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SK 1421 1958/1990. Extraordinary importance

SK 1421 1958/1990. izuzetan zna~aj


[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva Zapadna fasada crkve sa grobqem

The west faade of the church and the graveyard

Cadastre extract

Katastarski plan

th The church was built in the second half of the 16 century. It is a small oblong, single-naved building, with an eastern apse, semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. The level of the floor, paved with stone, is considerably lower than the level of the terrain around the church. The church was built of stone and limestone. The only decorative elements on the faades are double-stepped shallow niches above the western portal and above the window on the south faade. Stone slates, which used to cover the roof, have been recently replaced by doublethrough roofing tiles. Up to the 1970s the church was covered with plain terracotta tiles. The complex consisting of the church and the graveyard is enclosed by a fence. It is entered through a big wooden gate to the north, at the entrance to the graveyard, and a minor metal one to the west. The dormitory and the belfry are latter-day constructions. An old fire-place has been preserved in one of the monastic cells. The church got mural decoration immediately after its construction had been completed. The murals are preserved on the west and east walls, while on the lateral walls only scanty fragment remained. The paintings of the

Crkva je sagra|ena u drugoj polovini XVI veka. To je jednobrodna podu`na gra|evina mawih dimenzija sa iznutra polukru`nom, a spoqa trostranom apsidom na istoku. Nivo poda poplo~anog kamenom znatno je ni`i od okolnog terena. Gra|evina je zidana kamenom i sigom, a jedini ukrasi na skromnoj fasadi su dvostruko use~ene plitke ni{e iznad zapadnog ulaza i iznad prozora na ju`noj fasadi. Krovni pokriva~ je promewen u novije vreme, kada su kamene plo~e zamewene falcovanim crepom. Crkva je do sedamdesetih godina XX veka bila pokrivena }eramidom. Oko kompleksa grobqa i hrama je visoka zidana ograda sa velikom drvenom kapijom na ulazu u grobqe na severu i mawom metalnom kapijom na zapadu. Konak i zvonik su noviji. O~uvano je staro ogwi{te u keliji. @ivopis je nastao neposredno po zavr{etku zidawa i o~uvan je na zapadnom i isto~nom zidu, dok se na bo~nim zidovima zadr`ao u neznatnim fragmentima, a sa svodova je potpuno nestao. Na zapadnom zidu sa~uvane su scene Svetog


MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE vault are destroyed. Murals depicting SS Sava and Simeon and SS Constantine and Helene can be seen on the west wall, in the zone of standing figures, flanking the door. The Dormition of the Virgin occupies the second zone of the west wall. St Stephen and St Roman are depicted in the prothesis and diaconicon, while the apse is occupied by the Service of the Archbishops and the Holy Mother Wider than the Sky. The Annunciation and fragments of the Ascension occupy the second and the third zone of the eastern wall, respectively. The icons of the iconostasis are a compilation of various icons, mostly prints. Among the icons painted on panel, St Elias (tempera on panel, 60 91.53 cm) bearing the donors inscription from 1637; the Virgin of Smolensk, St Sabbas the Sanctified, St Sava the Serb and St Nicholas, as well as the Miracle of the Archangel Michael and the Crucifixion, should be pointed out. Save i Svetog Simeona i Svetog Konstantina i Jelene u zoni stoje}ih figura oko vrata, i Uspewe Bogorodice u drugoj zoni. U oltarskom delu, sa~uvane su scene u |akonikonu i proskomidiji Sveti Stefan i Sveti Roman, Poklowewe Agnecu i Bogorodica [ira od nebesa u oltarskoj apsidi, delovi Blagovesti u drugoj zoni i fragmenti Vaznesewa u tre}oj zoni isto~nog zida. U crkvi je na oplati ikonostasa ve}i broj razli~itih ikona, me|u kojima su najbrojnije reprodukcije, a od ikona na drvetu izdvajaju se Sveti Ilija, tempera na drvetu, 60 h 91,5 h 3 sm, sa ktitorskim natpisom iz 1637. godine, Smolenska Bogorodica, Sveti Sava Prvoosve}eni, Sveti Sava Srpski i Sveti Nikola, ^udo svetog Arhan|ela Mihaila i Raspe}e.

1. 2. 3. 4. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 82, 138, 170-171. P. Pajki},Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi, Starine Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 356-359. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 435. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 254. P. Pajki}, B. Todi}, Crkve Sirini}ke `upe, Pri{tina 1995, 14-19.

1. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614 , Novi Sad 1965, 82, 138, 170171. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 356-359. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 435. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 254. P. Pajki}, B. Todi},Crkve Sirini}ke `upe , Pri{tina 1995, 14-19.

2. 3. 4.



Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina

Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina


Umesto nekada{weg krovnog pokriva~a od kamenih plo~a, na crkvi je sada postavqen falcovani crep. Vlaga u unutra{wosti crkve, u dowim zonama zidova, posledica je ukopanosti crkve i nepostojawa trotoara i drena`e. Na `ivopisu nije ra|ena konzervacija, i trenutno se nalazi u izuzetno lo{em stawu i preti mu realna opasnost od daqeg propadawa. Kapilarna vlaga je prisutna u zidovima {to je dovelo do potpunog propadawa doweg dela prve zone `ivopisa i dekorativnog sokla ispod we. Iznad dowe linije o~uvanog `ivopisa prote`e se uzan pojas pulveriziranog bojenog sloja, koji je najizrazitiji na zapadnom zidu, severno od vrata, gde je kapilarna vlaga potpuno oslabila vezivo fresko-maltera, tako da je izuzetno tro{an i kruni se sa bojenim slojem. U


The old stone-slate roofing was replaces by the new one, made of double-through roofing tiles. The facts that the level of the floor is lower than the level of the ground, that there is neither side-walk, nor drainage system around the church, resulted in increased dampness in the lower zones of the inner walls. The frescoes have not undergone conservation treatment. They are in very bad condition and are prone to further deterioration. The contamination of walls by capillary humidity caused total deterioration of the socle decoration, and the lower part of the first zone of frescoes. Above the lower border of the preserved fresco decoration a belt of pulverized paint layer can be seen. It is the most pronounced on the west 250


The Dormition of the Virgin, the fresco, on the west wall of the nave

Freska Uspewa Bogorodice na zapadnom zidu naosa

wall, to the north of St Sava and the door, where St Simeon, the capillary humidity fresco on the affected the adhesouth part of the sive of fresco morwestern wall of the nave tar in such extent that it became crumbly and began to fall off. Fresco mortar was reinforced with chaff. The mortar coating the vault is probably not fresco mortar since it was not painted. Detaches were noticed all over preserved fresco decoration. Pulverization of the paint layer in the central part of the Dormition of the Virgin, in the second zone of the west wall, just above the figure of the Virgin, was caused by penetration of atmospheric humidity. Around the crack in the apex of the west wall, fresco mortar detached from the support, and is likely to fall off. The areas from which fresco mortar has already fallen off got mortar fillings that are now tarnished with soot. Such fillings are especially conspicuous in the apse, on the fresco of the Holy Mother Wider than the Sky. Down the wall of prothesis runs a vertical crack caused by settlement of the ground and disturbances of the wall. Increased efflorescence can be seen all over preserved fresco decoration. Paint layer is covered with very dark layer of soot. The best-preserved part of the mural decoration is the second zone of the eastern wall. The construction of the iconostasis is made of limetree. The disposition of the icons, mostly prints mounted on panel or framed, is not dictated by any iconographic scheme.

fresko-malteru ima pleve. Malter na svodu ne nosi bojeni sloj i verovatno nije fr esko-malter. Na celoj povr{ini o~uvanog `ivopisa ima potklo bu ~ew a . Na zapadnom zidu, u drugoj zoni, u sredi{wem delu kompozicije Uspewa Bogorodice, iznad Bogorodi~ine figure, jaka pulverzacija bojenog sloja izazvana je prodorom atmosferske vlage. Iznad ovog o{te}ewa, u samom vrhu zapadnog zida, nalazi se pukotina oko koje je fresko-malter potklobu~en pa preti opasnost da otpadne sa zidanog nosa~a. Mesta sa kojih je fresko-malter ranije otpao grubo su plombirana novim malterom, sad ve} prekrivenim slojem ~a|i. Ovih plombi najvi{e ima u oltarskoj ni{i na fresci Bogorodice [ire od nebesa. U ni{i proskomidije se celom du`inom prote`e se vertikalna pukotina nastala usled slegawa tla i pucawa zidanog nosa~a. Celom povr{inom o~uvanog `ivopisa prisutno je jako isoqavawe. Bojeni sloj prekriven je izuzetno tamnim slojem ~a|i. Najboqe o~uvani deo `ivopisa nalazi se u drugoj zoni na isto~nom zidu. Konstrukcija ikonostasa je izra|ena od lipovog drveta, a ikone su pore|ane bez ikonografskog reda i najve}im delom su reprodukcije ka{irane na drvo ili uramqene i stavqene pod staklo. Freska Sv. Save i Sv. Simeona, ju`na strana zapadnog zida naosa




A 14th Century Stone Cross with an inscription from 1592 Protected in 1958 SK 1421 1958/1990 Extraordinary importance


Kameni krst iz XIV veka sa zapisom iz 1592. za{ti}en posebno 1958. SK 1421 1958/1990. izuzetan zna~aj



[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church

[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva Crkva sa grobqem. pogled sa jugozapada

The church and the graveyard, view from the southwest



Extensive restoration of the church of St George in Crkva Svetog \or|a u Gorwoj Bitiwi u Gornja Bitinja was undertaken in 1920. Its eastern part, velikoj meri je obnovqena 1920, kada je prodating from the 16th century, was remodelled during that mewen i izgled isto~nog dela koji poti~e iz XVI restoration. Present condition and appearance of the church veka. Sada{we stawe i izgled crkvene gra|evine ne omogu}avaju do not provide precizniji zakinformation about The frescoes in the Freske u ni{i qu~ak o tome altar apse oltara the extent in which koliko je sa~uthe original building vano od prvobitne has been preserved. crkve, ali je na The frescoes in the osnovu fresaka sanc-tuary, however, sa~uvanih u olindi-cate that the tarskom delu prieastern part of the li~no sigurno da church is original. je isto~ni deo The existing narthex originalan. Verovatno sada{wi probably has the naos prati {irisame width as the nu prvobitne crkoriginal church, but ve, ali je mo`da it may be higher. The vi{i. 252

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE representations of the Service of the Archbishops and the Holy Mother Wider than the Sky, both in the apse, are the only remains of the original fresco decoration. In the south corner of the fresco in the apse, an extensive donors inscription of Gods slave Jelena has been preserved. Two round stone slabs are preserved in the pavement of the church. The first is made of white marble, and has a soleil tournantornament in its centre, encircled with eight triangles inscribed into fields composed of two concentric circles. It has double bordure, reaching 126 cm in diameter. The slab has been mortared into cement floor in front of the iconostasis, as an ambo. The other marble slab has been mortared into the floor of the narthex. It is decorated with a more complicated ornament: two intersected triangles form Davids star; the intersections and the centre of the hexagram are adorned with circles, while the arms of the star are filled with dart-like ornaments. Davids star is encircled by triangles pointed towards it. On one side of the damaged outer border an inscription about Stojan (to whom) sprouted in mire... can be found. Both th century. It is believed that both slabs are dated to the 14 originated from the carving workshop in Holy Archangels near Prizren, and that they were probably brought to Gornja Bitinja during construction of the church of St George. Od prvobitnog `ivopisa sa~uvane su samo scene Poklowewe Agnecu i Bogorodica [ira od nebesa u oltarskoj ni{i. U ju`nom uglu freske u apsidi je op{iran ktitorski natpis "rabe Jelene". U podu crkve su sa~uvane dve kamene plo~e kru`nog oblika. Plo~a od belog mermera u ~ijem je sredi{tu ornament u obliku"soleil tournant" sa osam dvostrukih krugova sa upisanim trouglovima oko wega i dvostukim obimnim okvirom polupre~nika 63 sm, zalivena je u cementnu ko{uqicu poda ispred ikonostasa, na mestu amvona. Druga plo~a, ulivena u pod priprate, tako|e mermerna, ima komplikovaniji geometrijski ukras u obliku dva trougla postavqena u obliku "Davidove zvezde" sa krugovima na seci{tima i u centru {estougla, te kopqima u kracima. "Davidova zvezda" okru`ena je trouglovima postavqenim po kru`noj liniji spoqnog okvira. Na plo~i je sa jedne strane o{te}enog spoqnog oboda i natpis o Stojanu (kome) proklija u kalu... Obe plo~e datuju se u XIV vek i misli se da poti~u iz radionice prizrenskih Svetih arhan|ela, odakle su verovatno donete u vreme gra|ewa crkve Svetog \or|a. Spolia iz XIV veka u podu naosa ispred ikonostasa

