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IntroductiontoPower S System P Protection i

Lecturespreparedby Prof.S.Shahnawaz Ahmed

Protection: 1.Main components (basic pattern) of a substation 2 I t d ti to 2.Introduction t circuit i it breakers. b k 3.Introduction to relays, over current, differential and distance protection.

It is implied that the feeders are also connected to the transformer LT side bus through CBs

ES is used to drain trapped charges to ground before doing any maintenance work on a line

The assembly of CB, CT, PT, isolator, busbar etc. etc is also termed switchgear.

Basicequipmentinasubstation Isolator provides additional safety during any maintenance work. This is a noload device i.e. designed to be switched on or off under no load condition. FollowingsequenceisusedfortheoperationofswitchesandCB DuringOpeningaline: 1.TripCB 2O 2.Open isolator i l t 3.Closeearthing switch Duringclosingaline: 1.Openearthing switch 2 Cl 2. Closei isolator l 3.CloseCB

Acircuitbreakermaybeoffollowingtypes dependinguponthearcquenchingmedium: aircircuitbreaker(lowvoltageupto1kV) VacuumCB(mediumvoltageupto33kV) AirBlastCB,OilCB,SF6 CB(Highvoltageabove 33kV)

Senses and compares against a setting any one of the following: i)I ) ii)V iii)f iv)I and direction (from the angle between I and V) v)Z=V/I )Z V/I

Forlowvoltageandlowcurrentratings ratings,MCB(MiniatureCB:forbelow100 amps)andMCCB(Moulded caseCB:forseveralhundredamps)areusedthat havebuiltinandintegratedsensingandtrippingelementswithoutrequiring externalrelays.

Forsubsequentmaterialsassistancetakenmainlyfrom: Leslie Hewitson, Mark Brown, and Ramesh Balakrishnan, "Practical Power System Protection", Newnes (Elsevier), 2004. Chapter 7 for breakers Chapters 9, 13,14 for relays (only the selected and most relevant sections from each chapter)

The relay receives information, which it analyzes, and determines that the circuit should be opened. Relay closes its contacts energizing the trip coil of the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker is unlatched and opens its main contacts under the control of the tripping spring. spring The trip coil is deenergized by opening of the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts. Circuit breakers are normally fitted with a number of auxiliary contacts, which are used in a variety of ways in control and protection circuits (e.g. to energize lamps on a remote panel to indicate whether the breaker is open or closed).

atnaturalzero current



(bothvacuum ac mtype) t pe)


Relays: Relays are the devices, which monitor the conditions of a circuit and give instructions to open a circuit under unhealthy conditions. The basic parameters of the threephase electrical system are voltage, current, frequency and power. All these have predetermined values and/or sequence under healthy conditions. conditions Any shift from this normal behavior could be the result of a fault condition either at the source end or at the load end.

The types of relays can be broadly classified as: Electromechanical relays Static S i relays l ( l and (analog d digital). di i l) The digital relays are microcontroller or p based and also termed microprocessor numerical relays. The measurement principle is based on sampling of the energized currents or voltages, analog to digital conversion and numerical handling, where all settings are made in direct numerical form in a nonvolatile memory. Setting can be performed either manually on the relay front or by serial communications using either a personal computer or a control/monitoring system. system

The basic function of protection is to detect faults and to clear them as soon as possible. possible It is also important that in the process the minimum amount of equipment should be disconnected. The ability of the protection (i.e. relays and circuit i it breakers) b k ) to t accomplish li h the th latter l tt requirement i t is i referred to as selectivity. Speed and selectivity may be considered technically as figures of merit for a protection scheme. In general; however greater the speed and/or selectivity, the greater is the cost. Hence, the degree of speed or selectivity in any scheme is not purely a technical matter, it is also an economic i one.


IDMTLtypedigitalover currentrelay
Operatingtimeiscalculatedandtripsignal issenttoCBafterthattime


sothattisinversely proportionaltoI


If I > I0 then the relay trips. I0 is termed pick up current and usually set as I0 =1.2I =1 2In when In is the relay CTs rated secondary current. In fact. operating time is inversely proportional to (I/I0) when (I/I0) is termed plug setting multiplier and varies maximum up to 2, depending upon the magnetic cct for EM relays or parameter in the numerical relay.

