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Part 6: Confirming the universality of the RS vs.

GS law by observing hyper-GS and hyper-RS forms of life

Integrating from all prior chapters, proves ancient theory by Ptahhotep of Egypt: "There are 2 types of men: Men of quality, and men of quantity" ( - c. 2500 to 1500 BC)

The generality of the split: hyper-GS vs. hyper-RS branching in humans - I

Autists (or Aspergians) is a group or rather grouping of people, known for having strong exotic GStype skills (e.g.: logical talent, elite EQ: ToM talent as in many Negros), and weaker RS... are weak in NeoNTs RS-type RQ and syllogical faculty, or RS aspects of classical NTs EQ. Psychology of such skills, we see later; differences in syllogical and logical skill studied in Part 7; first the neuroscientific first principles

Proofs of the theory that Autists are hyper-GS/hypo-RS

(The theorys corollary is that the self-proclaimed rivals of the Autists, the curebies (Neo-NTs) who militantly insist that Autism is a disorder that needs to be cured, are hyper-RS/hypo-GS. The time is not yet at hand to declare neurosis a disease, though (note: the broad definition of Autism includes classical NTs as well)).
1. Proof 1: Myelination (coverage of cable by sheath, to expedite signal velocity) is related to White matter-type Axonic mass-neuronal ideology (Axons are often myelinated). As we saw (Parts 3, 12, 8), prodigious development in Axonic (and thus, in myelination) reflects hyper-GS type. So if Axonic/Myelination elaboration is more in Autists, it is a good proof of Autist ~ Hyper-GS theory:a. In 6-month old babies who develop Autism, white matter bundles have more structural integrity than in normal babies (Wolff et al.; Gao et al. have said the same in two papers) b. Second part: It is well-known that glia (glial cells) have a key role in myelination (are thus related to white matter). For this and other reasons, we state: hyper-glia ~ hyper-GS. In that tradition, we see: John Hopkins Dept. of Neurology: Marked microglial activation observed in the cortical regions and white matter of Autists ii. The brains of Autistic (e.g.: Einstein) have a higher glia to neuron ratio (Einstein had 73% more glia). Einstein was one of the famously Aspergian-like people; he didnt begin to speak until he was five years old. Which is a typical Aspergian/Autist characteristic Thus Autist brains are more GS type (note: Glia are probably tied to the polyamorous N-S base of reactions) i.

The generality of the split: hyper-GS vs. hyper-RS branching in humans - II 2

2. Proof 2 might look for a relationship between Autism and the right hemisphere, which already is known as more GS-related. a. C. Gillberg (1983) found that 62% of the autistic children were non-right-handed compared with 37% of the controls. This finding was replicated by others. This shows that the right brain is often dominant in Autists. A proof might similarly look for a relationship between Autism and the right amygdala, whose role in the GS is confirmed. a. Kleinhans et al., 2008 found that normal people had significantly increased connectivity in the left amygdala compared to Autists. b. In the autism group, significant functional connectivity clusters were found in the right amygdala (Kleinhans) Another proof characterizes certain neurostructures, like insula, as largely RS-related (see Part 10) and then goes on to argue that these are less developed in Autists, hence Autists are hypo-RS (hyper-GS). Similarly, Turner et al. find less quantitative cabling from Old Base areas whose quantitative areas are RS-related (see Part 2): Atypically diffuse functional connectivity between caudate nuclei and cerebral cortex in autism Autists seem generally less dendritic (thus more generative); for example about the highly dendritic purkinje cells (see Part 8, p. 13), Autist cerebellums have decreased Purkinje cells (Kemper et al., 1998; Bailey et al. 1998). (that, with insula detail, explains lack of body language) The converse also holds e.g.: the presence of too much dopamine in the brain is associated with talkative tendency, which so deeply characterizes the non-Autistic (i.e. syllogical) personality



5. 6.

Hence Autistic brains may be referred in discussing how hyper-GS and hyper-RS brains differ
The very term Autist, as it has the root autos (acting from or occurring within), indicates self-generating thoughts (lacks quantitative reactions to stimuli), or, hyper-GS nature; Aspergian = the funny verbal Autist; an atypical (articulative logical) verbal behaviour accompanies the typical Autists right-brain/GS logical skill. From the other direction also we can derive the same thing, i.e. creative (generative) lifestyles involve Autism.. as Hans Asperger noted, a touch of Autism is necessary for success in science or art.

