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First Installations of Precipitators

Advancements in ESP

Yatindra Nadkarni, CEO Ionisation Filtration Industries Pvt Ltd, Pune, India.

1907 1910 1911 1915 1916 1919 1923 1926 1949

Chemical Industry Copper Lead & Zinc Smelters Cement Industry De-tarring of Fuel Gases Paper Mills Steel Industry Electric Power Industry Carbon Black Aluminum Smelters

Since inv enti on, ov er last more tha n 100 years, lots of i mprov eme nts / a dv anceme nts did take pl ace in ESP comp one nts & o perati ng practices. Some of these a dv anceme nts are c ov ered here.

Advancements in ESP

Com pu tati onal Flui d D ynamics (C FD) stud y :

For ensuring uniform gas & dust flow distribution within ESP fields

Pipe-& -Spike e mittin g electr odes : For ensuring effectiv e

corona generation even with dust coating on pipes, Have capability of operating without snapping

Side-to-To p Ra ppi ng c onv ersion : For increa sing coll. plate

are a by 25 to 33% within the same ESP casing

Com putationa l Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

TR C ontr ollers : For handling high resistive dust with better

control over Back corona

Dust Loa d Dis tribution Tech nol og y (DL D T) : For reduced

ESP outlet emission

Hybrid ESP + Bag filter : For ESPs which are giving too high
a emission due to plant capacity enhancement/ tighter emission norm/ changes in design paramet er s/ inadequate ESP sizing etc.

Com putational Fluid Dynam ics (CFD)

ESP Performance :
Ma n y a ti me, tho ug h ESP Desi gn C on diti ons are well ev aluated while sizing ESP, inle t /outle t d uct r outing along with n ozzle desig n & orie nta tio n m a y pla y a maj or role in spoili ng perfor manc e of other wise correc tl y sized ESP, thro ug h u nev en gas & dus t fl ow dis tribu tio n. Regret tabl y, this performa nce killer, on m an y occasio ns, is ov erlooked ev en b y Design er / Co nsul tan t ini tiall y or b y Cus to mer d urin g capaci ty e nha nceme nt s tage.

Com putational Fluid Dynam ics (CFD)

ESP Performance :
In short, ev en correc tl y sized ESP or ESP with pla nt capacity e nh ance men t, has Per for mance depe nde nce on Uniform distri buti on of gas & dus t thro ug hou t its cross sectio n. That is where Comp uta tional F luid D yna mics (CF D) s tu d y pla ys a Vital r ole in i mpr ov ing Gas dis trib uti on i n Electr osta tic Precipi tator

Com putational Fluid Dynam ics (CFD)

CFD Adv antages :

Com putational Fluid Dynam ics (CFD)

CFD Adv antages :

Av oids exte nsiv e, repetitiv e Trial -&-Error (T&E ) met hod on fiel d erecte d ESP, for e nsuri ng uni form gas v elocity inside ESP

Mi nimises l oss of time ass ocia ted with repe titiv e T&E tes ts, site m odificati ons e tc. whic h prov es crucial in a n ESP up grada tio n j ob.

For a ne w ESP, C FD e nsures prop er orientati on of inlet / ou tlet nozzles, GD screens For a fie ld erec ted ESP, C FD eli mina tes costlier site m odi ficati ons / al terati ons of nozzles, GD scree ns & v anes a fter ev ery T&E tes t.

Facilita tes be tter plan ning o f Plan t Sh ut-do wns for ESP up grada tio ns with No la st min ute s urprises, No sh ut-d own ext ensi ons, No a ddition al loss of prod ucti on

Has lo wer cos t (~ on e-four th of Model s tu d y) Better s peed of res ults (2 to 3 mo nth s)

Com putational Fluid Dynam ics (CFD)

CFD Adv antages :

Case Study : Electrostatic Precipitator

Prior to C FD s tu d y After C FD s tu d y

No Mo del s tud y set -u p Flexi-glass m odel No elab orate floor spac e requireme nt for la b set -u p (CF D require s onl y a Workstati on & So ftware)

CFD Res ult Hi ghl ights : Flue gas havi ng h igh er veloc ity regi on (re d) on left flank of ESP Unev en g as flow, thus low erin g ESP efficie ncy

No Fiel d GD te st a t site No ESP sh utd o wn (~ 10-12 da ys ) for GD tes ts No likel y ex tensi on of s hu td own peri od res ulti ng i n extended l oss o f pr od ucti on & rev enue

Case Study : Electrostatic Precipitator

Prior to C FD s tu d y After C FD s tu d y

Emitting Electrode s

ESP Cross- se ctional view

Types of Em itting Electrodes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Spiral Twisted square Twisted pair Saw-tooth ribbon Twist barbed Smooth round Open hook Loop ring S-hook loop ring

