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Forestry Development
e- I)-f-
AA ""
130dae L)i,trict
Friday; August 12,2011
, .
THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this y2.'" day of
AD 20117 by and betv.teen the Government of Liberia, through the Forestry
Development Authority, hcrcinaLter referred to as the Authority, leple:)l;:uteu by its
Managlng Moses D, W'ogbeb Sr., and the People of Bodae Administrative
District" Sinoe Cotmty, hereinafter ref-erred to as Bodae, represented by the District
FOftl!?t 'Mafl.l1gCt'ticnl Committee by and thru Senior Citizen., Mr. David Miller Toe
hereinafter collectively the Parties, hereby;
\VHEREAS, the Authority is statutorily responsible for the sustainable management and
use ofall categories offorest resources:;
'VHEREAS, the People of are legitimate owners of a tract of forestland of
24,031 hectares by virtue of inheritance through a legitimate purchase from the Republic
of Liberia;
\VHEREAS, the Bodae Administrative District encompasslng of Upper Dweoh, Toe
Wion, Gmagmakpo, and Doe Sieh clans made an application to the Authority on March
17, 2011 on. behalf of said citizens for the issuance of a Private Use Permit to
commercialize their deeded forested land as can be seen from copy of said letter hereto
attached and marked Exhibit "A>;
WHEREAS, by virtue of Se-...;lon 5,6 (d) (i) of the National Forestry Reform Law
(NFRL) of2006, copy ofa duly certified Aborigce's Grant Deed issued in 1974 under the
signature of President \Villiam V.S. Tubman, in proof of ownership ofthe subject tract of
land is hereto attached and marked Exhibit "B" to form a cogent part ofthis
\VHEREAS, in further verification of the subject property, the Ministry of Lands, lYiitles
& Energy finally gives authentication and verification to the said Bodae Deed through a
letter under the signature of Assistant Minister }..{axweH C.f'" Gwee. Attached also tS the
said verification letter marked Exhibit to form an integral patt ofthis
\VHEREAS, validation of the ' area -in keeping with Section 5.6 (d) (iO of the l\'FRL and
Section 61 of FDA Regulation 102-07 shows that the said tract of land is suitable for
commercial torestry. Said validatiou lepolL lsltetctu alladlcd and marke-d Exhibit "D" to
form also an integral part of this contract;

, .,
WHEREAS, Bodae is desirous of commerciarizing harvestable tree species on the said
tract of 24,031 he<:t.res of land;
WHEREAS, the Authority having examined Bodae's application and the requirements
of Section 5.6 of the NFRL having beell met, declares Bodae qualified for issuance of a
Private Use Permit that ,,,ill anow it enter into contractual agreement with a company or
corporation to carry out said oonunercial al:tivities;
NO\V)' THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual and agreements
herein contained, the parties do hereby agree as follows:
L Definitions
a. Authority: The Forestry Development Authority (FDA) created by an Act
of the Legislature Oil November 1, 1976.
b. Annual Operations Plan: the pran that guides the annual operations of the
C, Chain of Custody: the path of custodiaoship followed by logs, Timber and
wood products through harve;,iing, transport,. interim storage, processing,
distribution and export from source of origin in the forest to end use.
d. Code of Forest Harvesting Practices: a set of standards for
environmentally sound forest use prepared by tile Authority
e, Conservation: the sustainable management and protection of forest
resources to achieve maximum environmental, social, economic and
scientific benefits for present and future generations
f. Forestry: the science, art and practice of conservation of forest resources
g. Forest Resources License: any I,egal instrument p\1fsuant to which the
Authority allows a subJect to specilled conditions, to extract
forest resources. or make other productive and sustainable use of forest
land. This includes Forest management Contracts, Timber Sale Contracts,
Forest Use Permit and Private Use PenulL
h. Forestland: a tract of land, including its flora and fauna capable of
producing forest or land set aside fur the purpose of forestlY>
but not including land in permanent scltlements aud land that has been in
long tern! use for cultivation of crops or: l?lislng livestock.
