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Means of transport (Mitjans de transport) English airliner airplane bicycle bike boat bus canoe car coach cruiser

h cruiser ferry glider helicopter hot air balloon jet plane lorry moped motorbike motorboat ocean liner pickup truck raft rocket roller skates sailboat scooter Catal

Spanunciation r liner r plin bicikl bik but bas can car crser frri glider jlicpter jt r baln yt plin muped mutorbik mutorbut ushen liner pikp trk raft rket ruler skits silbut skter

avi de passatgers

avi bicicleta bici

vaixell, buc

autobs canoa, piragua

auto, cotxe creuer planador



helicpter globus aerosttic avi a reacci cami ciclomotor motocicleta


transatlntic camioneta

bot coet patins

veler escter

ship skateboard streetcar subway taxi cab train truck van wagon
In time: a temps. On time: a lhora.

ship skitbord strit car sbwui txi cb trin trk van ugon

buc, vaixell monopat, patinet tramvia tren subterrani

taxi tren cami

furgoneta trfic

carro, carreta

Useful means of transport expressions

Travelling by

station train catch / get on get off platform passenger train journey depart / leave arrive engine engine driver corridor / aisle carriage ticket inspector ticket office railway Estaci Tren Agafar/pujar Baixar Andana Passatgers Viatge Sortir Arribar Motor Maquinista Corredor/passad s Vag Revisor Taquilla Ferrocarril

bus / coach
bus terminal/stop bus catch / get on / board get off departure gate coach / bus journey depart / leave arrive driver's seat bus driver aisle passengers Estaci dautobs Autobs Agafar/pujar Bord Baixar Porta del darrere Autocar/autobs Viatge Sortir Arribar Seient del conductor Conductor Passads Passatgers

Drive off Set off Fill up The tube Underground

Allunyar-se Sortir Omplir El metro (Londres) Metro

airport aircraft get on / board get off / disembark departure gate passenger jet / airplane/plane flight take off land cockpit pilot aisle boarding card check-in terminal gate Aeroport Avi Pujar Baixar Desembarcar Porta de sortida Passatger Avi Vol Enlairar Terra Cabina Pilot Passads Targeta dembarcar Facturaci Terminal Porta dembarcar

port ship embark disembark quay / dock liner voyage sail dock bridge captain gangway Port Vaixell Embarcar Desembarcar Moll/embarcador Transatlntic Viatge Navegar Moll Pont Capit Passarella ingles/2.Intermediate/1.05.Transport_travel.pdf lang=3&topic=155 p.htm

Prepositions with forms of transport We can use by with most forms of transport.
by bus by bicycle by car by coach (autocar) by plane by train

WARNING: If you want to say you walk somewhere, you say you go on foot. You do not say by foot.
Marie decided to continue on foot.

We use in, into, and out of with cars, vans, lorries, taxis, and ambulances.

I followed them in my car. The carpets had to be collected in a van. Mr Ward happened to be getting into his lorry. She was carried out of the ambulance and up the steps.

We normally use on, onto, and off with other forms of transport.

Why don't you come on the train with me to New York? Peter Hurd was already on the plane from California. The last thing he wanted was to spend ten days on a boat with Hooper. He jumped back onto the old bus, now nearly empty. Mr Bixby stepped off the train and walked quickly to the exit.

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