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Consulting Project (CP) is a core course in the Master in International Business Program (MIB), Master in International Technology & Innovations Management (MITIM), and Master in Corporate Finance (MCF) programs, and an elective course for International Exchange Master-level and Bachelor-level students. In case of studying at CEMS MIM the Consulting Project course can be replaced with CEMS MIM Business Project. The academic and workload value of CP is 6 ECTS. The course was launched in 2006 and has been one of the most popular courses in the program. The course was based on the best practice of similar format courses in the leading international business schools (MBA programs and M.Sc. programs). Since then, the course has been developed further to bring a maximum level professional value both to the students and the companies involved in the projects as Client Companies (CC). The Consulting Project can be taken either during the Spring Semester of the1st year, or during the Fall or Spring semesters of the 2nd year. The major academic purpose of the Consulting Project is to challenge students to apply theories, concepts, models and tools from the Master program classes and from their previous academic background and to learn additionally. The Consulting Project (CP) is a research & business practice project where students act as a consulting team to analyze corporate issue(s) stated by the Client Company (CC). In the process of detailed work during 8-10+ weeks, the team sets the project goals and research areas, develops a strategy to reach the goal, and then implements it to achieve results and to produce sound recommendations for the company. Consulting Project is arranged usually at St. Petersburg international companies as a response to their requests through the Career Development Center of GSOM. In the Consulting Project students work in teams of 4-6 persons. The CP teams are built to balance international and local input in the CP work and to support students opportunity to link the Consulting Project assignment, their professional interests and their future career building networking needs. The CP teams are approved by the Master Programs CP Course Director. Each team elects a CP Team Coordinator who is the main contact person for communication with the team for the Consulting Project Academic Advisor (AA), a Client Company Representative, and CP Director when they need to contact the CP team.


1. At the request by the CP Course Manager, GSOM CAREER CENTER contacts international companies in St. Petersburg to get them interested in becoming a Client Company for the Consulting Project for master-level full-time and international exchange students. The companies and the Career Center discuss in general the areas of corporate interest to determine a CP topic. The Career Center explains to the company about the course that students sign up for the topics by themselves basing on their research interests, and that each team must have an Academic Advisor capable to navigate and supervise the students to find a sound solution to the problem set by the Client Company. The Career Center maintains contact with the Master Programs CP Course Director about the depth and scope of the possible topics. CP Course Director determines availability of a qualified GSOM faculty-member to act as an Academic Advisor in this area. Meanwhile the Career Center revises if all business communication at the Client Companies will be done in English, and if the motivation of the CC is enough to open access to the information and CC specialists to provide all necessary conditions for the CP assignment to be successfully completed by the students. 2. The GSOM Career Center at the request of Master Programs Office and CP Course Director arranges 1-2 guest lectures by a leading consulting company or independent experienced consulting professionals preferably during the first 2-3 weeks of the semester to provide a glimpse by a consulting insider of the secrets of successful consulting and its challenges as well. There can be other events/seminars/discussions valuable for CP students and given the status of compulsory ingredients of the CP Course. The final grade structure will reflect these compulsory elements of the CP Course: if each teams attendance is under 75%, then there can be penalty points towards lower final grade for CP. 3. The Master Programs Department may arrange a Business Communication seminar (which can be added to the CP organizational meeting). Both the Guest lectures, seminars and Business Communication seminars are mandatory to be attended by CP students. 4. The Career Center together with the CP Course Director summarizes and analyzes the topics proposed by the companies and finalizes the list. 5. The drafted topics are discussed with Heads of departments at GSOM and individual faculty members to determine availability and interest from qualified Academic Advisors for the CP teams. 6. On-line registration shows the number of the students who signed up for the CP in the semester, and the number of available topics and companies is adjusted by the Career Center together with the CP Course Director. 7. The topics are sent to CP students and then sign up sheets are posted on the Master Programs Board. First-come basis for signing up is applied only. Each team must have at least 2 Russian language native speakers. 8. As soon as the topics are finalized, the list of the Academic Advisors gets finalized and appointed as well. The CP process detailed information, the role, functions and responsibilities of AA, compensation info and other CP course information are provided to them in electronic format. The role of AA is to advise, guide, suggest, and then to assess the teams performance on the basis of what could have been done to deliver the best consulting product to the CC according the pre-set requirements of CC and what has been done by the

team in reality. AA can suggest to CP Director to lower or increase individual grade of a student from the team for specific quality of his/her input in the project. The Career Center provides AA with the contact information of the Client Companies representative(s). The Career Center also is available for any help in making the initial contact with the CC. 9. The Academic Advisors contact the Client Companies within 1-2 days after they are approved to work in the CP and discuss depth and scope of the CP students work required to achieve the objectives being set by the CC. 10. CP student teams decide on the major contact person or on other ways for the most efficient communication. 11. The CP Course Director arranges a meeting at GSOM to discuss the CP process, criteria and goals. At the meeting the CP teams elect the CP Team Coordinator and decide about the best time for the Initial Meeting at the CC premises. The CP team members also give to AA their short CVs with a focus on the academic and personal background to be forwarded to the CC with the purpose of pre-introduction of the CP Team and fitting of the topic, objectives, the depth and scope of the projected CP to the abilities of the students in the CP Team. 12. AA contacts the CC and arranges the Initial Meeting in such way that it balances the time availability situation of the CP students, so they do not have to miss other GSOM classes. Also, the AA discusses with the CC the details of the process, requirements to the CC by GSOM, the grading policy, grading components and criteria. AA also finds out from CC which criteria the CC will apply in assessing the quality of the CP work by the CP Team. AA asks the CC to prepare full information about the criteria to be given to the CP Team at the Initial Meeting. AA also collects Executive Summaries of each team-members professional profile to share it to CC as a supporting info for making the topics depth and scope ideal for this group. 13. The Initial Meeting happens. The picture of the CP work process, its deadlines and checkpoints are defined. There is some kind of confirmation (e.g. an email message) from the CC of the final version of the topic and requirements for the CP project work results and process. 14. After the Initial Meeting at the premises of the CC, and after an optional meeting with AA as a follow-up, the CP team submits to the CP Course Director the finalized topic of the CP with a signature (or electronic confirmation by AA), and a schedule of the planned work. 15. During Midterm the CP Team provides the CP Course Director with an Interim Report on the CP progress, accomplished work and challenges. 16. A special CP Course Commission is formed by the CP Course Director. 17. In about 8-9 weeks after start of CP, the CP Team develops a Final Report, and a special presentation of the accomplished work and results is held at the CC premises. The CP Team gets a grade 1-10 from the CC stated in the Assessment letter by the CC. CC gives a feedback after the Presentation. 18. AA and, if requested, CP Course Director provide a consultation regarding the Final Report writing and the Client Company & GSOM Presentation.

