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Guided by Mrs. Kavita Jethiwal Submitted By Vatsal Gupta 12125

I offer my sincerest gratitude to physics teacher Mrs. Kavita Jethiwal And her assistance to learn the higher level of communication . During self learning of communication technology I have been blessed with the friendly attitude to my various collogues Aashay Medatwal , Yash Sharma etc . I would like to thank employees of Red FM who made me understand elementary level of frequency Modulations and Radio Broadcast which aided to practical importance of communication . Also I am thankful to my mother who offered advice and insight throughout my work .



This is to certify that Mas. Vatsal Gupta Student of Class XII of The New Green Field School has successfully completed the project work of Physics for the Class XII Examination of C.B.S.E for 2012-2013. It is further certified that this project is the individual work of the Candidate. Si gnature
Seal of the institute


Introduction to basic communication. (v) Elements of communication system(vii) Undesirable effects during signal transmission..(x) Modulation of signals before transmission.(xi) Amplitude Modulation (xv) Digital versus Analog Communication(xx) Further scope in communication technology (xxi) Bibliography and References..(xxii)



Communication is the basic asset of mankind through which he can exchange the information. Communication is a act of transmission of information. Every living organism in world experiences the need to impart or receive information almost continuously with others in the surrounding world. Languages and methods used in communication have kept evolving from prehistoric times to modern era . This is just to meet the growing demand of growing population and increasing technical efficiency . Modern Communication has its roots in 19th and 20th century in the work of great scientists like J.C. Bose , F.B Morse , G. Marconi & Alexander Graham Bell. Now the communication technology has grown a lot and emerged as a field of extensive research and development for the forthcoming generation not only providing comfort and lifestyle but too as a public sector empowering the employment opportunities . Communication signals are broadly classified as Digital and Analog . Analog Communication uses signals of continuous variations of voltage .

Digital signals are functions which can take only discrete step wise values.



Usually binary system is employed for transmitting digital signals . It uses just two levels of signals- 0 and 1. 0 stands for false value i.e. when no current is transmitted and 1 stands for true value during which current is passed. For example in Binary language following are given equivalents:-

Other systems used in digital data transmission are Binary Coded decimal and American standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) . Computer Linguistics such as Octal and Hexadecimal are too useful . Sound and T.V signals are analog in nature . Sine wave is a fundamental analog signal. Digital signal includes space communication and Intranet techniques. Entire of the computer system works on the principle of digital signals.



The components of a communications system serve a common purpose, are technically compatible, use common procedures, respond to controls, and operate in unison. The communication system basically deals with the transmission of

information from one point to another using the well defined steps which are carried out in sequential manner. The system for data transmission makes use of the sender and destination address, In this other so many elements are also there that allows it to transfer data from one set of point to another set of point after dividing the elements of communication system in groups and these interface elements acts as the main component for data communication and all these interface elements are given belowInformation source:- Firstly, the source of data code is generated either in numeric form or in character form such that it should be in encrypted manner that does not provide information access to unknown or unauthorized user, this unit uses the specialized tools and utilities for the generation of messages which is to be transmitted over the communication channel such that the signal can either be analog or digital in nature and it is converted from one form to another according to the compatibility of transmission medium . Input Transducer:- Basic work of the transducer is to convert one form of energy into another form that can be electrical in nature. If input source signal is non- electrical in nature then it first converts these signals in time varying

electrical signal. For example- the microphone which is used in seminars and presentations converts message information into sound waves which is electrical in nature. Once it is successfully converted into electrical signals then data compression technique is used which will compress data packets into single package so that it can be easily transmitted over the transmission lines because data compression reduces the size of the data packets to be transmitted. Transmitter:- The source generated electrical signals are then used by the transmitter after refining them and removes the noise and distortion there in it and makes signal in form that can be easily amplified, for the purpose of amplification in transmitter circuit we uses the digital modulator that converts sequence into electrical signals so that it can be easily transmitted over long distance. For example- In the wire telephony system, the modulation is used for the enhancement of the signal strength without the loss of the original data because using the ordinary antennas it is not possible to reduce the noise and distortion during transmission of data signal.

