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Feb 13, 2009


1) Contact Information
a) Contact Name Leonid G. Ber MD
b) Presenter(s) full name/degrees Leonid G. Ber. MD
c) Address, City, State and Zip Code 395 S. Glen Ellyn Rd., Bloomingale, IL 60108
d) Day time telephone 630-545-9098 x370
e) Fax number 630-858-8656
f) Email address

2) The abstract is being submitted for (choose one)

a) Oral Presentation (indicate preference of 60 or 90 minutes)
b) Research Presentation
c) Poster Presentation

3) Presentation title:

Critical Review of Syndrome-Based Approach in Naturopathic and Integrated Practice

with Emphasis on Metabolic Syndrome Management.

4) Short description of presentation (up to 50 words)

The lecture provides a comprehensive look at different approaches to various protocols used in
today’s mainstream medicine, naturopathic and integrated practice followed by their thorough
analysis. As an example, a protocol for managing metabolic syndrome is reviewed using
intervention strategies offered by these branches of medical care.

5) Abstract
In mainstream medicine, a protocol is a guideline for a specific area of healthcare (syndrome)
which includes sequential intructions for diagnosis, management and treatment. The author
conducted comparison and applicability of mainstream protocols in naturopathic and integrated
practice. As an example, a protocol for managing metabolic syndrome is reviewed using
intervention strategies offered by these branches of medical care, which is the main learning
objective of this presentation.

b) Presentation outline

1. Understanding of Protocols
2. Syndrome as a basis for Protocol
3. Metabolic Syndrome
4. Protocols for Metabolic Syndrome
5. Analysis of various approaches to managing Metabolic Syndrome

c) Mention of whether or not pharmacy discussion will occur during the presentation

d) Target audience: practitioners, students

6) Biographical sketch

Dr. Leonid Ber earned his MD degree from Yaroslavle State Medical School in the Former
Soviet Union. He further specialized in hematology and endocrinology and practiced at a large
regional hospital. His clinical research evolved into a VP of R&D position with a Houston-
based pharmaceutical company, Immudyne, Inc. Prompted by the Dietary Health and Education
act (DSHEA) of 1994, the company re-invented itself as a nutraceutical establishment. Since
then, Dr. Ber has been intimately involved in the growth and scientific development within the
dietary supplement industry. He collaborated with companies such as Himalaya USA, Marlyn
Nutraceuticals and Garden of Life in the areas of clinical research and scientific validation and
joined NOW Health Group in 2008 as a Sr. Medical Scientist. Dr.Ber is a published author and
an inventor. He is also the president and a co-founder of Ramazanov Award Foundation, a non-
profit organization that honors science and ethics in the dietary supplement industry.

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