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8lack lexl = conlenl lhal was common lo bolh unils
8lue lexl = previously in NCC2 bul nol lCC2
Purple lexl = previously in lCC2 bul nol NCC2

NL8OSH 20!2 Page O ol OQ

Unit INGC2: Controlling workplace hazards
b=NW= t~=~~=~===
On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

!.! Oulline common heallh, wellare and work environmenl requiremenls in lhe workplace
!.2 Lxplain lhe risk laclors and appropriale conlrols lor violence al work
!.3 Lxplain lhe ellecls ol subslance misuse on heallh and salely al work and conlrol
measures lo reduce such risks
!.4 Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrol measures lor lhe sale movemenl ol people in lhe
!.5 Oulline lhe scope ol conslruclion and demolilion work
!.6 Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrol measures lor sale working al heighl
!.7 Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrol measures lor excavalions.
NKN= e~I=~=~====
Heallh and wellare provisions.
- supply ol drinking waler, washing lacililies, sanilary conveniences,
accommodalion lor clolhing, resl and ealing lacililies, sealing, venlilalion,
healing and lighling
The ellecls ol exposure lo exlremes ol lemperalure, prevenlive measures.
NKO= s=~==
Pisk laclors relaling lo violence al work (bolh belween employees and lhird parlies)
Appropriale conlrol measures lo reduce risks lrom violence al work.
NKP= p~==~==
Pisks lo heallh and salely lrom alcohol and drugs (prescribed and conlrolled) al
Conlrol measures lo reduce risks lrom misuse ol alcohol and drugs al work.

NL8OSH 20!2 Page P ol OQ

NKQ= p~======~=
Hazards in lhe workplace.
- lypical hazards leading lo. slips, lrips and lalls on lhe same level, lalls lrom a
heighl, collisions wilh moving vehicles, being slruck by moving, llying or lalling
objecls, slriking againsl lixed or slalionary objecls
- condilions and environmenls in which each hazard may arise, including
mainlenance aclivilies=
Conlrol measures lor lhe sale movemenl ol people in lhe workplace.
- slip resislanl surlaces, spillage conlrol and drainage, designaled walkways,
lencing and guarding, use ol signs and personal proleclive equipmenl,
inlormalion, inslruclion, lraining and supervision
- mainlenance ol a sale workplace. cleaning and housekeeping requiremenls,
access and egress, environmenlal consideralions (lighling), including during
mainlenance aclivilies. =
NKR= `=~===
=Scope ol conslruclion, including building, mainlenance, renovalion and demolilion.
NKS= t=~===
Lxamples ol work aclivilies involving a risk ol injury lrom lalling lrom heighl, and
lhe signilicance ol such injuries
8asic hazards and laclors allecling risk lrom working al heighl (including verlical
dislance, lragile rools, delerioralion ol malerials, unprolecled edges,
unslable/poorly mainlained access equipmenl, wealher and lalling malerials)
Melhods ol avoiding working al heighl
Main precaulions necessary lo prevenl lalls and lalling malerials, including proper
planning and supervision ol work, avoiding working in adverse wealher condilions
Lmergency rescue
Provision ol equipmenl, lraining, inslruclion and olher measures lo minimise
dislance and consequences ol a lall
Pequiremenls lor head proleclion
Sale working praclices lor common lorms ol access equipmenl, including ladders,
slepladders, scallolds (independenl lied and mobile lower), mobile elevaling work
plallorms, lreslles, slaging plallorms and leading edge proleclion syslems
lnspeclion requiremenls.
NKT= b~~=
Hazards ol work in and around excavalions, buried services, lalls ol
persons/equipmenl/malerial inlo excavalion, collapse ol sides, collapse ol adjacenl
slruclures, waler ingress, conlaminaled ground

