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1. At the beginning of the financial yearthe departments will be provided with a copy of the budget estimates. " 2. The availability of funds will be shown in the budget estimate and Head of the Department will ensure whether there is any cut made in the proposed budget heads. 3. As a matter of pre-caution, certain payment of funds (to be decided by Head of the

Departments) has to be set apart to meet any exigency that may arise due to paucity of funds.



4. The sanction for purch~e

and payments for the whole year should be obtained from

competent authorities at the beginning and the payments are to be made accordingly. One time administrative and technical sanction for the various items to be purchased

should be obtained at the beginning of the financial year. 5. The Finance Officer will transfer an amount of 20% of the budgeted amount to the Savings Bank Account-with-the State bank of Travancore, opened in the official name of the Head of the Department. 6. In the case of Principal Investigators, the Finance Officer will transfer an amount of 80% of the grant released by the funding agency to the Savings Bank Account with the State bank of Travancore, opened in the official name of the Principal Investigator. 7. The Head of the Department/ Principal Investigator may make purchase of items for which one time sanction is obtained, as and when needed; byobeying the purchase rules/ financial rules/Statutes' in this regard. The responsibly of ensuring that right modalities

are followed should rest with the Head of the Department/Principal Investigator. 8. After purchase of the items, the bills are to be paid and forwarded monthly for pre-audit. The Finance branch will audit the bills, verify the accounts and financial adjustment for the expenditure will be issued within 15 days of receipt.

9. Proper stock Register should be maintained by the Head of the Departments/Principal Investigators and detailed stock entry showing folio number, item number etc., of the stock register and certific~te of purchase should be shown on the back of the bills for stock verification, with the signature "and seal of the Head ofthe Department. The office

copies of the bills etc should be kept in the office not only for the audit but for the legal immunity of the person ~ho had made the purchased. 10. Annual stock verification should also be conducted on a regular basis. Along with the last bill the unspent amount may be transferred to the Finance Officer. 11. An expenditure statement sowing "amount received, expended and the balance may be submitted to Finance Officer at the end of every quarter. Additional fund may be sought as and when required. .

12. By the end of December, after taking stock of expenditure, additional proposal for utilization of the balan~e amount may be submitted, sanction obtained, expenditure incurred and bills submitted by 31st March.


12. In the case of various research projects, Utilization Certificates may be arranged by the HOD/PI from qualified Chartered Accountant (as per guidelines issued separately) for the purpose of getting release ofthe further installments from funding agencies, if required. The HOD/PI should see that the Utilization Certificates are submitted to the funding agency well in time and take appropriate action to get the release of the balance amount.

13. The entire responsibility With respect to fund-use as per rules, purchase as per rules, settling accounts as per rules, arranging auditing if necessary with Chartered Accountant Financial progress reporting, technical progress reporting, Annual reports, Research reports and Maintenance of proper accounts and obtaining the"technical objectives till the end of the projects is with Head of the Departments/Principal" Investigator. The

technical responsibility of expenditure will be with the Director of Research and the financial responsibility wit! be with t~e Finance Officer.


LJGCAllocation Allocation [Description Equip Books

Durinq XI Plan Spent Upto 30-03-2011 EQuIp Books Balance to be Spent Equip Books

~istorx Enqlish Mal1lYaiam Hindi philosophy Arabic Sanskrit Russian Chemistry Botany Zooloov Physics Maths Statistics Life Sciences Bio-technoloqy Commerce Education 'Physical Education Psycoloqy Journalism Librarv Science Women Studies Nano Technoloqy Computer Science Folklore Drama Economics West Asian Studies Nitroqen Plant lCT Auqmentation HealthCentre Euo Diqital Resources Centre-CHMK CHMK Books Study Centre

500000 300000 100000 100000 .300000 300000 400000 400000 2500000 3000000 1500000 7500000 1200000 500000 1500000 2000000 500000 1500000 1500000 500000 1500000 500000 1000000 3000000 1000000 500000 500000 1200000 4000000 1000000 1500000 1500000

250000 250000 250000 250000 250006 250000


200000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000

96211 149683 50000 46170 149559 149950 199989 196735 1247960 1591111 909053 4491609 599235 249400 1275911 999390 244000 743881 50000 369675 748437 244600 467941 2561473 489500 249330 249880 584637 3245862 996785 138716 1485520

121515 171124 170740 161268 171513 171444 171071 170718 208399 208904 209223 199912 209897 209966 206708 159560 209457 171373 109953 209999 209410 171486 148968 202782 64038 197919 171038 170415 171501

403789 150317 50000 53830 150441 150050 200011 203265 1252040 1408889 590947
3008391 V


3500000 50000

2829534 50000

600765 250600 224089 1000610 256000 756119 1450000 D0325 751563 255400 532059 438527 510500 250670 250120 615363 0 754138 3215 1361284 '14480 0 0 0 0

128485 78876 79260 88732 78487 78556 78929 29282 41601 41096 40777 50088 40103 40034 43292 90440 40543 78627 140047 40001 40590 78514 101032 47218 185962 52081 78962 79585 78499 0 0 0 0 670466 0 0 0



Total Buildinqs! Construction







Spent Upto 30-03-2011

Ladies Hostel - TCR Social Sciences Block Science Block- 15000000 MS Guesthouse -Modernisation Womens Hostel-Campus HealthCentre New W.Hostel M.S Rain Water Harvestinq Basic Facilities for Women-MS
Total Merqed Schemes(Excl. Constructions)

500000.0 8000000 18000000 1000000 2500000 2000000 1.0000000 1500000 5000000


J __ -.

') 0...7

5989558 8000000 2991713 1131748 1332175 1958979 1304366 4928023


-989558 0 15008287 -131748 1167825 41021 8695634 1500000 71977 0



Spent Upto 30-03-2011

3572061 1385339 2041649 1081237 250000 2000000 200000 2100000 2267239 36000 4025000
0 0

Travel Grant Seminars Publica\:tlrr Visitinq Professor oavsare Centre Faculty Improvement Procrarn Equal Oportunity Cell SC/ST/OBC Coachinq Career councellino Visually impaired Adventure sports MS
Total IOAC Grant Total

4000000 2500000 2500000 2000000 500000 2000000 .200000 3600000 2700000 36000 5000000
25036000 500000 121836000 10750000

427939 1114661 458351 918763





975000 0
6077475 89122 59075362 8009835

18438675 47062128

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