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Dear Christian Friends^

January 1989

Greetings in the name of the Lord! We certainly have a good Over the Christmas holidays we recieved and gracious God! additional funds, gifts and cards from many of you, our faithful


supporters. We received Christmas boxes from



and Harrisburg, Pa. Thank you so

There were

New Lisbon,Indiana;

much for your support and love.




people in attendance and everyone enjoyed the

cookies pies the church ladies

play was a great success!




Town smiling with a new hymnal in their hands.

de^r friends at Lancaister Church of Christ.




Church of Christ,
was day



answered one of our prayers

really neat to see the Christians at


sent us




Thank you so much




Year the Bahamians celebrate "Junkanoo"(meaning 'behind the mask') early in the morning before daylight. The participants dress in lively colored costumes and dance to the beat of drums, cowbells, and whistles. They make floats and parade through the streets in celebration. This year's theme was "Just Say No To


after Christmas and the second day of




with alcohol and cocain.

many of the participants are

a tape

After the junkanoo parade




walked along the beach watching the beautiful sunrise. We went to visit a friend on Christmas Eve and returned home

find we had been robbed of two camaras,

We were

only gone a few minutes and lost only a few items.The police jailed several suspects for several days. That following week we
were robbed again. This time we lost a sabre saw and electric

wallet and thirty dollars.

very fortunate that we


during the holiday season.



- sis I said in the beginning

j.s a common thing in this



and screaming,"I found the cameras"!



this letter God certainly is gracious! Several weeks later Aaron was playing outside in the jungle-like bush with his


came running to the house with his eyes wide

them in a tree planning to return to them later on. They were a little wet from being outside, but we were grateful to get them
A day or so later the thief returned the saw and drill to
shed just as mysteriously as he took them. He had tool

Apparently the thief threw




off the identification numbers but we were very glad


have them back. Isn't God good? May God richly bless you as you serve Him.

Thank you again, dear friends, for your support and prayers.

In His service.






Dear Christian Friends,

Colossians 3:23-24, 4:3

for our message, ao that e mav

you are serving. .. .And pray for us to^

an inheritance from the Lord aa t llLrT''

for thf^ord!

^11 your heart, as working

I?u P"


oclaim the mystery of Christ."

and our own prayers are answered, ^ tumor on the side of
^nd the

leaks! 6) Hurrican Gilbert naacsH'


his hand. He is a very haoov was settled peaceably with onlv a school year. 4) We received nnr-

of his shoulder and arm. PleaL contTnnI ?


paralysed from a severe injury at birth

Tekeo Pickstock is a little baby boy w^osr^rm !nf


Shannon praises

as many individufl^ helped th^fa^TT

had his surgery and God for answered nrauoT-

costs in Miami are great

family. We are pleased to let vou ifnr.^ 1) Shannon Wallace is a vounrt k i, his eye and cheek. His familv had " .

thingi" con^rning "the^^^ork^herr^^^hr^B h""" Bahamas

!i eu

hospital funds, mother

needed '"vered. His

Town, as well

Bahamas for three more vea^,

Garrison tell* no

strength in teachers'strike interruption to the

regained the use

"^e^ide in

shoulder were


^ church roof no longer

forwarding agent,

growing to meet our needs God'^ho"


body. We als^ hiri col^^lt?

special stories for the children o , ''ad sixty-six and the ntf*orki*a -p mlargest attendance was raised seven hundred dollars for%heSn^'^ Town Church of Christ time of reunion for our oeonle K. Spencers. It was a wonderful the church work here in 1966 We learned^ Spencers helped start time with us and werrrevlv^d larned a great deal from their

a week this month. Ed preLheffor our ^

Ed and DonaXen^r from H^grHilf m?!"""

been steadily

^ visited us for

spirits as well as a church

last ferLn^L'^'^Onrwiri^":: s^t^r'^^t^f^he

primary school to assist with rLd"g'ciaLer'""^"^'"'
School really enjoyed the aoodiea
ambassadors for the Chiii^r-h received very warmly

":L;iL"^:o";:ar^r";har^2i r>u 4.

ot^he^"ih^rcrs^liv^^ around us and be



Christian Church of Toms




Dear Christian Friends,

March 1989

"Jesus said...,'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will
never die.'" John 11:25

On March 8, 1989 Deborah's Dad, .William Paddock, died after a brief illness, we made an emergency trip to Jonesborough, Tennessee, with Deborah arriving a week before her Dad's death and Dewey, Aaron and Amber arriving the day of the funeral. The Eastern Airlines' strike made it very difficult for Dewey and the children to reenter the country. He eventually had to request help from the American Embassy, Nassau, New Providence Island. We are deeply saddened by Bill's sudden passing and the pain of separation from our loved one, but we rejoice in his life of service to our Lord. Deborah's Mother, Mrs.Helen

Paddock, resides at 512 E. Main Street, Jonesborough, Tennessee, 37659. The mission house is approximately sixteen years old. During that time it has suffered extensive termite and water damage. We have spent the last three months ripping out damaged wood and replacing it with treated wood. The damage
seems to extend from the base of the walls to the attic trusses. We have been

assisted by Joseph Oliver and two high school boys, Peter Johnson and Fontaine Riley. We have learned much more about carpentry than we ever expected when we first entered mission work. It helps to keep a sense of humor and a copy of a good "Do-It-Your?elf Manual" at your fingertips. There is still much work
to be done.