A 16th century spoil in the floor of the nave, in front of the iconostasis

Another stone monument related to the church of St George can be found about 500 m to the southwest of the church, in a meadow on the opposite bank of the brook. In October of 2001, when the inspection was undertaken, only about 50 cm of the stone was uncovered, jutting beyond the ground, run into weed on the abandoned meadow. This may also be a secondarily used monument originating from the monastery of Holy Archangels. The stone with an encircled foliaged cross, Christs monogram and the inscription NIKA was subsequently used as a kind of land-registry certificate, since in 1592 an extensive inscription about bequeathing of a meadow, a watermill, a pasture and a wood 253

Jo{ jedan kameni spomen je vezan za crkvu Svetog \or|a, a nalazi se oko pet stotina metara jugozapadno od crkve, u wivi sa druge strane potoka. U vreme obilaska terena, u oktobru 2001, kamena plo~a je iz zemqe virila oko 50 sm i bila je potpuno obrasla rastiwem na zaparlo`enoj wivi. Verovatno je i ovo sekundarno upotrebqen spomenik, donesen iz Svetih arhan|ela. Centralni motiv razlistalog krsta u krugu, sa Hristovim monogramom i natpisom "NIKA", docnije je upotrebqen za svojevrsnu tapiju tako {to je u wemu 1592. godine urezan op{iran zapis o zave{tawu wive, vodenice, livade i {ume crkvi

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE to the church of St George, with a curse against anybody daring to oust it, was incised upon it. Svetog \or|a, sa kletvom na onoga ko se usudi da to otme.

1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 351-366 + 8 slika u prilogu. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 422-423. M. Ivanovi}, Prilozi o spomenicima Metohije, Novobrdske Krive Reke, Sirini}ke i Nik{i}ke `upe , Saop{tenja XV, Beograd 1983, 210-213. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa) , Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 252. P. Pajki}, B. Todi},Crkve Sirini}ke `upe , Pri{tina 1995.

1. 2. 3. P. Pajki},Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi, Starine Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 351-366 + 8 slika u prilogu. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 422423. M. Ivanovi}, Prilozi o spomenicima Metohije, Novobrdske Krive Reke, Sirini}ke i Nik{i}ke `upe, Saop{tewa XV, Beograd 1983, 210-213. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991 252. P. Pajki}, B. Todi}, Crkve Sirini}ke `upe, Pri{tina 1995.

2. 3.






Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina

Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina


The church is covered with barrel roofing tiles, while the apse still has the old stone-slate roof covering the vault. Metal gutters put under concrete cornice, under the eaves, concrete side-walk and socle are the results of recent restoration. Two cracks can be noticed on the east wall of the sanctuary: minor closer to the north, and major closer to the south wall. The nave and the sanctuary used to have fresco decoration. Since the church is whitewashed, there is a possibility that minor fragments of fresco decoration can be found under the paint. The only uncovered part of mural decoration can be seen in the apse: the fresco of the Holy Mother Wider than the Sky in the second zone and the Church Fathers in the first. Preserved frescoes are in poor condition. Vertical crack in the fresco mortar runs down the second zone in its entire height. On the image of Christ and above it, on the Virgins neck and her left shoulder fragments of fresco mortar are detached and falling off in great extent. Lower zones are contaminated by capillary humidity up to 10 cm under the beginning of the first zone. Increased efflorescence can be seen all over the lower zone, as well as in the lower parts of the upper zone. Paint layer is covered with dark layer of soot.


Hram je pokriven kanalicom, dok je nad oltarskom apsidom stari krov od kamenih plo~a preko svodne konstrukcije. Limeni oluci, ispod betonskih potkrovnih v enaca, sa betonskim trotoarima i soklom ukazuju na noviju obnovu. Na isto~nom zidu u oltaru je mawa pukotina prema severnom, a ve}a preme ju`nom zidu. Naos i oltarski prostor nekada su bili `ivopisani. Crkva je okre~ena belo i postoji mogu}nost da su prekre~eni i mawi fragmenti `ivopisa. Trenutno je od `ivopisa ostala otkrivena samo oltarska ni{a sa freskom Bogorodice [ire od nebesa u drugoj zoni i crkvenim ocima u prvoj. O~uvani `ivopis je u izuzetno lo{em stawu. Vertikalna pukotina fresko-maltera prostire se celom visinom druge zone. Na liku Hrista i iznad wega, na Bogorodi~inom vratu i levom ramenu, uo~ava se veliki procenat potklobu~ewa kao i otpadawe fragmenata fresko maltera. Kapilarna vlaga je prisutna u dowoj zoni do visine oko 10 sm ispod linije razgrani~ewa dve zone. Isoqavawe je nagla{eno celom povr{inom dowe i u dowem delu gorwe zone. Bojeni sloj je prekriven tamnim nanosom ~a|i.



SK 1422 1955/1990. Extraordinary importance


SK 1422 1955/1990. izuzetan zna~aj


[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva Severna fasada crkve sa pripratom

The north faade of the church and the narthex

The church is situated in the graveyard, uphill from th century, the village. It was built in the second half of the16 and it has been preserved in its original form. The church is rectangular in plan, with an eastern apse, semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. Masonry work can clearly be seen since the faades are not coated: the church was built of roughly cut limestone and rubble, bound with mortar. The design of the eastern wall is untypical of the churches from the region of Sirini}: a semicircular niche with a narrow aperture, flanked with two smaller niches, identical in shape. The portal on the west faade, ending in low-pitched segmented arch and topped by a narrow segmented pediment and a semicircular niche, has been covered by a latter-day narthex. Low-pitched roof has been covered with pantiles. The width of subsequently built nartex and the height of its roof are equal to corresponding dimensions of the church. The floor of the church is lower than the ground for about 50 cm. The nave is barrel-vaulted. Three wooden beams (adorned with ornaments) act as bracing. Three niches of the sanctuary, the apse and those flanking it, acting as prothesis 255

Crkva se nalazi na seoskom grobqu, iznad sela. Izgra|ena je u drugoj polovini XVI veka i do danas je sa~uvana u izvornom obliku. Ima pravougaonu osnovu sa spoqa trostranom, a iznutra polukru`nom apsidom na isto~noj strani. Gra|ena je grubo tesanim kvaderima sige i lomqenim kamenom, sa malternim spojnicama. Fasadne povr{ine su ogoqene i dobro se vidi tehnika gradwe. Izgled isto~nog zida nije tipi~an za crkve sirini}kog kraja. U temenu je dvo~lana polukru`na ni{a sa malim uzanim prozorskim otvorom, a desno i levo od we jo{ po jedna ni{a, ne{to mawa, identi~nih kontura. Portal na zapadnom zidu, zavr{en plitkim segmentom, nadvi{en uzanim segmentnim frontonom i polukru`nom ni{om, zaklowen je po{to je sa te strane hrama u novije vreme dozidana mawa priprata. Pli}i krov pokriven je mediteran crepom. [irina dozidane priprate i visina wenog krova izjedna~eni su sa onim na crkvi. Nivo poda crkve ni`i je u odnosu na okolni teren za oko 50 sm. Brod ima poluobli~ast svod sa dodatkom tri drvene grede (oslikane dekorativnim


The frescoes in the vault of the nave with typical damages

Freske u svodu naosa sa karakteristi~nim o{te}ewima

and diaconicon, are The interior of the joined together by a nave with the stone slab, acting as iconostasis and the altar. Earlier floor remains of frescoes in made of stone slabs the eastern part of the church has been replaced with the new one paved with brick. The original fresco decoration, on morphological grounds dated in the period before 1580, has been partly preserved. Three saints busts have been preserved in the first zone of the west wall: St Pan-teleimon, St Cosmas and St Damian. Partly legible donors inscription has been preserved above the door, but the end of the text recording the year in which fresco decoration was completed has been destroyed. The second zone is occupied by the Dormition of the Virgin, a large fresco whose right side has been white-washed. Lateral walls were also whitewashed, while the frescoes in the vault remained uncovered. The springing of the vault is covered with friezes composed of saints busts and scenes from the Cycle of the Feasts. In the central part of the vault, along the axis, three emanations of Christ have been depicted: Christ Pantokrator, Emmanuel and The Elder of the Days, as well as the Ascension. The conch of the apse is occupied by the Holy Virgin of the Sign, just above the Service of the Archbishops. Fresco decoration of the church must have been painted by a group of painters mostly working in the village churches. With regard to historical situation and circumstances under

Enterijer naosa sa ikonostasom i ostacima fresaka u isto~nom delu

ornametima) kao oja~awem. U oltarskom delu, tri ni{e, sredwa apsidalna i dve bo~ne u funkciji proskomidije i |akonikona, spojene su kamenom plo~om, koja prilikom obreda slu`i kao ~asna trpeza. Nekada{wi pokriva~ poda od kamenih plo~a zamewen je opekom.

U crkvi je delimi~no sa~uvan prvobitni fresko-sloj, za koji se na osnovu stilskih karakteristika pretpostavqa da je nastao do 1580. godine. Na zapadnom zidu su, u prvoj zoni, poprsja tri svetiteqa: Svetog Pantelejmona, Svetog Kuzmana i Svetog Damjana. Iznad vrata je delimi~no ~itak ktitorski zapis na kome je kraj teksta sa godinom nastanka fresko-slikarstva uni{ten. Iznad wega je, u drugoj zoni, velika kompozicija Uspewa Bogorodice. Desna strana freske je prekre~ena. Po{to su i povr{ine podu`nih zidova pokrivene novim kre~om, ostale su vidqive freske na povr{inama svoda. Tu su, na spoju sa verikalama podu`nih zidova, nizovi poprsja proroka i kompozicije iz Velikih praznika, a na povr{inama temena svoda date su predstave tri Hristova lika - Pantokratora, Emanuila i Starca dana kao i Vaznesewe Hristovo. U konhi apside je Bogorodica Znamewa, ispod we je Poklowewe Agnecu. Delimi~no sa~uvane freske na zidovima hrama svedo~e o grupi slikara koji su, rade}i po


MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE which they worked, we can say that those painters showed considerable workmanship. Existing iconostasis made of plain wood panels has no artistic value. A little collection of kissing icons is stored in the church. The most of them are painted in tempera on panel, and depict the Virgin with the Child. seoskim crkvama, za ono vreme i uslove, pokazali solidno znawe i ve{tinu. Postoje}i ikonostas, koji je izveden od jednostavno obra|enih dasaka, nema nikakvu vrednost. U crkvi postoji mali fond celivaju}ih ikona. Najbrojnije su one sa predstavom Bogorodice sa Hristom, slikane temperom na dasci.

1. 2. 3. 4. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 359-364. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991 249. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na Kosovu , Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136137. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614,Novi Sad 1965, 183.

P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi, Starine Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 359-364. 2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 249. 3. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na Kosovu, Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136-137. 4. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 183. 1.


Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina



The cracks are very conspicuous, especially in the upper parts of the walls and in the vault. Big crack running along the apex of the vault and descending to the eastern wall is particularly problematic. The frescoes are in considerably good condition, but they demand a thorough investigation.


