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Personal and Professional Developmental Action Planning

Source and Date AREAS identified for development

What do you have to do? Be precise and be clear. State realistic, achievable objectives

ACTIONS to be taken
What are you going to do to achieve your objectives?

EVIDENCE required for success

How will you demonstrate success in your objective? Where can the evidence be found?

When? Enter initial/updated target date(s)
Indicate progress .

25.10.12 Microteach Introduction To Semiotics

Confidence. During the session confidence was an issue. I was nervous and this made my session run approximately 3min under the allocated time. If I can improve my confidence when teaching then my sessions, on the whole, will improve.

I will improve my confidence by taking more sessions in a college environment. Especially when I know my learners I will be able to be more comfortable around them and be able to deliver a better session. Having more experience will allow me to succeed in developing this area

My confidence levels can be evidenced through observations that will take place and through my ongoing blog entries. This will show in detail how I am improving as a teacher. See microteach Blog, section 6 of lesson planner evaluation and the microteach report. These all show that I have highlighted confidence as an area for development.

Increasing my confidence is an ongoing process. As stated earlier, the more experience of teaching I gain throughout my placement, the more confident I will become.

4th December 2012 3 hours of teaching. This has already improved my confidence greatly as I've been left on my own with a class for a long time and was able to give a lot of input and get them working on a task. However my confidence was knocked again when three members of the group left my class. An area for improvement here for future improvements can be class management, with regards to the engagement of learners. 4th December 2012 3 hours of teaching. During this session I made it an importance to include all of the VAK learning styles, to meet the needs of all students. I included a Prezi for visual, and a practical computer based task for kinaesthetic learners. I made sure that I gave clear and precise instructions within the delivery of lesson content in order to support learners who prefer auditory explanations. From doing this most learners were engaged throughout the entirety of the lesson.

25.10.12 Microteach Introduction To Semiotics

Inclusion for learning preferences. During the lesson it became apparent that there was a lack of auditory learning. There was not an equal balance of auditory to visual and kinaesthetic learning. This was even more apparent as I did not speak loud enough during the session. This meant that some learners were confused about the task, when the resources were distributed for the session. Therefore a lack of auditory content.

To ensure that I include auditory learning within my sessions I must put more thought into the planning process. It is important to make sure this happens as some students learn best from this style. Carrying out, and planning more lessons will help me to gain more experience which will allow me to cater for the needs of all learners.

My process of inclusion and progress will be evident from future observations and through my blog entries, which will support these claims. This will show in detail how I am improving as a teacher. See microteach Blog, section 6 of lesson planner evaluation and the microteach report. These all show that I have highlighted confidence as an area for development.

Inclusion for all learners should be addressed during my first stages of teaching during my placement. It is of the utmost importance to do this so that all learners benefit from the teaching I provide. This is also an ongoing process as experience I gain will, in turn, allow me to improve my methods of planning lessons that are inclusive for all learners.

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