NL8OSH 20!2 Page Q ol OQ

Conlrol measures lo prevenl injury/loss when working in and around excavalions,
including basic melhods ol supporling excavalions, means ol access, crossing poinls,
barriers, lighling and signs, sale slorage ol spoil, checks lor buried services,
posilioning and rouling ol vehicles, planl and equipmenl, personal proleclive
lnspeclion requiremenls lor excavalion supporl.
A Pain in Your Workplace? Lrgonomic Problems and Solulions (HSC!2!), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice), lS8N 92-2-!!628-X
C!20 Hygiene (Commerce and Ollices) and (P!20) !964,
Lssenlial ol Heallh and Salely al Work, HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-07!6-X
Drug misuse al work a guide lor employers, HSL 8ooks lNDC9!, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-2402-!
Heallh and Salely in Conslruclion (HSC!50), 3rd edilion, HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-6!82-2
lSO 70!0.2003, Craphical symbols Salely colours and salely signs used in workplaces and
public areas
Lighling al Work (HSC38), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!232-5
Managing Heallh and Salely in Conslruclion (ACOP) (HSC224), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-2!39-!
Managemenl ol alcohol and drug relaled issues in lhe workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice) !999
lS8N 978-92-2-!09455-5
Sale Use ol Work Lquipmenl (ACOP) (L22), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-6295-!
Sealing al Work (HSC57), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!23!-7
The Heallh and Salely (Salely Signs and Signals) Pegulalions !996, guidance on regulalions
(L64), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-0870-0
P!02 Wellare lacililies Pecommendalion, !956,
Salely and Heallh in Conslruclion Convenlion (C!67), lLO,
Salely and Heallh in Conslruclion Pecommendalion (P!75), lLO,
Salely and Heallh in Conslruclion (lLO Code ol Praclice), lLO lS8N 92-2-!07!04-9
Violence al work. A guide lor employers, HSL 8ooks, lNDC69, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-!27!-6
Work al Heighl Pegulalions 2005 (Amended) A 8riel Cuide HSL 8ooks (lNDC40! rev!) 0-
The Workplace (Heallh, Salely and Wellare) Pegulalions !992 (ACOP) (L24), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-
7!76-04!3-5 hllp.//

NL8OSH 20!2 Page R ol OQ

Workplace Transporl Salely Cuidance lor Lmployers (HSC!36), HSL 8ooks
lS8N 0-7!76-0935-9
The Conslruclion (Design and Managemenl) Pegulalions 2007
The Conslruclion (Head Proleclion) Pegulalions !989
The Heallh and Salely (Salely Signs and Signals) Pegulalions !996
The Provision and Use ol Work Lquipmenl Pegulalions !998 Parl lll in parlicular
The Work al Heighl Pegulalions 2005
The Workplace (Heallh, Salely and Wellare) Pegulalions !992

NL8OSH 20!2 Page S ol OQ

b=OW= q~=~~=~===
On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

2.! Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrol measures lor lhe sale movemenl ol vehicles in lhe
2.2 Oulline lhe laclors associaled wilh driving al work lhal increases lhe risk ol an incidenl
and lhe conlrol measures lo reduce work relaled driving risks.
OKN= p~======~==
Hazards lrom workplace lransporl operalions.
- lypical hazards leading lo loss ol conlrol, overlurning ol vehicles, collisions wilh
olher vehicles, pedeslrians and lixed objecls
- non-movemenl relaled hazards ie loading, unloading and securing loads,
sheeling, coupling, and vehicle mainlenance work
- condilions and environmenls in which each hazard may arise.

Conlrol measures lor sale workplace lransporl operalions.
- suilabilily and sulliciency ol lrallic roules, managemenl ol vehicle movemenls,
environmenlal consideralions (visibilily, gradienls, changes ol level, surlace
condilions), mainlenance ol vehicles, driver proleclion and reslrainl syslems,
segregaling ol pedeslrians and vehicles and measures lo be laken when
segregalion is nol praclicable, proleclive measures lor people and slruclures
(barriers, marking signs, warnings ol vehicle approach and reversing), sile rules,
seleclion and lraining ol drivers, managemenl syslems lor assuring driver
compelence including local codes ol praclice.
OKO= a=~==
Signilicance ol work relaled road injuries
laclors associaled wilh driving al work lhal increases lhe risk ol being involved in a
road lrallic incidenl (dislance, driving hours, work schedules, slress due lo lrallic
and wealher condilions elc)
Managing work-relaled road salely
- policy covers work-relaled road salely
- syslems lo manage work-relaled road salely
- moniloring perlormance lo ensure policy is elleclive eg colleclion ol
inlormalion, reporling ol work-relaled road incidenls by employees
- organisalion and slruclure (lo allow cooperalion across deparlmenls wilh
dillerenl responsibililies lor work-relaled road salely)
- legal responsibililies ol individuals on public roads

