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Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks

Page 181 1. Develop your WBI project timeline using a Gantt chart, using Table 6.2 as your template. Estimate time needed to complete each major task and provide a space for the actual time expended (label as appropriate by hour, day, week, etc.). Where possible, identify who (by name or title) will be responsible for completing the different tasks. If your project includes major deliverables, identify project milestones. Include your timeline in your Design Document with descriptions or explanations of the task, team members, and time periods. Click here to download the chart for completion.
Completion Date: Task Team Member Projected Actual 03/03/13 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8

Conduct preplanning activities

Mrs. Foster Dr. Baek

Module 4

03/03/13 Write objectives Mrs. Foster

Module 4

Write assessment items and tools

03/03/13 Mrs. Foster

Module 4

Evaluate objectives and assessment items

Mrs. Foster Dr. Baek Mrs. Bernard


Module 4

Cluster and sequence objectives

03/03/13 Mrs. Foster

Module 4

Create WBI Strategy Worksheet

03/17/13 Mrs. Foster

Module 5 Module 5

Identify media

Mrs. Foster Dr. Baek


Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
Mr. Harkins

Evaluate instructional strategies and media selection

Mrs. Foster Dr. Baek Mr. Harkins


Module 5

Flowchart and storyboard lesson

03/17/13 Mrs. Foster

Module 5

Evaluate flowchart and storyboard lesson

Mrs. Foster Dr. Baek Mrs. Bernard


Module 5

Module 6

Module 7

Design website

Mrs. Foster Mr. Harkins


Module 3

Convert storyboard to Web pages

Mrs. Foster Mr. Harkins


Module 6

Conduct Evaluation (test website and instructional quality of WBI, troubleshoot technology, test)

Mrs. Foster Dr. Baek Mrs. Bernard Mr. Harkins


Module 8&9

Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
Page 188 1. Using your LTM, write objectives for your WBI. Each LTM item should have an objective. Be sure that each objective is aligned with a learning outcome as well as with the learning task item. Refer to Tables 6.3 to 6.5 for proper formatting. Remember that each objective should contain a condition, performance (action verb), and criteria. Organize your objectives into the identified TOAB columns. Leave the assessment item column blank. 2. Note any changes to your TOAB as you review and revise your WBI design. If the changes are significant, you may need to create a new TOAB and explain the reasons for the modifications. Click here to download the chart for completion.

Learning Task Item and Number 1.0 Punctuate and spell correctly

Objective Given any assignment to be written in Spanish the learner will spell and punctuate sentences and questions with 95% accuracy. When writing in Spanish learners will spell vocabulary accurately 95% of the time. When writing in Spanish learners will identify vocabulary that use the and spell them correctly 100% of the time. When writing in Spanish learners will identify vocabulary that use accents and accent vowels correctly 95% of the time. When writing questions, exclamations, and sentences learners will use correct opening and closing punctuation 100% of the time. 3

Outcome Level Intellectual Skill: Rule using

Assessment Item Multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, short answer worksheets

1.1 Use correct Spelling

Verbal Information: Labels and facts

1.1.1 Identify additional letters in Spanish ()

Verbal Information: Labels and facts

Choose the letter of the word that is correctly spelled. INSERT LINK TO MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ Identify the misspelled word(s) and rewrite them in the answer box. INSERT THE FILL IN THE BLANK QUIZ Identify the misspelled word(s) and rewrite them in the answer box. INSERT THE FILL IN THE BLANK QUIZ Identify the missing punctuation marks and rewrite them in the answer box. INSERT THE FILL IN THE BLANK QUIZ

1.1.2 Identify vowels with accents (, , , , )

Verbal Information: Labels and facts

1.2 Use correct punctuation

Verbal Information: Labels and facts

Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
1.2.1 Use the ?s When writing questions learners will use opening () and closing (?) questions marks with 100% accuracy. Verbal Information: Labels and facts Identify the missing punctuation marks and rewrite them in the answer box. INSERT THE FILL IN THE BLANK QUIZ LINK Identify the missing punctuation marks and rewrite them in the answer box. INSERT THE FILL IN THE BLANK QUIZ LINK Answer the following questions in complete sentences using appropriate vocabulary. INSERT SHORT ANSWER QUIZ LINK Read and record the short reading and submit for instructor review. INSERT RECORDING QUIZ LINK Read and record the attached vocabulary and submit for instructor review. INSERT RECORDING QUIZ LINK Attached vocabulary and submit for instructor review. INSERT RECORDING QUIZ LINK Answer the following questions in complete sentences using appropriate vocabulary. INSERT SHORT ANSWER QUIZ LINK (oral and writing) Fill in the blank with the correct translation of the English word. INSERT FILL IN THE BLANK