J, Porest 1vianageroent Contract: furestry cOntract which covers it land area of
50, 000 - 400,000 hectares,
k Holder: a person who holds a valid forest resources ticense
, ,
! :
L Land Owner: a person who owns land by legal title
, '
m. Operator: a person harvesting or making commercia) use of forest
resources under a forest resources licens(\ including a person working as
an employee, contractor or other agent for a Holder,
I 1
n, Pre-Felling Operations: legal requirements of the Holder before felling of
logs. They include posting of required per10fUJanCe bond; preparation of
initial anl1Ulll operations pIau and preparation of environmental impact
" \
o. Private Use Permit: a forest resource license issued by the Government to .
:.1 I
aUow commercial use of the forest resources on private land.
'.' ~
1\ .
p. Public Use Permit: a forest resource license issued to extract forest
" I
resource from an area 1'::S5 than 1000 hectares.
, )
q. Reforestation: the estabHshment of a tree plantation in a previously
forested area that has been affected by cutting. fire, or same other act of
tree removal.
r. Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS): the institutiOn/company
responsible to manage the Chain of Custody System.
S. Timber Sale Contract: a short term forest resources license issued by the
Government for a period ofthree (3) years that allows a person to harvest
timber from a specified tract of forest land.
2. Metes and BoundsfTcchnical Description of Bodae District Forest Land &
Location Map
Commencing at a Town near the Duglx': River named Dweoh Town; thence a line runs S
&7 E for 12,016 feet to a point; thence a line runs N 22 W for 12,933 feet to a point;
thence a line runs N 36 E for 9,358 feet to a point; then<:e a line runs N 11" W for 2,752
feet to a point: thence a line runs N 28 E for 2,873 feet to a point; thence a line nms N
85 E for 7,754 feet to a point; thence a Hne runs S 3<1 W for 29,624 feet to a point; thence
l, 1
a line luns S 22 W for 27,397 feet to a thence a line runs S 67 \V for 5,475 feet to
a point; thence a line nms S 20 \V for 7,180 feet to the point on the Sinoe Creck; thence
a line fUllS along 1:>aid creek Southward for 22,503 feet to a point; thence a line runs S 57
\V for 12,361 feet to a point; thence a line runs N 44.0 W for 15,552 feet to a thence
a line runs Due West for 8,055 feet to a JX'int; thence a line runs N 2 E for 11,929 feet to
the point on the Dugbe River; thence a line nms along said river Eastv;ard for 25,242 feet
to a point; thence a line runs S 19 W for 1,507 feet to a point; thence a line Dlns N 44
W for 4,036 teet to a point; thence a line runs N 29 W for 2,176 feet to a point; (hence a
II .'
line runs S 84 \V for 2,445 feet to a point; thence a line runs N 55 W for 4,507 feet to a
point; thence. line run, N 34
W for 2,892 feet to the point on the tributary ofthe Dugbe
IUver; thence a line runs along said tributary Northward for 26,70 i feet to a point; thence
a line runs. S 87" E for 30)788 feet to the point of commencement, containing 59,381
!teres of land.
l\1ap ofBodac Forestland
Aerial Showing Bodae Deeded Land Forest (59,381 Acres)
Located in Sinoe CoUl1ty
, ,
3. Contract Objective
a. To harvest merchantable tree species from 24,031 hectares of tract of land
otherwise called the BOMe Forest Land
b, To engage in reforestation ofthe area involving indigenous species
c. To create alternative uses of the tract of land after harvesting of trees
'( ,
I _ '
d. To create employment for about 300 locals of the contract area and
smrounding towns and villages.
4. Contract Duration
The contract shaU be for twenty fourteen (14) years, the land area being as TSC.
5. Chain ofCustody System
Tn ke.eping with Section 13.5 of the National Forestry Reform Law of2006 and
sections (l-35) of FDA Regulation 108,07, the Chain of Custody System will
apply during the life and implementation of this contract. The system so
established for the tracking of logs, timber and wood products from forest to
processing and then to domestic or foreign market shall be managed by Societe
Generale de Surveillance (SGS) using SGSlHelveta equipment and software as
provided for by section 32 (3) of the Chain of Custody System Management
Contract 0[2007.