NL8OSH 20!2 Page T ol OQ

Pisk assessmenl
Lvalualing lhe risks
- lhe driver (compelency, lilness and heallh, lraining)
- lhe vehicle (suilabilily, condilion, salely equipmenl, salely crilical inlormalion,
ergonomic consideralions)
- lhe journey (roules, scheduling, sullicienl lime, wealher condilions)
Conlrol measures lo reduce work-relaled driving risks.
Driving al Work Managing Work-Pelaled Poad Salely, HSL 2003 lNDC382,
lS8N 978-0-7!76-2740-0
lSO 70!0.2003, Craphical symbols Salely colours and salely signs used in workplaces and
public areas
Sale Use ol Work Lquipmenl (ACOP) (L22), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!626-6
Salely and Heallh in Conslruclion (lLO Code ol Praclice), lLO lS8N 92-2-!07!04-9
The Heallh and Salely (Salely Signs and Signals) Pegulalions !996. Cuidance on Pegulalions
(L64), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-0870-0
Workplace Transporl Salely Cuidance lor Lmployers (HSC!36), HSL 8ooks
lS8N 0-7!76-0935-9
The Heallh and Salely (Salely Signs and Signals) Pegulalions !996
Poad Trallic Acl !988, !99!
The Provision and Use ol Work Lquipmenl Pegulalions !998 Parl lll in parlicular
Hours ol Work and Pesl Periods (Poad Transporl) Convenlion !979 (No. !53) and ils
accompanying Hours ol Work and Pesl Periods (Poad Transporl) Pecommendalion
!979 (No. !53). hllp.//!53

NL8OSH 20!2 Page U ol OQ

b=PW= = j~=~~=~===
= = = = ===
On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

3.! Lxplain work processes and praclices lhal may give rise lo work-relaled upper limb
disorders and appropriale conlrol measures
3.2 Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrol measures which should be considered when
assessing risks lrom manual handling aclivilies
3.3 Lxplain lhe hazards, precaulions and procedures lo reduce lhe risk in lhe use ol
lilling and moving equipmenl wilh specilic relerence lo manually operaled load
moving equipmenl
3.4 Lxplain lhe hazards and lhe precaulions and procedures lo reduce lhe risk in lhe use ol
lilling and moving equipmenl wilh specilic relerence lo mechanically operaled load
moving equipmenl.
PKN tJ~====
Meaning ol musculoskelelal disease and work relaled upper limb disorders
Lxamples ol repelilive operalions such as keyboard operalion, assembly ol small
componenls, bricklaying and checkoul operalors, assessmenl ol a display screen
equipmenl workslalion
Malching lhe workplace lo individual needs ol workers
The ill-heallh ellecls ol poorly designed lasks and workslalions
The laclors giving rise lo ill-heallh condilions. lask (including repelilive, slrenuous),
environmenl (including lighling, glare), equipmenl (including user requiremenls,
Appropriale conlrol measures.
PKO= j~~=~=~~I==~==~=
Common lypes ol manual handling injury
Assessmenl ol manual handling risks by considering lhe lask, lhe load, lhe individual
and lhe working environmenl
Means ol avoiding or minimising lhe risks lrom manual handling wilh relerence lo
lhe lask, load, individual and working environmenl, eg design, aulomalion,

NL8OSH 20!2 Page V ol OQ

Lllicienl movemenl principles lor manually lilling loads lo reduce risk ol
musculoskelelal disorders due lo lilling, poor poslure and repelilive or awkward
PKP= j~~=~=~=~==
Hazards, precaulions and procedures lor, common lypes ol manually operaled load
handling aids and equipmenl. lrucks and lrolleys, pallel lrucks, people handling
hoisls, people handling aids.
PKQ= j~~=~=~=~==
Hazards, precaulions and procedures lor, lork-lill lrucks, lills, hoisls, conveyors and
Pequiremenls lor lilling operalions.
- slrong, slable and suilable equipmenl
- posilioned and inslalled correclly
- visibly marked ie sale working load
- ensure lilling operalions are planned, supervised and carried oul in sale manner
by compelenl persons
- special requiremenls lor lilling equipmenl used lor lilling people
Pequiremenls lor lhe slalulory examinalion ol lilling equipmenl.
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice), lS8N 92-2-!!628-X
A pain in your workplace? Lrgonomic problems and solulions HSC!2! HSL 8ooks !994 lS8N 0-
Lrgonomic Checkpoinls, lLO lS8N 92-2-!09442-!
lSO !2!00. 20!0, Salely ol machinery Ceneral principles lor design Pisk assessmenl and risk
reduclion lS8N 978-0-580-6742!-!
lSO !2!00 - !. 2003, Salely ol machinery, basic concepls, general principles lor design, basic
lerminology, melhodology lS8N 0-580-42922-9
lSO !2!00 - 2. 2003, Salely ol machinery, basic concepls, general principles lor design,
lechnical principles lS8N 0-580-42923-7
Manual Handling (Cuidance) (L23), HSL 8ooks lS8N. 978-0-7!76-2823-0
Sale use ol lilling equipmenl (L!!3), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!628-2
Sale use ol work equipmenl (ACOP) (L22), HSL 8ooks lS8N. 978-0-7!76-!626-6
Salely in Working wilh Lill Trucks (HSC6), HSL 8ooks lS8N. 978-0-7!76-!78!-4
Sale Use ol Lilling Lquipmenl (L!!3), HSL 8ooks lS8N. 978- 0-7!76-!628-2
The law on VDUs An Lasy Cuide (HSC90), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-2602-4
Work Organizalion and Lrgonomics, lLO, lS8N. 92-2-!095!8-5
Work Pelaled Upper Limb Disorders A Cuide (HSC60), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!978-8

