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Geoderma 144 (2008) 418 – 425

Discussion paper
Nutrient management regulations in The Netherlands
J.J. Schröder ⁎, J.J. Neeteson
Agrosystems Research, Plant Research International, Wageningen University and Research Centre, PO Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Received 7 May 2007; received in revised form 7 September 2007; accepted 19 December 2007
Available online 29 January 2008


The application of nutrients affect the quality of the environment which justifies the consideration of regulations regarding their use in
agriculture. In the early 1990s The Netherlands decided to use the indicator ‘nutrient surplus at farm level’ as the basis for a regulation which was
called the mineral accounting system (MINAS). Exceedance of specified nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) surpluses (‘N and P loss standards’),
resulted in a financial levy per kg exceedance. This NP surplus approach is a ‘goal-oriented regulation’ rather than a ‘means-oriented regulation’,
giving farmers maximum freedom to stop nutrient leaks where they considered measures to be most effective in their specific situation. In 2003,
however, the European Court of Justice ruled that The Netherlands Action Programme, of which MINAS was part, was in conflict with the EU
Nitrates Directive. Important consideration here was that the legislation in The Netherlands contained as yet no specified application rates for N.
The Netherlands was also reproached for implicitly allowing application rates of more than 170 kg N in the form of animal manure per ha per year
without possessing formal permission by the European Commission to deviate from this threshold, a so-called ‘derogation’. A new, and
meanwhile by the European Commission accepted Netherlands Action Programme defines the required N application rates, N fertilizer
replacement values of various organic manure types, and periods in which the use of fertilizers and manures is forbidden. All these aspects will be
sharpened in the years after 2006.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Derogation; Nitrates directive; Nitrogen fertilization; Nutrient legislation; Nutrient management; Nutrient emissions; Phosphorus fertilization

1. Introduction Assessment of the environmental quality requires meaningful

indicators (‘yardsticks’) to which reference values (‘thresholds’)
The application of nutrients, phosphorus (P) and nitrogen must be attached. The ideal indicator is effective (says something
(N) in particular, affect the quality of the local, regional and about the ultimate goal), responsive (reacts to changing
global environment via e.g. eutrophication of aquatic and agricultural activities), attributive (can be ascribed to an
terrestrial ecosystems and via the emission of greenhouse gases. accountable legal body), integrative (preferably includes several
These environmental effects of nutrient use are beyond doubt goals at the same time to avoid the need of a separate indicator for
(Carton and Jarvis, 2001) and justify the consideration of each separate target) and efficient (cheap to measure in relation to
regulations regarding their use in agriculture. Nitrogen may also the desired accuracy). Unfortunately, an indicator with an
have harmful effects on human health. It is a misunderstanding excellent score on all five criteria does not exist (Schröder et al.,
to think that N application regulations are no longer required 2004a). The various candidate indicators are hierarchically related
because these effects are questioned from time to time (Van (Fig. 1) from which can be derived that some indicators show a
Grinsven et al., 2006). good score for effectiveness but are not attributive (e.g. nitrate
content of deeper groundwater, phosphorus content of surface
water). Other indicators are efficient but have a limited indicative
value as regards the ultimate goal (e.g. stocking density) or they
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 317 475965; fax: +31 317 423110. are integrative but do not indicate the precise nature and
E-mail address: (J.J. Schröder). magnitude of the emission (e.g. N surplus at farm level).
0016-7061/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.J. Schröder, J.J. Neeteson / Geoderma 144 (2008) 418–425 419