Veoma su izra`ene pukotine po zidovima, naro~ito u gorwim delovima zidova i svoda. Posebno je sporna pukotina koja se prote`e podu`no po temenu svoda i spu{ta na isto~ni zid. Freske su u srazmerno dobrom stawu, ali ih je potrebno detaqno ispitati.


SK 1423 1967/1990. Extraordinary importance


SK 1423 1967/1990. izuzetan zna~aj


[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva


Serbian Orthodox Church

Crkva se nalazi u samom nasequ. Po sada uni{tenom zapisu koji se nalazio nad zapadnim portalom, crkva je podignuta 1576/1577. godine, zaslugom grupe ktitora. Na crkvi se, uz osnovni arhitektonski korpus, jasno prepoznaju jo{ dve graditeqske faze: izgradwa spoqa{we priprate i masivnog zvonika uz weno zapadno pro~eqe.

The church is situated in the inhabited zone of the municipality. According to the destroyed inscription that once stood just above the west portal, the church was built in 1576/1577, by contributions of group of donors. Three phases of construction can be distinguished in the corpus of 257


The church with the narthex and the belfry, view from the southwest Cadastre extract

Crkva s pripratom i zvonikom, pogled sa jugozapada Katastarski plan

the present building: the original core, and subsequent constructions of an exonarthex, and a massive belfry attached to the west front. The church of St Nicholas is a single-naved, barrel vault, rectangular in plan, with a five-sided apse to the east. It was built of limestone and sandstone bound with lime mortar. The apse has stone-slate roofing. The barrel vault is covered by a double-pitched roof, which is now covered with pantiles. The sanctuary consists of a central apse flanked by two niches, prothesis and diaconicon. The floor, originally paved with stone slabs, subsequently replaced by tiles, now has terrazzo pavement. The roof of the latter-day narthex is lower than the roof of the church, though the material and masonry work are the same. The walls finish in a frieze of profiled limestone ashlars under the eaves. Results of two painting campaigns can be distinguished in the remains of mural decoration. Remains of th century murals are preserved in the the original 16 sanctuary at the foot of the north wall. The murals in the conch of the apse are completely covered with dark layer of soot. The 19th century paintings are preserved on the triumphal arch: standing figures of St Barbara carrying a book in the left hand, The interior with the and St Paraskeve iconostasis carrying a cross and prayer beads. The iconostasis consists of a socle and four zones of icons. The icons were painted in tempera on panel. The first zone, the Sovereign Row, is occupied by four icons: Archangel Michael, the Virgin 258

Crkva Svetog Nikole je jednobrodna gra|evina pravougaone osnove sa petostranom apsidom na isto~noj strani. Gra|ena je sigom i re~nim kamenom u kre~nom malteru. Krov apside je od kamenih plo~a. Svod je poluobli~ast, a krov dvoslivan, sada pokriven mediteran crepom. U oltarskom prostoru je u sredini ni{a oltara, a sa strana ni{e |akonikona i proskomidije. Pod, koji je prvobitno bio od kamenih plo~a, a kasnije kerami~kih, sada je presvu~en ko{uqicom od teraca. Krov dogra|ene spoqne priprate je ni`i od crkve, a materijal i tehnika gradwe su identi~ni. Vertikale zidova ispod strehe zavr{avaju se profilisanim kvaderima sige. Zidno slikarstvo nastajalo je u dve faze. Prvobitni sloj iz XVI veka sa~uvan je pri dnu severnog zida u oltarskom prostoru.U apsidalnoj konhi, usled delovawa ~a|i, povr{ina je potpuno potamnela. Na trijumfalnom luku je, ispred apside, slikarstvo iz XIX veka: stoje}e figure Svete Velikomu~enice Varvare sa kwigom u levoj ruci i Svete Petke sa brojanicama i krstom u rukama. Ikonostas Enterijer sa ima ~etiri zone i ikonostasom sokl. Ikone su slikane temperom na dasci. U prvoj zoni su ~etiri prestone ikone: Svetu arhan|eo Mihailo, Bogorodica sa Hristom, Isus Hristos i Sveti Jovan. U drugoj zoni je Deizisni ~in, a u tre}oj likovi po-

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE with the Child, Christ and St John. The second zone is occupied by Deesis, while the third shows the saints figures and the scenes from the life of Christ. The iconostasis is topped by a Crucifixion and two smaller icons depicting crowned saints. As usual, the Royal Doors are occupied by the Annunciation and the Four Evangelists with their attributes. The belfry was built of stone bound with cement mortar. It has pantiled roofing. It bears a memorial tablet with donors inscription and the date of its construction 1962. Not long before the war, the church got new pantiled roofing, while the walls were protected by concrete side-walk. All the gutters and drain-pipes were replaced by new ones, made of galvanized tin-plates. jedinih svetiteqa i kompozicije iz Hristovog `ivota. Na vrhu je Krst sa Raspe}em i dve mawe ikone svetiteqa sa krunama na glavama. Na carskim dverima su uobi~ajene Blagovesti i ~etiri jevan|elista sa atributima. Zvonik je zidan kamenom u cementnom malteru i pokriven mediteran crepom. Na wemu je spomen-plo~a sa ktitorskim zapisom i 1962. kao godinom izgradwe. Neposredno pred rat krov hrama je prepokriven mediteran crepom, za{ti}eni su zidovi betonskim trotoarima i zamewene sve olu~ne vertikale i horizontale novim od pocinkovanog lima.

1. 2. 3. 4. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 82, 138, 170-171. P. Pajki},Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi, Starine Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 356-359. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 435. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991 254. P. Pajki}, B. Todi}, Crkve Sirini}ke `upe, Pri{tina 1995, 14-19.

1. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614 , Novi Sad 1965, 82, 138, 170171. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 356-359. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 435. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 254. P. Pajki}, B. Todi},Crkve Sirini}ke `upe , Pri{tina 1995, 14-19.

2. 3. 4.





Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina - Pri{tina


With regard to all the interventions done up to this moment, we can say that the church of St Nicholas is in good condition. The frescoes were coated with lacquer; tarnished with soot, while certain areas are missing. The iconostasis is affected with verminousness, while the support and the colour coat of the icons have been crackled.


S obzirom na sve do sada izvedene radove, gra|evinsko stawe crkve Svetog Nikole je dobro. Mo`e se zapaziti da su tokom proteklog vremena zidne kompozicije premazivane lakom, potamnele od ~a|i, pojedine partije su uni{tene. Ikonostas je ugro`en crvoto~inom, a na ikonama postoje pukotine na nosa~u i bojenom sloju.




Recognized heritage




[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva Crkva i priprata sa grobqem, pogled sa juga

The church with the narthex and the graveyard, view from the south

Berevci is the largest village of Sirini}ka `upa. Its earliest record has been preserved in the three inscriptions on the 13th century Serbian Gospel Book from the National Library in Paris. The village had two churches since theth 16 century. The church of St Demetrius has not been preserved. The site on which it was built is called Crkvica. The church of St Paraskeve is very close to the houses at the border of the village. In the course of time uphill from the church, the graveyard took shape. According to the sources, the church of the same dedication must have existed as early as the th 14 century: an Octoich was copied in the church of St Paraskeve in 1353. It is a small single-naved church, rectangular in plan, with a three-sided apse to the east, and a large, subsequently built narthex. The church was built of stone. It has double-pitched roof covered with double-through roofing tiles. The apse has the original stone-slate roofing. The nave is barrel-vaulted. The original pavement of stone slabs and elevated stone solea have been preserved, as well as the uncovered wooden beams acting as bracing. The church is accessed through two doors in the south wall of the narthex, which covered the original west portal. One of its door wings is original: it has an iron door-knocker and 260

Berevci su najve}e selo Sirini}ke `upe i prvi put se pomiwu u tri zapisa na srpskom jevan|equ iz XIII veka, koje se ~uva u pariskoj Nacionalnoj biblioteci. U selu su jo{ od XVI veka postojale dve crkve. Crkva Svetog Dimitrija nije sa~uvana, a mesto na kome je postojala zove se Crkvica. Crkva Svete Petke neznatno je udaqena od prvih ku}a. S vremenom je iznad we formirano seosko grobqe. Izgleda da je u ovom selu jo{ u XIV veku postojala istoimena crkva, jer se navodi da je u woj 1353 pisan Oktoih. Mawa jednobrodna crkva pravougaone osnove sa trostranom apsidom, dogra|enom pripratom velikih dimenzija. Crkva je zidana kamenom, krov je dvoslivan i prokriven falcovanim crepom, dok je nad apsidom sa~uvan autenti~ni pokriva~ od {kriqca. Brod je presveden poluobli~asto, sa~uvani su stari podni pokriva~ od kamenih plo~a i kamena soleja. Oja~awa su izvedena vidqivim drvenim gredama. Ulaz u crkvu omogu}en je kroz dogra|enu pripratu sa dvoja vrata na ju`nom zidu. Tako je zapadni portal crkve ostao zaklowen. Na wemu je sa~uvano jedno autenti~no krilo sa gvozdenom alkom i bravnim mehanizmom. Priprata

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE a lock. The narthex is barrel-vaulted. Its floor is covered with rough poured concrete pavement. Along with two doors, the south wall of the narthex is fenestrated with a square window reinforced by wooden boards. A belfry, octagonal in plan, covered with hip tinplate roof, was built to the southwest of the church. The outer side of its walls, built of stone, is coated with mortar and whitewashed. Figures of two military saints can be seen on the outer side of the western wall of the nave. They are surmounted by an inscription in which the name of the painter, originating from the village of Gali~nik near Debar, was mentioned. In another inscription, in the nave, above the portal, the names of the donors and the year of 1858 were recorded. The inner walls are covered with mural paintings arranged in horizontal strips. The first zone shows standing figures of the saints. However, the first zone of the north wall is damaged only the busts of the six saints represented there have been preserved. The next belt is occupied by medallions with saints represented in half-figure, while the second zone shows the scenes from the Feast Cycle. The frescoes in the north half of the vault are severely damaged and tarnished only the traces of two saints figures can be discerned. The Holy Virgin of the Sign, carrying the medallion with the representation of Christ on her breasts, was depicted in the apse, as well as St John Chrisostome and St Basil (in the lower zone of the apse). The Ascension occupies the north niche. In the lower zone of the walls in je presvedena poluobli~asto, pod grubo betoniran, neravan. Na wenom ju`nom zidu je, uz dvoja vrata, i jedan kvadratni prozor oja~an drvenim talpama. Na jugozapadnoj strani izgra|en je zvonik osmougaone osnove, koji je pokriven piramidalnim limenim krovom. Zidovi zvonika, gra|eni od kamena, spoqa su malterisani i okre~eni belo. Na spoqnoj strani zapadnog zida naosa su figure dva sveta ratnika, a iznad wih natpis u kome je, pored ostalog, ime slikara iz sela Gali~nika kod Debra. U naosu iznad portala je natpis sa imenima ktitora i 1858. godinom. Povr{ine zidova prekrivene su zidnim slikama u horizontalnim nizovima. U prvoj zoni su stoje}e figure, ali su {estorici svetiteqa na severnom zidu sa~uvana samo poprsja. Iznad wih su medaqoni sa dopojasnim likovima svetiteqa, a iznad ovih scene Velikih praznika. Povr{ina severne strana svoda je veoma o{te}ena i potamnela, vide se tragovi figura dva svetiteqa. U apsidi je Bogorodica Znamewa sa likom Hrista u medaqonu na grudima, ispod we su Sveti Jovan Zlatousti i Sveti Vasilije, a u severnoj ni{i Vaznesewe Hristovo. U dowoj zoni naosa, ispod prve zone fresaka, sa~uvana je geometrijska dekoracija od raznobojnih slikanih spiralnim traka. Re~ je o Freske na zapadnom zidu naosa sa karakteristi~nim o{te}ewima

The frescoes of the western wall of the nave showing typical damages

the nave, under the first zone of frescoes, painted geometric decoration composed of variegated spiral ribbons has been preserved. In this high-quality fresco ensemble special attention was paid to the representations of saints, marked by sophisticated expressions and strong individualization. The icons on the iconostasis are painted in tempera on panel. The socle shows oval medallions with flowers in the vases. It is surmounted with the icons of the Sovereign 261

kvalitetnom slikarstvu, posebno ume{no i sa pa`wom obra|enim svetiteqskim likovima, koje karakteri{e produhovqen izraz i individualizacija. Ikonostas je slikan temperom na drvetu. U soklu su elipsasti medaqoni sa cve}em u vazama. Iznad wih su prestone ikone Svetog arhan|ela Mihaila (na severnim dverima), Bogorodice sa

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE Row, representing The frescoes of the Archangel Michael south wall of the (the north door), nave the Holy Virgin with Christ, the Annunciation on the Royal Doors, Christ, painted in tempera on a panel, and St Sava, Serbian archbishop. The zone above the Sove-reign Row is occupied by Deesis. It is surmounted by a segmented wood panel decorated with the representations of two dragons and floral motives. The iconostasis is, as usual, topped by the Crucifixion. Freske na ju`nom zidu naosa Hristom, Blagovesti na Carskim dverima, Isusa Hrista, tempera na dasci, i Svetog Save arhiepiskopa srpskog. Iznad prestonih ikona je Deizisni ~in. Ikonostas se zavr{ava segmentnom drvenom tablom, na kojoj su dva zmaja i cvetni motivi, a

iznad wih uobi~ajeno Raspe}e. BIBLIOGRAFIJA D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991 245. 2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na Kosovu, Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136. 3. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 397. 1.