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NM ol OQ

Work wilh display screen equipmenl. Heallh and Salely (Display Screen Lquipmenl) Pegulalions
!992 as amended by lhe Heallh and Salely (Miscellaneous Amendmenls) Pegulalions 2002.
Cuidance on Pegulalions, L26, HSL 8ooks lS8N. 978-0-7!76-2582-6
The Lilling Operalions and Lilling Lquipmenl Pegulalions !998
The Manual Handling Operalions Pegulalions !992
The Provision and Use ol Work Lquipmenl Pegulalions !998

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NN ol OQ

b=QW= = t==~~=~===
= = = = =
On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

4.! Oulline general requiremenls lor work equipmenl
4.2 Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrols lor hand-held lools
4.3 Describe lhe main mechanical and non-mechanical hazards ol machinery
4.4 Lxplain lhe main conlrol measures lor reducing risk lrom machinery hazards.
QKN= d~=====
Types ol work equipmenl including. hand lools, power lools and machinery
Suilabilily as il relales lo provision ol equipmenl, including lhe requiremenl lor CL
(Conlormile Luropeenne) marking
Prevenlion ol access lo dangerous parls ol machinery
Pequiremenl lo reslricl lhe use and mainlenance ol equipmenl wilh specilic risks
Lxlenl ol inlormalion, inslruclion and lraining lo be provided in relalion lo specilic
risks and persons al risk (eg users, mainlenance slall and managers)
Pequiremenl lor equipmenl lo be mainlained and lor mainlenance lo be conducled
The need lor periodic examinalion and lesling ol pressure syslems
lmporlance ol operalion and emergency conlrols, slabilily, lighling, markings and
warnings, clear unobslrucled workspace
Pesponsibililies ol users.
QKO= e~J==
Hazards and misuse ol hand-held lools whelher powered or nol, requiremenls lor
sale use, condilion and lilness lor use, suilabilily lor purpose and localion lo be
used in (eg llammable almosphere)
Hazards ol porlable power lools (eg drill, sander) and lhe means ol conlrol.
QKP= j~=~~=
Main mechanical and olher hazards as idenlilied in 8S LN lSO !2!00 -! and how
harm may arise

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NO ol OQ

Hazards presenled by a range ol equipmenl including ollice machinery
(eg, pholocopier, documenl shredder), manulacluring/mainlenance machinery
(eg, bench-lop grinder, pedeslal drill), agricullural/horlicullural machinery (ie
cylinder mower, slrimmer / brush culler, chain-saw), relail machinery (eg,
compaclor, checkoul conveyor syslem), conslruclion machinery (eg, cemenl mixer,
bench mounled circular saw).
QKQ= `=~=====~=~~=
The basic principles ol operalion, merils and limilalions ol lhe lollowing.
- guards. lixed , inlerlocking, sell-closing and adjuslable
- proleclive devices. lwo-hand, hold-lo-run, sensilive proleclive equipmenl (lrip
devices), emergency slop conlrols
- jigs, holders, push-slicks
- inlormalion, inslruclion, lraining and supervision
- personal proleclive equipmenl
Applicalion ol lhese melhods ol proleclion lo lhe range ol equipmenl lisled in 4.3
8asic requiremenls lor guards and salely devices.
- compalibilily wilh process, adequale slrenglh, mainlained, allow lor
mainlenance wilhoul removal, nol increase risk or reslricl view, nol easily by-
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice), lLO lS8N 92-2-!!628-X
8S LN lSO !2!00 Salely ol machinery
lSO !2!00-!.2003, Salely ol machinery, basic concepls, general principles lor design, basic
lerminology, melhodology lS8N 0J580-42922-9
lSO !2!00-2.2003, Salely ol machinery, basic concepls, general principles lor design, lechnical
principles lS8N 0-580-42923-7
Personal Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work Pegulalions !992 (as amended). Cuidance on
Pegulalions, (L25), HSL 8ooks, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-6!39-8
The Supply ol Machinery (Salely) Pegulalions !992 scope and applicalion, and relalionship lo
CL marking
Sale use ol work equipmenl, Provision and Use ol Work Lquipmenl Pegulalions !998,
Approved Code ol Praclice and guidance (L22) 3
Ldilion, HSL 8ooks, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-6295-!
The Personal Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work Pegulalions !992
The Provision and Use ol Work Lquipmenl Pegulalions !998 Parl ll