2. MINAS and the European Court Table 1

The (levy-free) nitrogen and phosphorous loss standards as they would have
been applying from 2008 under MINAS (nutrient balance based on flows
In the early 1990s The Netherlands decided to use the through the farm gate, thus excluding deposition)
indicator ‘nutrient surplus at farm level’. As of that moment
Crop N loss standards P loss standards
crop growers and livestock farmers had to keep accounts of the (kg N ha− 1 year− 1) (kg P2O5ha− 1 year− 1)
N and P input and output, which had to be reported annually: the
Dry sandy soil Other soils
MINeral Accounting System (MINAS). The difference between
inputs and outputs results in N and P surpluses (expressed in kg Grassland 140 180 20
Arable crops 60 100 20
per ha per year). MINAS considered surpluses environmentally
acceptable up to a certain level. These levels (‘the N and P loss
standards’) differed per crop and soil type (Table 1) and their
exceedance resulted in a financial levy per kg exceedance. This Netherlands, as well as abroad. MINAS is a ‘goal-oriented
farm-gate balance approach, which showed a reasonable score regulation’ rather than a ‘means-oriented regulation’, giving
for each of the five criteria above, was appreciated in The farmers maximum freedom to stop nutrient leaks where they
considered measures to be most effective in their specific
situation. This approach meant that ample use of fertilizers and
manures was not forbidden a priori as long as the farmer
demonstrated that high application rates went together with a
high annual nutrient export in the form of crops, animals, or
products of animal origin (Schröder et al., 2003).
On 2 October 2003 the European Court of Justice ruled that
The Netherlands Action Programme, of which MINAS was
part, was – for certain aspects – in conflict with the EU Nitrates
Directive. Important consideration here was that the act – as
applied at that time – contained no specified application rates
for N, which should have been based on a balance between the
expected N demand of a crop and the N supply from soil and
fertilization. The Netherlands was also reproached for implicitly
allowing an application rate of more than 170 kg N in the form
of animal manure per ha per year without possessing formal
permission by the European Commission to exceed this manure
application threshold, a so-called ‘derogation’. That MINAS
was in fact a retrospective check rather than an a priori control
system at the start of the season, as a system of specified
application rates would be, was an additional consideration of
the Court.
In The Netherlands the Court ruling was received with
amazement. How could it be that a balance approach, scientifi-
cally superior to a one-sided input approach (e.g. Schröder et al.,
2003), was put to the sward? It cannot be ruled out that in the
background and certainly in the corridors, other factors also
played a role in the ruling. These factors are elaborated below.
Over the years MINAS had become the result of practical and
political considerations and had, consequently, in a way turned
from a good idea into a paper tiger. Growers of arable and
horticultural crops, for instance, were permitted to use a high
default value for their export, amounting to 65 kg P2O5 and 165 kg
N per ha per year, regardless of their actually achieved yield. In
addition, an extra amount of 40 kg N per ha was permitted
annually when two crops were grown within 1year (double
cropping). Furthermore, mineral fertilizer P did not need to be
counted as an input to avoid discouragement of arable farmers
purchasing manure. Dairy farmers in turn were permitted to
discard possible N fixation by white clover as input as well as the
Fig. 1 Hierarchy of indicators to determine and check the effects of nutrient N supply resulting from the continuing mineralization of settling
losses from agriculture on the quality of drinking water and environment peat. In addition, livestock farmers could apply a discount for
(Schröder et al., 2004a). gaseous N losses (‘the animal correction’) on the thus calculated
420 J.J. Schröder, J.J. Neeteson / Geoderma 144 (2008) 418–425