19. CP team submits the Final Report to the CP Course Director 2 days before the GSOM Presentation - to be shared with the CP Commission members. Failing to submit the Report on time results in failing the course or drastically lower grade for the course. 20. CP teams are informed of the time limits of their presentations, the date and the Rm number are confirmed for the Presentation. 21. Academic Advisor submits his/her Assessment Letter in English after the GSOM Presentation. 22. CP Academic Advisors or CP teams provide Client Company Assessment Letters in English after the CP Presentation. 23. Presentations by all CP teams are held at GSOM to provide the Commission members with the opportunity to hear all presentations it evaluates, to ask questions and to grade the teams. All other teams are required to learn from the other teams presentations and participate in the discussion of the projects. The Commission may consist of both GSOM faculty members, CP Director and representatives of the business community. 24. After the presentations, the CP team-members fill in the CP Course Questionnaires. 25. Grades (are announced within 2-3 days after all necessary documents are submitted (Company Assessment Letter, AA Assessment Letter, CP Course Questionnaires). 26. A feedback regarding the CP teams performance is available from the CP Commission after the presentations of all teams are finished. 29. If requested, CP Teams get a copy of CC Assessment Letter for their files/portfolio for career-building and networking purposes. It is also advised to e-mail a Thank You note to the CC to support a good business contact for a further career development in Russia or internationally. It is absolutely important to consider the Consulting Project work and contacts as a great networking and career-building opportunity.


Consulting Project course provides students a consulting opportunity that leads to the next level of their knowledge and management skills level. The students have the opportunity to integrate their previous academic experience and personal background with the new skills and ideas developed during the CP process. They get an excellent exposure to a consulting process (learning as a consultant and as an informed client). They are encouraged to increase their personal professional visibility and contacts as a good step towards their further career. The Consulting Project students do not receive compensation. There is no payment by the Client Company to GSOM, and GSOM doesnt charge anything from the CP students either. GSOMs goal is long-term cooperation, and the CP is viewed as a 2-way highway the process which is beneficial both for the company and the school. The CP is designed to be a challenge for the students to provide the best possible consulting service to the Client Company. It is absolutely important that the Client Company acknowledges the seriousness of the students input and importance of having the CP process with a high level of efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, the Client Company is asked to take necessary steps to reach it. 1. Since at least 50% of the CP Teams are from leading international business schools and the language of learning at GSOM is English, it is very important that all business communication between the CC and the CP Team is in English. In rare cases of no English language info/communication available at some stage of the CP process at the company, the Russian speaking students of the CP Team can translate some limited amount of information for the other team-members. 2. The academic background, analytical skills, work habits and motivation of the majority master students at GSOM are very high. Therefore, challenging topics and issues are exceptionally welcome. To help the Client Company realize the level of ability of the master students of the CP, the students CVs with a focus on the academic background and achievements will be offered to the CC at the very early stage of the CP. 3. CP lasts about 8-10+ weeks, and the scope of the project has to fit this timeframe. If the scope of the work with the real-life business issue tends to extend beyond this time limit, another Master students team next semester can continue to work on the issue at the next level. 4. The Academic Advisor of the CP team is the person who guides the students through their decisions about application of the business theory, concentration of research, information sources, and analytical approaches, among others. The Academic Advisor is also the first contact person of the CC to discuss the topic in detail, the CP work process specifics, its depth and scope, the objectives and assessment criteria as they are viewed by the CC and AA. It is important that the initial contact of AA and CC includes participation of the CC experts and staff who are necessary for successful implementation of the project. Then AA discusses the initial information with the students, and at the very first meeting with the CP Team at the CC premises (CP Initial Meeting) the Client Company finalizes the CP topic. After the Initial Meeting changes in the CP topic are hardly possible.

The CP team will be avid to have the objectives of the project and to develop together with the CP and AA the framework and milestones of the further working process, deadlines, interim checking point in the work, mechanism and logistics of business communication with the company, and the ways of overcoming any possible barriers to do the best job in the CP project. 5. The issue of access to the information and data sometimes poses a barrier to overcome at the very initial and/further stages of the CP work. Some companies require the students to sign a Confidentiality Agreement. It is between the company and the students. Obviously, no sound recommendations can be developed if there is no quality business research and analysis, and the latter are absolutely impossible without sound data and information. It also benefits the goals, effectiveness and efficiency of the project if the students have access to the previous research/work on the issue of the CP topic. The majority of international companies do believe in the Integrity of the GSOM and international students. The CP students are also strictly forbidden to disclose companys confidential information during and after the CP work process.


It follows from the idea of the Consulting Project that the Client Company opinion of the quality of work must have a high importance weight in the Final Grade for the CP. It is scheduled to be 30% of the Grade. The students make a presentation and submit their CP Final reports to GSOM, and a special commission evaluates the depth of their research and analysis, as well as the quality of their presentation and arguing skills. So the Commissions grade makes 50% of the total grade and is based on certain criteria. Another 20% is Academic Advisors opinion about the CP teams work due to their professional ability to see the picture of what should have been done and what is done by the CP Team. Therefore, the CC evaluates the results of the work by the CP Team using 1-10 scale (10 is the best) and to reflect it in CC Assessment Letter. The company is required to inform the students about the criteria no later than 3 weeks after the CP starting point. It is also important to give the CP Team a feedback regarding any important aspects of their work in the end of the CP.