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NP ol OQ

b=RW= b~=~=
On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

5.! Oulline lhe principles, hazards and risks associaled wilh lhe use ol eleclricily in lhe
5.2 Oulline lhe conlrol measures lhal should be laken when working wilh eleclrical syslems
or using eleclrical equipmenl in normal workplace condilions.
RKN= mI=~~=~==~~======~==
Principles ol eleclricily.
- basic circuilry lor currenl lo llow. relalionship belween vollage, currenl and
Hazards, risk and dangers ol eleclricily.
- eleclric shock and ils ellecl on lhe body, laclors inlluencing severily. vollage,
lrequency, duralion, resislance, currenl palh, eleclrical burns direcl and indirecl
- eleclrical lires. common causes
- workplace eleclrical equipmenl including porlable. condilions and praclices
likely lo lead lo accidenls (unsuilable equipmenl, inadequale mainlenance, use
ol deleclive apparalus)
- secondary ellecls (eg, lalls lrom heighl)
High risks associaled wilh eleclricily.
- use ol poorly mainlained eleclrical equipmenl, work near overhead power lines,
conlacl wilh underground power cables during excavalion work (link lo !.6),
work on mains eleclricily supplies (240 voll), use ol eleclrical equipmenl in wel
RKO= `=~=
Conlrol measures.
- proleclion ol conduclors
- slrenglh and capabilily ol equipmenl
- advanlages and limilalions ol proleclive syslems. luses, earlhing, isolalion ol
supply, double insulalion, residual currenl devices, reduced and low vollage
- use ol compelenl persons
- use ol sale syslems ol work (no live working unless no olher oplion, isolalion,
localing buried services, proleclion againsl overhead cables)
- emergency procedures lollowing an eleclrical incidenl

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NQ ol OQ

- inspeclion and mainlenance slralegies. user checks, lormal inspeclion and lesls
ol lhe eleclrical inslallalion and equipmenl, lrequency ol inspeclion and lesling,
records ol inspeclion and lesling, advanlages and limilalions ol porlable
appliance lesling (PAT).
8S767!. 2008 lLL Wiring Pegulalions !7lh Ldilion lS8N. 978-0-8634!-844-0
Lleclricily al Work Sale Working Praclices (HSC85), HSL 8ooks 2003,
lS8N. 978-0-7!76-2!64-4
Cuidance on Sale lsolalion procedures.
Mainlaining Porlable and Transporlable Lleclrical Lquipmenl (HSC!07), HSL 8ooks,
lS8N. 978-0-7!76-2805-6
The Lleclricily al Work Pegulalions !989

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NR ol OQ

b=SW= c=~==
On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.
6.! Describe lhe principles ol lire inilialion, classilicalion and spread
6.2 Oulline lhe principles ol lire risk assessmenl
6.3 Describe lhe basic principles ol lire prevenlion and lhe prevenlion ol lire spread in
6.4 ldenlily lhe appropriale lire alarm syslem and lire-lighling equipmenl lor a simple
6.5 Oulline lhe laclors which should be considered when implemenling a successlul
evacualion ol a workplace in lhe evenl ol a lire.
SKN= c=~I=~~=~=~=
Principles ol lire. lire lriangle, sources ol ignilion, luel and oxygen in a lypical
Classilicalion ol lires. A, 8, C, D and l
Principles ol heal lransmission and lire spread. conveclion, conduclion, radialion,
direcl burning
Common causes and consequences ol lires in workplaces.
SKO= c==~=
The requiremenl lor a lire risk assessmenl
laclors lo be considered in carrying oul lhe assessmenl
Consideralion ol lemporary workplaces and changes lo workplaces.
SKP= c==~====~=
Conlrol measures lo minimise lhe risk ol lire in a workplace.
- eliminalion ol, or reduclion in, lhe use and slorage ol llammable and
combuslible malerials=
- conlrol ol ignilion sources=
- syslems ol work=
- good housekeeping=
Pequiremenls lor lhe slorage ol small quanlilies (up lo 50 lilres) ol highly llammable
or (up lo 250 lilres) ol llammable liquids
Awareness ol slruclural measures lo prevenl lhe spread ol lire and smoke.
properlies ol common building malerial, proleclion ol openings and voids=