It can be seen that the operating time of an IDMTL relay is inversely proportional to a function of current, , i.e. it has a long g operating time at low multiples of setting current and a relatively short operating time at high multiples of setting current. The characteristic curve is defined by BS 142 and is shown in Figure 9.4. Two adjustments are possible on the EM relay, namely: 1. The current pickup or plug setting: This adjusts the setting current by means of a plug bridge, which varies the effective turns on the upper electromagnet. 2. The time multiplier setting: This adjusts the operating time at a given multiple of setting current, by altering by means of the torsion head, the distance that the disk has to travel before contact is made.
In numerical or digital relays TMS is applied simply changing k and PSM by changing the value of current setting I> (i.e. I0)

Differential protection Differential protection, as its name implies, compares the currents entering and leaving the protected zone and operates when the differential between these currents exceeds a predetermined magnitude. magnitude This type of protection can be divided into two types, namely balanced current and balanced voltage.

Balanced circulating current system

The principle is shown in Figure 13.2. The CTs are connected in series and the secondary current circulates between them. The relay is connected across the midpoint thus the voltage across the relay is theoretically nil, therefore no current through the relay and hence no operation for any faults outside the protected zone. Similarly under normal conditions the currents, leaving zone A and B are equal, making the relay to be inactive by the current balance. Under internal fault (see Figure 13.3) conditions (i.e. between the CTs at end A and B) relay operates. This is basically due to the direction of current reversing at end B making the fault current to flow from B to A instead of the normal A to B condition in the earlier figure.

The current transformers are assumed identical and are assumed to share the burden equally between the two ends. However, it is not always possible to have identical CTs and to have the relay at a location equidistant from the two end CTs. It is a normal practice to add a resistor in series with the relay to balance the unbalance created by the unequal nature of burden between the two end circuits. This resistor is named as stabilizing resistance.

Bias The spill current in the differential relay due to the various sources of CT errors is dependent on the magnitude of the through current. Hence it is necessary to consider the setting of the differential relay to be more than or proportional to the worst spill current likely to occur under throughfault (external fault) conditions. Because of the wide range of fault current magnitudes, it is not always satisfactory to make the relay insensitive to lowerspill current values. This problem had been overcome by adjusting dj ti the th operating ti level l l of f the th relay l according di to t the th total amount of fault current. This was done originally by providing a restraining winding or electromagnet which carries the total fault current while an operating electromagnet was allowed to carry only the differential current. This principle of bias is applied to circulating current protection to ensure proper operation under all fault conditions. If the two zone boundary currents are I1 and I2, I2 then Operating quantity: K1 (I1 I2) Biasing quantity: K2 (I1 + I2) Suitable choice of constants K1 and K2 ensures stability for external fault currents despite measurement errors, while still ensuring sensitivity under internal fault conditions.

Therelayoperates(trips)if k1(I1I2)XN>k2(I1+I2)N/2 or,if(I1I2)>k(I1+I2) Thisisalsotermedpercentdifferentialrelay

Transformer differential protection A typical transformer differential protection system also adopts the circulating current principle. The first point to notice is that the CTs on one side are connected in delta whilst they are connected in star on the other. This has been d done f two for t reasons: 1. To correct for the phaseshift through the transformer in order to obtain cophasal currents at the relay. 2. To p prevent the relay y from operating p g incorrectly y for an external earth fault on the side of the power transformer where the windings are connected in star with the neutral earthed. Throughcurrent bias is necessary on these relays not only for the inherent unbalances of the CTs but also to take care of any voltage tappings on the transformer provided by the tapchanger. For example, a transformer having a nominal ratio of 132/40 kV and a tap change range of +15 to 5% on the 40 kV side would have the CT ratios selected to be balanced at the midtap, namely 132/42 kV. (=46+28 =84 /2 = 42)

Distance protection
A distance relay, as its name implies, has the ability to detect a fault within a preset distance along a transmission line or power cable from its location. location Every power line has a resistance and reactance per kilometer related to its design and construction so its total impedance will be a function of its length or distance. A distance relay therefore looks at current and voltage and compares these two quantities on the basis of Ohms h law l i.e. detects d a fault f l condition if (V/I) < ZL

Zonesetting: The distance relay is made selective by setting g three threshold impedances p for its operation and respectively they are termed 1st, 2nd and 3rd zone settings. These are as follows.
Zone Threshold impedance Relayoperating time

1 2

0.8ximpedance of line being 1 cycle i.e. acts as protected i.e. underreach primary relay 1.2ximpedance 1 2ximpedance of the line 15 to 30 cycles to being protected i.e. allow the relay of overreach the line at the other end act first for a fault in the 2nd zone. Impedance of the line + 1.2 1 second so that times that of the longest line the relay acts as a connected t d to t other th end d b k up for back f a fault in the 3rd zone.

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