6. Land Rental & Stumpage Tax
Consistent with Section S.7(b) of the National Forestry Reform Law of 2006, the
Company shall oot be charged to pay land rental tax. However, stumpage shall be
paid consistent with Section 5.7 (c) ofthe National Forestry Reform Law and also
consistent -with Section 22(b) ofRegulation 107-07.
7. Other Fe"" & GOL Taxes
All oti1er fees and GOL Taxes levied on the project shall be consistent with the
Revenue Law ofLiberia and FDA Regubtion.
8. ,Pre-felling Date
Before Cornpany is certified for feHing, all pre-feUjng operations induding the
must be completed:
<l. Posting US:$50,OOO.OO perfo'rmance bond
h. Submission of initial a1UlUal operations plan
EnviroflinenfuflmpacTAs'sessment ------.
I ,
d. Social Contract
9. Employment
j L Recruitment and employment by the Company shall. be consistent with Labor
" ; Law of Liberia and International Labor Organization.
I, :
,,\.r ' \ Termination
This contract shall be terminated if the company upon nO!lce of breach of any
tenn of thls Contract faits to remedy said breach ","ithin a period of (60) sixty
:;- "
In the event of fUfCC majeure, which causes either party from meeting its
obligations herein stated, the Contract shan be suspended as long as the force
majeure continues.
10. Duty of Care
The Authority shaH ensure that the Company maintains environmental quality of
the cutting area and comply Virith all other conditions consistent \\1th the Liberia
Code ofHarvesting Practices to include:
a. Water course protection
b. Erosion prevention
c. Prevention of pollution to rivers. streams and odler \vaterways by disposal of
d. Prevention of fire disaster
The operation shaH also be in conformity with international conventions to which
Liberia is a party. They include: the Convention on Biodiversity, the International
Tropical Timber the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate
Change, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, the Convcution
on International Trade In Endangered Species and the R.A}..1SAR Convention on
Wetland 1vlanagement
In effecting this Contract between the ('A)rporation and the Authority, the relevant
Laws of Liberia including but not limited to the '!:'iational Forestry Reform Law
and regulation governing Chain ofgustodywiU prevatt
12. R!ndil1g Effed
This Agreement is binding on the parties, their successors-in-office as if they
were physically present at execution ofth18 instrument
In witness wheroof. we have affIXed our signatures on the day and date first
mentioned above.
.. ,
,". ,'

_.... r ._r',.... __..
Uavid :MiUer Toe Jnr.
Approved l O. .

FIQrence OU!4HJwetlt
Clurirman-FlJA Board oflJirectt7TS
, Atlantic Resources Limited
P,o. 5485, Rat:ldaU' Monrovia, Liherl?. 'Tili:- 0023:i-5-p2Z554,:,:
. . . . . '.. .
. , , . ,:
March 17, 2011
Hcn,Moses D. Wogbdl,Sr.
Managiqg Di(ector
Lib"erla's Forestry Development AuthoritY
Villein Town ' .
Monrovia, Liberia'
, ,
pe'ar Hon. Director:
" ,
are deliihted to' thai the "
rind San\.G,baIor, B9dae., Shaw ?9.e,"
Tarsiie sehnkwehn and CavaHa SiuQt;: and Grani;t Gede.:Q
I , a citizc,!!s' me"'ting for the sole purpose;ofdiscuss"iug'tbeposstbiiity-'of gcip.itni-'._' .'