Each team has one Academic Advisor (AA) who is a GSOM faculty-member or a post-graduate student recommended by the Head of the department. AA must have a working level of Englishlanguage proficiency, and in most cases AA has his/her major professional research interests in the field of the CP topic. The AA estimates the depth of the topic, its scope, discusses the topic with the CC at a preliminary stage, supervises the CP students process, structures the research process, advises on the various aspects of the CP, arranges communication with the CC representative, assesses the work of the CP team, supervises the presentations of the CP at the CC and at GSOM, and acts as an academic link between the CC and the students. In case of seeing any issues of accessibility of the CC experts (staff) necessary for successful implementation of the project, or any delays in the work process jeopardizing the success of the project, AA is expected immediately contact the CP Course Director and GSOM Career Center for assistance. The AA makes himself/herself available for communication by the CP students on all aspects referring to the CP process when they need his/her assistance. In the end of the CP the AA issues a Letter of Assessment about the quality of the CP work, accomplishments, highlights the challenges, and evaluates the level of achievement of the goal and objectives of the CP as they were posed by the CC, the complexity and soundness of the solution, and adds up any comments about the CP team, their strong and weak points and any other relevant areas. The AA also develops a grade to the CP Team using 1-10 scale. This grades weight is 20% in the Final CP Course Grade. AA gives his/her grade basing on the semester work and final report and states this grade in his/her Letter of Assessment before the Final Presentation of the CP at GSOM. The initial stages of the CP are very important. The AA gets the contact information for the key person supervising the CP at the Client Company and within 1-2 days contacts him/her either to appoint a CC visit by the AA or to have a detailed telephone discussion the specific CP topic, expectations, scope and CC vision of the CP work, goals and process. Besides planning the timeframe and the process of the CP, including the CP Initial Meeting timeslots convenient for the CC, it is very important to discuss with the company also the criteria the company will be using in assessment of the results of CP and their presentation, and to inform the CC that the grade by CC is 30% of the Final CP Grade the CP Team will get. In case of a lack of understanding by CC of its role, criteria in the future evaluation of the CP work, or of a lack of readiness by the CC to play its role professionally, the AA has to immediately contact the CP Course Director and the GSOM Career Center for urgent assistance to solve the issues or just to provide the lacking information to the CC when it is available. Also, it is important to discuss the mechanism how the CP students will have access to the data necessary to do the CP on the best possible professional level. Academic Advisors grade is based on the principle: What could have been done by the team according to the Client Companys expectations and criteria and what has actually been done by the Team.


Students sign up their names for each topic after a list of available preliminary topics and companies is posted. Each group can not exceed a pre-determined number based on the ratio of the students in the CP Course and the number of available topics, and there should be at least 1 (2) Russian native per group to make the CPrelated communication with the CC efficient. It is possible when a student or a group of students suggests a topic and/or a company for their CP, but this choice must be approved 1 month before the CP starting date. Team-work, time & project management, communication skills development are important objectives of the CP work. Therefore, its important for students to decide how the CP work will be spread evenly and efficiently. Sometime students choose to sign a contract among themselves to specify the roles and efforts of each team-member and to avoid a situation of a free-rider in the team. Each student in the team gets the same grade in case if he/she shares the same amount of efforts, time, and dedication as everyone else. In case of a situation when a student has devoted the same amount of work as the team but missed a presentation or a meeting and the team recognizes that the reason was absolutely valid, and if the team acknowledges this in writing, the student can be excused, and his/her final grade will not be impacted. Examples of a valid excuse: a documented sickness, a job interview in another city or country. In case of missed compulsory for the CP Course events (total attendance under 75%), the Team or an individual member of the Team can get penalty points deduction from the CP grade as a result of the CP Directors decision. If a student fails to share the CP work as it is required by the team, he/she can get Fail for the CP project. Since the CP is a core course in the MIB and MITIM programs, no full-time MIB or MITIM student can graduate until the CP is taken successfully. In case of CEMS MIM education, the Business Project in the program can be considered as a replacement for GSOM Consulting Project. Each team elects the teams Coordinator who is the major contact person for CC, AA and CP Course Director. It is crucial that the CP team keeps the CP Coordinator and the teams AA posted about additional challenges, difficulties, obstacles etc, so actions to bridge the gaps towards organizational and other improvements of the CP course can be undertaken in a timely manner. CP Teams start their work from the moment when it is formed as a list of names under the selected topic. CP Teams are strongly advised to do independent reading about Consulting as a business, its common tools and challenges. Also, an extensive research shall be started by the CP Team to prepare for the Initial Meeting at the CC premises immediately after the team members sign up for their topic. The major questions include the market and business environment situation that made the company choose the topic for the CP among others. The preparation for the Initial Meeting stage shall be discussed as one of the major issues with the AA of the CP Team at the first meeting. CP team members are also requested to pass their current Resume to their AA for effective presentation of the background and expertise of the students. The learning background of each student of the team, including the courses already taken by them and any other experience related to the CP and the company business are very important to get attention of the reader from CC.


1. Choose the topic and company from the list posted on the Master Programs Office as soon as it is available. Fill in the spots immediately. There are 2 approaches to be considered: (1) development and enrichment of knowledge and expertise in the area of your Master Thesis and your central interest (if applicable); (2) broadening of your professional flexibility by adding new knowledge in a new area which is in a high demand in the current/future business environment (e.g. supply chain management, innovation management etc). Some areas are very challenging, and if a team needs to acquire complex and very new knowledge in a tough area of business and research, the grading process considers a possibility of additional points to the team for the challenge and efforts. 2. Review your current CV (Resume). Client Companies are advised to go through the CP team members Resumes/CVs focused on their academic background and achievements - to see how complex and professional the objectives and CP requirements should be developed by CC. Its important for all parties involved in the CP not to underestimate or overestimate the research and analytical abilities, as well as CP work time availability of the CP team-members in the process. When adjusting your CV, spell-check, format and read-proof it elaborately, it is your professional face. This special CV needs to be finished and sent to your AA in electronic form by the CP Meeting at GSOM. Please, remember that your CV and a further Initial Meeting at the CC are good indicators of how good you will be as consultants and if the CC will feel comfortable working with you, opening data and information for your research on the CP issue. 3. Think of every word of the topic and list all the questions you may have at this point. Get on Internet and learn about the company. Why do you think it wants you to work on this topic? Analyze the situation in the CCs industry and market, read about the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company. Your and other students input in development of the company profile will be a very important starting point to prepare for the Initial Meeting with the CC and to bring your further CP discussion there at a much higher level. Think of the theoretical business models your team may need to approach the major issue of the topic. 4. The CP course requires that you attend and participate in special guest lecture(s) and workshop(s) dedicated to the consulting business and business communication. They are designed to facilitate the CP work process and to tune you to consulting. Prepare good indepth questions to find out about the secrets of successful consulting and related to various aspects, such as effective & efficient work with clients, convincing /negotiating with clients, reporting and presentation standards etc. 5. Develop the important checkpoints of the CP process for the Semester. Follow the schedule. If your team is falling slightly past the deadline, be business-smart inform and apologize about the delay in advance and ask a permission to extend the deadline and then meet it. Read carefully all chapters in the Consulting Project Guidelines. Make a list of questions and do not hesitate to address them to the Master Programs CP Course Manager, AA and/or discuss them at the CP Meeting (s). 6. Your next step is CP Meeting at GSOM, when all teams, AAs, CP Course Director, and GSOM Career Center Director will be present. 7. Discuss in detail with the AA and your peers the preliminary topic (to be finalized at the Initial Meeting with the CC), then draft the objectives and a list of questions, comments, and suggestions for the CC.

