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INTERPRETATION AND DATA ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION: The quantitative data collected through the administration of various tools on selected

sample or samples are raw. These data need to be tabulated, organized, analyzed and interpreted for drawing sound conclusions and valid generalizations. Analysis of data means studying the organized material in order to discover inherent facts. The data are studied from as many angles as possible to explore the new facts. Analysis requires an alert flexible and open mind. In the words of Daniel Kate, Analysis is research technique for the objective, systematic and qualitative description of manifest content of communication. Data collected can become spcially useful when that is properly interpreted. Unless that is done there can be no ability of data collected by the field investigators. But at the same time, it is essential that such as interpretation should be objective and unbiared otherwise the results are bound to be misleading. So the investigator also did the work of tabulating, analyzing and interpreting the data collected. The data were analyzed in the following ways 1. Descriptive Analysis 2. Inferential Analysis DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS: The scores of the buys and girls from Tamil and English medium were analysed and tabulated as follows. The first table shows that the frequency distribution of pretest and posttest marks.

FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF SCORES : FREQUENCY SCORES 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 PRETEST NO 100 105 63 29 3 % 33.33 35 21 9.67 1 POSTTEST NO 0 1 114 120 65 % 0 3 38 40 21.67

From the above table it is evident that the performance of students in posttest is better than the pretest. Majority of the students (40%) were got marks between 30-40 intervals. It is inferred. It is inferred that the tips given by the investigator made some improvement in the achievements of students. Differential analysis: Differential analysis was also done using t-testF-test was used to find out where there is any difference between the prefect and the posttest scores of the student with regard to many varivles like gender,medium of instruction type of school and parents educational qualification Comparison of posttest scores of student with respect to gender: Gender No Mean S.D +-valu Boys 150 30.68 5.69 Girls 150 34.96 6.38 6.130** **- highly significant at 1% level The above table shows that the calculated t-value is 6.130 which is greater level than the table value of 2.592 at one percent level of significance since the calculated value is greater than the table value if is clear that there is significant difference between boys and girls in the post test scores hence the null hypothesis, there is no significant different between boys mean value of female student proves that the girls befitted much out of the hips than the boys. Comparison of posttest scores of students studying throughdieffernce medium of instruction: Medium of No Mean S.D F-value instruction Tamil 150 31.53 6.41 3.546** English 150 34.11 6.15 **- highly significant at 1% level From the above table at is inferred that there is highly significant different between tamil medium students and English medium students in this post test scores. The high mean value of the English medium students proves that these student benefited much from the tips. The calculated t-value is 3.546 wish is great than the table value of 2.592 at one percent level of significant. Since the calculated values is great than the table values it is evident that there is highly significant difference between tamil and English medium students in the pest test scores hence the null hypothesis these is no significant difference between tamil and English medium students in the past test scores is rejected.

Comparison of posttest scores of the students belonging to difference type of school: Type of school No Mean S.D F-value Government 100 33.07 6.15 Government 100 32.88 6.80 0.197ns aided Corporation 100 32.51 6.30 NS- not Government at 5% level From the above table, it is evident that the calculated F-value 0.197 is found to be not significant .since it is less than the table value (3.026). so it is cleat that these is no significant difference among the student belonging to different type of school in the posttest scores. Hence the null hypothesis, there is no significant difference among the students belonging to difference type of school in the posttest scores is accepted. Performance of students In the posttest bates on fathers educational qualification: Fathers No Mean S.D f-value educational qualification Illiterate 17 29.12 3.46 2.955* Primary 27 30.33 5.94 Secondary 179 32.87 5.93 Senior 62 53.16 6.67 College 15 53.42 6.48 *- significant at 5% level From the above table we could find that the calculated F-value of 2.955 which is greater than the table value of 2.402 at 5 percent level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis these is no significant difference among the student in this post test scores whose fathers have different educational qualification is rejected and it becomes evident that. there is significant difference among the students in their posttest scores whose father have different educational qualification Performance of student in posttest based on mothers educational qualification: Mothers No Mean S.D F-value educational qualification Illiterate 25 28.16 5.27 5.473* Primary 49 32.47 6.92 Secondary 157 32.78 6.31 Senior 54 34.63 5.64 College 15 35.67 6.29 **- highly significant at 1% level From the above table it is evident that the calculated F-value is 5.473 which is grater than the table value of 3.383 at one percent level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis, there is no significant difference among the student in there post test scores whose mothers educational qualification also contributes to the students performance in maths who were given in learning maths. So it is inferred that these is significant difference among the students in that posttest scores whose mother have different educational qualification. Comparison of pretest and posttest scores of boys and girls: Gender No Scores Mean S.D t-values


