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APUSH Semester Exam Released Questions Out of Many Study Guide

Identify the following terms: 1. Kansas-Nebraska act 2. Dawes Act 3. Reasons for civil war 4. Justification for slavery 5. Emancipate slaves 6. Compromise of 1850 7. Manifest Destiny 8. John L. OSullivan 9. Mexican American War 10. Slavery in antebellum south 11. popular sovereignty 12. Northwest Ordinance 13. Adams-Onis Treaty 14. Missouri Compromise 15. annexation of Texas 16. Abolitionist 17. 2nd wave of immigration 18. Lowell girls/System 19. Marbury vs. Madison 20. John Marshall 21. Hartford Convention 22. Education reform 23. Education at the turn of the century 24. Industrial Revolution 25. Social Darwinism 26. National Labor Union. 27. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) 28. American Federation of Labor (AFL) 29. Knights of Labor 30. Emancipation Proclamation 31. failure of Reconstruction 32. 1860 presidential election 33. Whig Party 34. Republican Party 35. John Browns raid. 36. The Missouri Compromise. 37. The Compromise of 1850. 38. The Kansas-Nebraska Act. 39. The Lincoln-Douglas debates. 40. transcendentalist philosophy 41. Shaker community 42. Mormon community in Palmyra, New York. 43. New Harmony community in Indiana. 44. Oneida community in upstate New York. 45. Brook Farm community in Roxbury, Massachusetts. 46. Andrew Jacksons election in 1828 47. 2nd great awakening 48. Civil disobedience 49. Fifty-four forty or fight 50. Manifest Destiny 51. James K. Polk 52. Nativism 53. Era of Good Feelings 54. Yorktown 55. Saratoga 56. French and Indian war causes and effects 57. American Revolution causes 58. Slavery in the southern colonies 59. Louisiana Purchase 60. Virginia Plan 61. checks and balances 62. New Jersey Plan 63. Thomas Jefferson 64. Alexander Hamilton 65. James Madison 66. Northwest Ordinance 67. Loose construction vs strict construction of constitution 68. Waving the bloody shirt 69. Wade-Davis bill 70. Lincolns 10% plan 71. Radical Reconstruction 72. Tabaco growing 1850s 73. Chesapeake-Leopard 74. Causes of the War of 1812 75. War Hawks 76. XYZ Affair 77. Alexander Hamiltons economic program

78. Articles of Confederation strengths and weaknesses 79. Shays Rebellion 80. Bacons Rebellion 81. Nat Turners Rebellion 82. Great Awakening 83. Jamestown 84. Boston Massacre. 85. Boston Tea Party. 86. First Continental Congress 87. Intolerable Act. 88. Battles of Lexington and Concord. 89. Townshend Acts 90. Mercantilism 91. Fugitive Slave Law 92. Monroe Doctrine 93. Maysville Road Veto 94. Free-Soil Party 95. American System 96. Henry Clay

97. Alien and Sedition Acts 98. nullification 99. Bank of the United States 100. Civil Rights Act of 1866 101. 13, 14, and 15 amendments 102. Compromise of 1877 103. scalawag 104. Carpetbagger 105. Radical Republicans 106. Tenure of Office Act 107. Andrew Johnsons plan for Reconstruction 108. Ku Klux Klan 109. Massachusetts Bay Colony 110. Minstrel Show 111. Trail of Tears 112. Missouri Compromise 113. Wilmot Proviso 114. William Lloyd Garrison

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