8. AA will contact the CC to find a time slot and date convenient for everybody to meet at the CC premises. Be ready that the meeting may be appointed for early morning or early evening not to miss any classes at GSOM. 9. Be on time for the Initial Meeting at the CC premises. You have a team you are responsible for as well. There can be traffic problems, so plan accordingly. Discuss with your team-members the goal of the meeting, your knowledge about the company and its standing on the market, both Russian and international, be ready with good questions to develop a very clear picture what the client wants and expects from the CP. At the Initial Meeting at the company its important to introduce yourself, to show your motivation, the confidence based on your background, achievements and potential as aspiring professionals. As a result of the Meeting you will also need to get the CP topic finalized. To be able to analyze the information quickly, the reading you have done about the company and industry both on the Russian and international level will prove to be very useful. The meeting is important to get answers for the questions you will raise, the issues you may identify, priorities you will see in the CP work on the issue. Listen attentively. Clearer the picture of your CC and its vision of the results is, easier and more enjoyable the CP work will be. If necessary, express your concerns, ask practical questions (about the procedure of your work at the CC, about the access to the info and the people from other departments- if it is necessary for your CP success, etc). Ask about the criteria the CC will be using in assessing the quality of your Teams work. 10. After the Meeting the CP team must send the finalized CP topic to the CP Course Director, as well as the schedule of the steps in the project by the CP team. 11. In the end of November (Fall Semester) or in the end of March (Spring Semester) your team must send an Interim Report covering the work accomplished by this date with a signature (or an electronic confirmation) by your AA. Basing on this interim report your team will get Pass as a midterm grade in the CP. In the beginning of the CP discuss with your AA his/her schedule and the best time and day of the week when your CP Team can contact him/her for an opinion, advise, help, suggestion, critique etc. The AA is appointed to guide you in the project and to make sure that everything possible is done to help your CP Team reach the objectives of the CP work.


GET READY!! COME PREPARED!!! Goals: A. Meeting the team, election of the Key Coordinator of the CP Team, Academic Advisor, and introduction of the CC employees from the departments which can/need to be involved in the CP process for the best CP work results. B. Presentation of the company in relation to the CP topic. Answering to teams questions. C. Discussion and finalizing of the CP topic, as well as CC expectations and criteria. D. Development and discussion of the CP objectives and scope of work for 8-9 weeks of the CP. E. Elaboration of further cooperation process, e.g. planning of meetings and landmarks for the CP process. F. Signing of Confidentiality Agreement by the CP students and AA, if needed. During and after the CP work process CP students are strictly forbidden to disclose any company information which it considers as confidential. G. Any other parts of the agenda developed by the CC and AA to be discussed at the Initial Meeting.


Academic Advisor has a double role of being an expert in the research and analysis and of being a supervisor to help the students find and keep the right track in their thinking and work process related to the CP. Moreover, the AA will assess your work basing on his/her vision of what should have been done to solve the issue of the CP, and what was actually done by the CP Team. The weight of the AA grade in the Final CP Course Grade is 20% (CC 30%, GSOM Commission 50%). Therefore, look for the expertise for your project - first discussing the issues with your AA. Discuss the final version of your topic as it was stated at the CP Initial Meeting in connection with the professional experience of your AA and his/her approaches to the topic. Discuss and select the aspects of the CP issue which require the priority attention in the research and analysis and the central position in your CP work. Discuss selection of the previous research, literature and other publications, corporate annual reports, web sources, etc to acquire a thorough knowledge of the area of your CP topic and to achieve the quality as expected by the CC and GSOM in this course. GSOM has an outstanding business library, and its staff can give you an excellent advice about location of the best Russian and international information sources. The Bibliography is an important part of your CP Final Report and shall be presented in the format required by GSOM (See Appendix). Plan the schedule of the further work with your team members and with your AA, and stick to the plan. To develop a high-quality analysis and to achieve a proper-level consulting process, think both in-box and out-of-box to accomplish the best. If you see hurdles (such as a lack of information from the CC or any other issues), concentrate to overcome them, consult with your AA and be open about any problems with the Master Programs Office CP Course Manager. They are all to help you and to achieve the best CP learning experience. As one of the major results of the Initial Meeting with CC and a Follow-up meeting with AA, the CP team is supposed to provide the CP Course Director with a finalized topic of the Consulting Project, with an emailed confirmation by the AA, or it can be a printed version with AAs signature.


Besides emailing the final version of the CP topic after the Initial Meeting with CC and a list (description) of the steps your team need to take to complete the project as viewed by CC, AA and yourself, an Interim Report is required (can be in electronic format). During the midterm period of the Semester (end of November and end of March), the CP team is expected to file electronically a midterm report reflecting the stages of the CP work already done by the CP team, as well as an overview of the next steps. It can include a discussion of the challenges the group faced or faces and any other comments. The Interim Progress Report must be confirmed electronically by the AA of the CP. The purpose of the Report is not only interim controlling of the CP process and quality of learning by the students, but to locate any issues which have turned into obstacles to achieve the best quality of the CP project results. If the CP team works according to the schedule and deadlines developed together with the CC, and the Interim Report is submitted on time, the CP team will get a Pass grade for the midterm evaluation of the CP work. Midterm period is the time when you need to have a clear picture of the expectations, criteria of evaluation, rules of business writing, the core sections of the Final Report, public speaking and presentation standards and other very important points to make your final stage and presentation of the results be highly assessed.