Pretest 12.0133 8.2949 -31.708 Pretest 30.6800 5.6880 Girls 150 Pretest 19.1733 9.9696 24.890** Pretest 34.9600 6.3846 ** highly significant at 1% level From the above table the t- values obtained shows that these is highly significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the boys at are percent level. The same is the rend with the girls also. The mean values of boys and girls in post test (30600, 34.9600) are highly than the mean values of bays and girls in pretest (12.0133,19.1733) respectively. So the null hypothesis that is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the boys and girls. Comparison of pretest and posttest scores based on the medium of instruction: Medium of No Scores Mean S.D t-values instruction Tamil 150 Pretest 13.4533 9.0714 29.141** Pretest 31.5333 6.4148 English 150 Pretest 7.7333 10.1238 26.643** Pretest 34.1067 6.1526 **- highly significant at 1% level In the above table the t value is found to be highly significant which shows that there is highly significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the tamil medium students. The same condition prevails in the girls also. this is a clear mark of indication that the intmath website that is very much effective among the student that these is a vast difference between the pretest and the pretest scores both so the null hypothesis, this is no significant difference between prefect and posttest scores of tamil and English medium student is rejected. Comparison of pretest and posttest scores basted on type of school: Type of school No Scores Mean S.D t-values Government 100 Pretest 16.2200 9.4736 23.983** Pretest 33.0700 6.1517 Government aided 100 Pretest 14.5600 8.8092 23.366** Pretest 32.8800 6.8006 Corporation 100 Pretest 16.0000 11.0901 21.024** Pretest 32.2981 6.2981 **- highly significant at 1%level From the above table the t values obtained shows that there is highly significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the government school student .The same is the rend wish government aided school and corporation significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of student belonging to different type of school is rejected. It is concluded that irrespective of the type of the school in which the students are studying all the students befitted from the intmath website tips.


COMPARION OF PRETEST AND POSTTEST SCORES BASED ON FATHERS EDUCATION QUALIFICATION FATHERS NO MEAN S.D T value EDUCATIONAL Pretest Post Test Pretest Post test QUALFICATION Illiterate 17 9.3529 29.1176 5.0614 3.4620 13.737** Primary 27 12.8889 30.3333 8.7545 5.9420 6.964** Secondary 179 19.6667 32.8667 11.9980 6.4832 31.537** Senior secondary 62 16.8871 33.1613 10.3514 6.6682 16.013** College 15 15.8045 38.4246 9.6954 6.4832 31.537** ** - highly significant at 1% level From the t value of each group it is evident that there is highly significant difference between the pretest scores and post test scores. So it is inferred that irrespective of fathers educational qualification there is highly significant difference between pretest scores and posttest scores of the students. So the well hypothesis, there is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of students based on fathers educational qualification is rejected. Comparison of pretest and posttest scores based on mothers educational qualification MOTHERS NO MEAN S.D T value EDUCATIONAL Pretest Post Test Pretest Post test QUALFICATION Illiterate 25 9.8400 28.1600 6.2161 5.2732 15.030** Primary 49 13.6735 32.4694 9.5337 6.9195 16.441** Secondary 157 15.8535 32.7771 10.1418 6.3110 27.427** Senior secondary 54 17.7407 34.6296 9.4832 5.6445 16.177** College 15 21.0000 35.6667 8.8560 6.2868 8.800** ** - highly significant at 1% level From the t value of each group it is evident that there is highly significant difference between the pretest scores and post test scores. So it is inferred that irrespective of mothers educational qualification there is highly significant difference between pretest scores and posttest scores of the students. So the well hypothesis, there is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of students based on fathers educational qualification is rejected. Performance of students belonging to different type of school based on gender Type of school Gender NO MEAN S.D T value Pretest Post Test Pretest Post test Government Boys 50 12.7000 31.4800 8.9654 5.5337 18.428** Girls 50 19.7400 34.6600 8.6986 6.3779 16.646** Government Boys 50 14.1800 30.7600 7.8316 6.4982 15.924** aided Girls 50 14.9400 35.000 9.7550 6.4839 17.757** Corporation Boys 50 9.1600 29.8000 7.3439 4.9073 22.644** Girls 50 22.8100 35.2200 9.9537 6.4088 12.604** ** - highly significant at 1% level From the abovetable thetvalue show that there is highly significant difference between the pretest and post test scores of the government school boys and government school girls. The same condition prevails in the case of the government aided and corporation school also. So the well hypothesis, there