. ATLANTIC RESOURCES Ltdj''a registered ,company operatingunder llt6
Republic of Liberia. the right to sustairiably manage and' expkut the. on their .deCdeO, '
".' '.," ......... ,,
after lengtby' . it that .be
given the right to manage said foreSi:itl their heicived Counties...!n reaching tlIii:; ','
Hon: Wogbeh, we were Dlindful,an.d also took Into considel.'atiQn.that-yoOf th.'r(:nigil '. .
the Qovernment ;'f Libe'da a\.\ra;'ds Private Use Pemlit to os jn'ih<;se Gounties as -_
forest management strategy and in tirie t,l1e Forestry La:w "",,
Agah'1;t .this bfiCkdrop Hm=!. We
MOU,- deeds and. Idcatiolt. of sat9 "forest to your 'good o.ffice for,'tiie' porpclse's -Qf:- ':
issuing us.a Use'Perlnit (pUP), incqns6nance with.the of: .:
2006. .. ";' .
po, BOX
j ;'
. TEL: (431) 226.'58,1';\31:: (:;.11) 226,2S1 .
- , ','
. Mond.y June 27,2011
M05e$,D, W9gbeh, Sr.
:rvfunaging Director" .
Forestry ,i" {! "<":,_ '"" "
Monrovia, Liberia, - , ,.;-.:: ' ,.'_" ,.' '-
'. Dear "..... .... , .. h" . ".' {;
" '\; . -..- ,.::" i'
We wTite to,present our and ""ish to 1ette:r;&t431't
March, 2011, Ref No. MD
48l201lf8 requesting the Ministry Mines and tp -:.} ,
review, verify and deeds of land are;as in B
hai. ", '
Gba1t?r, Bodoe, Jedepo,.Kulu; Shaw"Bde al1d"l'arsue SariQ?ijl aU ,,'
'Counties. "":_ ., " .'
In reference to' this, we are pleased t9.note that after cru.enIlly :
, information presented.and 'verification by ResIdent
found to be and there exfsts .n!) other , - --, ",." ", ',:, ,:;, ,:: ,.<
" ,,' .,
, " "",' '",' ',-', "-' ",' ":'.:--;'"
Therefore) this Ministrv herebY arlvlCes, that the Eorestry PeveiopmeJlt Auti)'ority' ciih'p(.oce':d:Uil
. granting a PRiVA:TE USE PERlvilT to ... ",,,,\t ....
.', ','-" ---,'.
, :. ',.'
,. ,;: :;-, ',-."
'" .- ,
,- ,.'
., :
. ; - -, ,
Predicated on a 'i\TI:ten co:aunun.ication dated l\hrch 17, from the ti'I:.inagemu;l of AtlantIc
RGSotlrccs, Ltd., under tl",c of ?vir. Angtl5HlS PIZ:lming "l\,fanCiger of A.RL,
requesting the Forestry De'vekpmeut /,.uthority to autherijca-(:" verify 2:ild issue Private Use
Permits ElI!:l for el)lt (0) different cor;:nmmity foreS",$ In Southeastern Uberla_ A te-un of
tecn-niZ'l<:ms TrDnl the FDA, blended ..vitil the RCg10111.1 ::'_1andated by Managing Diroctm
_Voses D. \Voghe.h, Snr., to visit those arcus for detail gronnti ttuthing and authem:ication of the
area for ManagemL,..-tt's reactwn.
In hght of this, the- Teclmic.1.1 of Scientific Resc::--tTch & DcvdopmeItt, the \{anager of
GeOtl.m9hk S:--.;;tn'JS & 'Remo;.?" Sensi.ltg, af'd. the Fores.t;:, fo( t!,0gi<:m !! 4,
accompanied with the Officer, Extension CCH1l:1Uuiry Concc""5sio!l
'Preymaliol-, Officer- C:::mlract Administrator, InspectioQ Fo{;;:ster, aod me Co;nmullity
Eng.:'1gorucl:1t Ranger travc:te.;-j to the fam! vmler cCl\sideratio;1 to conduct HjO-lnt gfOlmd tmthing
, exercise of tho aref'!.
