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(1) Determine the complex exponential Fourier series of the following signals and sketch the magnitude and phase spectra. (a) x1 (t) = 7 sin(5t) (b) x2 (t) = cos(4t) + sin(6t) (c) x3 (t) = sin2 (t) (d) x4 (t) = x1 (t) + x2 (t) + x3 (t) (2) If a signal x(t) is real, even symmetric and has a period of T0 then x(t) can be written as x(t) = a0 + 2a1 cos(10 t) + 2a2 cos(20 t) + . . . where ak = 1 T0 x(t) cos(k0 t) dt.

That is, the complex exponential Fourier Series is reduced to a real cosine series. Using this, nd an expression for the k th coecient ak of the cosine series for x(t) where g (t) =

1 + cos(2t) 0

for |t| 0.5 elsewhere

and x(t) =

g (t 2k ). Evaluate a0 , a1 and a2 .

(3) Let x(t) = t 2t for 0 t < 1 for 1 t < 2

be a periodic signal with fundamental period T = 2 and Fourier Series coecient Xk . (a) Determine X0 dx(t) (b) Determine the Fourier series expansion of dt (c) Using the result in problem 3b and the dierentiation property determine the Fourier series coefcients of x(t). (4) Let x(t) = 1 0 for |t| < T1 for T1 |t| < T /2

be a periodic signal with fundamental period T and Fourier Series coecient Xk . (a) Determine X0 and Xk for k = 0. (b) If y (t) = 1 0 for 0 t < 2 for 2 t < 4

is periodic with T = 4. Sketch y (t) and use the result in 4a to determine the expressions for Y0 and Yk by selecting suitable vales for T1 and T . (c) What is the fundamental frequency 0 for the y (t) in 4b. Express y (t) in terms of Yk , substituting appropriate values for 0 . That is, write down the Fourier series of y (t). (d) Let g (t) = y (2t). Sketch g (t). What is the fundamental frequency 0 for g (t)? Use the result in 4b to derive G0 and Gk and write down the Fourier series expansion of g (t). (e) Sketch m(t) = y (t) + g (t). Find the Fourier series coecients M0 , M1 and M2 of m(t) using the results in 4b4d.

(5) Let 0 x(t) = t + 1

1 2

for t < 1 2 for 1 t 2 1 for t > 2

1 2


0 y (t) = t + 0

1 2

1 for t < 2 1 for t 2 for t > 1 2

1 2

(a) Find the Fourier transform of (b) (c) (d) (e)

dx(t) . dt Using the result in 5a and an appropriate property of Fourier transform to nd the Fourier transform of x(t). dy (t) Find the Fourier transform of . dt Using the result in 5c and an appropriate property of Fourier transform to nd the Fourier transform of y (t). 1 Find the Fourier transform of g (t) = x(t) 2 .

(6) (a) Show that F 1

dX (j ) = (jt)x(t). This is the dierentiation property of the Fourier transd form in the frequency domain. (b) Using the Fourier transform integral, nd the Fourier transform of x(t) = e|t| . (c) Using the property derived in 6a and the result in 6b, nd the Fourier transform of te|t| . (d) If X (j ) is the Fourier transform of x(t), using the property F [X (t)] = 2x( ) (this is called 4t the duality property), nd the Fourier transform of . (1 + t2 )2

(7) Let x(t) = 0 (1 + t)/2 for |t| > 1 for 1 t 1

(a) Determine the Fourier transform X (j ) of x(t) using the dierentiation and integration property of Fourier transform. (b) What is Re [X (j )]? Show that it is equal to the even part of x(t). (c) What is the Fourier transform of the odd part of x(t).

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