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Fr ui Food G r oup - Vi al H t h Zone t t eal

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Fruit Food Group

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Regular family meals together boost kids' fruit and vegetable intake

Using novel genetic labs f faster detection of E. coli

Foods included in the fruit food group How much of the fruit food group is needed Why the fruit food group is good for you Portion size More information

Occasional family meals enough to boost kids' frui and veg intake Well: Food Myths

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Foods included in the fruit food group

All fruit foods are included in the fruit food group. There are a variety of different types of fruits, including: berries - blueberry, raspberry, strawberry citrus - grapefruit, lime, lemon, orange, tangerines melons - honeydew, rockmelon (cantaloupe), watermelon stone - apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum tropical - banana, mango, papaya, pineapple others - apple, avocado, dates, figs, grapes, pear

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How much of the fruit food group is needed

The amount of fruits required each day is dependent on the age and

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gender of the individual. Fruits contain high levels of vitamin C, betacarotene, potassium, phytochemicals and fibre. The recommended daily intake for this food group is dependent on the age and lifestage of the individual.
* * thes e portions are for inac tive to moderately ac tive people; for thos e that are more ac tive, there is s c ope to have s lightly higher portion s izes

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AGE CHILDREN GIRLS BOYS WOMEN 2-3 years 4-8 years 9-13 years 14-18 years 9-13 years 14-18 years 19-30 years 31-50 years 50+ years 19-30 years 31-50 years 50+ years 19-30 years 31-50 years 50+ years

PORTION 1 cup 1-1.5 cups 1.5 cups 1.5 cups 1.5 cups 2 cups 2 cups 1.5 cups 1.5 cups 2 cups 2 cups 2 cups 2 cups 1.5 cups 1.5 cups


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Why the fruit food group is good for you

The fruit food group is healthy because of the following important reasons: may reduce the incidence of stroke and other heart disease may protect against certain cancers of digestive system foods high in dietary fibre help reduce HDL ("bad") cholesterol levels contain high amounts of potassium which assists in reducing high blood pressure and water retention provide natural sugars for energy sustenance should be eaten raw to gain best health benefits has many vital nutrients essential for good health: betacarotene dietary fibre folic acid potassium vitamin C

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Portion Size
Portion sizes for 1 cup (and equivalent) of fruits are shown below: 1 po rt i o n (1 cup) apple banana grapes orange, mandarin peach, nectarine pear plum rockmelon (cantaloupe), watermelon strawberries (and other berries)
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1 cup chopped or sliced 1 small apple (6.5cm diameter) 1/2 large apple (8.5cm diameter) 1 cup sliced or diced 1 large (20cm long) 32 medium 1 cup whole or sliced 1 large (8cm diameter) 1 cup (sections) 1 large (7cm diameter) 1 cup sliced or diced 1 medium 1 cup sliced or diced 3 medium or 2 large 1 cup sliced or diced 1 cup diced or balls 1 wedge (2.5cm thick) 8 large berries 1 cup sliced or diced

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Important information
High Water Content most fruits have a high water content and hydrate the body effectively fleshy fruits (pineapple, watermelon, peaches, mango) have the highest water content

Essential Nutrients an excellent source of Vitamin A / betacarotene, which are effective antioxidants: orange fruit - apricots, nectarines, mandarines, oranges, peaches red fruit - watermelon

Good source of energy fruit contains natural sugars, are low in fat and provide a healthy energy source

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are as a great snack in between meals

Amount of Dietary Fat Recommended Dietary fat should consist of no more than 30% of total daily calorie intake - which is about 50g-60g of fat for a sedentary person on 7500kJ (1800 calories) a day

Amount of Dietary Protein Recommended Dietary protein should consist of no more than 0.75g per kilogram body weight of total daily calorie intake - women who are pregnant should add another 6g of protein and lactating women should add 16-12g of protein per day

Amount of Dietary Carbohydrate Recommended Dietary carbohydrate should consist of 45%-65% of total daily calorie intake - it is recommended that these come from unrefined sources with a lower glycemic index

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Last reviewed: 6 January 2007 || Last updated: 6 January 2007

Related Articles Betacarotene (vitamins) Bioflavonoids (vitamins) Blood pressure (glossary) Cholesterol (glossary) Constipation (health conditions) Fibre explained (article) Folic acid (vitamins) Fruit (food values) High blood pressure (health condtions) Iron (minerals) Magnesium (minerals) Phytochemicals (article) Potassium (minerals) Vitamin A (vitamins) Vitamin C (vitamins)

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Zinc (minerals)

M yP web s ite - this is the offic ial food group pyramid devis ed by the U SA D epartment of A gric ulture N utrition A us tralia - has produc ed food pyramids for both meat eaters and vegetarians Better H ealth - a guide to the food groups by the V ic torian G overnment

NOTE: M ega dos es of vitamins , minerals or other nutrients c annot c ure illnes s es and in fac t c an be very dangerous and produc e toxic s ide effec ts and interfere with medic ine you are taking. A lways ens ure you c ons ult your doc tor before taking any type of minerals s upplement. Disclaimer: T his guide is not intended to be us ed for diagnos tic or pres c riptive purpos es . For any treatment or diagnos is of illnes s , pleas e s ee your doc tor.

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