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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics V

Student Teacher: ___________________________________ Cooperating Teacher: ______________________________ I. Learning Objectives Cognitive: 1. Visualize different kinds of polygons 2. Identifies different kinds of polygons 3. Describe different kinds of polygons Psychomotor: Cut-out different kinds of polygons Affective: 1. Observe patience in doing assigned task 2. Work cooperatively Date: ________________ Time: ________________

II. Learning Content Skill: Visualizing, identifying and describing, and cutting out different kinds of polygons Reference: BEC PELC III 1 Materials: envelopes, flashcards, cutouts, worksheets, paste, pairs of scissors, illustration boards, pocket chart, TV, flash drive Value: Patience and cooperation III. Learning Experiences TEACHERS ACTIVITY A. Preparatory Activities Good morning class! How are you today? Im fine too. Today, were going to learn together, but let us agree on something first. What will you do if your teacher is talking in front, Rey? Yes, youre right Rey! You have to listen to your teacher carefully. How about if youre going to answer, what will you do, Rezel? What else Pastor? Rezel: We just raise our right hands sir. Pastor: Answer in a sentence sir. Rey: Listen carefully sir. Children: Good morning mister Mongcupa. Were fine, thank you! How about you? PUPILS ACTIVITY

TEACHERS ACTIVITY Alright! You have to raise your hand if youre going to answer and answer it in a sentence. Very good! 1. Drill Now, lets have a drill. I will group you into four. Just stay in a row where you are right now and that would be your group. 1st row is group 1, 2nd row is group 2, 3rd row is group 3 and the last row is group 4. Each group should have a leader and a reporter. You may now choose your leader and your reporter. Who is your leader, group 1? Group 2? How about in group 3? In group 4? Each group will receive an envelope that contains different geometric figures. Heres your envelope. As I show to you the word, the group leader will raise the card of geometric figure that corresponds to the word. The first group who raises the card with correct answer gains a point. Are you ready? Okay, lets start! Flashing geometric words Parallel lines


(Each group chooses a leader and a reporter.)

Children: (Flash geometric figures)

Intersecting lines

Perpendicular lines

Who got a higher point? Group? A big hand please Did you enjoy?

Children: Yes sir!

TEACHERS ACTIVITY 2. Review Who am I kinds of angles Lets move on to the kind of angles. Please raise your hand if you want to answer. I am less than 90, who am I? Correct! I measured 110, who am I? Youve got it! I measured 90, who am I, Excellent! Lets have an excellent clap! 3. Motivation At this point of time let me show you a simple video presentation. Just take a look at this. Okay? (Video presentation Polygons) Are you having fun? What have you seen in the video, Ryan? Do you know what those shapes are, Janine? What else, Stephen Paul? Very good! What do we call those shapes, Annie? Awesome! And what are polygons, Queenie? Terrific! A big hand for her!


Pupil: An acute angle sir.

Pupil: An obtuse angle sir.

Pupil: A right angle sir.

Children: Okay sir. Children: (Watch the video) Children: Yes sir! Ryan: I saw different shapes sir. Janine: Yes sir, those are quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon Stephen Paul: triangle, nonagon, decagon Annie: We call them polygons.

Queenie: Polygons are closed plane figures with three or more sides.

TEACHERS ACTIVITY B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation Cut me out Lets have an activity. Just stay in the group. Each group will receive again an envelope. This envelope contains illustration board, paste, a ruler, a pair of scissors, 2 pages worksheets and an activity card. All you have to do is to follow what are stated in the activity card. I will only give you 10 minutes to finish your work. Got it? Alright! Here we go Heres your envelope. Do not open yet Cut Me Out! Step 1: Cut-out the figures on the worksheets carefully. Step 2: Paste them on the illustration board provided. Step 3: Measure the sides of each figure and record them. Children:


Children: Yes sir!

(Cut-out figures) (Paste the cutout figures on the illustration board) (Measure the sides of each figure) (Label the figures with names and measurements on sides) (Post their works on the board)

Step 4: Label them below with their names and the measurement on its sides.
Step 5: Post the finished work on the board.

The reporter of each group presents their work to the class by identifying and describing each figure. The first group who finished their work will be the first also to report. I will give points in reporting and in the neatness of your works. Class, lets welcome the first group! Clap your hands

(The reporter will identify and describe the figures to the class)

TEACHERS ACTIVITY 2. Generalization (Complete the table by filling it with names of polygons or number of sides alternately.) Polygon Triangle 5 Nonagon 8 Quadrilateral 6 Heptagon 10 How many sides are there in a triangle, Bryan? What polygon having 5 sides, Junilo? How many are the sides of nonagon, Jericho? What polygon with 8 sides, Christian? How many sides are there in quadrilateral, Truce? What is a six-sided polygon, Aron? What is the number of sides in heptagon, Mark? What is a ten-sided polygon, Stephanie Grace Yu? Wow! You got all correct. Lets have a very good clap for all C. Application (Show models of polygons and let them identify and describe each.) Class, what polygon is this? Why? How about this one? Why? The other one? Why? Number of sides


Bryan: There are 3 sides in a triangle. Junilo: The five-sided polygon is Pentagon. Jericho: There are 9 sides in nonagon. Christian: The polygon with 8 sides is octagon. Truce: There are 4 sides in quadrilateral. Aron: A six-sided polygon is hexagon. Mark: 5 is the number of sides in heptagon. Stephanie: A ten-sided polygon sir is decagon.

Children: (Identify and describe each polygon)

IV. Evaluation Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number. (Distribute a test paper to each pupil.) A _________ 1. It has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles _________ 2. A polygon with 5 sides _________ 3. A four-sided polygon with 2 pairs of parallel lines _________ 4. Three-sided polygon _________ 5. It has 8 sides d. Rectangle e. Pentagon B a. Triangle b. Octagon c. Square

V. Assignment Observe your surroundings at home. You list down the things that represent polygons including the number of sides. Draw them on a short bond paper.

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