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Q1. Write a short note on Globalization. Ans. Globalization is a process where businesses are dealt in markets around the world, apart from the local and national markets. According to business terminologies, globalization is defined as the worldwide trend of businesses expanding beyond their domestic boundaries. It is advantageous for the economy of countries because it promotes prosperity in the countries that embrace globalization. In this section, we will understand globalization, its benefits and challenges. International vs. global business Most of us assume that international and global business are the same and that any company that deals with another country for its business is an international or global company. In fact, there is a considerable difference between the two terms. International companies Companies that deal with foreign companies for their business are considered as international companies. They can be exporters or importers who may not have any investments in any other country, apart from their home country. Global companies Companies, which invest in other countries for business and also operate from other countries, are considered as global companies. They have multiple manufacturing plants across the globe, catering to multiple markets. The transformation of a company from domestic to international is by entering just one market or a few selected foreign markets as an exporter or importer. Competing on a truly global scale comes later, after the company has established operations in several countries across continents and is racing against rivals for global market leadership. Thus, there is a meaningful distinction between a company that operates in few selected foreign countries and a company that operates and markets its products across several countries and continents with manufacturing capabilities in several of these countries. Companies can also be differentiated by the kind of competitive strategy they adopt while dealing internationally. Multinational strategy and global competitive strategy are the two types of competitive strategy.

Multinational strategy Companies adopt this strategy when each countrys market needs to be treated as self contained. It can be for the following reasons:

o Customers from different countries have different preferences and expectations about a product or a service. o Competition in each national market is essentially independent of competition in other national markets, and the set of competitors also differ from country to country.



o A companys reputation, customer base, and competitive position in one nation have little or no bearing on its ability to successfully compete in another nation. Some of the industry examples for multinational competition include beer, life insurance, and food products.

Global competitive strategy Companies adopt this strategy when prices and competitive conditions across the different country markets are strongly linked together and have common synergies. In a globally competitive industry, a companys business gets affected by the changing environments in different countries. The same set of competitors may compete against each other in several countries. In a global scenario, a companys overall competitive advantage is gauged by the cumulative efforts of its domestic operations and the international operations worldwide.

A good example to illustrate is Sony Ericsson, which has its headquarters in Sweden, Research and Development setup in USA and India, manufacturing and assembly plants in low wage countries like China, and sales and marketing worldwide. This is made possible because of the ease in transferring technology and expertise from country to country. Industries that have a global competition are automobiles, consumer electronics (like televisions, mobile phone), watches, and commercial aircraft and so on.



Q2. Describe the positives of trade liberalization. Ans. Policies that make an economy open to trade and investment with the rest of the world are needed for sustained economic growth. The evidence on this is clear. No country in recent decades has achieved economic success, in terms of substantial increases in living standards for its people, without being open to the rest of the world. In contrast, trade opening (along with opening to foreign direct investment) has been an important element in the economic success of East Asia. Opening up their economies to the global economy has been essential in enabling many developing countries to develop competitive advantages in the manufacture of certain products. In these countries, defined by the World Bank as the "new globalizers," the number of people in absolute poverty declined by over 120 million (14 percent) between 1993 and 1998. There is considerable evidence that more outward-oriented countries tend consistently to grow faster than ones that are inward-looking. Indeed, one finding is that the benefits of trade liberalization can exceed the costs by more than a factor of 10. Countries that have opened their economies in recent years, including India, Vietnam, and Uganda, have experienced faster growth and more poverty reduction. On average, those developing countries that lowered tariffs sharply in the 1980s grew more quickly in the 1990s than those that did not. Freeing trade frequently benefits the poor especially. Developing countries can ill-afford the large implicit subsidies, often channeled to narrow privileged interests that trade protection provides. Moreover, the increased growth that results from free trade itself tends to increase the incomes of the poor in roughly the same proportion as those of the population as a whole. New jobs are created for unskilled workers, raising them into the middle class. Overall, inequality among countries has been on the decline since 1990, reflecting more rapid economic growth in developing countries, in part the result of trade liberalization. Although there are benefits from improved access to other countries markets, countries benefit most from liberalizing their own markets. The main benefits for industrial countries would come from the liberalization of their agricultural markets. Developing countries would gain about equally from liberalization of manufacturing and agriculture. The group of low-income countries, however, would gain most from agricultural liberalization in industrial countries because of the greater relative importance of agriculture in their economies. Further liberalization by both industrial and developing countries will be needed to realize trades potential as a driving force for economic growth and development. Greater efforts by industrial countries and the international community more broadly, are called for to remove the