surplus. This animal correction quite easily ran up to more than making. This time the roles were kept much more separated
35 kg N per ha per year on intensive dairy farms with maize right from the start and scientists could restrict themselves to
(Schröder and Corré, 2000). Deduction of this NH3 loss was not technical matters. It is part of the deal that policy makers do not
balanced by adding NH3 deposition because this was already literally adopt the scientific proposals and may selectively graze
taken into account in the permitted N loss standard. If only from a in the reports. The final versions of all reports have, incidentally,
communication point of view this was not a strong act. been published and have been made available to each and
As a consequence of these gestures the surpluses calculated everyone, also to stakeholders and to evaluators in Brussels.
on paper (legally permitted and levy-free) were smaller than the Anyway, policy makers could no longer suggest non-existing
actual surpluses (Schröder et al., 2003). Apart from that, the scientific certainties by referring to the former joint reports of
Court considered the permitted (calculated) surpluses to be very policy, science and sector. In any case it was perfectly clear this
high and the penalties in case of exceedance very low. To make time who selects, weighs and decides.
matters worse, The Netherlands could not provide convincing
evidence that water quality had meanwhile sufficiently 3.2. Application standards
improved as a result of the praised balance approach.
Although the Nitrates Directive formally only covers N, all A ‘forward order’ has very explicitly been followed in the
delaying tactics resulted in the Water Framework Directive scientific study into the relationship between fertilizer use and
(Anonymous, 2000) catching the eye of the European evaluators. water quality: the N concentration in water bodies was the point
The inevitable consequence was that between late 2003 and mid of departure rather than the present agricultural practice. Upon
2005 The Netherlands not only had to legally define crop-specific indication of the Ministries of LNV and VROM, the intended
application rates for N but also for P to enable timely goal was a concentration threshold of 11.3 mg NO3–N per litre
implementation of such standards, i.e., per 1 January 2006. in the upper metre of groundwater underneath sandy soils and
11.3 mg N-total per litre in drain or ditch water in clay and peat
3. New Fertilizer Policy areas. The Ministries of LNV and VROM did incidentally not
derive these goals for clay and peat soil directly from European
3.1. Science on its own regulations but from an arbitrary advancement on the N-total
concentrations that seem at least required in the low northern and
Upon assignment by The Netherlands Ministry of Agricul- western areas of The Netherlands from an eutrophication point
ture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and the Ministry for of view. Note that on sandy, clay and peat soils 85–90%, 80–
Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) a 85% and 0–20%, respectively, of N-total consists of NO3–N.
group of scientists from various research organizations was set Soil type and crop-specific permissible N surpluses have
free at the end of 2003 to formulate a basis for the New Fertilizer been calculated on the basis of existing measurements of N
Policy. First, this required actualization of the existing knowl- concentrations and N surpluses on about 75 commercial farms
edge on the relationships between animal feeding, excretion and which participate annually in the Landelijk Meetnet Effecten
gaseous losses from housing and storage, and about the N Mestbeleid (LMM, Netherlands Monitoring Network Effects
fertilizer replacement value of manures. Next, soil surpluses Fertilizer Policy) (Schröder et al., 2004b, later updated in
needed to be calculated on the basis of relationships between the Schröder et al., 2007). The LMM network indicates that the
input of nutrients in the form of – inter alia – fertilizers and same soil N surplus does on balance result in more N leaching
manure, and the output in the form of – inter alia – harvested from arable land than from grassland and that leaching from dry
crops. Finally, actualized relationships needed to be established soils is higher than from wet soils, where differences in deni-
between soil surpluses and the quality of groundwater and trification seem to play the most important role. Table 2 presents
surface water. an overview of the average leaching fractions as derived from
These studies formed the building blocks for answering the the LMM network.
question which combination of organic manure and mineral Following the calculation of the permissible soil N surpluses,
fertilizer enabled meeting the N concentration goal of the crop-specific coefficients for the N harvest index, the recovery
Nitrates Directive. Finally, the scientists proposed crop-specific of soil mineral N and the N fertilizer replacement values of all
application rates based on the answers to the questions above. relevant organic N sources were used to calculate at which
The studies resulted in five reports: Tamminga et al. (2004), Van manure–mineral fertilizer combination the N concentration goal
Dijk et al. (2004, 2005) and Schröder et al. (2004b, 2005a). could just be met. Table 3 presents the relevant steps and
In the past, such studies were often carried out as a joint balance terms in the form of an example. It should be noted
effort of policy officials, researchers and representatives of the here that at the input side all items have been included which,
agricultural sector. This resulted in reports and decisions with an according to Brussels, had incorrectly been lacking from earlier
appreciated broad support, but also in documents of which it Action Programmes. At the same time Brussels gradually
gradually became unclear by whom and why certain figures had accepted the reasoning that in an equilibrium situation these
been chosen in final versions. Technical, economic and political inputs are to be offset against outputs (‘investments’) which
considerations were strongly interrelated at the time and those may be deducted from the surplus to get a realistic picture of the
representing environmental interests were unlike those repre- environmental load. The amount of N lost to groundwater or
senting agricultural interests, hardly involved in the decision surface water is calculated as the fraction (0.28 kg N per kg N
J.J. Schröder, J.J. Neeteson / Geoderma 144 (2008) 418–425 421

