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INTRODUCTION Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences as a result of the teaching on vocational or practical skills and knowledge that are related to specific and useful competences. It has specific goals of improving employers capability, capacity and performance. Among teachers, training is important since on their hands lay the foundation of development of capabilities of future professionals. With this, there is a need to continuous training of teachers beyond their initial qualifications to maintain upgrade and update thing skills. In order to maintain the capability of instructors in the collegiate level to teach with competence, training should be given to them. However, for training to be effective, training needs must be identified first, this process is very essential in human resource development since it is a way of hitting the right note for teachers development.

There are many aspects in teaching that teachers need to be competent. These aspects are essential for the educative process. It is also along these areas that teachers need to be trained, but most, it is the instructional competency that counts much. The instructional competency performance behavior on the following: diversity of learners, content and pedagogy, planning, assessing, reporting learners outcome, learning announcement, school, homes and community, social regards for learning and personal, social growth and professional development. To be an instructor in a school like the College of Business Administration at Mindanao Sanitarium & Hospital College, one has to possess these instructional competencies or must update on self with the same through training. For instruction or training to be effective, instructors should know these strength and weakness and most their needs for training. In this study, training needs in instructional competency of instructors will be focused. This is to determine if these teachers know their training needs. It is hope that through this study a benchmark can be made on training needs of instructors in this college so school administration could do something about them.

Theoretical Framework The study is anchored on the following theories and concepts: Theory on Connectivism by Thorndike, Theory of Motivation by Herzberg, and Theory on System Approach by Luhmanss and training concept of Noe. (2005) Theory of connectionism postulates by Thorndikes (as cited in by Ragmac, 2012) states that human activity is based on association between stimulus and response. Training should be based on the needs of employee. Since the most important function of the teachers is to give instruction, the needs to improve instruction should be the basis of examining teachers training needs. This Theory is related to the present study since competence and training is inherent. Theory on Motivation by Herzberg (as cited in by Clarido, 2012) advances that peoples motivation towards work affects the way they took steps too much their capability to do their work. Motivation to have competencies is an aspiration and competencies only come through training. Knowing one training needs is a sign that teachers have a positive attitude towards their profission. This is incorporated in the criteria of good

teaching. This is significant to the present study since the way teachers are motivated to have training in the focus of this study. Theory on System Approach by Luhmanns says that organization like the Mindanao Sanitarium & Hospital College is composed of parts which proper functioning of parts could affect the attainment of goals of organization. In order to attain the goal of the department that is to deliver quality education teachers should possess qualities congruent to the theories is only attainable through identification of training needs and provision of training for instructors of the schools. This is for the purpose of ensuring the attainment of objectives of the CHED. This is related to the study since it will deal on the training needs so proper training can be provided in instructors. Concept on training by Noe (2005) states that training activity should focus on and evaluated against the job that on individual currently do. This is to educate the employee further for future potential job of employee or likely to do for the organization. It is along their line that determination of training needs among instructors is important.

Conceptual Framework The study will identify the relationship of profile of teachers to the training needs on instructional competencies of collegiate instructors. The independent variables will be the profile of teachers in terms of age, gender, civil status and educational qualifications. Dependent variable will be on the training needs on instructions as perceived by instructors themselves. Variables are contained on boxes which are connected by arrow lines to show relationships. It is conceptualized by the study that the profile of teachers found bearing on the training needs of college instructors themselves. Figure 1 shows the schematized diagram showing the interplay of variables.

Profile of College Instructors

Age Gender Civil status Education Qualifications

Training Needs Of College Instructors










Independent and Dependent Variables of the study.

Statement of the Problem The study aims at determining the training needs of college instructors of College of Business Administration at Mindanao Sanitarium & Hospital College during SY 2012-2013. Specifically the study will answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of college instructor in terms of? 1.1 age; 1.2 gender; 1.3 civil status; and 1.4 educational qualifications? 2. What are the training needs of college instructors as perceived by instructors, themselves? 3. Is there a significant relationship and the perception of training needs when instructors are grouped as to their profile?

Hypothesis The following null hypothesis will be tested at 0.05 level of significance. Ho1: There is no significant difference in the perception of college instructors on the training needs of college instructors when they are grouped as to their profile.

Significance of the Study The study will be beneficial to the following: School Policy Makers. The study will be useful in the promulgation of policies and laws related to training needs in college instructors can guide them improve training for their instructors. School Administrators. The study will serve as guide for them in determining the training needs of their teachers. College instructor. The study will inform them on their level oh instructional competencies and training needs. This can serve as guide in improving their knowledge and skills in teaching.

Students. The result of the study will provide them awareness on the instructional competencies and training needs of their teachers. Future Researchers. The study will generate data training which they can use their future research.

Scope and Limitations The study is on the training needs of college instructors of the College of Business Administration, Mindanao Sanitarium & Hospital College during 2013-2014 The respondents were the college instructors and students of the College of Business Administration, Mindanao Sanitarium & Hospital College. The instrument used in the data gathering was a researcher made questionnaire on the training needs of college instructors.

Definition of terms The following terms are conceptual and operationally defined for the understanding of readers.


Instructional Competency. This refers to the capability of teachers to teach the learners (Question 1990). In this study these include aspects of diversity of learners, content and pedagogy, planning, assessing and reporting, learners outcome, social regards for learning and personal, social growth and professional development Performance Behavior. This refers to the way teachers do their job (Question 1990). This is an education of training needed by college instructors Training. This is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies as a route of the teaching of the same. Training Needs. This refers to the necessity to develop through educating aspects on knowledge skills and attitude related to a job. In this study this includes development and competencies of college instructors.

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