trade barriers facing developing countries, particularly the poorest countries. Although quotas under the so-called Multi-fibre Agreement are due to be phased out by 2005, speedier liberalization of textiles and clothing and of agriculture is particularly important. Similarly, the elimination of tariff peaks and escalation in agriculture and manufacturing also needs to be pursued. In turn, developing countries would strengthen their own economies (and their trading partners) if they made a sustained effort to reduce their own trade barriers further. Enhanced market access for the poorest developing countries would provide them with the means to harness trade for development and poverty reduction. Offering the poorest countries duty and quota free access to world markets would greatly benefit these countries at little cost to the rest of the world. The recent market-opening initiatives of the EU and some other countries are important steps in this regard. To be completely effective, such access should be made permanent, extended to all goods, and accompanied by simple, transparent rules of origin. This would give the poorest countries the confidence to persist with difficult domestic reforms and ensure effective use of debt relief and aid flows.

Q.3 Write a short note on GATT and WTO, highlighting the difference between the two. Ans. WTO



WTO was established on 1st January 1995. In April 1994, the Final Act was signed at a meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco. The Marrakesh Declaration of 15th April 1994 was formed to strengthen the world economy that would lead to better investment, trade, income growth and employment throughout the world. The WTO is the successor to the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT). India is one of the founder members of WTO. WTO represents the latest attempts to create an organisational focal point for liberal trade management and to consolidate a global organisational structure to govern world affairs. WTO has attempted to create various organisational attentions for regulation of international trade. WTO created a qualitative change in international trade. It is the only international body that deals with the rules of trades between nations. Objectives and functions The key objective of WTO is to promote and ensure international trade in developing countries. The other major functions include: Helping trade flows by encouraging nations to adopt discriminatory trade policies. Promoting employment, expanding productions and trade and raising standard of living and income and utilising the worlds resources. Ensuring that developing countries secure a better share of growth in world trade. Providing forum for trade negotiations. Resolving trade disputes.

The important functions of the WTO as stated in the WTO agreement are the following: Developing transitional economies Majority of the WTO members belong to developing countries. The developing countries such as India, China, Mexico, Brazil and others have an important role in the organisation. The WTO helps in solving the problems of developing economies. The developing states are provided with trade and tariff data. This depends on the countrys individual export interest and their participation in WTO-bodies. The new members benefit hugely from these services. Providing help for export promotion The WTO provides specialized help for export promotion to its members. The export promotion is done through the International Trade Center established by the GATT in 1964. It is operated by the WTO and the United Nations. The center accepts requests from member countries, usually developing countries for support in formulating and implementing export promotion programmes. The center provides information on export market and marketing techniques. The center also provides assistance in establishing export promotion and marketing services. Through this WTO proves its commitment in the upliftment of the world economy. Cooperating in global economic policy-making The main function of the WTO is to cooperate in global economic policy-making. In the Marrakesh Ministerial Meeting in April 1994, a separate declaration was adopted to achieve this objective. The declaration specifies the responsibility of WTO as, to improve and maintain the cooperation with international organisations such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) that are involved in monetary and financial matters. WTO analyses the impact of liberalization on the growth and development of national economies which is the important factor in the success of the economy.