2. 3.

D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa) , Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 245. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na Kosovu , Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 397.


The church is in poor condition. Numerous deep cracks, irregularly spread all over the vault, and descending to the walls, have been recorded. They might be caused by the building of the hall, by seismic disturbances, but they may also be a consequence of poor quality of the construction. The pitch of the roof is not high enough. The roofing tiles are tarnished. Water from the roof pours down the walls, which results in dampness of the lower zones of the walls. In the course of time, parts of mural decoration got destroyed, probably due to unstable mortar coat, which detached from the wall support. The deteriorated areas were subsequently coated with mortar, but the frescoes have not been restored. Numerous compositions are endangered by cracks in the wall. The paint layer of the preserved parts of fresco decoration is either faded or tarnished with soot. The wood support of the major part of the icons on the iconostasis is crackled, while on the borders of these cracks the detached parts of the colour coat are either unstable, or they have already fallen off. The icons are covered with darkened varnishes and soot.


Crkva je u r|avom stawu. Na vi{e mesta registrovane su velike duboke pukotine koje su nepravilno razvijene po povr{inama svoda i pru`aju se na vertikale zidova. Mo`da su posledica dogradwe "sale", pomerawa tla ili nekvalitetne gradwe. Krov crkve je nedovoqnog nagiba, a crep potamneo. Dowa zona zidova je vla`na zbog slivawa vode sa krova. Zidno slikarstvo je tokom vremena na nekim mestima uni{teno, najverovatnije zbog nestabilnog malternog sloja, koji se odvajao od osnovne zidne mase. Kasnije su te povr{ine malterisane, ali slikarstvo nije obnavqano. Mnoge kompozicije su ugrozile pukotine u zidu. Na sa~uvanim delovima slikarstva boja je isprana ili je potamnela od ~a|i. Drveni nosilac na ikonostasu je na ve}ini ikona popucao, a na ivicama pukotina su otpali, ili su nestabilni, delovi bojenog sloja. Ikone su prekrivene potamnelim lakovima i ~a|i.




Recognized heritage




[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska


Serbian Orthodox Church

Srpska pravoslavna crkva Crkva sa jugozapada

The church, view from the southwest

The church of St Demetrius in Gornja Bitinja th century. It is a single-naved building was built in the 16 with an eastern apse. It has a barrel-vault and a doublepitched roof. The roof was originally covered with stone slates, now replaced with metal plates. The exterior of the apse was relieved with five semicircular niches having double archivolts. Two semicircular niches, prothesis and diaconicon, can be seen in the sanctuary. Consoles under the frieze in the apse are merely decorative, without any structural function. The archivolt of the western portal is supported by cone-shaped corbels. Above the narrow rectangular window on the south faade a deep blind niche can be seen. The church was restored at the end of the 1990s, when its faades were coated with mortar and sprayed with ground stone. The interior walls of the church were completely covered in frescoes. Few damaged fragments are the only remains of the original fresco decoration: the fragments of the socle decoration on the eastern wall, under the altar; deteriorated fragments of robes worn by two saints on the west wall, to the south of the door, and the accompanying part of the socle. 263

Crkva Svetog Dimitrija u Dowoj Bitiwi izgra|ena je u XVI veku kao jednobrodna gra|evina sa oltarskom apsidom na istoku. Zasvedena je poluobli~asto svodom sa dvoslivnim krovom, koji je prvobitno bio od kamenih plo~a, a sada je pokriven limom. Oltarska apsida je spoqa ukra{ena sa pet polukru`no zavr{enih ni{a, koje imaju dvostruke arhivolte polukru`nog preseka. U oltarskom prostoru su i polukru`ne ni{e |akonikona i proskomidije. Venac apside "nose" dekorativne, a ne konstruktivne konzole. Iznad luka zapadnog ulaza je arhivolta, koja po~iva na dekorativnim konzolama u obliku {i{arke. Na ju`noj fasadi je dubokalepa s ni{a, ispod koje je uzani pravougaoni prozor. Krajem devedesetih godina XX veka crkva je obnovqena i tada je nanovo omalterisana spoqa, a fasade su prskane granulatom. Crkva je bila u potpunosti `ivopisana, a sada su preostali samo veoma o{te}eni fragmenti u soklu na isto~nom zidu ispod ^asne trpeze, o{te}eni dowi delovi draperija dva svetiteqa na zapadnom zidu, ju`no od vrata, i sokl ipod wih.


1. 2. 3. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na Kosovu , Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 355. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 253-254.

P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na Kosovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136. 2. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 355. 3. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 253-254. 1.


Due to recent restoration, the building is in good condition. Fresco mortar of the preserved fragments has been partly detached from the wall and is likely to fall off, especially in the socle of the eastern wall. The church was restored. The covering of the roof was replaced with modern roofing tiles. The walls and the vault are coated with mortar and white-washed. There is only a slight possibility that under the layer of paint more fragments of the original fresco decoration can be found. The walls are still contaminated with capillary dampness. The plating of the iconostasis is modern, made of conifer boards. The prints, acting as icons are mounted on the iconostasis regardless any iconographic scheme.


Gra|evina je, zahvaquju}i nedavnoj obnovi, u dobrom stawu. Fresko-malter o~uvanih fragmenata delimi~no je odvojen od zidanog nosa~a i preti mu opasnost od daqeg otpadawa, naro~ito u soklu isto~nog zida. Crkva je obnovqena. Krovni pokriva~ je zamewen savremenim crepom. Zidovi i svod crkve su omalterisani i okre~eni belo. Mogu}nost da ispod sloja kre~a postoje delovi o~uvanog `ivopisa je mala. Prodor kapilarne vlage iz zemqe u zidove jo{ traje. Oplata ikonostasa je nova, izra|ena od ~amovog drveta. Na sebi nosi reprodukcije ikona oka~enih bez ikonografskog reda.


Recognized heritage




[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva


Serbian Orthodox Church

The village of Drajkovci is at about 4-5 kms distance from [trpce, on the right bank of the river of Lepenac. The church of St Forty Martyrs is situated on the left side of the road connecting [trpce and Uro{evac. It was constructed on a slightly elevated terrain. There are no houses in its immediate surroundings. Village graveyard is situated to the west of the church. The church was built in the seventh decade of the 16th century, but it was demolished in the Tatar raid, after 264

Selo Drajkovci je oko 4-5 km udaqeno od [trpca, sa desne strane Lepenca. Crkva Svetih ^etrdeset mu~enika nalazi se sa leve strane puta koji od [trpca vodi ka Uro{evcu. Izgra|ena je na malo podignutom terenu u odnosu na put. U wenoj neposrednoj blizini nema seoskih ku}a, a sa zapadne strane je seosko grobqe. Crkva je izgra|ena {ezdesetih godina XVI veka, ali je posle 1690. stradala od Tatara, da bi kasnije bila o bnovqena. Radikalnim obnovama


The church and the belfry, view from the south

Crkva sa zvonikom, pogled sa juga

1690. It was subsequently restored. Radical restorations considerably changed the original appearance of the church. Large hall was built in 1976. A large-scale building campaign was undertaken in 2000. The church is small, rectangular in plan, with a three-sided eastern apse. Double-pitched roof is covered with double-through roofing tiles. The apse was covered with stone slates until 1990, when it got new copper-plate covering. The latter-day hall is rectangular in plan and its highest point is considerably higher than the ridge of the roof. Its eastern part is covered by a dome consisting of a cylindrical drum and a calotte made of copper plates. A belfry was attached to the west faade of the hall rectangular in plan, also topped by a copper-plate calotte. All these rebuildins annihilated the original architectural and ambient values of the church. There are, however, reasons to believe that present church is not the one built in the second half of the 16th century. It is possible that it was constructed th century on the site of the original at the beginning of the 20 church. The nave is barrel-vaulted, with a conch covering the apse. The apse is flanked by two semicircular niches prothesis and diaconicon. The floor is paved with the old standard bricks (30 16 cm). The walls are coated with mortar and whitewashed. The north and south walls are fenestrated with one window each. Those apertures are different in shape and size, resembling loop-holes. Another narrow aperture can be seen in the apse. The hall has a poured concrete floor. Each of the longitudinal walls is decorated with a row of five semicircular apses, set at about 2.4 m in height. The hall is also barrel-vaulted. The iconostasis is plain, made of wood boards, and has no artistic value. All the icons are prints.

koje su u pro{losti preduzimane autenti~ni izgled crkve znatno je izmewen. Velika "sala" dogra|ena je 1976, a i 2000. godine izvedeni su prili~no obimni gra|evinski radovi. Crkva je mala i ima pravougaonu osnovu sa trostranom apsidom na isto~noj strani. Dvoslivni krov pokriven je falcovanim crepom. Nad apsidom je 1990. bio pokriva~ od kamenih plo~a, ali je zamewen novim od bakarnog lima. Dogra|ena "sala" ima pravougaonu osnovu i znatno vi{u kotu slemena krova. Na isto~nom delu krova izgra|ena je kupola sa kru`nim tamburom i poluloptastom kalotom od bakarnog lima. Uz zapadnu fasadu "sale" dozidana je kulazvonik kvadratne osnove, koja je tako|e natkriven bakarnom kalotom. Svim ovim dogradwama uz crkvu znatno je poni{ten wen arhitektonskoambijentalni korpus. Ima indicija da ni sada{wa crkva nije onaj objekat ~ija je izgradwa utvr|ena u drugoj polovini XVI veka, ve} da je navodno u pitawu hram koji je izgra|en po~etkom XX veka na mestu prvobitne crkve. Brod crkve presveden je poluobli~astim svodom sa polukru`nim apsidalnim delom. Desno i levo od apside su polukru`ne ni{e |akonikona i proskomidije. Pod je od opeka starog formata 30 h 16 sm. Svi zidovi su malterisani i okre~eni belo. Na ju`nom i severnom zidu je po jedan otvor, nejednakog oblika i dimenzija, kao pu{karnice, a na apsidalnim zidu jo{ jedan sasvim uzan otvor. Pod "sale" izliven je u betonu. Na podu`nim zidovima, na oko 2, 40 metra visine, izvedeno je po pet plitkih polukru`nih ni{a. Svod je poluobli~ast. Ikonostas je jednostavan, od dasaka, bez ikakve vrednosti. Po wemu su oka~ene reprodukcije.