Communication channel:- The physical medium which is used for the transmission of communication data signals from sender to receiver is referred as communication channel and we can also say that it is the platform that allows the sending and receiving of the data packets using the well established path between two machines that can either be wire oriented or

wireless such that both types of connections are supported by the point to point and broadcast channel, the various communication channels are used in it for the data transmission that depends on the type of the network topology . Receiver:- The receiver machine work is to reproduce the message signal in demodulator is used that process the waveform signals into the sequence of numbers that represents the discrete values which is in form of zeros and ones and then these discrete signals are used for the reconstruction of information code from the attenuated signal.



Undesirable effects such as noise and distortions take place during transmission process which not only attenuate the signals but also make them unfit for transfer. On standard basis always transmitter and receiver are considered as ideal . Entire problem occurs due to channel. Noise:- It refers to random and unpredictable electrical signals produced by natural processes both internal and external to the system. When such random variations are superimposed on an information-bearing signal, the message may by partially corrupted or totally obliterated. Filtering reduces noise contamination, but there inevitably remains some amount of noise that cannot be eliminated. Distortions:- It s waveform perturbation caused by imperfect response of the systems to the desired signal itself. Unlike noise and interference, distortion disappears when the signal is turned off. If the channel has a linear but distorting response, then distortion may be corrected, or at least reduces, with the help of special filters called equalizers. Although noise and distortions filter are used but they do not have cent percent efficiency and these problem along with interference always occur during communication.


Modulation is always required in transmission of signals with low frequencies. The purpose of communication is to transmit information or signals . Message signals are also called baseband signals which essentially designate the band of frequencies representing the original signal, as delivered by the source of information . Many of the factors prevent the transmission of signal with low frequencies to longer distances. Size of Antenna:For transmission of signal the length of antenna must be of size which is comparable to wavelength i.e. about 25% of wavelength. Thus if very long wavelength are to be transmitted then effective length of the aerial will be impractical and thus modulation is required. The carrier wave is translated into high frequency before transmission. Power Radiated by the antenna:Theoretical studies show that power radiated by and antenna is proportional to (1/wavelength)2 . Thus the effective power radiated by a long antenna would be small. Modulation increases the frequency which increases the power radiated and thus system works more effectively .

Wireless Communication:xi

One desirable feature of radio transmission is that it should be carried without wires and radiated into space. At audio frequencies, radiation is not practicable because the efficiency of radiation is poor. However, efficient radiation of electrical energy is possible at high frequencies above 20 kHz . For this reason, modulation is always done in communication systems. Mixing Up of signals From Different transmitters:There is a need for translating the original low frequency baseband message or information signal into high frequency wave before transmission such that the translated signal continues to possess the information contained in the original band. This is because if many operators communicating at same frequency will interfere creating disturbances.

Modulation is the process of superimposing the information contents of a modulating signal on a carrier signal (which is of high frequency) by varying the characteristic of carrier signal according to the modulating signal. Modulation is a process in which the base band signal modifies another high-frequency signal called the carrier.


We can modulate the information bearing signal into two types namely Analog and digital modulation . Further on the basis of parameters it can be classified as :(a) Amplitude Modulation (b) Frequency Modulation (c) Phase Modulation Amplitude Modulation:-In amplitude modulation the amplitude of the carrier wave is varied in accordance with the information signal. Frequency Modulation: - In this type of modulation the frequency of the carrier signal is varied with the modulating signal. Phase Modulation:- Phase modulation (PM) is a form of modulation that represents information as variations in the instantaneous phase of a carrier wave. It can be said that modification in phase according to low frequency will give phase modulation.

Usually digital modulation includes changes in pulse characteristics. Similarly the significant characteristics of a pulse are amplitude , pulse duration , pulse width & pulse position . Hence different types of pulse modulation are : (1) Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) (2) Pulse Duration Modulation (PDM) (3) Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) (4) Pulse Position Modulation (PPM)


When the amplitude of high frequency carrier wave is changed in accordance with the intensity of the signal, it is called amplitude modulation. In amplitude modulation, only the amplitude of the carrier wave is changed in accordance with the intensity of the signal. However, the frequency of the modulated wave remains the same as the carrier frequency.