Monitoring implementation of the agreement The WTO administers sixty different agreements that have the statue of international legal documents. The member-governments sign and confirm all WTO agreements on attainment. Providing forum for negotiations The WTO provides a permanent forum for negotiations among members. The negotiations can be on matters already in the WTO agreements or matters not addressed in the WTO law. Administrating dispute settlement The important function of WTO is the administration of the WTO dispute settlement system. It helps in settling multilateral trading dispute. A dispute arises when a member country adopts a trade policy and other fellow members consider it as a violation of WTO agreements. The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) is responsible for the settlement of disputes. The dispute settlement system is prohibited from adding or deleting the rights and obligations provided in the WTO agreements. The WTO dispute settlement system helps to: Preserve the rights and responsibilities of the members. Clarify the current provisions of the agreements. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - GATT is a multilateral agreement among countries providing a framework for conducting international trade. GATT is regarded as an international institution governing international trade relations. It consists of disciplines on governments and matters related to import and export of goods. It was established to promote international trade by reducing tariff and non-tariff restrictions on imports imposed by member nations. Tariff barrier refers to imposing import duty and non-tariff barriers means restricting imports through import licensing and by banning the imports. GATT provides a framework for negotiations on the level of tariff. It promotes multilateral trade among member nations. It provides protection against unfair trade and obstructions to trade. Differences The Differences between WTO and GATT are: Trend towards unilateral action by some developed countries in disregard of the provisions laid down in the Uruguay Round. Developing countries and least-developed countries have to battle against resource constraints and shortage of skills and expertise in these areas. The unilateral action brings dishonor to the entire multilateral trading system. This slows down the motivation for reform in all developing countries. Another issue is the favour of regionalism. The regional economic groupings have resulted in increased trade among countries in the region; there is a possibility of discrimination against third countries. The Agreement on Agriculture has number of inequities in the implementation of the Agreement. The majority of developing countries are prohibited from providing export subsidies and developed countries are permitted to resort to such subsidies. The countries which have been distorting the market in the past can continue to maintain subsidy regimes and other countries are prohibited from using these measures.



The WTOs current position on trade, environment and sustainable development has faced criticism. The liberalization of trade leads to larger growth, higher incomes and increased consumption. However, it affects production which in turn has an adverse effect on the environment. The WTO trading system generates growth and is accompanied by pollution. The trade and growth policies of the WTO are held accountable for the environment degradation. Other issues are green room negotiations. Green room negotiations are the informal negotiation meetings at the WTO in which 35 countries are chosen by the Director General.

Q4. Think of any MNC and analyze its business strategy orientation. Ans. Multinational companies (MNC) may pursue business strategies that are home country oriented or host country oriented or world oriented.



Perlmutter uses such terms as ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric. However, "ethnocentric" is misleading because it focuses on race or ethnicity, especially when the home country itself is populated by many different races, whereas "polycentric" loses its meaning when the MNCs operate only in one or two foreign countries. According to Franklin Root (1994), an MNC is a parent company that a. b. c. engages in foreign production through its affiliates located in several countries, exercises direct control over the policies of its affiliates, implements business strategies in production, marketing, finance and staffing that transcend national boundaries. Business strategy of a MNC can be analyzed with the help of Three Stages of Evolution 1. Export stage initial inquiries - firms rely on export agents expansion of export sales further expansion - foreign sales branch or assembly operations (to save transport cost)

2. Foreign Production Stage There is a limit to foreign sales (tariffs, NTBs).Once the firm chooses foreign production as a method of delivering goods to foreign markets, it must decide whether to establish a foreign production subsidiary or license the technology to a foreign firm. Licensing is usually first experience (because it is easy) it does not require any capital expenditure it is not risky payment = a fixed % of sales

e.g.: Kentucky Fried Chicken in the U.K. Problem that may arise while following a particular business strategy: The mother firm may find it difficult in exercise of any managerial control over the licensee (as it is independent). Secondly, the licensee may transfer industrial secrets to another independent firm, thereby creating a rival.



The next stage for supplementing any particular business strategy is Investments involved. It requires the decision of top management because it is a critical step. it is risky (lack of information) (for example-US firms tend to establish subsidiaries in Canada first. Singer Manufacturing Company established its foreign plants in Scotland and Australia in the 1850s) plants are established in several countries licensing is switched from independent producers to its subsidiaries. export continues 3. Multinational Stage: The company becomes a multinational enterprise when it begins to plan, organize and coordinate production, marketing, R&D, financing, and staffing. For each of these operations, the firm must find the best location.

This is how a MNC decides its business strategy orientation.

Q5. What does FDI stand for? Why do MNCs opt for FDI to enter international market? Ans. FDI stands for Foreign Direct Investment. New MNCs do not pop up randomly in foreign nations. It is the result of conscious planning by corporate managers. Investment flows from regions of low anticipated profits to those of high returns. When MNC incorporated in one country, invests in another country, it is said that the FDI has flowed into the other country from some foreign origin. The main reasons for MNCs to opt for FDI to enter international market is stated as follows:



1. Growth motive: A company may have reached a plateau satisfying domestic demand, which is not growing. Looking for new markets. 2. Protection in the importing countries : Foreign direct investment is one way to expand. FDI is a means to bypassing protective instruments in the importing country. European Community imposed common external tariff against outsiders. US companies circumvented these barriers by setting up subsidiaries. Japanese corporations located auto assembly plants in the US, to bypass VERs. 3. High Transportation Costs : Transportation costs are like tariffs in that they are barriers which raise consumer prices. When transportation costs are high, multinational firms want to build production plants close to the market in order to save transportation costs. Multinational firms that invested and built production plants in the United States are better off than the exporting firms that utilized New Orleans port to ship and distribute products through New Orleans, provided that they built plants in a safe area. 4. Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Japanese firms invest here to produce heavy construction machines to avoid excessive exchange rate fluctuations. Also, Japanese automobile firms have plants to produce automobile parts. For instance, Toyota imports engines and transmissions from Japanese plants, and produce the rest in the U.S. 5. Market competition: The most certain method of preventing actual or potential competition is to acquire foreign businesses. GM purchased Monarch (GM Canada) and Opel (GM Germany). It did not buy Toyota, Datsun (Nissan) and Volkswagen. They later became competitors. 6. Cost reduction: United Fruit has established banana-producing facilities in Honduras. Cheap foreign labour. Labour costs tend to differ among nations. MNCs can hold down costs by locating part of all their productive facilities abroad. (Maquildoras)

Q6. Viewing culture as a multi-level construct, describe various levels it consists of. Ans. There are two kinds of approach construct of culture. One is a multi-level approach, viewing culture as a multi-level construct that consists of various levels nested within each other from the most macro-level of a global culture, through national cultures, organizational cultures, group cultures, and cultural values that are represented in the self at the individual level. The second is based on Scheins (1992) model viewing culture as a multi layer construct consisting of the most external layer of observed artifacts and behaviours, the deeper level of



values, which is testable by social consensus, and the deepest level of basic assumption, which is invisible and taken for granted. The present model proposes that culture as a multi layer construct exists at all levels from the global to the individual and that at each level change first occurs at the most external layer of behaviour, and then, when shared by individuals who belong to the same cultural context, it becomes a shared value that characterizes the aggregated unit (group, organizations, or nations). In the model, the most macro-level is that of a global culture being created by global networks and global institutions that cross national and cultural borders.

Figure-1: The dynamic of top-downbottom-up processes across levels of culture. Given the dominance of Western MNCs, the values that dominate the global context are often based on a free market economy, democracy, acceptance and tolerance of diversity, respect of freedom of choice, individual rights, and openness to change. Below the global level are nested organizations and networks at the national level with their local cultures varying from one nation or network to another. Further down are local organizations, and although all of them share some common values of their national culture, they vary in their local organizational cultures, which are also shaped by the type of industry that they represent, the type of ownership, the values of the founders, etc. Within each organization are sub-units and groups that share the common national and organizational culture, but that differ from each other in their unit culture on the basis of the differences in their functions (e.g., R&D vs manufacturing), their leaders values, and the professional and educational level of their members. At the bottom of this structure are individuals who through the process of socialization acquire the cultural values transmitted to them from higher levels of culture. Individuals who belong to the same group share the same values that differentiate them from other groups and create a group level culture through a bottom-up process of aggregation of shared values. For example, employees of an R&D unit are selected into the unit because of their creative cognitive style and professional expertise. Their leader also typically facilitates the display of these personal characteristics because they are crucial for developing innovative products. Thus, all



members of this unit share similar core values, which differentiate them from other organizational units. Groups that share similar values create the organizational culture through a process of aggregation, and local organizations that share similar values create the national culture that is different from other national cultures. Both top-down and bottom-up processes reflect the dynamic nature of culture, and explain how culture at different levels is being shaped and reshaped by changes that occur at other levels, either above it through top-down processes or below it through bottom-up processes. Similarly, changes at each level affect lower levels through a top-down process, and upper levels through a bottom-up process of aggregation. Global organizations and networks are being formed by having local-level organizations join the global arena. That means that there is a continuous reciprocal process of shaping and reshaping organizations at both levels. For example, multinational companies that operate in the global market develop common rules and cultural values that enable them to create a synergy between the various regions, and different parts of the multinational company. These global rules and values filter down to the local organizations that constitute the global company, and, over time, they shape the local organizations. Reciprocally, having local organizations join a global company may introduce changes into the global company because of its need to function effectively across different cultural boarders.


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