D. Tan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava 265

1. D.

Stan~i}, Izve{taj



2. 3.

na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa) , Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991 255. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i njegovoj okolini u XIX veku , Beograd 1928, 105. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova , Prizren-Beograd 1987, 438.


The church has been regularly maintained. There are no indications of recent damages.

istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 255. 2. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku, Beograd 1928, 105. 3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 438.


Crkva se redovno odr`ava i nema tragova novijih o{te}ewa.


Recognized heritage




[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Stojan Popovi}, a doctor from Gornja Bitinja


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Stojan Popovi}, lekar iz Gorwe Bitiwe Glavna fasada sa ~ardakom

The main facade with the timber terrace

Under current political circumstances Sirini}ka `upa, at the foot of the mountain of [ara, acts as an important Serbian centre in Metohija. This large enclave encompasses twelve settlements populated by Serbs. In the situation when the major part of Serbian population from Metohija is in exile, while their houses are razed to the ground, preserved villages in Sirini}ka `upa act as an important source for the study of vernacular architecture. Although many research workers tried to point out variety of forms and aesthetic value of vernacular buildings in this region, not a single example of vernacular architecture has been nominated a cultural monument. 266

Sirini}ka `upa podno [ar-planine predstavqa u dana{wim politi~kim prilikama va`no sredi{te srpskog naroda u Metohiji. Ova velika enklava obuhvata dvanaest naseqa koja naseqavaju Srbi. U uslovima kada je ve}i deo srpske populacije u Metohiji napustio svoja stani{ta i kada su netragom nestali wihovi domovi, sa~uvana sela Sirini}ke `upe predstvqaju va`an izvor za prou~avawe na{eg narodnog graditeqstva. Iako su mnogi istra`iva~i ukazivali na bogatstvo i lepotu graditeqskih formi na ovom prostoru, nijedno delo narodnog


The staircase at the ground-floor

Stepeni{te u prizemqu

One of the masterpieces of vernacular architecture has been preserved in the hamlet Popovci in the village of Gornja Bitinja. It is owned by the family of Stojan Popovi}, whose great-grandfather was a priest, and after whom this object got the name Priests house. There is no information when it was constructed. However, family tradition has th century. dated it in the 19 It is a single-storied building, almost square in plan, with well articulated structure of both ground-floor and the upper story. Since the house belongs to asymmetric type, the porch (ajat) is situated in the depth of the right wing of the ground-floor. A staircase leads from porch to the upper story. Under the staircase, to the right from the porch is a barn, while at the outer right side a dairy can be seen, both made of boards. The porch leads to a rather small chamber. The right door of the chamber opens towards a large room in which Popovi}, the priest used to welcome his guests. A fireplace has been preserved in this room. The kitchen, which is in front of the large room, is accessed directly from the yard. Another fire-place has been preserved in the kitchen. The upper floor has a large projecting timber terrace (~ardak) supported by posts, and a narrow corridor dividing the residential area into two parts. A part of the original furnishing has been preserved in the rooms. Old photographs can still be seen on the walls, while the old books are still stored in the closets.


Present owner of the Priests House in Gornja Bitinja takes great care about his heritage. He wants the house to be restored and preserved for future generations. The idea of converting the house into catering object, where foreign tourists could take traditional meals has not been realized yet, though it was discussed with the representatives of the international community. Technical drawings of the ground plan and the plan of the upper story were taken during the inspection of the 267

graditeqstva u Sirini}koj `upi nije progla{eno za spomenik kulture. Jedan od bisera narodnog graditeqstva sa~uvan je u zaseoku Popovci u selu Gorwa Bitiwa. Danas pripada porodici Stojana Popovi}a ~iji je pradeda bio sve{tenik i po kome je ovaj objekat poznat kao popova ku}a. Nema podataka kada je sagra|en, ali ga porodi~no predawe datira u XIX vek. To je spratni objekat gotovo kvadratne osnove sa razvijenom strukturom osnove prizemqa i sprata. Kako je ovo ku}a asimetri~nog tipa, ajat se nalazi u dubini desnog krila prizemqa i iz wega se ide stepenicama na sprat. Ispod stepenica, sa desne strane ajata je ambar za `ito od unizanih dasaka, a sa desne spoqne strane sagra|en je mlekar, tako|e od dasaka. Iz ajata se pravo ulazi u mawu prostoriju, a iz we desno vode vrata u veliku sobu, u kojoj je sve{tenik Popovi} nekada primao svoje posetioce. U ovoj prostoriji je o~uvana oyaklija. U kuhiwu, prostoriju ispred ove sobe, ulazi se direktno iz dvori{ta i tu je sa~uvana jo{ jedna oyaklija za kuvawe. Na spratu je prostrani ~ardak i uzani hodnik, koji razdvaja stambeni prostor na dva dela. U prostorijama je sa~uvan deo name{taja i poku}stva. Na zidovima se jo{ nalaze stare fotografije, a u dolapima kwige.


Sada{wi vlasnik popove ku}e u Gorwoj Bitiwi uzorno ~uva svoju ba{tinu. @eli da se ku}a obnovi i sa~uva za budu}e generacije. Ideja o pretvarawu ku}e u gostinski objekat, u koji bi se strani gosti dovodili na tradicionalni ru~ak, jo{ nije ostvarena, mada je o tome bilo re~i sa predstavnicima me|unarodne zajednice. Prilikom obilaska terena septembra 2001, tehni~ki je snimqena osnova prizemqa i sprata

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE object in September of 2001. They should provide basic information in considering the problem of the revitalization of the building. However, making of conservation and restoration project demands complete technical and photo documentation. The experts from the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia have already listed this object as recognized heritage, which according to the Law on the Protection of Cultural Property has provided it with the status of cultural property, under preliminary protection. During next inspection the inventory of the movable property, existing in the house and in the old beekeeping workshop should be made. ku}e da bi se mogla predlo`iti wena revitalizacija. Za izradu konzervatorskorestauratorskog projekta potrebno je pripremiti kompletnu tehni~ku i foto-dokumentaciju. Stru~waci Republi~kog zavoda za za{titu spomenika kulture iz Beograda evidentirali ovaj objekat u ranijem periodu, ~ime on, po Zakonu o za{titi kulturnih dobara, ima tretman kulturnog dobra pod prethodnom za{titom. Prilikom izlaska na teren trebalo bi popisati i pokretni materijal koji se jo{ nalazi u ku}i, kao i staru p~elarsku radionicu u istom dvori{tu.

1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije danas , Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (in print).

1. M. \eki},Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (u {tampi).




Recognized heritage




[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva


Serbian Orthodox Church

The village is situated on the right bank of the river of Lepenac, at a 3-4 kms distance from [trpce. It was mentioned in 1455 in the Turkish census the of the Brankovi} Region as a large village with 64 Serbs houses and priest Bogi{a. The church, dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin, is situated in the graveyard, in the lower part of the th century. village. It was built in the second half of the 17 The church had been in ruins until 1886, when it was restored. It is an oblong, single-naved building, with a wide apse having a narrow, rectangular, vertically positioned window in its apex. On the outer side of the walls, built in combination of ashlar and coursed-rubble, the joints of mortar were smoothened down, after which faades were 268

Selo se nalazi na desnoj strani Lepenca, 3 - 4 km udaqeno od [trpca, i pomiwe se 1455. u turskom popisu oblasti Brankovi}a kao veliko selo sa 64 srpske ku}e i popom Bogi{om. Crkva, posve}ena Uspewu Bogorodice, nalazi se na grobqu, u dowem delu sela. Izgra|ena je u drugoj polovini XVI veka. Bila je u ru{evinama do 1886, kada je obnovqena. Jednobrodna je, izdu`ene pravougaone osnove, sa {irokom polukru`nom apsidom, u ~ijem je temenu uzan pravougaoni, vertikalno postavqen prozorski otvor. Zidana je tesanicima i pritesanom sigom ali su zidovi sa spoqne strane dersovani i okre~eni, a sa unutra{we malterisani. Na apsidalnim i podu`nim zidovima je jednostavno profilisan potkrovni venac od


The church, view from the southwest

Crkva pogled sa jugozapada

whitewashed. The Cadastre extract inner side of the walls is, however, coated with mortar. The lateral walls and the apse have a simple profiled limestone cornice under the eaves. The west faade has an arched, single-winged portal, surmounted by a semicircular niche. South faade is fenestrated with two windows, positioned so high that their tops reach the cornice. The apse has a narrow window. Another very small aperture can be seen on the gable, just above the apse. Low double-pitched roof and the apse have been covered with used terracotta tiles. Simple stone cross has been mounted on the west end of the ridge. The floor of the church is lower than the ground. It is paved with bigger bricks. The nave is barrel-vaulted. The upper parts of the lateral walls are braced with three wooden beams. The sanctuary has three niches: two lateral within the wall. All three niches are joined with a horizontal stone slab acting as altar. The altar is preceded by an elevated semicircular solea, about half a metre higher then the nave. In the territory of Sirini}ka `upa, the church in Gotovu{a is a rare example of a church that has been preserved in its original form, and that can be studied in its entirety, since it has no subsequently built annexes that would cover one of its facades. The frescoes have been preserved on the east wall. However, we dont know whether they are preserved on the walls that are whitewashed. The conch of the apse is occupied by the Holy Virgin of the Sign she has on her breasts a medallion in which Christ making the gesture of blessing was depicted. She has been depicted frontally, with raised, outstretched arms. Wide areas covered with her red robe act as figures background. She is flanked with St Basil 269

blokova sige. Na zapadnoj fasadi je polukru`no konstruisan jednokrilni portal, a iznad wega polukru`na ni{a. Dva mawa prozorska otvora na ju`nom zidu visoko su postavqena tako da gorwim rubom doti~u krovni venac. Na apsidalnom zidu je jo{ jedan uzan otvor, a u wegovoj osi, na zabatu, sasvim mali otvor. Plitak dvoslivni krov i apsida pokriveni su starom }eramidom. Na zapadnom delu slemena krova je mali jednostavan kameni krst. Pod je ni`i od okolnog terena, pokriven je opekom ve}eg formata, a nad brodom je poluobli~asti svod. Severni i ju`ni zid pri gorwoj koti povezani su sa tri drvene grede. Oltarski prostor ima tri ni{e, dve bo~ne use~ene u zid, sve su povezane horizontalno postavqenom kamenom plo~om koja ima funkciju ~asne trpeze. Ispred oltara je polukru`na soleja visine oko pola metra. Bogorodi~ina crkva u Gotovu{i je gotovo usamqen primer hrama na teritoriji Sirini}ke `upe ~iji je arhitektonski korpus sa~uvan u celini i koji se mo`e dobro sagledati jer na crkvi nisu vr{ene uobi~ajene dogradwe kojima bi bila zatvorena jedna od fasada. Freske su sa~uvane na isto~nom zidu, s tim {to se ne zna da li ih ima i na zidovima broda koji su prekre~eni. U apsidalnoj ni{i je Bogorodica tipa Znamewa, jer na grudima ima medaqon Hrista koji blagosiqa. Postavqena je ~vrsto, frontalno, sa ra{irenim i podignutim rukama. [iroke povr{ine crvenog pla{ta kao da su pozadinski fon figure. Uz Bogorodicu su slikani Sveti Vasilije i Sveti Jovan Zlatousti, Katastarski plan

