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Study Guide ------ Quiz 8 ----- HS140

Urinary Tract
Key Points and Items to Review
Ditropan (oxybutynin) can be used for both bladder spasm and enuresis. Pyridium (phenazopyridine) is commonly used as an analgesic in UTIs. Proscar (finasteride) is often used short-term before corrective prostate surgery, and is also commonly prescribed to treat BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy) on a more long-term basis. Enuresis: pages 590-591explain the role of desmopressin in treating enuresiswhat is enuresis? Is it true that the sulfonamide class of urinary antiseptics are the drugs of choice (aka first-line agents) for treating urinary tract infections? page 588 Aldactone (spironolactone) is in what diuretic drug class? (pg 567) Diuretic therapy can deplete certain electrolytes (like potassium or sodium)- review page 565, and pages 584 through 587. See Table 27-6 (pg 564-568) for a full listing of Brand and generic names of the loop diuretics and the thiazide diuretics.

Measurement System Conversions

Keep the following textbook tables handy for reference: Table Table Table Table Table 7-1 7-3 8-2 8-3 8-4 (pg 131) (pg 139) (pg 152) (pg 155) (pg 159)

Here are some sample calculations to practice with 450 ml is equal to how many liters (L)? *key fact* 1L=1000ml This can be written in RATIO form as either 1L/ 1000ml or 1000 ml/ L

Study Guide ------ Quiz 8 ----- HS140

*Now multiply the starting value (450 ml) by the RATIO that expresses the relationship between the two different units involved (in this case were dealing with ml and L), and remember that your final answer needs to be in liters (L) 450 ml x 1L = 450 = 0.45 L (the ml units cancel out!) 1000ml 1000

1-teaspoon is equal to 5-ml, therefore 10-ml would be equivalent to how many teaspoons? *key fact* 1tsp=5ml (written as a RATIO either 1 tsp/ 5 ml or 5 ml /tsp) Now, multiply as follows 10ml x 1tsp = (10ml)(1tsp) = (10)(1) = 10 = 2 tsp (the ml units cancel) 5ml 5ml 5 5 What is a 120 pound(lb) patients weight when converted to kilograms (kg)? *key fact* 1kg = 2.2lbs (in RATIO form as either 1 kg/ 2.2 lb or 2.2 lb/ kg) Now, multiply as follows 120 lb x 1kg = 2.2lb 120 = 54.5 kg (the lb units cancel out) 2.2

0.5 g (grams) = ? mg (milligrams) *key fact* 1g=1000mg (in RATIO form, either 1 g/ 1000 mg or 1000 mg/ g) Now, multiply 0.5 g x 1000 mg = (0.5g)(1000mg) = 500 = 500mg (g units cancel out) 1g 1g 1

Endocrine (Diabetes/Insulin/Thyroid)
Drug and Hormone Facts
Parathyroid hormone helps regulate calcium levels in the blood. ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) stimulates hydrocortisone secretion.

Study Guide ------ Quiz 8 ----- HS140

Lack of iodine in the diet is linked to hypothyroidism. Both methimazole and propylthiouracil are antithyroid drugs used to suppress the thyroid gland before surgery. Insulin is secreted by a cluster of cells found in the pancreas that are called the Islets of Langerhans.

Familiarize yourself with antidiabetic drug classes (and drug names) found in Table 21-9 (pg 424 426) and Table 21-10 (pg 429). Look at the primary goal of insulin pump therapy, found on page 423. Carefully look over the different types of Insulin (immediate, short, medium & long acting) which can be found in table 21-8 on page 421. NPH 70/30 is a mixture of which two types of insulin? (pg 422) Is glucagon a HYPERglycemic or a HYPOglycemic agent? (pg 431) Is metformin processed by the liver or the kidneys? (pg 429) Is tolbutamide (Orinase) a first-generation or a second-generation sulfonylurea? (pg 425) Byetta is a relatively new antidiabetic agent that is rather unique. What is its route of administration? (pg 426) Janumet is a combination drug, meaning that it has 2 different active ingredients. What are the names of these two drugs? (pg 426) See pages 408 & 409 for a description of the anterior pituitary glands role in thyroid function Do mineralocorticoids play a role in regulating iron levels in the blood? (see pg 415)

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