Consulting Project is a course for which all students get a differentiated grade after the CP Report is filed and both presentations (for the Client Company and for the GSOM Commission) are done. The Final Report is due 3 days before the scheduled CP presentation at GSOM for reviewing by the CP Commission members. The GSOM CP Commission consists of 3 persons at least. GSOM CP Commission may include Master Program(s) Director(s) and any other GSOM faculty-members. Also a representative of a consulting company or a representative of other type of business may be included in the GSOM Commission. The Academic Advisors are expected to be present at the CC and GSOM presentations of their groups and are welcome to participate in the discussions after each groups presentation. All CP teams are expected to listen to the CP presentations by their peers and to participate in the following discussions, to ask questions and make comments on the results of the CPs by other students. The Grading Policy Client Company: 30% GSOM CP Commission: 50% Academic Advisor: 20% Criteria used for evaluation of the Consulting Projects 1. Client Company Assessment letter with a grade 1-10 2. Academic Advisor Assessment letter with a grade 1-10 3. GSOM CP Commission grade 1-10 GSOM CP Commission grade consists of the following components 1. Final Report 40% 2. Conciseness & Quality of the Presentation, Questions & Answers 60% 3. Additional points are possible for a very high level of sophistication and novelty of the theoretical material or for an effective out-of-box approach, super initiative or innovations towards reaching an effective business solution in the CP. The decision is taken upon a special request by the teams AA and by decision of the CP Commission. Maximum is 10% of the total CP grade by GSOM Commission. 4. Deduction of points is possible for missing any compulsory events, lectures, seminars of the CP Course. The total damage can be up to 30% of the total CP grade by GSOM Commission. For assessment of the CP work content reflected in the Final Report and Presentation, the following criteria are used: Statement and clarity of the objectives and proximity of the recommendations/conclusions of the projects Final Report to the stated objectives. Depth of theoretical study/research to achieve the objectives. The quality and depth of the analysis required to achieve the objectives

For assessment of the Final Report presentation, the following criteria are used:

Close correlation between the objectives as they are stated in the Report and by the CC, and the results, recommendations and conclusions. Availability of all sections of information, analysis and discussions to support the objective and achieving of the results, recommendations and conclusions as they are stated in the Final Report Clarity in presentation, text, analysis and all other segments of the Final Report No misspelling or other signs of sloppy report-writing Level of organization of the written presentation of the CP work Following all rules of Reference, Bibliography and Report writing as used at GSOM Effort level to make it reader-friendly, well-structured, and professionally-looking

GSOM Presentation quality criteria: 1. Meeting the time limits, structuring of the presentation to meet the Audience needs 2. Quality of the slides, with absence of spelling & grammar and other mistakes or sloppiness. 3. Dynamic nature of the presentation & enthusiasm of the presenting team 4. Knowledge of the subject and clarity in the purpose of the presentation. 5. Highlighting the most important issues, results, recommendations to achieve the focus of the audience. The CP is graded in ECTS, and it means that it is done on a competitive basis among the teams. Team members get the same grade except rare situations when a specific team member happened to ignore the need to add his/her input in the team work as was expected by the team. In this case, there should be a written request from the team to exclude the student from the grading result. In this case the student will have to repeat the course.


The Final Report is developed for the CC AND the GSOM Commission as the target audiences. Therefore, its important to address the requirements and expectations by both parties. Also, it is important to keep in mind the time limits at both presentations and that the level of knowledge of the problem roots and the problem itself is different for the CC & the GSOM Commission. The students should develop a clear picture of the criteria which will be used at the final point of the CP, e.g. regarding the format, content, depth/scope of the work, depth of the research etc. AA, CC and CP Course Manager are the people to find out all details. At the CP Teams request, the AA shall hold a Consultation before the CP Final Presentation at GSOM. Language requirements: its crucial to use quality English, to do a spell-check, to proof-read everything written several times, to check the grammar, to avoid wordiness, and then again to proof-read everything. The rule is if a message can be expressed in fewer words do it. Be very logic in your story, and applying structural ways to prove your point help in most cases. In a correctly written report, each section is supported by the next section of the report, and also the recommendations and the conclusions are easy to find. The format of the report is expected to highlight the bottom line of the work rather than just data and process. If questions about the latter occur, just be ready to elaborate on these issues. The Recommendations shall clearly reflect the purpose why the reader would be interested to read your report - not just data. RECOMMENDATIONS (actions by the Client Company based on the Results as the recommended solution of the CP issue) It is the BOTTOM LINE of the Report. Results are a description of the assumptions, data analysis methods, theory, etc. Results contain data summaries, tables, charts. CONCLUSIONS (including the prospects of applicability by the Client Company). The Conclusions also may include the prospect of development a further research and analysis for a more complex solution for the the issue of the CP, or to take another direction of the research to achieve a larger and deeper scope and to consider other alternatives for dealing with the issue of the CP. Conclusions are a concise summary of the results. Individual recommendations and conclusions should be numbered and placed in separate paragraphs. DATA APPENDIX can be added for those who want to see the details used for the analysis and conclusions.

The Final Report shall have the following core parts: 1. Title page 2. Plan (Content) Samples of a Title Page and a Plan are available in the Appendix 1. 3. Introduction. It should clearly state the CP topic, objectives, theoretical and practical importance, the level of novelty of the issue for the current business practice. There should be detailed and logically-structured description of the CP Teams approach in their work on the issue. It is important to keep in mind that a reader pays attention not so much on what could have been done and said in the work, but on the objectives of the CP work, the solution and how they were accomplished. 4. Final Project Core Part: 4.1 Company and Industry Profile and Analysis related to the CP topic and objectives. 4.2 Business Theory applicable to the CP Issue. 4.3 Description of the research and experimental/practical work done by the CP team to accomplish the objectives. Statement of the results. Relevant illustration of the results implication. 4.4 Recommendations 4.5 Prioritizing (if applicable) of the recommendations. Discussion of a possible follow-up research work to achieve a greater depth/scope of a solution for the CP problem and adjunct problems the company and/or industry face. 5. Conclusions CP Final Report conclusions are expected to be worded so that they reflect the goal and objectives of the CP as they were stated in the Introduction. This Part may also include concise and limited comments on the achieved results of the CP. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY (according to the format in Appendix 1) 7. Final Report Appendix It may include the data, charts, exhibits etc to which the CP team refers a reader of the Final Report.