Table 2 2004b). Especially on clay and peat soil, the calculated ap-
Leaching fraction (F, kg N leached per kg N soil surplus), precipitation surplus plication standards were often higher than the existing
(P, mm), and soil surplus (S, kg N per ha) corresponding with an N concentration
of 11.3 mg NO3–N (sandy soil) or total N (clay and peat soil) per litre as a
N recommendations. In such cases it is posed that the current
function of soil use and soil type (Landelijk Meetnet Effecten Mestbeleid N recommendation suffices as future application standard. This
(LMM) 1992–2001 meant that the existing N recommendations changed from a
Soil use Soil type Leaching Precipitation Permissible guideline into a legal instrument, a significance they never had
fraction, F surplus, P soil surplus, S before. Understandably, this put the N recommendations under
Arable Clay 0.31 387 141 fire even though they had been established under co-respon-
land Sandy, wet 0.50 387 87 sibility of the agricultural sector. A frequently heard argument
Sandy, 0.75 434 65 of those who opposed the current N recommendations was that
intermediary current crop production levels are higher than the levels in the
Sandy, dry 1.06 453 48
experiments on which the recommendations were based. Such
Grassland Peat 0.03 242 N 300
Clay 0.11 266 273 reasoning disregards that there generally is not a one-to-one
Sandy, wet 0.18 268 168 relationship between yield and the economically optimum
Sandy, 0.28 329 133 N rate. This is only the case if the relationship between supply
intermediary and uptake (‘recovery’) would remain unchanged and if the
Sandy, dry 0.39 355 103
relationship between uptake and marketable yield (N yield and
Source: Schröder et al., 2005a, 2007). harvest index) would remain unchanged. For silage maize, for
instance, there are many indications that high yields go hand
in the example of Table 3) times the difference of inputs in hand with lower optimum N rates as a result of higher
and outputs (i.e. 134 kg N per ha per year in the example of recoveries (Vanotti and Bundy, 1994a,b; Schröder et al., 1998;
Table 3). To arrive at a concentration, as required by the Nitrates Nevens and Reheul, 2005). Meanwhile a protocol has been
Directive, the amount of N lost to water (kg per unit area) must developed on the basis of which existing N recommendations
be divided by the volume of the precipitation surplus (litres per may be adjusted in case of justified doubt about their correct-
unit area, i.e. 329 mm in the example of Table 3). ness (Ten Berge et al., 2005).
In this way so-called application standards have been Contrary, for crops such as leafy vegetables grown on sandy
calculated for dozens of crops and soil types (Schröder et al., soil, the calculated application standards were lower than the