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE and St John Chrisostome. The representation of the Service of the Archbishops was, in accordance with earlier models, complemented with two angels acting as deacons. Of the two deacons, usually depicted in the side niches, only half figure of the left one was preserved. The saints are represented as gentle, young men, with ornamented robes. The wood part of the iconostasis was mounted on a masonry lintel. According to the inscription on the lower border of the icon of the Virgin, from the Sovereign Row, signed by painter Jevgenije, born in Gali~nik Debarski, the iconostasis was completed in 1888. The disposition of the icons is typical of the churches dating from the same period. The central part of the iconostasis is occupied by the Royal Doors with the representation of the Annunciation. Half-figures of Solomon and David can be seen in small round fields on the doors, above the Annunciation. The Sovereign Row is occupied by the icons of Archangel Michael (the north door), the Virgin with the Child, Christ and St John the Baptist. In the second zone, a row of icons (20 35 cm) representing Christ and twelve apostles can be seen. All of them have legible titles. The iconostasis is topped by the Crucifixion with four evangelists in the round fields at the ends of the arms of the cross. The cross is flanked with icons representing the Holy Virgin and St John. The icons of the Sovereign Row were painted in oil on canvas, while all the other icons were painted on panel. The socle is decorated with oval fields in which vases with flowers were depicted. Special attention should be paid to the inscribed names of possible donors of the iconostasis, preserved in the areas under the third zone. The dormitory is situated to the northwest of the church, touching its corner. It is rectangular in plan, with deep vestibule to the south. A part of conspicuous hip roof is supported by five concrete pillars, which replaced the original timber posts. The original roofing was replaced with double-through roofing tiles. However, the original massive chimney has been preserved. The longitudinal south wall has two low arched entrances and windows with wood grids made of elements intersecting at a right angle, tied at the intersections with round, wooden rings. There are two chambers in the interior. In the minor one, to the west, a fireplace has been preserved. In both chambers, authentic carved wood consoles are attached to partition wall. In the other chamber, rectangular in plan and considerably bigger than the minor one, low stone bench was built along the walls. Earthen floor has been recently covered with concrete. The walls of the dormitory are built of stone bound with mortar, and reinforced with massive bond-timbers. Since the facades have been coated with mortar, the structure of the wall remained uncovered only on the south wall, which has not been restored. 270 a predstava Hrista Agneca dopuwena je, po ugledu na starije predlo{ke, likovima dva an|ela |akona. U bo~nim apsidama, od uobi~ajenih likova dva |akona sa~uvan je do pojasa samo onaj u levoj ni{i. Fizionomije svetiteqa su mladala~ke, blagog izraza, a na ode}i je nagla{ena ornamentika. Drvena pregrada ikonostasa podignuta je na zidani grednik. Ikonostas je zavr{en 1888, {to se saznaje iz zapisa na dowem rubu prestone ikone Bogorodice, gde se potpisao Jevgenije zograf, rodom iz Gali~nika Debarskog. Raspored ikona je uobi~ajen za crkve iz ovog perioda. Na sredini su niske carske dveri sa Blagovestima. Iznad Blagovesti su, u malim kru`nim medaqonima, dopojasni likovi careva Solomona i Davida. Prestone ikone su: Arhan|eo Mihailo (na severnim dverima), Bogorodica sa Hristom, Isus Hristos i Sveti Jovan Prete~a. Iznad prestonih ikona je niz ikona sa Hristom i dvanaest apostola 20 h 35 sm sa ~itko ispisanim signaturama, a iznad wih krst sa Raspe}em i ~etiri jeva|elista u medaqonima na kracima krsta. Desno i levo od krsta su ikone Bogorodice i Jovana Bogoslova. Prestone ikone ra|ene su uqem na platnu, a sve ostale na dasci. Na soklu su elipsasti medaqoni u kojima su slikane vaze sa cve}em. Posebnu pa`wu treba obratiti na sa~uvane zapise sa imenima mogu}ih donatora za izradu ikonostasa, koji su uo~eni na povr{inama ispod tre}e zone. Zgrada konaka izgra|ena je severozapadno od hrama tako da se naslawa na wegov ugaoni deo. Konak je pravougaone osnove, sa dubokim tremom na ju`noj strani. Deo dominantnog ~etvoroslivnog krova prihvata pet stubaca, koji su nekada bili drveni, a danas su zameweni betonskim. Krovni pokriva~ zamewen je falcovanim crepom, ali je sa~uvan prvobitni masivan oyak. Na podu`nom ju`nom zidu su dva niska lu~na ulaza i prozori sa drvenim re{etkama, ~iji su elementi ukr{teni pod pravim uglom i na spojevima u~vr{}eni trakslovanim prstenovima. U unutra{wosti su dva odeqewa. U mawem, na zapadnoj strani, sa~uvan je "oyak". Uz pregradni zid, u obe prostorije postoje autenti~ne rezbarene drvene konzole. U drugoj prostoriji, koja je pravougaone osnove i znatno ve}a od prethodne, du` svih zidova izgra|ena je niska kamena klupa. Donedavno je pod u obe prostorije bio zemqani, sada je pokriven betonom. Konak je gra|en kamenom sa malternim spojnicama, a oja~an monolitnim, masivnim drvenim talpama. Po{to su fasade objekta sada malterisane, tehnika gradwe ostala je vidqiva samo na ju`nom zidu, koji nije obnavqan.


1. 2. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 359-364. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 249. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova,Prizren-Beograd 1987, 428.

P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi, Starine Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 359-364. 2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 249. 3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 428. 1.



The structure of the building is stable. The roof is in bad condition, while the faades have darkened. Dampness has been recorded in the lower zones of the walls. A crack was noticed in the wall of the apse. Two distinct phases can be distinguished in the fresco decoration. Frescoes in the sanctuary belong to the earlier phase, dated in the period immediately after the construction of the church. Due to both conspicuous and imperceptible cracks, the paint layer of those frescoes has been considerably damaged. Certain areas, like the face of the Virgin, or certain saints, as well as the whole figures, are destroyed. The colour faded, as if it had been washed out. Since no traces of soot have been found, it is possible that the frescoes were renovated by washing and rubbing in one of the attempts of restoration. The most endangered parts of the iconostasis are the icons of the Sovereign Row. The colour coat of all those icons shows numerous detaches. Large areas of colour coat are missing together with the ground. The colour coats of the Crucifixion and the icons representing the apostles are stable. However, all those icons show minor damages, with the exception of the icon of St Thomas, whose lower corners are severely damaged, while the colour coat has been destroyed. The restoration of the dormitory was unprofessionally done.


Gra|evinsko stawe crkve nije ugro`eno. Krov je dotrajao, a zidovi spoqa potamneli. Na zidnoj masi, pri dnu, vidi se vlaga. Registrovana je i pukotina na apsidalnom zidu. Slikarstvo u crkvi poti~e iz dva perioda. Vremenu neposredno posle izgradwe crkve pripadaju sa~uvane freske u oltaru. Zbog vidqivih i mawe vidqivih pukotina bojeni sloj na wima je znatno o{te}en. Pojedine partije kao lica Bogorodice i nekih svetiteqa ili ~itave figure, potpuno su uni{teni, boja je u znatnijem procentu izbledela, deluje kao isprana. Mogu}e je, po{to nisu prime}eni tragovi ~a|i, da su u nekoj od poku{aja obnove, ove freske "renovirane" postupkom prawa i ribawa. Na ikonostasu su najugro`enije prestone ikone. Na svim ikonama bojeni sloj je podquspan i nedostaju veliki delovi sa podlogom. Po povr{inama niza ikona sa likovima apostola i Raspe}a, bojeni sloj je stabilan ali su primetna sitnija o{te}ewa, sa izuzetkom ikone Svetog Tome na kojoj su dva dowa ugla veoma o{te}ena, a boja uni{tena. Konak je nestru~no obnovqen.


Recognized heritage





[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church

[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva



The village of Ja`ince is situated on the right bank Selo Ja`ince nalazi se na desnoj strani Lepenca. Pomiwe se pod istim imenom 1455. u of the river of Lepenac. It was mentioned under that name in 271


The western faade of the church

Zapadna fasada crkve

the Turkish census of 1455, as a village having 29 Serbs houses. Nowadays, the village encompasses about 200 houses. There is a place near school, which the inhabitants call Crkvine, because there once stood the old church of St Paraskeve. Its ruins could be seen until the beginning of the 20th century. A legend says that an old icon from the church of St Paraskeve flew over to the place on which a church made of pine logs was subsequently built. Present church of th century, during thirties. It is adobe was built in the 20 situated in the graveyard. The church is small, rectangular in plan, with deep semicircular apse to the east, and a simple masonry portal ending in low-pitched segmented arch, to the west. Doublepitched roof is covered with modern double-through roofing tiles, while on the west front its pitch has been covered with vertically positioned planks. The authentic stone-slate covering was preserved on the apse. The faades are covered with plain coat of mortar, without traces of friezes or other ornaments. Plain iconostasis in the nave has no artistic value. The floor has been paved with old stone slabs. In the restoration undertaken during 1980s, the authentic barrel vault was converted into an unusual trapezoid vault.

turskom popisu sa 29 srpskih ku}a. Danas u selu ima oko dvesta ku}a. Kod {kole postoji mesto koje seqaci zovu Crkvine, jer tu je nekada bila stara crkva Svete Petke, ~ije su razvaline bile vidqive jo{ po~etkom XX veka. Po legendi, iz we je stara ikona "preletela" na mesto gde su, potom, podigli hram od borovih stabala. Na tom mestu je tridesetih godina XX veka podignuta sada{wa crkva od nepe~ene zemqe. Nalazi se na grobqu. Crkva je mawih dimenzija, pravougaone osnove sa dubokom polukru`nom apsidom, na isto~noj, i jednostavnim plitko segmentno zidanim portalom, na zapadnoj strani. Krov na dve vode pokriven je savremenim falcovanim crepom, a wegova kosina sa zapadne strane oblo`ena je daskama, koje su postavqene vertikalno. Nad apsidom je sa~uvan autenti~an pokriva~ od {kriqca. Fasadna poqa su ravno malterisana, bez tragova venaca i bilo kakve ornamentike. U brodu je jednostavan drveni ikonostas, bez ikakvih vrednosti. Pod je pokriven starim kamenim plo~ama. Autenti~ni poluobli~asti svod je, nakon obnove, osamdesetih godina izmewen u neuobi~ajeni trapezast.

1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 452. 2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991 255-256. 3. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i njegovoj okolini u XIX veku , Beograd 1928, 96.

1. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 452. 2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 255-256. 3. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku, Beograd 1928, 96.


The church is dilapidated, run into weed.


Crkva u celini nije odr`avana, obrasla je u korov.




Recognized heritage





[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church

[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva Crkva sa grobqem, pogled sa zapada

The church and the graveyard, view from the west

The church is situated on the hill, uphill from the village, with a graveyard behind it. It was built in 1921 on the site of an earlier, bigger church. During Turkish occupation, it was dedicated to St Athanasius. The church is oblong, single-naved, with a threesided apse to the east. A narrow aperture can be seen on the apse, an arched portal and a window enclosed in a semicircular niche on the west wall. The north wall has a simple portal, smallish, low window and a buttress. A small, low window, and an aperture that was probably subsequently perforated can be seen on the south wall. The church was built of limestone ashlars. All the wall surfaces were coated with mortar. Double-pitched roof has been covered with double-through roofing tiles, while the covering of the apse has been cast in concrete. In the restoration campaign of 2000, the church was equipped with gutters, its facades were restored, and it was surrounded with a concrete pavement. The floor of the nave has two levels, while its covering got the shape of a deep barrel-vault. The floor is paved with inadequate dark, modern tiles. The walls are covered with plain mortar coat and whitewashed. There are 273

Crkva se nalazi se visoko na brdu, iznad sela, sa grobqem u pozadini. Izgra|ena je 1921. na mestu starijeg hrama, koji je imao ve}i gabarit. U vreme turske okupacije nosila je ime Svetog Atanasija. Jednobrodna crkva je izdu`ene pravougaone osnove, sa trostranom apsidom na isto~noj strani. Na apsidi je uzan pravougaoni prozorski otvor, a na zapadnom zidu polukru`ni portal, nad kojim je prozor u polukru`noj ni{i. Na severnom zidu su jednostavan portal, mawi nisko postavqen prozor i oja~awe zida u obliku pli}eg kontrafora, a na ju`nom mali nisko postavqen prozor i jo{ jedan otvor, izgleda naknadno probijen. Crkva je zidana kvaderima od sige i povr{ine svih zidova su premalterisane. Dvoslivni krov pokriven je falcovanim crepom, dok je nad apsidom pokriva~ sada izliven u betonu. Za{titne betonske staze, svi limarski radovi i fasadna obrada izvedeni su u obnovi 2000. godine. Brod crkve je u dva nivoa, a svod je re{en dubokom poluoblicom. Pod je pokriven neodgovaraju}im savremenim mrkim kerami~kim

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE three niches in the The eastern wall of east wall. The central the church with one - the apse, is deep, the sanctuary niches with unskilfully built aperture. It is flanked by semicircular, shallow niches of prothesis and diaconicon. New, humble, iconostasis has no artistic value. Several icons of artistic interest used to be stored in the church. plo~icama. Povr{ine zidova su ravno malterisane i okre~ene belo. Na isto~nom zidu su tri ni{e. Sredwa, apsidalna ni{a je duboka sa neve{to obra|enim otvorom. Desno i levo su mawe, polukru`ne i pli}e ni{e, |akonikona i proskomidije. I ko n o s t as je nov, skroman, bez vrednosti. U crkvi se ~uvalo i nekoliko vrednih Isto~ni zid naosa sa oltarskim ni{ama

1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 523. 2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskonm istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 256.

ikona. 1.

