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The 7 Cs of Business Communication

In business letter writing, there are questions that will need to consider. Why am I writing this letter? What does my reader need? How am I going to say it? If that the case, there where qualities/requirements involve. Clarity, Conciseness, Completeness, Courtesy, Consideration, Concreteness, and Correctness. Clarity is the way of writing to avoid the result of mistakes, irritation, confusion, wasted time, and wasted money (employee time and materials). It requires Precise word choices (right word for the situation),avoidance most enphemisms (Have a little fun), Avoidance of slang and use of modifiers (Many of the examples have misplaced/dangling modifiers; all have problems with clear communication). Conciseness is the writing with the most meaning for the fewest words, Avoiding long "low information content" words and phrases (example: in the event that verus if), and Avoiding of redundancy (example: 8 a.m in the morning). Completeness answers all questions asked by the person requesting the correspondence (1. If you can't answer a question, say so and 2. Answer in the same order as you were asked and give extra if appropriate (1. If a customer asks sbout an upcoming sale, tell about other special offers that are similar. and 2. If someone attending a seminar asks when it will take place, inclllude information on howto get there as well. Courtesy, it must be apply the golden rule, consider "The rule of 250" (1. Most everyone knows at least 250 people over a lifetime, 2. They will not necessarily tell that 350 people if you have been kind and courteous, but they will tell them if you haven't. and 3. Your company's image is based on what and how you speak and write to others) and If you're angry when you write the message, wait till the next day (or at least after lunch) before sending it - then rewrite it. Consideration is the writing with "You attitude" rather than "Me attitude" (More uses of "you" than "me" or "we" and 2.Positioning of pronouns, avoid begining sentences with "I" and More than just word substitutions (1. Interest/concern in reader and 2. A positive approach to wording). Concreteness write to Be specific (example: 1.Specific numbers rather than many, few, low, and high, 2.Specific dates rather than later,next month, and ASAP and 3. Avoid words like good, well, poor, bad when the subject is measurable) and Active voice rather than passive. Correctness is a level of language appropriate for the education, background, age, etc. of audience, Spelling and Grammmer, and Facts.

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