We have just received nineteen educational diskettes from Johnson Bible College to use with our computer. This will help Aaron's and Amber's education. We would like to thank Dr. Chris Templer for her assistance. The education of our children is a constant concern and as they get older it becomes more difficult to provide a well-rounded life for them. We hope to have both, Aaron and Amber, enrolled in full-time correspondence next fall. Please continue to pray for their physical and spiritual safety. Our weekly Sunday attendance at the Nicoll's Town Church of Christ is approximately thirty-five for worship and between thirty and sixty for our youth group. We often have visitors. The ladies' Bible study group has progressed through the Bible in their weekly study from Genesis to I Samuel. We have been concentrating on teaching strong Bible doctrine for the past two years. We have had to address other issues as well, such as the practice of witchcraft by people who profess to be Christians, women preachers, promiscuity, self-appointed prophets, various cults, churches selling alcoholic beverages, God's pattern for the family (concentrating on the responsibilities of mother and father), a child's response to parents who may not deserve honor, the second coming has not yet occured, and who is the anti-Christ and holy living. Please continue to pray for the men of the church and the community as a whole. The church needs men who will preach, teach, pray and live a righteous life. Dewey needs the men to help him with the work of reaching the lost. Men who try to live a Christ-like life feel very alone because most of their peers are living the life of the world. We need to encourage these men to continue to follow Jesus' footsteps. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. This has been a very difficult time for us. We hope to return to the Bahamas on April 3, 1989. Let us all continue to lift up Christ wherever we are.
In His Service,




June 1989

Dear Christian Friends,

"When the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not of righteous things we had done, but because of
his mercy".Titus 3:4,5a We would like to thank those of you who made special contributions for our airfare following the death of Deborah's

dad, William Paddock.

"Thank you" to the First Christian Church,

Maryville,TN , and the Westside Church of Christ, Jonesboro,TN

and to the kind individuals who gave to help us with expenses. Also, a big "Thank you" to Keith Warner of Madeiryville, IN for the Sunday School material. We could not continue effectively serving the Lord if it were not for the help and prayers of our faithful supporters.
While we were in Tennessee last March we a l l became ill

with.severe sore throats.

Deborah, Aaron and Amber recovered

in a reasonable amount of time but Dewey remained very ill.- He was in bed for three months with extreme fatigue. He saw one doctor in the U.S., one doctor here on Andros and two doctors,

in Nassau. We are grateful to our missionary friends, Jim and Sarah Redmon, who took care of Devey when he flew to Nassau to
see the doctors there. So far we are not sure what he has been

suffering from but his symptoms are similar to mononucleosis. We are happy to report Devey seeras to be regaining his strength now. He is still weak but is able to preach again. The apostle Paul stated in Romans 8:28, "...that all things work to good for those who love the Lord." We have seen this scripture demonstrated through Devey's sickness. Many of the church people were content to sit back and watch. But since Dewey has been ill, they have all taken a more active part during the worship services. During the past three months many of the members have been singing specials, reciting scriptures, and praying at the Lord's table. We pray that their dedication will continue to grow. ' We have been encouraged arid excited by the faithful atten dance of a new Bahamian family since the beginning of the year. This family includes a young mother and five boys. The church

gave her a new Bible and she TiLs been studying long enough to see
the need for baptism. She is not married to the man she is living with and this holds her back. Please pray for her and the many
other mothers in this same situation.

As we have faced the problems of 1989 we have become more and more aware of Jesus* sacrifice for us. We have had to rely on His kindness and He continues to meet our every need.



September 1989

"Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim His salvation day after day. Declare His glory among the nations. His marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy
of praise..." I Chronicles 16:23-25

The church roof is finally finished!

We completed the south

side of the roof last November, but because of various church programs, inclement weather, and family illness we had to postpone completion until now. It took about seven days to finish the

north side of the roof.

Four men and two boys from the church

Four ladies

helped as well as three men who are non-members.

and six children helped pick up the old shingles and clean up
all the mess. Thanks to the Edgewood Christian Church of Roanoke, Virginia and their 1988 VBS offering of $1200 the job is completed. We also wish to thank Jeri Paddock, who is from this same congre gation, for her efficie.nt printing and mailing of our newsletters.
Thank you so much.

During July and August, two mornings per week, we sponsored a reading program for anyone in the community. We were very pleased with the participation of seven adults and forty-tree children even when the heat soared. It was good to see the parents encouraging their children to improve their reading skills.
We have been having English/Creole lessons with five Haitian men. We are using the Bible as our textbook but our progress is slow. We have discovered that two of these men are already

baptized believers. They attend our worship services regularly and listen intently even though much of what is said escapes them. They sing Creole hymns in beautiful three-part harmony.
We are praying for God's guidance in how we can best serve the

Haitians in our community. Most of them are here illegally. They are either running from the terrible problems in Haiti, trying to earn money to send back home to their families, or
trying to reach the United States.

We wish to thank the Community Christian Church of Toms

River, New Jersey for their lovely care package. We would like to thank the High Hill Christian Church in Missouri, the First Christian Church of Marshall, Illinois and the Hillside Church

of Christ of Fritztown, Pennsylvania for including the mission work here in your Vacation Bible School programs. We appreciate the funds, the care packages, letters and the prayers your child
ren send on our behalf. Thank you, kids! Aaron and Amber are glad to be remembered by the kids back home. We ask God to bless
every one of you.
In His care,

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