M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 523. 2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskonm istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 256.


The church has undergone a conservation treatment recently. The condition of its structure is satisfactory.


Po{to je crkva nedavno obnovqena, weno gra|evinsko stawe je dobro.


Recognized heritage




[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva

The church is situated on the right side of the road leading to the village. Sevce is the northernmost village of Sirini}ka `upa, granted by emperor Du{an in 1355 to the monastery of Chilandar. In the Turkish census of Brankovi} Region 86 Serbs houses were recorded in Sevce. River Lepenac flows through the immediate neighbourhood of the church, to its north. The precise year of the construction of the church is not known. The type of masonry work, its 274

Crkva se nalazi sa desne strane puta koji vodi u selo. To je najsevernije sirini}ko selo koje car Du{an 1355. potvr|uje manastiru Hilandaru. U turskom popisu Oblasti Brankovi}a 1455, u Sevcu je upisano 86 srpskih ku}a. Sa severne strane, u neposrednoj blizini crkve, proti~e Lepenac. Ta~na godina nastanka nije utvr|ena, ali se po na~inu gradwe, dimenzijama i obliku mo`e


The church and the narthex, view from the south

Crkva i priprata, pogled sa juga

dimensions and its design indicate that it may have been th or at the beginning of the 17 th built at the end of the 16 century. A narthex, which is too large and a belfry were subsequently attached to the west front of the church. It is a small single-naved building, rectangular in plan, with an eastern, three-sided apse. On the eastern faade, above the apse the outline of an earlier roof can be seen. The original roof had somewhat lower pitch, more suitable for its stone-slate covering. The present doublepitched roof is covered with double-through roofing tiles. Western faade, with a decorative niche and an arched stone portal, was in the subsequent reconstruction turned into an inner wall of the narthex. Another portal, with massive stone door-step, and a small and narrow window to the right of it, can be seen in the south wall. All the outer surfaces of the walls have mortar coating, with the exception of the apse, where the masonry work remained uncovered. The church was built of stone bound with lime mortar. The interior of the church is divided into two units by a partition wall perforated by two arched passages surmounted by a moulded frieze. The church is barrelvaulted. The sanctuary consists of a central apse flanked by the niches of prothesis and diaconicon. The church has been consolidated by iron bracing, while on the level of two thirds of its height painted wooden beam acting as bracing can be seen. The floor is paved with square stone slabs. An older high-quality chandelier is a present of Nedeljko Ajdar, an emigrant who brought it from the United States. Subsequently constructed oblong hall, the narthex, somewhat wider than the church, covered its west front. Its double-pitched roof, covering the barrel-vault, is covered with double-through roofing tiles. Faades of the narthex are coated with mortar. A little chamber, square in plan and covered with a triple-pitched roof, attached to the west side of the narthex, belongs to the third phase of construction. During feasts and fairs this object turns into a 275

pretpostaviti da je podignuta krajemXVI ili po~etkom XVII veka. Uz crkvu su naknadno, sa zapadne strane, dozidani predimenzionirana priprata i zvonik. Mawa jednobrodna crkva je pravougaone osnove sa trostranom apsidom na isto~noj strani. Na licu tog zida, iznad apside, vidi se ne{to ni`a linija ranijeg krova, jer je verovatno prvobitni krovni pokriva~ od kamenih plo~a odgovarao tom nagibu krovnih ravni. Dvoslivni krov je sada pokriven falcovanim crepom. Pa`qivo izgra|eno zapadno pro~eqe hrama sa ni{om i polukru`no zasvo|enim portalom od kamena, zatvoreno je kasnijom dogradwom. Na ju`nom zidu je jo{ jedan portal sa masivnim kamenim pragom, a desno od wega uzan mali prozorski otvor. Svi spoqni zidovi su malterisani osim apsidalnog, na kome se, po{to je ogoqen, vidi tehnika gradwe, kamenim slogom sa spojnicama kre~nog maltera. Unutra{wost hrama podeqena je pregradnim zidom na kome su dva polukru`na prolaza. Iznad wih je profilisanienac. v Svod je poluobli~ast. Na isto~nom zidu su oltarska ni{a u sredini, a bo~no ni{e |akonikona i proskomidije. Crkva je obezbe|ena gvozdenim zategama, a na dve tre}ine visine broda je oslikana drvena greda. Pod je od kamenih kvadratnih plo~a. Kvalitetan stariji polijelej crkvi je poklonio, donev{i ga iz Amerike, iseqenik Nedeqko Ajdar. Podizawem "sale", izdu`ene pravougaone osnove, ne{to {ire od crkve, zakloweno je weno zapadno pro~eqe. Krov "sale" je dvoslivan i pokriven falcovanim crepom, spoqni zidovi su malterisani, a konstrukcija poluobli~asta. Sa zapadne strane, kao tre}i graditeqski sloj, podignuta je jo{ jedna prostorija kvadratne osnove sa troslivnim krovom. Ona slu`i kao

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE little shop. It is surmounted by a belfry roofed with pyramidal cap covered with galvanized tin plates. The inner walls are covered with fresco decoration dating from 1861. The inscription of the painter Joseph from Lazaropolis in the surroundings of Debar has been preserved. The compositions are arranged into regular belts. The first zone is occupied by extremely elongated, stout figures of the saints. The most important scenes from the lives of the Virgin and Christ can be seen in the vault. The domination of warm colours, vigorous drawing and dynamic prodavnica u vreme ve}ih praznika i slava. Nad wom je mali zvonik sa ~etvoroslivnim krovom pokriven pocinkovanim limom. Povr{ine zidova pokrivene su `ivopisom ra|enim 1861. godine. Na jednom mestu ugreban je zapis zografa Josifa iz Lazaropoqa u Debarskom kraju. Raspored kompozicija je u pravilnim trakastim zonama. U prvoj su veoma izdu`ene i sna`ne svetiteqske figure, a na povr{inama svoda najzna~ajnije kompozicije iz Bogorodi~inog Ju`ni zid naosa, freske sa karakteristi~nim o{te}ewima

The south wall of the nave, frescoes with the typical damages

composition are the The iconostasis and most significant feathe frescoes in tures of these fresthe sanctuary coes. The iconostasis is plain, without wood-carvings. The only exceptions are, the carvings on the Crucifixion, and two carved dragons. The Royal Doors are occupied by the Annunciation, while on the north door and on the right side of the iconostasis, where a south door is usually positioned, oval fields with floral decoration can be seen. The Sovereign Row is occupied by the icons representing The Holy Virgin with the Child, subsequently added movable icon, Christ and St John the Baptist. The zone above the Sovereign Row is occupied by Deesis.

i Hristovog `ivota. Kolorit je toplog tonaliteta, crte` razmahnut, pokret `iv. Ikonostas je jednostavan, bez rezbarskog rada, osim fino rezane nadgradwe krsta sa Raspe}em i figurama dva ma{tovito izvedena zmaja. Na carskim dverima su Blagovesti, a na severnim dverima i na desnom delu, gde su uobi~ajene ju`ne dveri, slikani su elipsasti cvetni motivi. U drugoj zoni su prestone ikone: Bogorodica sa Hristom, pokretna ikona naknadno postavqena, Isus Hristos i Sveti Jovan Prete~a. Iznad prestone zone je Deizisni ~in. Ikonostas i freske u oltaru BIBLIOGRAFIJA 1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskonm istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 256-257.

1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 256-257. 276

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE 2. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i njegovoj okolini u XIX veku , Beograd 1928, 10, 95.




P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku, Beograd 1928, 10,95.

A wide crack along the vault indicates that thorough sanation of the foundations is necessary. The foundations demand protection that would imply total elimination of the impact of weathering factors. Certain parts of the fresco decoration are covered with dark layer of soot. The frescoes are damaged around the cracks, and around holes into which new bracing was fitted. The frescoes that used to cover the eastern part of the vault, over the sanctuary, are destroyed. There are no frescoes on the partition wall, which is probably a latterday construction. The iconostasis is affected by verminousness. The colour coat of the icons has darkened and crackled.


Sna`no izra`ena pukotina po sredini poluobli~astog svoda ukazuje da je neophodno u celini sanirati temeqe i potpuno ih za{tititi od delovawa atmosferilija. Neki delovi `ivopisa su potamneli od ~a|i, a o{te}en je na mestima gde su zidne pukotine i gde su naknadno uglavqivane zatege. @ivopis je nestao na povr{inama svoda nad oltarskim prostorom, a nedostaje i na pregradnom zidu, koji je verovatno postavqen kasnije. Ikonostas je ugro`en crvoto~inom, a bojeni sloj na ikonama je potamneo i mestimi~no ispucao.


Recognized heritage




[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren


[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva


Serbian Orthodox Church

The church of St John is situated on the right side of the road, at the entrance to [trpce. In the second half of the 16th century a church used to stand on the same site. It has been established that a new church was subsequently

Crkva Svetog Jovana se nalazi sa desne strane puta, na ulazu u [trpce. U drugoj polovini XVI veka na istom mestu postojala je crkva. Utvr|eno je da je ona tokom proteklih vekova zamewena novom, koja je obnovqena 1911. godine. O toj obnovi svedo~i natpis na tabli iznad zapadnog portala. Pogled na crkvu sa jugozapada

The church, view from the southwest



th century one. That new church built upon remains of the 16 was restored in 1911. An inscription on a tablet above the west portal provides the information about this restoration. The church is small, single-naved, rectangular in plan, with a deep three-sided apse to the east. The mortar coat is moulded as an imitation of ashlar-work. The cornice has step-like profile. Low-pitched roof is covered with double-through roofing tiles. Two massive ashlars have been preserved at the foot of the portal, finished in low-pitched segmented arch. The portal is surmounted by a semicircular niche, and a rectangular tablet with the inscription about the restoration, above it. A little iron belfry is mounted on the ridge of the roof. The window on the south wall is finished in low-pitched segmented arch. The floor is paved with big bricks. The church is covered with high barrel-vault. The wings of the door are new, made of tin-plate. Fresco decoration has not been preserved. Plain iconostasis, made of wood boards has no artistic value. In the immediate surroundings of the church, in the field to the west, a monument to those inhabitants of Sirini}ka `upa who were killed, died or disappeared in the wars between 1912 and 1918 was erected. It is an obelisk, cast in concrete, mounted on a triple-stepped basis. It is enclosed by eight columns carrying heavy iron chain.

