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Cameron Straughter Period 1 10-2-12 Journey?

Just a naive kid walking down this linear road I wished to do more, entangle my road Tack on a new load Others in a open more widespread path Though apart from me I shared a smile and laughed One extended a hand for me to grasp Yet we never crossed paths Friends and loved ones have all stayed at a distance Never getting too close, perhaps twas my resistance Two have ever been on my trail And theyve always come back without fail I knew where I was going to It was wherever my trail was taking me to.

Time passing with things getting smaller and closer Holding on to my path yet stretching farther and further Fun little distractions along the way to help me pass the time The very things I like help keep me held within the line I feel walls now whenever I try to diverge from my path Whenever I try to go out into the open land Sometimes I break through out into the open land Yet on the outside of the wall Id stay my hand To be or not to be, I dont know what I want I just shrug and give little indecisive grunts I want to be heard but I dont want you to listen Im quite confusing, even may be a hypocrite I just feel like a walking contradiction Yeah like many, hypocrisy is something for which I cannot be acquitted. Soon Ill be running out of road to run Thats when I guess my journey will have really begun The choices Id have to make Id have to then give answers that wouldnt be fake Id like to start that now in fact I want to as much as I can make sure other lives are intact I want to be as nice as I can be I dont like that to be genuinely nice is the same as being imaginary

Cameron Straughter Period 1 10-2-12 I want to be there for others I hate when I cant be there for another Wouldnt it be nice if the world were fictitiously mean And instead being non-fictitiously filled with glee Well a dude can dream, right Although to have a family to always smile at me Might be enough to fully satisfy me.

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