Types of Em itting Electrodes

10. Pipe-&-Pin Emitting Electrodes 11. Pipe-&-Spike Emitting Electrode

Em itting Electrode Corona Glow - Typical

Problems associated w ith EE : Heavy Dust Coating

Heavy Dust Coating :

Badl y a ffec ts emis siv ity Suppress es Secondar y Curren t Field opera tes at muc h lower e fficie nc y

Problems associated w ith EE : Snapping

Solution to Dust coating, Snapping of EE

Every spark & arc results in etching of metal from surface of emitting electrodes Etching results in :
Reduc tion in ra dius of c urv ature More coro na genera tion Possible next s park/arc at same l ocati on

That is where Pipe-&-Spike design of emitting electrodes offer a solution.

Anneal ed c op per coa ted nails en sure sharp c orona poi nts ov er a lon g ti me. Zero pr oba bility of S nap ping Lo wer 'coro na onset v oltage Higher e fficie nc y of ESP for same process parame ter Simplici ty o f ins tallati on Adap tabili ty to all desig ns Lo wer d own ti me for retro fits

And the Outcome Snapping of emitting electrode

Pipe-&-Spike design emitting electrodes

Pipe-&-Spike design emitting electrodes

Reduces possibility of back corona

Simplicity of ESP Retrofit/ Upgradation

Lo wer coro na onse t v oltage e nsures begi nning o f pr ocess of i onizati on well in a dv ance o f back coro na regi on During back c oro na, e mitti ng electro des get coate d wi th dus t Pipe prov ides s urface for s uch c oati ng Nails still re main free fr om dus t genera te cor ona ESP conti nues to receiv e p ower with d ust -coa ted ele ctro des to ev en

Can easil y be retr ofi tte d on an y exis ting Emi tti ng electro de fra me/ mas t de sign

Mechanical Upgrade - Side-to-Top Rapping

An innovative way to increase collecting plate area as well as improve rapper impact. The space between two consecutive fields can be utilised for installing additional collecting plates. This design modification is applicable only to certain types of ESPs. However the increase in collection area that this modification can fetch is up to 33%

Mechanical Upgrade Side-to-Top Rapping

Mechanical Upgrade - Side-to-Top Rapping

Mechanical Upgrade - Side-to-Top Rapping

Adv antages
No cha nge in foo tpri nt Inlet, outlet duc t work & n ozzles remai n same Fan a nd s tack loc ati on ke pt unc han ged No m ov ing par ts with in pre cipitator c asin g Virtual elim ina tion of mai nte nance Mov ing par ts bei ng ou tside gas stre am, the y ca n be main tain ed onli ne

Mechanical Upgrade - Side-to-Top Rapping

Adv antages
Improv ed relia bility i n rappin g mec hanis ms Rappi ng se qu ence, freq uenc y & intensi ty can readil y be c han ged thr ou gh micro -co ntroller. This mini mises p ossi bility of pu ffin g. Higher treatmen t len gth red uce re-e ntrai nme nt of dust Supp ort i nsula tors pertai ning to an i ndiv idual field are hou sed i n separa te comp artme nts.

TR Controller

TR Controller

TR Controller

Control System Adaptable for handling high resistive dust such as :

Clinker cooler dust (Cement industry) Indian Coal fired boiler fly-ash (Power Industry) Sinter strand dust (Metallurgical industry)

Control System Requirements

Optimise effective power into ESP field Prevent back corona Prevent/ minimise sparking Automatically track process changes Provide meaningful fault diagnostics Prevent ESP damage under severe faults

TR Controller

Dust Loa d Distribution Technology (DLDT)

DL DT : Revolutionary Technology

What is DLDT ?

Lowers outlet emission by 25 to 50 % at about one tenth cost of conventional methods Saves electrical power by 10 to 15 % Lowest down time required for implementation No recurring costs

Modify gas flow pattern inside ESP deflect it from inlet bottom to outlet top to achieve uniform dust load from top to bottom of ESP
with turnin g v anes with bl ockin g o f per forated p lates with ad diti onal gas dis tributi on dev ices at outle t o f ESP

What is Im portant ?

Theory Book Says

Gas distribution has to be as per Institute of Clean Air Companies (ICAC) standards First field collects 80% of dust Second field collects 16% of dust Third field collects 4% of dust Current increases from first to last field Voltage decreases from first to last field

Gas Distribution or Dust Load Distribution ?

