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To critically analyse and evaluate the importance oI Employee
PerIormance Appraisal at AVIRSCO IT SOLUTION PVT LTD.


AVIRSCO IT SOLUTIONS PVT LTD was started in the year
2005 as a consulting and developing company which is based in
CHENNAI, INDIA. Since 2005 AVIRSCO has been providing the most
comprehensive, state-oI-the-art, technology solutions Ior varied
industries. AVIRSCO has the experience and expertise to provide the
right service Ior every individual & corporate need. It is the one source
solutions company which provides the unique blend oI services which is
considered to be a valued outsourcing service and technology partner to
many companies.

N Client SatisIaction
N 4;09
N EIIicient Processes
N Responsibility
N Ethics, Integrity and Respect


PerIormance appraisal is one oI the most important activiti es in
every organisation. It helps the organisation to improve its perIormance
and individual employees as well. The process oI appraisal consist the
Iollowing steps, stating objectives, developing standards, system design,
preparing Ior interview and conducting the interview. Appraisal will be
successIul when the process is Iollowed in an exact manner and the
method that suits the organisation. Appropriate method oI conducting
appraisal should be selected by the company. The method should also be
related to their objectives and needs. It identiIies the problems related to
perIormance oI employees and provides solutions to overcome the
problems. SpeciIic training needs are also identiIied and eIIective training
is provided to employees in the areas in which they are actually lacking.

A meeting is arranged by the managers beIore the process oI
perIormance appraisal begins. It is mandatory to every employee to
attend the meeting irrespective oI their post. The meeting is arran ged
exactly a week beIore the perIormance appraisal process starts. This
inIormation is provided to every employee. Every employee is given the
date and time oI his or her appraisal which makes them attend the
appraisal without Iailing. Employees are then asked to be prepared Ior the
appraisals. As an important step oI their career, employees also take it
very seriously and do their work seriously beIore and aIter appraisals.


N To eIIect promotions based on competence and perIormance.
N To review past perIormance oI employees.
N To assess the training and development needs.
N To help improve current perIormance.
N To assess Iuture potential.
N To assess increases or new levels in salary.
N To assist career planning decisions.
N To set perIormance objectives.



Measurement oI perIormance is a very crucial aspect Ior any
organisation. PerIormance appraisal can be done annually or halI yearly.
It is very important to any organisation to determine the methods oI
evaluation. To measure the quantity and quality oI employee`s job
perIormance number oI methods have been devised. No method can be
dismissed or accepted as they are closely related to the particular needs oI
an organisation or the type oI employees. The most popular methods
adopted by many organisations are:
N Management By Objectives (MOB)
N 360 Degree Appraisal
N Critical Incident Method
N Behavioural Anchored Rating Scale

N Management by Objectives: The method oI management by

objectives requires the manager to set up speciIic goals or
objectives with each employee in the organisation and discuss with
them periodically regarding the progress towards the goals.

N 360 Degree Appraisal: The 360 degree Ieedback appraisal is
mostly used as a method oI perIormance appraisal to gather
traditional sources oI inIormation. It is more oIten used Ior the
developmental purposes where managers get aware oI their
strengths and weaknesses. 360 degree appraisal is termed as the
combination oI inIormation Irom selI appraisal, sub ordinate
appraisal, peer appraisal and Ieedback Irom other internal
customers, with the possibility oI including external suppliers and

N Critical Incident Technique: This method is one oI the early
attempts to move away Irom trait rating approaches and was
advocated by Flanagan. The supervisor sets some incidents to each
employee which is related to work behaviour. In this method rater
is required to observe the positive and negative behaviours oI the
employees in the given review period. It is the method which is
based on the description oI the events which does not depend on
the rating and ranking systems. Critical incidents can be
exceedingly useIul in helping employees improve since the
inIormation in them is more detailed and speciIic than in methods
that involve rating employees.


Collection oI relevant data or inIormation is very important to take up any
research study. Without data, researchers cannot get the appropriate
results they wish to get. There may be lots oI inIormation available
directly and sometimes inIormation should be extracted Irom other
sources. No source can provide Iully relevant and accurate inIormation.
The quality oI inIormation also depends on various Iactors. The
approaches Ior data collection are broadly divided into two sources:
primary sources and secondary sources.


Primary data is very essential to researchers to carry out the
research study. There are diIIerent methods to collect data Irom primary
sources. Researcher selects the appropriate method suitable Ior the study.
There are various sources to collect primary data such as questionnaires,
interviews, observations, case studies, Iorced group interviews. It is very
important to remember that, what ever the method is selected should be
clear to the respondents in understanding the main purpose oI the study.

N Conducting Questionnaires Survey:
The main objective oI the researcher to conduct the questionnaire
survey in AVIRSCO IT SOLUTIONS (P) LTD was to acquire the
relevant inIormation on the staII perceptions and their experiences about
the present perIormance appraisal system in their organisation.

N Conducting Interview Survey:
The researcher has Iound it very easy to conduct interviews at
AVIRSCO IT SOLUTIONS (P) LTD as researcher has good relationship
with each and every employee oI the organisation. As the researcher has
been visiting the organisation on the regular basis so it was easy Ior him
to have permission to conduct interviews. Prior notice was given to the
interviewees and arranged an appointment Ior interviews. The interview
was Iormal and the questions were very simple which helped in better


Every method oI data collection will provide both quantitative and
qualitative data. Secondary data is also very important to carry out the
research study. Secondary data is the inIormation that has been published
beIore. The secondary data was collected Irom the company documents,
websites, proIiles, textbooks, articles, newspapers etc. It is also important
to researcher to gather inIormation through secondary data and relate it to
the primary data to achieve the objectives.


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