An unobtrusive, informal tradition says that most of the novel artists/scientists showed symptoms of Autism/Aspergers disorder. In diagnoses, Aspergians get above average to average IQ (see part 13, p. 6; if true IQ is measured Aspergians always test higher IQs, as it implies GS logical talent) Paul Cooijmans summarizes Hans Asperger's definition of Autism/Asperger's syndrome: "It is a narrowing of one's relation to the world outside. It is a disturbance of instinct2; an impairment of the ability to relate to or interact with the outside world in the direct, concrete, instinctive manner that is inborn to the majority of humans. These instincts are known to originate in the deep-lying ancient structures of the brain that humans share with other mammals3, and are popularly called "mammalian brain... [In Autistics] Information is processed in the abstract and logical ways of the intellect, rather than instinctively and concretely. Communication is intellect-driven, rather than through the direct instinctive channels that bypass intellect (intonation, body language e.g.: face cues). Many more symptoms result from/accompany the disturbance That proves how the Autists psychology is less dedicated to the (stimuli-) receptive aspects 2 Owing to reduced presence of QRR-Ms i.e. RQ instincts (studied in Parts 8-11). 3 Indeed, see for example the brain areas covered in Part 10. But to call it mammalian brain is slightly inaccurate. RQ and EQ brain areas are usually of a divergent type than in mammals. Many laymen also are classifiable as Aspergians, as they use their GS logical talent to think calmly of weighty matters, though, due to miseducation and schismic factors, they may be typically using the RS class faculties. Hyper-RS people seem lost, and are more reactive to shallow verbal/social details (what is seen by immediate senses), and not the deeper, hidden realities affecting the all. They are quantitatively reactive to stimuli which constitutes, they usually come together and militantly proclaim, true wisdom. Neo-NT faculties result in (re)actions that are logical in a survival frame of reference that relates to a primal logic in RQ (Part 9), which often produces solution-fetching behaviour, a hyper-RS behaviour which lacks the GS-type approach of solving ones own problems of life, and instead usually involves scanning stimuli from ecology to find a safe opportunity to parasitically grab a high quantity of low-quality solutions. Autistics carry out problem-solving, not solutionfetching they (if allowed) use the GS to live in high quality, but without needing high quantity of resources. Hyper-GS people have rare reactions to complexities Hyper-RS react to trivial matters. Thus though it is said that Aspergers disorder ails the absent-minded professor, that is to see the glass half-empty. It is not that he is absent-minded, but that deeper, subtler things occupy his mind.

The generality of the hyper-RS vs. hyper-GS split: early mammal predator branching 4
To not feel strange about this statement, that there are 2 types of humans (but epigenetics is rather the key for us, as hyper-RS humans are not so different from hyper-GS humans), we should see that it is a general law of all evolutionary branching, so defining the animal kingdom. The primal carnivore branched into 2 the somewhat hyper-GS (individualist) type: feline and the somewhat hyper-RS (tribal) canid (note: wolf is hyper-RS overall, but not so much so. Its hunting involves a bit of GS. Except domestic dog or cow, no animal is nearly as hyper-RS as are Neo-NTs)
Though, as seen in the wolf the canid, being caught by a hard fate, took to pragmatic socialism over self-based individualist survival. Thus some of them, the race of dogs, were vulnerable, and fell to an artificial domesticative ecology:.. Unlike dogs, cats have not changed in the domestication step; the domestic cat is not radically different from the wildcat, and is perfectly able to survive the wild. Domesticist vulnerability must characterize hyper-RS (hypo-GS) types, proving canids hyper-RS type. For example, Ram Gal, Rosenberg, Lior, Libersat et al. (2005) note : The emerald cockroach wasp stings the host for its larvae (a cockroach). The venom blocks octopamine receptors and the cockroach fails to show normal escape responses, grooming itself excessively [a receptive behavior of OCD dandy+. It becomes docile; the wasp leads it to its den by pulling its antenna like a leash. Pet cats rarely need leashes to keep them OK, but some dogs, if not taught how to be civil, need leashes. The dog in particular is far more hyper-RS than wolf; the dogs master, who came across cheap secret of Pavlovian RS-training aka habit/instinct-ingraining or domestication (see neuroministers, in Part 14), saw the wolf, already critically hypo-GS, selfishly; saw not how to train wolf to be more logical, to preserve and increase self-respect, and help, be helped, live and let live as a happy, well-regarded friend (others may have saved the wolves, as Tolkien may note about Wargs. Due to its unnaturalness, Dog/cow suffers unique mental diseases; but men suffer more (Part 13)