12. HOW TO PRESENT PROFESSIONALLY: Purpose-AudienceInformation-Organization Style: Be Professional!

Always keep in mind why the people sitting in front of you are listening to what you are saying. They ask themselves the same question, and if at any moment they have a difficult time to understand what you are saying, or they cant find a reason to spend more time to listen to you, they want to get out. You dont want this attitude from the people who are supposed to grade the quality of your work. This would mean that the risk of interruption or pushing you towards the end of the presentation is very high. Therefore, your hard work will not be appreciated and your resultsrecommendations-conclusions are under risk to be ignored or neglected. Be dynamic, positive, confident. Have a smile inside you. Happier you feel about the audience and your work, more at ease everyone in the room is. Any doubts you have about your presentation material, less confidence about your credibility will be in the room. Listen carefully to every word of a question you may be asked. Answer to the question, time is precious, no one wants to waste any time. If you have to illustrate your position or a statement, link your argument closely to what you want to achieve by this illustration, even if you will have to repeat yourself or overexplain. But doing it, watch the body language and face epxressions of the listeners and stop yourself if you are sure that what you are saying is very clear. Proof-read your slides many times. It is really sad when misspelled words or badly formatted images kill all your work with feeling of sloppiness of the presenters work. Rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse. Write a plan of your presentation and list the most important and winning points of your presentation. Do not read the slides during the presentation, everyone has this ability. Just discuss the main point, if you believe it is worth discussion, beyond just keeping the listeners on track of your CP work process if it is important to evaluate your final results and recommendations. Smile, establish an eye contact with several people in different parts of the room. Invite for discussion, but foresee the questions. Possibly, build Question traps when you will expect a question which you will be happy to answer Be calm. If you come across with a question, a remark, a body language message which may seem to you as lacking respect to your work as you deserve, ignore it. Breath deeply, think of it as a misunderstanding, or if it doesnt work, as something that you cannot control, and therefore, just feel strong, calm, and explain patiently your arguments/opinion/findings. Do not be afraid to say the same thing that you have already said before. Possibly, you will need to word it differently. Over-explanation achieves the goal of making the most confusing points clear, so everyone will understand your position, and this counts a lot. Under-explanation is a way to create obstacles in the communication process and to lose control of its outcomes.

St. Petersburg State University Graduate School of Management Program _______


Consulting Project Final Report by ____________ (name) (name) ______ ______________________ Academic Advisor: (name, academic title) St. Petersburg Year


Table of Content
Introduction 1. Chapter title. 1.1 Paragraph title 2. Chapter title. Conclusions Recommendations List of References.. Appendix 1. Appendix title Appendix2. Appendix title

page numbers

The literature review portion of the CP Final Report is designed to (1) familiarize you with essential background on your topic; (2) familiarize the reader of your CP work with what has already been written on the topic; (3) demonstrate that the study you intend to undertake is original, that is, has not already been done; and (4) show where the study you will perform fits into the general literature in the field, that is, what gap it will fill in the relevant body of knowledge. A literature review is not an annotated bibliography, nor should it be just a series of disjointed paragraphs, each summarizing a different article or book. The literature you identify must be read, summarized, discussed, synthesized and analyzed, not just listed. It will probably be necessary for you to categorize the literature you survey to make sense of it for yourself and your readers. In other words, you will need to identify the key issues or questions that will be part of your thesis and then structure your literature review around those issues or questions. Segments of the literature review often are introduced by statements such as:
Several authors have contended that privatization will mean higher costs and less access on the Internet (Brown 2005; Sedov 2006).

Then within that paragraph you would pull out what other authors have said on that particular issue:
Taking the contrary view, Maloff (2006), has argued that that fierce competition has the Internet on the edge of a new wave of cost reductions.

This would lead you into another point of view. Then you would move on to the next issue. (Please see Attachment 1 for more tips). At the end of the literature review you should identify what remains to be done in this area, that is, what hasn't been written yet, and state briefly how your study will help fill that gap in the literature. Do not rely on only one method for identifying relevant literature. Certainly you will want to use computerized databases, such as EBSCO, Science Direct, etc., to help you identify appropriate literature, but do not forget to read the references in items you find and to check bibliographies in books. These can be invaluable sources of other relevant materials. All literature reviews must be carefully referenced. The School of Management of the SPb State University uses the author-date system of source citation, also known as Chicago. Sources are cited in the text of the thesis, in parentheses, by the authors last (family) name, the publication date of the work cited, and a page number if needed. Full details appear in a single, comprehensive reference list at the end of the thesis. The general rules for the author-date system are set forth in The Chicago Manual of Style, the standard manual for academic editors. The SOM version of the author-date system is based on the 15th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (Attachments 2, 3).

Attachment 1 In-Text Author-Date Citations Traditionally, the presence of incomplete contracts is seen as posing incentive problems (Hart 1995). Recent management research has began to explore dynamic capability (Teece et al. 2002; Teece and Pisano 2004). According to Kletzer (2001), two-thirds of workers displaced from import-competing industries who found new employment earned less on the new job. For example, Flood and Taylor (1996) show that long-run data support , as denoted in Box (2) in Figure 1. Goldberg (2002) examines a panel of BIS data on investigates the role of argues that claims that comments that has noted that mentions focuses his attention on looked at report similar results and suggest that challenge analyze propose estimate the 2006 cost to consumers at $24 billion, or around $1 million per job saved in the industries.

