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heart/break by Greg Klein

April 3, 2013

FADE IN: INT. APARTMENT COMPLEX HALLWAY - NIGHT A young man trudges down a hallway of doors and carpet. This is GREG, a 21 year old Caucasian male. He carries a laptop in one hand, a laundry bag in the other, and a bulky backpack on his back. He wears a buttoned black overshirt, blue denim jeans, and gray Converse shoes. He stops at a door labeled with bright yellow numbers: 333 He pants. Raucous MUSIC and CONVERSATION emanates from inside the apartment. His body droops. He drops his laundry bag and sets his laptop on the floor; he sits on the hallway floor with his back resting on the door. GREG Every fucking Friday. He pulls his looks at the He sighs; he He opens the cell phone from the pocket of his jeans; he time. He stares at the ceiling of the hallway. stands up and grabs his laundry bag and laptop. door.

IN THE KITCHEN Party guests fill the kitchen. Some mix drinks at the counter; others chatter and fire off text messages on cell phones. They shout in order to overpower the deafening music that blasts from the stereo in the living room. Greg closes the front door. A woman in the crowd waves to him; he ignores her. This woman is ZOE. She is 24 years old. She has brown unfettered hair, a light yellow T shirt, light green pants, and dark green shoes. Greg heads toward a hallway. ZOE Greg! Come here. He swats his hand at her. He walks down the hallway. He opens a door at the end of the hallway.


IN THE BEDROOM Greg closes the door. He stumbles to his bed; he unloads the laptop, laundry bag, and backpack onto the bed. He taps a projector in the center of the room; white light ejects onto a white wall. He strides to a computer on the other side of the room and hits the keyboard. DELILAH VAMPS Facebook profile projects onto the wall. Greg glances at the image; he sighs. GREG Just forget about her. He closes the web browser. With a few clicks of the mouse, a video game projects onto the wall. He grabs a headset from behind the computer. A gentle knock at the door stops him. He pauses the video game and sets the headset on the keyboard. He walks to the door. GREG Who is it? ZOE Me. Greg sighs; he opens the door. GREG What do you want? ZOE Why dont you come join us? We have food! I know youre hungry. GREG No. ZOE Why do you always do this? GREG Because your friends are drunk, belligerent, and have no redeeming qualities-ZOE --Fine. Just trying to help my brother.


GREG You can go now. ZOE Oh, and Delilahs here. Sorry! Zoe pulls the door closed. Greg whips around; he paces around the room. He stops in the middle of the room. GREG No! Dont do it. He sits down at the computer and resumes playing the video game. He grabs a cup next to his computer; he sees it is empty. He groans; he grabs the cup and stands up. He walks to the door; he opens the door. IN THE KITCHEN Greg tiptoes to the kitchen. He squeezes between two guests. He walks to the faucet. As he fills the cup with water, someone taps him on the shoulder. He turns his head to see Delilah standing behind him. Delilah is 21 years old. She has a brown, constricting hairstyle; tight, black blouse; white fingernail polish on knifelike nails; black leather pants; and red high heel shoes. GREG Hey...Delilah! She points toward the living room. DELILAH Come on. Lets talk! GREG Oh, okay. Yeah, I guess we could. She grabs his hand and pulls him toward the living room. IN THE LIVING ROOM Delilah and Greg sit on the couch. DELILAH Oh my god! Its been so long!


GREG Yeah, it has! What have you been up to? DELILAH Oh, well I... She glares at the stereo speakers. DELILAH Lets go out on the balcony. Too loud in here. She grabs his hand and walks with him to the balcony. IN THE KITCHEN Zoe watches Delilah walk with Greg out to the balcony. Delilah shuts the balcony door. Zoe sees them begin to talk. Delilah smiles and moves closer to Greg. She pulls her body against his. He resists her. Zoe lets out a sigh of relief. Delilah runs her hand through his hair. He swats her hand away. Zoe grins. She reaches for his shoulder. He pulls away. Zoe bites her lip. Delilah begins to him. Party guests balcony. When Zoe Gregs chest. She frustration. cry. She moves closer to him. She embraces pass by Zoe and obstruct her view of the sees Delilah again, her head rests on kisses him. Zoe throws her hands up in

Greg steps back. He opens the balcony door and walks to the kitchen. He grabs a bottle of vodka and pours some into a shot glass. He drinks the shot. Zoe approaches him. ZOE What the fuck are you doing? GREG What? You wanted to me come out here. Here I am! ZOE No, I mean with Delilah. GREG Im talking to her. Socializing. Isnt that the point of parties?

5. ZOE Wow. You didnt hear the news? Greg laughs. GREG What news? ZOE About Delilah? GREG What!? ZOE Shes pregnant. Greg drops the shot glass onto the floor. The glass shatters. He stares at the glass as if in a catatonic state. ZOE Great! You broke it. Zoe bends down and picks up the shards of glass. GREG Zoe stands up. ZOE Yup. Greg winces. He rests his head in his hands on the counter. He looks up at her. GREG She told me she was engaged. ZOE She was engaged--not anymore. Greg grunts. GREG Do you know who got her pregnant? Zoe laughs. ZOE I heard she got pregnant during a spring break trip to Cancn. Greg sighs.


ZOE Look, you better just stay away from her for the rest of the night. Greg looks at Delilah on the balcony. He stands up. GREG No. ZOE What do you mean, "no"? Havent you had enough? GREG I have to do something. ZOE What exactly do you plan to do? Greg smirks. He marches toward the balcony. ZOE Greg!? EXT. GREGS BALCONY - CONTINUOUS Greg flings the balcony door open. Delilah flinches; she turns around. He reaches out and grabs her blouse. DELILAH Oh! He pulls her from the balcony. INSIDE Greg pulls Delilah through the living room and kitchen. The party guests point and shout as he walks past them. Zoe stares at them as they walk down the hallway. Delilah giggles. Greg opens the door to his room and tosses her inside. Laughter erupts as they enter the room; the door slams closed. IN THE KITCHEN The party guests resume their conversations. The music changes to a carnal, lewd song. Red lights shine; some guests begin dancing. The music and the noise from the guests intensifies.


IN THE KITCHEN - MINUTES LATER Greg emerges from his room and walks towards the kitchen. He sits on a stool. Delilah exits his room and walks toward him. She taps him on the shoulder. He looks at her. GREG Get out. Delilah gasps. DELILAH What? GREG Get the fuck outta here. DELILAH After all that? GREG That was nothing. DELILAH What!? I fucked you! GREG No...I fucked you. She begins to sob. The party guests stare at her. She screams and sobs as she runs toward the apartment door. She tears the door open and slams it behind her. Her sobbing is audible as she runs down the apartment complex hallway. The party guests resume talking. Zoe watches as Greg pours a glass of vodka. He drinks the vodka in one swig. She walks over to him. He pushes her away. FADE OUT THE END

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