The generality of the hyper-RS vs. hyper-GS split: Primitive Big Cat branching 5
Big cat branched into 2 forms: Leopard-like, and Lion-like; leopards are clearly more generative. Certainly, the lion has evolved more Receptive Quotient-type intelligence, which we can call solution-fetching, as it involves gaining things at the expense of others (female lions, who hunt); leopard has more problem-solving intelligence. The lion, to an extent a betrayer of the ancient cat's choice, reverted to tribalist intrigues which require a highly receptive nature but it would take long to re-implant socialistic instincts, and overcome the thoughtful cat design underneath. Even now it is felinic as seen in typical rivalry with the canidic hyena Indeed the complete transformation of feline of old into canidic (hyper-RS; in nature, it can only mean the purer socialist, as syllogical faculty, which is an extreme RS faculty, is missing) is seen in the hyena, who, though starting as a felinic (hyena is "closer to cat than dog"), has evolved dog like features (hence physical features are functions of psyche) subsequent to the dog-cat split and victory of felinids over caninids event in Africa that biased result caused proto-hyena felinids to join the losing side, unlike lions, which, though condemned to kill cheetahs, merely have sympathy for the losing side. Though, to be sure, that is extreme in itself. The lion mugs females and children. The man-eating lion's foolish advance is easily stopped, but maneating leopards outwit the best hunters, who immortalize them as cowards. The lion, having no idea about trees, merely runs in hope of prey leopard is always at thoughtful rest, and merely falls on his prey from his high throne; thus he eats only the foolish deer; few deer complain regarding this noble friend of Mowgli.
The hyper-GS takes pity on, and allies with the hyper-RS side, leading to strong results: The hyena is the most social of the Carnivora; it has the largest groups and most complex social behaviours. Its social organisation is unlike that of any other Carnivore, bearing closer resemblance to that of baboons and macaques in group-size, hierarchical structure, and frequency of social interaction by Carlos Monzon

Male lion killing cubs male alliance (male bonding RQ) socialist hunting strategy

The generality of the hyper-RS vs. hyper-GS split: branching of the Pan Ape

Leif Ekblad had covered this subject. The proto-bonobo ape branched into the (hyper-RS) Chimpanzees, and the (hyper-GS) Bonobo. Chimpanzees kill stray male members of rival tribes, kill and eat infants; rape is common. Duffy et al. note what amounts to a critical similarity between high-RQ human and chimp males: Male chimps exchange political support for mating opportunities.. The bonobo is closest to human among all the apes (though orangutan is also fairly noble): walks upright unlike chimps, and is the only animal apart from man who engages in recreational sex; bonobo is known for more learning capability than chimp. Note: We are not implying that the Autist is more human than the sophist. But the human is typically more generative than great apes (which are more generative than monkeys), and the Autist is more generative than the sophist... About the bonobo, the Congo pygmies have many legends about how men and bonobos were allies in the past; how bonobos revealed food to humans or saved humans, how they are trying to evolve into humans". Females have a higher status than males; rapes are rare; males dont kill children, rank doesnt play a major role unlike in most primate societies *confirms leadership role for man.+

