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Quiz: Yashon/Cummings, Human Genetics and Society, Chapter 5;jsessionid=43439...

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Assignment Name: Yashon/Cummings, Human Genetics and Society, Chapter 5 Summary of Results Total Possible: 20.0 Time Spent: 00:00:08 / 01:00:00

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Which of the following is not a function of a protein? a. to act as a receptor

b. to provide structure 1 c. to act as an enzyme

d. to be transcribed into RNA

status: not answered () correct: d your answer: Amino acids linked together by ________ to form a protein. a. peptide bonds

b. covalent bonds 2 c. hydrogen bonds

d. ionic bonds

status: not answered () correct: a your answer:

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3/8/2012 5:54 PM

Quiz: Yashon/Cummings, Human Genetics and Society, Chapter 5;jsessionid=43439...

Summary of Results

How many chromosomes are in the nucleus of a human cell? a. 23

b. 46 3 c. 17

d. 44

status: not answered () correct: b your answer: How many amino acids are found in human proteins? a. 20

b. 15 4 c. 25

d. 5

status: not answered () correct: a your answer: The basic subunit of a protein molecule is a (an) ________. a. amino acid

b. enzyme 5 c. DNA molecule

d. RNA molecule

status: not answered () correct: a your answer: Genetic information is carried from the nucleus to cytoplasm by ________. a. protein 6 b. ribosome

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3/8/2012 5:54 PM

Quiz: Yashon/Cummings, Human Genetics and Society, Chapter 5;jsessionid=43439...

Summary of Results

c. DNA

d. messenger RNA

status: not answered () correct: d your answer: An enzyme called ________ binds to a specific nucleotide sequence at the beginning of a gene. a. RNA polymerase

b. messenger RNA 7 c. promoter

d. DNA polymerase

status: not answered () correct: a your answer: Which of the following nucleotides is present in RNA and not in DNA? a. Adenine (A)

b. Cytosine (C) 8 c. Thymine (T)

d. Uracil (U)

status: not answered () correct: d your answer: Translation is best described as ________. a. when proteins disassemble into subunits of amino acids

b. all of the choices 9 c. the process by which an mRNA molecule is formed based on the information contained in the DNA

d. the process by which the protein is assembled based on the information contained in the mRNA

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3/8/2012 5:54 PM

Quiz: Yashon/Cummings, Human Genetics and Society, Chapter 5;jsessionid=43439...

Summary of Results

status: not answered () correct: d your answer: A(n) ________ can pair with the mRNA codon for a particular amino acid. a. protein

b. ribosome 10 c. nucleotide

d. anticodon

status: not answered () correct: d your answer: Which of the following is true about transfer RNA molecules? a. all of the choices

b. They contain an anticodon, which consists of three nucleotides. 11 c. They recognize and bind to one specific amino acid.

d. They recognize the mRNA codon for a particular amino acid.

status: not answered () correct: a your answer: A ________ is an alteration that leads to changes in a DNA sequence. a. mutation

b. mutagen 12 c. all of the choices

d. stop codon

status: not answered () correct: a your answer: Protein synthesis continues until the ribosome reaches a ________. 13 a. mutation

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3/8/2012 5:54 PM

Quiz: Yashon/Cummings, Human Genetics and Society, Chapter 5;jsessionid=43439...

Summary of Results

b. methionine

c. stop codon

d. start codon

status: not answered () correct: c your answer: ________ allows us to study the family history of certain disorders? a. A pedigree analysis

b. The process of translation 14 c. A bar graph

d. A mutation analysis

status: not answered () correct: a your answer: What does the mutation in sickle cell anemia affect? a. the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells

b. all of the choices 15 c. the beta globin component of hemoglobin

d. the shape of the red blood cells

status: not answered () correct: b your answer: Which of the following disorders involves defective protein folding? a. Alzheimer disease

b. muscular dystrophy 16 c. PKU

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3/8/2012 5:54 PM

Quiz: Yashon/Cummings, Human Genetics and Society, Chapter 5;jsessionid=43439...

Summary of Results

d. all of the choices

status: not answered () correct: a your answer: ________ is caused by a hardening and twisting of the patient's red blood cells? a. Alzheimer disease

b. Cystic fibrosis 17 c. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

d. Sickle cell anemia

status: not answered () correct: d your answer: A point mutation is best described as which of the following? a. a change in an amino acid

b. all of the choices 18 c. a change from DNA to RNA

d. a single nucleotide change

status: not answered () correct: d your answer: Which of the following diseases is caused by a point mutation? a. cystic fibrosis

b. sickle cell anemia 19 c. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

d. Alzheimer disease

status: not answered () correct: b your answer: 20 Which of the following is a mutation that adds nucleotides to a gene?

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3/8/2012 5:54 PM

Quiz: Yashon/Cummings, Human Genetics and Society, Chapter 5;jsessionid=43439...

Summary of Results

a. an anticodon

b. a point mutation

c. a codon

d. trinucleotide repeats

status: not answered () correct: d your answer:

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