Berg and others (2000)

As Haldane and Taylor (2003) clearly point out: IMF facilities can usefully be used as a kind of insurance policy. [. . .] Liquidity crisis represents a real hazard that such insurance can help mitigate (p. 122). In particular, like Goldberg (2002), we find that or/ We find that (as found by Dages et al. 2000; Peek and Rosengren 2000; and Goldberg 2002). Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2004) explore the theoretical link between provide evidence that discuss survey the literature on use a consensus classification to check

The study by Bailliu, Lafrance, and Perraut (2002) is noteworthy in that it combines

In a recent paper, Mishkin (2000) enumerates Studies such as Van Rijckeghem and Weder (2003) have shown that Research in the 1990s (for example, Ramey and Ramey 1995) reached a conclusion that Recent research also considers various channels (for example, Mendoza 1997; and Turnovsky and Fatas 2000). In addition, Lucass (1987) work suggested that The concept has been recently developed by Calvo and Talvi (2003). Ghosh and others (1997) is an early example where this distinction is made. There is a large empirical literature studying the role of . For example, using a variety of methods, several researches, including Sachs and Warner (1995), Frankel (1999) and Dollar and Kraay (2002), show that Berg and Kruger (2003), Baldwin (2003), and Winters (2004) provide extensive surveys of the literature on trade and growth. That was one of his central tenets in his 1966 book, Modern Economic Growth (Kuznets 1966). His 1982 book The Slave Power is still He quoted the North British Review (February 1992, 142), saying . As described in Andrew C. Revkins NASA Curbs Comments on Ice Disaster Movie (New York Times 2004), . For industrial countries, Eichengreen, Rose, and Wyplosz (1996) use an alternative measure Previous work (for example, Lane and Milesi-Ferretti 2004) has not found a systematic effect of The well-known analyses of Balassa (1964) and Samuelson (1964) provide an appealing explanation of Following Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba (1999), we use restrictions on to derive a simple form of the relation The argument that is made in Palmer (2000) and Peek and Rosengren (2000). This argument is made by Porter (2004). Analysts, such as Kuznets, Burns, and others thought that (Kuznets 1961; Colm 1962; and Samuelson 1992). The Ramey and Ramey (1995) results are based on a data set that Evidence suggested that (Berg and Pattillo 1999a).

In light of this research, IMF staff has implemented various models to predict , as described in Berg and others (2000). Some discussion of the role of can be found in IMF (2002) and in Berg and others (2000). For a review of recent developments in this literature, see Abiad (2003). was the model of Kaminsky, Lizondo, and Reinhart (1998). The second model assumes that , as in Armingtons (1969) model. While the basic data set we use is the latest version of the Penn World Tables (Heston, Summers, and Aten 2002), we supplement that with data from various other sources, including . Most of the dates of are taken from Bekaert, Harvey, and Lundblat (2002). The first test (IPS), based on Im, Persan, and Shin (2003), indicate that A chronology of crises in the region was obtained from Caprio and Klingebiel (1999) and Bordo and others (2001). Growth and interest rate figures come from the International Financial Statistics (IFS), published by the International Monetary Fund. The credit ratings used are those reported by Institutional Investor magazine. This ratio is calculated from the BISs Consolidated Banking Statistics. These figures, which include , come from Salomon Smith Barney (2000). There were about 21 million people thrown on a job market of about 60 million including the armed forces and the defense establishment (U.S. Bureau of the Census 2003, Table 220).

Attachment 2 In-Text Parenthetic Reference Corresponding Reference List Entry BOOKS Single author: (Grant 2005) Grant, Robert M. 2005. Contemporary strategy analysis. 5th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell.

For direct quotations the page number is also included: (Sherman 2004, 23-24) Sherman, Andrew J. 2004. Franchising and licensing: Two powerful ways to grow your business in any economy. 3d ed. New York: AMACOM. Volkov, A. 1991. Sweden: Social-economic model. [In Russian.] Moscow: Mysl. Volkov, Dmitri L. 2006. Financial accounting: Theory, application, and reporting. [In Russian.] St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State Univ. Claw, Kenneth E., and Donald Baack. 2004. Integrated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Maher, Michael W., Clyde P. Stickney, and Roman L. Well. 2006. Managerial accounting: An introduction to concepts, methods, and uses. 9th ed. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western.

Authors with the same last name: (A. Volkov 1991)

(D. Volkov 2006)

Two or three authors: (Claw and Baack 2004)

(Maher, Stickney, and Well 2006)

More than three authors: (Allen et al. 2005) Allen, Brandt R., E. Richard Brownlee II, Mark E. Haskins, and Luann J. Lynch. 2005. Cases in management accounting and control systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. International Organization for Standardization. 2001. Information and documentation: Bibliographic references. Ottawa: National Library of Canada.

Organization as author: (ISO 2001) Chapter in a single-author book: (Downs 1967, 16-17) Chapters or introductions by someone other than the author: (Porter 2005) Porter, Michael. 2005. The CEO as strategist. In Strategy bites back: It is far more and less, then you ever imagined, by H. Mintzberg, B. Ahjstrand, and J. Lampel. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall FT. Downs, Anthony. 1967. The life cycle of bureaus. In Inside bureaucracy, 5-23. Boston: Little Brown.

Contribution to a multiauthor book: (Clipson et al. 1995) Clipson, C., J. Steen, A. Tornquist, and P. Ullmark. 1995. Building for new production concepts. In Enriching production: Perspectives on Volvos Uddevalla plant as an alternative to lean production, ed. A. Sandberg, 137-156. Aldershot: Avebury.

Or several contributions to the same book: (Sandberg 1995) Sandberg, Ake, ed. 1995. Enriching production: Perspectives on Volvos Uddevalla plant as an alternative to lean production. Aldershot: Avebury.

(Clipson et al. 1995)

Clipson, C., J. Steen, A. Tornquist, and P. Ullmark. 1995. Building for new production concepts. In Sandberg 1995, 137-156.

Russian authors: (Shirokova 2005) Shirokova, Galina V. 2005. Organizational change management. [In Russian] St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State Univ. Kushelevich E., and G. Philonovich. 2004. Modeli zhiznennyh tsiklov organizatsii. In Management: Vek vek I, eds. Oleg S. Vikhanskii and A.M. Naumov. Moscow: Economist.

(Kushelevich and Philonovich 2004)

ARTILES IN PERIODICALS (JOURNALS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS) Article in a journal: (Greiner 1998) Greiner, Larry E. 1998. Evolution and revolution as organizations grow. Harvard Business Review 76 (3):55-68.

(Miller and Friesen 1984)

Miller D., and P. Friesen. 1984. A longitudinal study of the corporate life cycle. Management Science 30 (10):1161-83.