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NS ol OQ

Use ol suilable eleclrical equipmenl in llammable almospheres.
SKQ= c=~~==~=J==
lire deleclion, lire warning and lire-lighling equipmenl.
- common lire deleclion and alarm syslems
- porlable lire-lighling equipmenl. siling, mainlenance and lraining requiremenls
- exlinguishing media. waler, loam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, advanlages and
SKR= b~~==~=~=
Means ol escape. lravel dislances, slairs, passageways, doors, emergency lighling,
exil and direclional signs, assembly poinls
Lmergency evacualion procedures
Pole and appoinlmenl ol lire marshals
lire drills, roll call, provisions lor lhe disabled
8uilding plans lo include record ol emergency escape.
Dangerous Subslances and Lxplosives Almospheres Pegulalions 2002 (ACOP) (L!35), HSL
8ooks, 978-0-7!76-2200-2
lire Salely. an Lmployer's Cuide (HSL, Home Ollice, Scollish Lxeculive, DoL Norlhern lreland),
The Slalionery Ollice, lS8N. 978-0-!!3-4!229-0
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl series, Communilies and Local Covernmenl Publicalions.
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Ollices and shops, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-28!5-0
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - laclories and warehouses, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-28!6-7
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Sleeping accommodalion, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-28!7-4
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Pesidenlial care premises, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-28!8-!
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Lducalional premises, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-28!9-8
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Small and medium places ol assembly,
lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-2820-4
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Large places ol assembly, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-282!-!
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Thealres, cinemas and similar premises, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Open air evenls and venues, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-2823-5
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Heallhcare premises, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-2824-2
lire Salely Pisk Assessmenl - Transporl premises and lacililies, lS8N-!3. 978-!-85!!-2825-9
Cuidelines on Occupalional Salely and Heallh Managemenl Syslems (lLO-OSH 200!) lS8N-0-

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NT ol OQ

Occupalional Salely and Heallh Convenlion (C!55), lLO hllp.//
Salely in lhe Use ol Chemicals al Work seclions 6 and 7 (lLO Code ol Praclice), lLO lS8N 9-
Slorage ol Dangerous Subslances (ACOP) (L!35), HSL 8ooks, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-2200-2
Dangerous Subslances and Lxplosives Almospheres Pegulalions 2002
lire (Scolland) Acl 2005
lire Salely (Scolland) Pegulalions 2006
Pegulalory Pelorm (lire Salely) Order 2005
The Heallh and Salely (Salely Signs and Signals) Pegulalions !996
The Managemenl ol Heallh and Salely al Work Pegulalions !999
ATLX Cuidelines. 3
Ldilion, June 2009 (updaled May 20!!)

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NU ol OQ

b=TW= `~= ~= ~= ~= ~~=
= = = = = ~===
On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

7.! Oulline lhe lorms ol, lhe classilicalion ol, and lhe heallh risks lrom exposure lo,
hazardous subslances
7.2 Lxplain lhe laclors lo be considered when underlaking an assessmenl ol lhe heallh
risks lrom subslances commonly encounlered in lhe workplace
7.3 Lxplain lhe use and limilalions ol Workplace Lxposure Limils including lhe purpose ol
long lerm and shorl lerm exposure limils
7.4 Oulline conlrol measures lhal should be used lo reduce lhe risk ol ill-heallh lrom
exposure lo hazardous subslances
7.5 Oulline lhe hazards, risks and conlrols associaled wilh specilic agenls
7.6 Oulline lhe basic requiremenls relaled lo lhe sale handling and slorage ol wasle
TKN= c=I=~~=I=~=~===~~=~=
lorms ol chemical agenl. dusls, lumes, gases, misls, vapours and liquids
lorms ol biological agenls. lungi, bacleria and viruses
Main classilicalion ol subslances hazardous lo heallh. irrilanl, corrosive, harmlul,
loxic and carcinogenic
Dillerence belween acule and chronic heallh ellecls.
TKO= ^==~==
Poules ol enlry ol hazardous subslances inlo lhe body and body reaclion in lhe
lorm ol superlicial and cellular delence mechanisms wilh parlicular relerence lo lhe
hazardous subslances lisled in 7.5
laclors lo be laken inlo accounl when assessing heallh risks
Sources ol inlormalion.
- producl labels
- UK HSL Cuidance Nole LH40, LU lisl ol lndicalive Limil Values, ACClH lisl ol
Threshold Limil Values (US)
- manulaclurers' salely dala sheels and responsibilily lor lheir provision,
inlormalion lo be included by supplier
- limilalions ol inlormalion in assessing risks lo heallh
Pole and limilalions ol hazardous subslance moniloring.