1.2.2 Use the !s

When writing exclamations learners will use opening () and closing (!) exclamation marks with 100% accuracy. 2.0 Develop a working Given new vocabulary repertoire of vocabulary words and phrases learners will develop a working repertoire of vocabulary to be recalled and spoken on demand. 2.1 Correctly pronounce When speaking in vocabulary Spanish learners will pronounce vocabulary correctly with 75% accuracy. 2.1.1 Memorize When speaking in Reproduce the Spanish learners will sounds of Spanish accurately reproduce vowels the sounds of Spanish vowels with 75% accuracy. 2.1.2 Memorize When speaking in Pronounce sounds of Spanish learners will Spanish consonants accurately pronounce the sounds of Spanish consonants with 75% accuracy. 2.2 Memorize Recall When speaking or and produce vocabulary writing learners will recall and produce correct vocabulary when speaking 100% of the time. 2.2.1 Correctly translate vocabulary from English to Spanish When presented with an English word learners will translate it into Spanish with 100% 4

Verbal Information: Labels and facts

Verbal Information: Bodies of Knowledge

Motor Skills

Motor Skills

Motor Skills

Intellectual Skills: Concrete concept

Verbal Information: Bodies of knowledge

Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
2.2.2 Correctly translate vocabulary from Spanish to English accuracy. When presented with a Spanish word learners will translate it into English with 100% accuracy. When presented with a word in Spanish learners will correctly define each word with 100% accuracy. Verbal Information: Bodies of knowledge LINK Fill in the blank with the correct translation of the Spanish word. INSERT FILL IN THE BLANK LINK Match the following English words on the left with the correct letter of the Spanish word on the right. INSERT THE MATCHING QUIZ LINK In the directed conversation with your epal write the dialogue using appropriate vocabulary and phrases

2.2.3 Correctly define each word

Verbal Information: Bodies of knowledge

2.3 Memorize and use Spanish vocabulary phrases that do not have equivalent translations in English

2.3.1 Memorize and use weather expressions

When presented with new vocabulary phrases in Spanish that do not have an equivalent translation in English learners will correctly use the phrases with 75% accuracy. When speaking about the weather learners will employ the correct expression on demand

Cognitive Strategy

Cognitive Strategy

2.3.2 Memorize and use the verb GUSTAR

When talking about likes and dislikes learners will use the irregular verb GUSTAR with 100% accuracy. Given articles and adjectives learners will identify the correct agreement specifications with 98% accuracy.

Intellectual Skills: Discrimination

3.0 Identify agreement

Verbal Information: Labels and facts

3.1 Correctly change articles and adjectives to correspond in gender and number with the

When presented with nouns or pronouns learners will correctly change the 5

Verbal Information: Labels and facts

Look at the following pictures and, using complete sentences, describe the weather, season, date, and what the people are doing. INSERT THE WRITING PICTURE ACTIVITY Answer the following questions using the correct forms of GUSTAR INSERT THE GUSTAR SHORT ANSWER ACTIVITY SHEET Rewrite the following nouns using a correct article and change the given adjective to agree with the noun it modifies INSERT ARTICLEADJECTIVE WORKSHEET LINK Rewrite the following nouns using a correct article and change the given adjective to agree

Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
nouns or pronouns they modify corresponding articles and adjectives to agree in number and gender with 98% accuracy. When presented with nouns learners will identify them as either masculine or feminine with 100% accuracy. When presented with nouns and pronouns learners will identify them as either singular or plural. When given a subject learners will change it to the corresponding subject pronoun with 100% accuracy. with the noun it modifies INSERT ARTICLEADJECTIVE WORKSHEET LINK Choose either M or F to identify nouns as masculine or feminine. INSERT MULTIPLE CHOICE ACTIVITY LINK Choose either S or P to identify nouns as singular or plural. INSERT MULTIPLE CHOICE ACTIVITY LINK Rewrite the sentences using the corresponding subject pronoun in place of the given subject. INSERT SUBJECT/SUBJECT PRONOUN WORKSHEET LINK Ask or answer questions according to the question or answer given. INSERT THE QUESTION / ANSWER WORKSHEET