Same author, same year: (Shirokova 2005a) Shirokova, Galina V. 2005a. Managing stereotypes and organizational life-cycle. [In Russian.] Vestnik of St Petersburg State University: Management Series 8 (2):76-95. ________. 2005b. Theory O and theory E as organizational change strategies. [In Russian.] Management in Russia and Abroad 1:61-68.

(Shirokova 2005b)

Article in a popular magazine: (Lashinsky 2006) Newspaper article: Your text giving the Title of the Article here (SanktPeterburgskiye Vedomosti, 5 April 2006, A7) News items from daily newspapers are rarely listed in a reference list, unless the newspaper is referred to several times and constitutes a substantial part of the documentation. If the newspaper citation needs to be included in the reference list, follow this model: Lashinsky, Adam. 2006. The Hurd way: How a salesobsessed CEO rebooted HP. Fortune, April 17, 91-96.

Unsigned articles: (New York Times 2002) New York Times. 2002. In Texas, ad heats up race governor. July 30.

Article from a full-text database: (Kazanjian 1988) Kazanjian R.K. 1988. Relation of dominant problems to stages of growth in technology-based new ventures. Academy of Management Journal. 31 (2): 257-279. Retrieved from EBSCO.

Public documents: (U.S. Senate Committee 1956, 910) Online newspapers, news services: (Mitchell and Bruni 2001)

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. 1956. The Mutual Security Act of 1956. 84th Cong., 2d sess. S.Rep. 2273.

Mitchell, Alison, and Frank Bruni. Scars still raw, Bush clashes with McCain. New York Times, March 25. html (accessed January 2, 2002). Satel, Sally. 2003. OxyContin half-truths can cause suffering. USA Today, October 27. Retrieved from EBSCO. Reuters. 2001. Russian blasts kill 21, injure more than 140. Yahoo! News, March 24.

(Satel 2003) (Reuters 2001)

(Stenger 1999) Stenger, Richard. 1999. Tiny human, December 20. . Site content: (Federation of American Scientists) Federation of American Scientists. Resolution comparison: Reading license plates and headlines. Schwartz, G.J. 2000. Multiwavelength analyses of classical carbon-oxygen. PhD diss., Arizona State Univ.

Theses and dissertations: (Schwarz 2000) Papers presented at meetings: (OBrien 1987)

OBrien, T.C. 1987. Touching greatness: Some aspects of . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.

Working papers and other unpublished works: (Ferber 1971) Ferber, R. 1971. Family decision-making and economic behavior. Faculty Working Paper 35, College of Commerce and Business Administration, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Attachment 3

Allen, Brandt R., E. Richard Brownlee II, Mark E. Haskins, and Luann J. Lynch. 2005. Cases in management accounting and control systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Claw, Kenneth E., and Donald Baack. 2004. Integrated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Clipson, C., J. Steen, A. Tornquist, and P. Ullmark. 1995. Building for new production concepts. In Enriching production: Perspectives on Volvos Uddevalla plant as an alternative to lean production, ed. A. Sandberg, 137-156. Aldershot: Avebury. Downs, Anthony. 1967. The life cycle of bureaus. In Inside bureaucracy, 5-23. Boston: Little Brown. Federation of American Scientists. Resolution comparison: Reading license plates and headlines. Ferber, R. 1971. Family decision-making and economic behavior. Faculty Working Paper 35, College of Commerce and Business Administration, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Grant, Robert M. 2005. Contemporary strategy analysis. 5th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Greiner, Larry E. 1998. Evolution and revolution as organizations grow. Harvard Business Review 76 (3):55-68. International Organization for Standardization. 2001. Information and documentation: Bibliographic references. Ottawa: National Library of Canada. Kazanjian R.K. 1988. Relation of dominant problems to stages of growth in technology-based new ventures. Academy of Management Journal. 31 (2): 257-279. Retrieved from EBSCO. Kushelevich E., and G. Philonovich. 2004. Modeli zhiznennyh tsiklov organizatsii. In Management: Vek vek I, eds. Oleg S. Vikhanskii and A.M. Naumov. Moscow: Economist. Lashinsky, Adam. 2006. The Hurd way: How a sales-obsessed CEO rebooted HP. Fortune, April 17, 91-96. Maher, Michael W., Clyde P. Stickney, and Roman L. Well. 2006. Managerial accounting: An introduction to concepts, methods, and uses. 9th ed.Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western. Miller D., and P. Friesen. 1984. A longitudinal study of the corporate life cycle. Management Science 30 (10):1161-83. Mitchell, Alison, and Frank Bruni. Scars still raw, Bush clashes with McCain. New York Times, March 25. (accessed January 2, 2002).

New York Times. 2002. In Texas, ad heats up race governor. July 30. OBrien, T.C. 1987. Touching greatness: Some aspects of . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York. Porter, Michael. 2005. The CEO as strategist. In Strategy bites back: It is far more and less, then you ever imagined, by H. Mintzberg, B. Ahjstrand, and J. Lampel. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall FT. Reuters. 2001. Russian blasts kill 21, injure more than 140. Yahoo! News, March 24. Sandberg, Ake, ed. 1995. Enriching production: Perspectives on Volvos Uddevalla plant as an alternative to lean production. Aldershot: Avebury. Satel, Sally. 2003. OxyContin half-truths can cause suffering. USA Today, October 27. Retrieved from EBSCO. Schwartz, G.J. 2000. Multiwavelength analyses of classical carbon-oxygen. PhD diss., Arizona State Univ. Sherman, Andrew J. 2004. Franchising and licensing: Two powerful ways to grow your business in any economy. 3d ed. New York: AMACOM. Shirokova, Galina V. 2005a. Organizational change management. [In Russian] St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State Univ. ________. 2005b. Managing stereotypes and organizational life-cycle. [In Russian.] Vestnik of St Petersburg State University: Management Series 8 (2):76-95. ________. 2005c. Theory O and theory E as organizational change strategies. [In Russian.] Management in Russia and Abroad 1:61-68. Stenger, Richard. 1999. Tiny human, December 20. . U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. 1956. The Mutual Security Act of 1956. 84th Cong., 2d sess. S.Rep. 2273. Volkov, A. 1991. Sweden: Social-economic model. [In Russian.] Moscow: Mysl. Volkov, Dmitri L. 2006. Financial accounting: Theory, application, and reporting. [In Russian.] St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State Univ.

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