Theory Book Shows

Aspects Overlooked
At low gas velocity dust settles down due to gravity Re-entrainment of dust during rapping of plates Acute gradient in voltage & current levels affect migration velocity




Gas Flow

kV mAmps

Effect of Gravity on Dust

Re-entrainment of Dust During Rapping

Lo w Co nce ntrati on

Gas Flow

High Co ncen trati on

Acute gradient in Voltage & Current

Practical Observations
Upper portion is under-utilized Lower portion is over-loaded High current drain in low resistance area Voltage drops due to loading of T/R set No corona in lower portion

Lo w Resis tance
Gas Flow kV mAmps

Practical Observations

Practical Problems
Drop in voltage reduces migration velocity Increased gas volume increases re-entrainment of dust Fine & light dust that is more susceptible, increases emission Puffing is more visible & adds to average emission

Gas Flow kV mAmps

Underlining Theory
Dust Load Distribution is More Important

DL DT Methodology
Identify ideal angle for gas flow to overcome gravitational effect Create a DEAD POCKET at outlet bottom of ESP Computer flow modeling to arrive at new gas distribution devices Verification of computer modeling in field after implementation


Gas Distribution


Advantages - Electrical
Entire ESP from top to bottom is uniformly loaded Reduction of current drain saves electrical energy Higher kV results in higher migration velocity - crucial for collection of fine particles

Gas Flow Dead Zone

kV mAmps

Reduced Em ission

Technological Advantages

Dust falls in dead pockets at lower end of outlet field during rapping Reduced re-entrainment of dust during ESP operation Puffing is eliminated

All ESPs are sized as per Deutsch Anderson Equation DLDT is based on parameters over & above those in Deutsch Anderson Equation As a result, with DLDT, Performance improvement is assured in all ESPs

Dust Load Distribution is

Hybrid ESP + Ba g filter

More Important Than Gas Distribution !

Hybrid ESP + Bag filter

Customer : JRP Cement Plant, Rewa, MP
Problem : Hi gher e missio n fr om Fl y-as h Dr yer ESP Backgro un d : Fl y-as h Dr yer ESP ins talle d alo ng with pre-coll ector C yclo ne Inpu t : Ash fro m N TP C Po wer pla nts of 2 types Ash with 20-25% w/w mois ture (p on d ash ) Ash with 8-10% w/w mois ture

Hybrid ESP + Bag filter

Customer : JRP Cement Plant, Rewa, MP
Problem : Hi gher e missio n fr om Fl y-as h Dr yer ESP Viable Solutions : Op tio n 1 : ESP be ma de bi gger i n size by 60 -65% by addi ng 2 more fields to presen t 3 fiel ds in op eratio n Op tio n 2 : Install a ne w ESP in p arallel to existi ng ESP with a spli t-flo w o f 40% & 60% respectiv ely. Op tion 3 : Install H ybri d Bag filter wi thi n existi ng ESP b y dis man tling last field & ad din g a ne w Fan i f req d

Emissio n fro m ESP for : Ash with 20-25% w/w mois ture, ~ 100 m g/ N m3 Ash with 8-10% w/w mois ture, > 1000 m g/ N m3

Customer confirmed Option 3 (H ybrid ESP + Bag filter)

Hybrid ESP + Bag filter

Customer : JRP Cement Plant, Rewa, MP
Problem : Hi gher e missio n fr om Fl y-as h Dr yer ESP Installa tio n : H ybrid ESP + Bag filter ESP last field em ptie d, ins talled Precip Filter Precip Filter Design Parame ters : Gas Fl o w Rate :250,000 m3/ hr at 120 Deg C Bag Ma terial : Pol yAcr ylo nitrile wi th P TFE trea tme nt No o f Ba gs : 640 Bag Dia x Len gth (mm x m m) : 150 x 6000 Air-to-Cl oth Ra tio : 2.30 m 3/mi n-m2

ESP in Operation Prior to Precip Filter

ESP with Precip Filter in Operation

PrecipFilter installed in last ESP field (field emptied of its internals) ESP housing 3 Fields (Prior to Retrofit ) (Hazy environment due to dusty stack) ESP now housing 2 Fie lds Plus PrecipFilter (Clean Environment)

Result : All time Clean St ack

Fly-ash Dry er ESP at J RP Ce ment Plant, Rewa, MP running over last 3 yea rs with Zero maintenance

Ionisation Filtration Ind. Pvt Ltd (IFI), Pune, India

(For merl y kn o wn as Baltec S ys tem s Pv t Ltd )

project engineering company. complete AP C jobs starting from concept to commissioning.

Handles The

servic es cov er Application Engg, Design, CFD, Supply, and Supervision of E&C & Maintenance contra cts for Air Pollution Control (APC) equipment.

Inspection/Comprehensive Audits of old ESP/Baghouses & proposes Short /Long term Corre ctive m ea sure s with a special focus on minimum cost, least downtime & least loss of production

also offers quality replacem ent parts of air pollution control equipment.

an established name as original eqpt manufacturer (OEM) & project engineering company for ESPs, Bag Filters, Emission monitors, amongst others.


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