NL8OSH 20!2 Page NV ol OQ

TKP= t~===
Purpose ol workplace exposure limils
Long lerm and shorl lerm limils
Limilalions ol exposure limils
Applicalion ol relevanl limils (Threshold Limil Values, Workplace Lxposure Limils,
Maximum Allowable Concenlralions, elc)
lnlernalional varialions and allempls al harmonisalion (eg, LU lndicalive Limil
Principle ol reducing exposure levels al or below lhe workplace exposure limil and
as low as is reasonably praclicable" lor some subslances.=
TKQ `=~=
Duly lo prevenl exposure or, where lhis is nol reasonably praclicable, adequalely
conlrol il
Lnsuring lhe Workplace Lxposure Limil is nol exceeded
Principles ol Cood Praclice as regards conlrol ol exposure.
- minimisalion ol emission, release and spread ol hazardous subslances lhrough
design and operalion ol processes and lask aclivilies
- accounl lor relevanl roules ol enlry inlo lhe body when developing conlrol
measures lor hazardous subslances
- conlrol measures lo be proporlional lo heallh risk
- ellecliveness and reliabilily ol conlrol oplions lhal minimise lhe escape and
spread ol hazardous subslances
- use ol personal proleclive equipmenl in combinalion wilh olher measures
where adequale conlrols cannol be achieved olherwise
- regular checks and review ol implemenled conlrol measures lo conlirm
conlinued ellecliveness
- provision ol inlormalion and lraining lo lhose working wilh hazardous
subslances as lo lhe risks and use ol measures lo minimise lhe risks
- ensuring conlrol measures do nol increase overall risk lo heallh and salely
Common measures used lo implemenl Principles ol Cood Praclice above.
- eliminalion or subslilulion ol hazardous subslances or lorm ol subslance
- process changes
- reduced lime exposure, signilicance ol lime weighled averages
- enclosure ol hazards, segregalion ol process and people
- local exhausl venlilalion. general applicalions and principles ol caplure and
removal ol hazardous subslances, componenls ol a basic syslem and laclors
lhal may reduce ils ellecliveness, requiremenls lor inspeclion
- use and limilalions ol dilulion venlilalion
- respiralory proleclive equipmenl. purpose, applicalion and ellecliveness, lypes
ol equipmenl and lheir suilabilily lor dillerenl subslances, seleclion, use and
- olher proleclive equipmenl and clolhing (gloves, overalls, eye proleclion)
- personal hygiene and proleclion regimes
- heallh/medical surveillance and biological moniloring

NL8OSH 20!2 Page OM ol OQ

lurlher conlrol ol subslances lhal can cause cancer, aslhma or genelic damage lhal
can be passed lrom one generalion lo anolher.
TKR= p=~=
Heallh risks and conlrols associaled wilh asbeslos
Duly lo manage asbeslos
Heallh risks and conlrols associaled wilh olher specilic agenls. blood borne viruses,
carbon monoxide, cemenl, legionella, leplospira, silica, wood dusl, workplace
circumslances in which lhey mighl be presenl.
TKS= p~=~=~=~==~=
8asic environmenlal issues relaling lo sale handling and slorage ol wasle (suilable
PPL, separale slorage ol incompalible wasle slreams).
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice, lLO lS8N 92-2-!!!628-X
An lnlroduclion lo Local Lxhausl Venlilalion (HSC37), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!00!-2
Conlrol ol Subslances Hazardous lo Heallh (ACOP) (L5), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-298!-3
Conlrolling Airborne Conlaminanls al Work A Cuide lo Local Lxhausl Venlilalion (HSC258),
HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-6298-2
C!62 Asbeslos and (P !72), !986, hllp.//!72
C!39 Occupalional Cancer and (P !47), !974, hllp.//!47
C!70 Chemicals and (P !77), !990, hllp.//!77
Occupalional heallh services C!6! and P!7! hllp.//!7!
Personal Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work (Cuidance) (L25), HSL 8ooks, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-6!39-8
Pespiralory Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work A Praclical Cuide (HSC53), HSL 8ooks,
lS8N. 978-0-7!76-2904-6
Salely in lhe Use ol Chemicals al Work (lLO Code ol Praclice, lLO lS8N 9-22!0-8006-4
Slep by Slep Cuide lo COSHH Assessmenl (HSC97), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-2785-!
The managemenl ol asbeslos in non-domeslic premises, Pegulalion 4 ol lhe Conlrol ol
Asbeslos Pegulalions 2006, Approved Code ol Praclice and guidance (L!27),
lS8N. 978-0-7!76-6209-8
Occupalional Lxposure Limils (LH40), HSL 8ooks (updaled annually)
The Chemicals (Hazard lnlormalion and Packaging lor Supply) Pegulalions 2009
The Conlrol ol Asbeslos Pegulalions 2006
The Conlrol ol Subslances Hazardous lo Heallh Pegulalions 2002
The Hazardous Wasle (Lngland and Wales) Pegulalions 2005