is no significant different between the pretest post test of studentbelonging to different type of school based gender is rejected. Performance of students belonging to different type of school based on medium of instruction Type of school Medium NO MEAN S.D T value of Pretest Post Test Pretest Post test institution Government Tamil 50 14.7400 31.8400 9.8805 6.1656 16.472** English 50 17.7000 34.3000 8.9014 5.9462 17.361** Government Tamil 50 10.3200 31.8600 6.0049 6.7462 20.725** aided English 50 18.8000 33.9000 9.1674 6.7680 15.249** Corporation Tamil 50 15.3000 30.9000 10.0676 6.4023 15.888** English 50 16.7000 34.1200 12.0885 5.8195 14.252** ** - highly significant at 1% level From the above table thet value obtained shows that there is highly significant difference between the pretest and post test scores of the government Tamil medium student and government English medium student. The same is the frend with government aided and corporation school also.So the well hypothesis, there is no significant different between the pretest posttest scores of student belonging to different type of school based on medium of institution. PERFORMANCE OF BOYS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT MEDIUM OF TYPE OF SCHOOL Gender Type of No Mean SD t-values school Pretests Post test Pretest posttest Boys Government 50 12.7000 31.4800 8.9654 5.5337 18.428** Government 50 14.1800 30.7600 7.8316 6.4982 15.924** aided Corporation 50 9.1600 29.8000 7.3439 4.9073 22.644** **- highly significant at 1% level In the above table thet value is formed to be highly significant which shows that there is highly significant difference between the pretest and post test scores of the government school boys. The same condition prevails in the case of government aided and corporation school boys. So the null hypothesis,there is no significant difference between pretest and post test scores of the boys belonging to different type of school is rejected. PERFORMANCE OF GIRLS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT TYPE OF SCHOOLS: Gender Type of No Mean SD t-values school Pretests Post test Pretest posttest Girls Government 50 19.7400 34.6600 8.6986 6.3779 16.640** Government 50 14.9400 35.0000 9.7550 6.4839 17.757** aided Corporation 50 22.8400 35.2200 9.9537 6.4088 12.604** **- highly significant at 1 % level In the above table thet value is formed to be highly significant which shows that there is highly significant difference between pretest and pretest scores of the governments school girls. This condition is similar to government aided and corporation school girls also. So the null hypothesis, there is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of girls belonging to different type of school is rejected. PERFORMANCE OF BOYS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION:

Gender Boys

Medium Of No Instruction Tamil 75 English 75

Mean Pretests 10.8533 13.1733

Post test 29.6400 31.7200

SD Pretest 7.7594 8.6951

t-values posttest 5.6297 5.5904 22.786** 22.917**

**-highly significant at 1% level. From the above table thet value obtained shows that there is highly significant difference between the protest and posttest scores of Tamil medium boys also. Hence the null hypothesis, there is no significant difference between pretest and posttest scores of boys belonging to different medium of instruction. Is rejected. COMPARISION OF PRETEST AND POSTTEST SCORES OF GIRLS STUDYING IN DIFFERENT MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION:

Gender Boys

Medium Of No Instruction Tamil 75 English 75

Mean Pretests 16.0533 22.2933

Post test 33.4267 36.4933

SD Pretest 9.5802 9.4136

t-values posttest 6.6254 5.7806 18.768** 17.9032**

**-highly significant at 1% level From the above table thet value shows that there is highly significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of girls and English medium girls. So the null hypothesis, there is no significant difference between pretest and posttest scores of girls belonging to different medium of instruction, is rejected.

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