Why are both hyper-RS and hyper-GS individuals found in any species? - I 7
A universal general theory in nature: Even though any species as a whole might drift towards either hyper-RS type (e.g.: Part 10) or hyper-GS type, hyper-RS and hyper-GS individuals always coexist in any population. Why?
1. Everything in the RS is oriented to survival (e.g.: Part 11) and that has various reasons. So obviously it survived. The hyper-RS could always follow the hyper-GS to a food he found, for example See the example of hyenas/lions stealing kills from leopards and cheetahs). In general the hyper-RS mimicked the hyper-GS with unexpected but classically dopaminic proficiency; but it was not always parasitic An advanced cooperative species especially may pool together RS and GS strengths for easy survival, as seen in wolves; thus, generally, hyper-GS and hyper-RS complemented each other to benefit all, just how our own left and right brains, though rivals, are friends cooperating to benefit the user (similarly all humans must be about glorious mankind). A balance, or, neurodiversity, is profitable to the species as a whole. Indeed, probably, especially for cooperative creatures like humans (or, for example, marmots), many are designed to experience a genetically logical love at first sight-type innocent attraction also to those whore different; we are, for example, typically obsessed with unique skills that others have. At least Autistics are like that Were defined as non-ethnic and like countless healthy friends. But that is not true for everyone. Hypo-GS tribal programming often involves meta-inbreeding-type insularity and hostility to the non-clansman for quantitative survival (see for example Swarm intelligence, in Part 11; and NeoNT monkeysphere in Part 12). The RS faculties based in the left brain, always kept up (in gross design and thus competitiveness) with the talents of the right brain by taking dip in holy water; see the end of Part 8 for an example Most important cause: Because of the natural logic of the ecology, namely, all species are of equal competitiveness. Younger children from a given couple are relatively hypo-GS e.g.: Petter Kristensens finding, as Joseph Hall reports: each successive child is likely to have a little less IQ [Part 13] than the one before. Why? Due to the natural logic: all species are of equal competitiveness roughly half the times the elder children did not survive in increased predatory phase... then, the (younger) creature must holds pro-entropic design of nature (/genes) thrive so, his RS (survivalist false self, Part 11) is more developed; he is better in the RS and in particular, trilobitist survivalism, than in the GS (in particular, Lamarckian evolutionarism). Explains the ancient Neo-NT dogma i.e. first-born children must be killed in order to morally facilitate the moral (domestication and hobbitization of) mankind?



4. 5.

Why are both hyper-RS and hyper-GS individuals found in any species? - II 8
Elaborating upon the theory about the hyper-GS characteristic in the firstborn: We may logically assume that further production of new, increasingly junior-ranked children occurred only if death of relatively higher-ranked (meaning, closer to firstborn) children called for replacement If the creatures (children) of a species typically die (beginning with the death of the firstborn child first -- then, average creature will be junior than firstborn and -- since evidently the threat to the species is present -- it was to ensure the survival of at least the junior-birth-ranked that was the logic behind why the natural design of creatures ensures relatively higher development of the RS in junior birth-ranked creatures -- the RS does, after all, facilitate survival at the expense of the finer aspects of life. Which are to be neglected, now. If a great massacre (felt of course on the level of the most vulnerable parts of the species i.e. children) is going on, then the birth rank is lesser on average, and nature wisely fulfills the species' demand of how such situations call for creatures with more RS development (and early maturation at the expense of extent of maturity at adulthood). Species must forget about the luxury of thriving, for which Norepi and the GS must be more, and should look at merely the bare necessity of surviving, for which the RS or D is more suitable However, survival under pressure in a species, in this way -- which is quantitative survival, in the sense that more are successfully surviving by this strategy of design -- reduces the qualitative aspects of life i.e. the overall rank of the species in the degrees of complexity of life, also known as natural pyramid, in which pyramid the trilobite is at the lowest rank, and human is traditionally regarded as being in the highest rank, and that is where human should be). If the (firstborn) creature survives typically - okay, says the logic of nature, since it can be afforded/threat levels are low -- better this creature be hyper-GS and evolve into new niches; this is why GS is preferentially developed in the firstborn of creatures. This was how humans attained such rapid evolution towards the end -- once humans managed to ensure survival of their (firstborn) children, they switched to a relatively hyper-GS direction relative to ancestors.

Why are both hyper-RS and hyper-GS individuals found in any species? - III 9
Sociological conclusions as a side-note: 1. Which means that humans, as they need not be about thriving in any more quantity than present, but rather in quality should never have more than 1 child per mate; two different mates two children per person; they should be alloparented (cared by all, not merely the biological parents) 2. Given the unique logical ability in humans, which animals lack we shouldnt confuse love-making and reproduction. We must at least learn of the safe windows in female ovulation cycle, rather than raise a din about sin of eating the flower instead of the fruit (Their other bright idea: eating only the seed of the fruit). 3. Gays must have the insight: females are matchless! Men shouldnt devalue them merely because the female majority suffers reversible left-amygdala-domination (domestication) due to abusive history; and vestigialize male bonding, the secret culprit behind STDs! Kings County government reports 150 times higher incidence of syphilis in gays. The reports about a Gonorrhea superbug from Japan as in the Ohnishi et al. paper should not be misinterpreted. This new strain was found from a sex worker from Kyoto, the source of the Kyoto Protocol, an interventionist legislation by Neo-NT globalist elites masquerading as Japanese thinkers. The former seems to have dominated Japans Aspergian population by nuclear blackmail (Hiroshima, Fukushima). Even now the latter are besieged, and, in such areas like Kyoto, reduced to sex slavery ( , tentacle rape) The clients? The chiefs among the worlds Neo-NT elites, many of who are STD vectors (as proven in the relation of hyper-RS mentality and homosexuality; see Part 12, p. 15). Thus, the present epidemic of rapidly spreading and evolving STDs actually owes to how gay culture dominates the mainstream: Gonorrhea has been on the rise in the USA, with some areas seeing rates climb as much as 74 % - Isciencetimes. 1 in 4 Americans have incurable STDs; so, renamed it STI Infection, not Disease Overall conclusion:

>>> Thus as we see, it is not as much about Norepi versus Dopamine or Neo-NT versus Autist that is to see merely the glass half-empty but about how the glass is half-full, and how all of it is drinkable. They are brothers Norepi being a derivative, indeed, of Dopamine axons and dendrites being both critical aspects of neurons etc. In nature, GS-RS conflict is not inevitable, occurring in not more than 50% of cases; but of late, of course, the entrenchment of false ideas associated with the rise of the syllogicians has overturned neutrality and promoted conflict, destroying neurodiversity by the systematic large-scale killing of non-NeoNTs, who are now reduced to 4%, down from the old high of above 50% as in the Golden age

References for Parts 5 and 6

Asperger H (1938). "Das psychisch abnormale Kind [The psychically abnormal child]". Sharon G. Goto , Alicia Yee , Kelly Lowenberg & Richard S. Lewis (2013): Cultural differences in sensitivity to social context: Detecting affective incongruity using the N400, Social Neuroscience, 8:1, 63-74 Gao W, Lin W, Chen Y, Gerig G, Smith JK, Jewells V, Gilmore JH., Temporal and spatial development of axonal maturation and myelination of white matter in the developing brain Jason J. Wolff, Ph.D.; Hongbin Gu, Ph.D.; Guido Gerig, Ph.D.; Jed T. Elison, Ph.D.; Martin Styner, Ph.D.; Sylvain Gouttard, M.S.; Kelly N. Botteron, M.D.; Stephen R. Dager, M.D.; Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D.; Annette M. Estes, Ph.D.; Alan C. Evans, Ph.D.; Heather C. Hazlett, Ph.D.; Penelope Kostopoulos, Ph.D.; Robert C. McKinstry, M.D., Ph.D.; Sarah J. Paterson, Ph.D.; Robert T. Schultz, Ph.D.; Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, M.D.; Joseph Piven, M.D.; the IBIS Network, Differences in White Matter Fiber Tract Development Present From 6 to 24 Months in Infants With Autism Gillberg C, Autistic children's hand preferences: results from an epidemiological study of infantile autism Kleinhans NM, Richards T, Sterling L, Stegbauer KC, Mahurin R, Johnson LC, Greenson J, Dawson G, Aylward E., 2008, Abnormal functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorders during face processing. Gao W, Lin W, Chen Y, Gerig G, Smith JK, Jewells V, Gilmore JH., Temporal and spatial development of axonal maturation and myelination of white matter in the developing brain Katherine C Turner1, Leonard Frost1, David Linsenbardt1, John R McIlroy1 and Ralph-Axel Mller, Atypically diffuse functional connectivity between caudate nuclei and cerebral cortex in autism Whitney ER, Kemper TL, Bauman ML, Rosene DL, Blatt GJ., Cerebellar Purkinje cells are reduced in a subpopulation of autistic brains: a stereological experiment using calbindin-D28k. Kimberly G. Duffy1, Richard W. Wrangham2 and Joan B. Silk1, 2007, Male chimpanzees exchange political support for mating opportunities, Petter Kristensen1,2,*, Tor Bjerkedal, Explaining the Relation Between Birth Order and Intelligence Makoto Ohnishi, Daniel Golparian, Ken Shimuta, Takeshi Saika, Shinji Hoshina, Kazuhiro Iwasaku, Shuichi Nakayama, Jo Kitawaki, and Magnus Unemo : Is Neisseria gonorrhoeae Initiating a Future Era of Untreatable Gonorrhea?: Detailed Characterization of the First Strain with High-Level Resistance to Ceftriaxone

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