Dmmg tI-v: period March 23-June 1,1011, the joint p:mol tcd a sigruHcant PQltl(H\ ofth",
and demj! rejatijtg to on.g-;)ittg multiple lEes ofth0 area, tYVes of 'b:!g0tation
and -fivehhood of COtl111Hmtry dwd\crs i;vithin the p:.tfAmcters of the forests. The Tc::lmical
i\:fanaz,i:':r !y' l<-J;';f,f;.<l,IGh &. til':: Ma\12'.ger oi GIS &: RG1ll0ic Sensl.l)g"
I 1
!;, i
Forestry Development Authority
1:).0. Box
Elise Saliby' 5 Compound
Kappa HOllse, Congo Town

Mosc.<; D, Wcgbch, Sm,
Managing Di.:,;.:.;:tol".
DevelfrrHne!l! Authm ':,Y
A:(/!tCfltk.u/ioll &: VefljlcatkNt qf Deeded LandPlVperties III
Southeastern Liberia Permitting to,' B'ha;" /3odae, GUf10
K;[lu Shaw-Bact Sam Ghalof) Tr.rsu ,f','rmquin.. mul TeMer. Aiagna I1lstricts.
April 2010
handied an Techmcal issues rdntillQ to H1C deed loCliwR bOlmd{tr1es anJ
c '
On JUlle 5. ::01.1, Vari01lS \vorkillg glOllpS were fornwd by }D.(\ stoff on how to c.omhltt:m on tlT;:
spct a'Jti1l;1HIK:ltion ana validation process am0Dg,st stnkeho:rlei$ flnd .land 'Owners. Coumy
officials wore brief by RegiOnal PhiLp Ji::ekolo on the objectlye, scope and hmit!ltloil of
the Three {3} tbetn:uic \\'orkillg groups w-erc fC:ITUCd.
Fo:: gr()'\\;J +!l. hy AkXillt,10X h;; Wyz...:}c st:of> in F'ish Tcv.n" Rive'" Gc-;:, C'j'lltt-y tine}n
ue Rftcmoon .:Hld ptescnted a cOlnmunicrttIon to the Acting S'tlp",nr.1cndell1 Han. P01.1h \Vesseb
OJld i,:xplaincd to bim the missiQn. Snp;;.riJ.1teiloent whole heartl:':uly viQlcomcd the gronp
and told illem to ;proct)fA to Webhu Djgt;':C1 to mect \VitJl the DiSfriL1: stliutory Sllperintetlcent;
HOG- Sanmc1 Bohlen \\-ho will Z1Ssist rIo.:: Leam in C011QUctil,g 1iles,; e{Zercises.
111 KOnOWf{!kea Clty. the meeting was held at tl10 City :VI;;,iot's prc\G';f,e$ witn the Ci:.y Major HDU,
WIlfred G.N. Dav1s, the Statutory Superintendent Hon Samuel BolhelL llaram)lHl1 (;11ief of
TU()(lO Chiefdom, lIon. Dargoai1, 2ud several town chiefs, elders, ymtth ieaders, woman
leaders attended lne(;tmga in providing historical t;.'.ct; about their forests location and deed
Group # :: & :) conducted simdar excn::ise3 and unpress::-d \'lith the \yunnoo receptio11
received fro:n all knovvn settlements 3.'1d f:.1t:;tilte cOJ.T,:l:l'..mitio$ bving "itflin <l no cui of t[1$ deed cd
polygons in i\.hu-ylv-.nd County (Barwbo Distrt
;!, I..ower Km Coost Di&irlcIs),
On .hIll;'; n, :;Ol:, t:;J?J.U hdd meeting \V11:0 the pbOp1e of Btm:obQ Statutory District in
Globak';.l1 City. informmg them abollt Atlantic Resourc0 Logging Cornpany:"FMC Area p.,
toat is to start or tak-: place in their and expressed intemst ill their community
forc)"rs. Th() eitlZon expressl.o.Q U,;,,), CYA"lJDration End 1.riHivgncss through Superintt:pdGnt Nathuftid
Nagbc to work \",,'ith Atlantic Logging in cbtair:ing the cQ:nnHillity forests.