(A) An audio electrical signal

(B) Carrier Wave of constant Amplitude

(C) An amplitude modulated wave


The amplitude of both positive and negative half cycles of carrier wave are changed in accordance with the signal. For instance, when the signal is increasing in the positive sense, the amplitude of carrier wave also increases. During negative half cycle of the signal, the amplitude of carrier decreases. (i) The amplitude of the carrier wave changes according to the intensity of the signal. (ii) The amplitude variation of the carrier wave is at the signal frequency fs. (iii) The frequency of the amplitude modulated wave remains the same, i.e., carrier frequency, fc. In amplitude modulation, the amplitude of the wave is varied duplicating faithfully the fluctuations of the message. At the receiver these variations are detected or demodulated i.e., the message is removed from the carrier. After reception and demodulation at the receiver, the carrier is of no further use and is discarded. MATHEMATICS OF AMPLITUDE MODULATION:Let the carrier voltage be represented by Ec(t) =Ec sinwct and modulating signal be Em(t) = Em sinwct where wc is the angular frequency of wave.
Now, e = (Ec + em) sin wct


= (Ec + Em sin wmt) sin wct = Ec sin wct + Em sin wmt sin wct

(Because 2sinA sinB = cos (B-A) - cos (B+A))

Thus wc-wm is the lower side frequency and wc + wm is upper side frequency The modulated signal now consists of the carrier wave of angular frequency wc and two sinusoidal wave each with a frequency slightly different from carrier wave known as side bands .

As long as the broadcast frequencies are sufficiently spaced out so that sidebands do not overlap , different stations can operate without interfering .



Amplitude modulation can be produced by a variety of methods .


modulating signal is added to carrier signal and then passed through the square law device which converts it in the form if Bx(t) + Cx(t)2.This is then passed through the bandpass filter which is centred at wc..The output of a bandpass filter is a Amplitude modulated wave .This signals cannot be passed as such . A power Amplifier with a effective amplifier is required for radiating effective frequencies . The transmitted message gets attenuated during propagation through channel . The receiving antenna is therefore to be followed by an amplifier and a detector.In addtition to facilitate further processing the carrier frequency is usually changed to lower frequency by what is called an intermediate frequency stage preceding the detection . The detected signal may not be strong enough to be made use of and hence is required to be amplified . Detection is the process of recovering the modulated signal from the modulated wave . The modulated carrier wave has three frequencies. In order to attain required frequency the AM wave is passed through the rectifier and envelop detector which yield desired frequency as output.


(1) It is very simple to implement. (2) It can be demodulated using a simple circuit with very few components. (3) AM receivers are very cheap and no specialized components are needed. (4) It amplifies the wave and thus transmission of signal becomes easier . DISADVANTAGES OF AMPLITUDE MODULATION:(1) An Amplitude modulated system is not efficient in terms of power usage. (2) It is not efficient in terms of its use of bandwidth, requiring a bandwidth equal to twice that of the highest audio frequency (3) An amplitude modulation signal is prone to high levels of noise because most noise is amplitude based and obviously AM detectors are sensitive to it.
(4) Due to small useful power the messages cannot be transmitted over large

distance. So, the transmitter based on amplitude modulation has small range.
(5) The reproduction of original wave is not of high fidelity.



The advantages associate with digital communication systems include:(i) A common format for encoding different kinds of message signals (e.g., speech signal, video signal, computer data, etc.) for the purpose of transmission. (ii) An improved security of message. (iii) Increased immunity to noise and external interference. (iv) Flexibility in configuring digital communication systems. The disadvantages associate with digital communication systems include (i) Increased transmission (ii) Increased system complexity Thus although digital communication is becoming increasingly attractive for practical use, it is a fact that analog communication systems are still in existence. Most of the broadcasting systems and a large part of telephone networks in use today are analog in nature.



From ancient writing techniques and newspapers weve moved on to text messaging and email. From Morse code and telegraphs to telephones and radios, we now moved on to televisions, computers and cell phones. What sets us humans apart is the speed at which our means of communication develops and innovates. Technology has been helping us to communicate easier, faster and more often. The future of communication could go in several ways. It would seem likely time will continue to create automated technologies to increasingly carry out tasks human dont want to do. Its possible that in some time will be created more communication tools that will advise us how to reason, and advise us how to feel. Now Broadband technologies have developed . Also Radio communication has evoloved and frequency modulation is given importance over amplitude modulation . As time will pass more efficient technologies will be developed that will make human life more comfortable and make trade and business to flourish feasibly and easily .


(1) NCERT Concepts Of Physics For Class XII Text Book-(2) McGraw Hills Digital Communication Fundamentals of Physics Volume II ( Pradeep Publications)

(2) (3) (4)




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