Table 3
The animal manure–mineral fertilizer N combination (total N per ha per year) for grassland under mixed cutting/grazing on a sandy soil with an average highest
groundwater table between 40 and 80 cm below surface level assuming good growing conditions and good management, complying with a nitrate concentration in the
upper 1m groundwater of exactly 11.3 mg NO3–N per litre whilst avoiding P accumulation (Schröder et al., 2005a)
Total N Effective Nd Total P2O5
Input Manure Kg ha 275 118 99
Mineral fertilizer Kg ha− 1 171 171
Clover Kg ha− 1 0
Deposition Kg ha− 1 31 23 1
Nmin Soil, spring Kg ha− 1 30 30
Mineralization from Roots, stubbles Kg ha− 1 75 56
Harvest and Kg ha− 1 46 35
grazing losses
Manurea Kg ha− 1 69 52
Cover crop Kg ha− 1 0
Total Kg ha− 1 697 485 100
Output Crop exportb Kg ha− 1 324 100
NH3 volatilization Kg ha− 1 19
Investments into Soil, spring Kg ha− 1 30
Roots, stubbles Kg ha− 1 75
Harvest and Kg ha− 1 46
grazing losses
Manurec kg ha− 1 69
Cover crop 0
Total kg ha− 1 563 100
Soil surplus kg ha− 1 134 0
Leaching fraction kg kg− 1 0.28
Precipitation surplus Mm 329
NO3–N mg L− 1 11.3
N residual effect of manure from the years preceding the year of application.
N export after deducing harvest and grazing losses.
N investment to sustain future residual effects of manure.
N fertilizer replacement value in the year of application.
422 J.J. Schröder, J.J. Neeteson / Geoderma 144 (2008) 418–425

Table 4 Table 6
Application standard for phosphate from organic manure and mineral fertilizer Nitrogen application standards for a number of forage crops (kg plant available
together (source: N per ha) (source: please link:
Crop P application standard (kg P2O5 ha− 1 year− 1) Crop Soil type and year
Year Clay Clay Sandy/loess Sandy/loess
and peat and peat
2006 2007 2008 2009 2015
2006 2009 2006 2009
Grassland 110 105 100 (95) b (90) b
Arable crops 85 (+10) a 85 (+5) a 85 (80) b (60) b Grassland, mixed use, clay 345 310
a Grassland, mixed use, sandy/loess 300 260
the supplements (in brackets) may only be given in the form of mineral
Grassland, mixed use, peat 290 265
fertilizer P.
b Grassland, cutting only, clay 385 350
indicative values requiring further study.
Grassland, cutting only, sandy/loess 355 340
Grassland, cutting only, peat 330 300
existing N recommendations. Meeting the N concentration goal Maize, with derogation 160 160 155 150
underneath the crop in question would in that case be associated Maize, without derogation 205 185 185 (b175)
with a yield penalty. This penalty may be restricted by alternative
fertilization techniques (splitting, placement, provisional fertiliza- There are three types of application standards: one for total P
tion on the basis of crop or soil indicators, removal of crop (sum of mineral fertilizer and organic manure; Table 4), one for
residues, cover cropping), but even then yield reductions would plant available N (sum of mineral fertilizer and N becoming
be imminent. In response to this, the Ministries have met the available during the first season after application of a manure
growers of these crops quite a long way by increasing the ap- (i.e. the N fertilizer replacement value) with examples for
plication standards proposed by scientists. The apparent reason- horticulture and arable crops shown in Table 5 and for forage