In Grand Kru Coumy, BarchrynUe City-, FDA staff :r'4t \"Viti) a cross se0iion of the Gitnt"u
inch.uhng, HOh. Cletus WGtorSQU, SCl:'01Qf BL:uno1\ NCl"&cra, Rcpr;;sc'Jtatwe Gbeniwah
SiGpadoe, L of District if i and R .... Georg;:: Blam.oh of Dist.rid #. 2. They
pro-vided valuable services -and to FDA's GIS & Rern[ftf) Sem;ing Laboratory in the
autl1cntica:tion a1.\d legitim;l"Y of aU deeds submttted by the Ccunty caucus,
Following a11 rutensiY$ tour by tne three (3) teaws we observed and autl1cr.tkatl)d lll(!t'
,. Indeed tbe dooded land docnmcmatjO!lS suhmdcrl to fDA. docs not overlap with any of
Protected Area Df Liberia.
,. 'n1(;' 1a..."1(l ci.ced which lS in Sinoe, Grand Orden and River Cess,
bord0T \",lt11 0:.0 :inolher interms on disti'lc'"..s
L'-'ig.e Df a!'\ tll;;. Dl-ea3 an des.;;.r'-b;:,";' t';\(O. c<;;;;.ds: t-onsis\s of ptlU'.fJ.t)' f0lC3tfJ a1.\Q
species t:xcept those ?seas. tv:ar the DunG f{ivef, loaf!. PJ-"er, Sinoe Creek, lvlnn.u Creek
:li1:d the Si Cr,C0k consist;<. of m.angwve. SW2.lYip.
'Ibe. nren is the home of 30me pYDtecled wildliJe .min:wls sp;::cles
.. porti<:l[l lJf aH the areas are suita.ble fcr (com,1wTciul lovgin;\.
.. U)C entire l""d of deer:;- su',mmtcd to FDA i::- relilti\'dy fl,\t _,,<itll
TIk": arc truly tocau,"'<i IXl SOuthCMlern LibenZ!
1$ T('cimicaliy, the Metes & Sounds of aU ;tecds are ('OtTcct.
In \'lew of verifi;:;;;ttio" and oonfinn::ltr0:l of ch8st' tlucurnents I)y tly;;
Au:bDrity, whh our ground (ruining, \\$ hCi"ein that:
.; Th:.t the deed he fQrvv;;;ded to the Mmistry ofTc.nJs, .\4i11";; & $1,[;"<':),5, ,;sP(:lCl('t!!y
'th:: C?5i.cgraphy Tot Af1ct ih;; cleoo and
fonnd le,gitlflx:te, the FDA shouhi perform the below activities:
1'.0 As N?lil)llSJ }'O[CS!TY Rofonn Law fNFRL) of 20i;6 p:ovi$ic-n in five
SC\;t,f-"fi :; .6, we tl,cn,:-t":l!'(; 11;.'t:0mmCtlG. thi:\-t l:T>f\ M.:,nagnmmt lSSUtl a PrIvate
PI.!n!.t fo;- sep::lfft! Trion] Lund 10 t:JC l)cople ofSC';(b Lltt,r;a IfI complJp.u,::c
wtth aU rek'vant rW.uiremcDts sectJon (particularly section S f, (' '-.ijijii) ;jrd. d
(iji,iii,jv, v, VJ) F;"'SpCC1TiiCly.
!. 'Philip K, lookolo:
Regional Forester, Rf:gtOn # 4/l'UA
2. /\lcxander D. Akoi:
iVlal1il.-gel1iCnr OfftCC'f, Region t-i- 4'!FDA
ii '"",',I
:3, 80ko Koryon:
E:-'i(;ns!on Community Officer, Rcp;ioll #- 4lFDA
4, Emn.:a:nud S. -::.lnmh
Cuntract Adnti.nistratcf, Harpe!.' City, R,;;gton if 4/15'D;\
5. Wilham G;ay
Imp,ection Forester, RagJOI1 # 4/FDA
,j L
6. FntJ,ds Togba
Concessioll Preparation Officer, Regior. -# 4/FDA
7, Koffa WilOh
Community Engag-emell:, Ranger, Region '# 4/FDA
Commercml Depattment

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