3.1.1 Identify masculine and feminine nouns

Verbal Information: Labels and facts

3.1.2 Identify nouns and pronouns as singular or plural

Verbal Information: Labels and facts

3.2 Change given subjects to corresponding subject pronouns

Cognitive Strategy

4.0 Communicate using questions and answers

4.1 Write Ask and respond to simple and complex questions

4.1.1 Ask questions using interrogatives

Given an assignment that requires learners to acquire knowledge from others, learners will use questioning and answering techniques to communicate according to the topic at hand. In all communication forms learners will ask and respond to simple and complex questions with correct vocabulary according to the topic at hand. When asking for specific information learners will ask questions using interrogatives according to the topic at hand. When asking for an affirmative or negative answer learners will use yes and no 6

Intellectual Skills: Problem solving

Intellectual Skills: Problem solving

Ask or answer questions according to the question or answer given. INSERT THE QUESTION / ANSWER WORKSHEET

Intellectual Skills: Problem solving

4.1.2 Ask yes and no questions

Intellectual Skills: Rule using

Ask a question using an interrogative that corresponds with the given response. INSERT INTERROGATIVE Q & A WORKSHEET LINK Ask an appropriate question that would solicit the given response. INSERT YES / NO

Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
4.2 Write Use negative sentences questions according to the topic at hand. In all communication forms learners will use negative sentence structure correctly 100% of the time. In all communication forms learners will use no to express not whenever needed. Intellectual Skills: Concrete concept QUESTION WORKSHEET LINK Change the affirmative sentences to make them negative. INSERT NEGATIVE SENTENCE WORKSHEET LINK Answer the following questions in the negative form. INSERT NEGATIVE SENTENCE WORKSHEET LINK Answer the following questions using no and the double negative word. INSERT NEGATIVE SENTENCE WORKSHEET LINK Write an essay using the vocabulary and grammar that corresponds with the topic given. INSERT ESSAY QUIZ LINK Use the correct form of conjugated verbs to communicate present tense situations. INSERT ORAL ESSAY QUIZ LINK Using the provided words put them in the correct order to make a complete sentence. Conjugate the verbs to agree with their subject or subject pronoun and agree all articles and adjectives. INSERT SENTENCE BUILDING WORKSHEET LINK Choose the appropriate AR verb from the word box and rewrite the English sentence in

4.2.1 Use no to express not

Intellectual Skills: Concrete concept

4.2.2 Use double negatives

4.3 Write simple and advanced sentences using proper punctuation and spelling in questions and answers 5.0 Conjugate the present tense

When speaking in the negative learners will use double negatives to communicate no, not, never, nothing, no one, etc. whenever needed. When writing in Spanish learners will use proper punctuation and spelling in both simple and advances questions and answers. Given an infinitive verb learners will conjugate verbs in the present tense in all forms of communication. When given a specific subject or subject pronoun learners will conjugate regular verbs into the present tense with 98% accuracy.

Intellectual Skills: Rule using

Intellectual Skills: Rule using

Intellectual Skills: Rule using

5.1 Conjugate regular verbs in the present tense to agree with their subject or subject pronoun

Intellectual Skills: Discrimination

5.1.1 Conjugate AR verbs

Given an AR verb learners will conjugate all verbs to agree with its subject or subject 7

Intellectual Skills: Discrimination

Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
pronoun. Spanish. INSERT SENTENCE TRANSLATION WORKSHEET LINK Choose the appropriate ER verb from the word box and rewrite the English sentence in Spanish. INSERT SENTENCE TRANSLATION WORKSHEET LINK Choose the appropriate IR verb from the word box and rewrite the English sentence in Spanish. INSERT SENTENCE TRANSLATION WORKSHEET LINK Create a conversation using the directed dialogue between three friends. With your e-pals, record the conversation and submit the recording to the assignment box. INSERT DIRECTED DIALOGUE LINK Write and record an original essay based on the topic given. Submit the both the writing and recording to the assignment box. INSERT THE TOPICAL ESSAY LINK Write an original work about yourself based on the topic given using all of the first person irregular verbs (and others if needed) found in the verb box. INSERT FIRST PERSON IRREGULAR VERBS WORKSHEET LINK

5.1.2 Conjugate ER verbs

Given an ER verb learners will conjugate all verbs to agree with its subject or subject pronoun.

Intellectual Skills: Discrimination

5.1.3 Conjugate IR verbs

Given an IR verb learners will conjugate all verbs to agree with its subject or subject pronoun.

Intellectual Skills: Discrimination

5.2 Conjugate irregular verbs in the present tense to agree with their subject or subject pronoun

Given an irregular verb learners will conjugate all verbs in the present tense so they agree with their subject or subject pronoun.

Intellectual Skills: Discrimination

5.2.1 Conjugate stemchanging verbs

Given a stem-changing verb learners will conjugate all verbs in the present tense so they agree with their subject or subject pronoun. Given a verb that has an irregularity in the first person learners will conjugate it with 100% accuracy.

