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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3 MU0012 Employee Relations Management - 4 Credits (Book ID:B1230) Assignment Set -1 (60


Q1. Explain the importance of Employee Relations Management in an organization

Importance of Employee Relations Management You now know the concepts of ERM. This section explains the importance of ERM. A good relationship is one in which there is equal contribution from the parties involved towards making the relationship work. The relationship between a company and its employee is very complex. Efficient management of this relationship is very necessary. By managing employees effectively, the organisation can capitalise on their strengths and improve productivity. Employee relations management is critical due to the following reasons: It improves overall productivity by improving employee morale, productivity, adaptability and communication. It improves job satisfaction and helps in retaining employees. Retaining existing employees is an easier and more cost-effective task when compared to recruiting new employees and training them. It improves the communication system within the organisation. It enhances employee involvement and commitment which are very important to the success of an organisation. Team working and change management can maintain motivation and commitment. It assures customer satisfaction. It increases the synergy between the culture of the organisation and the expectations of the employees. It positions the company as an employer of choice and thus attracts new employees. It increases employee loyalty. Confidential information can be kept more secure.

The psychological contract model, reinforced by the findings of different surveys, suggests that ERM practices affect the attitudes of the employees towards the organisation. The psychological contract includes the expectations of both the employers and the employees. If employees get fair treatment, their trust in the organisation increases which in turn increases their commitment and involvement.

Q2. Explain Edgar Scheins levels of organisational culture.

Edgar Scheins Levels of Organisational Culture According to Edgar Scheins organisational model, the three cognitive levels of organisational culture are as follows: At the first level, the artefacts of the organisation are present. They include the office facilities, the furnishing, the rewards, the way employees dress and interact, the slogans, mission statements, etc. At the second level, the values of the organisation are recognised. The attitudes of the members of the organisation determine organisational behaviour. At the third level, the tacit assumptions of the organisation are found. These include the unspoken rules which exist within the organisation. Edgar Scheins organisational model offers insights to the reasons for newcomers being unable to assimilate organisation culture quickly. It also helps us to understand that instituting cultural changes is made difficult by the underlying tacit rules and dynamics of interpersonal relationships.

Q3. What are the various methods through which organisational communication can be improved?
Methods to Improve Organisational Communication Now that you know why communication is important, let us discuss how to make communication effective. Certain etiquettes and rules are followed while communicating

in the organisation. These help to improve the quality of communication and ensure effective communication. The following guidelines ensure better communication: Be Clear and Transparent: Communication has to be unambiguous, clear and transparent. All rules, policies and procedures need to be communicated clearly so that the employees have a clear understanding of them. Be Comprehensive: Ensure that the communication includes all the points to be communicated. Review to check if additional changes to the matter to be communicated are to be made. Ensure that the communication is accurate. Be Precise and Concise: Communication needs to be concise and not elaborate. Simple words are used in order to avoid misunderstandings. Use short sentences. Be Generic: Ensure that discussions are generic. Successes and failures need to be discussed in a generic manner. This helps in avoiding conflicts. Use we more than you in discussions. Be Assertive: Communication needs to be assertive and positive. This helps in making decisions and arriving at conclusions. Be Attentive: Develop listening skills. Verbal communications can only be clearly understood if the parties involved are attentive. Encourage Two-Way Communication: Two-way communications help improve employee relations as this considers the opinions and views of both parties involved. In this section you learned how effective communication can influence employee relations. In the next section we will see how decision making is an important aspect of behaviour with respect to employee relations.

Q4. List the essential pre-requisites of a grievance procedure

Essential Pre-Requisites of Grievance Procedure Every organisation needs a methodical grievance procedure in order to resolve grievances effectively. Unresolved grievances may end in the form of aggressive conflicts later on. We have learnt about the various steps of grievance procedure and the policies associated. Now we will get familiar with the essential pre-requisites of grievance procedure for it to be sound and successful: Conform to Statutory Provisions Due thought must be given to the laws of the land while scheming the grievance handling procedure.

Clarity Every aspect of the grievance handling procedure has to be clear and definite. All employees have to know whom to approach first when they have a grievance, whether the grievance is to be written or oral, and the maximum time in which the redressal is guaranteed. The redressing spokesperson also has to know the limits within which the employee can take the required action. Simplicity The grievance handling procedure has to be simple and short. If the procedure is complex it may discourage employees and they may fail to make use of it in a proper manner. Promptness The grievance of the employee has to be quickly handled and essential action must be taken at once. This is good for both the employee and the management because if action is delayed or deferred, it may affect the confidence of other employees as well. Training The manager and the union representatives need appropriate training in all features of grievance handling beforehand or else it will complicate the problem when mishandled. Follow up The personnel department needs to keep track of the efficiency and the performance of grievance handling process and make necessary changes to improve it with time.

Q5. What are the objectives of Trade Unions?

Objectives of Trade Unions The primary objective of any trade union is to protect and promote the interest of its members. Trade unions are permanent workforce bodies within an organisation so that workers have constant access to their representative. Unions achieve their objectives through collective action and group effort. The objectives of trade unions are the following: To improve the economic conditions of employees by securing better wages for them

To provide better working environment for the employees To secure employee bonuses from the profit of the organisation To resist schemes of the management which reduce employment, such as rationalisation and automation To secure social welfare of employees through group schemes which benefit every employee To protect the interests of employees by actively participating in the organisational management To provide organisational stability, growth, and leadership

Q6. Suppose you are appointed as an HR Manager of a mining company. You find that most of the lower tier workers are uneducated and there have been many instances of conflict and physical fights among the workers. What are the factors you would keep in mind while trying to ensure organisational discipline
Verbal Reprimand By Supervisors Written Reprimand and noted in the personal file Suspension from Work D Emotion

Verbal Reprimand By Supervisors

The steps involved in progressive discipline are as follows: Step1: An oral warning is given to the subordinate by the supervisor. The supervisor explains the violation of rules or procedure committed by the subordinate and warns the subordinate of stricter action for future violations. Step2. A written warning is issued to the employee for a repeat violation nd it becomes part of personal record of employee. Written warnings RE used as evidence during grievance procedures. Step 3.Employees who do not correct themselves with oral or written warnings are suspended from work. Step 4. Indiscipline over an extended period of time or major offences result in demotion. Employees lose pay status. Step 5. Very serious offence results in the employee being dismissed from the organisation.

This gives employees an opportunity to correct inappropriate behaviour. Management counsel employees and try to correct their behaviour.

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