ing of the Ministries is that these crops only cover a small acreage crops in Table 6), and one for N in the form of animal manure.
which means that the relaxation of application standards does not In principle, not more than 170 kg animal manure N may be
or hardly affect the eventual outcomes of the mandatory (regional) applied per ha per year insofar this is not in conflict with the
water quality monitoring. As long as Brussels has not made clear application standard for total P (Table 4). Individual dairy farms
to what extent member countries are allowed to average land use can, however, submit a request for permission to apply up to
with high and low nitrate leaching risks (as when a farm with just 250 kg cattle slurry N per ha (see next section). Note that The
leafy vegetables such as spinach and lettuce is sufficiently com- Netherlands Action Programme includes N application stan-
pensated by nearby farms with e.g. only cut grassland), the dards for horticulture and arable crops grown on clay soils for
Ministries may get away with the previous reasoning. the full duration of the Programme i.e. up till 2009. However,
the European Commission gave a temporary dispensation to fix
3.3. New action programme the definitive numbers for this type of crops grown on sandy
and loess soils (Table 5), awaiting the outcomes of additional
The new, and meanwhile accepted Netherlands Action research. Final decisions on these N application standards will
Programme defines application standards, N fertilizer replacement be made in the course of 2007.
values of various organic manure types, and periods of the year in N fertilizer replacement values of manures have been laid
which the use of fertilizers and manures is forbidden. All these down for calculating the N supplement that may still be given as
aspects will be sharpened in the years after 2006. The full text with
Annexes can be found via (in Dutch).
Table 7
N fertilizer replacement value to be applied for organic manure (kg N per 100 kg
Table 5 N) (source: Please link:
Nitrogen application standards for a number of arable and horticulture crops Manure type Year
(kg plant available N per ha) (source:
2006 2007 2008 2009
Crop N application standard (kg plant available N ha− 1 year− 1)
In-farm produced cattle manure (farm yard 35 35 45 45
Soil type and year manure, slurries) on farm with (also) grazing
Clay Clay Sandy / loess Sandy / loess In-farm produced cattle manure (farm yard 60 60 60 60
manure, slurries) on farm with only cutting
2006 2009 2006 2007
Imported cattle manure (farm yard manure, 60 60 60 60
a a a
Ware potatoes 250–300 225–275 240–290 225–275 a slurries) and all other slurries
Sugar beet 165 150 150 145 Solid manures from pigs and poultry, solid 55 55 55 55
Winter wheat 240 220 160/220 160/220 fraction after separation
Spring barley 90 80 80 80 Liquid manure, liquid fraction after separation 80 80 80 80
Spinach, 1st crop 285 260 210 200 Manure (farm yard manure, pigs/poultry) on 30 30 35 35
Spinach, 205 185 160 150 clay and peat arable land in autumn
follow-up crop Manure (farm yard manure, other) on clay and 25 25 30 30
Leeks 270 245 245 235 peat arable land in autumn
Broccoli 295 270 270 255 Manure (slurries) on clay and peat arable land 30 40 50 Forbidden
a in autumn
J.J. Schröder, J.J. Neeteson / Geoderma 144 (2008) 418–425 423

