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Act III Crucible Name _____Jake Hall______________Date _____October 11____ English 10 American Lit.

____________ Crucible by Arthur Miller I. Answer the questions completely in complete sentences.

1. Why do Giles and Francis want to talk to Danforth?

Giles and Francis want to talk to Danforth because they want to convince him that their wives are not witches and are faithful to the community.

2. What is Parris argument against Proctor?

Parriss argument against Proctor explains how he is trying to overthrow the court. Parris says that Proctor plows on Sunday and is not faithful about going to church.

3. What does Mary tell Danforth?

Mary tells Danforth that she fainted by her own will and in the end it was all just a joke.

4. When Danforth hears that Elizabeth is pregnant, what does he allow?

Danforth allows Elizabeth to have freedom and free from execution until the birth of her baby.

5. What paper did ninety-one people sign?

The nurse brings a paper that declares the innocence of Goody Corey, Goody nurse, and Goody Proctor.

6. ..a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. Explain the importance of Danforths statement.

This statement shows how stubborn the people in Salem were at the time. You were either faithful to God or a Devil worshipper. There was no in between.

7. What quote did Proctor use to help Mary remain brave?

New, remember the angel Raphael and what he said to the boy TobiasDo that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee.

8. Of what does Giles accuse Putnam?

Giles accuses Putnam of trying to use the trials to his advantage by attempting to put himself in the position to purchase the land of those individuals forced to be hung.

9. What is Hales problem as Proctor and his friends present evidence to Danforth?

Hale begins to realize that Proctor and his friends have string evidence to support the people who got accused to be innocent.

10. Hawthorne thinks of a test for Mary. What is it? Can she do it? Why or why not?
He asked Mary if she could faint, just like she did in the courtroom. The problem with this is Mary cant just faint on demand, the conditions have to be right for her to do so. She said she was able to faint in the court room because she was n the correct mood with all of the girls at the time.

11. Proctor calls Abigail a whore, and he confesses his lechery. Danforth tests Proctors statement by calling for Elizabeth and asking her why Abigail was dismissed. What does Elizabeth say and why does she say it?

She claims that proctor has never done lechery because she wants to keep his reputation alive.

12. What do the girls do to Mary? What is her response?

They pretend to be under her control. She pretends to be controlled by the demon.

13. What happens to Proctor?

He is enraged and says that he can feel fire and see Lucifer and Danforth burning in hell.

14. What does Hale do?

He leaves the courtroom because he is pissed off. He trusted Proctor and he thought Proctor was right and that the girls were innocent. Since the girls are acting even more stranger, Hale doesnt believe the truth anymore.

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