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Abstract AANP 2009

Koren Barrett
Naturopathic Doctor
Address 505 Larkspur Ave. Corona Del Mar CA 92625
Phone 949-689-8978
Fax 949-548-8233

Oral presentation 60 minutes

Title: “Medical treatment of children on the spectrum - the philosophy and practical application
of a biomedical approach”

Short description:

The lecture will cover the philosophy and practical application of the biomedical treatment of
children with autism. We will discuss dietary, nutritional, environmental and detoxification issues
commonly seen in children on the spectrum. Laboratory testing, interpretation and nutritional
interventions will be covered.


Learning objectives: Attendees will further their understanding of pathophysiology of autism and
a biomedical approach to treatment. We will cover appropriate testing and interpretation. There
will be a discussion of nutritional supplementation and pharmaceutical applications for correction
of the biomedical imbalances. This lecture is intended as a “how to” for practitioners to have
practical tools to take back to the office and implement the next day.

Presentation Outline
1. Introduction of
a. Autism
b. Pathophysiology
i. Genetic
ii. Hypoxia
iii. Environmental associations
c. Medical areas of concern
i. GI
ii. Methylation
iii. Detoxification
2. The history and physical exam – what to listen/look for
3. Laboratory evaluation
a. Elemental analysis
b. CBC/CMP/ferritin
c. Stool analysis
d. Genetic evaluation
e. Heavy metals
f. Detoxification pathways
g. neurotransmitters

4. Review of treatments
a. Diet
b. Nutritional supplementation
c. Pharmaceutical considerations
5. Prognosis and expectations
6. Case studies

Pharmacy will be discussed

Target audience; medical practitioner

Biographical Sketch;

Koren Barrett ND is currently in private practice offering integrative family medicine in Orange
County California. She earned her doctoral degree from the National College of Naturopathic
Medicine in Portland, Oregon and completed her residency in family naturopathic medicine. Dr
Barrett specializes in women's and pediatric medicine caring for many families with children on
the spectrum. In addition to her private practice Dr Barrett is an active participant in the medical
community; she is the board vice chair for COAST IRB, she provides educational lectures to the
community and colleagues, she is credentialed through and treats patients at the University of
California of Irvine and is on the medical advisory board of Sanesco International.

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