NL8OSH 20!2 Page ON ol OQ

The Personal Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work Pegulalions !992
The Special Wasle Pegulalions !996 and The Special Wasle Amendmenl (Scolland) Pegulalions
Classilicalion, Labelling and Packaging ol Subslances and Mixlures Pegulalions LC No
!272/2008 - hllp.//

NL8OSH 20!2 Page OO ol OQ

b=UW= m~= ~= ~= ~= ~~=
On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

8.! Oulline lhe heallh ellecls associaled wilh exposure lo noise and appropriale
conlrol measures
8.2 Oulline lhe heallh ellecls associaled wilh exposure lo vibralion and appropriale conlrol
8.3 Oulline lhe heallh ellecls associaled wilh ionising and non-ionising radialion and
oulline appropriale conlrol measures
8.4 Oulline lhe causes and ellecls ol slress al work and appropriale conlrol measures.=
UKN= k
The physical and psychological ellecls on hearing ol exposure lo noise
The meaning ol lerms commonly used in lhe measuremenl ol sound, sound
pressure, inlensily, lrequency; lhe decibel scale, d8(A) and d8(C)
The need lor assessmenl ol exposure, lower and upper exposure aclion values,
exposure limil values
8asic noise conlrol measures (isolalion, absorplion, insulalion, damping and
silencing) lhe purpose, applicalion and limilalions ol personal hearing proleclion
(lypes, seleclion, use, mainlenance and allenualion laclors)
Pole ol heallh surveillance
Occupalions wilh polenlial noise exposure problems. eg, conslruclion, unilormed
services, enlerlainmenl, manulacluring, call cenlres.
UKO= s~=
The ellecls on lhe body ol exposure lo vibralion, wilh parlicular relerence lo hand-
arm vibralion and whole body vibralion
The need lor assessmenl ol exposure, exposure limil and aclion values
8asic vibralion conlrol measures including choice ol equipmenl, mainlenance,
limiling exposure (including duralion and magnilude, work schedules / resl periods,
clolhing lo prolecl againsl cold)
Pole ol heallh surveillance.

NL8OSH 20!2 Page OP ol OQ

UKP= o~~=
The lypes ol, and dillerences belween, non-ionising and ionising radialion (including
radon) and lheir heallh ellecls
Typical occupalional sources ol non-ionising and ionising radialion (including radon)
The basic means ol conlrolling exposures lo non-ionising and ionising radialion
The basic means ol conlrolling exposures lo radon
8asic radialion proleclion slralegies including lhe role ol lhe Padialion Proleclion
The role ol moniloring and heallh surveillance.
UKQ= p==
Causes, ellecls and conlrol measures (demand, conlrol, supporl, relalionships, role
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice), lS8N. 92-2-!!628-X
Conlrolling Noise al Work (L!08), HSL 8ooks, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-6!64-4
Lssenlials ol Heallh and Salely al Work 4
Ldilion, HSL 8ooks, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-6!79-4
Hand-arm vibralion Conlrol ol Vibralion al Work Pegulalions 2005 (L!40), HSL 8ooks,
lS8N. 978-0-7!76-6!25-3
HSL Slress Managemenl Slandards
Personal Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work (Cuidance) (L25), HSL 8ooks, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-6!39-8
Proleclion ol workers againsl noise and vibralion in lhe environmenl (lLO Code ol Praclice)
!984 lS8N. 9-22!0-!709-5
Padon in lhe workplace. hllp.//
Padialion Proleclion C!!5 and P!!4, !960 hllp.//!!4
Padialion proleclion ol workers (ionising radialions) (lLO Code ol Proleclion) !987
lS8N. 9-22!-059967
Peal Solulions, real people. A manager's guide lo lackling work-relaled slress, HSL 8ooks,
lS8N. 978-0-7!76-2767-5
Tackling Work-relaled Slress (HSC2!8), HSL 8ooks
Whole-body vibralion Conlrol ol Vibralion al Work Pegulalions 2005 (L!4!), HSL 8ooks,
lS8N. 978-0-7!76-6!26-!
Work Pelaled Upper Limb Disorders A Cuide (HSC60), HSL 8ooks, lS8N. 978-0-7!76-!978-8
Working Lnvironmenl (Air, Pollulion, Noise and Vibralion) C!48 and P!56, !977,
The Conlrol ol Noise al Work Pegulalions 2005

NL8OSH 20!2 Page OQ ol OQ

The Conlrol ol Vibralion al Work Pegulalions 2005
The lonising Padialions Pegulalions !999
The Personal Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work Pegulalions !992

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