Crkva je skromna, malih dimenzija, jednobrodna, pravougaone osnove sa dubokom trostranom apsidom na isto~noj strani. Zidno platno malterisano je opona{aju}i kamene kvadere. Krovni venac je stepenasto pro filisan. Krov je nizak i pokriven falcovanim crepom. Uz plitko segmentno zasvo|en zapadni portal sa~uvana su dva polo`ena masivna kamena kvadera. U osi portala je polukru`na ni{a, a iznad we pravougaona tabla sa tekstom o obnovi crkve. Na slemenu krova je mali gvozdeni zvonik. Na ju`nom zidu je prozor sa gorwim rubom u plitkom segmentu. Pod broda je od opeka ve}eg formata. Svod je re{en dubokom poluoblicom. Krila portala su nova, od lima. Zidno slikarstvo nije sa~uvano, a ikonostas je jednostavan, od dasaka, bez vrednosti. U poqu, u neposrednoj blizini crkve sa zapadne strane, nalazi se spomenik svim poginulim, pomrlim i nestalim iz Sirini}ke `upe u ratu 1912 1918, u obliku obeliska, izliven u betonu i postavqen na trostepenu bazu. Ogra|en je sa osam stubova koji nose te`ak gvozdeni lanac.

1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991 257. 2. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i njegovoj okolini u XIX veku , Beograd 1928, 105.

1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 257. 2. P. Kosti},Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku, Beograd 1928, 105.


Since the church has no gutters, the frieze under the eaves has been damaged by water pouring down the roof. There is no protective pavement around the church, nor the drainage system. Due to these facts, the dampness of the foundations and zones around them is increased. The iconostasis is affected by verminousness. The colour coat of the icons is crackled and partly fallen off.


Na krovnom vencu crkve vide se o{te}ewa zbog slivawa vode, jer nedostaju oluci. Vlaga je veoma izra`ena u temeqnoj zoni zbog nedostatka za{titnog trotoara kao i nere{enog odliva atmosferilija. Ikonostas je ugro`en crvoto~inom, a bojeni sloj na ikonama je ispucao i delimi~no otpao.


Recognized heritage





[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church

[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva


The eastern faade of the church and the sanctuary

Isto~na fasada crkve sa oltarom


Vi~a, a village populated by ethnic Serbs, is situated upon the left bank of the River Lepenac, 4 to 5 km to the east of [trpce. The church is situated in the wood in the immediate surroundings of the village. It is surrounded by the little village graveyard, to the north, a river, to the west, and a rather low hill facing its east side. The church was built in the second half of the th 16 century, as indicated by preserved original features of its architecture. The church is single-naved with a non-typical rectangular eastern apse. It was built of limestone. The longitudinal walls are fenestrated with four windows one in the north, and three in the south wall. Double-pitched roof is covered with double-through roofing tiles (not long ago it used to be covered with terracotta tiles). A few decades ago, a narthex, the hall, of approximately the same size as the church, was attached to its west side. Against the west wall of the narthex, shifted to its right half, a belfry, rectangular in plan, with hip roof covered with double-through roofing tiles, was built. Its upper construction is the only part of the complex that is not coated with mortar, with the uncovered stone masonry work. To the left of the belfry, in the west wall of the narthex, a rather small, simple portal can be seen. The nave is entered through a rather small portal. The church is barrel-vaulted. The eastern part of the church shows usual three semicircular niches: the central the apse, 279

A fresco in the altar apse with typical damages

Vi~a je srpsko selo na levoj strani Lepenca, 4 do 5 km isto~no od [trpca. Crkva je u neposrednoj blizini sela, u {umovitom predelu. Sa wene severne strane je malo seosko grobqe, sa zapadne proti~e re~ica, dok je isto~nom stranom okrenuta ka ni`em brdu. Igra|ena je u drugoj poloviniXVI veka, na {ta ukazuju do danas sa~uvana osnovna obele`ja. Hram je jednobrodan sa netipi~nom pravougaonom apsidom na isto~noj strani. Zidan je sigom. Na podu`nim zidovima su ~etiri prozorska otvora, jedan na severnom i tri na ju`nom zidu. Krov je dvoslivan i pokriven falcovanim crepom (donedavno bio je od }eramide). Pre nekoliko decenija je uz crkvu, sa zapadne strane, izgra|ena "sala" pribli`no istog gabarita kao i sam hram, a u wenom nastavku, pomeren na desnu polovinu zapadne fasade priprate, zvonik kvadratne osnove sa ~etvoroslivnim krovom, koji je pokriven falcovanim crepom. Gorwe povr{ine zvonika su jedine koje nisu malterisane i na kojima se vidi kameni slog. Levo od zvonika, na zapadnom zidu hrama, nalazi se mawi jednostavan portal. Iz priprate u naos vodi portal mawih dimenzija. Svod nad brodom je poluobli~ast, a na isto~noj strani su tri uobi~ajene polukru`ne ni{e: sredwa apsidalna i po jedna, desno i levo od we, u funkciji |akonikona i proskomidije. Pod

Freska u ni{i oltara sa karakteristi~nim o{te}ewima


MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE and two other flanking it, acting as prothesis and diaconicon. The floor of the nave, for the height of a step lower than the floor of the narthex, used to be paved with stone slabs. It presently has poured concrete paving. All the wall surfaces are coated with mortar and whitewashed, except the conch of the apse which is occupied by the preserved representation of the Holy Mother Wider then the Sky. There are no traces of the old iconostasis. The present one, made of wood boards, with prints acting as icons, has no artistic value. hrama je za jedna stepenik ni`i od poda priprate i doskora je bio pokriven kamenim plo~ama, sada je zaliven betonom. Sve povr{ine zidova su malterisane i okre~ene belo, osim apsidalne konhe, u kojoj je sa~uvana kompozicija Bogorodica [ira od nebesa. Stari ikonostas je nestao, novi je od dasaka sa oka~e nim reprodukcijama i nema nikakvu vrednost.

1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 247. 2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na Kosovu, Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136. 3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 397.

1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 247. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na Kosovu , Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 397.

2. 3.


The church and a little village graveyard, now surrounded by Albanian population, are completely dilapidated, run into weed. In the past, the church was subject to certain unprofessionally done restoration interventions. The conch of the apse shows wide crack in the wall. The coating of the walls with mortar was not preceded with sanation of the damp areas. The original roofing was replaced with the new one, the mortar coat covered the remains of the mural decoration, while the building interventions on the west side of the church annihilated the authentic qualities of the original design. The monument demands investigation, which would result in a conservation project after which the restoration would be executed. The restoration should imply recovering of the original elements in authentic materials starting with the recovery of the original design of the building, and aiming to the restore the frescoes, if they are preserved under new layer of paint.


Crkva i malo seosko grobqe, okru`eni albanskim me{tanima, sada su potpuno zapu{teni. Obrasli su u korov i {ibqe. U pro{losti na hramu su vr{ene nestru~ne obnove. Na apsidalnoj konhi vidi se jaka zidna pukotina. Zidovi su malterisani bez prethodnog sanirawa vlage. Izmewen je prvobitni krovni pokriva~, malterisawem je poni{ten zidni `ivopis, a ve}im dogradwama uza zapadni zid izgubqena je autenti~nost prvobitnog arhitektonskog sloja. Potrebni su istra`ivawe i izrada konzervatorskog projekta, na osnovu koga bi bila sprovedena obnova, koja bi podrazumevala vra}awe svih autenti~nih elemenata i materijala, od prvobitnog izgleda crkve do poku{aja obnove `ivopisa, ako je uop{te sa~uvan ispod nanetog sloja kre~a.


Recognized heritage





[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church 280

[trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva


The church, view from the northwest

Pogled na crkvu sa severozapada

Vrbe{tica is a small, scattered village upon the left bank of the river of Lepenac. According to the Turkish census of the Brankovi} Region from 1455, it had 53 Serbs houses. The village used to have two churches: one dedicated to St Peter on the site where it used to stand the fair is being kept on the feast of St Peter; and the other once standing in the place now called Crkvi{te. The church of St Elias, also built on the site of an earlier church, is situated on the right side of the road. There are no houses in its surroundings. A vertical rock (serpentinite) in its immediate surroundings suggests that it must have been necessary to make an artificial plateau in order to prepare site for the construction of the church. To the left of the road a mountain river can be seen. There is a tradition among the inhabitants about huge church with 13 doors once existing in the village, which was many years ago carried away by flood. It is believed that the churches in this village, as well as elsewhere in Sirini}ka `upa, were built after the renewal of the Patriarchate of Pe} in 1577. The church is small single-naved, oblong, with a deep apse, which is semicircular inside and five-sided in the exterior. It was built of stone. During recent restoration its walls were consolidated with concrete cerclages. Bearing walls are 1 m thick. The faades are covered with plain coat of mortar and sprayed with ground stone. Double-pitched roof is covered with double-through roofing tiles, while the roofing of the apse was cast in concrete. The ridge of the roof is topped by a smallish belfry of a modern iron construction, covered with tin pyramidal cap. Semicircular niche above the portal is topped by a cross, moulded in mortar, now missing the vertical arm. Another door can be found in the south wall, as well as a small window with iron grid. The apse has a vertically positioned aperture. The church used to have pavement made of stone slabs, but it has been replaced by a concrete floor. In the altar 281

Selo Vrbe{tica je malo, razbijeno, na levoj obali Lepenca. U turskom popisu Oblasti Brankovi}a 1455. imalo je 53 srpske ku}e. U selu su bile crkva Svetog Petra, na ~ijem mestu se na Petrovdan okupqa sabor, i jo{ jedna ~ije mesto zovu Crkvi{te. Crkva Svetog Ilije, tako|e izgra|ena na mestu starije, nalazi se sa desne strane puta i u wenoj okolini nema ku}a. S obzirom da je u wenoj neposrednoj blizini sa severne strane vertikala kamene stene (vrsta serpentinit), bilo je neophodno da se teren zaravni kako bi se osvojio prostor za wenu gradwu. Od puta levo proti~e planinska re~ica. Me{tani svedo~e da je u selu nekada bila "golema crkva sa 13 vrata" i da je wu odnela voda prilikom davne poplave. Smatra se da su crkve u ovom selu nastajale, kao i mnoge druge u Sirini}koj `upi, neposredno posle obnove Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1577. godine Crkva je mawa, jednobrodna, izdu`ene pravougaone osnove sa dubqom, spoqa petostranom, iznutra polukru`nom apsidom. Zidana je kamenom, a u obnovi novijeg datuma u~vr{}ena je betonskim serkla`ima. Nose}i zidovi su debeli 1 metar. Fasadni zidovi su ravno malterisani i {pricani sitnim kamenom. Dvoslivni krov pokriven je falcovanim crepom, dok je nad apsidom izliven u betonu. Nad slemenom krova je mawi zvonik savremene gvozdene konstrukcije, natkriven ~etvorovodnom limenom kapom. Iznad zapadnog portala je polukru`na ni{a, a nad wom je bio jednokraki krst izveden u malteru, kome sada nedostaje vertikalni krak. Na ju`nom zidu su jo{ jedna vrata i mali prozor sa gvozdenom re{etkom, a na apsidi uzan vertikalno postavqen otvor. Pod je bio od kamenih plo~a, sada je zamewen betonskim. U oltarskoj apsidi,

MUNICIPALITY OF [TRPCE OP[TINA [TRPCE apse, which is clumsy in appearance, a masonry altar can be found. Wall surfaces are covered with plain coat of mortar and whitewashed. The church is barrel-vaulted. A latter-day iconostasis, made of wood boards, has no artistic value. oblikovno neve{to izvedenoj, izidana je ~asna trpeza. Povr{ine zidova su ravno malterisane i okre~ene belo. Svod je poluobli~ast. Ikonostas je novijeg datuma, od dasaka, vez ikakve vrednosti.

1. 2. 3. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 355. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 418. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskonm istra`ivanju crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 248.

P. Pajki},Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi, Starine Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 355. 2. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 418. 3. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskonm istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 248. 1.



Crkva je redovno odr`avana. Prilikom The church has been regularly maintained. During posledwe obnove zamewen je krovni pokriva~, recent conservation campaign the church got new roofing, its obnovqene fasade, ura|en za{titni betonski faades were restored, the area around it was paved with trotoar oko crkve, kao i kompletna limarija na concrete side-walk; the roof was equipped with gutters. krovu.


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