey l'n>o!rclorc:
("PRBP"). ,.;tit ....,'J>eoL lo lhc ""''" Tr,n,'fetee porfonns lls d110 on 1M c;lolm. T......W.., aLliS sole op<!oa, tmrt sob3<>'11J"'(Iy a-fer lho
C'J,.;, \>ad< <0 if due di!ioa>" ;, n01 rolilii\I"""J', in Tnulllttee's ..,,. ljjld i:<Jol""' <l'i:!<>'<llon purJOOI>! II) R>lle 3001 (} of the l'f\6P. In the"""''
trnr.fror.; tho Clruuo oaoJ.. '' t!>o nansret,atwch dmc .. du>Uicroffl :osdlllW
or ltab-ilil.) fi::&:W'dlng ,:J;nmc:nl ado"' tO aH ofth$- htm"'8 sc-.lor'th tbh
1!014 ....,.;.- (i) its lo ,.;$<o tn; ohJ<cllon ........., 1t1G Hf)llll riiltt ro r=lw ootico pUl'6UO!tl t.:I!Wio 3(101 !l oftbo FIUJP. Tl'3l15flli'OI -y
Ult T"""fen:t rna} w time "'"""isr> tho Cloim. wt!ll ill rlsJIL tiUt "<>d il>len:ot ofT"""''"""' ill ..,d to IIU Tr""'for o( CJ.;no. -'II
.. ototion illd wll!T!OIOti os n"Mdc ""<lin ohall tit< -.vtio .00 deliv<ry of th;. 1'1'\lnstb- of Ooitn 111>(1 ucll
OtbllT IDol!\ Slalod above. T""'lfct<o ''""""S II IISSOCW<d wilh dltb!Co''& ob)Jlty tO dis!ribu!< fundo. Trao<f<T!)r "l!J= lo <k!iv<ll'"' fair J.l!lrbor
I .I.e '"'Y pavrncms -.:<:eovO<J sui>scquml to 1M dim: lhlo Th ''""' oourl the
ad.dJc-;p; tl:&forrlillg o-laim ordl..; TnrAf.!rOf lO tho T'r'11.1:1sferw JiMOQ'. bcJ<:lW.
Thi T,..n.frofCI"'- '- undar or rOiiiJiiij,
mo;' bnriillgllr < l '"l" Xil Ql' 1/.;a;;;.l <oo<t loealed to !he Sato of ).lew Y wi<. !Old "fran<feror -1$ 10 llPd oonflf$
'vcr i,.n1ferQi" b) :,OJch <)I' ofprocctioS I""G7 bo:upon Tl'&blfat<wb)' rt\lblioa oopyol:aald \0
add""' .. , llmb in !hi, A1.<1gom<J1 of Cllm. atu:l in 110\ion r,.,.feror '-"'liv;s llle r:igbl to doml!nds trial by juzy. Tr'OIIfiFe,..,.
\1101 th< DtbtOI''t """"i! ofU.. 811llkn19<0)' Cod< d Car tile
<'hum. lran.Ji:>-<1, sooJI rtmt <o r '"">f...., All""'"""' paid in l'fgJIIi ro 11te a.;, and oftlu: Claim Wll badt w

AVRORA ll'IDUS11UAl S1!?PL Y c, J.
,-.u!\oAA CO USA 80Qol<i
,:.1\t..<,..<_ f\1\..,."'-{t..l'\\111:; /1-:t..-.-

Da.It;_:_l.. L "-..- \ t
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