Intellectual Skills: Discrimination

5.2.2 Conjugate first person irregular verbs

Intellectual Skills: Discrimination

Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
Page 196 1. Decide on the type(s) of assessment and schedule for assessing student performance for your WBI. Consider creating a checklist or rubric for authentic assessment tools. When creating a rubric be sure to define your scoring descriptors. If using subjective tests (e.g., essays, short answer items), consider developing the questions and the scoring key. Both traditional assessment and alternative assessments will be employed during the WBI Beginning Spanish 1a. Some objectives are conducive to traditional assessments, such as translating vocabulary, identifying agreements, and conjugating new verbs. It is more authentic to use alternative methods when assessing a learners verbal and aural comprehension such as on the spot question and answer, pronunciation, and fluidity of language. Learners will be assessed throughout and at the end of each module (formative) as new concepts and vocabulary topics are presented. The concepts and vocabulary will be practiced via written activities, recorded projects, discussion boards, and creative works. Because Spanish is a comprehensive subject, students will be expected to recall and use knowledge from previous lessons. At the end of the course, learners will have a final project and will submit a portfolio of specific works as specified by the instructor. Here are two examples: a checklist for Identifying Agreement and a rubric for Fluidity of Speech. Checklist for Identifying Agreement 1. Did the learner properly identify a noun as masculine or feminine? 2. Did the learner properly identify a noun as singular or plural? 3. Did the learner properly agree an article with the noun it modified? 4. Did the learner properly agree an adjective with the noun it modified? 5. Did the learner properly match the conjugated verb with its subject or subject pronoun? Yes No

Rubric for an oral activity Speaking Rubric Learners speech was smooth and natural. (Smooth Not smooth) Learner used appropriate vocabulary. (Appropriate Not appropriate) Learners grammar was accurate. (Accurate Inaccurate) Learner understood the conversation. (Comprehensible Incomprehensible) Learner was easily understood. (Understood Not understood)

Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
Sample Essay questions Describe yourself: include who you are (name), where you are from, how old you are, when is your birthday, three physical descriptions, and three personality traits. Say how you are feeling. Write a paragraph with a minimum of six complete sentences describing three things you like and three things you dislike. Write a dialogue between three people: A, B, and C. Each person must: give a greeting, introduce themselves or be introduced and respond, be asked or tell where they are from, be asked or tell how old they are, ask and tell one thing they like to do and one thing they do not like to do, say good-bye. Use a variety of vocabulary words and expressions. Write in complete sentences. Your sister is going shopping for school supplies. Write a note to your sister and tell her what things you need for each of your seven classes. Tell her what supplies you already have (at least five) and what supplies she needs to buy for you (at least five). Tell her how many of each item she needs to buy. Thank her. Use complete sentences and be polite. Described your family of five. Tell what their names are and how they are related to you. Describe their hair and eyes and what they like to wear (three items) and their favorite hobby. Tell their favorite color and their favorite food.

Rubric for a written essay Speaking Rubric All information is included (Complete Incomplete) Learner used appropriate vocabulary. (Appropriate Not appropriate) Learners grammar was accurate. (Accurate Inaccurate) Organized in a logical order (Logical Illogical) Learner meaning was easily understood. (Understood Not understood)

2. Complete the last column of the TOAB. For each objective create a sample test item or indicate how an alternative assessment will be used for the objective. Be sure that you use the TOAB to review the sample items for congruence with stated objectives, learning outcomes, and the learning task item. Make whatever adjustments needed so that all TOAB elements correspond with each other.


Web-Based Instruction: On Your Own Questions Chapter 6 Concurrent Design: WBI Preplanning and Design Tasks
Page 198 1. Complete the organization of your proposed WBI by clustering objectives into major topics, regardless of their order in the LTM. Chunk and sequence the objectives logically within each cluster. Define each cluster with a name that you may use later as a unit title. Preserve and include the task item/objective numbers from the TOAB in your Design Document for added clarity as to how you grouped the objectives together. First Things First: Laying the Foundations of Spanish (Objectives 1.0 1.2.2, 2.1.1 2.1.2, 3.0 3.1.2, Whats That?: Building Up Your Vocabulary (Objectives 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 2.3.1 Ask Me and Ill Tell You: (Objectives 3.2, 4.0 4.3, Telling It Like It Is: Using Verbs in the Present Tense (Objectives 2.3.2, 5.0 5.2.2) Pulling It All Together (Objectives 2.2, course wrap up)


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