Table 8
Periods during which spreading of organic manure is forbidden, in relation to the farm (not) having submitted a derogation request (source: please link: www.
Crop Soil type Derogation Year
2005–2006 2006–2007 2007–2008 2008–2009 2009–2010
Grassland Sandy, loess Yes/no 1 Sept–31 Jan 1 Sept– 31 Jan 1 Sept–31 Jan 1 Sept–31 Jan 1 Sept–31 Jan
Clay, peat Yes/no 15 Sept–31 Jan 15 Sept– 31 Jan 15 Sept–31 Jan 15 Sept–31 Jan 15 Sept– 31 Jan
Arable Sandy, loess Yes/no 1 Sept–31 Jan 1 Sept–31 Jan 1 Sept–31 Jan 1 Sept–31 Jan 1 Sept–31 Jan
land Clay, peat Yes 15 Sept–31 Jan 15 Sept–31 Jan 15 Sept–31 Jan 15 Sept–31 Jan 15 Sept– 31 Jan
Clay, peat No 1 Dec–31 Jan 15 Nov–31 Jan 1 Nov–31 Jan 15 Oct–31 Jan 15 Sept–31 Jan

mineral fertilizer within the application standard for available N, to apply up to 250 instead of 170 kg cattle slurry N per ha per
i.e. in addition to manure (Table 7). These imposed replacement year. Note that these rates pertain to the amount of total N
values are ambitious and will hence discourage ineffective applied in manure including the urine and dung excreted during
applications of animal manure in autumn. Autumn application grazing while deducing the gaseous N losses occurring from
of animal manure on clay and peat arable land will in fact in due housing and storage (but not those emitted during grazing). As
course no longer be permitted, comparable to the existing ban the internal manure flow on livestock farms is difficult to
on sandy soil (Table 8). administer, it is required to convert registered animal numbers
The Action Programme also contains instructions regarding into produced amounts of manure N and manure P. N and P
manure storage capacity (6 months) and regarding times and excretion, however, not only depend on animal types and
places when and where the use of fertilizers and manures is numbers but also on production level and N concentration of the
forbidden (slopes, frozen and snow-covered soil, along water- feed ration. For dairy cattle it has been decided to derive this N
courses). Another requirement is the obligation to grow a cover concentration in feed from the urea content of the delivered milk
crop after maize on sandy and loess soil. (Tamminga et al., 2004). The urea content in milk reflects to
what extent N in excess of animal demand has been offered,
3.4. Derogation which N will inevitably be excreted in manure (e.g. Schröder
et al., 2005c). All this has led to detailed excretion tables of
Parallel to the preparation of a new Netherlands Action which Table 10 shows an example.
Programme as described above, a scientific basis has been
developed for a derogation request for dairy farms. This basis is,
as opposed to situations in the past, not an ex-post justification
of an earlier taken political position but again an objective ex- Table 10
Excretion of nitrogen (kg N per animal per year after deduction of losses from
ante exploration. housing and storage) and phosphate (kg P2O5 per animal per year) by dairy cattle
The study, consisting of a mix of modelling and experimental and young stock, depending on housing system (‘manure type’), milk
validation (Schröder et al., 2005a, 2007) showed that the production level, and feed protein content (as represented by milk urea
fertilizer and manure rates to be defended depend on 1) the content) (source: Please link:
shares of cut grassland, grazed grassland and maize land in the Manure Animal Milk production, Urea, mg/ Nitrogen Phosphate
total land use, 2) soil type, and 3) growing conditions and type category kg/year 100 ml
management qualities of the farmer (Table 9). The Ministries of Mixed Dairy cow 5500 14 79 35
LNV and VROM have eventually ‘flattened’ these scientific manure
nuances to averages to arrive at simple and enforceable legis- 38 115 35
7500 14 97 42
lation. This resulted in a proposal to Brussels to permit all dairy
38 133 42
farms of which more than 70% of the soil is used as grassland, 9500 14 113 47
38 149 47
Young stock, Not 70 24
Table 9 1–2 year old applicable
Cattle slurry rates (kg N per ha per year) that are according to an ex-ante study Young stock, Not 33 9
permitted in view of the NO3–N concentrations (sandy soil) or total N 0–1 year old applicable
concentrations (clay and peat) lower than 11.3 mg per litre without P Solid Dairy cow 5500 14 71 35
accumulation, as a function of soil and crop type (band widths represent manure
suboptimal to good growing conditions and management (Schröder et al., 38 104 35
2005a, 2007) 7500 14 88 42
Soil type Crop type 38 120 42
9500 14 102 47
Grassland, cutting Grassland, mixed use of cutting Forage
38 135 47
only grazing maize
Young stock, Not 60 24
Clay, wet 290–340 240–280 170–200 1–2 year old applicable
Sandy, wet 290–340 230–270 150–180 Young stock, Not 28 9
Sandy, dry 270–330 210–270 130–160 0–1 year old applicable
424 J.J. Schröder, J.J. Neeteson / Geoderma 144 (2008) 418–425

Table 11 between nutrient inputs and nutrient concentrations in receiving

Permitted mineral fertilizer N rate (kg per ha, weighted average over grassland water bodies. Ideally, regulations should acknowledge these
and maize land) on a dairy farm with derogation of 250 kg fertilizer N per ha and
a grass maize ratio of 70%/30%
differences. At the same time governments find themselves
under pressure to reduce the administrative burden and to create
Soil type and year
a so-called level playing field for their civilians (cf. Schröder
Clay Clay Sandy and loess Sandy and loess et al., 2004a). Apparently, when designing their New Fertilizer
2006 2009 2006 2009 Policy, administrators sought a balance between refinement and
Grassland (mixed use) 202 153 169 115 harmonization.
and maize The European directives themselves are not clear as regards
Grassland (cutting only) 168 143 145 133 the extent to which averaging in space and time is permitted.
and maize There is a high degree of averaging in space and time, with
Brussels permission, in the current Netherlands Action Pro-
The consequence of these criteria is that dairy farmers can gramme. It makes quite a difference whether a criterion must be
produce up to about 14.000l milk per ha without needing to met at a regional level and averaged over a large number of years
dispose of any of the associated manure from their farms. or whether the criterion must be met on each individual field,
Farmers who contract out the rearing of replacement stock or farm and sub-region, in each year, in 95 out of 100 years, or in 90
succeed in keeping their urea content low can produce even out of 100 years (Schröder et al., 2005a, 2007).
some more milk. As opposed to a balance approach, a system of application
Based on the excretion criteria, N fertilizer replacement standards does not really put a premium on efficient nutrient
values of manure N and the proposed application standards for management by the farmer because there is in fact no longer a
(effective) N on grassland and maize land, Brussels has formal restriction to feed a herd with imported feed instead of
meanwhile agreed to such a derogation up to 250 kg slurry N with on-farm grown feed whereas the starting point in
per ha for the period 2006–2009. The derogation will be closely defending the derogation of 250 kg manure N per ha is
followed by monitoring of groundwater and surface water precisely the assumption of efficient fertilization, cropping and
quality. This has resulted in a substantial extension of the LMM
network. Table 11 indicates which mineral fertilizer N rates, Table 12
given the application standards, are permitted on a dairy farm Indicative terms of the N balances (kg total N per ha per year) underlying the N
application standards of the New Fertilizer Policy (NFP, as applicable in 2009)
with 70% grass and 30% silage maize while making maximum
and those underlying the N loss standards (permitted surplus) of the MINAS
use of the derogation. regulation in its strictest and ultimate form, had MINAS not been replaced by the
NFP, for two typical farm types in The Netherlands
4. Discussion Soil type Clay Sand
Farm Arable a Dairy b
On 1 January 2006 The Netherlands replaced the balance type
approach involving loss standards (MINAS) by application
standards. It should be noted, however, that application
standards already existed for arable farming and horticulture Inputs Feed A 0 0 96 96
Deposition B 31 31 31 31
in MINAS because these sectors were allowed to work with
Manure C 145 135 250 250
fixed output values. This means that the major pain of the new Mineral D 120 115 160 115
system arises from the N and P application rates being fertilizer
decreased. Table 12 presents some indicative numbers of Outputs Crops E Default 165
(implicit) loss standards and (implicit) application standards for F True 145 145 280 280
Milk and G 105 105
typical farms under MINAS and under the New Fertilizer
Policy. This table shows that the consequences of the New NH3 H Default c 35
Fertilizer Policy are in particular far-reaching for dairy farming volatilization
despite the derogation. Depending on the circumstances of the I True 7 7 13 13
farm, the room to use mineral fertilizer may decrease on average Permitted
MINAS Arable C+D 100 (85)
by 50 kg N per ha. This is because the loss standards that
surplus −E
implicitly form the basis of the application standards are in fact Dairy A+D 116 d (71)
more stringent than the explicit MINAS loss standards. −G
Although some distinction has been made on the basis of soil −H
type, crop type and grassland use, the very nature of application Soil B+C 144 129 148 103
surplus +D
standards does no justice to all individual situations. The
permitted amounts of animal manure are probably still too high a
for farms with much maize on dry sandy soil and unnecessarily 20% sugar beets, 35% potatoes, 30% winter wheat, 15% spring barley.
70% grassland (mixed use of cutting and grazing), 30% silage maize;
strict for grass dominated farms on clay soil (Schröder et al., 16,000 l milk per ha.
2005a). This lack of discrimination denies the evident c
so-called ‘animal correction’.
differences between soil types regarding the relationship weighted loss standards of grassland (70%) and arable (silage maize) land (30%).
J.J. Schröder, J.J. Neeteson / Geoderma 144 (2008) 418–425 425

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11.3 mg NO3–N per litre. Gebruiksnormen bij verschillende landbouwkundige en milieukundige
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underestimation of excretions would appear to be the true cause of Fraters, B., Willems, W.J., 2007. Permissible manure and fertilizer use in dairy
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